Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1916, Page 12, Image 12

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Much of Optimum Recently He
Ttting Pricei ii Lacking"
Corner at Seventeenth and rrnam
TEADIKO MORE CONTRACTED i . Will Soon Be Site of Bigr Build
ing;, ii Report.
NEW TORK reh -Mu. h of th fpil- ;
prculstiv community ln laWna ,
:.'l-U"o; ul: j Th. P.Uer.on block I to b torn 1
vwTnldow. .m . im. m ban buud-i
whtrh points to another shu.flma of the arectti. I
poittK-! rrtl In th IliltUli empire. " i-r., f'
1 rd.n Hhir mi more contracted j Thl do" not come In the rorni I .
:rbor7nr:urp:U,Trn:in formal announcement from the
whl.-n w pUlnle ln I ned toward th .00 known to ft few interested ,
M'b;1,"-! P.niM w, b .ny longer doubted, i
rri'rr.U.'XTJ o'kI! Well, there .re aever.l -bank,
pnbii-iron and Mn Hiiefti-id H eel, aiv- ,,-t been anlfflng brd for a;
In. rim i.i fresh rumor of it'al or com-, .
Mntion. in which Midi-ai meet finured. - good corner fanner up town. 1-OPK-.rnl.,"l
2."" ''"ir'.'IIliin. erea wrrt cant at the Ptteron
ifni jrpf in-, r-s - ............
forecast 1el,nB wlh the corporations
Jannarv esrnlnte and uutl.led tonnaae.
initial deallna indicated nerl firm
ness, which iMn ve wv to pronounced
irre Jlatttv In the more ttv iaua cotrt
prtir, lh munition end oil group and
mob mil ) t.iidin Pciflc and Haiti
moi Ohio. I. were Ura-ely re
trieved before midday, lull for the bal-
nn of th elon th market drifted
Irtiv. witb an a. moat Imperceptible duwn
ward trend
Total sale amounted lo 4n.'ltw aliare.
t which I nitee) State Steel, fruclble
Steel. Weiilcan Petroleum and Haldwln
l-conutie contrlhiited mora than a fair
lieueral new of the dv alnoal
wholly i-onttTM lve, einhri n a iiuuta
tion of 7c for Jun mnpT, iih higher t tionl and tb Merchanta' National
prKi ror mora unmedmie aeiiverr. ana i .... , 4.
withdrawal from Ih market until th ( Mr. Jonljfn l a tOCkboldr In the
lot quarter of the year by on of m l-P,hanla National belnK the Owner
Urje aleel nTodMcliig -ompnla bpn ! wrf nn, .auunai, urina,
of it inability lo aciept new luialnna ; 0f ffy h area Of Bt.Ot'k In that Instl
untli tliat time. , v
linflou a moderala le her were not tlltion.
rf)rtod In rhn. ler in rale riillui u.a1 i. ih. PiLlrrion bloi k
firm. Iihel franc, whlie remittance Tn leaafB in ine rauenon uiqtn
10 iWmany and Aualrla atrengthened ( - tDlia ' In June. 1917. Wren that
vlelhlv. l
Honda wei' irreg lUr to heavy, with i time coiiioa tha best - Informed aay
building r reeled on the corner
enteenth and Farnam atreeta by a
member of banka Jtiat before It wm
Bfld eomelblna over a year , ago to
George A.. Joaljn, capitalist, for
M00.000. Mr. JoIyn refused to Bay
what were the plana for the future
cf this valuable corner.
Two watlonal bank atlll remain
flown near the wholesale district of
Omaha. Th-y are the Nebraaka Na-j ',".". '."-'IZJ.0!
. . ! fc jhi- a-'tv awi wirvuilll i in vi. Iiraj)
with an opt on of the renter payinc 20
Frer.r.t 5a. Total 9tp, par vafi, icr-i
1,74..M). rnitftl matt Woods wr J . .
um hanird on rail.
Number of raira ant Uadlng quotatloiia
oil atocka today rr:
aa. 14tia. Lw. Ci"-.
Atsk HM
A Mm- Kaimr
A mmritM Bet fdifar ...
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AflMriin ToMnoa '
An lpr
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Kifimor 4 oma
prK4i4i fUpid Tr f
k1iroml P'rrtltim
riri9'fl l-"'flr3
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'h ? Oitl
4ttn J. W
i-f -v, m. a w r. . .
htrpe K. W..
Ttvn.. i. r. Kv..
4 biffn 4 fprr
flrtrri o ! mI 4 Iron....
"rnt) fltal
rnvv 4 K. fi. ra .....
f 'Miliar.' Hcur1i.Mi ....
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il'Kaiarih'm ripinrttilati..
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):fhi"uih (r. Cora.,
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Irtttt1tlrr.l lTf,,.
Kanm I'lIT' aiott hCH . . . .
lhlaK VaMlar
lytifrtiv Kla...
n-.inn Ftimium ......
Jm f" rtOfr
Miawittrt, K. A T. fd....
MlamirJ .rir,n ,
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VjHt fVtr
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Vnrrm a'-tr.
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T,fe1)ftl ,
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faaiialVV'W rOfN'frtf ...
tii ftiwr
f nirt-
ab.h f tM
T'it win (or tSa day.
Th city council amended th Audl-
per cent of th groaa rcHpta vth a guar
antee of fy!0. In adopting thla amnd
mnt tha c-ounril rprlfirnUy announced
by resolution that thla nw rat ah all not
apply to Jfha Molady until ha hava
In a pub He manner apololxd to the
maniHr of the Auditorium and the city
coinm aalonern for alleged remarka aaldj
to have lMeit uttered.
j' Meladyaava he will have a atatement to
fn ake today Hfter he reada the reaulution.
ThLt(,e Mary Page
By Frederick Lewis, Author of
"What Happened to Mary"
Pictures by
H II 1
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Trial of. Wm.Stull
Gives Vindication
Tha trial of William "Hi nil. a praml-
nent bualnes man of, Omaha, nolle of
which wa published recently, haa been
bronjht (o a cloa at Woodatouk, 111. It
resulted, aa waa generally anticipated.
In a complete vindication of Mr. ftull. by
a tinanlmoua verdli t of acquittal, by tha
jury returned laat Baturdny nlnht.. Tha
proaertitlon e. an ontrowth of a rmni
by other b'.i'f over the eatate or
Htull'a brother
John ' M. McFarland, attorney who
repieaenlei) Jantea CaJlahan, , accompl'ca
ot Tat Crow, when-ha waa tried on a
tharg. (rowlni out of tha Cudahy Vtld-
napina.. waa awarded attorney a fee
of tS.OOO and intereat amountlna; to a total
of M.H bJ a Jury hi DUlrJct Judue
Troup'a court. .
Callahan waa acqiiltted of th kidnap
In; chare and other chargea. Jla proin.
laed to pay 13,000 when h cot th money.
Bhortly bfor hia death ha Inheilted a
valuabl eatate.
Marry Ruth, of Council niuffa tried to
aneab by th tollman on tha Pougla
atreet brlilf Monday night without flrat
donatin- to he upkeep. Tha tollman
tackled him before he reached fowa and
brought him to headquarter, where he
waa fined 15) and coat.
Alary l'Re, 'tre. . a-i'ueed of the
murder of lvld I'oliock nd la defended
bv her lover Philip ljindoii. Pollock
aB Intoxicated, fthalc. a crook and tool
of Pollock, on the ewape watch-
lim for l.nnl,.n. Al Marva trial he
e'linlt he had the revolver. Her meld
tceMfle that Mry tiiienteni d Pollock
with It prnvloi iy. and Mory leading
nmn liopiicatea I-ini1oii. How Mary dia-apr-erec
from the scene of th cr me I
m)tery. Hrandon lell of a trna
hand print he w on Mary ahouldcr.
Continued from Yesterday )
The pi'oaeiutor laughed.
"You'd look alck yourself In hla ahoea,"
he aald. "Dan Ida haa lost a populat
atar, a bully good ahow and a genoroua
backer through one little tnlrty-eight
caliber cartridge and the fortune he had
hla handa on haa flown the coop, lie
doean't know anything. I've jumped him
dry aa powder."
A discreet knock sounded and th
bailiff put hla head In at the door.
"HI honor is ready to go into court,
air," he aatd; and with a nod of relief
tho proaecutor gathered tip hla paper.
"Defense begin today, don't It?" ked
tha detective a he left. "What do you
gueaa It's going to. be?"
"I'm not guessing anything." said the
district attorney grimly, "except that
hla wltneaaea are going to have a bad
time when they get Into my hand."
"Tell m aomethlng I don't knowr
chuckled th detective with honest ad
miration, though after a moment pause
ha added behind hi superior'a back.
"Hut Mary rage haa got th sympathy
of the crowd at that, old glory!"
Phe had won the sympathy of the spec
tator now there waa no doubt of it,
and the hostility that waa rf so large
on th facea for her at th beginning
now greeted th proaecutor Inslend, and
It waa a hostility that somehow was
the more acute because the facea were
o oddly familiar. In facj. that, ha had
almost apoken to one of th men who
at in the front row when he had passed
him In the corridor the day before.
The reporter aeemed like old friend,
too, and he. noticed with grim tittle
mlle that one of the "son sister" had
on a new and very becoming hat, and
he wondered Ironically whether It waa
In honor of the defense or because the
day before one of the atar wrltera on a
big dally had changed hla aeat In order
I .o sit beside her! - Me knew the latter
reason waa tne more proiaoie, ana tne
farce of life, the strange dramatic com
ely of It atruck him as It had many
times before; that hre with the Mack
shadow of a shsmefut death hanging
ovr the girl In the prisoner's dock, and
with the bloody clothe of a murdered
man lying before the jury, men and
women atlll found time te play th
world-old gam to thing of hata ana
ties and getting out to luncheon! And
slso of reducing llfe-and-death Issuea to
mere "good copy," for those who could
not press Into tne court room, to gloat
over the next day with arid eagerneaa.
There waa an extra briskness about
the newspaper group today, however,
and the prosecutor noticed two or t'iree
new fjce. "rrly men" to take the p'a ;e
of others who would turn their a oile
In by telephone hour after hour for the
special editions, For today the defenae
ff Mary Page would begin. Today Lant
den must strip off the mask of a smiling
confidence and ahow what lay behind it.
The mask, or at any rate th smile,
was atlll there when be came Into court,
not with Mary, this time, but with her
mother. Mis hand was tucked protect
Ingly under the arm of the tlttla jrray
halrcd woman, and hia llpa were Hose to
her ear as If he were murmuring a final
encouragement or a final Instruction.
Mary, too. was smiling, and she had
ti rust a white rose into her belt, a rose
as palely sweet a she herself, and her
llpa, curled back like aoft rod petals,
shaped the words she was silently re
peating:' .'..-
"Today we will begin my defense. To
dsy Philip will start to set me free!"
And not even In her own heart would
she let herself contemplate the thorny
path that muat be traveled before that
elusive freedom had struck the Invisible
gyve from off her wrists and heart.
Eh wa atlll wincing a little from the
lash of the f'rml speech of the proaecu'or.
It seemed to her aa tf nothing to come
eicept the final momenta before the ver
dictcould possibly be a bad as that
half hour of the day before: So It waa
lt.h equanimity; though a yearning wis',
fulness showed In her eyee. that she
heard the first witness ot the day called.
"Mrs. Annie Page!"
The frai! little woman seemed to have
visibly shrunk when she took her place
;n the wltner stand, and the great
violet shadow under her eyes and the
colorless lips told of the strain that th
trial waa proving. Her Blender finger
rnrled like tendrils about the edge of
the stand, aa If ahe feared her ability
to remain erect; but her eyee were
ready and her voice clear love for her
child waa rosier than fr of the law
t f tk. Min n fintrlnf nut Inna-hldden
shames and sorrow.
"Mr. Page, how long was It that you
met th man who later became your hus
band?" Thirty-one yeara ago at Christmaa."
"And you became engaged almost Im
mediately?" "B."
"But It wa oine years before you
were married, waa It not?"
"Because of of Mr. fage'e hablta. My
parents Insisted upon my I breaking the
engagement." '
"But It was Hater renewed?''
"Tea. Me promised me that he woulJ
stop drinking, and I believed. Ood knowa,
a woman alwaya believea that from a
"Pleaae make only direct anawere to
the questions. Interrupted the judge,
ternly, and Mrs. Page flushed a little
under the rebuke. A whisper of sym
pathy crept about the room.
"Will you tell ua, pleate.'
Nearly Million and
Half Captives Held
on German Ground
BEttLIN Via Wireless to Sayvllle).
Feb. a. "A total of 1.0.171 enemy ol--dlere
to date are prisoner of war In Ger--many."
the Overaeaa Newa Agency an
nounced tody. Thl la not Inclusive of
prisoners made by German troops and tcPt"
In Austria Hungary. In order to shorten
the transport.
"In addition ji."(Xt cannon, 7.700 military
carriages and J.OVmaehlii guns have
been conveyed" to Germany, these not In-
1 eluding numerous cannon and machine
j guns destroyed by the enemy before
j capture and those used at once by Ger
man troopa.
I "The number of tiflea taken which are
I still fit for use Is 1.3.fl0." ,
Police Seeking
Society Affair
Over $H worth of cocaine, morphine
and other drug stimulants were stolen
Sunday night from the Grand Avenue.
Pharmacy at 4138 Grand avenua when
Lanxdon'a i burglars forced entrance.
voice a a warming in ita sharpness, "aa 1 The amount of dope stolen la sufficient
concisely as you can what happened! to provide an all night party for 200.
"blrda." police say.
after your marriage?
What happened," ahe said wearily
what hnppena to thousands of women. '
We hadn't been married very long before
my husband began to drink again. The
the night that the certainty that Mary
was coming to us from Ood ram to Site
he waa out till da wp and had to be i
brouht Horn too drunk even to know,
where he was. And all the while that I'
waa making ready Tor her. he md my
Inebillty to go out with him an excuse
for debauch. And oh', your honor" ahe
added, turning to the judge with a catch 1
In her voice, "night after night I uaedj
to walk the floor, praying like a wicked '
woman that rny baby might die before It j
came Into the world becauae I waa ;
afraid It would bear the taint would be
born with that awful devastating thirst."
"Did your huaband ever atrike you
when he waa drunk?" Again Langdon'sj
voice held that warning note, but now
the proaecutor broke In sharply: 1
"May !t'pleae the court. 1 proteat
agalnat thl evidence, as Irrelevant. Aa
being a palpable effort to arouae sym
pathy towards the - prisoner and her
mother and therefor a menace to the
progress of Justice."
At 99c :
;t!7 8. IGtli St.
8twn Harney and rarnara.
Third Eplsoda
Monday, TtiMday, M'edncaday
iTo Be Continued Tomorrow.)
$650 Stalnway A
. Son, Mahogany,
juaMi .....$250
44MM than.
- ' tew York fr Mark.
NW Y'K, Feb. .-M ERCANTtl.K
PA iVR a.T per cnt.
r-Tr.KMNU KXaiANflK-65-d v bill.
f "'n, : nemsnd, 14.'.: cablea. I4.K,.
Mt.VF.ll-Bar, 5V; Mexican . dollar,
4 ."4l . ' -
no.Nf'S Government, tady; railroad.
I av. ..."
i lMK tX)AN 8 Kiy:' 0 and f dava.
?'. '.' per cent; rlx montha, !S per
' 1AM. MONKY Hteady: . high, J per
cent; low, l per cent: ruling rate, IV
per rent: ! loan, t per cnt; closing
bid. i per ceht: offered at t per rent,
'!r.Mi nuotationa on bonda today wer
a follows:
. '' a N. an!, la
. M K. T. IM .... T.w
li4M. w. jrtZ
1 IS
.. 4
.. a
. .t "S
4s h
... "S
... T4
I . S. rt l, r
dn ru'.i ....
r. , . tt ,..
Art fT.tJSO
f. r
! r.Miios .......
41 tltr '...
A. ,T T c. 4 ,..
cir-KS' h In ....
, .a !' M-n . la. . . .
(Ml. OS'
. r .
i . TiI'le tt
i We. a . ev.
it 4 0 1. s.
M". N. V.
II". K. V.
rr 4a. .
' 4Wh k.
'lt IS,-..
v. ii. a
'' "c.!te 4...,
do t. ...
" C) C. 1 , 4,,,.,
T .,.
1 Tes. ea S..
: l ...
S.-JIT, 'b 44..
r. v a a t. tm .v . I.
i' R. !. P. r U. S1H r-. rr. im.,
- i B l.t. 4U. .. Jt rt. 4s
n. a a. o . ... t; n. tnii. t .
r-i 4 :i i iii r-Kie
s Klrrtrle .14-4. a e. ta
lit. .V 1st 4i NV. . FHihber a..,.liIS
ill. I nt. 4.... 4f. g a i
1i xl U. 4 "--. .is ii,..,, 41
k. r. it U ... USntat. Bar. ct. aa..U
!.M-al Blax-kaaad !.
viinistt4is ftirih4 r Burna, Drinker a t.V,
4. a iiniAht Saiiaual ImasX kiallolD.
trv. C5;. Aaka.
4m Mitira a., fi A . P-'V as
l, tiel ' ., buQua ir'oalanallal .. ...
I , la '
..:uwt 1 rriT. T pt vmat (4-... ti2 ( Ifil'ifiy. I'lHS li.
? a i , t'tvan.rrv, 4J pr eat guar.. V'
u . h H!!!ir a K , 1 r eeal 4 B.
I i.i 4V 'l , ro.s J par cH. 41
tlaynuil l4I.a Tel. a Tl IJ
MsthlatT Dlar Aarwhvra.
VIKNNA (Via Ixndon. Teb. . The
foUowinr offieil coinmunlcatlon was la
med today: "The situation everywhere
la unchanged."
Kr.ET CUTR-Riba. No. 1, lid ' No. I,
tT'ie; NO. I, I.V. iioln. No. 1, 2?c: No. t.
(, IS'O. I.K!. t llll'Kl, JNO. I, 11V. .XO. 2.
t No. 8. '4C. ItounUe, No 1, ISc; No.
?. U'tcr No. X Uc. Platea, No. 1, lie;
.Vrt, t, mjc: No. i, c.
riSll-reiih: Catfish. Mc per Ih j
halibut, l:lyc. per Ih.; aulnion. We per
lb.; red auapper, 14n per ll. ; black ones,
ltKr.'.'io per lb,; crot;ile, U'alsc per Ih;
flounder. l?n per lb. Froeen: Halibut,
llo per Ib.J herring, ft'-Wi'io per lb; trout,
ISc per lb.' white, Buluc; salmon. o lc
pr 16.; pickerel. Tic per lb.; pike, 7V(
Joe per lb, Hmoktxl: White, liic per ib.
Kippered: BHlinon, 10c pr Ib; Kinnan
h'1lle lie per Ib.
OVS TEHrt I'hesepeaUe: HtanilNrds,
per gal.; les, ll.fs) per gallon: wmall
standards, per gallon. Nnrthern:
Htaiulards, 1.40 per gallon; select,
per snllon; counts, tl.5 per gallon,
CKlKHY Mammoth, Wki per dog.;
medium, J)c per do.
Bl'TTKK No. I creamery. In carton.
Sbc; No. 1. J7c: In tuln. Jit-.-
CIIKKflK inilHjrted Hw , 44c; domes
tic, a:r; block, v; twin. ; dalslea, !W;
tr.pirtn, tuc: young America. 21c; . blue
labul bilrk. Sic: llmburgrr, V.c; Imported
liniu'h ltoquefort. tjc.
VRl'IT Oranaea: ftunklst. , 4s, . ! 4
fer box; kl. t!6U; Ms and tone. U.b; 11.',
lv. f.125; 130a, !Mui and Um. tS.bu;
a. I4.U4: tU. and IIM. tiX. Unuini!
Gulden iioai. w ana st., iom p,r j,os.
Bed Ball. 140. Grapefruit: tot, ia and I
fs, a per bog; tne and BO. 14.00: xtr I
fancy, ail !, c urapea: Malagaa, !
t, vu l per keg. Hansna: Medium, i t
Ql.'S par bunch: medium Jumbo, 16'
J Wj rgulr jumbo U buyllt, Urg '
umbo, 4.w4jl.Jk, mammoth Junibu. I
JJ.biti H. A. 4 inueirW. (V.ustU.ut) Par
lM.rr.-l. M W per box.
POPColiN No. l rice, 48 tr lb.; 46
1-1U. package. Ii 60 Par ca; Nb(aak
whit. IStii1 Pr lb. I
Ve.OKTABUKI-Potatoea: Whlt atock, i
11 14 per Ml.; cenraaaa stock, pee
bo.; Red Itlvar Ohio. 11.40 per bu. 8wt
potatoea. .t4 Pr barrti; I'elawa..
par hamper; aoutheru, li.lo pr hamper.
Onion: Bed, lo pr 1- Yellow. Ig per lb.
Letiut-: Mead, tl per doe; leaf. per
do. cucunibera. 13 per aoa. i araley iu
per doa. Cauliflower. 3 nr crat. Celery,
auo Dr no. Cabbag. l'c per lb. llrua-
! ael aprouta, tbc par Ib. hhubarb, 13 par
box. 1t1M"'b. ai yri iwi. rniiuiiL
lota. carrota, t irnlp. ko per doa. oij
b-la. larrut. tunill.. parsmpa, 10 pr
lb ltuiahaaoa. pr lb.
SX'X- mul, le .par lb.; No.
itun uar lb.: black. 4c per lb. Pacana.
lU'ic per lb. AliuonJ: Drak. )&a per lb. i
t u. . w. . t.i. i ;i ts
i .n.ia '. a i. a U . tit 4, a ,
I'u.ik C. B. B R;.. coal ... ..... 44 44
I. 4 M II . t f n
'u,- in. b Varrta. f aar rasl f 4T'a M
I n Ki. 4 YanU, 4 jar ,ai 43 at
H (-
i la "a' . 4 r. (Hall Ikal. M H
i,. ..- r.ajt a. ij9 . . ...
i,i c,-'. n ia. :!' , n
. . ati f .rriaa 4. 1?T. 44 41
I 'i... is tat. H'l. aa P-l''. 1"
Vif.,--al Ins a r. aa III 41 a
t e fr. l"l
-..h t ,i t till', 4a f 4t
e. faola 4a 1H li-4 4
4 ('. H Ki ll. aa. f. ',
mi iaa as 147 as
.. ,f II R aa !;. 41 ts
....J I .....4, Nrl, . 4', a. 14 44 ft
s .. ( ;- r-. s. 1-14 ta
eM.a.'a ton, 4M.4 Vanls a 1IM4. .. 4 141
I. adaa Blork Market.
S.CivrOV. Feb. I. American ae,uritle
rn (r a' market. kithouth dull.
rr .fN-d h'' her in yutrMithf it r A"al
e ert. The goveriiinenl ralaedl the buy
t rri-s on rai and a few bond.
'V - i-S 1 )-T 4UM4.
' '"' l-,ftl X-T cent.
1 i .v i x r n ATl.-itt-bort bta Bad
t).i luuux t A, k-a (per cent.
,fl snvlleit, ;o per id. juaaii. im p-
jlb. Kil'wru. i Pr 10. rwiiu: lars.
I lie per lb. tx'l. ltc pr Ib. Peanut;
No. 1 iatd. c p lb: raw. 4o pr lb;
I Juinbo raw, o per lb.; roatii, too
liwr Ib. .
PATE. FIGS Dromedary datea. Ms,
lti per ca; Faru. t:-c p-r lb.; aiuffed,
per box. rig: Nw, tiv U-oa.
i-H P I I'- .
Uicaiieoa-Cidr: Nehawka. MM
per keg. lianey: Coiuba, 14 MctiuiK, J. .&
per case; AiHi. H 4-i)i. tumbleia. t W
per !. 4.'oinpl, Komettea, i ti per
If; per c. ll.W; I Pecker. 1 rarker
I lack, chum. 1 W per c; per S 4-aa.
Il'.a. talt"d peanuts. ti.H pr 11a,
Uoreraain. ii.ia vr .
Bask t la-atria.
OMAHA. Tth. 1-Hnk clrli7 for
t -a. to lr war 13.- 47. urt 'or tl
iunei!i:.u aay year 12.7i'..'l
Cr Market.
Y ' Frb t -fCGAR-Rsw,
tB.ilril ;aai. 4 K'li kt.--; Iliof k,-S.
-..-. -nJ. t-aUy. r'
r.-:-1 l.rtv At 4tu.'H pii- r ere
This Coupon Worth $10.00
vri r 7)
aaaa aa a a am aa aa mm a aaawaaas Mkt tx I r - iu " "l" '
a, I 11 1 I -, j
. . " I $500 ' K n a b a
y Piano, UBexl, A-l ;
J condllion. . J335
j jU -J
The First Department Store in the Land to Open a Piano Dept.
Our Constant Insistence on Absolute Satisfaction to Every Customer Haa Made Us the Largest Distributors of High-Gr&de Pianos West of Chicago-;
You can Choose Here From Greater variety of Makes Than Elsewhere and Be Certain of Satisfaction Always We Guarantee It.
Many of these instruments brand new, some slightly store-worn and other used in
struments that have been rented or. taken in exchange, but all in first class condition.
1350 E b r I
Piano, mahoganr .
case, good condi
tion, on
for .100
irj for 100 VfL
yV'yr,n. .I.., - , . s """-K
;The Facts in the Case Are These:-
$350- Fltetit r
Piano, splendid '
bjirgaln, at aala
price .....$150
In ttie belief that last year would have been an unusually ftrospesroua year in the sale of Piano)
and Player !land, ' we Contracted for a much larger number of instrument than nsuaL .The. aajea
did not nivet our evpectationa and we find ouraeltres now in poHaeaaion cf a large number of high
rlaa pianos and player Instruments, which we have decided to quickly sell, regardless of coat, and
even at a loaa. . ' . -.
This saie offers you opportunity for selection from the biggest assortment of the World's best makes you'll find in any store. You have tne op
portunity of selection, with the distinct understanding that no sale is complete at Hayden's until the customer is fully satisfied, for our Satisfaction Guar
antee is part of every transaction.
$400 tohniir
Piano, mahoganr
cane, used, Bnap in
thla aale.. J 150
i. , ..ali rr jffyar
We believe such Low Prices on World-Famed Instruments have never befpre
been offered in Omaha. , -
In this sale you will find such celebrated makes
Knabe, Estey, Everett, Fischer, Sohraer, Brinkerhoff, Checkering
Bros., Smith & Nixon, Schaeffer, Price & Teeple, Mehlin ,
and Twenty Other Makes of Pianos and Player Pianos
$375 SehaeffaD
i Piano, mahoganr Jf
aMi case, aale price LQ
(effe Matket.
NKW YOIIK. Feb l-OOiiKMi-tlimed
talk of firm freight situation and
Ins her marine war rka failed to U inu
la! buylnx In th market for ' 1 fit
lurea today and price aJ ot- under
realiaitia. Tli maiket oiTiini at !
ilianiie.T price to a lieilin of I roint
nd work,! steadily lower d-iltu th ilay.
it 14 May iliii: off lo " and (-ptei.i-l-r
to 1 Ifo, or abuut IS pul-tta umter tli
Hull level of last weak. Th clow
to IJ point net lower. Kalna, l-.i-o bau.
Kfbruary. T He; Man h. Jla-; April,;
M, 7i"C; June, 7tYu; July. ih-;
iruat, 7k4': rplenlllr, 7.a-; iK.-tobnr,
i7jr; November. ".tV; IVcemtwr, 7 7-c.
January, t Mo, Sot. t.ty; Km 7. ;
t-aniu as, y,e. it waa r-i-i.rte I that t:--
bai t-.-n aalea r 7. as) teas of hish-B'a-le
Hio intfre for nhip.ueiit out o(
New Tork for ilivei t'iat and freil,t
aituatiuii wa tinseul-d. witn ery liult t
' ..-.- . . . i .. l . ... , g . . ... . i
e-rtlitl'e. The ofth-ial cble ruorl.d
j OH-l'.li, of I t-i 1M lb lit! of Kn
i-nara on iiikjoii, aun n aavanee ot
U i. is in llo- Suito niarktt. htie IUO
vs uiii h-iiigt d J
Kimlmll, goltleu oak
$400 KoMcr & Cnmiiboll, mahogauy.
$.100 Cmlctou, ut-ed five yours, ebony
sj)(K) (lihson, mahogany
$350 iVoker 4& Son, walnut ,
$423 FiM-her, walnut, oM . . .
$300 l'aimibaoh, mahogany
$2U) AVeiler, onk
$450 Chickoring lros., oak .......
$40) Smith & Nixon, mahogany. . . .
$400 Brinkerhoff, beautiful walnut
$.350 Price & Teeple, mahogany . .
$350 llallet & Cumston, mahogany
$350 Price & Teeple, oak . .
$350 Ilehr Hros., mahogany
. . . wlOO
...$ 80
, . . $225 '
... .$1C0
$500; Everett, mahogany .$b75
$350 Kaddison, mahogany .$120
$450 "Vegman, mahogany '...$225
$.350 Marshall & Wendall, mahogany ....$150
$350 Howard, mahogany $150
$S00 Weber Grand, mahogany .' $200
$700 Estey, Baby Grand, mahogany $4C0
$750 Everett Baby Grand, mahogany ... .$5t0
$(50 Steinway & Son, mahoganv .'.$300
$350 J. P. St rope " $'50
4 ryTL- rv r
", ' $3M ."Wegenan .
piano, mahoganr
raae. a W b'"
1 aala at prloa X
lt jji?5cL- A
The above is only a par
tiallist. Every Piano and
Player Piano in our store
on Special Sale at Prices
so low, on terms so easily
met there is no reason
your home should longer
be without a piano.
Player Pianos
$250 Cabinet Players ...$ 25
$550 Northmp, Go-note $225
$650 Emerson Angelus, G5-note . . . . .$250
$550 Price & Teeple, 88-note $275
$550 Weiler, 88-note $275
$550 New mahogany, 88-note $300
$700 Cecelian, mahogany, 8S-note. $375
$550 Brinkerhoff, 88-note $375
$550 Milton, 88-note $350
$750 Angelus, 88-note $400
$750 Angelas, 88-note : . . . $550
C I 0Q I a c h a
I Baby Gran
Piano, uaed. c
You need this music in
your home. Some day
you expect to buy a good
piano. Buy it now, in this
Greatest Bargain-Giving
Event ever known in
Omaha. Save $100 to $150
NOW. Terms to suit your
own convenience.
$500 Chlckering
oroa., w a 1 n u
case, used, on I
275 I
aaJe for