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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1916)
tiik iu;k: OMAHA. 'lTKKDAY KKBHUAKY 8. 191G. JOHN E. TEIPER IS ACCUSEDOF I.IDRDER Sorf of Wealthy Buffalo Woman if Held Without Bail en Charge of Slaying Mother. SISILR IS EXPECTED TO DIE ' BUFTALO, N. Y., reb. 7. John Fdward Telper wn srrsJcned In the supreme court here todar on a chart of murder In the first derree for U slaying of Mr. Agnes M. Tel per, hit mother; who with Telper's brother, Frederick C. was killed on the Orchard Park highway a week ago. Motion for ball waa denied and Telper u committed to Jail until Wednes day. The charge waa made before Jus tice Marcua as a committing magis trate. Edward R. O'Msllsy, counsel for Telper, demanded an Immediate examination, but District Attorney Wesley C. Dudley, asked that it be deferred until Wednesday. The court granted a continuance until Wednes day.,' The eendKlon of Ort J. T!pr showed tie Improvement today and little hnpe was bold out that ha would aver ba able 'to tri; tha atorjr of, the Orchard park rmcdy 'ln which her mother and brother lent tholr Uvea. Tha February grand Jury alaa eonvened today and tha county pro so cut or presented the evidence , In that body.. .,'-, Five MoreTerre Hauto Convicts Given Freedom ' MCAVENWORTU. Kan, Teh. T.-Kd-ward Holler, Anexander Asaell, Charles Houghton. Joseph O'Mara end George Severn, former elty official of Terr Haute, lnd., convicted in tha election conspiracy case, were released from tha T "tilted Ftatea penitentiary here today, having- aerved their full aentetieea. All of tha wn by their conduct at the prison earned "good behavior allowance." GOVERNOR OF DAKOTA HAS NEW PRIMARY BILL PIERRE. 8. D., Feb. 7,-(.pectal Tele-srem-Wrhs hill for amendment to tha atat primary law which will ha pre sented to the special eeaelon of tha lefa tatura by the governor chant tha data of tha primary to tha fourth Tuesday of May to allow tha anlecllon of delegate to the national convention In tlma for tha repsMlcan national meeting at Chi cago on June a. - Tha act la declared to coma under the constitutional pravlalon of an emergency aa having become a part of the recog nised state government by admitted party control through legislation and aa anch necessary "for the preservation of public peace and safety." I'rovlalon la ntada that in caee.such 1r laratlon la fot any reason declared to""tiv void tha act i to B-.t Into effect on (lie ninety-first day after tha adjournment of the present special session of tha leginlature. The Cummlna backer In the atata are busy lining up aentlment for their man In tha matter of eelertlon of dlKlea to tha national convention. If. Ci Mhobor, the leading Cuiiimtita booster of thla stale, la on the ground pushing tha In ternal of hla candidate. NORSE SHIP WITH LOAD OF COTTON IS SEIZED LONDON. Feb. I -The Norwegian ateamrhlpa I?oiud, Galveston ta doth enburg with a cargo of cotton, and Dram mensfjord. New York to Bergen with a general cargo, have be-a taken Into Kirk well. Tha Norwegian steamship Pkard haa been released. DEATH RECORD " , Mrs, W. T. Stlaava, FAIR BURT, Neb,, Feb. 7. (R)eofcl. Tha funeral of Mrs. V. T. Stlnson waa held at tha Christian ehiireh Sunday, llev. J. K. EhellenUrger officiating. Mr. ftlTison formerly waa Mis Nettle Cat ter, waa bom In Caster oounty, Colo., July 4. 1ST. (She wa married to W. T. rUloeon, October 11. 1893, at Bachelor, Caie. Five children were bom, three of whom ar dead. In 100 tha family removed to Peru. Nab. Mr. Stlnaon died September S3, in: and waa hurled at ' Peru. Mrs. Stlnaon and her children re moved to Falrbury in 191J. la addition to her children aha la aurvlved by her mother, two brothers and en sister. ntrfard Ret brock. AUBURN. Neb.. Feb. 7.-&paclaD-Th body of Clifford Rothrack waa taken an tha morning train to lii&thwa. Kan., for interment, tha former home of tha fam ily, lie was about J7 yeara of age, and had Wen Buffering for a long tlma from BrJxht'a .disease. 11a waa tha son of Mr. and Mra. Oeorg Kothrock. The father U a conductor on the Missouri Paclfle railroad. Toung Rothrook leave a widow and an lr.fant daughter. Mr. Irs O. Marks. Mra. Ira, O. atarka. farmer resident of Omaha, died Bunds y at Denver and will ! buried In Omaha Tuesday afternoon. The funeral will be held at I So from the! residence of her aunt. Mra. C. U. Mitch ell, 07 Casteler street. Mr. Mark travels for Marks Bros. Paddlery com pany and they formerly resided at fell LaWrel avenue. Mra. Marka wa formerly Miss Mollio iUtmsnurgh of Clark. Neb. t;r Vmm Xea. t-HAPnON. Neb., Feb. 7 -(Special Tel esram) Two weeka ate today Mr. and Mrs. tleorge Van Ness moved here from t're iiftiton. Neb. Thla morning Mra. Van N'ees died Instantly from a stroke of sfio(ilesy. 8he leavea on eon, ("art Van- Nres. Tha tMxiy will be taken to Crelgh- tuii for Interment. To Car m vld ta Day . TaVe Laxative ferom Quinine Tablets f'ruvKista refund money if It falls to cure, ': v. urate's slnatuie en each box. Sic. -.dvcr(lemcnt. UrrMiofil Orders. WAPHTNGTON. rb. T Special Telc nrji.i lv.torfte ewaelliiid at Itun i.ii i,ii!!e. Mc lulif roui.iv, t.uth JHkiHa, .hi J.iiiivn T. I'tk'Kli at'juilc4 puL- I. M-wr Kicd M (iill las tti appointed rural l".r isrils at iarifUn. i. Ij. Hnion granted: fntaH 1-,..K, I'cile, f t. Nan' y Hre. v '? .. V J. J.'U Joineon. York. 1.2 t'. -.v(i ! r iitAK.ik.r tVirT fir i h i l- '"'i.l.ri ' ar .vi,-t'i.,K, .Sw. Ins " Ki'im,. and ll' thl vf Our Tug-of-War A fit recur A t4T - rt ham J v7 TyV I w ir y J V""""', BOB zP few STILL TJfYm 70 TUZL CLARK AND MANN FIGHT FOR BIGGER . AMERICAN NAVY, (Continued from Page One.) a feiTa" ailF b yasTn If IfTt heTailT ofpfK parednesa we a sham performance for campaign purpose. Iatcr he said ha did not Intond tha re mark aa a erlticlam at tha president. "Tha gentleman was trying to put In a nice way a vary nice criticism at tha president, hut ha did not get away with it. Representative FHagerald of New York aald. , Read yta Help. "Tha president ef tha United Rtataa," nawered Mr. Cannon. "I my praaldent a a well as your president and if I ran find out what la tha proper thing to do, if it ia necessary to. do anything, I stand ready to help him to do It." "if w aver , have another war. which I do not helleva we will have If we at tend to our own business," Speaker Clark aald, whlta advocating tha naval acad emy bill, "what we wH need more than anything els will be officer. ' you ran et all tha volunteers you want In thirty day. ' "It the fact could he ascertained. I have no sort of doubt that at least li.Oft) men, the vary flower of tha country, died the first j ear of tha civil war: not by bullets, but by dlaeaoa, which waa abso lutely unnecessary because while tha of flccra ara good men In a general wy, they did not know anything about sanita tion, of how to take car of themoolvcs, or to ehow the men how te take rare of themselves, Nat Tkrewa Away, "even though we never have another war, tha money apant on educating th cadet at Vet Point and Anna polls la not thrown away. Within a limited cur riculum they get a fin an education aa any att of men on tha fact of tha earth. In addition ta doubling the number, et these cadets, if I' had the Ingenuity, I would draft a law to the effect that out. side of cadets appointed by the president, by th senators and tha representatives, any boy In the United Btatee who had tha quallficatlona ahould be permitted t So to these laniUuUona a ad get an educa tion at esact cost. "I am In favor of making it obligatory. not optional, wfth the eeeraUry war snd the saeratarrvf the navy If na4 be, te detail one of those offleara. If w av a aurplus, to ay eohoet, college or university that will furnish a mlnlmuw of Q0 bay who will volunteer to drill." Representative Kelley of Michigan and Representative Urttten ef Illinois, re. publloana, criticised Secretary Xajtita' administration ef tha navy. Mr. Brit ten declared that evea while President Wilson was seeking to arouse the nation te tha dangera that ui rounded it, the department had taken ne atep toward. speeding up construction of the aitiy eight naval vessel now under construc tion. Tha five-year building prog rant urged, he aatd, would be a ten-year pro gram In fact, unlesa Buck atep were taken. i Nebraska Couple Married Sixty Years COKEVHXE. Wye.. Feb. T.-(Specll.) Mr. end Mr. Leonard Ilosklna of Fair. child. Neb., who ara guests af their eon. A- D. Hoakln. ef thie plate, tomorrow will celebrate the aiatlelk anniversary ef their marriage. TTtay war marriea et Bethel Cornets, near Lacen, 111., Feb ruary 7, I'M. Mr. lloaklna la U years old and Mtr. Hoakln SO. For fifty yeara they have bean continuous eubeortbera te one newapaper, the Lacrm Home Journal. THIRD TRIAL OF "EOS MELDRUM OF RAWUNS jpasafjaws RAWI.ING8. Wye.. Feb. 7. pelal.V of "Chick" Drawn of Slater.- Colo., at famoua as a "gunman," for the yaurder et "chick" Brown of tUater, Col., at basis, Wo., several years ago, will relied in tha dletrict court here thla we-k. The atata auprema court several montha age overruled eiwldrurua eenvtcUoa In tht second tr'al and renand4 the eaee or rehearing. In tha first trial the Jury disagreed. After hla conviction Meldrum waa sentenced to twenty yeara' Imprts- ment. a punishment equivalent to l.fe Imprisonment becauae af his age. lie gave an appea) IkibiJ en Hhatated. Mrldmm waa evn marshal c( laga M Iwn he ahut llowen.. a popular young lanchmirit, liu wa caixnieing in the Movies IT ACROSS Nominations in Hamilton County - Are Seeking Men AURORA, Feb. 7. (Speclal.)-The leaders of both the political partlR In Hamilton oounty are seeking candidates , to flit Up their ticket. For several of the offlcea no candidate have offered them-! (elves and It aecm Improbable that any will file voluntarily, Leaders are anxious to have complete tickets and tha result wilt be the drafting ef candidate. N republican haa filed for county treaa- Urar, nif for clerk of the district court, eounty aiipaiintendsnt, county asaessof or county attorney. Theae offleea aro all held by democrats who will be candldataa for a second term. Frank McCarthy 1 the present county treaaurer. At tho meet ing of the republican county committee In Aurora Saturday afternoon, it was proposed to draft F. O. Jennlson of Phillips for tha treaaurersh'p. Mr.' Jen nlson W formerly county commlaslonor. For state senator, J. R, pevldaon, re tired merchant, ha filed on the demoe rratle ticket, lie closed out hla tulnea last fall and expects to spend the rest of hit life In working for the public anfl farmlnat. C. A. Sandall of Tork, present senator, earn to hav no opponent In the repub lican party. For state representative, tha repub lic ens of thla county have Perry I'.ocd. a prominent live stock breeder of lleuder- aon; Dr. T. If. Una of Marquette and Joseph Dale of Aurora. Tha democrat have not had any candidate file for thla place ae yt. Former Repreaentative T. M. Scott la aald te have hla aye on the aenatorahtp and may give Davldeon a contest In tha primary. Villa Reported on Defensive in Canyon EI. PASO, Tex., Feb. 7.-CJeneral Fran- eUco Villa, with about twenty-five men a on tha defensive ! Nldoa tanyon of the Santa, Clara rancn, according te offi cial advlcea receive! at military head-1 quarter In Jugre today. The advlcea were from General Qutvado. who reported from Laa Crucea that four dys sgo he defeated Oeneral Pedrosa and Ju ftodrlgues, killing ten, captur ing ten and securing fifty horaee. General Oarira, commander at Juares. announced that Podroea. and Rodrlgue then offered to surrender, and these negotiatlona ara being conducted by Oeneral Bertant at Madera. Cevlr elated that Oeneral Jacinto Tre- vlno has ordered 1,000 Infantry from tha south to garrison Chihuahua City and outlying districts, releasing Carransa cav alry to join in pursuit of Villa. General Delmotte Dies of Illness PARIS. Feb. 7.-S:lS a. m. GenerU Nicholas Victor Delmotte haa died from lllneea contracted while at the front. He waa one of the heroee In the retreat from Chariarol, during which he com manded the rear guard brigade of the French Seventeenth army corps. PROMINENT EDUCATORS AT GRINNELL CONFERENCE 'SI " 1 GRINNELL. Ia., Feb. T.-Prof. Edward A. Roaa of tha Vnlveralty of Wisconsin, Dean Etlwar4 Boaworth or the Oberlln Theological seminary. Obertin. O.. and prof. F. A. Stelner and Herbert Francis Fvans of CJrtnneU college are Hated aa the principal speaker at tho fourth an nual fellowship conference, which opened 4 ftv days' meeting here today. . The cooferenoe la being held under the Suspire ef tha tlrtnnell college. The Grlnnell and Doa Moltea associations of Congregational ministers and director of the Iowa Congregational conference will hold meeting tltia week In connection wttt) the conference. After tar'Sf -Wnatt Ceugha thtt "bang on" after tagiippe eshauat the strength and lower the vital resistance. F. -O. Prevo, Bedford, lnd-. writes: "An attack of lagrlppe left me with a evre cough. I tried everything. I loet In weight and got so thin It looked aa If I would never get welt. I tried Foiey'a Honey and Tar and two bottle cured m. I am now well and back to my normal weight." Foley'a Honey and Tar feta right at the trouble. It ta a safe, reliable remedy. Sold everjr wliere. Advertisement. . ' New Company to Carry On Business of Car Building NEW YORK. Feb. T.-Tn anticipation of a large demand for freight car equip ment lry the railroads, tha Haskell A Barker Car company, which waa re cently Incorporated In New York atat to take over the business of tha Indiana company, established alaty-three yeara ago, has assembled an organisation which la exceptional from an operating and financial standpoint. At the head of thla organization la Mr. K. F. Carry, who waa formerly first vice president and general manager of the American Car and Foundry company, and who la considered by experts to be one of the best car manufacturers in the country. In addition to Mr. Carry, the directorate conslata of Ambrose Monell, president. International Nickel company; William E. Corey, president Mldvale Bteel com pany; Frank A. Vanderllp, president Na tional City hank. New York;, Edwin 8. Webster, member of tha firm of Stone ft Webster of Boston; John R, Mbrron, president Atlas Portland Cement com pany; J.W. Harrlman, president Ilarrl- man National bank; Arthur O. Choate. member of the firm of Potter, Choate A rrentlce; David A. Crawford and Charles A. Llddle of the Haskell ft Barker Car company. The plant of the company, considered one of the most complete and up-to-date of tta kind Jn the country, la located at Michigan City, lnd. It la equipped to manufacture freight car of every de scription and haa a rapacity of between li.flO0 and m.OOfl cars per annum, depend ing upon the character and slxo of the equipment ordered. The new company (tarts business with working capital of 14, Bon, 000 and haa only one clasa of atock, consisting- of 0,000 shares without par value. It haa no bonds, notes or float ing Indebtednesa of any kind. A feature of thla company's business la that It manufactures only freight cara and their parte. It haa a modern plant for tha manufacture of all ateel freight cars, toward which a decided tendency la now being shown by the railroads. It Is understood- that the oompany haa taken over from tho old concern orders for 7.W4 freight cara. which ahould oc cupy the plant of the company for aer crnl month at full capacity, and on which the profit alone la estimated by Messrs Stone and Webster at about Trad Oil A arm In Asrsana. FTNDLAT. O., Feb. T.-Tha Ohio Oil comnnnr today advanced nrlfu nt TjnH IJm. South Lima, Indiana and Wooater nils S cents a barrel. The prices are North and flouth Lima, 11.58; Indiana! 11.43; Wooeter, $1.78. DON'T LOSE HOPE IN KIDNEY TROUBLE I WM trOUblrd With tt.-he lha snld waa Kidney and Bladder trouble aner. trying arveral doctors, gave up all hopea of ever being well again, until a friend of mine told me about Dr. K'llmor'a Swanm-Root. Rfr r k. finished the Irst bottle I jrot relief; and after taking six bottles waa completely r.orru io neaitn. , j say to one and al tlint8vkmn-Root is wonderful mcdl cine. ' Very truly yours, M RS. MA UTILE: VANDKRBEC1C. 409 'Johnson Kt. wnWiv u. Personally appeared before ma thl 4th any or eDruary, isii. Mra. Martile Van tlcrheclc, who subscribed the abova atata incut, and made oath that the aame ia true in substance and in fact. , O. RVUCK OBRIEN. Notary Public. tetter to Dr. Kilmer a) Co., Blngaaratoa, ST, T. Prove Whit Swamp-Root Will Do for You Sotul ten centa to Dr. Kilmer ft Co., Hinfthamton. N. Y.,- for a sample alie bottle. It will convince anyone. You will alrtu receive a booklot of valuable In formation, telling about the kldneya and bladder. When writing, bo aura and men tion The Omaha Dally Bee. Regular fifty-cent and one-dollar else bottles for sale at all drug stores Chicago. . Memphis, New Orleans And ALL POINTS EAST Via GEE?QAL Two Solid Steel Train Daily. , Tickets end Information nt CITY TICKET OFFICE 407 South 10th St. S. NORTH, District rjwenjrer Agent. Pbone lHugla Sol. nuKATEB men Increatsea strength of eleUcate. nervous. ruoHtown patl lot per oent In tea days In many Instance, lie forfeit If it falls aa per full ex planation in larse article soon t ap pear ta thla paper. Aalr vour doctor a pruaslet about IU avaernian aloOunneU Uru More always carry It la atock. iiiiif W mm?- II . mm i IT . Furious Artillery Fighting in West BERLIN. Feb. 7. (Via London, Ar tillery engagements of terrific Intenatty have been In progreaa In the sector be tween La Bassee canal and Arras, In northern France, and south oi the Homme river, German army headquarter announced today. The official statement says: "Western theater: There have been fierce artillery battles between La Baa see canal and Arras and south of the Somme. "The city of Lens haa ' again been rigorously bombarded by the enemy dur ing the last few day. In the Argonne the French blew up and occupied a crater on Hill No. 2, Ia Fillo Mo'rt. northeast of L Chalade. They were driven out by a counter at tack. "Eastern theater: A Russian field sentry poet on the eastern bank of tha Schala, on the Baranovlchi-Lyakhovlchl railway, which we captured on the night of the th, waa attacked with succesa and the enemy waa forced to retreat, in curring considerable losses. 'Southeast of Vlday a Russian aero plane, whose pilot had lost Ma way, fell Into our hands. Balkan theater: There 1 nothing to report." Minister Shot Five Times by Woman SHERMAN, Tex.. Tab. 7.-C. W. Kea- gal, aged 40, a prominent Baptist minister of Sherman, waa ehot and probably fa tally wounded here this afternon by Mrs. Flnett Faust, who lives near Dcniaon. Tha woman fired five ahota. When ar rested a few minutes later she aald the minister had Insulted her. To MOTHERS DOCTORS You want to know why Scarlet Fever cannot be contracted from our milk. Here are the reasons: let. Our milk cornea from clean farm a and healthy herds on farms far enough from the city eo th cowa have the advantage-of good pasture and the kir ta not con taminated from city filth and aewage. Id. Our milk 1s carefully in apected on arrival In Omaha. 3d. Although our milk. In -the raw atate, Is just aa safe or safer than any other raw milk wa nt&ke it entirely eafe by acientifio treat ment. fa) It la pasteurised by heating to 14 J degrees. (b) It is held at that heat for 25 minutes. (o) It la then Immediately cool ed1 to 40 degreea. 4th. Honda never touch our milk. ' It la automatically bottled and capped. Bth.' ALL OUR BOTTLES are acalded Jby machinery. j We can prove that milk treated this way la eafe. You ar Invited to come to our dairy, 2th and Leavenworth, and aee how we do it. Aak Tour Doctor. Ha Xnowa. ALAMITO Thm "Milk.WkiU" Dairy Douglas 409 THK ANM'AIi HANQIET. The annual banquet of the agents ef TUB MIDWEST LIFE was given at the Llndell Hotel on the evening of the 23th of January, 131S. Heretofore the speech at theaa banquets 'have been made by the regular agenta of tha company who were giving full time to Its aervlce. This year the following bankers were the speakers: W. B. Ryona, Cashier of tha First Na tional Bank, Lincoln; J. W. Welpton, rresldent of the Exchange Bank, Ogal lala; Jay M. Riley, Caahler ef the Secur ity State Bank, Lawrence; O- E. Mickey, president of the Oaoeola Bank and George N. Seymour, President of the Elgin State Bank. II. C. Johnson, an agent ef the company, sang two or three solos. Two member of the State Insurance Board were present. Auditor W. H. Smith and Governor John H. Morehead, and they each made a ehort talk which waa very much appreciated. TheMidwestLife N. Z. 8NELL, PjtBSIDKNT I A NEBRASKA STOCK COMFAIfY I SZ1XIM ROR-raXTiarATWC un tnUiUUKl out FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUaDING, IWC0LN. OMAHA AOINCV C IT V NATIONAL. MAMK SlUICOtN cidibsI scisTti ciesei eseesia. . r A.nsMir and i.AKUieisTSiai AMl'SEftf CUTS. HIPP Paraaaeuat Photo riaye TO OAT aad Wedeeedey. Xy Preeeate rU04MU aVOSXXTS !a Tiirpin's Schsol of Dancing Twenty-eighth A Far nam. sTew Claeaee. List your name noa. Private laeaoea aar tlma RAMHalT SlA JiTHEV' ! ' ' ? TII0;iP5pN-BELDEN 6CO, e- TLo Faslaon CdctoTWsg HiddleWesK Women's Apparel for Spring Separate Skirts New-Models, $6.50,19.50 and $12.50. , , Tailored Suits Fashioned for discriminating" women: Prices $25, $35, $39.50. Afternoon Dresses Surprising values ' No Extra Charge The Store for Shirtwaists More popular than ever with a delight ful showing of new models for early spring wear, $1.95 to $10.50. Give Your The Best Light You can speed up production. improve the equality of the work and lessen spoilage and accidents by, improving yot factory's lighting conditions. On dark days, for overtime work or Interior rooms, Electric Light.; from Mazda lamps will solve your lighting problem not only efficiently, but safely and economically? r ! - Install Mazda "C" Factory Lighting Units Mazada "C" lamps rive three ; times the light of carbon-filament lamps, ' at no greater cost. Stimulate your workmen to bet ter work, to more contented, faithful work by im ' , proving their working conditions with cheerful, brilliant Mazda light Our wide experience in lighting is at 1 - your service any day today. Call Douglas 1062, your service any day and ask for Contract Department. AMCSKMEIfTS. BOYD LAST TIME TONIGHT trzOXAZ. KATZaTSa TODAT tllS "KOSODY IIOLIE" A Kualoal Comedy Veade4 T Kaw. teaoe Oroeentlta, aaA aWe ataraeit aad All-Star Cast. aTtyhta, 6c-Sl-60; Matlaee, So-l. WIO. MAT. AaTD T. ALL-STAR YIDDISH CO. Wits Xoa lioaeaataia aad 9ul Soffmaa. Wed. Kat-"The anranffer." . Wed. BeTfce Me et fceve." Ihriesa tea. SO. TSe. TaTVaUU T91 SAT., WA. SAT. AY IRWIN srtU tk ortfUal as ss4 predaotloa "33 Washlnstsa Sgsare" BTlrkta. SSc-SlOj SSat BSe-Sl-OO. OatAJUfi rtnt unmww DeOIy Kala,lSJft-BO IiiO, lS-SSAO.TM SSSEEMVELUHIOIIlSft "SNUFFY" ni1 The) Cabmsn, un I. lai a UiaamMk a ta suauaata on maww, - THE WCHLD " . .1 l MahM StiAM lAlktftla SB rrU. I . I r , XtUae ttirn Matlaee WeaJi Sara. Tom . veaar. nts scar or vcii7vnjt Pal', WatlM. IU Brarr Night, t 1SI IJl.JJAM UNOBlRr, WglT- INU A klKT. MfWATTSacal TVholi. u.t rar S4 Ua'laa. Taa H Aaaasaha Sara, IM C.wtoe. L." Slstan A Cfc., Oryawat Tiaval rrtca: MadBM, eIWr. lr Wet HM (tunl Saianter aad Saaaat). b KtsSia. tu. Sat. Sat DRAHDEIS I Tbur.. I ri. Hau Kalortlay Matiore, eh. 10, It and 13 A&otaar Oekaax A alarrU mt IT PAVS TO ADVERTISE MaUaee. SSe te 1. Btb te Sl.M, at $25 and $35. for Alteration. Vorkmen your toaay. Omaha Electric Ught & Power Company ' ' eaaaaaaaaa 4 ess- AwvsisarBirTt. Tuaeday, Wadnaeday, Thsredsy HENRY WOODRUFF . ia Bxoxovnro rxaja 3 All BEENAED u bsoavks mm utb bzb. RMPRESg TODAY Ooatlaootia TaoderUle aad rheeeyUrs Tse resets. Zpleoda af Tbi Strants Ca8 of Mary Pai 10 ABMISSIOaT . 10e TTC Kru'G Berth Bros.' Btoek Oo. ta mast rauM xn wssx.- Wfcere the Omaha Bet Univerial Animated Weekly May Be Seen FARXA5I THEATER CAMERAPHONS GEM " LOYAL PASTIME :" - 1 LYRIC MAGIO HAXSOOM IVY PALACE DIAMOM BVRT ALMO OMAHA . REXSOX I LOREXt E READ THE BEE WANT ADS tea a. Iad The Bee Want Ads. It pays!