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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 8, 1916)
THE HEK: OMAHA. TUESDAY, FKHHUAttY 8, 1916. 11 r r 1 FOR RENT-AP'TS AND FLATS rnt. Ykr'V t Voice" 4"c.r 6-roomatesmheateI apartment, on West Farnam M. J MN W. R"MPINS . KAKXAM. PT. Booth. iVR-KOOM aTeam heated apartment. ry desirable, the Ch'ila. Yt'ts. S"th na Foppleton Ave , 343 6" 323 Brw eel Theater Bldj. Doug 1S7T Bt Incel I aeuae. WAtUI, COZY Al'AHTMEXT. Fin apartment of four rnnmi and bath. nicely decorated, oak finish, atesm heat. Janitor service; every thing first-class. See It and you will take It. SCOTT HILT, CO.. Pom'aa 19u MONTH FKKK UK XT. CI.OSE-LV APARTMENT. 3-room and bath apartments, brick, mod. but heat; boat neighborhood. 313.60 and 116. Call for appointment to see them. . P. E. prnt. 912 OMAHA NAT. PO. 623. 7-ROOM, steam heated. V; near poet office. O r. Btehlilns. lfito Chicago. WANTED TO RENT Miscellaneous. WANTED to rent. 5 or 10 acrea. with (rood buildings. Address O 726.-Ree. FOR RENT-BUSINESS PROP'TY More. WILL remodel apace. 60xii0. for lodge hall. 3d floor of Crounse block. 119 N. 1th t., to aillt tenant. CONRAD YOUNG, 322 Brandels Then. Pong. 1571. BMALL store room; very desirable; rent ; K0 Cass Pt. CONRAD YOHNO, 321 Brandels Theater.. Pnuglns 1571. STORE ROO M S at 1H0S-1KU Fnrnam Rt. Thoa. F. Hall. 41 Ramae Rldg. P. 740K. MOVING AND STORAGE GLOBE VAN & STORAGE Stores, moves, packs, ships; i-horsa van and 1 men, $1 .23 per hour; storage, 61 per month, atinfactlon guaranteed. bottgla 4338 and Tyler ! GORDON VAN CO. Packing, storage and mo? lng. 21 N. 11th 8t. Phone Douglas 3t4 or Harney 1977. lREPRS5FWAftH0U8E Separate, locked rooms, for household good and, pianos; moving, packing and ahinolna. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO 908 8. lfith 8t. Pougls41fi3. t.TrrvTrT t'ntv '" RENTAIj FREE Phone loiiglas W for complete list of vacant houses and apartments: also for storage. moWng. 16th and Jackson Bts. CRrii1!) lixpress Co. Moving, xvl-'-tjA sacklm; and sloraga, 1J07 Farnam St. Pouglaa 6148. ktAGGARD Van & Etoiai Co. Packing, storage and shipping. ST ovtmr, D. Hi. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. SNAP i-room house on a full lot, fenced: with a (rood chicken house, all In Koorl ahspe, worth tQ. Owner says take V0. This is your cliance that comes once In a life time. W. S. FRANK, t Neville Block. Mart l. PRETTIEST MILE RESIOENCE. AVs have a 7-room, strictly modern house on the prettiest mile on North ; 20th hit. Boulevard that can be bought at a great sacrifice; ( rooms and bath on the first floor and two nice, large bed rooms on tho second floor; entire house finished In oak. with oak floors i ull cement basement, nice, ' large lot and has all built-in features, such aa fireplace; bookcases and buf fet, with beam ceilings. Must be seen to he appreciated. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 637 Omaha National Bank Bids. - Douglas 178V. o JNE acre at 1207 Rtdlck Ave. Price, 14.230, 1,000 caah. balance 3a month. Dandy Improvements; (S rooms. All kinds of fruits berries. 1 block from N. W. comer Miller park. Very finest view and most reasonable-priced acre in Omaha today all fixed to start right In aa chick eta ranch. Oo out and se It now. WILLIAM COLFAX. Suite 703-4 Keellne Bldg., ' 17th and Harney. Tel. Poug. 1610. - A FINE HOME FOR VERY LITTLE CASH Two-story cottage, oak floors, strictly modern; Isrge lot. Email monthly pay ments. Kill Ames Ave. MORRIS & N0RRIS, 400 Bee Building. Phone Douglas 4270, KOUNTZE PLACE 7 rooms, all modern, oak finish, maple noors, located near l&cn and Lavird. Splendid locution, nice home. Price, C. 0. CARLBERG, 312 Brandels Theater Bid. NINKTKKN ETAOIN PRICE. .i,5U. INCOME. ! PER MONTH. Corner lot. ;i ft., near 23d and Cum ing Bts. Three houses bringing in I'M per mouth, ' block from railroad track Has. A good buy to hold. Would make f ne fartory site. The ground alone Is worm tne price. i-;aiy terms tr desired. J. ft. U( Jlll.T i n., 4li-is Keellne i:idg. Tel. Doug. C90. TEN rooms, four apartmenta, chap t-none toim isat grter n a. m. ioatbTT I MUST sell my s-large loom modern some, on paved street, cement walks. large barn, nice shade, cement base ment, laundry, gas. electric lights, hot water heat, cistern, bath and sewer. One block from street car and public scnooi. worm n.-juo. Make me an or fer. Fred Mower, owner, 4700 8. 18U it . Omaha. HANSCUM I'AltK baigaln. -room. new, strictly modern home, corner lot, for M.tro. Terms ir desired. TKBBENg, Omaha. Nat. Bank. Poug. Hi. Mlavellaaeoaa. BUNGAIJVOFOME New, fully modern, I rooms finished in oak. living room 12xU, large recep tion hull with cloak closet, heam ceil ings, book cases, many special features; 1 nice bedrooms, ideal bath room, con venient kitchen; 3 rooms unfinished on 2d floor; furnace heat, with laundry connections; esst front; lot, paved street, one block to car. ' Trice right, terms egji.v. or lot as first payment. RASP RROftS. 1H McOagne Bldg. Poiiglas lgM.s A GENUINE BARGAIN. . No. 2002 bth Ave., Council Bluffs; 6 roerag, modern except heat, large barn, paved street and on car Hue; li.lOu. Will aell for reasonable payment down, balaace like lent. Tboa. L. McOarry, heellne bldg.. Red 4S44. COTTAGE AT AUCTION At court house, February 34. Bee W. H. RC8SKI.I.. S Brandels Theater. TwO now 6-r. Bungalows for lo.auO. Rrntal oO yar. W. H. GATKJj. Omaha Nat. Hank Bldg. REAL ESTATE-UNIMPROVED West. Two Iots $425 Each. T f we are offering these two lots, sewer. .1 water, gas snd sldewslks In and rw.1.1 I fnr r- ; I n..n,l.. i - ..11 - ' : . . . vuw,w 11 iuii irac:ilft- Hiatt-Fairfield Co., . . iiO Omaha Nat I Bk. Bldg. Tel. D. REAL ESTATE-UNIMPROVED North. VACANT 1-OTH FOU ItO.MK S1THS. are going to sell eighteen scat tered nta in Kountxe Place, home very deniable corner; alo lth and 24th St. frontages Some aplendtd (na da lota. Kvory lot la on grade and streets all paved. Our price and terms mil surprise you. call at the office for list. A. V. Tl'KKY SON. Phono Hour, tori. w. O. V. Bldi? FLIT-ll'a ta II.-, per month of your spare money In MINNB LVSA lota RKAL ESTATE la tha FOUNPATION of all wealth. It can't get iv from vou. and If rou brnr In a well located new adrtl lon you will not only aavo but M.VKB money. . CHARLE3 W. MARTIN ft CO.. OffNK Rt4 . o WILL BU1I.D TO "PRPKK. furnish plans free, furnish lot and help finance. If you are going to build, sea me or phone P. KM. GEO. E. LT.NPBl'RG. 815 Paxton Bid-. Mlarellnneoaa Two' ACRFS. close In, tM. and'otnTr acreage, 82.'0 to 80. No trades. Tat' terson, Douglas an? REAL ESTATE-EXCHANGE Witt. TRAPR from one to three sections choice land eaatern Colorado, clear, for business property In Omaha, and asaiimo mort gsge or pay cash. Might take a food apartment. GKOROE a. WAIJ.ACE. U K have a client that has a $2.i0 equity In a nearly new i-room house who wants an fVacra farm In the eaatern or central part'of Nebraska, with small Improvements. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. BS7 Omaha National Hank Rid. I. 1VK1. aT7r or trade for'eb. land, fruit tract Irrigated, Improved: close to town; fine cltmato. Thus. Bailey, Canon City, Colo. iTT0H), apartment house, land for half Trades, swaps, excl angea. can matrh anything. J. A. Abbott, Patterson Blk, Omaha. o R.BAL. ESTATE, Fire and General Insur ance. Art Thatcher. 1217-U Cltjr Na tion Bank Bldg. Touglas 3S01. FOR liXCHANUE-y.,OuO clear land for income, town or city. K. W. Hunyon, pi''ney. Is. A 2"-0-ACRK farm, close to Omaha, for en change, p. T7. Tolsnd & Trumuuh, 44K Dec Bldg. REAL ESTATE-SUBURBAN nenaon. -ROOM. All modern. In Rensnn. at 2319 N. tth St. Full lot. house about 5 years old. Mortgage on It of 13.060.00 payable I'o.Oo per month: make offer for equity. You need not fear to make offer low enough. The owner roust sell and you will get a snap. H. A. WOLF. 514 Ware Blk.. Poug. am Florence. IN TIIK hills north of Florence, about Sldwsy Ponrg and Rock Port creek, acres; acres undcl cultivation, bal. natural timber. Small improvements. Address P 72, Bee, Sovth lde. 13,000 BUYS two of the most beautiful lota on corner In the Field club. Worth 4,(i0. Lots 19 and block 6, first eub- oivision or tne onrron Rnith Addi tion. Located th and Pine, northwest corner. Must be sold In five daya. Act quick. Smlth-Lockwood Mfg. Co. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS INVESTMENT Two good,- practically new, t-room frame houses, one nice corner lot, ."Oth Ave. and Jones St. Rental I780 per vear. Price only ,500. This la a SNAP. Look into it ; D., V. Sholcs Co., . .. M City Natl. Bk. Bide. Poug. 49. MORTGAGE INVESTMENT. Some first-class mortgages, per cent Interest, w. T. Graham, Bee Bldg. REAL ESTATE-WANTED HAVE buyer for close-in residence, t to iv rooms, wnat nave your R. H LANDERYOU, Tel. P. 6765. S02 Neville Block. WANTED To buy on monthly payments, man store room, - with living rooms above, in Central school district. Phone Red T8D4. FOR SALE-BUSINESS PROPTY Lease for Sale Good Location for REAL ESTATE or INSURANCE 180 8qua,ra Feet $80.00. The Bee Building Co. Room 103. 176,000 WILL buy l-atory brick block on 16th St.. with ground 132 feet square. 3. B. Robinson. D. fcW7. 443 Bee. FINANCIAL FOR 8ALK IS.OOO laaue k per cent pre ferred stock, retireable n five years at premium, all or part, Addrese K 702. Real Katate Lssas, M ortaraarea. WE are ready at all Umt to make loans on first-class city property ttnd eastern Nebraska farms. Rates on request. UNITED STATES TRUST CO. 21? 80. 17th St. 6-i TO for loans on beat class city residences in amounts U.000 up; also farm loans. Reasonable commlsulons PKTERS TRUHT 0i.. 172 FirnrnW CMAIIA homes. East Neoraska faru. O KEEFE REAL ESTATK CO Omaha Rational Phone Douglas 7H MONEY TO LOAN, for 6 years." "",: proved prupeities. 1 JBHOPEN ifCO., Doug. 4244 GAiivwMtos. juc: $10u TO IIO.O11O made promply. F. D VVea2T Wesd Hid g., Illh A Farnam jt . ' MONEY on hand for city and firm loans . H- W. Binder. City NatlonIJrjanjcHlnV ClTY property. liige loans a eteol7fy W. If. Thomas. . 8tste Hank Bldg. CITY and farm loans. 5. &u, pr cent. J. H. Duaiont A- Co.. 411 Slate Hank. (ict CITY LAjA N it C. C. Carl berg. 3 12 Brandcis Theater Bldg. Kifn MONEY. HARHlbON & MORTON. " 9ui Omaha Nat. Bark Bldg Aaalraela at Tllla. GUARANTEE c0. Th. vj J"i"' 14J" best abairaot Is tus cheapest. Room 7, Patterson Hldn. I.;947 lCKTMiT,,'0 g"rainie snd AbsTracT AVJ-'"-11' Co., a modern abstract office. 306 B. 17th St. Tel. I . mm. RfcED ABSTRACT CO. oldest abstract office In Netiranks. V Brsndela Thea. StaeWa ss4 Meads. . HOME BUILDERS. Inc., paying 7 c on each II .11 Invest'd now in Its ' GUARANTEED PREFERRED 4SHAKES. You share In the SURPLUS PROFIT also, making a t-tal earning af 11 par cent to shareholders ho Invested 4 years ago. Ask for our No. B "NEW WAT" booklet. It tells all about 1L AMERICAN SECURITY CO., FIs. Agtg. 8. w. vor iio aria oouviMa. oniaha. fl.Wi farm mortgage bearinti 7 per cent, secured by proprty valued. 36.J45. Tal mave Loom I a Invest. Co.. W. O. W. Bldg. RaNCM lift I. iT.Wt. 7 p.:i- cent m- j annually. Address C 7.T, Bee. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Alabama i.aaia. MOPKHN 7-r. apartment. Including bau. tlful east sun imn, in "t lirnim ditirt, for rent, tl rney l.yo o Iowa l.anilt. I L.KMill) na farm; :::'. acres; tint R-r acre, l ae li,mi exchange. C. S. ..f'yt 3,8 RamKe "'dg.. Omaha. Xeh v Bltaatsalital Latada. $0 CASH. .( I'K.M MONTH, without Intereat. secures a HVacre rcati orchard, paving annuallv at ma turity. Income commence with first payment. N e deliver the orchard planted. W. T. Mmlth Co.. City Nat l yog, i . vniti. Mlaaeaota li-A('RFJ Improved farm, miles from Minneapolis; 100 acres under cultivation, balance meadow anj pasture: good soil; lo-room house, barn and all other build ings that are needed, school house on Isnd: price, I'M per acre: one-half eaah; or all! aell farm with full equipment of horses, cattle, machinery, etc. Will make very reasnnahlo price on personal property. Immediate posaeseton can be bad. 8chawb Hroa., IOCS Plymouth Building, Minneapolis. Minn. Mlaaoarl lAmtla. UKKAT BARGAINS 16 down. . monlh Iv, buys 44) acres, good fruit and poul try land, near town, southern Missouri Price onlv I XV. Address Boa fcx celalnr Sprlnas. Mo. BKTTKtt lie on youTTwn Uttle farm In Pent Co., Mo., than be renter. Call or write for booklet. V. S. Frank, Navltla Block, Omaha. Kebraaka LssSs. ell my well -Tmproved farm of 160 acros at public auction Friday, Feb. U. Lnd located 8 miles west of Bel grade. Neb.. In Nance county, southeast quarter section 3, township 11, range 8. Incumbrance, $.VX. which ran be aa- suniPtt. Terms, ji.tiiw down on aay or tirchttse, balHnce to be paid March 1, free transportation ami all ex pense to purchaser. Hcnd sealed blla to K. J. Hoy, Fullerton, Neb., W. H. tjtnun, owner. A OOUli W-acre farm locat r M.?. AI.I. TIIK TIMW YOtt WANT Owner of 240 acrea In Cedar county, 44 mlies from Hioux City; will make very liberal terms to first-class farmer who can mako a reasonable cash payment: farm haa about 180 acrea In crop, la well Improved and close to town. Price, 1100 an acre. W'hnt'a the use of renting? PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, Omaha Nat l Hank Hid.. Omaha. fOR SALE Best large holy high grade medium priced land la Nebraska; very little money required. C. Bradley, Wol baeh. Neb. o 120 ACRES, with 16,000 worth of Improve ments, In Douglas county, HJ miles from Omaha, at 125 an acre. M 710. Bee. W taconala Us4l. VPPER WISCONSIN Best dairy and general crop state In the union; settlers wanted; lands for sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for booklet 34 on Wis consin Central Land (Jrant. Excellent lands for stock raising. If Interested In fruit lands ask . for booklet on apple orchards. Address Land and Industrial "Dept., tko Line Railway, Minneapolis Minn. af Isoel la sent, HAVE, YOU X I'AKM FOR BALE? Write a good description of your land and send It to the titoux City (la.) Jour nal, "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Modlutn." Twcniy-flve words -every Fri day evening, Baturday morning arid every Saturday evening and Sunday for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different daya for U; or 60 words, 4, or 7a word if, t'i. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper; ZoO.000 readers dally In four great states. i'Olt any and all kinds of acreage located on or near car line, call C. R. Combs, 116 Brandeia .Theater Bldg. Doug. mi. FARM LAND-FOR RENT FOR RENT 140 acres of land, 4 miles front Clerks, Neb.; 130 a. In cultivation, t.0 a. In wheat, balance first-class hay land. There Is a small house and barn on the place. Rents lor H per acre caah. A 600. Bee. 3U) PER year, beautiful 40-aore farro, seven miles west of Millard: 4 St nillea northwest of Uretna; gently rolling; good Improvements; splendid place for market gardening. A. C. Wakeley, 4ot Omaha National Bank Bldg. 120-A., 190-a., 300-a. Iowa farms; all lm proved. Write for particulars. Camp bell & Craig, 632 Keellne Bldg. FARM LAND-WANTED WANTED Farms; have 3.ii67 buyers; de scribe your unsold property. 634 Farm ers' Exchans-e. Denver, Colo. HORSESLIVESTOCK-VEHICLES For Vale. FKKDERH. FKKDERS Carload of choice, fleshy feeders for sale at mar ket price. If you want them act quick. Cannot take them to market on account of aicknuss In family. Wm. B. Wld mann. Hlgelow. Minn. Tlilrly-two milk wagons ror sale, cheap. Johnson-Danforth Co.. 16th and Clark. HAY Is 60 ton. A. W. Wagner. Wl N. 16. POULTRY AND PET STOCK UXD grain. lOu lbs., Wagner. I01N.U AUTOMOBILES-FOR SALE REAL BARGAINS 3 1914 Ford touring cars. 1 1913 Ford roadster, 1 1914 Ford roadster. 1 1911 Hupp 30 roadster. 1 1912 Chalmers 30 roadster. 1 1913 Maxwell 36 truck. 1 1916 Maxwell. C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. 211 Farnajn. Douglas 363. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE FIRE. THEFT. TORNADO. LIABILITY a PROPERTY DAMAGE AT IWWEST RATES. KILLY. ELLIH A THOMPSON, 'Jli-'JH City Nat l Bank Bldg. Doug. 219. VE make one good wire from two old ones. Ask us how. Zwlebel P.ros.. SMI Fsrnam. 1914 Hupmolille In first class condition, new tires. Colfax 1TI. " Far Sat. 11916 Losier touring, 4-cylinieT S 1916 Bulck C-JM touring llfia Buick roadster 41916 Krlt touting -W 4.4 2.6 1914 Ford touring a fltudebaksr 4 touring..... aba Auto Clearing House, TH Farnawi. D 3310. MtVLB. truck i2. Nebraska Buica (Service btatlon. 1914 Farnatn. Phone Douglas 711. A a la Ltverr ssl Oaraaee. Industrial Oarage Co.. 20 & Harney Sta Xutomobll painting dona by xporu, 39 year' experience In Omaha; Wurl ur. anteed lat ciasJohiisun Panforth o. DCPLLX Urea last longar. aie stronger and mor durable. Mx3Va. R6A 1,11 Kama m pt. i"m" ia. lioj rid ror iiioariiiu no can t repair. Coils repaired Bayedorfer. 210 y. i,,h Free wl"tr sioiaae iu ihu are pii,u ed and repaired. Johnaon-I lanforth Co. O n i a na Radiator Rep. Co.. Far.' D 2oT.T aala Urea aaa A THRI'K or lour-lme ed la (lie For Cale, Misccllanevua column of TUB hKB will sell your old furniture and household ooda. PLoo Tyler luva NOW. aITto tTrk IiaTTf price: " Iloiutr Hill, Itll Chicago tt on the Lincoln Highway, consisting ot I j! c' iivt- i ri Il ls' 1 car li. acres ature. balance under culti- .'eara ll 10- I Mrs II ' 1 llr joV"??- oVrnor.e.ho.n,d .'ih.-s w' NcVurd'Monu;:': V "v.V.E i. .iihuI ,c,f L!ILl.l m.k 1 c"r- " a Sample hard winter: I care, bulldl iKa. p'n.K1 r?",1"!1 (wi flOfi; I cars, 11.06; l ear Wc; 1 car. c. n-Jniriv1,0,.' fi., m?th S I ! Prtng: 1 c-, tl.M. No. I spring; property. Write Ernest bmlth. K. . , ca j, No 4 ,nrtn. l Par.1.i GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Nearly Three Hundred Can of Corn Are Flaced on Floor of the Omaha Exchange. WHEAT SELLS SOME LOWER OMAHA, February 7. 11. The receipts of tll grain were very heavy today. The corn receipts are get ting heavier every day and there was nearly son rare of this cereal placed on the floor thla morning. Heavy receipts and a poor cash demand sent the prices downward. Vbeat was the weakest cereal on the list today, selling 1 t.y S cents lower. Corn was unchanged to J cents lower, most of tho sales being made at the lower prices. Oata were off. declining 1 cent to IV cents. Rye and barley were unchanged. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to J,042,i bushels: Corn, X.0 bushels; oata, tlX.Onn bushels. Liverpool close: Wheat, unchanged to Id higher; corn, unchanged. nnln.... ft. . . - 1 - , frM i Ilium inni I' vfil'ii wrii- I, -w,,,.v . bti. and shipments S..4.IX) bit., against re ceipts of l,ll.(M bu. and shipments of 1,11.0.10 bu. Isst yesr. Primary corn recipts were l.i2,(W bi. and shipments $44.l0 bu., against re ceipts of l,&4(.ol)U bu. and shipments of'.QV bu. last year. Primary oata receipts were I.OM.Aft btt. and shipments ptt.oup bu.. against re ceipts of SHrt.Wo bu. and shipments of bu. Isst year. CARIOT MECE1PTH. Wheat. Corn. Oe Chicago Minneapolis . puluth ( ma ha Kansaa City St. Louis .... Winnipeg 41 10.1 1 M2 37 , m Mi '."'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.Xr, 121 24 170 114 These sales were reported today: V. a- KT. O U-t . " - - tl HI t rare, II K; 1 car, 11.24. No. i hard winter: I cars. II XI; 3 cars. It 21V, 4 cars, 1171; S cars II at: 1 cars 11 cars. s c, (1-U No. 4 hard winter: II eara. No. 1 durum: 1 car. 11.20. No. I durum I cars. 11.19; 1 car, tl.lHt; 1 cars. 11.1: 1 ear. 11.17. No. t durum: 1 car. xl.l; 1 car, $1.1; 1 oar, 11 14; 1 car, IMS. No. I mixed: cars. 11.23; I car, 11.10; 1 car, 11.16. No. I mixed durum: 1 car. 11.17: 1 car, 11.18. Rye No. Ii 1 car, Mr-; 1 car. Mo. No. I: 1 car.; t cars, Mic; 4 cars, No. 4: 1 rar 3c; 4 cars, 91a Barley Sample: I cars, 00c. t'orn No. white: 4 cars, So. No. 4 white: cars. 6Vkc: k cars. Sjc No. I white: I car, 4c; I car. 61c. No. white: 1 cars, R7c. No. I yelloa-: 1 car. TOO, No, 4 yellow: 1 car. We; 1 car, ffTo. No. I j el low: I csrs, Mc; 3 cars, 66 Wo: cars, 6rc: I cars, Mc. No. 8 yellow: 6 cars, 2c; I cars. 61Mrc; 4 cars, OK; 4 cars, aftc; S cars, 6.1c. No. I mixed: i cars, 6814c. No. 4 mixed: 13 cars. tioHe; 6 cars, eftc. No. 6 mixed: 1 ear, K24c; 1 car, 62c; I cars. lc; 4 cars, Hc; & cars. 0c. No. mixed: 2 cara. &8c; 16 cars. 6c: S csra, Rc. rtample wtuie: 3 cars, 40c. Hemple yniinw: 1 car, IWc; 1 car, ific; 4;iH cars, 64c; ! cars. Mo: 11 cars, 50c; 1 car, 4Sc; H car. 4c. Bample mixed: I cars, 66c; 1 car, kite; 4 cara, Mc; i cars. Mc; 2 cars 60c; 11 cars 49c; 3 cars, 47c: 1 car, 46c; U cars, 45c; 11 cars. 42c; I car, 41c. Oata White:' 1 car. 4SVfrc,; 7 cars, 46c; 1 car, 46V4c; 1 car. 4Tc. No. 4 white: 3 cars. 4Sc; i cars, 444c; 1 car. 44c. Sample: 1 ear, 46c; 3 cars. 44c; 7 cars, 43c; 3 cars, 42HC Omaha Cash Prices Wheal: No. I hard, ILSal 36: No. S hard, lUIWl.!?: No. 4 bard. tl.074f'l.l; No. 2 spring. Il.2r4i1.28; No. 3 spring-, 11.16.24; No. I durum, n.l7(fW.19; No. I durum, 1.1.W.16; sample, &Teij.0g. Corn: No. 3 white, 67HiUic; No. 4 white, IH(fl5Vl.c: No. 6 white, l'A lHc: No. white ISi'c: No. I yellow, W(iHc; No. 4 yellow, 6r7c: No. 6 yel low, 63fiIo; No. (I yellow, 5&fjK2c; No. 3 mixed. WiSVc; No. 4 mixed. 4Hfiil6V4e: ixo. s mixeu, wrnwiic: ino. s mivod, MP Sc; sample mixed, 41rTf,o. Oats: No. 3 white. 47W4714o: standard, 4'!H(ftii!1ic: No. .1 white; 4Mf4He; No. 4 white. 44ft4f,e. Barley: Malting. RiR72c: No 1 feed. tvVRt &c. Rye: No. li. 934Jc: No. 3. 92n3c. Chicago closing liricos. furnished Tha Bee by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain brokers. 316 South Sixteenth. Omaha: .rtlclel Open. I Hlirh.l low. clone. I Hapy, Wheatl May. July. 1 S3-3H 1 J4S !7777V 1 83 1 CTH' 1 J0lj 1 ITTil 82'3 121 124!, 1 24 Corn May. July. '7tTT,rr7;77H'!lr 77U-I1T;1 76 Val 77 Oata 4-ST4' May. July. 49 47!47i'tl47;r'4 4' 46 41 Pork May. jo ie 30 40 20 43 30 16 20 36 10 00 30 32H1 30 7U 20 i 10 03U 10 20 10 f 11 10 July. KJ2Hj 30 S7Vi 10 06 10 32H 11 00 11 16 Lard May July, iooiW 10 12" 10 20 10 30 10 171 Ribs Msy. 10 97-96 11 0?l 10 9SH July.ill 10 11 15 I 11 10 CHICAGO GRATIS AND FROYISIONI Feat area af the Tradlasr ssl Claslas Prices aa Board ( Tratle. CHlCAOOl Feb. 7. Extremely heavy selling, some of It aald to be to hedge European purchases made in Argentina and Australia, brought about a down ward swing of tn a bushel today In the wheat market here. Price closed weak at almost the bottom point reached, with May 1.2T and July l.30Wj1.21- net loss of S1i,tf4c to 6c. Corn declined 14 to Hie and oats lc to 2c, while provisions closed 2Sc to Be over Baturiay. riven the chief nun leaders sold out their wheat. One widely known specu lator was alone aala to have thrown over loard 2.000,000 bushels and there were others who unburdened holdings almost as large. At first the decline that resulted from the continuous selling wss orderly, but arter the losses hat amounted to Ji many stop loss orders were uncovered. and the market broke rapidly. Home support developed when prices were 4e down, nut on a moderate rally that en sued the llnutdatlnn became of huge pro portlona until the descent was 7'ic under the top figures of Psturdny and 6c down as compared with Haturdsy's finish. Rig domestic stocks and a relatively slow export call appeared to he the chief reason ror the discouragement or the whest bulls. The I'nlted States' vlsrihle upiily total, which la more than IO.OiO.OuO bushela larger than a year ao, showed a decrease today of only 1,840,0(0 buahels sgalnst 3,!KJ,OD0 bushela decrease st the corresponding time last year. Besides primary receipts foe ev were h-vv and there was gossip that they would soo 1 tie substantially enlarged in the north west. Liberal arrivals here and at Peoria forced corn prices down grade. The weakness of whest waa also quite a bearish fsctor. Oats gsve way with other cereals, despite free buying for the seaboard. The bulls were haiidicapruvl by the fact that the weather was fine for marketing. Provlalona were lifted by Indications that foreigners were picking up offer ings. Advances, however, were chevkel owing to the weskness of grain. Chicago Cash Prloes Wheat: No. 2 red, nominal; No. 3 red. I.3MM.30: No. 2 bard. ll.iKiVdl.Sl: No. 1 hard. ll.234H.2rU4.. Corn: No. 2 yellow, nominal: No. 4 yellow. 70rir 71c; No. 4 white. 7"i7:"-tc. Oats: No. 8 white, 46Vj4lc; standard, 4SV'H9Vc Rye: REAL ESTATE-TRACKAGE 19TH and HVkory, 944x1. on B. a mT r. K.. 14,0(10. til'.lM.MivU 640 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES II A RLE Y-DA VI mO.M MOTO RC YCLKf. Bargain In used machines. Victor Roos, "The Motorcycle Men." 274 Iavenworth. LEGAL NOTICES NOTlChTOF STrCKHOLDKRS ai gun. i inij. Notice I hereby given that th regular annual meeting of the btorkhoMera of the boUTH PLATTE UNO COilPANY will be held at the offio of said Company. Room 701 First National Bank building I.lucoln. Nebraska, at 11 o clovk a. m.. on the first day of March. A. D.. 1914. ' 00 Lincoln. Nebraska. February it. 191 C. H MoRRM U Presidsnt. W. W. TLKNLK, becreiary. Feby ltt. No. ?. It.0?H IX'H Barlar: t.v peed: Tlmothv, $,h.ii0: clover. fm nHi r Provisions- Pork, $t."ti -JO 00; lard, :.7i; rib. m .Mria:. HI'TTKK-Higher; creamery. J.lVft04c. V.t)S-lwer; receipts. 1.04 cases; firsts, JIV; ordinary firsts. TitTSftC; at ntsrk esses tclnded. IMtiiSHc. ItVTATOKS-Hluher; rcc-lpts, SO csrs; Michigan. Wisconsin, Minnesota and 1M kota white, !V1 ft; Minnesota and Pa kota Ohloa. 'till.S'. Pt)fL.THY-AHve, higher; fowlg, Ht ISSjc; springs, ITc. new York urkhai maiikkt tea(lae af tha nay Varlaae C'ematodHlea. NrTW TORX. Feb. T.-Fl-OCR Unset tled; spring patents. fft.70H7.10; winter patents, $i..Ui.liH.r; winter eiralghtsk .I0 I ix.Mrt; Knnsna straights, tn.Ki.n0. WIIKAT-Spol. wenk; No. 1 durum. II 4JK: No I northern Puluth: t!4.. No. 1 northern. Manitoba, tl.ttitv. f. o. h. New ork. Futures were weak May. ILK CORN ftpot w-esk No. yellow. Me, prompt. OATa-iot weak; No. 3 white. 6.V4O S4!. mr-Oulel; No. I. 11 3Mri.27H: No. i. IU? ll.; No. 3. tl.0tamt.06; shipping HOPS Stesdy; state, common to choice, 1916, imi27c; 114, 6jtK'; Pad r to coast, l14. 12(jlc: 1914. mrioc. IIIPK8 flteady; Bogota, Sltltlc; ( en tml America, He. LEATHKR-KIrm; hemlock ftrstg. S 94r aeeonda. K-ttXIo. PROVISIONS Pork steady: mess. 110 00 ?n.v fsmllv. I22.00?4 0i; short clear, 119 00. Beef, steady; mess, !.hViH 17 1; family, l WHi 1 . Ird steady; middle west. liMVifrltMO. TALIXw oulet, city; V: eeuntry. KTl Sveclal, ',0. l(hlVn: special. o. HI'TTKR Firm; receipt. 3,04 tubs; creamery extraa, SlVffMc; firsts. 27frMc; seconds, SVnJfHc KtKlrt Steady; receipts. 6.M casea: fi-esh gathered extra fine, Mc: extra firsts, ll(g3c: firsts. Jvt('He; seoonda, CHKHflW steady; receipts. 1.S54 boxes: state, whole milk, flats, held, spedala, U frlS4r: aversge fsney. lsc; current make, specials. 17S5J average run, lfrVfMT". . POI'LTRY Alive, unohangwd. Pressed nulet; fresh killed chickens. WHtf-Tc; fowls, 14Hrric; turkeys, 2ft 1 Kaaaaa City Oral aa Prarlaleas. KANSAS CTTY. Ten. T.-'WIf KAT No. ft. -ti rrw? 1 vi- X'n 1 red 3t.30frl.84: May. Ly. July. ll.141iG1.14aj. CORN-No. 3 red, Vo; No. 1 white, TO', ft71c: No. 3 rellow, TPc; ussy, nw; rfuiy. 7ifrriTic OATS No. 1 white, SSflWte; No. I mixed, ifftt 49c BUTTER-Creamery, 31c; firsts, 29c; seconds, 37c: acklng. 19o. KOOS Firsts, 39c i seconds, 30c. s I111LTRY liens, 14c; turkevs, ?rv- springs, 17c. Mlaneaol1s Orala Market. MINNKAPOIJS, Feb. f-WHKAT- a. w&. . v..i at sr.uwl isaa. n V. K; a 1 hard, ll.MH: No. 1 northern. J1.I7HW No. I northern, ll.33Nawl.171a. FLOUR Unchanged. B A R1.FY 74J 78c BYE-Wffc BRAN-4l0W.. CORN No. 3 yellow, TtM'J'W'O. OATS-No. 3 wh'te 44iitf-44e. 6EEl-Flax. StWIlk 1 1 1 Liverpool Rralai Market. LIVBRPOOU Feb. T WHEAT pot. No. 1 Manitoba. 14s 7d; No. I hard winter, new, 13s 44d. CORN Ppot, quiet; American mixeu, new, 10s 9Wd. .M run It nlmor peienia. s wi. HOPH In London, Taclflo coast. 4 10a ?6 10s. St. Leala Oral Market. ot I-.TT1B Feh. T. WHEAT No. 2 - 4 '1 furl iO Nn. 1 hard, nominal: May. t.rJt4'.23S: July 1.174. CORN-No. X 74i74o; No. 3 white, nominal; May. T3e: July, 74'44t744c. OATS NO. I, c. o. s wnno, iniuiou Coffee Market. xiirw vnnlc Feb. T. While aomewhat irregular, the market for coffee futurea showed a generally steady tone .today owing to continued steadiness in nrasu. a good decrease In the world's visible supply and reports ot eontinuea nun culty In securing ocean tonnage. There waa some liquidation of March at the opening and first prices were I points Inwae in 1 nnlnla bin her. but the near months soon steadied up and the general Hat aold about 1 to 8 point net higher dining the middle of the day on Ku ripe an buying and covering. The advance carried March contract up to 7. two, wnue .Sep tember sold at T wo, with last prices showing reactions of 3 or 3 point under t-eaiizin Part of the day's business was In tha way of switching. March being ex changed ror rfuiy l in pwnn ami iur September at 23 points. The market closed 1 to points net higher. alea, I3,2fi0 bags. February, 7.44c; March, 7. Wo; April, T.&xci May, T OOc; June, 1.r.c July, lOo; August, 7 74c! fientemher. 9.19c: October. 7.82o: November,; December, 7.90o; Janu ary, 7. use. Spot coffee, steady; Rio. TaSVd: Panto, i. Few cost and freight offer were reported her today, being restricted. It was supposed, by ocean freight and Insur ance uncertainties. Quotations for Santos 4a were said te range from about 1.760 tl .90e English The official cable reported a decline of 60 rel at Rio with Santo unchanged and Rio exchange on London 1-lM higher. at. Loals Live Iteek Market. BT. LOTUS Mo., Feb. 7. CATTLE Re- celpts, 4,209 nrsa; maraei sieaay; riauva beef steers. I7.WW.60; jearllng ateers and heifers, 3H.NW.3t; cows, ti.wU7.w; stoca- A A.l ftJV pfT Tifii mnA In. dlsn steers, R.3M!860 cows and heifers, I4.0fiffl 60; native calves. 84.001jni.e0. HOG-Receipts, 16.000 head; market ataailvi nias and llvht. 84.60'iM.lO: mixed and butcher, I7.MpS.15; good heavy, 81.16 SHEEP AND LAM BS Receipt, 1,900 head: market strong; yearlings s.nd weth era, t.ODtftt.60; lambs, 89 0f, 11. 15; ewe, lb. 2 VU 7. 60. Cottoa Market. NKW' YORK, Feb. 7. COTTON Spot, nulet; middling uplands. 1196c: no sales, rvittnn futuera opened steady; March, 11 H4c; May, 13.0bc; July, 12.17c; October, 12.2Hc; December, , nnn futurea closed steady: March 1194c; May, 1104c: July, 13.1c; October, 19 'JO..' liMi'imUr. 1182c. The cotton marsei cioseo sieaay, net ,k.nftiai4 to 1 rwiltna higher. 1.1 VK11POOL. Feb. I. i u 1 l-r npor. unchanged; good middling. l.22d: mld- dllng, 7 2d; low middling. 7.64d; aales, I fi.O'i hales. llosx City LIt Iteck Market. Ktnt'Y PITT. Ta.. Feb. 7. CATTLB- Market, steady; receipts, 30 head: na tive ateers. Vt.bWl.iCi; butchers, UOOif ran and heifers. 34.KWM.eo; stock eis and feeders, 86.6uiii7.Uj; bulls, stags, etc.. IS.ffW7.2ft. HOtl.' Market MtlO centa lower: re- relpt, I.00O head; heavy, 87.TW7.86; mixed, I7.6i;7.70; light, l7.3iKij7.61; bulk of sales, t7 Mi7.7F,. HHEBP Msrket, steady; recelpta, 301) head; ewes, 5.).; lambs, 39.00a 14.40. Oaishs Hay Market. OMAHA. Neb.. Feb. 7.-PRAIRIB HAT Choice upland. m 6011 0i). No. 1. 110.00 ft 10.6O: No. 2. I.i'dioti0; No. I. Moongoe choice midland. io.O?rl0.w; No. I, twd ln.Ou; No. 2. 17.0Vut.Oi; No. I, Vi4 AO; choice lowland, 8j0; No. 1. xn.ootai.60; No. 1. M0iil00: No 8. 84.004.00. HTRAVV Wheat Is quotable at 8M104J ll.iiO. choice oat or rye atraw. M.oowfi wi ALFALFA-4 1iolce alfalfa. I4 Omh 14 60; No. 1. Iii'.oo'ii'ia.fru; No. 3, 8.u0911.0u ; No. 3, li.0OJ W. Oil and Rasla. ft AVANNAH. Oa.. Feb. 7.-TURPEN T1N Market, steady at IV4Hc; sales, 67 this.; receipts, 4: bhls.; shipments, Sh3 bills.; stock, 12.090 bbls. ROSIN Msrket. firm; sale. 1.094 bbls. receipt. 6C9 bbls.; shipments, 1.4ol bhls. stock, r.z.bll bbls.; riuote A. H. l. K. a 16 16: F.. rLt6.r4: O. 8S16126: 11 i ; V. 85.60; K., 8..90; M., 84.80, N., 84.76 vu.,; ww i.ou. lagsr Market. vrur vrtnif vK ann i n a,.. j centrifugal. 4 (Or- molaaaea, .0c. KefineJ firm; out loar, ; cruslied. I sue: mould A, 4 46c; cubes. 4w; III! powdered. 1.16c; powdered, a. 10c; fine granulated, c; dia mond A. eo; confsctlonora A. lis; No. L 6.7io. Futures opened quiet today aad at noon prices were 3 to 4 points lower. Iteaor Xeapetla V let lass. PARI Feb. I -A publlo funeral, with full military honor will be given tomor row to the victims of the Zeppelin raid ef January 81. The minister of the In terior, the president of the city council, senatora and deputies are to attend. OMAHA LIVE-STOCK MARKET Cattle Steady to Ttn Cnt Lower Sheep and Lambs Slow, bat About Steady. HOGS AROUND FIVE CENTS OFF OMAHA, Februsry 7. 191(1. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. Fstlmat Mnndar 9 W 13.S00 1I.;00 .ame day last week.... 9,173 I. 1.1"S Same I weeks ago 9.111 lo.s'l .! Same I weeks ago I 4.-.4 11. M 13. 1 Same 4 weeks ago. ll.jnfi 12.7:4 17,919 Kama day last year ... 2.145 V 7.294 11.280 The following tahle shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at the Omaha i-ive Stock market for the year to dale aa compared with last year: Cattle Hogs , 1?1 191.V mr 14-..iS7 loJ.IHJ 4.07X 499.0IO 314, 1 194.029 pnrep IM tsi.ZA 37,9361 Tie following table ahowa the average m.l,u"..0! hof" ' Omaha live atock parU for ttK wltB CO Jb"Iin5i.:" li9ir.Ti9i4TT9"nTi9l ni5iTTw5 Jan. . " I f 111 I 211 T KM I Hi 1 st ! W I I STI 7 31) M t M J Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Feb. eb. 'eb. K.I.. Feb. 1'Vh. in 1 c 11 .ri'-i.aiajs J 64S,j I Ml I 09 J97 t IV l3 lU'e I 111 T Ml oii 7 64 I 2.1 7 i 1 ; T MM 71 TtJ.l2W)S2 (Ml t: T M I li T 30 061 T I 30 I 6,1 f 7H T 49.1 ai T .11, Ml S 17, 1 4J- I 1 401 I 29 7 64 7: I 2.V 7 4H 09 I I 33 s 741 .ti 1 as, n ii 1 Feb h. 7 I T eo 11 1 yi T Ml 0Q T 43 " 'Sunday CATTLB Receipts were large her and at all other points this morning, with the result that prices showed more or leas decline all along the line. The local demand (or killers wa good, but still th market was a little slow, with prices snywhere from weak to fully lo lower. Hock rattle and feeders did not show so much change, being In most casoa about steady. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beeves, I7.90fl9.50; fair to good beeves, 37.6017.90; common to fair beeves. 4.so4r 7. Ml; good to choice heifers, Iti.Vtfi'.l'O; good to choice cows. 9i omrj.T&; fair to good cow a A3tatie; common to fair cows. 14 2MT6.JA; good to choice feeders. 87.0OitT7.90; fair to good feeders. l.eft7 110. common to fslr feeders, IA.6V4M.60; good to choice storkers, i.tVat.; fair to good Blockers. 0S.SMf7.00; common to fslr stock ers. I6.60KM.50: stock heifer. l&.TMiJtiO: stock oowa, 84.7NUI.90; stock calves. i! 'V vrtl caives, 67.mit0.T6; bulls, stag. tc. .tXMr.60. Representative ssles: BEFF KTWF.P.91, Ne. . Pr. Ks. A. tr ; . t IS 1 U . Ml 7 s ?i 1PI .ltus T w M 1 ie .1M4 T 4 Hit .ir.t i ss HKIFBRS. 8.m,.,,, l4s a es 19. Ik 1 it u I M I n 1 u 9it M . 1. , . 410 BULLS. I M IS i , me) FKr-IIKRH AND "TUtMtlW. 9 II at 19 717 I.... M 19 1. T14 I H 1 M III Ml 1 Ill IN . HOOS-Arrlvals ef hog were ine larg est for a Monday In a long time, about 13 car or 18,600 head being reported lit. Thla la 6.000 larger I -an lst week ,"0 heavier than two weeks ago, and almost twice large as for the same day last year. Twenty-nine car were consigned direct to a pecker from another market cutting tne actual numoer ouoreu to about 1R6 car. Bhlnmn demand was not any too oroaa st tha best, and a packers were putting out their usual besrish dope on th early market, outside buyers did not have to pay over steady prlrea ror anything, ana were able to buy some as much aa 6e lower than Saturday. Hood butcher weights sold as high a 37.90. Aa was -noted above packers, en the strength of the heavy run made early lilda sharnlv lower, otter snowing a oo- tilne of a much a 10c In nearly every rase. No on waa willing te make so large a concession though, and when first packer sales were finally made tne figures paid were not over M lower. in the end tne nuiK ot tne nogs moved on this basis, although movement never became aetlve. On desirable kinds Price remained unchanged all tha way through, out the close was as usual, sticKy on tna light stuff, and price easier than earlier In the day. Late sales of light looked aa much as luo lower, and even at that several loads were unsold st noon. Pig end of the sstes landed at m spread of 37. 6007.70, with light ranging on down. and a sprinkling; ot snippers a high ss 17.80. Ks. at. a, rr. na. at. aa. rr. ,.1M ... T M 94 171 ... T ..IK ... 1H U II T N (U ,.1M ... IM li V4 4 T ..144 H 111 N., I VI ... I TO ,.7 ... 7 Tl 74 IM ... til ..It 4 7 M PIOS. ... an 44 M 1". ... to.., U.. u.. HHKKl' Sheep and lamb supplies were of pretty good volume this morning, es timated receipts being n:ty-iwo rsrs, or II (wo head. Tins I mora than s.ou neav- ler than last Monday, and nearly twice a large a two week ago, but a falling off ot almost 8,009 head aa eompared wlia a year ago. Despite the ract that most point were ell suDDlled. and weaker prices wers retiorted aa nrobable at several ef the other markets, local trade opened out In pretty good season on a generally steady Lasts. Quite a few of the decent to good lamna were orougiu at iiunoitt and as high aa 110.64) was paid for real good fed western of light weight. were moaeraieiy wen suppnea, but demand wa better than at the close of laat week and thi bulk of them sola at fully steady price. In fact, buyer quoted them aa much a lOo hlghsr, and on paper sales looked better, but quality waa aa a general thing Improved, It tak ing a real good kind to bring 87.31, which wa tn top at last weeg'a close, while the bulk aold around 3716. Heal light NavaJo yearlings sold at 19. IS. whil good fed western weighing over ninety pound Isnded at 4 06. Feeder lambs were scarce, sad nothlna t-sd gon to feeder buyers up lo noon. However, tjier were three or four load er nsir-rai isrriDs mat pscaers were not very anxloua to take hold of still unsold at midday, and It was very probable that some of these would go to feeder buyers. Quotations on sheep and lambsi Iambi, good to choice. 8lo.UohlO.86; lambs, fair to good,; lambs, clipped, lx.76 ti9-4o; yearlings. go.d to cholc light, ft.vne 40; yearlings, fair to choice heavy, tS.iXKutt.7r.; wethers, fair to choice, 87.00 7.76; ewes, good to choice, 17. liuT.Sj; fair to food, l 2f4l7.2.). CHICAGO I.IVK ITOCK MARKET raltl Weak Hog ttreaa Bheep Irene. CHICAOO. Fb. 7. CATTLE-Mrket. weak; receipt. SJ.CiO head; native beef steers. 84.3&ti9.nO: western, 8n.iip9.1; cows and licirnrs, n.l.Vjl W; calves. 8s.iio3 10.75, HOOK Market, strong, mostly 6 to 10 cent higher; receipts, 432 000 hesd; htilk. 17 9U-u8.Hi; lljiht. 37.MJ4U6; mixed, tl Hti 8 lb. heavy, 7.ita.26; rough, rr.S-Klul.Jo; piks. iHt,rri. KULKP Market, strong: receipt, ll.irtn neea. w cmers, -.itiyi7.Z6; ewes, I!i.63 7o5; lambs. 8s.3i3ll.40. Kaasa City Live tock Market KAN MAS CITY, Mo., Feb. 7.-CATTLK neceinis, is,:w nea-i: market ateady; prime fed steers, 8 6019. 26; dressed haef steers. 7.0lu4.40. western ateers. MoWf 8.40; stockere and feedera. 8.oifri,75; bulla 6.0At4.60; calves, $e.6i 10.60. HOti Kecelpts, IS.O11) head: market sieaay, duik, .i.ij, neavy 7.9ui9 00: packers and butchers, 7.Jj.8f; light ki.ttma.n: pigs, 8.2tvtr7.9 riHklEP ANI LA MBA Receipts. 1000,1 A kluV.aa I m. ... Vv 8iA at '.a , llvTsau , ( si 19a (m ( iei.ii igf , f 1''. 4H-(( IV. Vlf , yearlings. 8U.Oftj.80; wthers, 87.7uu-s.2d: owe. 87.00tf7.76. St. Joseph Live Btaelx Market. HT. JO8KPH. Feh. 7. CATTLE Re ceipt s, ! heed; market steady; ateers, t7.ouoe.2ft; rows an I heifers, 14 OtVjl.40, oalvea, K.OJVtflA eu. HOUS Receipts. 8.600 hesd: nisrkot steady; top, 17.90; bulk of sal, 16. Jo. 1.71. W fcHKEP ANT laMBft Receipts,' 7.104 head; market higher; Uuuba. ie .iiru.oa. Lire Bteck la Bight. Receipts of live stock at the five prin cipal western market: t am, nogs. Bheep. Omaha Pleux City Chicago Karma City fcu Louis Total receipts.. 8) 13. ." ... 0 ...33 ') ...lii) ... 4.3u0 I Ct 0.0 l,M U.014 17,(J 104t 16.0W) . .60.4U0 104.5UO 54,3 NEW YORK STOCK MARKET 1 . . ... ImproYeraertt in International Situ ation Enhances Quoted Valnei. PRICES OPEN WITH GAINS "I v v wr Trim- Feh. J. Prospects of an early and final aettlament of tha tml if th Ltisitanla episode and ether week-end de velopments or a ravoraoie Character con tributed In no uncertain measure to the enhancement of quoted valuea todav. Prices opened with gain of 1 to I points, which were doubled awl even trebled Ister In soma of the highly speculative leaders, especially Baldwin T.ocomotlve, retro leums. Motors snd Coppers, white vari ous unclassified issues rose more un evenly. The movement In oils wss accompanied by authoritative statements of a merger or consolidation of the leading companies nrnunR in .iicxico nno lanrornia. ..Mex ican Petroleum made extreme gain of 6N at HIV California Petroleum pre ferred rose 6H to 7V. and Associated Oil. 13 to 18. Baldwin's gain ef U te 1194 followed rumors of that company' probable amal gamation with on or more kindred con cerns and the strength of metals wa di rectly traceable to the much higher prices quoted bv leading producers of copper for deliveries running Into the middle of th year. Mercantile Marin preferred and th 44 per cent bends also rose ma terially on publication of an outline ef the proposed reorganisation. United States tecl gave a good ac count of Itself with cptlmlstlc forecasts ef th unfilled tonnsge statement for Jan psry which Is to Issue on Thursday. Lackawanna Steel made a maximum lee of M to 7 on abandonment of th merger with Youngstown and Cambria Steel, and Crucible Steel denoted moder ate pressure. Incidentally, Wall street was surprised at Mldval acfluleltlon of Cambria. Italia sgaln lagael behind Id point of s-tlvlly. but were firm to strong. New Haven waa aastated to a blaher level en assurances that It Is pot Intended to dd to fixed charge by new financing and Rock Island reflected further accumula tion. 1 Palings were moderate et ell times, lapping Into dullness and some easing of prices toward tha cIom, Total sale amounted to 804000 hree. Firmness ruled In the bond market with further executive dealtues tn Anglo French s. Total sale,., par value, aggre gated United Htetee bonds nere Irregulsr. Number of sale and leading quotations on stock a today were: . asmNits. CIim. Alsakt Qnlrt IK"! ul t It . M44 V 11 41 lou'j VUS IM't nm iiift, 1 171 , m si.t in i 1UV 117' s 44 7 s; is i ttn no' 1 - .: 4Ji, a , II l!- 1 ITw ns 4l VH IIS II 4IH 49 l.t, XII, lTt4 111 l-i 4 ui'k 4t 44 V 1 1V it 4I III lls I10, 17 n 7uj ..... 114V, IM m 14 '4 Wit 14S S 'i 71 li 1K IM ITU . HiH lli'i i 1 lliivt U in '4 4H 4 HS IHIV 94S V, TIM 77', U IK, 99 9J 1I4 tl U14 IK. '4 Ui M 14', tM 1UI I'i', 1.1 'a Ml Hi, 111 HI14 T14 71 4 Mtj W "S 4"- H4 rt'd 7 AUU-riwlMra I.jne (,.ik amerlnaa Bel Ixgsr.... I.l Ti, Amerttma Ca .., !, JH Amrira IKvmotir .... ts. roo ntv, lawrlisa H, e H lt.Wrt toiw am l a ft. rM Am. Hviu Refining Amarlcan tel. A Tel Amsrtraa Teesece AnacnndA Oa-par Itcitiiaa t Ha id via LaooaftittlYe aifiaof a ohia.. ItaihUlMm Mteel .1 Umnlilyn kpm Tr t'altionila I'atenlcaial .... t'ana.lilia Parlfio Ctntral Ltather 1 kMPMik tsilo Calrtur o. W 4 hlr.,,1, M t. P fhlc.o A K. W t'tlc.Q. R. I. p. By., Chm t Wer Cslorado ftiel Ires,,,, Cruilhte 9tal tkanvar it. O. pfl liutillsrs' tfecarttlaB .... Brta lnea tMertiie Oraat Northers 9fd (iml tin. Or ctla usnhlm RiBlorsllna., Illinuls Central , InMrttomnga CSs. Oor., Lewi m 1-jr i Mr r, is4 4.e ins. lev rrs r.t 't 400 at ii'iiie 4,lu SiS II It 14 14. on in an I. on lire "'tis I. set 1 V 4H in 44 us "tn 44 111 7? inapirstina International Harveatsr.., Ksiinis City aaslkers..., Ihlfli Valley uillla A SuhvUI.., Motlras Psirolstim , Miami OopMr MlMonrl, K. A T. pl4... 41. 1,10 siiMAun rsotris Nattannl lftw T'4 Kd Copser , 11 Hew Trk iotml N. Y., N. H. U. I.fto .4U Norfolk A Weatera 1.M0 in i Northern PsalflQ .,..,1... Sno llt4 Soldo Mail i,aa tin raeirta Tal. Tel - .7 fennaylvsnla I in an ptlaoe IDar Rar One, Copper heeding ,,,, Hapublla Iroa a 9Lel... liHitliere raeffio Kowthvrs Ks'lwar PtoaifthAaar tkuepaay .... Tenniyis Onaear Tvxita riNt 4'nltta Pavlfia IN 'iiisi Ins I v a km r.' 14 .104 n4 l4 II U J7il imn tt !. 114 n failed AtftvtM Mlsel II. a. M,M) 1 fl ftm 4Vprr i,n Waetma Vataa 4e Waatlnckmia Btartrlo lTe Montana rower .... ...... Kenaral Moanni 4H 117 leu, lH Wabaak M 1 n lateraatlonal Marin '4. ni II Total salsa far the lay. I.s) mrce. . New Terk Maaey Mrkt. NKW TORK. Feb, 7.-MEHCANT1LC PAPKR Iti per cent. BTttKl-lNta JvXC'HANOK Blxtv-day Mils. 64.704: asiuaod. 84.761: c.h!.. 84.7718. biLV ttv wax, ato; mciiou dollsia, HONDS Oornment, steed r; ratlreid. firm. . MONKT Time losns, ey; 19 na 91 day. 34TfJH per oeot; aU months. iJ I per cant. Call money, steely: high 2 per oent; low, IV per cent; ruling rate. K per cent; last loan. 3 per centl closing kid, 14 per cent! offered at 8 per cent". Closing quotation on bend today atr follows! 0. . rof M. ret ... MtlL N. asl. 4 i 40 eo.inotl M K 17.1a s..:ii; V..B. ta re lolu'Mo. Kc . ...l, a sousoa I'll U Moot, fowor at..,., !' C. g. 4 mi lwaM. r. 0 dee. 4.... ur, lo rosaea lmt,N. T. Ctlr 4V....l;4o Am. Hnoltors ....lll !. T., N. H. H A. T. A T v. 4'4..1M nr. 114 A l,l-rren.-h .... I4e, Iclflo 19. .:!, Itrbloon -n. 4a. ... 94 4i tul. Ohio 4s MtlO. U rof. 4o.. n-m siol r. tSo ...!. T. T H Con. Fetirie Ut IAVPobs. 00s. 4ia... H hoa. A O. ev. tin 9'4 4o sou. 4ts r. a. O I. it ... i'tan res. 41 . c. st.sA g r. o. is.. ii u g. v. r .. .. xi ..1' ..4' . .1-'V ,.. Mi, 4 ...145 'a ... M4. ...IflS ... IT', .. II ,..lo 14 ...1WIS ... 94S C. R. I. a r. r. 4. 0 Be. r. or. is.. f A U. rof. 4H. IU o rof. 40 T, A . O e. 4s P.Ho sn. 4s xios- Elertrte Is. Ot. No. let 4140... 111. Cos. rof. 4s... Int. M. M. 4to.... K. 80. ret. is.. BI4. . T7 gn. Rallvor Is.... . HVIl'aloa Psclfls 4s... .14 aa er 4o . Hm'. a. ntibbor I.., . uv. s. stool lo . 9Weet. t'nlo 4t4a. . . litlWoot. Else. ev. Is Bteeke aad Beads. Quntottoas tunUhol Wr Bnrss, Brisker k Co., 44 Ornate National saak bsllling: llork Bid Aokee. 4m. faioltera Haa., are A ta : BurseM-Naoh 1 aer fMnl M.., Ml rm.,i H.xol Oe., kuau (f-ooteoollol tr A Co . pit 9614 rolrmoot Ctraamare, 7 or esas of 4..., let Fslrmoat Croomtry, seoa. IM Fairmont rromaiotT, par eout fr. Ooark Mill A 7 par oaal f4 IJnrolo Tl. A Tel., earn. T Bar eool Mountals Rtaioe Tol. Tol Omaha r. B. It. By.. M Omaha e C. is. By. ., M (naalia C. B. at. Rr . ccaa potoro Mill rv. fl4...., Bloua tlf Hurl Tortla. I a. a 14. Bonis nouaiftj aor. Co.. I s e. (Salt lake) tuaaoa Dealt la. ka Loo Aasoloo Rr. U. 1I4S UwLmlllo 0. B. tint to, 11 ... Unrwa Tl. Tol. to. 1944 a m HM 71 4 . 44 94 17 1 II Montreal Tram. Poeer Is, till N Norweaioa la. 1141 , N'rbruka tltr t'tilllleo 00 It nmaha echsoto 4t9. 1141 Ka Omaha O. B. Bt. Rr. U, MM 0414 Pa. itir a. . la rxt 11 orkr Mt. Fu4 la. 14. a4 koous H4 CI mid. Noe.. 4H Hat M Hioui r.itr Tol. a. 1KM m.4 Wtcblt Voloo Btock Tarlo Is. 1M4... IM Laadoa Bteok Marker, LONDON. Feb. 7. American BecuritlM en the stock market were duH. with th exception of Canadian Peclfle anl! United Ptatea Steel, gevere! bonds changed, hands end a food turnover was repotted Under the mobilisation scheme. B1LVER Bar. 37 l-ld per eiHMM. MONKY 4V.tH per "at- IilSOOUNT KATKfleloort bill aad three months, IS per cant. Bask Claeurlaa-e. OMAHA. Feb. 7 Bank clearing fo Omaha today wore i..J.W nd far the correepomllug day loot year, aJ.U.HtlU. Dry Oewae Market. NEW TOHK. Feh. T.-Coftoa goods were in full demand today. Yarn io llw silk advanced art tiai gra1: reached the hlgeat pi.r i luuclied. Ireo good ia 0-1.1 1 . Ifll lot 1 ISO 10a 04 11 71 04 l 91 01V, (, V sa li t no 104 04-4 91 at 97 Ml