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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1916)
TITE OMAHA SUNDAY BKK: KEHRUATIY 6. 1P16. Council Bluffs Social Notes A theater party wu entertained at the th-pheum Sunday by Mr. and Mr. Ralph ray. Toe Jolly High Five club wilt Le enter tialned at the heme of Mra. Andreaon, 1819 South Elsrhth street. 'dneaday -venlng. In honor of Mr. and Mra. Howard frtlchlson. whose marriage took place Sunday afternoon. Mm. Alice Barrett en 'tertalned at dinner Monday evening. Mra. Rlchison ha made Iter home In the Barrett household for a long time. The Klatter Klub was entertained at the home of Mra. FVank Plnney. Friday f last week. The afternoon was spent at auction brtdu-e, five tables being filled. Mrs. Bert Tlnney w awarded the prUe for high score, and Mrs. Tyler (O'Connor the "cut-for-all." At the close 'o fthe game, luncheon was served. Last Friday evening the Fuller Ave nue Kensington nun ana meir umuiM i cave a delightrul hard-times' surprise , party on Mrs. John B. Ott, In honor of her birthday. All time In costume, nnd n hard-times' supper served in care- tc-r.a style cloned the evening's enter-1 It i lament. Anions t'.ie pictures exhibited nt tli ! iFuntencllc by the Fine Arts' ruck-ty o. ; 'Omaha, is a portrnll of ltoaannuh lieeit. . Iti.e iittle daughter of Jui,je hiiI Mrs.; Joieph R. lived, painted by Miss i;tl el ; Evans, sinter of Mrs. Reel. Jllw l-.vansj ; is well Known here as an able artln. and the portrait is of much interest to her man;' lriends. xi r i. lit'Hslev entertained the I Diversity club Wednesday afternoon. The tiistory lesson on Braxil was reau by Mrs. 1J. It. Witter, and also the ar ticle from the Hayviiw in.iBiir.Inc, on The lesi-eiidants of the lncas." Mrs. HV, F. Arnold will be hostess Feb ruary 16. ' The L. T. club was entertained at the home of Mrs. Kmest Marsh of Omaha I Wednesday afternoon. Visiting and sew . ing occupied the fternoon, und refresh ments were served at its close. Feb ruary IS. the club will meet at the home fof Mrs. Charles Loekwood. Ml South Hxth street. Mrs. Don Fiori was hostess to tha J. K. club Wednesday afternoon, when they !met at the home of Mra. Elmer Long. The afternoon was apent at "WO." Mra. KJene Howe winning tha prlae for high score, and Mrs. McMahon tha "cut-for-all." After the game luncheon was eerved. The next meeting, February 17, 1 will be held at the home of Mrs, L. R. Trotter. The Fortnightly Thimble, club m en tertained at a three -course luncheon Wednesday afternoon by Mra. D. B. Mil ler. Besides the members, Mra. Miller Comes to Make Her Home in Omaha Again fir j Jerome fd t ' s ; ' ' i: - I : - ' " ' " 1 - 1 i MMSMSaajSMMHSBMMMJMSSMMSMMWMMWSS Visiting in Omaha With the Home Folks o nrs RA 6'Briiv. ) "X ) fTSf. ' ' ) w.'. - . xj ."" - v- ... ... ? . ...... , - ... ... - S , f . - - x . ' had aa guests: Mra. A, D. Campbell, jr., Mrs. J. F. Mulholland. Mra. Olen MlHer, Mra. J. O. Bennett and Mrs. King, ren , ruary 16. th club will attend "Daddy Lonsless." Instead .of the regular meet ing. As a recognition of hers en-Ice to the aiome Economlca department of tha tCouncll Bluffs Womu'ii olub during many years. Mra. El J. Towslea was) sent as a delegate from tha club to at tend tha short coura la home economlca at Ames. She has been an aotlra worker ever since the department was organ ised, sixteen years ago, and has oon - ducted many of . the . demonstrations which have made the club famous. In honor of Mr. -and Mrs. Hoxle Clark , of Villa Belvidere. N. T, who are vlslt ' ing In Omaha. Mrs. EMiest Eldred Hart , entertained at dinner Wednesday evening . at her beautiful home, iilucreau xuupa I and sweet pease made the table lovely, and flowers were throughout the rooms. Beside the guests of honor, covers were ' laid for Mr. and Mrs. Henry Wyman I and Mra. Saulre of Omaha, and Mr. and Mra. J. J. Heas, Mr. and Mrs. Charles ! Test Stewart, and Messrs. Henry and ' Bldred Hart. The Book levers held their "Wednes day meeting at the home of Miss Rloe. ! The study of Thackeray's norveU "Pen dennls," was begun, the outline being ' given by Mrs. O. D. P ami alee. The hls ! tory of the Pendennls family wae told f by Mrs. C. 8. Lefferts, and she also gave an account of Arthur's love affair ' with Miss Costlgan. A reading from ' Thackeray's lecture, "Charity and Hu- mor," was given by Mrs. A, M. Jaok ; son. v Miss Rloe will again entertain the club nest Wednesday. The marriage of Miss Vine.- Harrod . and Mr. Howard Rlahlaon, took place Sunday afternoon at the parsonage of '. the First Baptist church. Rev. J. J. Hobblns, the, pastor, - of fldatla. The bride's brother. Mr. Bpencer Harrod, and bis wife, accompanied them, and after the ceremony a wedding dinner was served to relatives and a few friends at their home. After a short trip, Mr. and Mrs. Rlcblson will make their home for the time with Mr. and Mrs. Spencer Harrod. Mrs. Rlohlson has been a , trained nurse here, and Mr. Rlchlson is : a Union Padflo employe. ' The marriage of Miss Cleora Massey , and Mr. Wlliam Cone, both of this city, took place Wednesday afternoon at the manse ef the Second Presbyterian church. Dr. George Ray. performing the ceremony. Mr. Cone's brother and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. Vere Cone, attended them. A number of prenuptlal parties were given in honor of the bride dur ing tha week, among them being a kitchen shower at the home of Mrs. Martin Daley, Monday afternoon, and a miscellaneous shower, Monday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Massey. Mr. and Mrs. Cone will make their home at Ninth street and Seventeenth avenue, after a short wedding journey. Mrs. C D. Parmalee entertained the Atlas club Tuesday afternoon. The cur rent events discussion was led by Mrs Parmaloe. Mrs. Elmer Bhugart gave a caner on Queensland; Mrs. W. I. Walker described the Island of Tas mania, and Mra. Clem Kimball read a paper on Bermuda. Miss Lucy Kimball, who has Just returned from a trip to Bermuda and who was guest of th club, gave a very Interesting description .of her trip. The study hour was fol lowed by a social time and refreshments. Tuesday afternoon the club will be en tertained at luncheon by Mrs. Parmalee, who will be assisted by Mrs. Elmer Shu cart and Dr. Harriet Hamilton. The art department of the Council Bluffs Woman's club met at the library Monday evening, with Mrs. Dolly Burgess as leader. Continuing the study of Westminster Abbey. Mrs. Emma In galls, completed her toplo en the chapel of Henry VII. She described It in much detail. The chapel of Edward the Con feasor, wee described by Mrs. Q. E. Wslker. who spoke of the seventy stat ues and other figures, and of the Coro nation chair, which are in this chapel. Mrs. J. E. Wallace spoke on the Poet Corner of the Abbey, telling of the many famous men, wtuxte memories are per petuated tture, among which U a statue to our own poet, Longfellow. Mrs. Burgess described the Jerusalem Cham ber, which Is noted as the death scene of Henry IV, and is now the chapter house of the Abbey. She also gave readings from Addison and from Irving. The next meeting will be held February 14. The Ideal club met Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. George Damon. The occasion was the election of officers, after which refreshments were served and the rest of the time was spent in visiting. Mrs. Thomas Metcalf, sr., was re-elected president, Mrs. M. B. Moon as vice-president, and Mra. Clara Bonham as seqond vlce-preeldent. Mrs. W. H. Dudley was retained as recording secre tary, and Mrs. J. P. Organ was given a life position as corresponding secretary. Mrs. Robert Moth was eleoted treasurer, and Mrs. W. B. .Richards, referee, while Mrs. C. Hanthornr succeeds herself as auditor. . After the business meeting, Mlsa Rodna Hughes gave several piano solos. Mrs. Damon was assisted in en tertaining by Mrs. George Williamson, Mrs. W, E. McConnelL Mra. J. W. Smith and Miss Mary DeVol.. The next meeting will be held at the borne of Mrs. B. S. Tcrwilllger, Tuesday afternoon. Florence Social Items Social Affairs of the South Side Benson Social Circles Charles 8. Hubbell returned Sunday from Musatlne, la., where he has been for two weeks, having been called there by the death of his mother. The Farmers' union of Ponca enter tained its friends at the Ponca school house last night by giving a play, "A Noble Outcast." This is the first of a series that will be given this year. William Taylor returned Tuesday from Alliance where he has been for some time looking over farm lands with a Tlew of purchasing and removing there. The Ladles' Aid society of the Pres byterian church entertained at a leap year party at the church parlors Friday evening. A big dinner preceded the en tertainment, the men folks preparing and serving the meal. As the women had ad vertised that handsome men Would wait on the tables, the men decorated the church with such signs as. "Please check your husbands In the entry, I for Be," 'Chicken table," "Pop at this table," "Notice, don't tip the waiters over f5 each," etc. Musical selections wound up the evening's entertainment at wklch over 200 were present. ' " Mr. and Mrs. William Kindred returned from 6torm Lake, la., Tuesday. They have been visiting friends and relatives there for the last two weeks. J. E. Wolfe of Nebraska Olty visited with friends here Wednesday and Thursday. Miss Mildred Krenser of North Bend, Neb., is spending the week visiting her grandmother at Rockport terrace. H. H. Rohrs spent Monday and Tues day in Tecumseh on business. Mr. and Mrs. F. T. Parker are in Haines City, Florida, where ihey will spend the balance of the winter. Mr; and Mrs. R. H. Olmsted have moved to . Omaha for the balance of the winter. The T. T. class of the Presbyterian church will give a play, "The Old Maids Return," at the Fontenelle building, Fri day evening, February it. The Eagles' Dancing club is planning a big valentine dance for Tuesday even ing, February 15. Mr. and Mrs. A. K Lynch, who have sold their place west of the city, ex pect to move to Lawrence, Neb., soon. Mr. and Mrs. John Comstock, who have sold their farm, will move to Omaha. John Krause has returned from a week's visit with relatives In Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Karlbunde left Thursday for Kennard. Neb., for a week's visit. Mrs. C, W. Shulce and her sister, Mrs. Charles Henderson, left Wednesday for Wausa. Neb., to see their sister, who Is seriously ill. Mr. and 'Mrs. M. L. Palmer and family left Tuesday for Tulsa, Ok!., where they will make their future home. The Rebekahs will entertain at a box social at their hall, Tuesday evening. The St Mary's guild was entertained by Miss Margaret King at her home, 311 G street. Mrs. Thomas Moore Is able to be out again after being, confined .to her home for a few days with the la grippe. The Woman's auxiliary of St. Martin's church was entertained Wednesday by Mrs. G. 8. Campbell at her home. Mrs. E. L. De Lanney entertained at a tea Friday afternoon. Mrs. De Lannoy was assisted by Mrs. Marcus King. Mrs. A. G. Currlns and son and Mrs. Warren Jones of Blair are vieltlng at the home of C. Hurd, 80S North Sixteenth street. Mrs. William Davis will entertain the New Century club at her home, 1424 North Twenty-fourth street, sometime during the coming week. Miss Catherine Heafey and Miss Threase Hemann wilt entertain the Reglna club Wednesday evening at the home of Miss Heafey. Mrs. Wood entertained the Monday Card club at her home Monday after noon. The prices were won by Mrs. Note and Mrs. Minor. Mrs. Cu minings will be hostess at the next meeting. Et. Martin's Danolnjr club gave another of Its delightful dances Friday evening, at the Rushing halL The patrons and patronesses were: Messrs. and Mas dames George Frances. F. E. Ames, H. J. Peck and R. II. Dennis. A delightful musical was given Wed nesday afternoon by pupils of St. Brid get's school, under the direction of the Sisters of. Charity. About twenty young people of the school participated In the program. Mr. and Mra. R. O. Bagley entertained Saturday evening. The house was deco rated suggestive of Valentine day. Those present were: Messrs. and MeHdamea R. A. Cant eel, Ed Robertson, F. H. Lush, J. Robb. U. C. Vermillion. Aldrich. The Literary department of the South Omaha Woman's club met Tuesday after noon, In the public library hall. Mrs. E. R. Leigh had charge of the meeting. .Manners and Customs of Holland," was the subjecttaken up. Mrs. Leigh talked on "Dutch Pluck;" Mrs. H. J. Peck read a caper on "Dutch Oddities in Custom and Manners," and Mrs. W. A. Berger talked about "Dutch Houses and Furni ture." On account of the absence of Mrs. W. A. Nilsche and . Mrs. M. P. Brenna, their papers were read by Mrs. Peck. A leap year dance given by the Reglna club was one of the most successful dances of the season. The hall was beauti fully decorated with strings of red hearts running from the corners of the hall to the chandeliers. Everything suggestive to valentine day, found appearence in the decorations. The programs were made up or rea hearts and the refreshments com posed of red and white heart-shaped waters. Blxty-flve couples were present. a weaier party was given at tha Orpheum theater Friday afternoon by girls from tbe South Bide who are at tending Bellevue college, complimentary 10 -mjss neien Tyner. who will not return to Bellevue this semester. In the party were Victoria Barr Dorothy Davis. Katherlne Shanahan, Ruth Derbyshire, Hulda Jetter and Helen Tyner. A number of young people enloved a bobsled party Monday evening. After the ride through tbe country about the South Bide the party met at the home of Mix Alta Davis, where a supper was served. In the party were: The Saturday Whist club was enter tained Saturday evening at the home of Mrs. A. F. Snyder. Mrs. P. McCabe will be hostess for the lAufwcldersehen club on next Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. W. D. Yarton will be hostess for the Foreign Missionary society on next Wednesday afternoon. The Augustlna Luther league had a soclsl and program at their church last Wednesday evening. Rev. Johns of Omaha had charge. Twins were born to Mr. and Mrs. A. Levin and a son to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Arthelony during the past week. The women of the Presbyterian church will give a Lincoln's birthday dinner in the church basement on next Thursday evening. Miss Naomt Idin entertained the Kath erlne chapter of the guild on last Monday evening. C. H. Bprague lias returned home from a ten days' trip through Montana and the west. Mrs. A. P. MoCarthy has returned from today from a week's visit with relatives In Surprise, Neb. Miss Plokard will be hostess to . the young: women of the Baptist churoh on Friday evening, when a Phtlathea class will be organised. Mr. end Mrs. It. llelntxellman returnede ety will meet Wednesday at tha ehureh. Mrs. Charles Hansen and Mrs. P. F. Hansen will be t ho hostesses. The English Lutheran Ladies' Aid socl- St. IjouIs, where she was called by the death of a relative. Mr. Will Miller has returned to his home in Topeka, Kan., after a visit at the J. D. Bullock home. Rev. Mr. Ataok, formerly pastor In this place, visited old friends here on Wednesday. Mm. J. Goodwin of Dakota City, Neb., was a guest last week of Mrs. 10. J. Cres. The Woman's club will meet In a mu sical session Thursday at the home of Mrs. Harry Rlvett. Mr. and Mrs. II. N. Jensen of Keystone Park entertained the Soolal olub at their home Tuesday evening. The English Luther league social will be hold Wednesday evening at the churoh. A program will be had and refreshments served. Miss Grace Hildreth arrived from Ex eter, Neb., to spend some time visiting with her sister, Mrs. A. L. Rice. Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Paddook are visit ing with friends and relatives In Sioux City, la. Mr. Paddock returns today. Mra. J. L. Oorbaley entertained for six little folks Thursday afternoon In honor of Bemioe Corbaleys birthday. The Baptist Missionary circle gave a shadow picture party at the Commercial club Thursday evening. Games and music followed the rlotures. Mlrs. Charles Nolan of Olen Park was hostess for the Kensington club at her home Wednesday, when a pink luncheon wss seived to the guests. Messrs. Gillespie and Mctilssson enter tained their Sunday school classes at a skntlng party Tuesday evening. The boys present were, Will Noqulst, Clyde and inland Vsn Horn. Oifford Base. Clarence (Hitting. Irwin Williams. Sidney and Carl- ton McOlasson. . Hostesses for Indies' Aid societies the Inst week were. Mrs. F!. J. Whistler for the Methodist. Mirs. t T. Oleson for the Anvuvtlim l.nthersh and C. Anderson for the Presbyterian on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. Mecsrn. John Neilhsn aiid O. BnmnaiT, who were felled hre by the serious sick ness of Mrs. K. P. O'Connor, have re turned to their homes, her aleler, Mr. llsrrett, will remain while Mrs. O'Connor Is slowly reco erlng. The Heptlsl hrotherhocd met In the Coiiiiueiclsl hull 1st Miindny evenlnn for lection of officers, who are: President. H. Fletcher; vl.-e president. F. B. Oliver; aecretary-tress'irer,. O. A. Kelley; tha others are Messrs. C. H. Hurrill. W. K. Hopkins, O. McOulre. Klden Benson and J. T. Picks rd. - MUSICAL PROGRAM AT THE IMMANUEL BAPTIST, TONIGHT The nma :! pro(i?,vit at 1 ninsnu1 Pan tint vhurrh, Taenty-fourllt and Hlnney streets, tonlvh' f.'llnws: Prelude-"Msrche Solonelle" Gounod .Mildred rlmisi'il. Anthem 'Savior When Mahl In volves the Skies'' Shilley Chorus v'S i tetSopi no. K.rnia Stld Imm; altn. Mrs. H M, Oeorge; tenor. Van Ferry; has lUht llnn. Anthem ), Love !;ine', Herwal 'hprua. Anthem Surely Have Built Thee - An House Trltnmell Clinrns. Tenor oIiIIrhio. Ilav f'prten; baritone solo. M. K. Mule. Solo -O. Lord. He Merciful" Bartlelt Johanna Anderson. Anthem "The Lord Chord" flulllvan Chums. Anthem "Hark. My Soul" Shelley Soprano obllfrato, Thyra JobanaOn; nlto solo. Orace Norlhrup. Tiio"Twllighf '. Abt Hopranoe Thyra Johanson and Mln-, na Htedlnaerr alto, Ktta Young Miss Johanna Anderson, Director. Miss Mildred Clauson. Organist COMMISSION MAN HURT BY FALL FROM FREIGHT CAR Jacob Alexander, well known oommls alon merchant, foil from a frelarht ear which he was Inspecting Friday, and sustained painful injuries. He was taken to his rooms at the Millard hotel. ate) ipfMm y.)V';4!i I)!U4iW?l!ltl j "Sullen k si nt m m As much thought and care has been ' put on the prepara tion of this set of 20 free cro chet Instructions as is given to the perfection of KlostersilK Crvcbet and Embroidery Cottons Present this advertisement to your dealer and get these Instructions) free. If his supply is exhausted, then end as his name and three 2cstampa and we will mail a sat at once. Kloeterellk crochet and embroidery' cottons white that stars white. colors that last enable yon to produce work which la not only artietle but has a last ing' charm. Forsale every where. The Thread Mills Co, TsenJ tsla Net 2nW.AeaBft.,CUese South Side Couple to Celebrate Fifty Years Wedded Life Tuesday A 1 7 " i FOR OVER TWELVE YEARS Deafiraele baa tee se ised br pays'- elans and ether eminent knowlaeged by phye authorities) as the ene perfeeted hair remover oi proven aaent, wee otue oc lUjfiliracla te-day. Protect yonreeli refuse worthless Imita tions. Insist onDeMlraale and see that yea gel It. If your deader will not sanulr nu. nrder Street from ue. Desiireete. ChemleeJ Oa fs r Ave 120th ft-. New Terlu SMIIsSSgeMSgaBSaessMsasMMBaaMsanssa Fold and recommended by Sherman as Me Council Drug Co., Owl Drug Co., . Her vard Pharmacy and Loyal Pharmacy. argarctto Lcooa TEACHER OF PIANO M Sloe raeteaoem BIS ITU and reeaaaa. Douglas, Tsot. Omaha, Web. We Are as Near lo Yon as Your Telephone. We have secured the confidence ef our etiotomera. Tou can leave the selection of flowers to ua and rou won't be disappointed. Satisfaction Omaranteed. JOHN H. BATH "TU Ctnfml Flrbt" 1804 FAJINAM STREET, Phono DoagUa 8000. TODAY'S CER'JTY HELP . Tou 'can keep your hair at Its very ' best by washing It with a teaapoonful of centhro dissolved In a eup of hot water, afterward rinsing thoroughly with clear water. One finds that the hair ortes quickly and evenly, Is unstreaked. bright,- soft and very fluffy, so fluffy til fact, that It looks more abundant than It is, and so soft that arranging it be comes a pleasure. This simple, Inexpen sive shaaapoo cleanses the hah and soalp thoroughly of all dandruff and dirt, and leaves a clean, wholesome feeling. All scalp Irritation will disappear, and the hair will be brighter and glossier than ever before. Advertisement. V. I I At,", 1 -- I Diamond WW U V,l"ere : ' The small sum of (1 weekly rrinkes you tbe owner of a aplendid IUmond or other article of high grade Jewelry. Yon will never miss the dollar while yon will en-Joy-wearing your Diamond a long time. . Make your selection now. Wear and enjoy the article while . myint; for it In easy weekly or monthly pnyrnents, as sulfa your convenience. Two Damage Suits Result of Shooting Two damage suits growing out of the accidental shooting of Hans Lcrentien, 1 years old, by Norval Petersen, a boy companion, on a farm in ll irt county, have been filed in district court. The youns man asks fVt damages of younf Petersen's father and Hans Ir.nCiin. senior, sued for fl.ttl Mis Alta Davis. neesie Aiswortn. Doris Van Kant, Gladys Wright. Measrs. Mis Helen Van Kn Mildred Conoway, Marjorla Abbott. (Hops Ilibbard, masra.- William Graham, Milton Chrietenson, Alfred Nelson, Ouy tinlsh. Bryan Nixon. (Harold 8hamholts. Dudley Ingram, Elmer Tlanell, I. D. KYLE OF UNION PACIFIC IS GIVEN A PROMOTION A new offloe, that of chief clerk ef the executive department, has been created at Union Paolflo headquarters, and Irving D. Kyle, private secretary to President Mohler, selected as the man to have charge. Mr- Krle has been with President Mohler as his private secretary practic ally all the time emoe the latter has been president of the Union Paelfla, The ap pointment Is regarded as a promotion. T. M. Orr will continue as assistant to ths president, but he will be relieved ef much of the detailed routine that will be turned over to Mr. Kyle. Mr. Kyle goes with President Mohier on the trip to the coast, but upon his return be will take up the duties of the ne position an. I a ilvit secretary to the president 11 then be named. JtJSS T.CTAOG Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Tagg, HM North Twenty-fifth avenue, will have been married fifty years on Tuesday. They were married at Lee Center, 11L, and moved to Nebraska in tha spring of 18TL settling on a farm in York county, where they resided until 1877, when they moved to, Waco. Neb., living there until 1908 when they moved to their present i location In Omaha. They will celebrate their golden wedding anniversary next Tuesday evening when a public reception will be held for them at the home of W. B. Tagg, 3715 South Twenty-fifth street, from to 10 o'clock, to which their friends are invited. Mr, and Mrs. Tagg have three children living, all of whom will be at the cele bration. Mrs. D. D. 'Ashley, whose home now is in New York City, Is here on a visit and will remain for the event. Two sons, A. W. and W. B. Tsgg, are engaged in business at the stood yards and have resided on tbe Houth Side for many years. One other son, Harry Tagg. who passed away six years ago, will be rep resented by his son, Harold E. Tagg, and his. Harold E. Tagg, jr., who Is a greab-grandson of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C Tagg. In the family of Dr. and Mrs. Ashley there are three children, namely, Homer C. Ashley, Dexter D. Ashley. Jr., and Helen C. Ashley. In the family of W. B. Tagg there are three children, namely. Richard V. Tsgg, William L. Tagg and Mary Elisabeth Tagg. In the family of the late Harry Tagg is Harold E. Tagg and Lowell Tagg and one great grandchild. Harold H. Tagg. Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas C. Tagg came to Nebraska In tha early day when tha Bur lington railroad only ran as far ss Kew- ard and they made their trip from Sew. ard west to their rlalm in York county In a covered wavon. In the early day Mr. Tsag bought grain did hauled It to 8eaid, and later when the railroad tul't ml he n.uitd hli' business to Waco T. C. TAjCTO and there bought grain and live stock for several years, and later ran a hard ware. Implement and general store. Thomas C. Tagg was born at OranthenY. Kugland, while Mrs. Tagg, whose maiden name mas Mary Bodine, wae born at Port Rlrhmond, Ptaten Island. Mr. Tagg first met Mary Bodine in Kentucky where he was serving as a soldier In the union army and she was teaching school. When the war was over they were married. 0 T14 La Val uers, solid gold, beauti fully design ed, i Die. m o n d, lis. roque Pear Drop. IS C11 In. chain 91.40 eaCoath lfc- inamond Htud solid cold Tiffany mounting, brilliant, per fect cut lla- fornd...$40 1 a Week MOST POPULAR ENGAGEMENT RINQ T Ladles' Diamond lung, 14k solid gold lArtlm- "Perfec. tlon" tnountin 4 ft Month lid gold. ST..J40 Men's Ring, Flat Beicner, hair en graved, 14k solid gold, fine ie Diamond 450 Month Solid Gold Wrist Watch With Kolld Oold Extension Bracelet I7B cx 02.50 Month $4 1 043 Wrist Watch ase and Bracelet are both fine solid sold. Layer set, full nickel Jeweled, either white or gold dial, JA 7C e-uarsnleed A4.i MS Scarf Plij, solid rold, Rna llsh finish, fine diamond I a Month. $10 full or write Tor Cstalog So. it. Phone Douglas 144 and salesman M re II Open tkatlv Until 8 W. M. faturdays till StSO. PiF.YBS The Old Reliable. Original Diamond and Watch Credit House Mala moor, Olty sTaUoaal Bank Block, 40t South '16th Btreat, Omaha. Opposite Burgees-Bash Oo, Department ton. A NEW FURNITURE STORE FOR OMAHA RAYMOND rum f nj m i ? 3 I Will Open Soon Watch Newspapers for Announcemxerisi u ... ll-rV f i I -1 i i