4 THK BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 19i. RAIL EMPLOYES DEFENDJMANDS Brotherhood Official! Deny that Eight-Hour Proposition it Not in Good Faith. OVERTIME DUE TO OVERLOADS ALL READY FOR PHONE TALK Governor Morehead Will Be Con nected with Washington This Evening. JUDGES READY TO PICK ODE CLEVELAND. O., Feb. 9.-Th first official statement on tbe impending controversy between railroads of the country and their train crew over working hour, waa issued here to night. It was aimed by W. 8. Stone, grand chief engineer of the Brother hood of Locomotive Engineers; W. S. Carter, president of the Brother hood of Locomotive Firemen and Enginemen; L. E. gheppard, acting president of the Order of Railway Conductors, and W. O. lee, presi dent of tbe Brotherhood of Railroad Trainmen. The organisations claim to. represent approximately 400,000 employes on 628 lines of railroad. The statement was headed "Why the Klght Hoar Dar," and was In the na ture of a reply to a statement Issued February 1 by- the eieeutlve committee of the Association of Western Railways. The brotherhood's statement salil In part: "The elgtitiour day movement la based wholly upon tha Justice oi a work day of reasonable hours, that will permit the men further to separata tha dead line between work and wages. Tha rail roads say in affect that men who have put In a few years of railroad service tiava worked themselves out and will not he) accepted If they loss their posi tions. If mn era worked out In a few years under present eervtra conditions, the demand to extend their wase earning years Is fully justified. Overtime pat t Overload. "Overtime In road service la due almost wholly to the practice of railroads over reading trains so that they can not make their mileage within their time limit. Tha railroads are doing this for profit; they do not deny It, and If they propose to demand extra service St the sscrlfloe of tha health and future earning ability of the men they should pay extra for It. The payment of overtime applies with particular fores to yards, wlire the eom panle csn .regrulats their Work so thst no overtime need be made."' The statement denied that "the men are not sincere In their demand for the shorter work day" or that they "want a wasa Increase rather than a time de crease." It alao argued that eny Incen tive to delay railroad work ao as to ob tain overtime payment would be Impos sible, pointing out that discipline Is ad ministered by the roads. Hates of pay In the eastern territory wers quoted at length to llluetrate wage conditions, the statement saying In part: "The psy of train service employes. other then passenger, la based on loft miles or leas, ten hours or less. In the eastern territory, for Instance, the brake man will receive the munificent sum of 11.87 for rcular freight train service, oi.t of which tie mutt maintain his fam ily st home .and take cars of hlmeelf st the other end of tho run. The MO-mlle trip (a what represents ens day's work, and means that at Its explrstlon the man mut lay away from home until he Is riead-headed back or returned with a train. The conductors receive approxi mately one-third more than tha brake- man. Wages are a trifle blither In ths southern snd weatern territories. Torty-five per cent of the earnings ef the railway companies are paid in mages,' " affords the opportunity to show ie sum total of wage paid. What In terests the railroad employe Is not the bulk sum paid to all of tha railway am ployvs. but tho Individual amount that goea to each maja, ' "That there Is not so much Justifica tion for the contention of tha railroads that the eight-hour day Is Impossible Is proven by tho fact that at present there are seven roads In ths southeastern and one tn the western territory that pay overtime on an eleven miles per. hour tiAtia. Six roads la tho southern and two In the western territory pay overtime on a twelve-mile per hour basis. Klght In tho southeaatem and five In the western territory pay overtime on a twelvs and ine-hHif miles an hour basis. There Is only olio road In ths United States of which we have knowledge that works nor than the ten-hour work day." .ot Baaed Peak Earatagts. The statement denied that the present demand "Is based on 'peak' earnings of the railways, due to the present boom In business.' It said further that tbs fact thst roads in ths hands of receivers had not cut wages should not ba credited to the companies so situated, but to ths courts which have forbidden reductions. Whether tho controversy Is to lead to a strike was pronounced a "question that at this time Is not a part of the d lac na tion." Tho organisations "sro not op posed to arbitration, neither are they pledged to accept It," said the statement, ehich added: "The railroad organisations are practi cally pledged to. peace, bitt that does not mean p-aee at any price. means pears with honor and nwt peace at tlie sacrifice of justice. Jfo Grievance with rabllr. "The org-anisatlotia do not desire to take Issue with the public; they hava no disposition to take undue advantage of It In any sense; thev accept every publio responsibility. They challenge even the inference that they ,av not always been fair to the public, and they ak only from ths public that which the public holds faat ss Its sbaolute tight, nsrjiely, the liberty to make lta own terms of service so fsr as It has the power. "It l true that In tho past arbitrations the men were disappointed snd to some extent lost faith In that method of ad justreent of differences.- but there 'Is neither warrant nor authority for saying that arbitration will or will not bo ac cepted. Clrcumatancca will determine the position of the men when tho need ariM-a and they will then decide what shall be done." (Prom a Btaff Correspondent.) LINCOLN, Feb. .-(Speclal.)-Tomor-row evening Governor Vorehesd will hold a conversation with ths preldent of the National Board of Commercial Clubs at Washington. Tho conversation will be held In the ptivato office of tho executive, where a telephone will bo Installed especially for the ocean I on and It la expected that a few may be Invited In to listen tn the conversation. Jeserea to Seleet Ode. Stale Superintendent Thomas has se lected the committee which will have cherrs of the selection of the ode to Ne braska on which there Is a contest. Quits a number of contributors hsvs sent In their versified productions and It will be up to ths committee to make ths selec tion. The committee will consist of Pr. L. A. Sherman of the University of IVebrssks, 1r. W. R. Nlcholl of Bellevtie college and Miss Mary Crawford of the Kearney Normal. After tbe selection has been made an other contest will be held, In which com posers will be given a chance to earn 1100 by setting ths words of ths chosen po-ro to music. Coffey F.lected to Office. Prank M. Coffey, stato labor commis sioner , who Is attending a meeting of the labor commissioners of western states In Ksnsas City, has been elected vice president of ths Nstlonal Farm Labor exchange. Welle Fargo Pays Tax. Attorney eGneral Teed received this mominj a check from the Wells-Fsrgo Express compsny for 1.oi., being ths smount of ths corporation tax due the state, which has been In litigation. The check will be turned over to the state treasurer. cherslagrr for Legislature, Word cornea to Lincoln that' F. A. ftcherslnger of Nelson, who for mors than" thirty yesrs has published the Nelson Ca sette, , rosy try to bresk Into the Ne brsska leglslaturs and file for representa tive from Nuckolls county. Mr. Bcher slngrr has been Interested In the raising of fine blooded stock for soms years ss a aide Issue to his newspsper business and he 'been Identified wtlh the state fair along stock showing lines. We would like to add a little legislative experience to his other diversified experiences. Maker Files Pretest. John O. Maher. president of ths Old Line Insurance company, has filed a pro test with the Stats Insurance board against licensing Ted Anthony and Terry Anthony of Lincoln as agents of a rival company. Tha Anthony boys nave Been with ths Maher company ever since Us organisation and have done effective work In building up the company. Presi dent Maher makea the charge that they have been guilty of violating the Insur ance code of ths stste and have been guilty of prohibited frsctlcea. On the other hand, the Anthonys chergs that Colonel Maher has been guilty of breaking contracts with agents. Morton Files for Senate. Virgil L. Horton of Stanton has filed for the republican nomination for the state senate from tho Tenth district, com posed of the counties of Madison, r'tanton and Colfax, represented In the last session by John R. Henry of Hcwells, a democrat. Dr. Willis Wilson of Frontier county has accepted the filing made for him about a month ago and will be a candi date for renomtnatlon for the senate on the democratic ticket. Another for Malt Jo. The Job of railway commissioner ap pears to look good to ths democrats and today another filed for the Job. Kriward Pnghroue of McCook looks with lonslng eyes on Henry Clarke .t Job. This makes three candldatea for the place with Fire Commissioner Rldgell and Victor Wilson of Stromsburg. Two Marriage Licenses. Marriage license were Issued yesterdsy to Frsnk F. Kohbert of Council Bluffs, sged X, snd Maude C. Lewis of the sams city, sged If; also to Harold P. IHmpeon of Benson, aged 22, and Lillian Howard of Exeter, aged It. D APE'S D1APEP1 FOR ID 1 SICK, ACIDSTOWiACH Relief Awaits You! Instantly Stops Dyspepsia, Gases, Sourness, Heartburn-Get Some Now! You don't want a slow, remedy when your stomsoh la bad or an uncertain one or a harmful one your stomach Is too valuable; you mustn't Injure it with drsatle drugs. rape's Dlapepaln Is noted for Its speed In giving relief; Its , harmlessneas; Its certain unfailing action1 In regulating sick, sour, gassy stomachs. Its millions of curca In Indigestion, dyspepsia, gastritis and other stomach trouble has mads It famous tha world over. Keep tnis perfect stomach doctor In yonr homo keep It handy get a large fifty-cent case from any drug store snd then If anyone should eat something which doesn't agree with them; If whst they eat laya like lead, ferments and sours and forms gas: causes headache, dlxxtnesa and nausea; eructations of scld and undigested food remember as soon as Papa's Diapepsln cornea tn contact with the stomach all such distress van ishes. Its promptness, certslnty and ease In overcoming the worst stomach die orders Is a revelation to those who try It. I CAN'T FIND DANDRUFF every bit of dandruff disappears after one or two applications of Dsndertne rubbed well Into the scalp with ths fin ger tips. Get a B-cent bottle of Dander Ine at any drug store and ssvs your hstr. After a few applications you can't find a particls of dandruff or sny falling hair, and the scalp will nsver Itch. Advertisement. ACHES AND PAINS Don't neglect a pain anywhere, hut find out what causes it and conquer the causa. A pain In tha kidney region may put you on yonr back tomorrow. Don't Llama the weather for ewollan feet. It may bo an advanced warning of Bright' dlssaee. A pain In the stomach may be the first symptom of append Iritis. A oreak In a Joint may be the forerunner of rheumatism- Chrotilo headaches more than likely warn you of serious stomach trouble. The best way la to keep In good condition day In and day out by rerularly taking GOLD M1CDAL HAAH l.kM OIL Capeulea. Hold by reliable drturglsta. Money refunded If they do not Itolp you. Hew a re of substitute. The only pure Imported Haarlem Oil Capsule are the UOLU MEUAU-Advertlsament. Remember This Is the Time of HOSPE'S DIG Player Piano Sale Such a Una of Flayer Pianos has never been showd In Omaha. Our stock embraces everything from the most dependable, low-priced upright to the elegant Grand Player. All In mahogany and oak s-iV rJ if- (fj- cases. This sale will offer the Entire Line of Brand New Players at the LOWEST PRICES EASIEST TERMS' Every Player We Sell Is FULLY GUARANTEED THK HOSPE APOLLO PIiAVEU tt 1'IANO has everything In new ', jj.' patented features that you will una in any otner oiga ciass piayer and some rood features others do 4 , not have. We can't - ApiHA 7 describe them all, MMI. but we can show them to you. J fa a grand Player at t w Our line Includes Kranlch ft Bach, and Memlle-Clark Grands at $1,000, and Melville-Clark, Bush & Lane, Kranlch A Bach, Brambach, Hince, rflueger and Sberer, ranging In price down to. You Can Get a Player for a Idttle Down and $2.00 a Week. . A Bench, Scarf and One Dozen Rolls Free With Each Player New Player Rolls from I5c Up A. HOSPE CO. 1513-15 Douglas St. Established 1874. Tel. Douf . 183 i ; 1 - .r-a 1 5 '-- i ! R jmm, i la f :!, $1485.00 F. O. B. Factory $350 1 sssaaef--''' ujfljl --!jSj The real teat of a motor car is porforra-ant-o. The Buick Model D-55 is novr en Iprlnj? its third wason of increasing pop ularity. In this model are combined all the essentials for motorinfr pleasure. First, there is tho abundance of power which only tho valve-in-head motor in eures. Next, there is the jrra.ee, of lino and finish, which stnnn this car as a motor car of beauty. Thou thero is room iness comfort for every ono of its oc cupants ample leg room room to move around without discommoding others. Everything entering into tho construc- tion of a Buick is measured by Valve-in-Head values. Materials must be the very best procurable labor the most skilled finish the most perfect. Buick construction is perfectly expressed in this Valve-in-Hcad Six. THE ROADSTER On the name chassis is built the Model D.54 the car that was practically built to order last season for a limited number of patrons who desired a two-passenger car on the same chassis as the seven-passenger Buick Six. So popular was this model that it was decided to continue this ear, with minor re finements, as part of the standard 1916 line. price, $1,450 f, o, b. factory. For detailed specifications, writ for our descriptive catalog, which will be mailed to you prepaid upon request, Nebraska Biiick Auto Co- OMAHA . LINCOLN SIOUX CITY Lee Huff, H. E. Sidles, S. 0, Douglas, . Mgr. Gen'lMgr, Mgr. Sr0 1 " . aprs-asjiisii nrn- '-tswiwiyuwAs-.. TOE PIONEER Valve-ln-IKIead Six Own your own home. You can purchase one on easy monthly payments like rent. Read the real estate columns. YouaVe never '-at a los a; iiix there is a s for eimtertaiiimeiriit ' i Vicfarola in your . home What to Do for Eczema February Victor Records include "Mother, a Word That Means the World to Me," and M'CORMACICS rendi tion of "A Little Bit of Heaven." These are j far and away the best issued in some time. Hear them at any of the Victor dealers mentioned in this advertisement. 1 ?Lfy J A Any Victor dealer will gladly demonstrate the Victrola and play any music you wish to hear. There are Victors and Victrolas in great variety of styles from $10 to $400. Victor Talking Machine Co. Camden. N. J. h S Graeay salves and olouuants sho'Ud not b applied If food clear skin Is waotetl, JTrom any druraiat for fca or 11-09 for ettre. larice slu. set a bottle ef seaM. M hen applied ss dlrarted. It effectively removes ectema. quickly slops . llcLUuc. end lieals skla troubles, also aorea. burns, OLnds or ehafln. It peoetrates, icajisea and soothes. Zemo Is dependable lnriiiisUe. Try It. as beUeve (. it,iii a hnxe tier ured U as effective .i-'in-.g. . - MICKEL'S ME1S12ASKA CYCLE CO. 15 th and Harney Sis. Omaha, Neb, 334 Droadwjr, Council Bluffs, Iowa Stores Victrola Department in the Pompeian Room Ao Mospe Co. 1513-15 Douglas St., OMAHA And 407 West Broadway, COUNCIL BLUFFS I ' t . i. lit t . 1 : f W a - a" Victrola XVnL $300 VictroU XVIII. electric, $350