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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 7, 1916)
THE 11KK: OMAHA, MONDAY, FKIUU'AKV 7, VJG. BRINGING UP FATHER x Copyright. 11. Inlernstional News Pervlce. All Klahts Iteerc.l Drawn for The Bee by George McManus i "pT i i j 11'"" ""! " " ' ' L 'J " "1 1 I I " 1 1 i " 'I MACOE-KJN "LSI; N t)HOT 1)P - OH! HfLLO-O-O! 'Mn 00 I DOMTLtTl R$ 1 f WHKtZK - j j ' : 1 ' - OMAHA FIVES ARE LEADERS IN STATE Thirty-Five High School Games Flayed Last Week Show Local ' ' Quintets Have the Class. CALDWELL IN FINE SHAPE FOR SEASON. COLUMBUS SPRINGS SURPRISE The hint week has leen the moat active In state banket ball Activities since the opening of the Reason a short two months hark. Of the thirty-seven Raines played there were at least five or six that were Important In slsins; up those teams that are considered leaders. The "dope" lias ben split, banged and torn to shreds a scuie of different win due to causes un known. ) ' -The biggest surprise of the week came with the defeat of tho fast Geneva team by Lincoln, by a score of 14 to 8, at Lin coln Saturday night. By every argument conceivable It was predicted that Geneva would have an easy time with the Cap ha! City five, yet they were defeated. The fact that Coach Thleson's team played three games on each night of the later days of last week, winning all. Is probably one, of the reasons that they were unable to maintain an upper hand in their Saturday night's game. At all events. Coach Greenstrect's men won the game, which nakes the dope predict the two Omaba High schools as distinct leader above all others in the state. Two dark horses wore uncovered among ther no less exciting- events. Columbus, with., practically no history or record at all, defeated the fast Fremont quintet by a score of 24 to 19 In midweek. On top of this. Central City, one of the . earlier runertj-up "1n the state tournament last . -.year, ' boasts 'of a victory over the Co- Hifhb6r dtferegation'ea'rller In' the season. Since Fremont cleaned up on 'Council Bluffs,' Winers over both Central and South IligH schools of Omaha, easily Thursday night, it would appear that Central City and Grand Island are to be strong candidate In the race for first . place at he tournament. There Is one thing sertain these two teams have earned places In Division A of the state tournament. ' Crete Wins Aaralau Crete disposed of Fairmont, a strong five In Fillmore county that has boasted of a clean record for many weeks, de feating the fast team on the Doan college m floor by a score of 38 to SO. As Crete Is considered one of the first teams of the state, the defeat of aFlrmont does not belittle the strength of that five yery much. The true strength of Alliance, which had been unknown until last week, was brought before the publlo when Coach Crawford's five accepted a 24 to 12 defeat from tbe first Kimball quintet.. Grand Island continued Its downslide and was defeated twice during the last week, first by Osceola by a score of 2 to 25, and later by Central City by a score of 48 to 2. Heatrlce. after a second attempt, failed to pile up a score on the University Place five, only scoring a" four-point margin at the close of the game with that team on their' own floor. Friday night. . Mouth High annexed Its sixth straight Victory Friday night by defeating Com , merce High by a score of 31 to 12. .Cen tral High defeated Pioux City, easy vic tors oter Norfolk, In a slow game Satur day night by a score of 24 to 1. Omaha PlTea ,ead. ' It now appears tht the two Omaha fives are undisputed leaders In tho state field.- Central High has Us final test when It meets the Capital City for a re turn game on a Lincoln floor some weeks hence. South High will be tested Friday evening when .the .team meets Beatrice. If victories are forthcoming in both games, there will be no dispute as to the leadership of the locl fives, and their race for fce statechamplonshlp will be a pretty owe. IJncoln, Beatrice, Central City. Crete. Geneva, Hebron, Columbus and Fremont seem runers-up In the com petition, according to the present dope. Y03K1 BUSINESS COLLEGE TAKES GAME AT AURORA ' YORK, Neb.. Feb. .-(Speclal.)-Tlie York Business college basket ball team at Aurora Friday night beat the fast team of that place, 46 to S. The game waa hard fought from start to finish. Osceola Defeats State .lajalra. OSCEOLA, Neb.. Feb. . -(Special. h The Osceola High school basket ball team defeated the State Aggies at Osceola Fri day night. 2 to 10. The Osceola team has not lost a game on the home floor this year. It Is coached by A. B. Gelwick, who won fame by taking a gren bunch at Geneva and winning the state cham pionship with them in 1912. Haak rllsisieaa. You caslonally see It stated that colds do not result from cold weather. That la rank foolishness). Ware It true colds would be as prevalent In midsum mer as In midwinter. Ttie microbe that causes colds flourishes la damp, cold weather. To ffet rid of a cold taae Cham berlain a Cough Remedy. It is effectual and la highly recommended by people who have used It for many years as oc casion required, and know Its real value. Obtaluable everywhere. Ad vertiment. a v. if " VP As r I, . Dave Caldwell, the middle-distance run ner, formerly of Cornell and now of the Boston Athletic association, promises to be a big factor In' the indoor meets In the metropolitan section this winter. Caldwell, although defeated in the 1,000 yard rape at the Irish-American gainea last Saturday showed that he was in excellent form. He has. been working from 6 a. m., .until 7 p. m.' on his farm and has been In but two races In prepa ration for the big event. According to the ex peris whfi saw Davy getting lntff his running toga, the runner looked In better trim than he has ever been before. TWO MATCHES FOR PETERS Wrestles Fred Schmarder at Papil lion Friday and Carl Eklund in Omaha February 19. HAS SEVERAL OTHER BOUTS . Two matches to be held within the next two weeks have been acheduled for Charley Peters, the Omaha wrestler, who so effectively proved his ability with the made-ln-Nebraska scissors hold Friday night by dumping Paul Marten- sen of Chicago two straight falls. On Friday night this week Peters will wrestle Fred Schmarder of Ijoutsvllle, Neb., at rapllllon. Schmarder la an other Nebraska wrestler who has been cutting quite a swath of recent years. The I.ouiflVille hoys believe he Is a com ing champ and confidently predict a vic tory over Peters. Peters, however, ranks an easy favorite despite the confidence of the Louisville fans. On February IS I'eters will wrestle Carl Kklund at the Omaha Auditorium. This match was consummated yesterday by Ray Page, manager of Kklund. and Pete Loch., business manager for Peters. 'Eklund Is a light heavyweight wrestler, who lies appeared throughout Nebraska and Iowa for the last year, but has never wrestled in Omaha.' He is a foxy and clever wrestler and Is figured to give Peters a good run. Eklund bossls a victory over Tony ftecher. brother of the famous Joe, and many other stars. Peffrs has several other matches on the card.Nnrludlng ane at Beatrice, March 6. CRAIG HIGH SCHOOL FIVE TRIMS WALTHILL INDIANS CRAIG. Neb., Feb. . (Special.) The Craig High school bikef ball team kept up their winning Streak and clean record last night by defeating the Omaha Indian team of YValthill at the local gymnasium, 5! to 16. The Indians were considerably larger and stronger than the local team, but were played off their feet by Craig. One of the Walt hi 11 boya had been a regular on the first Carlisle team while two of the others formerly played with the OenoTa, school team. The next game Is to be played, next week with the team from Bellevue col- BOYS' INDOOR CIRCUS AT "Y" ONFEBRUARY 18 The annual boys' circus of the Young Men's Christian association will be staged at the "Y" gym February IS and 1. (lua Miller will act as ringmaster. NEBRASKA TRAP SHOT AYERAGES Sam Huntley of Omaha la Leading Shooter of State, with with William Schultze Second. , TAZZE BEST PROFESSIONAL Averages of Nebrsska trap shooters tvho competed In registered trap shoots throughout the country during 1915, have Just been made public by the Interstate association, under whose auspices all registered shoots are held. Sam Huntley of Omaha was the leading shot with an average of .;. William Schultie of Rlnlng City Is second with .M75. O. A. Schroeder of Columbus Is third, and D. B. Vhorpe of Katie, fourth. The best professional Is Rush Taxee of Curtis, who averaged .M76. " Tho averages are as follows: AM ATEl'RS. Alhertus. Peter, W inner X) .K74? AinmonH. Fred. Penrler ft 4R5 .7815 Armoannt. W. R., Rising Cltyl4o( lift .7K72 Armogast, Karl. Rising Cltv. 4tn IWS ,91n0 Armstrong. J. B., Hoot tuliluf f . 180ei'7 .7SU7 Atkinson, ('has., Crelghton... 300 .8K Rahr. Al. David City HK 822 .W'M Balr, S. W., Fairmont 150 H7 .Mtlfl Baalcr, Frank V. Hooper.... Ii'rt 123 .8200 Beachry. W. H., Falls City.... tMt tt .HI) Beard. J. F.. Omaha ;1(H) M2 .IW20 Beller. Dr. J. A.. Lindsay.... 140 Vi .M57 Belvllle, F. R., Bradshaw.... K.0 117 .7K Bendel, Geo. (., Lincoln 0 4S0 .7SH4 Bray, D. I)., Columbus 1000 t7 .9170 Bray. Arthur I,., Broadway.. M0 291 .KMg Bloodhart, G. K. Btoomfleld. M0 428 .7921 Brown, R. D., Big Springs.... S00 249 .KX Buck, Isaac. Phelton ISO 1JH .(KM Chambers, A. K.. Omaha 160 KI4 .S93J Chambers, Thos. I, Omaha. IGo 129 .(MM) Chrlstennen. C ?W 113 .74 Cloer, Will. Pender MO 237 .771 Colvln, Hurry A., Omaha.... 1M4:.6133 Conn, I,. It., Panama 4:1') StU .8418 Bloomfleld. 11.. Bloonifleld. . R40 439 . 8129 Copsey, Fey York 160 128 .8633 Corey; J. C.; "Campbell iM 12 .84m Crumley, M. L.. Shelton 150 129 ) liaKRett, Bert. Gothenburg.... 1( 12S .787 Danekas, Fred, MllfOrd SOD .8H!M Dawson, B.' V.. Gandy. ....... 100 34 .644 Delaney, Claude InO 120 .aniO Den, J. C. North Platte 27HO 2(14 .74e Dixon. R. A.. Omaha I960 1785 .S897 Dodge, J. F 100 75 .7..O0 Doty, W. 8 100 71 .7100 Drake, Geo , Stapleton 101) AK .SoOO IVlmniln, Geo., Columbus..,. 4'X) .8400 Dubrava. Kd., Monroe 1300 lt .8163 Dunn, 11. 11., Fremont 400 S26 .8126 Dworak. B. J., David City.... 400 837 .8(26 F.vans, .1. (, Beaver Croalng 160 127 .84W O. A., Beaver Croslng 160 12a .8t4M) Fairbanks. L. L., Bcrlbner.... 9)0 773 Flehn. Wm., Wlsner 200 m .8K) Ferguson, W. H, Crete...... 160 127 .4WI IHrn'ln. Geo. A.. Ktromsburg.1890 11124 .Hi6 Frew, David. Kxter 200 144 .TK00 Fried, W. T., Beemer 2n0 1H8 .84(10 Frltsch, Fred, Indlsnola two 444.. 7400 Gallagher, Ben. Omaha 6TO 620 .8on0 Gammon, Charles. Arcadia. ,.13tifi 1217 .8842 Gates, I,. A., Columbus 1460 1274 .7H8 Gausman, J. W.. Mllford 0 2X7 .7oo Gellatly, Chas. G.. Sutton. .. .l'Jno 106 .882S Graves. H. C, Polk (0 7& ,8i0 Orsy, M. L : 186 12 .11978 Gutxiner, Joe. Columbus 10 1147 .8821 Hall, C. C. Omaha 4H6 410 .8817 Hammon1. H. G Exeter.... 160 75 .6000 Harms. Fred, Fremont 160 123 .8300 Haywood. W. 11.. Gothenburg 1H0 102 ,(M7t Hedges. G. I)., Panama 460 SHE .K6 HedKl'n. Frank. Bridgeport.. 180 144 0 Helser. Adam. Ravenna I0 523 .871 Hemlng. H. C, Chappell W 408 .8800 Hennlngsen. H., Fremont.... ISO lfi6 .8260 Hennlngsen, M., Marquette.. 160 122 .8143 Hennlngsen, H. J., Fremont.. 8rtf g7J .7917 Henthtorn. C. C. Hampton.. 120 87 .7260 Hlnkley, D. F., Gothenburg.. 10 133 .8.(12 Holsworth, C. C, Hartwell.,.lM0 1142 .4 Hosier. M. F.. North Platte. .1110 977 .8801 House. Dr. A. N., Kxeter.... 160 M .M"0 Howard. T. J.. Greelev 296 l .HHK.1 Howe. W. F., David 'ltv .8 225 Howltt, George. Chappell.... Va 308 ." Howitt. F. K., Chappell 77 .A Hufford, Thomas. Holdrege.. 600 t M' Huntley, 8. A... Omaha 8900 8776 .9079 llllon. W. H.. Albion 4) 849 .mi Islimall, Thomas. Bridgeport. 180 125 .6944 Jarkman. i. W., Hllver Creek. 800 247 .KM Jasper. P. N.. Llndnay 140 110 .7867 Kauffold. J. H., Stanton 2"0 17 .8i0 Kaufmann. Wm., Columbia.. 400 VA .9160 Kavenaiigh, Kd C, Columbus. 10(O "4 .8640 Keellne. A. R.. Omaha 600 411 .82) KerT. Gorden C. Fixeter 1 103 .6242 Klnasley, Hsv ".. Omsha... .1960 1811 .92x7 Kloti, J. B., Kxeter 460 847 .7711 Knox, Frsnk P., Arnold 0 406 .67M Knlb. C. K.. Randolph 160 116 .7HM Koplin, 11. C. Hooper 160 122 . 8133 Koven, A., Fremont 3390 3090.9116 Ilng. E. G.. Alliance 15 96 .6767 lmmll. Theodore 246 201 .8286 Iinilruth. 11. M . Fremont... 160 1l .7V:3 Ijirnon, (". H . Oreeley 675 686 . 8M4 ltto. Ben, Tekamah 160 131 .KIM Iepper. A. J., iOdgar 160 104 .t33 Llnderman. C D., lJncoln. . .1140 1012 .8877 Lodenburger. O. O., Morse Bf 4.V) 372 .m Uokwomt, C. W.. Kenesaw.. 700 6617971 Ixihr, Kerry, Columbus six) 4H6 .tUai Ioverlng. F. T., Omsha l'W . 83 ,7W4 Lusa. Joe. Columbus 400 84 ,80 Magnusson, Harry F., Wilber 260 li ,72u0 Manning, F. U, Merna ( 233 .77u Mantor, Dr. H. R., Sidney.... X0 1X1 .M70 Merck. Ruby, 'Wlsner 200 im .ma McCown, Don C. Omsha.... VA ; .8942 McDonald, B. O., Herman.. .. 160 181 .,M McDonsld. H. fl . ' Omaha. ...1066 M2 .8h::4 McDorman, A. B IKS 1:(2 .7IS5 McKee, D. D.. Hhelton. 160 121 McKtnney, Uw, Bloux 18U loo McNaoiara, . W. C . Long Pine 27 ."41 Meier, Geo. N.. Hooper 100 91 .9100 Mlka. Emil, Friend IM 11 .7733 Miller, A 14 130 .ftstf Miller, F., Rerwyn 970 818 Mil M It ton, H. K., Adams 460 401 ,n Morehouse, Carlos, Fremont.. 1T40 1612 .lArt Morgan. Fred, Bradshaw.... 160 104 .9j3 Morse. R. IT., Wlsner 0 1W .8460 Mortimer, Geo. N.. Bheltoa.. M 6Ht .8M7 Muldoon. A., North Platte... j Obi ,76M Olmsted. I. C, Hooper 360 tut) .28 Olson. Albert. Cedar Bluffs. , 30 342 .") Ott. Otto O.. Grand Island.... 100 71 .TJQ Nagel, Otto, Wuner WO 7W .6U1 Near, Geo. L., Pcottsbluf f. ., ;0 11 .7W-I Neumann. Our C. Chappell., taO 734 .IWl No yes. J. R., Louisville ) 241 .61 Palmer, C-. Bridgeport 10 183 .738 Palmer, T. P., IJnooln 464 M ") Palmer. Harry 1. Bradshaw 160 122 .81X3 Paesmore. V. W., Or. island 16 12 .8466 Patterson, J. H YQ 80 ) Pegan. L. U., Omaha 1I6 87 I'hll.on. Harry. Ieigh t ts .9114 Phillips. H. A.. Columbus.... 660 446 .8"Wl PospUll. J. S., Bioomfield.... 640 898 .7370 Potts. A. M . Csmpliell IM 1H .m Hatlike. Wm.. Winner 126 loS .821 Helihausen. H. J.. N. "latte.. vj, 7:9 Iteets. K. A.. Iloopet 760 HMt .9173 lt. i(. W. Wlsner 7X m .tuf.i Reddlck, G. M.. Omaha 147.0 Reddish. R. V.. Alliance 91 Richards, C. I... Annul w Richmond, J. V.. Wlsner.... 2t Roberts, J. (., Omaha ) Robertson, A. R., iScrllmer. . , , l.M Robinson, H. A.. k-rlliner.... 4i) Roger, J. 8., Bloomfleld InO Rogevs. Oeorge. Omaha....... 9D Roner. C. H., Lincoln 160 Rothroek. L. P.. Kxeter 160 Rummelhart, Edward, Hlilney 9H) Rudat, F. H.. Columbus 1160 Rudat. Otto. Columbus... raase. Ernest, Stanton. Hawyer, Fred, Columhua. Holillllng. H. F , Stapleton 400 liwi 2.10 lft 41 10 40 21 0 9l yc, , i: i 150 Hchroeder. G. A., (Nhimbus Pchulte. Wm.. Rising City. everon. .1. H., .'Wlsner .'.!! 860 (nepiey, Klmer, IHibols .... 1.0 Slevers. Gustav. Gd Forks., son Slevers, G. A.. Orad Island 46 iMmson, feter, Monroe Flattery, M., Pheiton Smith, 8. K., Shelton Hmlth, Kvhii, Hhelton 8inith. J. A., CcCool Jet.. Slnnlger, C. A.. Bradshaw. donnenscheln, W. G., Stanton 170 Spelts, Louis, Sterling 400 Htsnbury, D. Rsy, Alliance. . Starkey, R. J., North Platte. 12.V) Btegeman, R. F., Chappell... ri0 Stoner. C. H.. Fremont 1V0 i.-trlckler, Harry, Stanton... l.v stucker. 15. J.. Stanton if Tarnow, Emll H., Hitler.... 1 'I Taylor, K. D., Shelton 160 Terrebery, Jas., lxulvllle. . . W Thlngan. Kd W., Murdoc.k.... I.O 1 nomas. Dr. w. w., r;nuar.. i Thompson, Arthur V York. I.O Thompson, J. W Loup City. "00 Thompson, Thos., v Isner... 200 Thompson. M.. Wlsner 360 Thorp. D. B., Eagle.... 1060 Thome. D., Grand Island.... 760 Tlley. Wm.. North Platte.... "l Tockey. O. L., Loup City Tookey, Ross Tookev. Ralph O.. Edgar.. Towsle- W Silver Creek loo Trow, C K.. Wlsner Trump, Chas. K.. Bradshsw. 460 Van Cott. J O., Broken Bow H"0 Varoer, E. W., AdHtna if.9fl Volske, Emll, Ptsnton 170 Von seggern, W. K.. Wayn.! i?0 Waggoner. C. L.. . Diier .S'OO "Warrlok. G. B., M'dow Grove : Weber, Walter Jt.. Wayne... iw . . T m u. , 1 ' I ' titiA vvrnar, r. r .. iBiicr,, Wells, B. 8., Merna Wells, O. C, Stspleton.,!. Werts, W. F., Chapjwll. Werti, John, Chappell Whalen, E. Z., Stanton..'... Whitney. Dan O.. Omaha.. Wlcht, John. Tutan Wllley, G. W., Stapleton... Wlngert. J. B.. Pender Winkowltch. G.. N. Platte. WissiruuC Wm., Exeter 160 Wolbach, Emll, orand island 706 Wrledt, A. H Pender........ 61 Yoder. W. E.. Bradshaw 1 DM Zimmerman, C. F., Beatrice.. 160 PROFESSIONALS. Carter, Geo., L. I,lncon 3.U0 Holllng worth, J, T Lincoln. 13&0 Manning, A. B., Hastings.... 61u Maxwell. Geo. W , HaBUMSH.S't Rasee, Rush, Curtis PHI ri law 711 27H 142 267 104 317 76 21 Kift 123 7t!l 1040 m IKK 3 70 374 379 K.5 312 1 219 370 1HJ 728 lo.; 1JH 81 1:11 128 202 7K3 1167 4SM 129 137 111! 102 127 2(7 l.K K.2 12i i: 142 320 873 Klti 17.6 4irr 70 113 H2 1114 36 609 2497 I. ".7 139 m 147 Ki6 49 74 r TtVI 1N2 01 37.1 73 172 278 lot 592 346 370 122 3270 1121 ("6 4M 1403 .89.17 .74S8 .P2i "I'M) .7926 ,7ii"0 .87U0 .70H1 .82" 41 .84 .9043 .9015 .92(3 .9100 .70110 ,9;I60 .(7:i .89011 .6914 .7000 ,8l0 .8131 .8260 .80MI .7M.1 .8400 .7714 .87:3 .7629 .5ori .81 iiii .926(1 .8714 .Ml .9i:3 .729.1 .tiOO ,8(i'4l 2'.M .liirt) .li(V) .8400 .9.100 .7Ui0. .91 42 .9214 ,MH0 .77."0 .8(91 .7)iou ."M .82'l0 .8200 . 8667 .848.1 .9282 .9235 .817a .9219 .9060 .7945 .8260 78IH .im .7179 .8267 .9I0 .tl'l .8776 .TM .6ti"0 .i9,'i0 .67X1 .8:197 .."! XI .li!'8l .8113 .S'3 .M0.I .(' .9(73 .K;6 BIG PURSES AT STATE FAIR Ten Thousand Dollars Will Be Divided Among Owners Who Send Racers. POINT SYSTEM WILL CONTROL LINCOLN. Neb.. Feb. .-(8peclal.)-The board of managera of the Nebraska State Hoard of Agrlculttiro has offered purses aggregating 110,000 or more.for the speed program at the 1916 state fair. Ac tion to this effect was taken at the Fri day meeting of the board at the state house. Most of the purses hung up for the 1915 fair were 50t, but this year the board has tacked on an additional $100 or S2O0, which will Insure keen competition and a field of fast stepper In every event. The choicest purses of the pro gram are offered In the 1:10 trot and the free-for-all paoa, In whloh event the own era of the winning horses will dlvMe 11,000. The harness events and purses are aa follows: Two-yoar-old trot. :: 3-year-old trot, 70i.,' 2:X trot. 170u; 2:20 trot. 2700; 2:16 trol, tii; 2:10 trot. 11,000 : 2-yenr-old aee, $:i; vear-old puce. tOOO; 2:25 pare, ; 2:18 pace, litoo; 2: 1.1 pnee $i;0); 2:10 pace, t.iOO; free-for-all pace, 11,000. The rules will provide that these races close on August 21, that a i per cent entry fee will be charjred, with S per cent ad ditional from money winners, with one hnlf entry fee returned to horses finish ing Inside the flag snd outside the money. That two horses msy ho entered In one class, but one horse cannot be entered In two different classes without the pay ment of the entry fee. All races to bo run under tho point system and to close at the end of the third heat. No early clos ing events will be advertised for 191. The program of running racea Is ai follows: Nebraska derby, I 1-lft miles. SM0: seven furlongs, wehiht for awe, puis-, 117.0; six furlongs, weight for sue, purse, 1IM; five furloniis, welaht for age. purne, lioo; four furlongs, weight for aKe, purse, 00; one mile, weight for a. winner of derhv to carry five pounds below scale, purse, 1200; four and one-half futlons, five pounds below scale, purne, 110". The program of consolation racea la as follows: Six furlons. tor horses that have started but not been first or second, purse, 1100; four furlongs, for horses that have started, but not been first or second, purse, $100; eight furlongs, ten pounds be low the scale, winners of first fire pounds extrs, winners of second three pounds extra, purse, 1150. , In the Nebraska derby, six entries are required, with five to atari. In other reg ulnr events five entries to bo made and four to start. In the consolation, four entrlos to be made and three to start. Entry fee In each will be 3 per cent, with S per cent additional deducted from money winners. NOVICE ATHLETIC MEET IS HELD AT Y. M. C.'A. The annual novice athletic meet .wax held at the Young Men's Christian gsso clatlon last week, with the following results: Twenty-yard dash: Knee, first; Hushes, second; Urban, third. Time. 0:03t(. :.. llorliontal ban: Hughes, first; Grimm, second; Stevenson, third. Parallel bars: Stevenson, first; ItUKhes, second; Grimm, third. Side horso: Hughes, first; Stevenson, second; Johnson, third. Pull tips: Stevenson, Hughes, Erdman. Advertiser and customer pro4tt-y the "Classified Ad" habit BENNY PALMER SIGNS TO MEET CALLAHAN MILWAUKEE, WlV. Feb. . Benny Palmer. Memphis lightweight boxer, was today signed to meet Frankle Callahan of Brooklyn, here Fehruary 14. aa part of a double wlndup bill on which' Sol dler Hartfleld, New York, welterweight, has beeu eiiKHged to box Art Maglrl of Oklahoma, Both bouts are scheduled for ten rounda each. Oaf Te Bis Win Again, v ONO, Neb.. Feb. .-Speclal.)-The Ong High achool basket ball team continued Its winning streak bv defeating the heavy Btilckley team Friday night, 20 to 11. The game waa the roughest that haa been held on the home floor. The Ong hoys showed better tesm work and were surer goal shooters. Mcl,aushlin and Rosen qulst starred for the home team, lleve naugh and Hanson for the vlsiton. Ong has only been defeated once this season. The Ong girls again kept their record clean by winning from the swift Geneva tram 20 to 18. The score at the end ot the first halt waa 12 to 1 In favor of Ong. Basket Ball Player Hart. OAK DALE. Neb.. Feb. .- Special.) An X-ray examination of the arm of Ralph Torpln, Nellgh High school bi.sket bsll player, who sustained an injury In the Norfolk-Nellgh twsket ball game held January 28, developed that both bones of the left arm were broken snd dovetailed. The swelling thst followed the accident served to mystify friends and parents of tbe lad as to the serious ress of the Injury. He was taken to Tll den, Wednesday, to await an operation there. 1 11 1 1 1 1 11 11 in 11 ,ii 1 -I . fi; r sssUayiawtti FalrfleM Wins Fire 4ralh4. FAIRFIELD, Neb.. Feb. .-(8peclul Telegram.) In a well played game of basket bsll Isst night the locals kept up a winning streak by taking their firth straight gsme, defeating Nelxon. 41 to 20. The girls' game waa won by the vis itors. 10 to It. Iforth Bend Defeats Cedar Itlaffa. NORTH BEND. Nob., Feb. fi. -(Special ) The North Bend High school hnsket bsll team defeated the Cedar lfluffj team Friday evening at the latter town, I to 22. This is the second game the local team has won this season from Cedar Bluffs. Basket Ball at Dealson. DENISON. Is.. Feb. . (Special Tele- fTam.) High school bssket ball: I'errv, I; Denlson, 30. Manning, 84: Denlson col lege, 29. "Tiz" for Sore, Tired Feet-Ah! Tix" is grand for aching, swollen, tender, calloused feet or corns. Ah! what relief. No more tired feet; no more burning feet: no more swollen, ach ing, tender, sweaty feet. No more sore ness in corn, callouses, bunions. No matter what alls your feet or what vnder tbe sun you've tried without get ting relief, just use "Tlx." Tig" is tho nly remedy thst draws out all the poU. onoua exudations which puff up tho feet. Tla" cures your foot trouble so you'll Dorar limp or draw up your fsce In rein. Tosr shoes won't seem tight and your 't will never, never hurt or get sore and swollen. Think of II, no more font misery, no more agony from corns, cal louses or buplons. Get a S6-4?ent box at any drug stoie or department store and get li.stsnj relief. Wear smaller lue. Just once try "Tlx." Cet a mhole year's foot comfort for only IE lent. Think' of It. Ad erCsemcrit. Like Rust in a Fine Watch That is Constipation A RUSTY watch loses time. In the same way, a rusty human system is clogged and slowed down by con stipation, which causes a tremendous loss of mental and ' physical energy. , The remedy in the case of the watcli is a fine grade of ma chine oil. And the remedy for constipation, according to the latest conclusions of medical science, is an even finer lubricant Nujol the pure white mineral oil. Nujol lubricates the intestinal tract throughout its entire length, and softens the intestinal contents. In this way it facilitates the processes of normal evacuation, and eventually makes possible the return of regular bowel movements. Nujol is not a laxative-drug nor a bowel 6timulant. It is not absorbed by the system, hence it may be taken in any quantity without harm. It does not act as a purge, but if used regularly will bring permanent relief from constipation in the course of a week or ten days. Write for booklet, "The Rational Treatment of Constipation." If your druggist hasn't it, we will send a pint bottle of Nujol prepaid to any point in the United States on receipt of 75c money order or stamps. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jenev) 5 ( i Bayonne New Jersey MINERAlI 'JlKTlril lii: Nu RC.U.a.aAT. o TIIE PURE WHITE MINERAL OIL Approved by i llarrey W. Wiley, Director Good House keeping Bureau of ftrads Sanitation a ad sieaiia. I B . wkM' . ''j a-MLLVca n J b.M. u -1 A lll iHTTS I i H "4f : j jUJtaauu, r it ' H Kli I'. , 1 , I srriTKS.iw i zm m ii bbmbw ti . x ilia j i 1 r??" " i . ... , i.., va.-- .. ... rr BTM IIBH JHH JI 15 I l.r -ZJ " i