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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1916)
TJfK OMAHA Sl'XDAV i'Kt KKURUAKY 0. I'M 8 A New Hospital Building at tho University of Nebraska College of Medicine at Omaha ORDERS WABASH SWITCHMEN OUT Kemben of Thii Union Instructed to Walk Ont This Erpainj All Over Line. A r.lusicsl Event of KXAILLY 500 MEN AFFECTED ST. LOUIS. Feb. 5. A strike of switchmen throughout tho Wabaah railroad system to begin at 6 o'clock tomorrow nlpht, wss ordered here tonight by S. K. Hebrrllng of J Buffalo. N. Y., preMdent of the j Switchmen's I'nlon of North Anier- ; lea. This organization demand 'f recognition as a union separate from i the Brotherhood of Railway Train-t men. Mr. Ilcberllng said from 4 0 to men would be affrete.l by i J 4. - . J, T,' "Ci-'Vdr- ,y -'ay---.aavuT,T4- iv iit k; t -..!iS '! lit if ii - f .us Jl , ..-.r : . - the The t'nlverdty honpital now under con- l Second The oixrlon f-f urh a hem- julruoyon on the cmpu of the I'nlvrr- pltel will furnlnh teorhinji advantea for &'tv nt Nebrarka Colle-'a of Medlcln at alu-lenla In the folletre of Medicine anl etrika i , i,ni,. i,,.n rnmn!fiixl will be nne of the atsle will he benefited bv a rorr.n of rail. Offlrlnlg of Ibe Wahnah id ' tha tnnft tnodrrn and tip-to-date tearhlnff to S00 turn would be affrtrd. The ,OBl,ina th, fnlted Htaten. The final latter addrd that the wtrlko wo :ld ra'ine I palm are t,r Trfx,u cf a Urge aniotint no delay In tialne aa the flai'ea of th,cif tndy and were evolved following a men. who w alk o-it w'll be f.H'-d 1 IhoroiiKh Inveatisulton of tearhlnn and tnedlately by awllrhmn. who are rifiu-' atm hop talt in mmy parla of the br of tho Trainmen. The awllrhmen'a llrothrrhood of Hallway union demand Ihflt rouniry. Tli ronatructlon of the hoa lltal la the reeult of two inanlfoat and iHrcl deinanda: nil erlevancra of Ita tnenibera be taken I FIi hI The Indigent, worthy alf-k of the tin py me tailrooa inronun : ainic hiiouio n jro lara wiui moujrai ... Hft..lata mux- 1 men a union. in r"'""" that by an aureeinent eign-d with Ihc nretherhood of Itallroad Trainmen on January J. 1?!. the arlevanree of all trainmen inrlurtlne switchmen, inuat be taken up tbronah the Brollnrhood of Ilallroad Trainmen. Mr. lleberllng eaid Ma organisation baa a memberahlp of JM.C men and la affili ated with tha American Federation of Labor. Kotire of the atrlka call he -aald. baa been aent to membera of tha union throughout the 2.M0 mllea of tho W bah ayatem. The awltchtnen. who be- long to the hllcnmena union i .-.on.. ( America are principally yard men, Cavalla Base of Grecian Forces in Eastern Macedonia and B'irKl'.'9l care and every effort mada (o rcaiui-e t'.iem to health and earnlna capat ry. Thla la particularly In demand a'nre ro few of the rltlea and countlea of Nebr.teka aupporl public hoepUala. Increajilntly well trained and aklllful phynlclana. Aa planned the bit Minjr rnnaiata of three wlnaa. tn th central wln will be houfd. on tha, around floor, tha re ceiving department and boapllal atore rooma. The flrat floor wl'l aceonimo dale the offices for tha College of Medi cine and the hoeplial proper. The sec ond floor will be the quarters of the In ternee and bouae phyalclana. The roof abova tula floor will be tiled and pro vided with a high coping. Beds and pe tlents may be wheeled to thla roof gar den from eny portion of the hospital for open air treatment. In (ne bajiement tn tha north wing la the department of pathology with ample equipment and room for the proper care, preservation and claenlf'catlon of pathological speci mens. A claaa room for demonstration piirpoeea Is also provided. The resident pathologist will reside In this wing. On the first floor aoove will be the male medical ward of sixteen beds, with quiet rooms, nurses' work rooma, toilet rooms and floor laboratory. The second floor above provides the Mint equipment and the same number of beds for male sur gical patients. The third floor above provides the same number of beds for special made caaea. Including: the various speclaltiea end male children. The south wing corresponds to the north wine; In every detail and will be used entirely for female patients. Over the central portion of tha building and above the floors named la the operating suite. This conalats of two operating rooms to tba north, with ample light and room. These rooms are adjoined by e doctors' and nuraea' scrub-up room, sterilising room, laboratory, speclsl room for eye and ear caaea. and X-ray room. At the aouth end of the operating suits Is the amphi theater operstlng and lecture room. Thle room Is provided with blackboards, steroptlcon svreen, et, for teaching pur poaes. The building will be entirely of brick, stone and terra cotta. It will be abso lutely fireproof and of reinforced con crete construction. Broad front steps with terra cotta columns lend an im posing appearance to the facade. The building will be placed In the center north and south of the College of Med'.- elra campus, the (round space in front being given over to shrubbery and or namental flower beds. Tunnels from the hospital to the laboratory building nov occupied by the College of Medicine carry llghtand power wires, electro cardiograph wires, etc ' The contract made by the Board of Regents provides for the completion of , the building' by January 1, 1517. j The conatructlon of this teaching hos- pltal will place Nebraska In the for-, front with thoae statea providing hlgn grade medical training. University hoa- j pttala exist tn connection with the medl- cat colleges of many states, among : which are Iowa, Michigan, Kansas, Pennsylvania, Missouri. Oklahoma and j Indiana. y j layer Big Piano Sale i 'eeWSeAlaVal it., t. -. 'V a , LOSS- TOPICS FOR OAK OF REST Eer. Kr. Douglas to Deliver Course of Lecturn on "Preparedness" at United Presbyterian. WAIt TOPICS FOR DISCUSSION (rvrrennndonoe of the Associated Frees.) CAVAM.A. Greece. Pec E.-hat 8a onlkl w.ia a fortnight ago, Cavalla ha a lmn todav-tho base of the Grek prmlcH In eastern llarv headuuartcra imiFt df fond tha territory she conquei-ed j from IlulcarU two years BFO-lf It la tJ be defended. Trie. V''" of the port are cluttered, It la not often that preachera dlacuas wsr snd rreparedneaa. Rev. A. C. IotiK lns, paator of Ihe First Fnlted Presby terian rht'rch at Twenty-first and Km ment streets, Is going to do thla thing. At each of the four morning aervlcea during February the psstor will handle warlike topics. Tha first war sermon will be delivered by Rev. Mr. Unug'as tomorrow morning and the topic will be the "Far Flung Battle I.lnea." Sunday morning. Febru- ' v ' sry 1J. he will talk on "Ojr Weal I'olnla;" Macedonia the ml-; mornlmr. February JO. "Enlist, from which Ureeee. aobm , .. d February "Munitions.'1 Trinity Cathedral The natlon-wila preaching mitalon under the loadershlp of with Mg nuns and their smunltlon. The ! Dr. Hopkins, rector of the Church of the str ep, rmrrow streets are blocked with j Redeemer, Chicago, opena Sunday at It soldiers. I-rons tra'ns of mules laden with , o'clock and continues eight days. Fro ths impediments of war, climb the wind Inn ways, between overhanKtn Turkish houeee, bound for Drama, for Reree, for tho Duljrarlan frontier. For all liar re moval of soldiers from BKionlkl, Greece la r.ot disarming. Nor, judging from the appearance of Cavalla, has she any In tention of leaving the rich land she wrested from the Bulears In tha last war in any danger of falling Into Dulgarian day at All Saints' Ecltopai church, hands again. I , H" Is easy to understand the Greek d- The Omi-.ha dirtrirt of the Augustsna sli-e to keep Cavalla; not that It In realty v synod grsrn dally la as follows: Celebration of the Holy Communion at t a. in. Conference to women of the church, dally at 10 o'clock. Children's service at 4:13 o'clock. 1 1 reaching. tntiucilona and question; each night at o'clock. Rev. T. J. Mackay, has returned from Chicago, and wl 1 officiate as ue isl Sun- a fJrcek city, as every Greek la so ready Zlon will ho'.d Lutheran ita meeting in the church commencing1 to oawrt so passionately, for it ta . far i Tuesday evening. Rev. E. O. Chtnlund trm Greek even thsn Salonikl. Rut rer- 'and Rev, J. A. Johns will preach the in- tilnly It is not Rulg-arlan, either. It Is Turkish with a leaven of Balontki's ad troductory sermond. Wednesday after noon, discussion on "Christ's Church." mixture of Illsnano-Portuguese Jewi.h'The lUculon w.ll be contlnuej Wel I lood and some sllsht relic of the veno-, ncsdsy evimtin. when Ruv. C. K. Ksndahl, tlnn occupation of the middle agea. Rut Oakland, president of the conference, will belnff Jiiat that, U can readily t turned jlntiodjco tho subject. The Knjllsh lnn Into Greek. Pulsarlan, Rerblnn or whnt uge will be uaed entirely In tho even not in a few years' time. Tha Turkiih Injj and Swedish III the afternoon. ' dement Is aa always Infinitely adaptable. There la no very por'tlve reason why Cavalla and tho dlMrlrt It servea should not be Greek. Every smoker of a Turk ish clctrelte holds between his fingers tha reason from the Greek point of view why It should. For Cavalla Is the port of ciport for one of tho richest to bacco growing tracts In the world. Not aa rich aa certain d'strlcta of Cuba; but nevertheless exporting over a lOO.ono.OfX) drachmae worth of tobacco per annum more than t.ono.e: worth, with very Itaptlat. Grace, Bouth Tenth and Arbor. K. II. Talt, l'axtor .Meu'a praur inviting, S:jO a. ni.: Hunriay school, lu a. m.; morning , wnisMii, h o'cliK-k, "A Now Kind ot ; I'raviiiK," Lord a Hupiwr at cloas ot sennon; Ivapi.kt Voui.x People's union, p. m. ; evening service, sulJwt, ' "The Ananias Club." Mission bunilay j school, :"io houth Fourth strvet, 1 p. in, 1 First, Harney and Park Avenue, H. O. ' lioalundn, Paator Morning sermon, "The 'Divine Contact." followed by holy com- unbin: 7 Su p. in., "Mediocrities, eiutv I fuw , . ' V. ... 1 1 at ...... I I . r trm ll.l.mi.11. prlmlilva mc-aua of cultivation and ship- ; superintendent; 6. JO, Young'a meat. imevilon: Mr. Lines of Vounrr Men's . : tf irimian susor lallon will address the j peopU on "'i li Cousvrvatlon of Influ I snca." Calvary. Hamilton and Twenty-fifth, J. A. Maxwell, Pastor Morning: "John, of txtvs. communion and of new members; evening! fhl'ee Keaaona Why Soma People Are Not Christians;" Rlblo school at noon, tCorreepondonee of tha Asrociated Freasl Ml. . iNo.ue, suiei Imendent ; Vounil Pc'n PEKINO. Jan. ?fi.-Rualan officials ' f1''" nt. P. . I'd by Mtas and tha repreae ntative. of other r,.; tho'w 11- powcra In Harbin, haVa found much 1 nv a sttieoptlcon le, ture on "Tha War fault with the way the fnlted rltatea has! Path and tho Jcsua Trail" Tuesday admlniHtered war relief to Germans and! evening. Austrlans In the portions of Manchuria Immaniiel Twenty-fourth and Ftnkney Russians Find Fault With War Relief lo to Harbin. Complaints have been made that Chorles K. Moaer, the Amer ican consul at Harbin, baa rmJucd as sistance to German prisoners who es capes) from Russian prison campa. The American position In administer ing relief to Germans and Austrlans In Harbin Is that Harbin la Chinese terri tory, and consequently Vnlted Statea of ficlala, aa neutrals, are under obligation to admlnlHter to the wants of all Ger mans and Austrlana who ere In need, re g&rdlrsa of what part they have taken in the war. Mr. Mocr recently paid a visit to Pe king and llcuM-d the relief work at Harbin with IT. KclnKh. the American Arthur J. Morris. Pastor Mornlne". the laud's Hjpper will be obxe.vcd In connection with this arvioe; Plble school St noon. Charles V. birnon, super. o tend"iu; Young People's meeting at i 'M; the rxenlng aervli at :su will be largely In charge of the choir: a musical program will be rendered; a abort gospel addrese will le given by the paflori men's sup per and lillila ttildy Wednesday evenln at .; prayer and ptalae service, a o clock. t krlatlaa. North t He, Twenty -second and Lothrop, Goor: I.. Peters, Paator it tile school, .; morning servl.-e, li:A, "The rarahla of the Mustard tWd;" evening. "The Test of t'hi,iWn Endcwvor." lntermMlte rndeavor, p nt. ; Hnlor Endcaoi, tl p. ni. Hrt. Twenty-alxth end llamay 8: reels. Chsrles F. Crtbhr-y. Petor Mornimj ser- mlnlstrr. and Chinese officials. The Chl-!tt. 11. Gd's Foolishness:" evrnuia aer neso have never taken a firm position In f 'M- ''Tim F.m.u.asis of Jaua;" :1S. ,, , , , , . ... lienor and Inledme!inl louiltf Peoples tlielr resUtance of the capture of Uer- (i,H.1).ty of rhllll,un Endeavor" 11 a m.. I !.!. and AuHLiluns who escape from Sl-J Junior Endaavor: a. lu., Hiblo avhuol. litrtaltaa k-le. berltt. and it Is not likely that they wlll do so. tiennan prisoners wlio have es-j F:rt. Pt. Mary's Avenue and Twenty cru-ed Into Mongolia and Manchuria have fourtn-t-ei vi. e i u a. m. and a. p. t., . ... . . ,. Isubjtct. 'Fplitl." riun.lav school. :4o and soil by Ituaslan soldleis and taken back Into Rusetan territory. hjK lfd prison ers have even been seised at Mukden and tsken from railway tialna. The German and Austrian legations In Peking have protested asslnst China's failure to protect the subjects ot these two countries on neutral soli, but with out results. Ever since the opening of Harbin to foreign trade, its slatua has been much fiuiniwd by the Ruxainiis. At first they i!..l-tcd that the tresly port woa lo 'cutc'l on the river a numler of miles ft Mm ttio prc-wnt tlty. This position w not concurred in by the I'nlled Ktat jai.d othir powers. When the Vnlted plates consulate wss f'.rt oiiened at Har- I in, sou.e ten years ai;o. repiesentctlvea of the l ulled stales sulTered many In d (tulle, f. ml efforts were made to dls (oara( the C.ev. l.ipiaent of Hurt. In as a treaty port, l'.unt. however, maintains t ! Jl itt llbibin and by so doing has justitiod lii u measure the action of oler H . sei vle. itjusc. ?:.o, Jcad Ti e Eee Want Ads. It I-sys! It a. ni Wednesday eveutns meeting, k. 8eond. Imndee Hall. Fnderwood Av. enue sixl Flf'i-in Morning service. 11; (iilijii'i. "lilrlt." 8iuidav a-hool. :M a. m. WedneaKiay eveuinn meeting, . t aaartssllsssl. First. Nimtetnth and Iavenport. r. T. House, I'asior . ommuiiton 1W: condiicled by F. T, vrmnn Itv Hush li. ler. tit. Mary'a Avenue. St. Mary's Avenue and Tw-entv-wienlh. Rev, A. Muineit, Minister Morning servii-e st !.); raunday K houl at noon, wlih kindcrsailan; Young people's mein at 7 p. m.. Mld-weoa service, Wednesday evening at o clock, Hlllalde. ThlrtlHih and Ohio. Yv 8. Harnplon. Pator Sunday achool, 10 a. in . JaiiK's liuick. superintendent ; morn loar woistiln at II o'clock. "Christian En deavor." Junior Endeavor, II p. in.; Inter mediate. 4 p. in.; Keillor Endeavor, li.SJ P. tn. : evening worship, 7 ;A Ihnir Own Company." Plvinonth. Ftathteenth snd Fmmet. F. W. leavllt. Milliliter H)le schmil at 10; mormon serine at 11. The youth of the C!iriMu.n worlds', annlveiaary ot the Young peopie'e sioclrty of Christian En deavor. Evening, if, "Peac." Young people's n.eeilna at '. Prayer Meetug train Wednesday at o'clock. Central I'ark, Forty-eecond and Para tope,. J. K. Ueaj-d. Pasior-tSunday school, In a. ni.; meu a and los' department at noon: momm worship, 11 a. in.. "Pre Fartdnesa." Evening, I.:), sermon by Itsv. O. A. IIu!brt; Junior Christian Endeavor I p. m. i Senior Chriattan Endeavor, :ls) p. m.. Father's and son's day st all ser vices, speclsl muslo by the men. rayer meeting Wednesday, . p. m.. In charts of the Christian Endeavor. Episcopal. Church of at. Phltln the tlencon. Twenty-first neer I'sul. Rev. John Al bert Williams. Vicar Holy communion at ": a. m. Matins, 10 M. Molv eurharisl (choral) and aermon, II. Sunday svhool, 1 p. m. Evening service, 7:J0. Church of Good Shepherd. Twentieth and Ohio. Hev. Thomas J. Collar. Roctor Holv communion at a; Rundsy school, :4rt; holy communion with sermon at 11; evening prayer with sermon at 7:). Rf. Matthias, Tenth and Worthlnjrton, Rev. A. c. Warden. Iteclor Mriy morning service and first celebration holy communion at ; Rundav achool and Hihle claaa at t 4t; second celebration of holy communion and aermon at U. ft. Andrew's Forty-first and Chsrles, J. R. Flockhsrt, leect.or I Jita com munion. II t, rn, Evening service, :; subject, "Tha Valley of Rones." Run dsy school. :4t a. in. Early oommunion, I a. m. Tuesday and Thursday, com munion, 10 e. m. ' Oreca Fnlted. Camden and North Twenty-seventh. Thomas M. F.vena, Paa tor rreachlng at 11 a. m. and p. tn.; Sunday achool, 10 a. m. ; Keystone league of Chrlstlsn Endeavor. 30 p. tn.', the league will observe christian Endeavor week February 4) to 13. First United, 2120 Franklin Street, Tra Mc bride, Pastor Morning, It; evening, 7:a; Bunday achool, 10 a. m. : Junior league, J:30 p. m. ; Intermediate league, J p. m. ; Senior league, t:30 p. m.; Key atone league of Christian Endeavor busi ness meeting Monday evening at Mrs. Seymour's. 10C4 North Twenty-fourth street. The Woman's .Missionary society will hold an oratorical contest at the church Wednesday evening;. The Young People's Missionary eoclety will hold monthly meeting Thursday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Crager, tilt North Twenty-flfth. Rev. M. T. Mase will preach at the church Saturday even Ins and hold the second quarterly busi ness meeting, Latheran. Grace Rranch Rundav School Halt, Forty-eighth and Leavenworth, S:30 p. m. St. Paula, Twenty-fifth and Evans, Rev. E. T, Otto. Paator Services: 10 a. in.; In KnUth. 7: p. tn.. topic. "Help In Tempialinti." Hunday sohool, ll.. Choir. Frldaya, t p. m. Engliah Zlon, Thirty-sixth and I-afay-elte Avenue, A. T. Lorliner, Paator Sunday school, :46 a. m. Morning snr vlc at 11. Evening; service, S; subject, "The Ftfih Cominandment." Truatees will meet In the church parlors Monday evening. St. Mark's. English. Twentieth and Rurdetie, L. Oroh, Pastor Morning ser vice. 11; topla, "How Worship God Most Acceptably t" Evening service, 7:30; topic, "David's I'ersonal Experience." Sunday school, :4K a. m. Younrf People's Society cf Christian ESudoavor, 6:45 p. m. Trinity. Twenty-fifth and Ames, Rev. C. O. Blnomqulst, Paator Sunday school at 10. Servlcea at 11 and T:0. Swedish language is used only at the fiunday morning services. Kne'lsBj catechetical class meets every Thursday evening at s. Grace, Kngttah. 1R South Twenty, elxih, C. N. Hwlhart. Mlntater Morritng eervlre, 11: topic, "The Tarea In the Wheat. ' Evening service. : topic, "The Building that Will Not Fall" Sunday school. .W a. ro. Luther league, T p. in. Kountse Memorial. Farnam Street and Twentv-1xth Avenue, Ilev. Oliver I. Raltsly, Pastor; Rev. C. Franklin Koch. Aaeoclate Paator Vornlng worship, 11; toplo. "What Is God to Your" Evening worship, : tople "Hread Fnousrh and to Haare, but Millions Slsrving.'' Sunday achool, 4i a, m.; Oscar P. cloodman, au perlntendent. Luther Leaeue, 7 p. m. Rranch Sunday echoed. Twentr-fourth and Ames avenue. S p. sn.; preaching at 1 45; topic, "The Roy Who 1sft Home." Catechetical lecture lit the church on "The Holy Spirit." I p. id. Metkadlat. Hanecom Tark. Rov. Emory l. Hull, pastor Morning worship at 11. theme, "PhepherU. Poet. King." Sermon In even ing bv Kev. V. G. Urown, dlatr.ct aiiptr- InlendenL. Renaon, Sixtieth and Main. Rev. John Calvert, Pastor Morning service at 11, subject, "Tha tfermon on the Mount. Evening service at 7:, "Religious Error. Sunday school at 10 a. ni. Jennings. Fifty-second and Hickory. R. H. Chenoweth. I'asior Hunday school at 10 a. m. Preaching at U:li a. in., "Our Refuge." Epworth league at 7 p. tu Mrs. H. S. Nielsen, leader. Mrs. P. A. Foots will give the first of a aeriea of lev t urea on the life of Christ at S o'clock. Pearl Memorial. Twent v-fourlh and !.arlmore. Earl E. IJoweri. Minister Sun day achool st :ti a. m. Reception of at 11 a. m. Meeting for child ren at I p. m. Epworth league at D. m. Evening service at :&) p. m. Fel lowship hour on Wednesday at 7:3ojx nt. Trinltv. Twenty-flrth and Kinney, .tev.. John F. Poucher. Pastor Preaching at lo jo a. in. and '' P- m. Mm lay a nooi st noon. Wlllaril l'limir, supcruiienu- ent. tip worth lessee st p. m.. 'vu- llnm II. .."rneiMing. prcS'iem. rariw post sales entetiaiuiiient ai the church on Friday nlghl. wed tub. Nineteenth and nurt. GustaT F.rickfon. Psstor S' scliool at 1 a. in.. August Johnson, leader. Morning w.ii-ahlo si 11 s. in.. ' laove that Passelh Kuowlefike. Youiw people s meeting ai (:30 p. m.. with lecture on Atiiacuve- ...... ' 1 1 1 ...... I . bind a I ' Aa n laa "Ueat for the Weary." Mc.Cabe. Fortielh - d Farnam. W. II. I'ndeiwoajd. Fasior eerviccs ai 11 a. rn. and ?::4i p. m. t-undav achi! at 10 a. m.. Mra. l.eolKe Elilr.ln. Uriimfnuiu. Adult Idble class at l a. in . J.'l n teacher. Epworth league at i ) P- m.. Mrs. Robert Thoipe, preaideni; topu. "When It t'oats to B True." w th Mra. 8. M. Faulkner at leader. Ftrat. Twentieth and Davenport. Tltua Ijje. Pastor bible e'es at a. m.. T. F. bturgeaa, auperinlenoent. Morning worah'p at 11 a. m., "A Man'a Rellsion;' with aaciament of baptism for those of mature ers. Epworth league at ( JO p. m. Evanaellatk- seivlces at 7:v P- m.. "The Hentaite of a Christian:" with the sacrament of baptism for those ot mature teara. Diets Memorial. Tenth and Pierce. C. N. I iaw son. pastor iundey achool at .4l a. ro.. Dr. J. U Frana. superlntend- . . n a. , . a I n. . , , V. tu. ' t 1 Kaa n . a. , a i 1 1 1 I J, aa a . a m. aaa. . . j - - - Hlble and He Eoeniiea." Epworth leaaue at SO p, m., F'iorenco Mcliala. leader, fre.chln. at 7-i n. in.: told", "eaieot. t.lrho4iiHt llrnlhrhiUaji on Tueadav ev en- uis al . Prater and Banday school bosrd on Wednesday at I p. hi. Eugene Knox, the Impersonator, on Thursday evening at s. Presbyterian. Wert Q Street church, FVirty-alxth and b oervice at :. R. L. Wheeler Memorial. Twenty-third snd JHIble school. .4: service. 11: cX.... orne'Kild'eTvo; 7:3- to Tout Parii, Combined Blue Book and MEN OF NOTE WHO "DIED FOR FRANCE" First, at Yonns Men's Christian Asso ciation. Edwin Hart Jenks, Pastor Preaching. 10.30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m.; Hunday school at noon; Endeavor meet ing, . It. Dundee. Fiftieth and Fnderwood, Harry R. Foster. Minister Hlble school. :4 a. m. Men's Rible claaa, 10 a. m. Com munion. 11 a. in. Service In charge of Christian Endeavor, 7:30 p. m. Clifton Mill. Grant and Forty-fifth. B. R. Von Der Llppe, Pastor Sunday school. 10; preaching, 11, "Tha Young Directory, Give Lists Fallen Notables. of DEPOSED WICHITA CHIEF OF POLICE IS ACQUITTED WICHITA, Kan.. Feb. S. O. K. Stew art, deposed chief f polloe of Wichita, waa acquitted today after hla second trial on the charge of selling liquor1 while chief of police. He waa relieved, of his office after chargea had been made against him and hla arrest followed. At his first trial the Jury failed to agree. FIFTY FIVE ' GENERALS SLAIN PARTS, Feb. 5. Tout Paris. which Is a combined blue book and directory, gives In Its 1916 edition People In the Church Junior Endeavor, jngt issued, a list of Faris notables 4: evening, 7:. Christian Endeavor so- . . '., . . ,. clety will have charge. who hare died for the country. In this list are names well known in Parkvale. Thirty-first and Gold, R. 'W. Taylor. Pastor Rundav achool. 10: E. C Wilbur, superintendent: service, u, 'The politics, literature, science, the arts Angela Place In the Plan of Salvation;" I . . . ...... . i hrlataan Eideavor, 7; "The Qroat Saiva- I UBr an14 uin uiutiais nuu ui lion. 7:46. Special music. fl.,. -f h .rmv Tha mil call aa F. Frnat. Mlnlater-Sesaton meeting to it ia called, totals 3,084 persons, all ""XF'fCZ ose names are printed in bold mandment." Special mualc and Toung face tyoe, People's day exercises, 1:M p. m. The honor list is based on Informs- Castelsr. Castelar and Sixteenth. a , I f.m!t... of ih. C. C. -Meek. Pestor Mornln. JJ. "Com- furnished by the famlliee of the munion; evening service In charge of I victims. It Includes the names or mty Young People's Society of Christian En deavor, 7:80; Sunday school, :41 Junior i iiriatian Endeavor. ; intermediate, ; oen or. s:su. TU I fA i TaMNlUll. m A T auaaM.Matfa. Robert Karr, Pastor a. 80, Sunday sohool with adult Bible classes: 10 44; aermon, ' For Christ and the Church;" S. Jun'or Endesvor meeting; (:30, prayer meeting of Christian Endeavor society; 7.4o. "One intug iseearui.' llenson. A. J. MeCIung. Pastor Sunday school at 10: morning worship at 11; "The sermon subject ia "Jirotherhood;" Junior christian Endeavor, i: Christian En deavor, ti:30; evening worship, 7:10; cele bration or Christian Endeavor nay. I'rayer meeting Wednesday evening, at s. North, Twenty-fourth and Wirt, M. V. Hib, Pastor Sermon by Rev. Mr. Raskerville at 11 a, m. Sunday achool. :4u a. Chrlstlsn Endeavor tho pastor. 7:10 p. m. Fellowship lueeti- InsT Wednesday evening at 7:46. ,., . . . . rr . l a a. A r.u. vvpiLRiini.irr, i irvniv-ninin a,i it, Aaava'a, J. Frank Young. Paator Communion and reception of new memnera, roliowea oy a short address bv the pastor and the lord's supper. 10:SO a. m. Junior Chrla- flve generals, ninety-one oolonels, and 16 lieutenant colonels. Among the pro festona, the civil engineers had the larg est number of dead, totalling' 11- The lawyers came next with 110. Other pro fessions listed are: Men of letters. 82; artists. S3; Catholic clergy. 28; Protestants, I; architects, 20; actors and singers. Is; doctors. IS;- diplomatic corps, 8; sculp tors. 10: composers and musicians, 4; the Institute of France, 1; judges. 1 Inspectors of finance, 7: notaries, 5, and brokers, 3. The select clubs of all kinds In Paria lost a total of 236. Including a number of titled persons, Sfe j&SSKS FIW $13,461 HIDDEN ON HER Mysterioas Little Worn am Mack Mosey Wanderlagr Chicago Streets. with Attaches of the Paycopathlo hospital ttan Endeavor, 4 p. m. Senior Crlatlan wei aorrr for the shabbily dressed. Endeavor. : p. m. me loutif s-eop e s , . ., -,. ... . ... society will have charge of the evening nervice. 7:30 P. m.. In celebration of Christian Endeavor day. Wednesday mid-week praj-er service at 7:46 p. m. Covenant Charlea wnrahln Thia aermon Introducea .Christian En it. Twenty-seventh and Pratt. , - . . Fleming. Pastor-Momlaag PltaU for In the 10:30; topic, "A World Force." which crinkled w mon Introducea .Christian En- -mr fnunt Vaonti deavor week l'" achool itnwn. En- amounUnr to wteL xh, woman la be ?oTc?r"Wh.t..EMy7lV Heved to be Mra.'Nwa V. Hayn... about friendless little woman held there for ex amination as to her sanity. She Beamed to lack funds as well as friends. , Today she la the mystery of the hos- llnlng of her clothes. ben they were folded. were found bonds, money and jewelry coupons had not been clipped from them Sin." This Is the third sermon on "The 63 years old. of Banta Rosa, Cat. Meaning of Sin in the Bible. ' weones- H. ..ouriM,.. .d other valuables ??v !Zr.n'nJr 'A."-: thfT'c".:!. were: Ten 11.000 bond, of the Unites with the Enaeaverera in mis iw nenuu suiiaiiag- ana ima sHwwuon oi vice. I Sea Francisco, issued by the Continental ITaltesl Presfcytertaa. bank of that city, and other bonds i rnteal Twent v-fourth and Dodre. amounting to 82.1W: paper currency total tl lh H fineer. Pastor Morning Wor- In, tl JIA amall mum In allvap monaav ?cfo; nd thr-dUmond a"' wortn toether at noon. Young People's moating. 8:30 about TS. The bonds were made out to p. m. Evening- service, witn sermon oy -jura. Nana V. Jlaynes. and apparently Rev. F. T. Rouae. 7:80. r irst. xwenty-rirst ana urnn-i. - ' l .i . 1 Vlnln. Ift-M flrSl I , sermon In series on genersl church ae- The woman was found three days age tlvltloa; topic. 'The - Far-Flung name wandering In the Polk street railroad l.lneai " Kvenlnar service. 1 :K riDwn ,U..A --LIZ. ' V.7. la.l.'. i-hrl.ll.n l -"". unloi" t.X "r " m. I When found ahe had a ticket from U I. a-Haaaa &m m. ouin ivuew. ecu., lu lui'limunq, 1 a., ana v.inn.i PVar,i-e.n. Rnirttual. S414 Cum- aeverai letters, which gave no clue as to Inn. Mrs. Ella Gardiner. Rearer of Mes- her Identity. Chicago Herald, sages Meetings. 8:16. tate Pplrltuallat society. 2561 Cuming. C UICU ID TfiKFN II I regular aervlcea Sunday evening at I..O.I' ' : ' " ' Mra. Liverpool speaker. Chics an Street Mission. ltQ8 Chlctuto. Rev. C G. Rtubera. fiUDerlntendcnt Services every night at 4 44. I F. A. Nash, jr., 11 years of age. living Omaha Ilollneaa Association. W. R. at tut 8outh Thirty-seventh street, waa Foahler. President-Service. 8. at First tha. u casa of acarlet fever to h re ported at the health office yesterday WITH SCARLET FEVER I'nlled Evangelical church. 110 Franklin. First Progresi4ve Spiritualist, 11 Hsr- ney Regular aervlcea. followed by mes sages esery Sunday, 8; message service. evury Frmsy. I. Swedish Holiness. Fifty-second and Leavenworth. Rev. C. G. Stuberg. Pas tor Mornlur. 11; evening, 1.46; BUnaa school, lti; Young People's meeting First Church of the Brethren. Twenty- second mna Mlnmt D. Webster Hurts. president of McPherson college. Mcpher son, kin., will speek Sunday nigm ai s. on "The Meaning of Culture. The Associated Rible Students meet tn Evrlo bulldlns. Nineteenth and Farnam, at 3. Dr. C. W. Farwell will lecture on "Give Your Ear snd Har My Voice; Hearken and Hear My Sueech. Peoples. MS North Eighteenth. Rev. Charles W. 8a v !,!. parlor Morning. "Proslne God:" evening. "Have Men To day a Vital I ii It reel in Christianity aa It la Presented?" Sunday achool at noon. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. Fnlted Brethren. Nineteenth and I-oth-rop. W. O. Jones. Paetor-ll. "Our Edu cational Invttiutiona: evening, 7:o0. evan Kel silo services; lu, Sunday school; :. Christian Endeavor aocleiy. Wedneaday evening. 8. Rible study, prsyer and con-fereix-e. I'nlon Gospel Miaslon. 1308 Douglas. Telephone IuukIss SV16. A. M. Perry, Su perintendent rirguiar res ue nuaaion work every night at 7:3u, with special preaching service sunuay at u anu i. lillile reading and prayer service every ruoro iii at 8:u. First Reformed, Twenty-third an I Deer Park. John F. Hawk. Hanoi rlurulay achool ai 46: Dr. H. Uuemnan. suorin- tendent: 11. "Tlia 1'ftrtslian r.nueavor Challenae:" niisaion band at 1: Christian Endeavor. A. 7:. "Coursge." frayer service Wedneaday evening. I'nharian. Turiin Hall. Twenty-eighth and Farnam Bible atudv claaaea at lo: William Yertnaion. Iwader: sermon, 11. bv Rev. F. Raymond isturtevaiil. minlater of I nil aria a church at Taunlon. Masa Chans ea in Reliaton. and the ChaHenge that onfronia Vs." Musii- bv Helen Sadllek, soprano; George Rsrker, jr., violinlat; Helen Rennelt, planlal. Read The Bee Waal Ada. It pays! Read Bee Want-Ads tor preflL them for results. Use Your Health is Safe WHEN THE APPETITE IS KEEN WHEN THE DIGESTION IS NORMAL WHEN THE LIVER AND BOWELS ARE REGULAR Any disturbance of these func tions should be corrected by HOSTETTER'S Stomach Bitters Such a line of Player Pianos has never been shown under one roof in this city. , i A. Eiospe Go. The premier piano house "of Omaha, haa decided to decrease the Immense stock of player pianos. This stock embraces everything from the most de pendable, low-priced upright to the elegant Grand Flayer. In mahogany and oak cases. This sale will offer the Entire Une of Brand New Players at the r LOWEST PRICES EASIEST TERMS Every Player we sell Is . ,FCTXY GUARANTEED. The following; descriptions and prices will glre a fair Idea of the scope of oar business In Player Pianos and oar Immense line. HOSPB APOLLO PLATER PIANO Spring; MotorrolPis drawn over tracker bar with out treading rerolls 'auto matically, automatic sustain ing pedal, transposing tracker bar which permits composi tions to be played in higher or lower key than written and for vocal mualc plays In low, medium or high voice. New feature the "Dynailne" in structs player automatically when to play soft, medium or loud all controlled through pedaling. Low 35 EC CS fl priced, at DOuU Humphreys Seventy-seven For Colds, Influenza, o lo) The cumulative effect of advertis ing a good thing .In the Sunday and Daily Papers tor many years, created such large sales for "Seventy-seven" during the Grip epidemic that we r could not meet the demands and i were obliged to stop advertising for a time to catch up with the orders. To get the best results, take "Seventy-seven" at the first feeling of the Grip or a Cold. . If you wait until you begin to cough and sneeze, have sore throat and lnfluensa, it may take longer. 2 Re. and 1109, at all druggists or mailed. aaaphreye' Homeo. Medicine Co., 15 William Street, New Tork. tpT J evening. The boy's condition Is reported as not serious. ForjMlos A Free Trial of Pyramid Pile Treat ment Will a Jnit Lie Meet- leg a Good Old Friend. is ms rw If KRAN1CH & BACH AND MKL-VILLE-CLARK- GRAND PLAYER PIANOS. Low priced at MELVILLE-CLARK SOLO APOLLO. Low- priced at. BUSH & LANE PLATER PIANO. Low priced at , KRAN1CH ft BACH PLATER piano. Low t7cn priced at ..! OU MELVILLE -CLARK APOLLO PLAYER PIANO. Low priced at. . . , BKAMBACH PLAYER PIANU. Lor priced at HINZE PLATER PIANO. Low aPtrird. ..$450 PELUEGER PLAYER PIANO. Low priced at SHERER NEW YORK PLAY- ER. Low priced at ... $1,000 $800 PLAYER $750 : PLAYER $750 : APOLLO $700 ..$650 A.NO. Low $450 R PIANO. $375 $350 A Little Down and S2.S9 1 Week 1 dm Rita von tried vramld? If not. why don't yout The trial ta free just mall eoupon below and the results may aniese you. Others are praising Pyramid file Treatment as thslr deliverer w br not yout MalleouponaeworBelBBOebos from any druggist any where. Take uosubstltule. FKE 8ABPLE COUPON PYRAMID .DRCOCOalPAWT M pyramid Bldg, MarsuoU. Mloh. Kindly send me a Free sample of rytassHi Pile Treafeai.lB plala wrapper. Kama.. Street yt . . . . Da-Bgtaaf Baslk Sanatoriuh This Institution la the only one in the central weert with separate buildings situated In their o. ample grounds, yet entirely 41 tlnct. and rendering It posetfcle to classify The one bulling being ntted tor and devoted to the treatment of Bon-eonUgious and aon-iuefiut. d'iaee, no others be ing admitted; the other Rest Cot tage bolng designed tor and de voted to the exclusive treatment of aeJeet mental eases requiring tor a time watchful eare and spe cial nursing. -af I t 1 H f w It'.',' Je---Vi i A Bmch, Scarf and Ont Doztn Rolls Frtt With Each Player PLAYER ROLLS New Player Rolla can be had from 15c up. We have the Q. H. S. Hand Played Rolls, which glvte you the expression and temperisatlon of the artiste who plaj'ed the original torn-position. .1 . --i!L ai A. Hospe Go. 1513-15 Douglas Street Tel. loug. 18S Itab, 1871. I Sat I