Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 06, 1916, SOCIETY, Page 8-B, Image 18

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Big Mileage on Same Bearings
- ...4
With a record of ?fil,, mllps-eijtiiil j
lo more then ten times around tlio
-world to Its credit, a 1W Bulck, ownoa
.by F. B. Blason of rialnvllle, Kan., made
I the moat remarfceble showing of any rar
In tha mllea;a content conducted by the
Jtyatt Pollor Bearing; company. Tha ob
ject of tha content waa to lar how far
automobile, have run in rary-day ser
ial oe upon U.elr origin equipment of
Hyatt baarlnca. Mr. Blasoa waa awarded
' tha first prise of SO0. More than 900 ttrea,
I eoatlna 17.000 wera worn out by tha car.
'Tha Hyatt bearlnics never gave Mr.
I Blaaon any trouble, and tha car Itself
tood tha running wonderfully well. Three
Inew bevel ring gears installed In tha rear
'oris, new plain bearings In tha motor,
new crank shaft, new ptfiton arms and
a replacement of tranemltmlon gears is
the sum totnl of repairs the car has had.
All recorrts submitted wera reviewed
by the Judaea, Alfred Reve, general
manager of tha National Automobile
Chamber of Commerce; Coker F. Clark
eon, general manager of tha Society of
Automobile Engineers, and Julian Chase,
editor of Horseless Aga. All tha prlsa
winning records also were made to atand
a searching Investigation by the Hyatt
company. Other prises, which ranged
from tlO te $300 wera awarded to tha
following ear owners: James Lewls, Bhel
ton. Conn., Mitchell, I1S.734 miles);
J. YV. Norman. Taint flock. Tex.. (1910
Mitchell, n&.rri miles); J. D. Albright.
nowie. Tex., (111 Ford. 172,5X3 mJlesV,
Karl O. Drudlrg. Ellsworth, Wis.. (190
Ford. 17MU miles); 8. T. K K. R.,
Stockton. Cal., (1909 Mitchell, 160.100 miles);
Jacob Btark. Chicago. III., (190 Logan,
1W.1M mllea); J. J. Moore, rhlladelpbla.
Pa., (1(11 Ford, 147.7M. mllea); John
Frascr. jr., Milwaukee, Wis.. ltOS Bulck.
m,U miles); Georrs R. Mason. Das
Moines. Ia., (191 Maytag. U8.0W miles); J.
M. Pertolet, M. D.. Reading. Pa.. U10 Mit
chell, U7.US1 mllea); Jenwa W. Hlnes.
Minneapolis, Minn., (1910 Hudson. 130.2M
miles); Linus Klene. Buffalo, N. T., (1910
Mitchell, KO.OOO miles); U N. Burnett.
Dallas, Tex., (190 Flanders, 1U.BS7 mllea),
and F. I. Wlltee. Oneonta, N. T., (190g
Ford, 11S,M miles).
;edrope ignores
0. s. motor feat
Old World Authorities Refute to
Ee cognize Any Eecordi Made
in This Country.
' Should Bddle Rlrkenbacher, tha -famous
'lijurwall pUot or sny of tl.a other spaed
tfarooB of premier fame celebrate tha
'first raoa of 19lt by rolling too miles in
I two hours, or soma suah revolutionary
figure, tha result could be nothing mora
thaa an Amarloaa reoord. No such
thing as a world's reoord can be success
fully claimed, whan tha faat Is aooom
pUshad In tha United BUtea, under tha
'sanction of tha American Automobile a.s-
, This strange and anomalous condition
arises from tha fact that, with charao-
terlsUo Baropaan aloofness, tha automo
bile judiciary across tha sea rooognlsee
j no perf ormanca In America as really
Desplta tha fact that many reeent
American records axeall thooa on tha
I books of the Automobile clubs of Great
, Hrltaln and Franca, recent compilations
Of European racorda plaoldly Ignoro them
snd still refer to venerable European
(eats as world's records.
Too American Automobile aasootatlon,
(after vainly trying to secure mutual
raoognltlon which would result In real
r table of world'a rooords, baa tempor
orUy given up the battle and modestly
rafrs to all marks stabllahed under
,fts Jurisdiction as American records-
only this ana nc-t'iuig more.
One Immediate affect of this condition
1 Is to rob the endurance champion Max
well touring ear of tha tochnical right
to claim a world's title.
Tho Maxwell stock touring car
i recently computed, under American Au
itotnoblle association supervision, a run
' f 3i.Ki t miles without a motor stop.
Tho beet prior American reoord waa less
'than 13,000 miles. In Europe tha best
, prior mark was less than 17,000 miles
to the credit of the Rolls-Royce. Tat the
Maxwell can qualify merely for an
American record and the stolid Britons
will doubtless continue to regard tho
Rolls-Royce as tho world's enduraaoo
i ; ;
champion until Its record Is beatn In
tha limits of their tight little Isle.
Were reclnrocal rulea In Deration, tho
Maxwell would undoubtedly be granted
a worlda record certificate, un'ier nm
nollrv. tha American Automobile
association can, however, grant merely
American certificate of record.
Buick Cars Taken
as Fast as They Can
Be Brought to Omaha
Lao Huff, manager of tha Nebraska
Bulck Auto company, aays that notwith
standing tha fact that tha Bulck Motor
company lias Increased Its output to
M.0OO cars for tho 191( selling season.
there Is still such a shortage of cars
that every Bulck dealer Is asking for all
tha cars ho can get. to be shipped at
Ordinarily tho country dealer does not
cars to havo cars shipped to htm be
fore spring, but they are after every car
load that reaches Omaha at this time.
Tha local branch at this time last year
had about 800 cars in tha warehouso. Now
they havo only enough In tha rear of
their showroom for Immediate retail de
liveries. Thlrtjr-flvo carloads, or HO D-e-46
Bulcks will reach Omaha this week and
every car Is to bo dlvortad to soma coun
try dealer.
Tha local branch has many ordera on
hand for retail delivery in tha spring.
Tho ovar-lnoroaslng demand for Bulck
cars Is proof of tha faot that tha publlo
has faith In tha Buiok Motto: "When
better automobiles aro built Bulck will
build them."
The O. W. Francis Auto company Is
now located in its now quarters at l-ll
Farnam street and is planning upon a
big year. Tha C W. Francis Auto com
pany Is ono of tha newer companies and
with tho assistance of a strong Una, "the
Maxwell." tho now company is rapidly
The building at tllt-ll Farnam has been
completely remodeled and fitted up in
moat appropriate style.
Rend Tho Bee Want Ada It pays!
Famous Studebaker Display Will
Come to Omaha Guarded by a
Pinkerton Detective.
Utmost precautions havo been taken to
lnauro tho safe transportation of tho
I2S.00O Etudebaker gold chassis around tho
circuit of cities where It is being placed
on exhibition.
As an example, 'whan the curtain waa
rung down on the Now Tork automobile
ahow, ft. J, Foumier, Cleveland agent of
the American Express company, waa on
hand to personally conduct tha precious
chassis to Clsveland. Ho rode in the
special car that carried tho chassis, being
accompanied by a Pinkerton man who la
anslgned to guard It at motor showo
where It Is scheduled to be placed on view.
As a further precaution, the chassis
was loaded on the special car light in the
Grand Central station. New Tork. Instead
of being towed over to the freight depot,
as was done with the show cars. Fw
mission was secured from the New Tork
Central officials, Inasmuch as this act set
a new precedent. i
Hxtreme measures are being taken by
the Studebaker corporation to prevent
this chassis, containing Sf ounces of pure
gold, from being stolen or mutilated.
Carrying heavy insurance, this record slae
piece of gold is sent from city to city by
express, never being entrusted to a
freight car. It takes Its place as the
most expensive express "package" ever
All Will Exhibit.
The Importance which this gold chasada.
has assumed Is Indicated by tho demand
from dealers, automobile show officials;
and hotel men all over the country for
permission to exhibit It in their cities.
R. T. Hodgklns, general sale manager
of the Btudobaker corporation, is being
swamped with letters and telegrams.
When the Pittsburgh auto ahow offi
cials learned that the gold chassis would
be In Boston during the week of the
Pittsburgh show, thsy postponed their
exhibit a week in order to accommodate
It. Arrangements have been made to ex
press the chassis to Pittsburgh at the
close of the Boston show.
-sir .wrrmn'inw w rt wVfw:t -i nwimnu w
:.JL..'li I. .i eUt-tU.-',t.K tKilLH hH.fiMu-HU'lUi(.llUltlKtel
H'WIMIWWW'I I !" Wii-W HI wssuiaa-.uuaasjisBwia3
H H ttWHlHt 4 . I V IHaV Ml IH4t mtlltW m ltl IHlVH.irititOntsMHillilMtlLHtr)tlNI4kNNtM MIMUt
1 i
9 i
I i
New HomeThe C. IV. Francis Auto Co.,
formerly located at 2024 Farnam street, have
moved to 2216-18 Farnam street.
The new quarters have been remodeled and redecorated,
giving us one of the most distinctive show rooms in Omaha.
Our Service Department has also been greatly enlarged
and is one of the largest service stations in the city of Omaha
We invite you to visit us at our new location.
$1,020.00 F. O. B. Factory
a' 'v.rwt
J mi .i .".. 'siysw '-.
--, ' '
The New Buick Is Here
Wo are now in position to show you the New. Buick Model D-G-45,
which has been the one real sensation in the automobile world since)
January first. 1 '
Come In and See It
See for yourself how really wonderful this model is, with its six
cylinder Buick valve-in-head motor; its Buick cantilever springs; its
cellular radiator; its silk mohair one-man top; its genuine leather up
holstering; its new style electric headlamps, and its many other supe
riorities as compared with other cars. , '
With its crown fenders and 34xi inch wheels and tires, this model
is truly the superior of any car in its class, and the equal of any oar in
any class in appearance and performance. . . ,
Place Your Order Now v
j : :
I . ; . . . '
N Thousands were disappointed last fall by not being able to get-
"Buick, and the demand for early spring'. delivery is even now greater
than, experienced last fall. Make sure of your Buick- before it is too
late. We are now in position to make deliveries. v
Touring Cars and Roadsters $950 to $1,485 f. o. b. Factory
Nebraska Buick Auto Go.
Lee Huff, Mgr.
H. E. Sidles, Gen. Mgr.
Sioux City
S. C. Douglas, Mgr.
lit ,-y.rrr-... . .. til J
-Ai.i.m - a- si
F, JC SLxson and
his Record Making
"Last October,- sti
-26JJB00 mil kad bmn
abaoUumly mo troubU from ths Hyatt Btaringt. Thoutandi
ssiios store aavs swicsj bn addd to this great record."
SUCH severe and constant service proves the worth, of Hyatt Bearings. 7 Engineering data, has
been reinforced by records of every day service obtained through our recent investigation.
' From everywhere came indisputable evidence of the marvelous performance of Hyatt Quiet Bearings. 'v
On no single record, however, rests the reputation of Hyatt Bearings. The faithful service of millions in daily use
offers a migh ty. testimonial to their value. . . '
Their remarkable merit is evidenced by the following records which have been carefully investigated and verified.
Rprjitativ MlUog Records of Cars on their original Hyatt Bearings r
P. E. Slasonu rUinvilk. Kansas. 1909-Buick 341,884
lames Lewis, bhWtofl, Conn 1909-MitcheU 318,754
Nornwn. Paint Rock. Texas 1909-Mitchell 183,837
km Deck. Darlimrton. Ind 1910-Mitchell 175,875
I. U. Altnght. Bowie, Texas 1911-Fori 173,48$
Earl C Drudins, l.llsworth. Wis 1909-Ford. ....... 171.418
S.T.& E. K. Stockton, Calif 1909-Mitchell 1M.1M
Jacob Stark, Chicago. Ill 1 906-Logan 148.159
Moore. Philadelphia. Pa..... 1911-Ford 147.751
onn rra-r. jr.. MUwaukee. Wis lw-Buiclc .139.533
K. Mason. Ues Moines. Iowa 1910-Mavtaz 135.000
M. IWtolft. M. D. Readine. l'a. . . .1910-MuchcU 127 fcXl
ameaW. llines Minneapolis. Minn.. . .1910-lludson. 120.354
us Kicno. Buffalo. N. Y 1910-Mitchell 130.0O4
L. N. Burnett, DalUa, Texas 1909-Klanders 116,537
F. I. Wiltse, Oneonta, N. Y 1908 Ford 113,041
I. M