Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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"wid'i tor Sporting; Oooa."
btfnUBf' rlstnres flurcess-Qranden.
Hav moot Mat tt Now Beacon Proa.
r. Stokae removed to T4 Brand. The.
v, Income t0 a mo. rrlr $J,600.
Ask Pumont, Keelln Bide., tor particu
lar. Today Movie tnpia claaalfltl
action today. It appear In The Bee
ESCLU8IVELT. Find out what tho va
rtoua moving picture theatera offer.
TJal Cln Dance The only rianc at
tho University club during- February will
h held on IJncoln day. It will be a
dinner-dance, starting at 7 o'clock.
Xasp Ton Money and valuable In the
American Safe Deposit vault. 218 South
17th St, Be Bldg. Boxes rent $1.00 for
I month. Open from . m. to (. p. m.
Snvi Grand Jury R. C. Hoyt. clerk
of tho federal court, went to Lincoln
Monday and drew a Brand jury, which
will report In Lincoln Wednesday, Feb
ruary 11
Oivea Btlff Tin Ray Jordan. 01
North Twenty-second street, charred
with obtaining (roods from the McGraw
oompany without settling for the same,
was fined $30 and costs by Judge Foster.
Statu for Auditorium The larg-e-wlrujed
Victory." which ha stood in the
pubUo library museum for a number of
years, ha been loaned to the municipal
auditorium and now stands In the lobby
of tho latter place.
Willis Crosby Kaoovara WilUa Crosby,
father of Willi Crosby, Jr., county cor
oner, la recovering; from an Illness of
eight weeks' duration. Ij. A. Jones, 2S03
North Twenty-fourth street, deputy cor
oner, 1 confined to his home with an
attack of grip.
Byrne Oats Invitation Harry S. Byrne,
Insurance man and president of the
Omaha alumni of Kappa Sigma College
fraternity, ha been invited to deliver
ne of the principal addresses at the an
nual banquet of the chapter of the fra
ternity at the University of Nebraska,
February 19.
Judge English Has
Hemorrhage of Nose
for Eighteen Hours
District Judge English, who suffered
prolonged hemorrhage of the nose Mon
day, Is reported to be somewhat im
proved. The hemorrhage lasted eighteen
hour before It was finally checked.
Judge English ha been ill for over
two week now. He waa seised by an at
tack of the grip, which was combined
with a nervous breakdown, according to
the physician.
While the condition of the judge is seri
ous It I not thought be has reached the
danger stage.
Wet Democrats
Are Bound to Have
Candidate in Field
. "No. the lists have not been closed for
our governorship candidates," declared
a well known democrat, usually on the
inside. "'Both 'Brother Charley' Bryan
and Berge represent the 'dry' end of it,
and tho filing of a man named Shields is
not taken seriously. Ex-Senator Allen
has positively refused to run, and, the
'wets' are now looking to bring out
either Charles O. Ryan, the Grand Is
land attorney, or Clarence Herman,
Morehead'a chief food Inspector. Mark
my word, the 'wet' democrat will have
somebody besides Bryan or Berge to vote
for In the primary."
McGrew to Contest
With Boss Howell
According to present prospectus, the
position of member of the republican
national committee from Nebraska is to
be contested at the coming primary be
tween Charles F. McGrew and the pres
ent Incumbent, R. B. Howell, both of
Omaha. Mr. McGrew let it be known
last week that he would submit his
name, and Mr. Howell then came to a
decision and has begun to circulate his
nominating petition. Mr. McGre-r was
for i any year In the banking business,
but has now retired. He has been active
in republican politics, but nas never
been a candidate for office, and enjoys
a wide and favorable acquaintance
throughout the state.
R.' A. Smith, head of the colonisation
department of the Union Pacific, Is in
Chicago In conference with Tassenger
Manager Fort, and upon his return there
will be a reorganization cf the depart
ment. Several changes are to be made
In the working force of the office.
The colonization department will be
without a chief clerk until February 15.
when G. H. Harries, the new man, will
arrive from Topeka, Kan., to take
charge. Rudy A. Wills, former chief
clerk, who resigned, has gone to Chicago.
A Joint debate will be held at the meet
ing of the Jacksonian club, Saturday
evening. The question at Issue is "Re
solved, That the recommendations of
President Wilson In his message to con
gress, on December, 1H16, with reference
to preparedness on the part of the United
State, are necessary and should be
carried out."
,Th afflrmattvo will be urged by 11. L.
Moasman and T. B. Murray, while Ray
3. Abbott and C. U. Cunningham will
uphold the negative.
Superintendent Taylor of the gas street
lighting department has been provided
with an automobile truck by the city
council. A resolution specifies that the
machine shall be equipped with ladders
and other paraphernalia for cleaning
and repairing lamps.
It Is believed that In emergency esse
Mr. Taylor will be able to assist the fire
of Gaod Dictation.
When you see a cheerful and happy old
lady you may know that she ha good
digestion. If your digestion 1 Impaired
or if you do not relish your meals take
a dose of Chamberlain's Tableta. They
strengthen the stuinac i. Improve the di
gesUon and cause a. gentle movement of
the bowels. Obtainable everywhere.
Council Says Thit Proposition is
Before It, While Elevation
it Not
The city council directed City At
torney Rlne to start legal action to
require the Missouri Pacific railroad
company to proceed with erection ot
a vlaluct over Its tracks on West
Dodge street. Another resolution
called upon the same company to
complete the Locust street viaduct
without further delay.
In connection with the Dodge
street viaduct case the city attorney
will go to St Louis, where he will
arplr In federal court for an order
directing Receiver Bush of the Mis
souri Pacific to expend necessary
money for the improvement in ques
tion. Mayor Dahlman secured the adop
tion of another resolution, requesting
Dundee ieople to send a representa
tive with the city attorney to St.
The city commissioners were
agreed that this viaduct case should
be pushed, rather than clouding the
lpsue with any more track elevations
Commissioner Hummel was par
ticularly Insistent that the city attor
ney should stick to the viaduct propo
sition. "W do not have a track ele
vation plan before us, but. we have a
viaduct plan. Let us get the via
duct," said Mr. Hummel. .
Blank to Have One
More Movie House
On Douglas Street
A motion picture building is to be
erected perhaps In th spring of 1P17 on
the ground occupied by the Guarantee
Clothing company at 1519-21 Douglas
street Thl property, being thirty-three-foot
front, east of the Brown block, waa
leased by A, H. Blank of Dea Moines
from Henry F. Wyman of Omaha for
ninety-nine years.
It was leased On a basis of $300,000
valuation at S per cent, or $10,000 a year.
Mr. Blank la the man who obtained a
tease on the old American theater and
made tho Strand of it. He propose to
build a movie building on the Guarantee
Clothing company location after th pres
ent leases expire.
Dundee May Have
Glass Street Signs
Dundee may have It pretty glass street
name signs. The -action of the former
village board was not exactly according
to Mr. Hdyle's rules, but the money will
be paid. The old board entered Into a
contract with a Chicago firm for thee
signs, tho cost ot $43 to be paid out of
the lighting bond money voted befote
Dundee came Into the municipal family.
The Chicago firm wants its money.
In a communication on the subject to
the city council Attorney Lambert ct
the legal department notes that the old
board of Dundee spent money for tree
trimming out of the lighting bond fund
and used the money for various other
purposes. He recommended payment of
the $126.
New Jetter Firm to
Make Soft Drinks
J. Martin Jetter, Fred Drews and Au
gust Radzuwelt, officers of the Jetter
Brewing company of th South elde, have
Incorporated the Omaha Beverage com
pany, which will manufacture and, sell
nonlntoxlrating drinks.
According to articles of Incorporation
filed in the office of the county clerk th
company is capitalize 1 at $10,000 and Is
authorised to buy and hold real estate
and to do all things necessary to the con
duct of a plant for tho manufacture, bot
tling and sale of nonalcoholic liquors.
Sarcasm Is a cause for divorce, ac
cording to a petition filed In district
court by Mrs. Mary K. Rogena, who is
suing John Rogena. Although she al
leges she conducted herself at all times
as a true and loving wife, they separated
January 2, 1918, on account of ills alleged
cruelty, consisting of abuse by sarcastic
language. The husbsnd's temperament
also is Incompatible with thst ot th
plaintiff, she alleges.
Jamea Chvala charges Llizie with
Ida J. Russell asks divorce from
Thomas Ij. on grounds of cruelly.
Lynne Kuril alleges John R. has been
pi'tMv of cruelty.
Elsie Weiss asserts Henry O. has failed
t . i iport her.
Grace E. Ions is suing James H., al
Irelrg nonsupport.
Anna Llndsey has brought suit against
Edward R., alleging cruelty.
Dr. Connell Explains Methods in
H andling Scarlet Fever Epidemic
Explaining the methods ct the Omaha
Hoard of Health in keeping the epidemic
of scarlet fever under control a far aa
possible, Health Commissioner Connell
has written the following letter to Dr.
CRse. state health officer for Nebraska:
"We have had more or less scarlet
fever In Omaha sine last spring. It was
not entirely wiped out during the sum
mer niontha I Importuned the Board of
TMucatlon to put on a full corps of medi
cal and nurse Inspection of schools the
beginning of the term. The first day of
school some fifteen schools out of the
forty-flv were examined and a number
of suspicious case ot scarlet fever
found. They were excluded, watched
and placed under quarantine. Some time
later one. two and finally three nurses
were employed by the Board of Educa
tion to make examinations of the
schools. Tou can see how inadequate
this waa when you consider forty-five
schools with $8,000 pupils. About two
week ago the Board of Education put
on some fourteen nurses who are de
voting all their time and have accom
plished a great deal of good, aa they
have rounded up J.S00 who were out ot
school for different causes, a number of
whom they found had scarlet fever and
were not quarantined, the Board of
Health knowing nothing about th cases.
These, with other similar cases, were
spreading th disease broadcast through
tho city. I think the inspection of schools
Is getting In good shape.
Kiainlnea Stores.
'The Board of Health has examined
all th larger department, dry goods
store, etc., for all employes who have
been sick for on or more days during
th last five weeks. The proprietors
have been Instructed to allow none who
have been out sick to return to work
until they har received a certificate
from th Board of Health. A number ot
cases hav been detected in this way
who applied to return to work and were
found to hav scarlet fever. e also
appealed through the newspapers to all
employer In the city asking that when
any of their employe were away on ac
count of sickness they would not be al
lowed to return to work until they pre
sented a certificate from ome reputable
physician that they were free from any
symptoms of scarlet fever, or they could
com to the health office and, be exam
ined free of charge.
Method of Casrastlst.
"A to quarantine: Within' a few kours
after a cas 1 reported to the health de
partment th house 1 placed under
quarantine. If the case will be removed
to th Contagious hospital, quarantine Is
removed at one. The people belonging
In th hous that ar away are Immedi
ately sent for and brought back to the
house. All children who may. be- in
school re taken Immediately from
school. The hous 1 then fumigated.
Th hous is opened up and tha people
who have been confined in th rooms
leav all their clothing in the rooms
where confined, enter th part of the
hous that has been fumigated, tak a
l ath and put on fumigated clothes. Then
the room or rooms where the people
have been while the balance of th
house was under fumigation are closed
up and fumigated for at least seven
hours. If the patient la not romoved to
the hospltsl. the house Is placed under
quarantine and placarded both front and
back door. If any are out of the house
they are obliged to return, and if they
desire to leave the house they can do so
only after their clothes have been thor
oughly fumigated for at least seven
hours. In no esse is' any one allowed to
leave or enter the house except the
wage earner, and he can enter the house
only under either one of the two follow
ing conditions, vis: He Is allowed to
sleep in the house provided there I a
room which he can enter from the out
side, and It must be entirely closed off
and sealed off from the balanoe of th
house: he Is not to come In contact with
any member of the household nor any
member of the household to enter this
room. Ills clothing and the room ar
homshlv fumlcatfd after it ha been
sealed off.
y Milk Bottle Left.
"No milk man 1 allowed to deliver
bottles of milk, but It must be poured
Into containers on the porvri.
"The raining of the quarantine In dona
In the following manner: We do not take
the word of any physician that tha cas
has recovered. After we have received
notice from a physician of the recovery
of a case, it Is visited by one of mv as
sistants or myself, and regardless of
whst the physician ha said. If we find
a (ilschnrglng ear, suppurating gland,
congested or inflamed condition of th
throat or any peeling of th handa, feet
or other psrts of the body, the quarantine
Is not raised until thorough desquamation
Is completed.
No child is allowed to return to school
who bs had scarlet fever for two week
after the quarantine ha been raised.
"No one exposed to scarlet fever is
allowed to return until eight day fter
the last exposure and their clothe hav
been thoroughly fumigated.
"No children ar aUowed to enter any
moving picture show or any other theater
under 13 year of age. Moving picture
shows nd other theaters are fumigated
every nluht as are all street car.
"All milkmen have been warned they
must notify the Health department of
any sickness In their famllle or among
their employes, of one day's duration
from any cause regardless aa to whether
they think It la scarlet fever or not, and
warned that their license will be revoked
If they fall to report a cas.
"Every telcphon call, letter, whether
It Is anonymous or not, stating that they
suspect a cas of soarlet fever in any
given locality I at once Investigated by
some physlclsn of th Health department.
"All persons taken sick with scarlet
fever in a rooming, boarding hous or
hotel ar forced to Immediately go t th
Local Child Saving
Institute Praised
. by Eastern Expert
Hastings H. Hart, director of the Rus
sel Sag Foundation, department of child
helping, ha written a moat complimen
tary letter to Rev. George L. PeUr of
thl city concerning th work ot th
Omaha Child Savlpg Institute. The let
ter follows:
I hav watched the development of the
Child Saving institute from tha begin
ning and I visited it aoon after it waa
opened. I think that your record is one
of the most remarkable In the United
States and I have had occasion to refer
to it frequently in public addresses.
I am bound to say tnat I have some
hesitation In advertising your work be
cause it is so exceptional, and I fear to
encourage people to multiply babies'
homes and foundling asylums of th or
dinary type. .
But on the other hand It Is a matter
of the utmost public Interest that you
should have succeeded so wonderfully In
rtnoiinv with hi class of infant, when
we know that many Institutions of this
class still hav a mortality ranging from
2S per cent to 0 or 70 per cent.
In other Institutions the fact that bable
come from young and healthy parents
does not save them, only your inoroutcn,
persistent and scientific methods liav
saved the lives of your babies.
I. Kovolosky, 2G17 Arbor street, charged
with being drunk and abusing hi' wife
and two small children, was given ninety
days suspended sentence In police court
Mrs. Kovolosky testified that sh married
her husband the day after they had been
introduced and almost immediately h
started to treat her with abuse.
Doctor Says Nuxated Iron Will
Increase Strength of Delicate
People 200 in Ten Days
Za aaaay Fsrsoas hav suf .
(rd an to Id agony for year doctoring
tot narrow weakness, etomaoo, liver or
,klday disease or om other ailment
iwhaa that rani troabls waa laok of iroa
la to blood. Sow f 1L
Ms Tors, N. T. la a rc t tlaeovne Dr. .
ausr. Bpoetallst, of this alt said: If rau wars
.t aiH aa aatunl sloo toat on all soosl. wh
art til y Weill aaobaMr o arontlr amenloo4
at tha eieeealnsl- larsa Bam tear arha lack Iroa
an wo aie 111 tar a elaor rsaaoa thaa Um la-ik
at Iran. Tha atoawat Ires h) suaslta ail thalr
multitude of aaoroaa ana Hi us dlaanaaar. With
out troa tha Mood at seoa lonon tha sowar to
j ehnaae load lata llvla tuoao an therefore nola
I lag jon sat aos raa any good; yo soo t gat tha
I 'etroafta eat of It. Tour foot awralr aea
: thrsush year sjitisji llks earn thrasrh
s mill with the Tollora so wt6 apart that
tho mill caa't srlat. As s raaslt of this aontlnii-
Ous hleoa ana Dorr starratloa. aaoslo hocorao
tanatallr waakoaoa, sentsus aa all raft Sowa
, Ian4 rraqaaattr tarole all aorta tt ao 4 It too. Ono
: la too loin; another Is hwraoae with aahoalUir
! tat: mm V as waak tbr can hard I r walk;
, awna think thoy havo Syapapaia, kldoajr or I War
trouble: eone oaa't aloo at alakt, others aro
! slaapr aa Uraa all ear; saoao faaair aa Irrttaklo:
soma ohtaay aa hloodloo. but all lack snrsleaJ
towor aa anSaraaoa. In oaah caaaa. It la worao
ahaa fooltshnoaa la take atlmulatlos naalalnaa or
narcotic drugs, wktrh only whip us vour taaguig
vital potra for th mornanl. . nurbe at th n
onao st your Ufa lalor oa. N asaUar what aay
Breaks a Cold
in a Few Hours
First dose of 'Tape's Cold
Compound" relieves all
grippe misery.
. Don t stay stuffed-up!
Quit blowing and snuffing! A dose of
"I'ape's Cold 'Compound" taken every
two hour until three dose ar taken,
will end grip pa misery and break up a
sever cold either In the bead, chest, body
or limb. ,
It promptly open clogged-up nostril
and air passages; atop nasty discharge
or nose running;-relieve iuk headache,
dullneaa, feverlahneaa, or throat,
sneexing, soreness and stiffness.
"Papa's Cold Compound" Is th quick
est, surest relief known and costs only
25 cent at drug stores. It arts without
assistance, tastes nice, and causes no In
convenience. Don't accept a substitute,
on Ulls you. It yon aro sot strati- sat well Too,
w It t rouraolf to aiako th Mlowtn
how loag yon oaa work or bow far roe saa walk!
without haoosaln tlra. Nozt lata tw narmlaj
labia ta of ordinary Bux&Ud Iroa throe tt
oar after aunlt for two woaka The tost yawi
strength seals sad aa fur youiuoif I
hav galaod. I have sooa doaea of
dowa nooslo who war alila all tho Unaa double,
and ovon trtola thalr su-angra and eedumaoe sad
ootlroly got rid of Uolr sraptaaas ot drnpopla.
II wr and ether troubles la from nt to li
days' tlsia slmplr br taking troa la th
form, and this a ft ar thar had la sons
doctoring for monwia without obtaining aar bana
fit. You can talk aa ra 4aaoo about all UMl
woadora wrought by nw romadlsa. btit whaa vv
Man dowa to hard faota taor la nothing ia
good aid Iron to out ealor la sour okaaks
good sound, hoalthr na on roar boaas. B at
alao a groat narvo and atamarh atronathanor aa
th ht blood bullaar In lha world. Tha oalr
trouble waa that th old fa ma of laofsonle Iroa
llko tlaoturo of Iroa, Iroa aeotata, ate., ofta
rulod pooolo' toatli. upaot thalr staaaiaha aad
war not aaalnllaud and for thaoo ran ono tkafl
rraouoatlr did mora harm tnaa goad. But wnk
tha dtaoovarr of tho nowar forma of orwaulo trnw
all into ha boo evorooato. Nuaatod Iroa for
axnAiplo. la plaaoaat to tako. doao But laluro tho,
toath and la aiinoot 1ma4latly bonaftotai. I
NOTE)Th maoufarturar of Nuiautd Iron
ouea uohoundod ooaftdaaoo In Its botoaap
thar aut h'H-1 a th announnraiaat that thaf
forfait $1U0S ta anr Charltabla Inatltatloa M thar
rannnt laka anr man or woman ondar otr
lack Iron aad laoraaaa thatr straagih
or ovor la four wavkar ttmo. orvrl.
no oarrouo orgaala trouM. Ala thar wul rofaaC
your monay In any oaa la which NuaoAod Iroa
doao not at least dnubl your otronath la toa;
ibrf tlm. It la dlapanaad la thta rltr br fhor
man kCOnnrli Drug Rons sad all sthor drag
I iota AdrortUonuat.
Kay Not B Able to Collect for
Pupili Who Attend from Out
of the City.
Sarpy county rhool officials, re
lying upon the authority ot the state
department, are preparing a surprise
for the Omaha School board, who
this year cut the tuition rate for out-of-town
The Pioneer Union High school, a
labile high school located at Belle
vue, In the east end of Sarpy county,
at the beginning of this year mae
arrangement through County Su
perintendent Collins of Sarpy county
for a considerable number ot high
school pupils from adjoining dis
tricts, not yet in the Tloneer High
school district, to attend that school.
For this they were to accept the usual
county tuition rate of 36 per annum.
Lower It Rate.
The South Side High school there
upon lowered Its rate from $86 per
annum to $36.
When the Pioneer High school
board saw its pupils ttknn away un
der its very eyes, it waxed wroth and
the secretary. Dr. W. H. Bets, com
municated with State Superintendent
A. O. Thomas.
Investigation showed that Omaha
hnd filed no request to be placed
upon the list of schools designated
so free attendance high schools.
Therefor, under the law they cannot
collect the H from any of the out-of-town
pupils who ram to them Instead
or going to the rioneer fnlon llih
rhool, nor ran they collect their usual
tuition feet of $! per annum. Thin mean
a loss to the city of Omaha of o or
11.060. Upon receipt of bills from Omaha
ror rre high school tuition, the county
superintendent of Parpy county will
notify th Pioneer high school board,
which will Institute legnl procedure to
prevent th collection of the tills.
Henry F. Wyman. Clara B. Wyman,
P. P. Wead. E. H. Soott. Westland Real
ty company, Gould Diets and Joseph
Barker filed a petition for the opening
of Twenty-second street, Harney to
lod streets. The city council referred
the matter to the committee ot the
whole for consideration.
Admiral Dewey ftnyder, 18. and his
chum, Herbert M. Butler, 1. cam over
from tVrantnn. la., and applied at the
loesl army recruiting office to beeom
soldiers of Uncle Ham.
Poranton with Us 9fl0 people. Its calf
mule factory and Its chimney top fac
tory was too smalt. They wanted to
see the world. And they are gnlns; to
see It. Kor they were accepted by Re
cruiting Seriteant Hansen.
But before this happy denouement. Ad
miral Pewey'a father came over from
Pcranton and gave his full and free con
sent for his young son to bo a soldier
and Herbert M. brought a paper duly
sls-ned and sealed by his father.
8o th chums are on their way to Fort
txigan, Colo., and for th land of ad
venture. Other enlistments at the local station
wer Lloyd M. Chamber of Duntap, la.,
who ha served an enlistment already In
th Fourth Infantry; Don E. Cosad ot
Red Oak, la., who was formerly a nary
man and now will try the Infantry, and
Frank A. Tlhoreky of Pes Moines, la.,
a former soldier, who enlisted in th
Juvenile Court
May Send Loretta
Back to New York
Lretta Byrne, years of ag. who
cam to Omaha with a carload of waif
and orphan from New Tork, three year
ago, will be returned to New Tork, if
directions of Juvenile court offloial ar
Iorett fell into the hands of th taw
Hunday after ah had attempted to buy
a ticket at the railway station with
money whlrh she had taken from her
foster mother, Mrs. Llszle M. Byrnes,
ra Howard street.
Phe has been temporarily returned to
her foster mother.
Probation officers fear she will con
tinue to be delinquent.
The wreckage near Punlap. ia.. where
two Northwestern freight train cam to
gether Monday . morning, killing four
men, ha been cleared up, tha track re
paired and train again est schedule.
Tho wreck having occurred en a di
vision of th road outside of their Juris
diction, official her ar not rnreett sat
ing th causa, but, msteaat, tt I being
don under tha direction of th suflerln-tenf-it
located at Boone, la.
Says Woman's Beauty
Depends Upon Health
Health and Vigor NeceaitaU
Regulation of Organs
of Elimination.
Pkln foods and fac crams, and pow
ders csnnot make a woman beautiful,
because benuty Ilea deeper than that
It depends on health. In most case th
l.asls of health and th cause of alrknees
can be traced to the action of th bowel.
The liendnche, the lassitude, the sal
low skin, and the lusterleaa eye ar us
ually caused by constipation. An Ideal
remedy for women and on that 1 es
pecially suited to their dellcat organ
Isms is found In Dr. Caldwell's Byrup
Tepsln, a mild laxative compound,
pleHsnnt to the taste and free from
opiates and narcotic drugs of every do
acriptlon, Mrs. Oortrud Jordan, KI3
Xorth Liberty Bt., Indianapolis, lad
says: "It la simply fin; I hav nvr
hem able to find anything to compare
with Dr. Caldwell' Pyrup pepsin. I
started using It for th baby and now tt
in my family standby In all case where
a laxative Is needed."
Dr. Caldwell's Byrup Pepsin la sold
In drug store for fifty cents a bottle;
:' v !' '7 -
a trial bottle can be obtained, fro of
charge, by writing to Dr. W. B. Cald
well. 4(4 Washington Bt Montlcelo,
m soon)
r la
ar win
oil vtiof
B ear oaotl
rwr aa.a1
Sv1 0. A
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fr j Ccacral DisCiibuton Omaha. Nebrtkka " " '"1 yj I
Store Hours: 8:30 A. M. to 6 P. M. Saturday tUl 9 P. M.i
Mask Go
"everybody's store
Remarkable Clearaway Wednesday of
At Prices That Range From i to
the Regular Price
IT'S a ,stoek reducing effort. Clearing all broken lots
and discontinued lines, including such well known
Vv makes as:
"ICadttmo Irene' "Succocso" "Anita"
"R&G." MBInJoll" "Werners"
Eveiy model represents a good desirablo stylo and
(here i? no doubt but the model that best suits you is
here at but a fraction of the regular priced
Four pjecial groups: '
( Jim v.
Corsets That Were
$3.00 to $5.00, at
Corsets That Were
$10 to $15, at
Corsets That Were
$6.00 to $7.00, at
Corsets That Were
$15 to $20, at
Burfsss-Wash Co. eooad Floor.
No Woman Is Well Dressed
Unless har clothe combine
that French chic with per
fect fit and correct style
Pictorial Review
Advanc Style
Chic and Perfect Fib
What a disappoint
ment that dree waa
to you that you mad
and never wore.
Don't tak chance
gain us
Pictorial Review
and select your styles
from th
Fashion Book
for Spring
Now on Sal.
it cents rem iach or the abovs numblks
v Ready Now. 1
Pretty Valentines
IT'S not a bit too early to
make your selections for
St Valentine's day. Delight
ful valentines and post cards
that will be the means of the
receiver pleasantly rcmem-
bring tlt n?nder as well as
the day. aiho place cards, dinner
favors, paper hearts, cuplds, etc.
Our assortment Is complete with
pretty and attractive . valentine
Buri-sss-ITssh Co Main floor.
Peri Lusta Crochet
Cotton Reduced
CROCHET cotton, Peri
Lusta brand, -white, ecru,
sax blue, light blue, yellow,
pink and wisteria.
Size 1, special, spool ..7c
8iie I, special, spool ..8c
Slso 5, special spool ..0c
Site 10, special, spool . .Be
Size 20, special, spool.. lie
SUe 30, special, spool, .lac
8ize 40, special, spool. .18c
Size 60, special, spool 14c
Sle 60, special, spool. . l.V
SUe 70, special, spool. .le
Size SO, apeclul, spool, ,17c
lUffsss.Xnsa Co Third lior.
Burgess-Naah Co., Everybody's Store, 16th and Harneysi.