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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1916)
,TUK I.KK: OMAHA, MONDAY, KKHItllAKV 7, l!lf. 7 HELP WANTEDFEMALE lieaacanld sad Domestic. ' A NT BP V h 1 1 girl for housework. fmill family. No washing. Good wag. l'mimh preferred. !t!40 Harney. Mar. (T6, WaSsTFD (r for general houewort A. LasTowltg. 613 North Wh ft. WANT El A colored mafd: good Mrs. Martin, li Ieaven worth. WANTED-Ftrsl-claKs cook; white; Burt. EDUCATIONAL BUSJNE33 COLLEGE) STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSE. " For Ml", wtth good reason for sell ing, a variety of courses In a rcllahl BiialneM mhool, on of the leading bual liess colleges of Omaha. Will be aold vary reasonable ? below regular price. If you are considering taking a courae investigate thia at once, at nee Spring Term begins aoon. Call office, Omaha Be. PAY SCHOOL. BOTLKB COLLEGE. NIUHX 8CHOOU Every dv la cniollnient day. Book keeping, shorthand, tftenotypy, Typo writing. Telegraphy, Civil Service all Commercial and English branches. Cat alogue free- BOTLKS COLLEGE. ISth and Harney St. Tel. Do" gin a 1365. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL rfENOaRAFHT-BOOKKEF.PINO. liay School for Toung Women. Evening School for Young Mn and Women. f atutclay morning class Ih typewriting. lone C. Puffy. 0ner and Manager. B. 1th St. Omaha. FOR salo, the following scholarships In a ftrt-cla Omaha Rulne College: Cm unlimited combination business and shorthand courae. One unlimited stenographic course. One three-months' business or steno grapnlc sours. Will be sold at a discount at the office of The Oman Bee. S"LW"fac.cs wanted on the movies; $X) romplet course movie acting, $1. W secure permanent engagement. The Dra matin Correspondent. Hastings, Nob. School, ok modern lanouaoe- Claas or private leaaons. Lowntown studio. Phono Web. f.So4, FaxtoiflBTk. School of Lettering and Art. Tuition W per month. Doug. 3167. PRIVATE Instruction In Urcgg snorthand and touch typewriting.. Walnut 237. PERSONAL FILES, FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. K. H. TARRY. 140 Be Bldg. 13,000 TO PENSION INVALIDS. ' The Ladles' Home Journal fl.60 The Saturday Evening Post 11.60 The Country Gentleman (1.O0 B,o subscriptions each month till April earns that 33.000 for Th Inva lids' Pension Assn. Your order or re- fiewal contributes 60c Urgent. Su needed n February,. Phou Douglas 716a or ad- rQORDON, THE MAGAZINE MAN, Omaha, Neb. RHEUMAT1SM, stomach, liver and kid J nev trouble, goitre, nervousness and asthma, sufferers are successfully re stored to health by me. Examination free. Call Suit 312, Be Bldg. ....'.. X)lt W..II. KNOLLENBERQ. Chiropractor. Tyler IMS, TOUNO women coming to Omaha aa ' strangers sra Invited tx vlait th Young Women'' Christian association building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will b directed to suitable board ing clacea or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' uid at to Union Station. THE Salvation Army Industrial bom so Helta your old clothing, furniture, mag axlna. We collect. W distrlbul. Phon Pouglas 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and inspect our new home, U10-U1J-1U4 Podge St. SAN FRANCISCO INSTITUTE, 70s South 16th St., second floor. Hot tub baths, shower, genuine Swedish mas sage, chiropody, manicuring; graduates. Kaurs 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. PERSONAL Alice, If you want to e your mother alive, come home Immedi ately. Her life despaired of unless ah can see you; wire your answer. O. K. Coonrad, 1010 Asbury avenue, Asbury Park. N. J. Rllf PTTTrtF, Sucessfully treated ttu X U XI i without I ,urglcal operation. Call or writ Pra. Wray 4t Mathcny, u at mag., umana. MISSES GRAY AND HEAD. Electrlo baths, chiropody treatment, seientlflo massag. 210-212-214 Balrd Blk., 17tb and Pougr. P. 4t. MEDICATED vapor and modern Turkish baths for ladles and gentlemen; lady attendant for ladles; Swedish massage. 191W Farnam St Ponglaa 8437. Peraonal Mlasea Staolea &. Mason, bath. electrlo treatment, Open t a, ra. t i p. m. uoug. 718. h3 Branaeisrn. 1, CLARENCE WlEE, refuse to pay any bills contracted by my wife, Mrs, A. M. w leae. until further notice. ""VAPOR. TUB AND SPRAT BATHS. Edna La Bell. 700 8. 16th St. 3d floor am. ij. 704. MISS WILSON. Baths, 1803 Farnam Bt Room J. Phone rviuiflas 87S1. mTbruoman. Steam and shower bath. Red 2727. Room ?o?. Karbach Blk. RHEUMATISM treated successfully, re sult guarant d. ur. Howser, 14 tiee hio?. CC.Y muiicurlng parlois, baths. 1803 Farnam. Apt 7. Doug. 7574. fR. A. C. S'T'SkES has moved his office to 474 Brandoia Theater Bldg. MJS8 VENETA, maasago and alcohol. rub. Office 10 So.- 17th St DRESSMAKING by the day. Work guaranteed. Webster 688, I?C1ENTIFT(3 maaaage. R20 Be Bldg Phone Pouglas W72. .:.FSAGFX baths, expert masseuse, Podge St. 1721 M A fifl AO EM ss Webstar, lit Taxton Blk. I'oi-gias trfl. ?KHI.G at hotn or out. Red 3Ko7 FOR RENT-ROOMS furalsked Rao ma. :ii ''I'LL 8ANF01U). HOTEL HAP.LET". ltn and Farnam. 30th and Farnam. iftal Baei. ui Permanent Outiats. NICi;i.V fur. front parlor, suitable-for"j rents or man and wife; piano if desired. i'!?""' 'W eb. r,K7l 4 18 Manderson 8t. Vuiiualried front loom tor lo ladies or a maiTlerl couple. Phone Web. tUld. XVeUler St., i12 Well heated sleeping looms; stujenla preferred. Red iau3. NICELY furnished room, close in; all mo'lern. 631 H. 2?d "t. ELY furrllahed sleeping. Doug. ilisT lloaaeheeplBat Kosa. A NEWLY buiit place; have suite of housekeeping rooma left for desireable couple. Harney 677. tot. IT L of two neatly furnished and well heated room. N. 3,'th. Tel. Wal nut 138. Aiason. Xn Modern, well hvated house-keenlna- rooms: close to car. Harney 6011 PtrMARY'S AVE.. 2 06-Furiiiiied room foi light housekeeping y. 2M'h,'"llTMr-rTr$l M;' bailment H. 14?A Boaral and Itoaat. '1 j or liire-room suites, Weal Farnam iiMlrb t: tiothlnu to equal In city; pleaa aitl aurrouiidiiiga; east, north, south ex poaure: pl.-mlnl board; comfortable, rheerv place for a inter. Ideal in aum mr; lar.e yard and porch. U 3 Harney. FOR RENT-ROOMS II oar 4 aad Hooa. WARM. COMFORTABLE ROOMS. Newly furnished, horn privilege to th right part Ion. W erv good board. Call WfKtiw 7171 PI .fA S A N T south room, with best of board: excellent location; privat fam lly. 110ft Park Ave, Tel, Hmy 1:')v JONES. 2424 Front room and board In prlvata family: walking I'oog, yiyi. OOP home cooking. Open for buMnrwi Sunday at 17 W. 17th. Pouglna K3T7. Ffcw modern brick flat, hot water Seal; excellent location. II. 18". FOR RENT-FURNISHED Apartments avnd House. TT I partmeata. 8l'THEAST APT.. 4 rooms and bsth, ar Harney IPt.. sublease at special low rate for summer. Call Douglas 1117, after 6 p. m. Harney 267. b IX -ROOM furnlahod apartment In the Normandlo. Park -enue and Pacific. Beat street ear service In tha cltv. Phone P. 197. The Rvron Reed Co. Iloasrs. FF RN ISH ED house. '. 4 rooms, modem. except heat, bath and furnace. Walking distance. i ROOMS, furnlalied completely locatliMi j oeairanie, reaaonanic. Phone liar. ;.4. FOR RENT-HOUSES "tVeat. $35-3003 DODGE An R-room all modern home; well located and rent cheap. Corner lot and but two blocks to Farnam car; half block to Turner park, Glover & Spain, Doug. 3062. o 5.W Pouglas, modem. & rooms, I32..M). 1125 .South Slat, modern. 8 rooms, J30. South 41st. modern, T rooms, 2Mi0. JOHN N. KRF.NZKU, POt'OLAP X4. FOR KENT. M81 Harney Bt., mod. 10-roora brick house. Hot water heat. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. Tel. H. 104: D m. &-ROOM houoe: inoiit-rn except furnace. m it. 24(h Ave. Hirney 43.V. TVortli. A BUSY, busy door bell and a steady stream of replies-after your "JtiB Want-Ad has told Its atory. 20 LINCOLN BLVD.ll-room house! Htrlctly modern, with hot water boat Price 160 Douglas 1818. Bl6 GRANT ST., 7-r. com., modern. 2S. T. F. Hall. 433 Ramgo Bldg. D. 7406 NEW -room modern house. 3H17 Seward. Harney 4742. New mod, bunir. 27 Manderaon. Col. U9. goatb. I-ROOM horns In Hanacom Park District. 113$ Georgia, Ave., with garage; nicely decorated, excellent condition; 36. HASTINGS HETDKN. I14 Harney St. DESIRABLE 6-room cottage, modern ex cept furnace. 628 8. 19th Ave. Hlxen baugh p. 42S8. Mkeeellanaoaa. $17---&-r., mod. ex. heat, 2210 Ames Ave. 2f 7-r., all mod.. 2604 8. 32d St. $28 -r. bungalow, oak finish, strictly mod., 3821 N. 20th. ' $36 7-r., strictly mod., with garage, 1808 Plnknev St. Very nice. TKBBENS, 606 Omaha Nat. Bk. P. 2181 t-R., downtown, colored, $13; 3 and $-r.. iota garaen grouna, t-a. xiu uoug. wimi. -jvenings wainm zwf, HOUSES FOR RENT; CREIGH, SONS CO.. 106 BEE BLDU. DOUG. "00. FOR RENT-APT S AND FLATS West. FARNAM AND TENTH, 3 FLOORS. I stories, good brick building, ele vator. 1018 Farnam fct.. will make price right for terms. W. T. GRAHAM. BEE BLDG. VERY cholc 4 or 6-room steam heated apartment, on West Farnam St. JOHN W. ROBB1NS. 1W2 FARNAM ST. DANDY four roomx; south frotit bay; walking distance. Doug. 2640. ' Nortk. 6-R. 60tt N. 21 ST, close In; walking dls- tance, moa. ex. neat; naceiy aecoratea; ..... . V. I .. .. 0IT Ul HASTINGS ot HEYDEN, 1614 Harney 8t i mtfc. r"IVE-ROOM steam heated apartment, very desirable, th Chula VUt. 30t and Poppleton Ave., $43.60. 32f Bran del Theater Bldg. Poug. 1871. UUeellaxteuaa. WAiui, COZY APARTMENT. Fin apartment of four rooms and bath, nloely decorated, oak finish, team heat, janitor service; every thing ftrst-cla. Sec It and you will take It SCOTT HILT. CO., I'our'ss isw. MONTH FREE RENT. ' OLOSE-IN APARTMENT. J-room and bath apartment, brick, mod. but heat; best neighborhood. 111.60 and $15. Call for appointment to see them. P. Fx BUCTC. S OMAHA NAT. Pf. g, T-ROOM, ateam heated, $3n; near pot offlc. O. P. Stebhins, 1610 Chicago. WHEN th renting problem la under con siderationeither from th standpoint of the tenant or landlord th Real Es tate and Want Ad Quid to all of Greater Omaha Th Bee la th best medium for ur and satisfactory re sults ' urAiTU trnp-ir. wjtvt CLOSE-IN APARTMENT, t-room and bath apartment, brick; modern except heat; good neighbor hood; $160. P K. BUCK, 912 Omaha Nat'l. P. 6226. WANTED TO RENT "illacellsi ncuua. WASTED to rent, 3 or 10 acres, with good buildings. Andreas O 7Zft, Bee. INTELLIGENT and persistent advertis ing will ' seU'' any salable real estate, and the largest number of prospective buyers can be reached through the Real Estate and Want-Ad Guide to all or Greater umana this hee. FOR RENT-BUSINESS PROP'TY btorva. WILL remodel apace, 60x60! for lodge hall, 3d floor of Crounae block, 11 N. 16ih St.. to. salt tenant. CONRAD YOUNG, Urandela Thea. Poug. 1871 SMALL store room; very deairahle: rent ; l.CO Cass ht. CONRAD YOUNG, riranneis 'i neaier. ltongiaa "i.m STORE RtMS at I Una-la 11 Farnam Kt. Thos. F. Hall. 433 Ratnue Tt'-ig. D. 740. M lackrllaMeuas. FOR RENT Ground floor auditorium In Omaha, central location. 4.:so square feet, without posts: balcony, seating I.OuO; two large stores and lobby In front: low rent on Inn term to experi enced and responsible party making own improvement: suitable for eutoa, rink, muvle or theater. N. P. Dodge A Co.. 2U6 Withnell Bldg., Omaha. Neb. MOVING AND STORAGE GLOBE VAN $ STORAGE Store, move, pack, ahlpa; (-hor van and i men. $1.U per hour; storage, $3 per month. Satisfaction auaraAtaed. Dougla 43-ss and Tyler 330. GORDON VAN CO. Packing, atorag and mov ing. il N. llth St. Phon Dougla t4 or Harney 1S.I7. FTrPROO"F" rTEllOTSE Separate, locked rmimi, for household good and piano, moving, packing and hipping. ti.MAUA VAN AND STORAGE CO. tot; g. if'b fit. Douglai tlit. moving and storage Fidelity fkee ritone Pougla M for complete list of vacant houses and apartments: also for storage, moving Ifith and Jackson Hit J I1 -'o. Moving. 7 IUI'lJ packing and storage. lf7 Farnam St. louglj6U6. ITaGO , TlD Van"alorag Co. MovW. packing, storage and shipping. O. 14twt. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. SNAP S-room house on a full lot, fenced; with a rood chicken house, all In good shape, worth (. Owner says take (.VO. This i your chance that comes once In a life time. W. S. FRANK, SH Neville Block. Norla. PRETTIWST MILK RESIDENCE. We have a "-room, strictly modern house on the prettiest in lie on North loth P. Boulevard that can bo bought at a great aacrlflce; S rooms and bath on tha first floor and two nice, large bed rooms on the second floor; ent.r house finished In oak. with oak floors: full cement baaement. nlc. large lot and ha all built-in feature, such as fireplace, bookcase and buf fet, with beam ceilings. Must be soon to be appreciated. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 637 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Douglas l.l. ONE acre at JUW Rodlck Ave. rrloe. 34.2SO. $i,noo cash, balance $. month. Dandy Improvements; room. All kind of fruits berries. It block from N. W. corner Miller park. Very finest view and moat reasonable-priced acre in Omaha today all fixed to start right In as chicken ranch. Oo out and e It now. WH.IJAM COLFAX. Suite 702-4 Keellne Bldg., 17th and Harney. . Tel. Pong. fW. A FINE HOME FOR VERY LITTLE CASH Two-story cottage, oak floor, strictly modern; large lot. Small monthly pay ment. 3331 Ames Avo. NOltltIS & NORMS, ' 400 Pee Building. Phone Douglas 4270. PRA I RI 10 PARK-tfiOO caah and Ftt monthly -will buy 7-room, new 3 atory, oak finish first story, fine shade, hedg and shrubbery; first claas In every way. B.- J;.Scannefl, Poug. 898 or Colfa 8611. TeSi rooms, four apartment, cheap, Phon Colfax 1063 after U a. m. BoatU. $50 CASH IS ALL IT TAKES TIHS NEW HOME FOR COLORED 28n6 Miami St., 4-room modern rottag (large rom stairway to attic, two more room ran be finished upstairs, it desired; nearly new; nicely decorated. Prlc 33.2O0. Balance ran be paid Ilk rent. Monthly payment Include In terest. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. NEAR FIELD CLUH. W' have a brand new 6-room, strictly modern bungalow stvl home In tha Field club district; oak finish through out; run cement basement, with large corner lot; street paved; In th best neighborhood in the city; 1 block from car line and Hanacom park. Call u fur appointment to see tins. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. B37 Omaha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 1781. o I MUST sell my V-larg room modern home, on paved street, cement walks, large barn, nice shade, cement baaa. - ment, laundry, gas, electrlo lights, hot water heat, cistern, bath and sewer. One block from street car nd publle school. - Worth $8,600. Mak me an of- ' fer. Fred Mower, owner,, 4760 S. 18th St.. Omaha. 6-ROOM BARGAIN NEW, 6-ROOM, 2-STORY HOUSE, NEAR CAR, A SNAP AT 33,400; REASONABLE PAY MENTS. ' BENSON CARMICHAJHa POTGIAS 1722. 643 PAXTON BLK. ETanEcoM PARK bargain, 6-room, nw, strictly modern pome, corner lot, tor (4 000. Terms If desired. Tfrbk'NS. Omaha. Nat. Bank. Pong. fin. 27(00 WILL buy7-room modern hou. 1311 bourn zatn bc. x.asy terms. JOHN W. ROBBINB. 1803 FARNAM ST. u0 DOWN. $16 per month, buys snappy 6- room cottage. iei souui biii, mus a. Hat St.. South Bide. Miscellaneous. '$500 CASH, BALANCE LIKE RENT. This is a nearly new 6-room, atrlctly modern home; ten blocks from post office, walking distance. It la finished In birch throughout. Street paved; gar age; nice, larg lot, H block from car and school. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. 6T Omsha Nat. Bk. Bldg. Poug. 171. o A GENUINE BARGAIN No. 2008 Dth Ave., Council Bluff; I room, modern except heat, large barn, paved street and on car line; $3,100. Will sell for reasonable payment down, balance like rent Thos. L. McOarry, Kecilne Bldg., Red 4o41. "COTTAGE AT AUCTION At court house, February 34. Res W, H. RTTBSELL. 631 Brandeis Theater. TWO ner kT. Bungalows for $6,600. Rental mi year. W. H. GATES. Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED North. ' WILL BUILD TO" ORDERS furnish plans free, furnish lot and help finance. If you are going to build, see m or phon D. SW1. G.EO. E. LUNPBURO, 616 Paxton Bldg. rWO ACRES, closeTn7$U00: and other acreage, no to snug, no trades. Pat terson, Pouglas 2(47. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGE WHY hold your vacant lot? Here Is a chance for you to turn your lot In aa part payment on a brand new houa In Hanscom park district. 7 rooms nd enclosed sleeping porch. Built nd owned by contractor. Prlc $7 fM For further Information write A 'jM, WE hay listed from owners high-class nsnsaa 1 uy income properties to ex chans for farms: if you want to eon, vrt your farm into cholc monthly In come property, send us complete de scription of nm Shaw Realty Com pany, naserv mag , jiansas City, Mo. o WE have a' client that ha a $2,000 equity In a nearly new 6-room house who want an no-acr a rami in the eastern or central part of Nebraska, with small improvements. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 67 Omaha National Bank Bldg. P. nil GALE or trad for Nb. landTfruit tracts lrrigaiea, improved; no to town; fin climate. Tuo. Bailey, Canon City, IXFJII, RIAL ESTATE, Fire and "General Insur anc. Art Thatchar. 1217-11 City Na tion Bank Bldg. Dougla 3SQ1. FOR EXCHANU-$J6.Cuo clear land for Income, town or city. JS. W. Runyon. flMn.v, la. A 330-AC RE farm, close to Omaha, for ex. change. P. 6707. Toland Trumbull. 44. Be Bldg. vVANTE D L I ght up-to-date car, for two well located lot. Colfax 41M. REAL ESTATE-SUBURBAN BBIS. (-ROOM. All modern. In Benson, at 21S N. bsth St. Full lot. bouse about 6 year old Mortgage on it of $.'.iu0.00 payable ViA.Oo per month, make offer for eouliy. oil need not fear to make offer low enough The owner muni aell and oU Hill i,et a auap II. A. OLE. iU Vie Blk , Doug REAL ESTATE SUBURBAN IN THE hllla north of Florence. "aboMt miaway ronca and Rook Port creek, J6 acres; crea under cultivation, bal. natural tlmler. Small Improvements. Addreaa P 7. Pee REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS INVF.8TMF.NTS. i-tnry brick, on S. 13th St., near Dour. laa. nam. S-story Bldg.. on Ikdge and 14th, fine corner, $40000. 8-storj, on Douglas ner ltlh, $v.,00i. 3-tory. f7th and Cuming St., good in vestment, $30.onn. S-story brick, South loth near Poppleton Ave.. Si3.3on. .1-story building, North litl, :-.oon. Irge corner lot. I7ln and W IIIIk Ave., $I,;.V. 8-atory hotel, close in. reduced. $.10,000. 3-atorr hotel, one ot the beat In the city, $70,000. 3-story brick, 24th St., all renied. $12,000. I want n offer on anv of the nlMive. Writ or call at 41.1 Karbach block, Oman. Neb. Thos. Adama. MORTGAGE INVESTMENT. Some flrst-claas mortgages, il per cent Interest. V. T. 'Ir.iham. Hoe Bldg. REAL ESTATE-WANTED HAVE buyer for close-In residence, 8 to iv rooms. wnt nsve youT R. II LAN PER YOU, Tel. P. 67S !0! Neville Block. WANTEIV Tobuv on monthly payment. small store room, with living room aboe. In Central chool distiict. Phon Red 7ST.4. FOR SALE-BUSINESS PROP'TY Laa (or Sal Good Location for REAL ESTATE or INSURANCE ISO Square Feet $80.00. The Bee Building Co. Hoom 10S. $76,000 WILL buy 3-story brick block on 16th St., with ground 133 feet square. J. B. Robinson. D. 8077. 442 Be. FINANCIAL FOR SALE to .009 issue h per cent pre ferred stock, retlreabl n flv years at premium; alt or part. Address K 722. Bee Real F.stat Loan, Mortaragre. WE are ready at all time to make loan on first-class city property and eastern Nebraska farms. Rates on 'request. UNITED STATES TRUST CO. Ill So. 17th St. 6 TO for loan on beat class city residences In amount $2.noo up; also farm loan. Reasonable cnmmlaaion. m PETE Its TRUST CO.. 1622 Farnam St. OMAHA home. East Nebraska farm,' O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., 116 Omaha National. Pbon Dougla 171$, MONEY TO LOAN, fori ar," on"lm proved properties. BHOPEN & CO., Poug. 4246 G AliVlN BROS womaRa VJAXVVAiy mWO. NT. BANK BLPO. IJOO TO 110,000 made promply. F. D. WeaiT. Wead Bldg.. ISth i Farnam Bt. llOSEY on hand for city and farm loans. m. w. runner, t:uy national Hank Blilg, CITY property. Large loan a pclalty, w, It. Thomas, 228 State Hank Bldg. -JL. J. 1 L -1 1 ' 1 TT-. 3 CITY and farm loan. &, 6'i, 6 per" cent. j. n. uumoni at lo., tis state HatlK. FARM loan, 6, eastern Neb., or weat ern la. Toland V Trumbull, 448 Be Hdg. 6 Of. CITY LtTANS, C. O. Carlbcrg, SlJ- W MONEY, HARRISON A MORTON, W6 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Aastraet ( Title GUARANTEE beat,atb!artith! cheapest. Room T, Patterson Bldg. p.'. 947 yunU Title guaraniee and AbatranT XVA-iXaJUi Co.. a modern abstract nffiea on B. van nt. iei. u. nvti, REED ABSTRACT CO.. oldest abstract Stock and Boada. HOME BUILDERS, Inc., paying 7W GUARANTEED PREFERRED SHARES. Tou har In th SURPLUS PROFITS also, making a tntal earning of 11 par cant to shareholder who Invested 4 years ago. Ask for our No. B "NEW WAT" BOOKiei. 11 leiia n.11 btoiu ll. AMERICAN SECURITY CO., FIs. Agts. a. W. Cor. 17th and Douglas. Omaha. TsOu farm mortgage bearing 7 per cent. secursu Dy property vaiuen, a,24o. Tal maK IxKiml Invest Co., W. O. W. Bldg. TLVNcTT MTO. $1,500, 7 per cent emP annually. Address 727, Bee. REAL ESTATE OTHER CITIES ET andiron and fireplace screen. Ad drea J 721. Bee. REAL ESTATE-TRACKAGE imi and Illckoryl 1HHxlft, on B. & M. R. R., $4,000. ORIMMEL, (4( Omaha Nat l Bank Bldg. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Alabama Laada, TWO furnlshad rooms, steam heated, welt located, private bath; can Include kitchen; suitable for man and wife or two young men; for rent Feb. It. Har ney VM. o MODERN 7-r. apartment. Including beau tiful east sun room, In west Farnam district, for rent. Harney 13iW o tallforaia Land. k LITTLE farm, $X0. Easy terms. Cali fornia Import carloada of chicken and egg. Here a chance for poultry men. Siieridan, Placer county, California. o owner for full Information. P. B. Goes, My 3-a re tract are Just big enough for chicken and are close to town con venience nd market centers. Write Florida Lands. UK to, AT HAKHAINS $5 down, V, month ly, buys 4o acres, good fruit and poul try land, near town, southern Mhasourl. Prlc only $200. Address Box (n. Ex celsior Springs, Mo. 00 CHOICE farms for sale; 14 acres hlghiy Improved, 60 acre of choice land at $u6 per acre; to settle estate. Ed Croft. Hlehurds. Mo. o Idaho Laada. BIO LAND SALE. In Idaho. February IKI6, the Stat of Iduho will offer at auction at Hotae and Caldwell, Idaho, 14,000 acre of Irrigable land In Ada and Canyon counties, under the Payette-Bole irojcct. Forty yuars to pay for the land, 20 years to pay for the water. Writ me quickly for d. tailed Information and get In on this NOW. R. A. SMITH, Colonization and Indus. trial Agent, Union Pacific System. Room A jcO, Union Pacific Headquar ters, Omaha. Nebraska. Iowa l.aad FOR SALE 30 acre 4 mile townHioIl very rich, good well, fenced hog-tight; chool Vmil. Prlc $4,6u0; $l,6u caah. halenc 10 ear at ( per cent La E. Wright. Dunlsp. la. ST'LENOID Ioa farm; 34) acres; ll-jO per acre. I'se $l6,(rt exchange. C. 8. Itelyea. 316 Ram tie Bklg . Omaha. Neb. Mississippi Loads. CASH. 'M PEM .MONTH. ' " without Interest, secures a 10-acre p'can ori lmrd. paying .'.) snuuall.v at ma. turlt). Income eoninteiicrs with first put men;. We ih l vel Ihe Olclmid IiIhuhiI. W. T. Smith Co. C:v Nul'l tilt.. U. JiU. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Mlaaeaola l.aa. 1W-Ai'I5E Improved farm. 30 miles from M 'ineixlia; 100 acre un'der cultivation, balmiee meadow an I pa.lir; good soil; 10-rooin houaa, barn and all other build ings that are needed, sclinnl house on land: price, fn per sere; one-half cash; or lll sell fsrm alto full equipment of horai'g, cattle, machinery, etc. Will make very rraaonable price on personal property. Immediate possession can h bad. Schawb Bros.. 10IA Plymouth Building. Minneapolis. Minn. Mlaaoarl Lands, WANT MONEY t Let m tell you how to get II. trth land la full of It, and the land Isn't very high-priced, either. Climatic and living condition are excellent electric ity used for cooking, lighting and heat ing on manv farms educational advan tauea unexcelled. There are manv tract of land Irri gated and non-lrrlgatrd suitable for all kinds of farming, for sal cheap and on reasonable terms. Seed raising highly profitable. I will give complete Informa tion to you free for the asking. R. A. SMITH. Colonisation aV Industrial Agent Union Pacific System. Room 50H, Union t actile Headquarters. Omaha. Nebra ska o BETTER live on your own little farm In" Dent Co., Mo., than be a renter. Call or write for booklet. W. S. Frank, Nvl Block, Omaha. Montana Lands. MoNTANA land. 40 acres at $Ju; will raise bushels wheat; living water; alfalfa bottom: terms, $2,000 caah; bal ancn in ten annual payment at 6 per cent. Addreaa Owner, P. O. Box Vsl, Roundup. Mont. Nebraaka Ua4. f AILL x 11 my wTCTmproved farm of 160 acre at publlo auction Friday, Feb. 18. Land located V ml'. went of Bel grade, Neb., In Nance county, southeast quarter section , township 17, rang 8. Incumbrance, $3,'00, which ran be as sumed. Terms, $1,000 down on day of fin robs ae, balance to be paid March 1, tflti. Fre transportation and all ex panse to purchaser. Send sealed bMa to R, J. Hoy, Fullerlon, Neb., W. II. Smith, owner. PLATTE VALLEY. 60 acre, half In alfalfa and half In crop; adjoining town; full water right. $ho an acr. Easy term. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Omaha Nat Bank Bldg., Omaha. A GOOD do-acre farm locatedthre ami one-half mile eaat of Kearney, Neb. on the Lincoln Highway, constating of 16 acre paature, balance under culti vation; good 6-room house and barn for ten head of horse and other out building. Clan aive possession March 1, lt6. For sale or trade for Omaua property. Writ Eraeat Smith, U. , Kearney, Neb! ALU THE TIME YOU WANT Owner of 840 acr In Cedar county, M mile from Sioux City; will mak vary liberal term to flnst-cla farmer who ran make a reasonable caah payment; farm has about ISO acre In croo. I well Improved and rloae to town. Prlc. $100 n acr. What' the us of renting? PAYNE INVESTMENT Omaha Nat I Bank Bldg. Omaha. A STOCK FARM. 400 acre, located near Curtis, Fron tier county, Neh., on R. F. P.: ISO acre under cultivation, balance hay and pas ture land: 160 acre more can be broken out; belongs to four brothers and I to be sold and divided; $10 per acre: good term. Address Boas W. Good, Curtis, Neb 130 ACRES, with $6,000 worth of Improve menu. In Dougla county, 20 miles from Omana. at 126 an acr. M 710, Bee. Wisconsin Laada. UPPER WISCONSIN Ut dairy and general crop state In tha union; settler wanted; lands for sale at low price on easy terms. Ask tor booklet 34 on Wis consin Central Land Urant. Excellent lands for slock raising. If Interested In fruit lands ask for booklet on apple orchards. Address Land and Industrial I'epl., Soo Line Railway, Minneapolis, Minn. M lI ta ). I HAVE YOU A FARM FOR SALE? Write a good description of your land and send It to the Sioux City (la.) Jour nal, "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five word vry Fri day evening, Saturday morning and very Saturday evening and Sunday fur one month, giving sixteen ad on twelv different days for $2; or 60 words, $4, or 76 word, $. Largest circulation of any Iowa nsws paper; 2o0,ooo readers daily in four great stales. FOR any and all .kinds of acreage located on or near car Una, call C. R. Combs, (is Brandela Theater Bldg. Doug, tm FARM LAND-FOR RENT $300 PER year, beautiful 4o-acr farm, seven miles west of Millard; 4 Mi mile northwest of Uretna; gently rolling; good Improvements; splendid place for market gardening. A. C. Wakeley, 4u6 Omaha National Bank Bldg. 1M-A., lnO-a., 300-a. Iowa farms; all lm proved. Write fop particulars. Camp bell 1 ratg, tveeune mas 60 ACRES Improved. 3 miles north of Blair. Neh.; possession Immediately, Phon Web. 6000. FARM LAND-WANTED WANTED To hear from owner of good farm for sale. Send cash prlc and de scription. V. r. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. vVANTED Farms; have 3.367 buyer; ds scrlbe your unsold property, ttt4 Farm era' Exchange. fenver, Colo. THTC for rent advertisemenTS artnaarlne In th For Rent column of The Be dally cannot be beat for variety that will pleas and fill th needs of any on desiring to rent. Phon Tyler 1000. HORSES-LIVESTOCK-VEHICLES Tor Sale. FEEDERS, r I'.i'.ul'.i IS Carload of choice, fleshy feeders for sal at mar ket price. If you want them act quick. Cannot take them to market on account of sickness In family. Win. B. Wid ninnn. Ulpelow, Minn. Aui 1 have Juat moved from the country. wn sen weu-maiunea team or cnunay bullt horses, g and ( years old; almost new set of hsmeas, $136; also five other farm horses snd mares. StM St. Mary s. Thirty-two iiiIIk wagons for sale, ciieup. Johnaon-Oanforth Co.. lmh and Clark. lIAY-isiW ton. A. W. Wag"m"r.luNrT6.' POULTRY AND PET STOCK vi E offer a few New Zealund Red8teX grev, black silvers snd solid white giant ra hbita. Hold. 1 leutel, Deulson, Iowa. Htji.h.U liOr.t'NK for MtltT, 23 pair, 111a ted and hnnded. Phone Benson JtM-W UNE iloxeii White l-cfclioinx, one iluirn Rhodlshnd Redji; cbeap Colfax 240. MXD grain, foo'lbs.. $1.7 j. Wagner. (OlTTfi AUTOMOBiLES-FOR SALE REAL IUWJAINS t 1914 Ford touring cars. 1 1913 Ford roadster. 1 1914 Ford roadster 1 11 Hupp JO roadster. 1 1(13 Chalmers 9) roadster. 1 1(13 Maxwell 36 truck. 1 11 Maxwell. C. AV. FRANCIS AUTO CO.. ?-l Farnam. Dougla (63. AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE FIRE. THEFT. TORNADO. LIABILITY PROPERTY DAMAGE AT l,OWE8T RATES. KII.1.V. ELLIS aV Tl IO.,1 1'SON. :l ! '14 Citv Nat l Bunk lilil. Doug 219. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE make one good :icc from lanoll ones. Ak us how, y.wlebel Proa . 2.'1 Famam. Ii4 llupinohtle In first class condition, new tire. Colfsx TT6 For gal. 1 IIM6 Loiler touring, (-cylinder $0 3 lir. Brick C-2S touring $ litis Hnlck loadstor : 4 lil Krtt touting 4 4) $ 11I4 Ford touting f (116 Sluoebaker 4 touring o Auto Clearing House. ?70 Farnam. p M10 II AI.F-l'hlCE if you" watch the "For Sale, Miscellaneous- columns of TUB I BKE, you'll often see articles which ! am for all practical purpose almost a good as new-advertlaed for half ! the oHi lnel t" ice In THE BEE. j FORSAT."f5--A-paaseng,.r Bulck. model ! l. jn. ii. 1 mi ,',i.. i,.'-., iinir,, inai class meehanlesl condition; owner wants larger car. lrney7ti "10(X-LB. truck' $126. Nei,rRa Buiok Servlr station. 1(14 Farnam, phone Pouglas 731. Auto Livery aad Clara are. indiisTrlni Oarage Co ' Harney SuT Awtw Wepairlai and Paintiagj. AuToinoblle Plntlna dunby expVruP'M year cxpciienc In Omaha: work guar anleol lftclaas Johnsonanforth Co. fi'l'l'LEN tlies last longer, are Yrongf and more ilurable WxIS, tl! Farnam ro. ''mn. m.a. iTSTreward for mngcnto we can't i-ep7ir" colls repaired. Baysdorfer. girt N. ix,h Fre winter storage when car are paimr ed no H'" h On. Uinaba Hmliaior nop, t o.. ' rar. I. ami Aate Tire aad panic. "' or four-line ad In tii For Sale. Miscellaneous column of' TilE wh,eh will Illustrate the trial, the sacrt Shld 'good'.0.1"' itnTfr " '"r" "nd """"' lr,"m rrt NOW. A UTO Tl RFFTTa I :FPRff ST Homer Hill, 1611 Chicago St M0T0RCYCLES BICYCLES HAItLK Y-l A V1DSON MOTtVlU'YTLTlH Hargnln 111 uaed machines. Victor Ruoa The Motorcycle Man." 2;i Iavenwnrlh! I I.tXiAL NOTICE. Sbt-iCK vrjnoTSm? Notlc l hereby given that th regular annual meeting of Jtie Stockholder of the SOUTH PLATTE LA ND COM PA NY wl ba held at the office of aald Comnanv iWn.braUnryfo'c'lo abUm'1ln;!e0"P" W"M ,h' M1"""rt Hver on .ha first day of March. A. D.. 181 " '"'r , and, while encamped on Unroln, Nehrask February lit, isjs, W W. TURN Elt sre?a?v Fby ld)C 7" ;. . MARION PUIS ON OWN SHOW ; 1 Hii Funfent and ..Musical Revel Pleases TH. Anriiann at a ixuuiciiuc av the Oayety. BEWITCHING SCENES CAPTIVATE This week's show at th Oayety Is i scenlo splurg snd a musical revel, a well as being ths fun-feat that la naturally expected and enjoyed when Pave Marlon comes to town a "Snuffy, ths Cabman." A big audience at ths opening perform ance last night cave generous spplaun to ths many features, scene snd novel ties, which make the production stand out as on of tha bright lights In ths liUrlrsqu world. "Snuffy" snd his funny dancing "horse" and rickety old cab got a tremendous welcoming hand when they first appeared, snd wer made V feal that they have a warm spot In ths hearts of Omaha, burlesque patrons. It Is not strsngs that Marlon ha made Iota of money in his extended wav of stage popularity, for ha and his show slwsys deliver the goods, and mora so than sver this season. f MoItKado of Scene. He ha his own show this tims, staged and written by himself, with the as I st ance in staging, of Barney Fagan, a clever exmlnstrel, who Is also In th caat Ther ar elovsn full-aUg scene In th production, besides many necessary front-stags scenes between, while Man ager Johnson's doubled fores of seen shifters are msklng ready. Tha scenery gets much approval for Its beauty. Than th show ha an unusually strong organi sation of singers, both girt and men, and lot of comedy, led by Marlon and ably seconded by Oeorga Bank, who already enjoys popularity from past sea sons on the circuit. Ths burletta Is entitled "Around the World," snd ths brilliant costumes, many song hits snd changes of seen ar suited to Central Park, Dlxluland, Frisco, Honolulu, Panama, Paris, Ireland, and ether place. The chorus Is mors numer ous than usual, snd Includes many pretty ponies, Thos Who Coatrlhat. Henrietta Byron hsads ths femlnln entertainers and offers soms fetching German and French singing stunts, as well a leads s number of other favorite numbers. Ines Deverder ts a winning soubrwt and Agne Behler alio la In ths company. Mile. Bartolletl makes a de cided hit with her dances. Ths Arion quartet proves to be one of the most populsr groups of male singers that have visited the Oayety this season, and I recalled many times. J. J. Ryan, Frank fchand, Harry Oluckstone, Alfred De Loraln and Bert Hall contribute Im portant parts to ihu hurmony and laughter. Burt Qrant, a genuine colored entertainer, is one of tha brightest spots on the program, and win many encore with his cleNcr JWs and "coon" songs. Marlon's trained bulldog deserves pi iiil mention, as it fight and bl'cs whenever It gets the cue, and kicks up a good deal of a roar during Its stunt. .Mmlnn as sert he buys tiic cog a porterhouse every morning, because the dog one bit A I Reeve. TWO MEN WITH SCARLET FEVER AT THE STATION I Frank Willey of the Peoples Lodging House walked Into police headuuu tiers wild' well developed case of crlct fever last evening. A th discovery of the disease was being made, an Intoxi cated man unable to glv hi name, was found to be in the same predicamen. Both were hastily removed to 'the hrspl. tal. MASS MEETING OF BARBERS CALLED FOR THURSDAY EVE C. M. Fieder, vice president of the Inter national Journeymen Barbers' Union of America, ha called a ma meeting of the Journeymen barber of Omaha, to b held at Labor temple on Thursday ev- .1.,. .Ul- .. U A. Ih.l !...- ,L. . .,,ia 1 i, w " . , (,. i,iv in mai ler of re-establishing the barbers' union in umana will ira ian-u up. in meeting I open to all burbers, and they ar all Invited to attend. A a Aid to Digestion.' When you feci dull and stupid after your meal, frequently have our atom ach and eructation you should take one of Chamberlain' Tablet Immediately after dinner to aid digestion, obtainable everywhere. Ad ertlsement. ADYICE FOR YOUNG , SCENARIO WRITERS Ourdon W. Wattlei Make Supg-ei-tioni for Ak-SarBen Movie Flay in Nebraska. -,,. . ,. ,, , , PRIZE OFFERED FOR BEST FILM "'"m managing a street csr company, directing the principal operations of a big national bank and doing several other tunt of that kind, O. W. Wattle might also be a playwright. That la If he cared to direct his talent In that way. Mr. Wattles tin shown omehlng of his hlllty In arranging plot and select ing exciting cene in giving a Una of suggestions to the young writer who would compete for Ihe $100 prixe offered hy th Board ot Governor of Ak-Sttr-Bn for the best scenario reviewing th fifty year of history of the state of Ne braska. Her Is In part what Mr. Wattles ha r' "The principal business of Nehraskaiui ts farming. Th largest number of It Inhabitant Are engaged In farm work. I therefor have conceived that thl tory should deal with farm life to a largw 1 extent. If a picture can be. produced oromn and dlsaater of th avarag farmer who ha lived on the prairie of Nebraska during the last fifty year. It will Illustrate tha history of thl Mat, to my mind. In a more comprehensive manner than In any other way I can Imagine. Honeymoon Over Plains. I "Such a picture would nattlrally start with the marriage scene of a voung I couple in torno eastern or middle western eiaie. ine wedding trip would be taken In a prairie schooner westward toward the new state of Nebraska, where home steads could bo secured. Th vnuna ' th Nebraska side, would he Joined by lo,h'r nlTanls with similar Intention ta hfPome settler In thl state. They '; ol1 Journey together aero the br nralrlna r. ,.u- . . J:XTr?:M,r: stockade with their wagons ss a protec- Uon " Indian attacks. An Indian attack could be shown in which some of their horse or live stork wnillif Ha iIHv.ii away. They would finally reach their destination and enter upon the Uvea of the early settlers on the homestead they bad selected. ' Sod houaea wnntrf K. structBd. snd with old-fashioned breaking Plow the new and virgin soil would be turned over for th first time. Scene no incident of the sod house period could be illustrated. Trip to Omaha. ' "Th second stage, would naturally show the fram house, th sheds, th trees, the fence and tb cultivated farm which came along aom years after th first settlement. Ths drouth, ths grass hopper period and other trials should b Illustrated. , Ths. coming of ths rail road and the Joys and eonvsnlences It brought to the early settler; th In rreas of prosperity, and Incidentally the Increasing age of our pioneer couple, with their family of children growing up about them; a trip to th metropolis of th stats to se th Trans-Mlsslsslppl exposition, with views of th buildings and grounds; a trip to th Omaha tock yards, wher th farmer found a mart for hi llv stock; ths departure of som of th children to stend ths Stats Uni versity at Lincoln; tha Introduction of Improved frm Implements; ths Increase In number snd Improvement In charac ter of the llv stock on ths farm;' th actual farming operations of plowing, seeding, cultivating. harvttng, haying, threshing, corn husking; th avcrag country school houss with ths school In eaalon, snd perhaps ths terrors of a Nebraska bllxxard; alt with ths msny other Incidents, which will suggest them selves to ths plsy writer, would form a part of ths early life of ths pioneer. how Modera Improwroea ts. "Th flnl triumph might b pictured when th plonr, mature In year nd prosperou beyond hi dream, would he suggested by his neighbors ss a fitting csndldsts for ths office of govsrnor of ths stt; th csnvsas of ths votes snd hi triumphant election; th Inaugura tion at th capltol In Lincoln 1 th changed scenes about the old homestead, howlng th full grown tree, ths fin modern farm house and barns, ths Im proved llvs stock, the modern machinery, Including th tractor, th tam thresher, and th automobile) th rural mall de livery, th Jeleplion service, and all th other manifold comfort and con venience which have com within th brief space of fifty year to bless trie live ot the farmers of this ststs, "A prelude to the main atory might properly . Illustrate the first landing of American rltlsen on Nebraska soil whan Lwla and Clark with their party held a council with the Indian In th forest near Fort Calhoun, An interesting Inno vation might lie Introduced In throwing on the screen the photograph of man prominently Identified with the develop ment of this state. LIMBS BECAME Broke Out in Small PimpJes. Itching So Severe Could Not Sleep. Burned Badly. In 10 Days HEALED BY CUTICURA SOAP AND OINTMENT "l bad a sort of an Itching on my limbs, and at Brat they bruk out in small pi to plea. Tb (kin was Inflamed aud sura, and also red, and toaard th last th pimple became one sot .erup tion. Tha Itching was so severe that I could not sleap and I could not arratch nay limb becauas they burned so badly. Tba troubls lasted six weeks snd I could not do my work aa It should havs been don. "I saw a Cutlcur Soap and Ointment advertisement and I sent for a fre sample snd applied It according to directions, and It gavs me relief so 1 bought more, god la ten days I was healed." (Sifned) Mlk tisger. Westphalia, Kansas July 7, K1S. Sample Each Free by Mail Wttb 82-p. Skin Book oa raquart. Ad dress post-card "Catirara, Oe. T, Baaa tan." Bold throughout th world, ' ONE SORE ERUPTION