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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1916)
nffi OMAHA SUNDAY HKK: FEBRUARY G, 191(1. 5- SLIPS FROM KIEL Two German Rovers Beat it for Open Se Almost Under Gum of British Warships. NINE OF THESE BOATS EQUIPPED SEW YORK,. Feb. 6. Nine m raiders of the type of tha Mmwi haro been fitted out by the Germans anl one of them, which escaped from Kiel on New Tear's day with the Mojwe, has since been preying on British commerce with as much sue cepj as the Appam8 captor, accord ing; to a story" told here tonight by Mrs. Francl-i . Fuller, wife of the British governor general of Ash antl. ' c ' ' ' " Mrs. Fuller was one of the ninety seven passengers of the Appam who arrived hers from Norfolk, on board the' Old Dominion steamer Jefferson. Forty officers and members' of the eWS 01 JtsriliSQ vessels capiurou ojr the Moewe and later taken in cnarg bythe German prize crew, which brought the Appam to American waters, also were on the Jefferson. Equipped at Kiel. Mrs. Fuller declared that one of the German officer, who cam aboard the Appam. was authority for the statement that the Germans had equipped the nine rajdera at Kiel. She laid fia told her the: Moewe and the -other raider which scaped the British patrol; paeaed within a stone's throw of three Brltlah cruiaers within a few hours after they left the Kiel canal. All the British officers and aeainen agreed that the raider apparently u a new vessel of about S.MO tone arose. The eoal bunkers, they said, were unusually lanrv a If built for long crudes. The Germans, took every pre rautton thev added, to shield the four runs mounted, forward and the one mn.ntA aft. hut they appeared to be of the fifteen centimeter type. M. C. 'Watson, also a passenger on the Appam. told of a plot to overcome tha Oermans who ' com posed the prtie crew of the Appam. Watson, who aald he volunteered aa third officer on the Anr-am. declared the- Plot waa xrusiraiea rougn treaenrry. Street Car Company Pays a Girl $300 For Kiss Conductor Gave Her KANSAS CITY, Mo., Feb. 6. The Metropolitan street railway company today, under a settlement reached here In the circuit court, agreed to pay Miss Evelyn Wbittlngton. 18 years old, 1500 tor a kiss adminis tered by one of the company's con ductors. . Miss Wbittlngton and her cousin were the only passengers on a car one night In January.1915, she told the court. When her cousin left the car. Miss Whittlngton laughed be cause her relative's descent from the car steps was impeded by a tight skirt. The conductor, too, laughed. A few blocks further on the conduc tor kissed her, Miss Whittington declares. "Did you get hurt?" asked her attorney. "Well, he kissed me,"vcame the answer. The young woman sued the com pany for $25,000. STRAIN BURIED; HIT BYJ5N0WSLIDE Northern Pacific Fassenger Lost in Sweep of Avalanche in Cascades. pun and And Ben brul Wine jhal Will MaVe Inquiry To Fix Blame for Atlantic City Fire ATI.ANTIC CITY. N. J.. Feb. B.-A searching Investigation to fix responsi bility for the fire which today caused the loss of at least three lives and rased the Ovcrbrook hotel, a five-story brick and frame structure, at Mount Vernon and Pa cific avenues, waa started tonight after the authorities had made a final survey of the ruins a short time before night fall. Three other, ueraons are missing and are believed to have persiehed. Two of the three aodies recovered were Identified as those of Thomas Mott. 64, father of Richard Molt, proprietor of the nverhrook. and Mrs. Charles Kelly; 3X, of .New Tork and Atlantic City. The third body waa bo badly burred that Identiflca tlon has been Impossible. Mrs. Joeephlne Garsed, Philadelphia; Edward- PhlUlpson. White Plains, N. and Taul C. Hendricks, Chambersburg. Pa., publicity agent for a hotel here are missing. Of the Injured, John McCoy, a guest. of West Hobokcn. N. J., Is the most se riously hurt. IIo Is suffering from punctured lung and general contusions and Is in a critical condition. Alexander Andrewa and hie" wife and George Bencker, all of Philadelphia, were badly bruised In Jumping from an upper etory window Into life nets. AH are In the hoa- DTtal ana wm recover. Nicholas De Ray, engineer or tlio hotel, who waa at first reported to have been killed, waa found late today. He was un injured. All other guests and employes have been located In different hotela and cottagea where they had been taken after being rescued from the flames. None of them, according to, the police, are seri ously injured. Chargea that the hotel was not ade quately equipped for protection from fire were denied by officials of the city build lng department Confidential Naval Marksmanship Data Given to Committee WASHINGTON, Feb. 6. Confidential marksmanship records of the navy were detailed to the house naval committee behind closed doors today by. Captain O. P. Flunkett. gunnery officer of the de partment. At an open session he dla cussed the subject In general terms and said the appropriation made laat year to provide prises for gun pointers would have been Insufficient had not the qual Ufatlona under which they were to be earned been raised by tha department. Captain Plunkett said approximately 75 per cent of the enlisted force of the navy, from ship's cooks to chief petty officers. had qualified aa marksmen in rifle prac tice. He defined a marksman as a man "able to nail anything at 240 yard." About 30 per cent, he said, were sharpshooters, or 600-yard range men. The department has asked for (15.000 for rifle trophiea. WAR ORDER PLANT IN OTTAWA BURNS Second Blaze Bajei in Canadian Capital While Efforts Made to Learn Causa of First SEVEN 1I7ES HAVE BEEN LOST OTTAWA. Feb. 5. Fire of un known' origin tonight destroyed the plant of Grant, Holden & Graham Company, Ltd., which has been en gaged. In manufacturing clothing and haversacks for the militia de partment. Eight employes were In the build ing when the fire started but all es caped safely. The loss on the build ing alone, a six-story brick structure, is fixed at 120,000. No estimate has been made of the value of the stock, but a large supply was ready for delivery. ' Seven LI Tee Last The list of those who lost their lives In the fire which destroyed the Canadian Parliament building, waa fixed tonight at seven. Five of the bodies still He be neath the ruins. They are those of B. B. Law, a member of Parliament; Deputy Clerk Laplante. Dominion Constable Dea Jardlns, Alphons Dea Jardins, a plumber, and Randolph Fanning, a waiter. While firemen spent the day pouring tons of water upon the smouldering debris. Dominion government official were making plana to erect a new and more Imposing structure upon the site nf the building wrecked by last night's fire. Meantime Parliament will sit In the auditorium of the Royal Victoria museum until the new customs house can be made ready for occupancy. Coadact IavestlaatloB. Although the police frown upon the theory that a plot waa responsible for the destruction of the building or that tha fire was started by a bomb. Fire Chief Graham la quoted as having said: The fire waa set," and thrt he heard several explosions. Government officials assert they be lieve the flames were not of incendiary origin, but they, nevertheless, are con ducting, a rigid Investigation In an effort to determine whether there Is any basis for such a suspicion. ' Coroner. Craig of Ottawa win hold an Inquest on February 17 lr' the deaths of Mesdames Bray and Mortn, whose bodies are the only ones thus far recovered. The remalna of both were taken tonight to Quebec - A cordon of police stood guard all day around the ruins of the building and held back the thousands who visited the scenes. None were permitted to enter any part of those sections of the building which remain standing. Score of work men were employed In searching the de bris for the bodies of the five men' who lost their lives. JUST STKUCK WITH THE EDGE ZEPPELINS WRECK THREE BREWERIES British War Office Indignantly De nies Losses as Great as Claimed by Berlin. GIVES DETAILS OF DAMAGE LONDON, Feb. 5. The war office tonight took Issue with the German official statement concerning the amount of damage done in the re cent Zeppelin raid on England. The damago to Industrial or commercial establishments Is said by the war office to have been as follows: "Serious dsmage wss done to three breweries, three railway sheds, one en gine ehed, one tube factory, one lamp factory and one blacksmith ehop. Minor damage, such aa the shattering of glass and doors, occurred at a munition fac tory, at an Iron works In two places, at a crane factory, at a harness factory, at railway grain shed, at a colliery and at a pumping station. No docks and no granaries, munition factories or indus trial establishments of any sort other than mentioned were damaged. Shops Damaared. "Some fifteen houses of working clsss people were demolished and" a large num ber of small shops and dwelling house were Injured, some seriously but many slightly. The latest returns of casualties show that twenty-six men. twenty-eight women and seven children were killed, and that forty-elgh men,- forty-six women and eeven children were Injured. "It Is not purposed In future to Issue detailed statements of this character, as It Is inadvisable to give Information to the enemy aa to the results of their air attacks. On the occasion of this raid. however, in which the largest number, so far, of airships have been employed. this statement of the damage done is given In order to show how unfounded Is the claim that the economic life of Great Britain Or Its military preparation can be appreciably affected by promiscuous bombs dropping from airships wandering i over the country in the dark. (alia It Disappointing. In the twenty-nine raids, great and mall tha hav. t mc Mn nl.p. avav Clrf a t nu.i- i . i. u .11 ,.- a ! whom seventeen were aoldiera, ninety women and forty-three children have been killed. But when It Is remembered that In the Lusltonla alone 1,198 persons were drowned, Zeppelin raids as a means I of murdering. Innocent civilians must be comparatively disappointing to their promoters." TACOMA, Wash., Feb. 8. While Northern Taclfic train No. 42, which left Seattle, Tuesday night, was stalled in the deep snow one mile west of Stampede pass in the Cas cade mountains, a huge snow slide struck the forward portion of Ihe train, completely burying the engine, baggage car and a portion of the combination smoker and chair car, it was learned tonight. Only an edge of the slide, which occurred late Wednesday, hit the the. train, but It broke through the windows of the smoker, almost com pletely tilling it with snow. Four passengers who were playing cards were Imprisoned. Coroner A. J. Rose of Ellensburg and others rushed to their asslstarce, dt&clng In through the windows. After a few mlnutea' work they were taken out un injured, except for cuts and bruises. The engine crew also were hastily dug out. Engine, baggage car and chair car were leaning over at an angle of twenty-five degrees at the edge of a ten-foot em bankment. T,he passengers were transferred and arrived In F.llenebiirT tonight. Bjwarsiwi - The train that Wednesday afternoon on the Northern Taciflo waa partially wrecked by a snow slide near Stampede pass In the Cascade mountains In Wash ington, was Burljngton No. 42. due to have arrived In Omaha at S30 o'clock Sunday afternoon. At Burlington head quarters no advices have been " received as to the extent of the damage, or In juries to passengers. VILLA SNAPS TEETH ATJRON RING Badit Chief, Deserted by Majority of Followers, Trying to Break Through Cordon. HE IS NEAR BOSQUE BONITO EL TASO, Feb. 5. General Fran cisco Villa, with a small body of fol lowers, is attempting to break through a cordon of do facto gov ernment troops in the vicinity of Bosque Bonito, southeast of here, according to advices received tonight by General Gabriel Gaviva, military commandant at Juarcs. A majority of Villa's followers, di vided Into two bands, have dcHC-rted their former leader and turned east ward. Colonel Samuel Gonzales at Moctesuma reported to General Ga vlra today. Gonzales reported a skirmish with bandits today at OJo Callentes while entraining for Moctezuma. Advices from Tresldlo, Tex., re ceived here, stated that Villa waa ap proaching Bosque Bonito with the intention of attacking Ojlnaga, and that Carranxa troops had been sent out to engage him. WILL GO ON MISSION TO KING OF BELGIANS LONDON, Feb. 8. An official iom munlcatlon to tlio public tonight lays that Karl Curion, lord privy seal, and General Sir Douglas Ilalg. commander of Iho British forces on the continent, are to proceed on a special mission to the king of Belgium, and that Karl Curion already has left England for thst purpose. head The Bee Want Ads. It pays! Russ Plan Raising 25 Millions in Japan LONDON, Feb. 8. Tha Times states that It learns from an authoritative source that Russia Is planning to float a loan of I3l.ono.ono In Toklo In payment for Its munitions Indebtedness. O'Leary Beats Wallace. T. PAVU Vlrn.. Feb. I Johnny O'l.earv. Canadian lightweight champion, outpointed Otto Wsllar of Milwaukee In a ten round rout here tonight, in tne opinion of newspaper men. Italian Flyer Brought Down by Swiss Guns OKNKVA, Swltierland. Feb. B An Italian observation aeroplane of a new type yesterday flew over Lugano and the fwlas positions on Monte t'enere. A vio lent fire wss directed by Fwl guns at the aeroplane, which was hit repeatedly. The aviator, who was not Injured, wss forced to land within Swiss territory. Ha was made prisoner. The aviator said he had flown over Pwlre territory by mistake. Doctor Says Nuxated Iron Wilt Increase Strength of Delicate People 200 in Ten Days Xa tnaay laatanoee Fsrsoas have saf . farad antola agony for years otorla for aervoaa weakaeea, stomach, liver a kldaay aiaeeae er aoaae otter ailmesrt when their real tremble was leek ef Iron ta the Meed. mew te tell. Kaw York. N. T. la a rMut f laaaurn Dr. B. gauer. Syaetallat. r this aOT aatoV If ra war to make sa actual le taat oa alt ?ala ha era CI nu ula rtMr araattr aalanlakaS al tha aicavainflr lane aaatbar wh lark Ira and whe ira ill lar aa har tuns tha tha lash f Iras. Tha aaaaaat Ires la euaatUS all their ultttaae et eaataraa srwaaisia sieepaaar. With lout Iraa U Mood at aaaa loaaa tha sowar te jehaaao toad 1st ltttbf tlaaoe aa4 thatolira aolh itni you eat aaae ra ear x4 ; roo soa't got tha lalrartfih eut ef It. Your foot sterol? saaaoa ,throush raur eratara Ilka aors thnroih !a mill with tha roUar to olio apart thet tha ailll cas t grin. As a ratult of this eaatlau. sua blons aa. aarv narration., aeesle btrama tnaratlr vaakenaS, aarroua aa alt raa Sowa an4 traquaily aaralop all aorta at eoasttloaa. Ona 'It toe this; aaothar la hrdaao4 with uahoalthr (at; soma are ao waa thr aaa hardlr walk; 'aome think tha? have Irapaaete. kUasr or llror troubla; aome can't a!ea at Sight, ether ar alaapr aaa tlrtd all Sir; soma rowr aa Irritable; aome aklnnr an! blooslea. hut all larh ohralrol oar an oasuraaoo. la such eaeam, It la worao than fnollarinfaa la take allraulatlsg taaolnlaoa or aairoilo dmia. which anrr whls a vear taaahii vital powara for tha mordant, marto at tha ai nanae ( roar lit later an, Ne siauar ehat say vnv nil. yvq. it yoa ar nm vrqni mi iin ewe II to youroalf to make Iho following- toot. Bom haw loaf you nan work ar bnw far ma can walk without ro coming tiro.. Nait Uka too flTa-sratn' takltta at ordinary aaiatod tmo throe tlmoa vorj ar aft or aiaala for two woaka. Tkaa taat rouri atroagth egala aad saa far yevraolf how aaaeh foul haoa aatoos. I have eeoa Soaoaa ot aw reus I Smra aoapie who wore ailing ail tha ttaaa Sauhlo. and area triple their euength, and nluruai aad) enUrnly got. rlf of thetr sTmptoms a ajapipala. lino and ether trouMos ta trees tea to fvam fare tint elmplr by taking troa ta the piasai form, aad tbta attar ttiav bad In armo easas hi doaiorlna tor aionrtia without o burning any koao- flt. T aaa talk aa you pteoaa anoat all Iho wonoor wrought hr sow romadtoa, but whoa yva eoma dowa to hard farts tbora ta nothing Ilka good old Iron to put rotor In ynor rhaka aad good aaund. hoarlhy flesh on your bonoa. It bn alaa a groat inn and atomach strongthonor nori tha boot blond bulldar In Mia world. Tho ooly Iroublo waa that the oM forma nf Inorcnnla Iron llko tlnctura of Iron, Iron acoiata, ato , ofton ruined poopta'a taath, upaat thair atomarhg and ware not aaaimllatad ami for lhaao raaaona that froquanur did mora harm than good. Snt with tha itiworary of tha nawar forma of orgenlo Iron all thia baa boon erareema. Nuiaiad Iron fad etample, ta plraoant to taka. dnoo nn Injure thai troth and ta altnoat tmmadlataly banoflclal. I hwvria -Tha niaauracturara of Nuxated Iron haH auch unboundad confidence In Ha potanoy that tho euthnriae the announnamant that thay will forfait lies ot t any CharttaMa IneMtutlon It thar cannot tnha any ma a or woman undar alxtr ab lacko Iron and tnrroaaa thalr atrongth Son per aontl er evor la lour waaaa' time, proviriaa tnoy nata no arrlmia arganlo trouhla. Alan thay will rofnad your money la any coat In which Nnvntad I dnoo not at leant double yaur atrongth In ton days lima. It la dlnonad In thla cltr by ffharl ait A MOnaal Drug Store sad all ether drag giati. AoTtrtlatmtaL Anzeiger is Afraid Lansing May Force A Break by Demand BERLIN. Feb. 6. (Via London.)-The IKal Anselger says a very grave sltua tlon has been caused by the Washing Ion government suddenly Insisting that Germany declare the sinking of the Lusltanla Illegal and apparently ' sus pending the negotiation of all other un adjusted matters until such a declaration la given, the situation therefore now looking like "bend or bresk." "If President Wilson," saya the news psper, "experts that In the Lusltanla question, Germany wilt beat a retreat which can counter all Its prevloua defla tions, , that tranecends the bounds of possibility even for tha warmest friend of peace. Never rah a German government admit that a aubmarina commander did wrong In sinking In tha war aone an enemy steamer laden to the guards with arma an ammunition. 'Thla waa also perfectly well under stood at the White House. If In spite of it. Secretary Lansing has put forth such a demand we can only conclude that he does not wish te reach an un derstanding with Germany." Iron Too Valuable to Be Used for Money LONDON. Feb. B According to a wire less message from Vienna received here, the treasury office at Vienna has decided to follow the precedent set by Germsny j auu mini iiuii uMiruuiy iruifi ciruumiiuu. Defeats Alllanre. ivi.iinfli.u j!D., rrp, n. i7-n"i-ini irir- j urBni.nimraii nrrrncu .tiiinnrc TO nliflit 24 to 12. Lineup: Kimbntl Linn, If.: Siangan, r.f. : Wllnnn. c. Horirnun r. g. ; Leavensky. l.f. Alliance Pponrrr' r.r.; tmeir, i.g.; jiarvey, c; i.oispeiK, i.g. WrlghU rf. Culled "from the Wire After sleeping continuously for over a w'k, Augustine Heauchamp. e-year-old snn-nf Mr. and Mrs. AukusI Heauchamp of SatanHba, MKch.. died. The malady from which tha lad suffered remains a mystery. , . . . Ohio's state batiklnir department closed twJe so-called bucket shops In various pasts of the state, arrested their man ager on hars oif violating the blue skv- law. and p rating fraudulent se rurMies ogencle(, ,nd ordered eeres of cuatpmera of xlis shope and several tele graph operators held as witnesses. Cayirles Carmnn Wnkrley, widely known aa n astronomer, died at the home of his Son at Orange. N. J. He waa reputed to Wave been Ihe first man to photograph the-moon throiiyb a u-leacone, a fvat which he accotuhehed In 18. A tele r i-o which he arid the late Lewis M. JrTitherford built is In Columbia unlver- Anthracite coal operators at Philadel phia denied that ther had finally r Jnrred the demands formulated by the ynl'i workers, as renorted In rtiapatches fron New Voi-k. The dematv'a of the mtnerst ratlfloal w the Internatlonnl Con xen'lon of the mine wrrkct mi Indian (imll lest week w'M he fonnally pre empted to fhe operators at l.'t York, I'sbruary 21. Radio Messages Tell Of Fire in Shin's Hold HALIFAX, N. 8., Feb. I. A fir In the hold of the steamer Texas, about 600 miles southeast of St. Johns, N. was reported In two radio messages receiver) by the Canadian marine department to night. The first message, which came from the Brltlah ataamer - Howthead, bound from Norfolk to Publln, said merely that the Texas was on flra, while a later mes sage sent by the steamer Siberia, New Tork for London, said that the fir was under control and that the Texas was proceeding with hatches battened. The name Texas Is borne by several steamers. It Is thought here that th vessel referred to In th dispatches is the Swedish steamer which left Newport News for Chrlstlanla on January 27. Catarrh of the Stomach Pleasant, Himple, Hut Safe Effectual Itemedy for It. and ! TXIAX. rACXAOX M AXLED TBES. Catarrh of the stomach Is considered practically Incurable. The symptoms ara . a bloating sensation after eating, accom panied sometime with . sour or water I risings, formation of gases, causing pres sure on heart and lungs and difficult' breathing, headaches, fickle appetite, ! nervousness and general i'layed-out , f..1lnv NIL W .(A ) J ELECTROLIER SYSTEM IS IN PROSPECT FOR COLUMBUS COLFMBt'S. Neb.. reb 5. Special Telegram.V-Proepecta for securing a mun'cipally owned electrolier system in business district of Columbus thla sum mer were considerably brightened by the appearance of a committee from tbt Commercial club before th city council. In saaslon tonight, assuring that body thst all aid necessary will be rendered The comm'ttee consisted of O. W. rhllllps. A. R. Miller and L. II. lavy The aim la to have the syate.-n Installed bt-for ron at ruction oi the yaving third ly rtducing th cost. "Oee, Z Can STsrdly Walt for This ife Bonp to Cooll And to Think That I 1 Wouldn't Have Dared rat It Before X j Bona Vslnar Staart'e Dyspepsia, Tab. I lata I" Most druggists know that rUuart'S Dyspepsia Tablets hav relieved more people of catarrh of the stomach. Indi gestion, heartburn an run down condi tion generally than all the patent meai clnes and doctors' prescriptions. (Stuart's Pyspepsla Tablets Is th sim plest and most convenient remedy for In digestion, catarrh of the stomach, bil iousness, sour stomach, heartburn and bloating after meals. Get a Wc box from your druggist, er I send coupon below today for a free trial package. Free Trial Coupon T. A. Stuart Co., 833 Stuart Solid, lag, SaarsbaJl, Miclu, aend ma at one a free trial pacaag of Stuarts Dys. pola Tablti. Name Street City State Orchard , Willhelm Co 414-416-418 South 16th St. 'IB c o" c 0 Single Furniture Pieces Selling Down to Nearly HALF PRICE to Close Out Quickly Just tlio opportunity to replace a worn-out piece or fill an empty corner with a high-grade piece of furniture at a very low cost. Chairs, Rockers, Buffets, Tables, Chiffoniers, Dressers, Bests and many other articles at astonishing reductions. This partial list will five you some Idea of the saving, but you should see the articles. $46.00 Large Tapestry Covered Rocker, deep spring; seat $27.00 49.00 Mahogany Chair, select crotch, mahogany stock 110.00 32.00 Mahogany Rocker, wing back, hair filling, upholstered In green denim 4 ,. I 18.50 40.00 Easy Chair, upholstered in genuine Morocco leather, loose cushion seat 2f).00 10.7: so.oo moo 35.00 10.50 3.25 25.00 17.00 12.00 s j top. , in,,,,, .. $52.00 Mahogany Chiffonier $25.00 23.00 Walnut Dressing Table 17.0O 53.00 Mahogany Console Table and Mirror .... 33. 50 50.00 Mahogany Console Table and Mirror .... 28. OO 3 6.00 Mahogany Library Table 25.00 4 5.00 Mahogany Library Table 35.00 33.00 Fumed Oak Library Table, book rack ends, 26x44-10, 30.00 Golden Oak Library Table, 64-ln. length 42.00 Fumed Oak Library Table.. co no c ........ 'aii...-i. n.K. n .. .. ti .. ., a a I jil ,'...v" otjiiiiie 1 uuiiiuiuua uow piau .oeu, .-o viulu 39.00 Square Post Brass Bed .1. 6.50 White Enamel Bed, 4-6 width,.,. ... 34.00 Golden Oak Chiffonier. 23.00 Golden Oak Dresser, . . u v uiimrit . ,v iiiiiwiiioi, 9 IB. ..,, ........... ...., 178.00 White Enamel Vanity Ca-ae, equipped with email looae traye and drawers, etc.; very hlRh trade, but discontinued pattern J00.00 Mahogany 8ettee, solid roahograny beautifully carved. Chip- I Jala llaa. I'VIIUniO UUCD e e - $50.00 Rocker to match 4 l mi 89.00 SO.OO, 37.50 35 Single Pairs Laco Curtains 95c Per Pair One pnlr of a pattern, Net and Swiss Cur talnfe, 2 '4 yards long, white and ecru. Values t.r.o to 5.0 per l'air Pair 95c Single Curtains. 1 strip only. 85c Each ComprtRlne; 16 half pairs and 3 door panels that were Value to f 16.30 per Pair Per Curtain 85c HIV)1 SB mi L Siiai'sii -V I ,aaePiii ft ArJ VayWe'.lO .1 Nets, Madras, Voiles, By the Yard ftOc Nets for, yard . . . KOc XetN for, yard . . i 4ftc Net a for, yard. . . l.r0 Nets for, yard. , . 30c 50c nnd 55c Voile, colored ,.40n strip liortler, yrd 25c , .'2:ic Mmlra for, yard 50c . 75o 75c Mmlraw' for, ) aril 38c Portieres for $4.85 Per Pair That Were $7.00 to $25.00 Only 20 pairs, but a good atiriortnifnt of colors, some slightly soiled. Over Draperies, Yard 38c Values 50c to $1.50 Yard. The Range for Service -A BECK WITH ROUND OAK Combination Range Sale of Sample Comfortables and Wool Blankets Blankets of a high-grade stock, best of their kind to be had for the regular price. Borne of these are slightly soiled. In every Instance there Is a sharp reduction to close out AL samples. The Comfortables are all fresh and clean, dainty patterns and pleaslne colors. Wool Crib Itlanketa, 80x54ln. White, with pink or blue border. $3.50 Sample Itlanketa. .. . f2.00 f2.00 Sample lUanket.. . .(11.23 Wan anted All Wool Blanket Pink plaid effect. $0.50 Sample Dlanket. . . . $50 flSvHO-ln. Blanket, HeaTy Wool, Pink or gray plaid effect. $5.75 Sample Blankets. .. .$3.33 Very Fine All-Wool Blanket White, with pink plaid effect, silk bound edge. $14.50 Sample Blankets. . .$8.50 Warranted Fine Wool Blauket Blue and white. $7.00 Sample Blankets.. . .$1.00 Heavy tiray Wool FtoUh Blan ket WHh blue or pink borders. $1.25 Ham pie Blanket. ... $2.75 Heavy Cotton Filled Comforts Good grado sllkollne covers, Mteen border effects. $2.85 valuer, special $1.75 $3.85 vnliics ...$2.15 In winter burn coal and keep your kitchen warm. In summer burn gas and keep your kitchen cool. All with l lie aame oven, and ilinn'o of Parts. And to Convince You without I LI 4rr W3 -"WJ We Offer 30 Days' Free Trial, With No Cash Payment Then Monthly Payments Only If Satisfactory. A full line of Eeckuith Round Oak and Copper Clad Ranges RUGS in Large and Unusual Sizes at LESS than Mill Cost 3 onbw.ii.3si5 Rugs, values up to $120, for $09.0O. 0 only 11-3x15, 10-6x13-6, 10-6x12 Rugs, values up to 183.50: 8 10-6x12, 10-6x10-6, value 15.50; value $27.50, 6 Kpfriul: $0:i.OO Round Oak Cabinet Range, with reservoir, 18-ln. oven, slightly used $40.00 Stewart Ranges, The Best Low Priced Ranges Made Special fnewart Cabinet Range, 0f 7C all this week for 0Xs & Hold on AO da)V trial No rash payment until Ihe 50 das are up; $5 per month, or the stove i turned f unsatisfactory. Bric-a-Brac Sale Continues Into February Mostly Half Price. $2 1 .OO Bronte Deak iAinp, .liver plated, oyater white ahade 910.50 $28.75 Bronte Ieak Ijamp, Dolphin atandard $25 .0 II ron re ettandard, irold leaf finUh, three . lamps $05.00 Cartira Marble and French Bronze J-amp 6iic l'ottrry Bud Vaea. $0.25 Tooled Leather Waxte Bankets choice for 810.50. only 11-3x15, 11-3x12, 10-6x13-6. 10-6x14, values up to $61.50; choice for $30.50. only 10-6x10-6 Whlttall Body Brussels Rugs, choice for 820.50. only 11-3x12 Roxbury Oriental Tapestry Rug, for S17.50. only xl 2 imported Chenille Rugs, light and plain color, value up to $52.60; choice for 820.50. only 9x12 All-over patterns fine Wiltons, $45.00 values, slightly soiled. 82O.50. only UxU Best Quality finest woven Body Brussels, bedroom and dining room patterns, values up to $35.00; choice for 825.00. only 9x13 Slightly soiled Axmlnster Rugs, usu ally sold for $27.50; choice for 810.50 ch. only 8-3x10-6 Seamless shaded two-toned brown Wilton, aold for $52.50; special at $31.50. only 8-3x10-6 Heavy Wilton, one delph blue band border, suitable for bedroom, value $43.50; special. 820.00. only 8-8x10-6 Finest Body Brussels, splendid din ing room patterns, values $32.50; choice, for 822.50. " only 6x9 Bundhar Wiltons (Oriental patterns), splendid values at $31.50; choice, $25.00 each, only 6x9 Finest Body Brussels, bedroom patterns, values $it.00; choice, 810.50 only 4-6x7-6 Bundhar Wilton Kugs, neat patterns, values $19.50; special. 814.50 each, only 4-6x7-6 Plain Colored Wilton Rugs, blues and brown, values $15.75; special, $12.50. 14.40 12.50 C2.50 3.15 HajMM