Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1916, Page 9, Image 9

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Woman's Work -:- Fashions -:- Health Hints -:- Household Topics
Women Fast
Copyright, 1916, Star Company.
A woman in business is very much
distressed by having the statement mafia
to her that the word of our sen was not
held in high esteem in the legal world,
that from almost every standpoint woman
Was regarded by nan aa a rather ir
responsible being.
I'ntll the last quarter of a century
woman waa what man made her, wjth
his laws and restrictions and traditions.
Vet even with all those handicaps she hat
lft a remarkable record upon the book
of history. (
In every walk of life, In every art and
sphere, woman haa made her thinning;
mark. During the laat twenty-fire years
her progress haa been lens Impeded by
tha debris of old traditions, and aha haa
ied forward upon the broadening road
of progress with astonishing rapidity.
!, Comments and criticisms aurh aa my
correspondent repeats are scarely worth
remembering or refuting. Man compelled
woman to prevaricate, about herself for
so many centuries that if she haa still
the tendency to withhold the truth or to
distort Jt at times we noed not wonder.
. Man hid her away from all knowledge
of tha great issues of Ufa so long and
kept her in Ignorance for fear sh would
know' herself and him too well that we
should not be surprised If she is still
unable ' to grasp real condition! of life
as readily aa he la.
' A realisation of . personal responsibil
ity ha only begun to dawn upon woman.
She still -thinks of herself, to, a great
extent, ;. as the privileged being where
self-dependence Is concerned that man
educated her to believe it was God's in
tent When she was formed. . -
'.Without question, woman does not keep
appointments- of a business nature as
promptly or regard obligations .as seri
ously as the majority . of men do., few
business women are as thorough as men
In- their work, and their methods are
less direct, less positive. Women are usu
ally more nervous than men, ahd conse
quently' lost agreeable to 'deal with.
Jt is only the exceptional woman who
possesses the power of" concentration
which is one of the first qualities' a man
develops in Business, women scatter their
forces in thousand avenues where men
conserve them. Women- have ' not yet
learned, to know the value of time in
business matters " as men perceive 1U
valui.T-' ' -. . " . ' '
Tactful and agreeable in social life, in
business woman rarely shows these qaul
Ities to the same degree the most blund
ering man exhibits them in his dealings
with his fallows.' ' ' . '
She is often brusque with her own sex
and indefferent with the other, mistak
ing both attitudes for poise In the bus
iness world. Woman atlll expeots privi
leges and benefits to be granted her be
cause she is a woman. .
-But ail these peculiarities will be out
grown with the passage of time and the
Increasing -opportunities - flowed her for
the cultivation of her full powers. Here
are few1 suggestions' for every woman
who has started upon, a business career
and who' wishes to prove herself as suc
cessful its her male competitors.
Let her put down In her' note book
these qualities aa worthy of cultivation:
. A sens of responsibility to . fill her
position, with dignity and exactness.
A realisation of tha value of time, her
own ahd that of others. .
' Promptness In keeping engagements.
A purely business point of view regard
ing debts, with no Idea of sx privilege
A k n-l t - '4
The value' of affability and tha neces
sity or tact in business an airs.
The need of controlling the nerves and
nervous action.
A fine sense of honor, of truthfulness,
arid a, deslrs' for thoroughness.
Meantime her la what Is reported by
Mile' Borst, a French' philosopher, who
has been experimenting with men and
women , in the matter of credibility of
evidence: .'Tha experimenter used twenty-four
persons, . twelve of each sex. In
her Investigation.
After ending the tests, which covered
several weeks, as .the subjects were ex
amined repatedly. Mile. Borst tabulated
the results. ,' , t
She noted falsa answers,, correct an
swers, answers certain and uncertain,
correct or wrong answers given under
oath. She thus discovered the extent of
evidence given. Ita faithfulness, the as
surance of the witness, the Influence of
the 'oath upon him or her. '
These' are her chief conclusions;
Entirely faithful evidence Is the ex
ception, every Witness supplying from his
er' . her Imagination - the omissions .of
About Iff per cent of the statements In
si voluntary deposition' are wrong. --'
Depositions brought about by. sugges
tions are longer than voluntary ones
fuller.' that 1, - of detail-but less relia
ble ..'-
Kvldence improves by practice.
Women are more truthful witnesses
than men. -" - '
About one-twelfth of the statements In
a deposition under, oath, are Incorrect.
Mile. Worst's . investigation simply
'hears out, in a scientific manner, the
idea that woman sees more details than
man, and remembers them better.
It is an Interesting discovery.
.This would Indicate that "the woman
in business" has been misinformed re
garding . the legal status of woman's
wopJ the world over.
' 'A Little Learning' '
Copyright, 19lt, Intern'!. News Service.
; By N ellBrinkley
Advice to Lovelorn
.'. By Beatrice Fairfax
.' ftros the Matter. -
"Dear Miss Falrfex: Some time ago a
-onnt the choir in which she
fcang. tiho was we!' liked, and a great
ieir to get her bark ia in evidence.
A," a young man who met -her there.
ent her a small piece of Jewelry aa a
sift, but aha returned it to him without
comment In view of the fact that this
young lady is engaged to be married and
A does hot know her fiance, "B" eon
lends that "A" made a mistake by send
tt her Jewelry, such a gift waa iin
proper. fhould "A" rnd a note of
apology? a. p.
The wlaest thing to do In this case la
thing. U is distinctly In poor taste for
"A" to send a gift of Jewelry to a casual
acquaintance ct whose sorial regard he
had no assurance The mere fact that
the girl ia engaged makes the gift of
Jewelry In particularly bad taste. Don't
make matter worse hy drag King o'lt
I'as . jn.tion through apokxy mid ex
puua: i n
''lit! I ' itS-HSp-ipKii
Iff ammmmx
"A Little Learning Is a Dangerous Thing for with It We May Write a Message in Any Country.
'.. Given a frosty pane and the white world outside for it to stand
out against, tha warm world, the scent of flowers and two who love
within, three words are quite enough to know to get somebody into
trouble. Oh trouble of the hear and mind! so that one's dreams
are tangled and they can neither eat their porridge nor plow their
field, nor walk to market without writing two hearts In the snow,
nor remember what one came for after one gets there; nor hear
when, any one calls, nor see' what one Is looking at! Given three
words and there Is a pretty pudding! After one begins to know
when the moon Is full, and what time she goes home every evening,
and when her birthday In, and what flowers she like best, and
whether she likes too big a house ooh or just a little one ah-ah!
and Just what a girl her kind likes best In a man your kind!
A froBty pane and a Uitle knowledge! And tha book of love
a monstrous thick volume with mighty thin leaves and heaps of
notes that you have to be looking up all the time Is open! You
are a scholar for good and all. And the rules therein are hard and
fast and they always say, "This given certain conditions, Is always
true unless!" And then there's an exception to look up.
A little learning and a dainty pink forefinger tracing- what It
knows on the glistening pane! NELL BRINKLEY.
Industrial Hygiene
Some Suggestions for the Better
Care of Workers' Heath : : : :
The development of Industrial hygiene
during the last thirty years is like the
growth of a baby; for the science itself
was only born about forty yeara ago.
reached the age of consent lesa than a
decade since, and Is not yet old enough
to vote.
The stride from aero to something plus
must necessarily be a long and tremen
dous one, greater In fact than any ever
taken by the fabled seven league boot.
And the growth is neither gigantic nor
acromegalia nor hydrocephalic. It's per
fectly noramal and healthy and the
science Is In the big. husky boy stage
with plenty of promise of future growth
and abundant room for further Improve
ment. -
It la already manufacturing health for
the millions, and the most important
product of modern industry Is the type
of man It turns out and the kind of
women and children who can live and
grow up on their wages.
While we speak, and truthfully, of in
dustrial diseases and the menace of ahop
conditions to health, broadly considered.,
modern Industry is and haa proved itself
hygienic and health improving to an
overwhelming degree, and Its largest and
most valuable output has been health in
carload lots.
From the other point of view. Improved
health, which means Increased working
power and efficiency, has been one of Its
moat Important asxt-ts and factors In its
Modern industry could no more have
scored Its superb triumphs without the
aid of the doctor than Panama could
have been dug across without Gorges.
But whichever end one prefers to take
bold of it by, the broad fact remains
that modern Industry based upon tho
conquests of science has done more to
improve the health of humanity than
any other ten influences since the dawn
of history.
Only the high lights of the proofs can
be touched upon, riist of. all. In the
last thirty tt forty ers the lesih rxtcs
of , sll civilised countries have been
greatly reduced, the average lrn.tli of
life Increased, th a.HHtv rute vuor
inoiiHly lessened, snrt tie averucn wiKes
and wealth per csplia hu'-ly multiplied
in aplte of the enormous Increase in pop- '
Thirty years ago the average length of
life in western Kurope and America was
about thirty-three years; now it is fifty
one plus. t
The average annual death rate a gen
eration ago was twenty-one per 1.O0S
living; now it 1 about fourteen. The
death rate from tuberculosis, that finest
and grimmest register of general health
conditions, haa gone down nearly 60 per
cent, and the average wealth of the
community per capita has Increased from
less than $500 up to $140.
In other words, we live almost twice
as long, die more than a third less fre-
He Should Worry
"Well, if that ain't the limit" mused
the postman, as he came down the steps
of a private realdenoe.
"What's the trouble V queried the mere
citisen who had overheard the postman's
noisy thought. 1
"Why." explained the man in gray,
"the woman in that house says if I don't
come earlier sho'U get her letters from
some other carrier." Indianapolis News.
quently, are sick only two-fifths as often
and loss than half aa much of the time,
and have three times as much money to
spend for good food, good housing and
healthful recreation.
; That is to say, we would have if all
got their fair share, which they don't. To
Secure this equitable division of our huge
national wealth la the most vital and
Important health problem of the future
yes, of today.
I To complete the parallel,'' those coun
tries - which are most hlgnly industrial
lied and ctvtllxed today 4he; Vnlteq
states, Kngland, Sweden have the high
est longevity and the lowest death rate,
fifty-three yeara and fourteen per 1 COO,
respectively; while those least fully In
dustrialised Austria-Hungary, Russia.
Turkey have the lowest and highest,
thirty-five and twenty-five; respectively.
Kor further consolation those countries
which have scarcely been industrialised
at all In the modern sense India and
China still have an average length of
life about twenty-two years. In spite of
their blameless and repulsively virtuous
hsblts, according to one school of health
reformers. In abstaining from meat, al
rohol, hot biscuit, canned good and the
pleasures of life generally.
Of course all these Improvementa can
not be claimed as products of modern
industrialism, but they are of the Joint
product of modern inventions and scien
tific medicine and an awakened public
conscience, which are all the children
of modern science.
Goes Wrong
There are a number of foolish old
superstitions about the things that will
happen to you If you get out ef bed In
the morning wrong foot first or . if
you put on your left shoe ahead of your
And there are plenty of people foolish
enough to have a miserably unhappy day
If perchance they happen to start It un
der the handicap of such superstition.
The Any la really miserable, not Just so
n Imagination,
The point of tha whole tragedy la that
when your mental attitude la wrong
everything else Is likely to be wrong,
too. Look for trouble and you will have
very llttte trouble In finding It.
Suppose you get up In the morning
and rip a few buttons off tha shoes you
ere trying to fasten In haste. The time
you use In sewing them on again make
you late and you gulp down your coffee
and scald your tongue. Next you miss
your csr.
By that time you are in an Irritated
state of taking It for granted that every
thing will go wrong. Tou arrive at the
office in an unpleasant state of mind
and your own crossness makes every
body cross to you In turn. Tour work
goes wrong. Perhaps you quarrel with
your best friend. It may even be that
you are annoyd to the point of resign
Ing a really good and thoroughly con
genial position.
Kveryone has days like that. ' Iays
which, beginning with some little mishap,
spread themselves out Into a tortuous
series of unpleasant happenlnga.
At any stage of the game In a day
when "ev7hlr.s joes ded wrong" a
sense of humor would save the UtuaUon.
Suppose you stopped and traced Taek all
your misfortunes to the simple cau
that ?w msnaeed to get completely up
set over pulling two buttons off your
ahoe. Wouldn't you Inevitably laugh
good-humoredly at the thought of what
two little tl&ck buttons had managed to
dn to great big you?
' It la easy to lose your poise, your sense
of balance, and the minute you do trifles
magnify themselves and add themselves
to one anothr In an exasperating way.
Trace any that is one long series
of aggravations back to Its source end
will discover that you let some trifle
upset yo'i and that after that you got
nervous over chanoe happenlnga, irritated
ever a fancied ooldness In a tone, of
voice, and interpreted everything In the
particular way guaranteed to mlake you
most unhappy,
Just manage to pull yourself up short
when the next of these days come.' Ex
amine seriously the Incident 4 hat started
It all; look dispassionately at the Incident
that Is occupying your attention now,
and you will realise that you have plied
trifle on trifle and grain on grain end,
by taking a series of things seriously and
harboring resentments and grudges, you
ere In a fair way to land yourself In the
midst of real trouble.
Right-about facet There Is no such
thing aa "a day when everything goes
wrong!" There la only strh a thing as
a day whan yourself are all wrong.
let Ma Provi Free That You Can Get Rid
af It PoslUyely, Without Pain or Injury
Free Coupon Brings Vou Quick Help
VW mn I lninlr tMnM nf a kMmoe
fmwth of fiirertloovs Hlr. t h4 a rosular moac
tsrfb ens beard and s Miry entering ea ear
entu. After areklni rlmf lv jresn In is, I t
oured, ibrmisH an Officer In thn Brim Armr. a
rlMMl-sviarded wr of the HIiMtno Religion,
whlrh hnJl made Nufierflunns Heir uabnvwa iibmi
Ut native omea of India, a taet which Is well
t waa ss tuM-eetful la s own
ea that I nn longer have the
Icnteat Iran of Ruperflum
Xair and I shall he glad t
end rree tn aneena. full In
formation and complete 1n-itrm-tlnna
rt that vow ean
fnllew me aiatAple and eom-
pletelr destroy all tear with
yat having to raonrt to the dan-
gerona aletrle needle. Ha afn
waeting your vnoney ea wnnh-
leea flepllatnrr eeenaratlfma
and write tne tartar, si4e-s
vour nam and addrem, and
stating ithathee Mm. e
MM. All I aah la that
yeu send me a n
rams fnr rernm nt
ar. A d d r a a a. Mrs.
Frederick Hunana, A St.
Wt 0. North Main Slreet. AttSehera, Maaa.
TMPOHTANT NOTR: Mra. Hudenn belong
titled fntnlle. high In Bngllah Berteeri ntte w son
untied with lending offMats thers sed la
widow nf a nroaninent sfflner In the KHtlah
Army, ao mi ten write her with entire cwnfldenne.
the has npnet m nTTIne in Amertoa fmr tha bene-,
fit nf snffernra from Hiieerfluoiie Hale. Her fnll
s.liliwaa la. Mra Kredarlca Hwlenn, Apt. t!t D.
North Main Htreet, Attleborn, Maan.
(rfl Hindoo Port.
Make Stubborn Cough$
Vanish in a Hurry
rarielaarlr Gee Ceng yray
Baslly mm Cheaply
Mad at Bean
These safe, sure, vegetable pilla
quickly right the conditions
that cause headache, languor.
L constipation and biliousness.
They are tree lrora narjit-torm-ing
drugs. 'They do not irri
tate or weaken the bowela.
Women find that relieving the
small ills promptly, prevents
the development of big ones.
They depend on Beecham's
Pills to tone, strengthen and
Keep Them Well
CL-orfU. af IV-U I f aJas s Wesesi ; wl , lews Baa.
freSlrefishues. fe saaas. Ma. U.
Stinate cough or a bad throat or
. B-l
of. Vines and
n ON
t haa been banging on and refuses
x trom any drug
i i . i
ake it
eold th
to yield to treatment,
store SVfc ounces of
into a pint of cough sjrup,
net oougn vanisu.
Pour the tty ounces of Pins
Cents Worth! into a nint bottle anil
the bottle with plain granulated sue-ar
syrup, lbs total cost Is about 64 cents,
and .givsa, you a full pint a family
supply tt a most effective remedy, at a
saving of 92. A day's use wU usually
overcome a bard couch. Kasllv prepared
in 6 minute full directions with Ptnas.
Keeps perfectly and has a pleasant taste.
Children like it.
It's reUy remarkable how promptly
and easily it loosens the drv, hoarse or
tight cough and heals the InBamed mem
branss in a painful cough. It also stops
the formation of phlegm in the throat
and bronchial tubes, thus ending the per
sistent loose cough. A splendid remedy
for bronchitis, winter coughs, bronchial
asthm and whooping eougn.
Pine is a special and hlghlT ooneen
trsted compound of genuine Norway pins
eitrect, rich in gualaool, which is so
healing to the membranes.
Avoid disappointment bv asking your
druggist for ''Vi ounces of Pine," and
dp not accept anything else. A pus ran teg
of absolute satisfaction goes with this
CSpV"'t'OB-or nyner promptly refunded,
she Pfnex Co, iX Wsyne, Ind.
Women Enow
that they cannot afford to be
ill. They must keep themselves
in the best of health at all
times. Most of all. the digest
ive system must be kept in
good working order. Knowing
the importance of this, many
women have derived he'-P from
Yes, Svissco liill
( Qroiv Year Ikir
At Sherman & McConneU's d stores.
"Olossy and Soft aa 1?
"Swlaaee" remeeaa daadrnff, crews new kalr
ssd raetore solar t grar eg tsdod. hair.
'' aUna haJdnaas. be. 4 4 stxHa faJllag
Sale er arabhr aoals, ear seals, brlt-tie hair er
anr hair or seals trouhle.
"BwIsbm" ane and 11.64 atse esttls are eei sale
and rernnimenda4 hr laadlss Snisslste aa4 a
ssrtrnent stores.
re-Take Sretiing Vnt mwtaee."
Oood for ee IM bettla only at ' say ef
the H harm an a abtCoaaall t'l t Steras whoa
same and addreas U vrvperly tilled la oo
detail lines helnw.
Those outelda m Omaha will sat a fraa bet.
tin r sendlns an la stamps dtreot to Hwlaan
Hair Treatiaaut ('., SUM P. O. Kquare. til.
elnnatl. Ohio, te help ceTar hssaaes eg sok
la. Boalaga, eio. '
Cllf .
.it. r. D....w..
niea full sddraasi writs plalnlr.
This Offer Is Oooa for 10 Says Oaly.
1 1
1 Faust Spaghetti Meat '
Faust Spaghetti costs 10c a meal for a family of six.
Meat costs $1.05. Faust Spaghetti gives four times the
nutriment of the meat, does not heat the body to excess
and does not tax the digestion,
Fsust Spaghetti is 10 water meat is 75 water. You esn prepsra
three different spaghetti meals while preparing one of meat Tora
evcrr atandpotnt-rhealth, comfort snd economy Fsust Spaghetti is
tbe superior food. Is it on your table often T
Ymm, irreear eefts "a,f SmmtktU MAULL SROS., St. Louii. U. S. A.
Get Your Business Injured
(QF bouf,
If you srs traveling along a smooth
boulevard In your automobile going
flfty-mlle-an-hour clip Hind you
shut off tha gas you can coast alone
for qulto a distance) before your machine
stops. But tha speed would begin to di
minish the instant tha power was shut off,
and you would be losing headway.
Than If you came to a bad place In the
road unexpectedly a steep grade or a. mud
hole you couldn't turn the power on quIcV
enough or get up enough speed to carry you
over. Klrst thing you know you are stalled
and you have to bark up and try It over again
using aa much power, or more, than you
would have had you kept up full speed.
It's tha same with your business. Adver
tising is the power that keeps up speed for
you. Business is good and you think you will
COAST for a time, but right there you begin
to lose speed begin to slack up and when
the mud bole or the steep grade of business
confronts you there isn't enough momentum
to carry you over. .
There is only one way to keep business
speeded up to standard and that Is by keep
ing the power of advertising continuously
turned on. Notice the fellows who are setting
the business pace in this town the fellows
who keep up speed all the time the fellows
who NEVER coast. Their advertisements are
continuously appearing In
"Where Continuous Advertising Will Pay