Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1916, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE REE? - OMATTA,- RATUIWAY, FEBRUARY. 3, 1.010.. -. -
I 1
Mn. J. H. Tan Cleve of Dei Moinei
Gets Word of Her Son't
Plight. r.
National Gatherinj of Ho; Hen
From All OTer United State,
to Hold Annual Show Here.
Th National wn Orowrfa- aaaoela-
llnn. nrjranlaM In Chlrajro roiitl fll T Motna. wer In a hnapttalat Omtha
fPmm a fluff Corraivnnnt.)
PEW MOINES, la.. Fh. .-(Hartal
TrtfTm. Wort i rlr4 todar hy
Mr. J. IT. VanCVv that hr con, Her
man, and Clifford MrConahiio. alao of
hold He annual ahow and eonrmtlon in
Omaha thin full. The a-t flatca hava
not own dotertnlnod. hot th motln
will prohnbly ha Iho wwk Immodlatolr
following tha Ak-flnr-Bn ftlrlMa. The
ahow will bo hM In the horo bama at
the I'nlon etorkyarte and from t.r to
. of the beat bred and highest priced
ahow and atorlt hoaa In the world wilt
be on exhibition. Prliea to b attributed
will aKrrRate 10.0n0.
The hoae to be exhibited at the atmoal
ahow of the National Swine Orowera aa
eorlatlon are expected from practically
evrry atata In the union, and one ot the
chlof purpoaea of the ahow will be to
detrtntiatrata what haa been dona and
what caji be dona In tha ho growlnr In
duntry ff men will apply' practical meth
od. Omki Fntar fcw Plaee.
That Omaha la to he the future home
of tha National Bwlne Orowera' aaoocla
tlon artd that the annuel ahowa will he
held here, waa determined yeaterday
when Preeldnnt W. M. McFaddon of Chi
racs find a number of local men got to
gether at tha Hotel Caatle and agreed
upon the frellmlnry plana, the detalta
for which will be worked out later.
Speaking of the chow that la to be held
and what It will mean for Omaha, Irea-Ident-
McFadden eaJd:
"The annual ahowa of the National
Bwlne Orowera' association to be held In
Omaha will continue to grow In Impor
tance year after year. At the ahow to
be beld.thia coming fall wa wltl have 3,200
to l.0" exhlblta, showing tha beat hoga
In the world. ' We will have growera and
breedera here from every hog raising
atate In tha union.
"The aum of money,, hung up
for prlrp, la the greatent ever offered, at.
any how except a, world'a fair.- It la
aboul three tlmea greater than the auma
offnred aa prliea at atata falra on tha
earn clasaea of exhlblta.
, t'anaty la atkemlaatle.
"Our ahow will bo held In tha horae
harna at Bouth Omaha, and after look
ing them over, I am convinced that for
tha purpose there la no better building In
tha country, j
'We have canvaesed tha altuatlon and
find that hog ralaera all over tha country
are enthuRiaetio over tha ahow and tha
location. They regard Omaha aa central,
right In the heart of the hog and oorn
country, and full of live wlree to help to
make the ahow a grand cucoees.
'.The ahow will not only be an exhibi
tion of fine hoga, but It will demonstrate
what can ba dona by men who hava gone
Into the industry, following practical
"The money for tha jwUss haa been
provided for and there l nothing that
can prevent tha ahow from being a great
euceeaa." i y
Francisco Villa Is
I Keported Located
PASO. Tex., Fab, 4 -Francisco
VUla waa located today near Tula, .about
fifty mllee eaat of Oallego, according to
ieneral Gavlra, commandant at Juarea.
General Gavlra dispatched 100 man to
relnorc thoaa aent out - yeatarday
towarda Boajue Bonlto, and kid In tha
capture or extermination of tha Villa
A large force of band It a attacked a
small da fKcto government . garrtaon at
Moctezuma, on tha main Una of tha Mexi
can Central railway, about 100 mllee aouth
of El roao, lata today, according to aW
vices received here. Tha garrison waa
compelled to retire, before tha assault,
it waa aad. '
Advices from Chihuahua stated . that
when Villa held up the southbound
Mexican Central train last Monday and
killed General Ornelaa, he searched tha
train for tha purpose of finding and
killing Americans.
where suraeons found It necessary to
amputate the feet ' of both" bora. They
boat their way from Tee Moines to
Omaha on a frelnht train and as a
re stilt of exposure both boys froae their
feet. They were ' taken form a train
at Omaha and rushed to a hneplta'l. but
It waa too lata to avoid amputation.
ltowrfl aad ttryaaj : laTllei.
Theodore Itooeevelt haa been Invlled by
the Greater ra Molnea committee to
apeak in Pea Moines while on his apeak.
In tour of the central weet, which he
plana to begin Boon. Becretary Ralph
Bolton, In an Invitation forwarded Booae
elt, urged him to ba tha gueet of the
committee at a dinner and to apeak at
tha Coliseum afterward. Tha committee
expecta to later Invite William Jennlnga
Bryan to address a public gathering here.
Colonel Rnoaevelt recently atatod that ha
la contemplating a visit through the
Arreate Cat Pews,
Arresta In the eight largeat formerly
wet cltloa of Iowa were reduced BO per
cent during January, the first month of
effective prohibition, according to flgurea
received here. Cedar Rapids reported
forty-three arresta in January thla year
aa against 102 In January, 118; Waterloo
had seventy-two arrests, aa against a
monthly average of 300 In IMS. Council
Bluffa reports eeventy-eeven arresta thla
paat month aa compared with 148 In Jan
uary, 1716.
Dlaeaaaea Dairying.
Iowa's butter output could easily be In
creased four-fold W. B. Barney, aUte
dairy commlaaloner, told tha ahort -course
students at Ames, In an address made
there today on "The Future of Dairy
ing In Iowa." If every county In tha
state produced aa much butter aa Bremer
Board Committee Decides to Adriie
Immediate Sale of Half
' Million Bonds.
At the regular meeting of tha
Donrd of Education neit Monday
evening the building and grounds
committee will recommend immedi
ate sale of $500,000 achool bonds,
being the unsold half of an Issue of
11,000,000 authorised by the voters
last spring. The first half waa sold
last summer.
At a meeting of the committee
yesterday afternoon It was decided
to recommend the early commence
ment ot the building program out
lined at the time the bond proposi
tion was submitted.
It la proposed to enlarge and remodel
Central achool on Dodge atreet to accom
modate the High Hchool of Commerce,
making tha remodeled Institution ade
quate for 1,000 students. Thla plan con
templates moving the Fort School for
Boys to the present High School of Com
merce on Leavenworth atreet and en
larging tha vocatloual features of the
boya' achool.
With the High School of Commerce lo
cated on tha present Central achool site
It would ba possible to utilise certain de
partments of Central High achool for the
convenience of tha commercial students,
for tnatanoe. household art.
Tha new building program decided on
yesterday Includes new achoola for Park,
Clifton Hill, Druid Hill and Henry W.
Tatea altes; also addltlona te Lincoln and
Franklin achoola and completion of the
four-room unit at the Bancroft alta to a
regulation alxteen-room building, t
Tentative plans for Park and Clifton
Hill achoola call for bulldlnga having alx
teen claaa rooma and kindergarten, man
ual training and aasembly rooms.
Druid Hill site will be Improved with
a building of twelve "class rooms and ad
i Three Millions of
Russ Fall in War
JiOXDON, Keb. 4. The Rusalana them
selves calculate their casualties thua far
at S,oro,ono and say l.ono.OOO German and
Austrian prisoners have been sent to the
Interior of Rusnla. according to a Copen
hagen dlfpatch to the Kxcharvge Tale,
graph company. The Copenhagen corre
spondent apparently drew his Information
from the American Red Croes detach,
ment. which has been . aervlng many
montha at the Russian front, and which,
he says, sailed from Bergen' yesterday
for New Tork; '
The dispatch says the members of th
detachment described the hospltala of
Russia aa admirable In work and -equipment
It la eeld'Rnsala no longer needs foreign
assistance In hospital work, although
many physicians from other countries are
atlll at the front. i . -. ,!.
county tha butter output of tha state I dltlonal departmental rooma.
North Pacific Slope
j Getting Out of Snow
f EATTL.H. . Wash.. Feb. 4. -"The ' big
iw." grtha storm fhat haa held tha
northwest in Hs'grlp for four days prob
eBJy will be 4lcaltiiaWd for yeara to coma,
a over tonight and Clearing aklea gave
prpmiKc of enabling the region to dig
Hsrlf out. Thousands of laborers were at
erk in all oet'Uun restoring wire com
munication and cleaning atreet car and
rxliroad tracts. ' Tha storm waa moving
f'oiHand. Out, afmr being Isolated for
almost twenty-four houra, waa again' In
touch with the world through tha repair
f telephone and telegraph wires.
. Transcontinental ' railroad hoped to
clear their tracks tomorrow, in tha mean
time sending no more trains Into the
mountains. .
NORFOLK. Neb., Feb. 4.-(Spacial Tel
egramsWork on a tawne brick build
ing to be used aa a wholesale grocery
(houe, .will atau In Norfolk In a ahort
time. Individuals members of the. Nor
folk Commercial club bar organised a
Norfolk Development company and will
be the owners of the building. Nash
brothers of Minneapolis, after looking
about for a location to establish a branch
house, decided on Norfolk., The deal was
'closed with the development company
at Minneapolis, Thursday,
Threat tw Stvthe.
rortT WOHT1I, Tex, Feb. t-Mne
buiKired clerka in TekMS A Pacjfio of
fia over the sstem are threatening to
'rk tomorrow, boraus of a dispute
t'h the officials over recognition of
tic uniun.
Jetk Hvllrf Kaad.
VHII-ADEI-FHIA. Feb. 4The local
loimniitrat of the Amurloan Jewish relief
4 ..tiuniit.. wi nweiing today reported
liist I had b-en pledged In tha cam
I'aniu to rl funds la Oils city.
What (hllra Xee New.
im aptoa of tha beat cars mothers can
glva iam thla weather brlnga atcknesa
to, many children. Safe, reliable family
tuedicinra ara In demand. Mrs. T. Neur--uer.
ta Ciaire, Wis., wrttaa: ' FeWy-a
Jiom y and Tar cured my boy of a aevere
atta k or croup after otber remedies bad
failed. I recommend it to everyone, aa
wa know from our eapertenca that tt la
a. wonderful remedy fo euugha, colds.
roup and whooping cough." It atopa tha
a-ou-h-tHat hang on and weaken after
the UxH'-pe. 4ld everywhere. Adver-U4.-uieut,
would be worth 1134.211. 185. or four tlmea
It a present worth, ha aald. And If tha
methods now In use by tha beat dairymen
were followed tt would be aaty to add
fifty pounds to tha average production
of each cow of Bremer county and on
that baala the atate of Iowa would pro
duce each year 532.901. SM pounds of but
ter, worth at W cents a pound .159.780.
4D0.IK). Commissioner Barney aald that
the future of Iowa as a dairy atate de
penda on tha proper development of the
entire atata along progressiva lines. He
showed by statistics that dairying la on
tha Incteaaa In tha state and southern
Iowa la doing mora dairying than here
tofore. .
Choose Teachera' Baoka.
Tha reading material for tha year for
tho teaohera of tha atata waa selected
yeatarday. at a meeting of tha board of
directors of ths Iowa State Teachera
Blading circle. All of the booka ara by
Iowa authors except one. Tha booka se
lected weraFlva Mesaagea to Teachera."
Mrs. A- B. Fu,nK , Pea, Molnea: "Tha
Brown Mouse,". Herbert Quick, formerly
f Mnux CUv. how with "the Curtis Pub.
llahlng company of Philadelphia; "The
High School," Prof. John Stout, CorneM
oollega. MU Vernon; "Sural Education,"
PlckardJ 'The Brown Mouee," by Her
bert 3"Vk. which deale with tha prob
lem of rural education, la being filmed
and will be exhibited In motion plcturea
within a few montha. Tha membere of
tha board ara State Superintendent A.
M Deyoa of Dea Molnea, Kate aaaunc,
Anareoaau John n. Blacks. Sac City;
Myrtla Dunggant, Charlton; C. J. Boyd.
Osage; M. K. Howell, Clarion, ano n.
Rosa Parker. M. U nown.
tary and manager.
Falalom Oala. .
Nlnety-ona of the nnety-nlne counties
of Iowa which hava been officially given
out by tha state ceasue department ahow
o. gain In population over 110 of 1M.MT.
Tha toUl population f theea nlnatyina
counties la t,V.m. as s gainst 271.715 In
Sis counllea were given out today,
gain of theea nlnety-ona countlea over
191 ia about T per cant. With only eight
mora counties remaining to ba officially
certified ta ths lnd:eatlona ara that the
total population of tha atata will ba fully
per cent greater than that of 10.; The
six countlea given out today followi Fay
ette. SS.KT. as agalnat , In mo? Her
riaon. 21KT. as agalnat J; Humboldt.
1I.01S, aa against 1J.1M; Jones, W.14S. aa
aaalnst 11.050; Koaauth. aa agalnat
tl.m; Montgomery. X7.7, as agalnat !,
04. Oelweln In Fayette county now ahowa
a population of 1.137: Mleeourl Valley, In
Harrison county. ,76t; i Humboldt, In
Humboldt county, S.ftMf Anamoaa, In
Jonea county. 1.83; Algona, In Koaauth
county. S.581; lied Oak, In Montgomery
county. 6.601.
law BlachlUte. Saya Tharae.
In an opening atatement made at the
rata hearing In tha federal building yea-
terday, at which Interior Tow cltlea are
trying, to get ratea on aa equality with
tha Mississippi river vtt!.;, and the Iowa
cities oo' tha 'river are trying to get-a
rate aa low aa that of St louts. Clifford
O. Thome, chairman of tha Iowa Ball
road commtaalon, declared that tha rall
roada have blacklisted Iowa. Chicago
alona haa manufattared products five
tlmea thoaa of Iowa, and St. Laula, with
a population leaa than one-third Sa large
aa that of Iowa, annually turns out prod
ucts w hich total In value mora than thoaa
o( all tha Iowa cltlea put 'together.
PHILADELPHIA, Feb. .-Announcement
waa made today that an advance
of 10 per rent In the hourly wage rates
will ba made In tha pay of tha employes
ot tho yard a, ehope and foandrlea of tha
Cramp Ship Building company and tha I.
P. Morrta company, a subsidiary.
Tha Increase In w a ires will become ef
fective February is aad will benefit
nearly 6,000 employee.
Four new claaa rooma and auditorium
will be added to Franklin achool.
In Its completed fom, Bancroft achool
will have alxteen claaa rooma, kindergar
ten and manual training departmenta and
assembly hall.
Tha new Clifton Hill school will be at
Forty-fifth and Maple atreeta,
., It ia expected tho committee will be
ready Monday evening to report favor
ably en a new achool for tha Field club
district, tha location probably to be at
Thirty-sixth and Walnut atreeta and tha
building to be an eight-room structure.
Hiram; Johnson on ,
Minnesota Ballot
ST. PAtn Minn., Feb. 4. The name of
O) vera or Hiram W. Johnson of Cali
fornia waa filed with the secretary of
lata late today aa a candidate for th"
progressiva nomination for president In
the March 14 primary election. Flllnx
time for this election, aa far aa presiden
tial candidates are concerned, ended to
day. Thoaa for whom filings hava been
made, besldeaa Governor' Johnson, are:
Democratic, Woodrow Wilson; repub
licans. Albert B. Cummins, Henry D. E
tabrook end William Grant Webster, and
prohibitionist, William Sulscr and Eu
gene N. Foaa. ,
a regiment of Canadlana in tho battle of
' Kt Tit I I.h In nnrfrl haxtllv Amfttwd
a fire brigade Of membera of the house
and attendanta and fo'ixht" the flame
with tinea of hoee In the corrldora, but
could make no headway. The blase spread
so fast that when the Ottawa flra de
partment arrived the building waa
doomed. Aid waa eummonded from Mon
treal, but aa a special train laden with
fire apparatua and a compaay 4f fire-ment-waS
.leaving that city about' mldj
night, the call waa countermanded.
The (all. central tower of 'the Parliam
entary building fell at 1:) a. rn., today
and at about the same time three or four
men -were crashed beneath the fairing
roof 'of one of the wlnaa.' By o'clock
the flames were rolling through -the
senate building, but the firemen believed
the library would be saved. '. '
'The parliament building Included a cen
tral building with two wings, in all 470
feet In length, with a tower 230 feet high
and library building In the rear. Many
valuable aculpturea. paintings and decora
tlpna. adorned tta rooma and corrldora It
w,aa erected In 116. of cream-colored
sandstone, on a bluff rising 1M feet above
the Ottawa river. .
Library Balldlaa; la aved.
One of th most stubborn fights of the
whole fire wa that made' to save the
library building, which la on of ths most
beautiful on the continent, and the fight
was successful. While th fir burned
the passage from the reading room tip
to the walla of the library, Ita progress
waa stayed there. Na damage was done
rr the building, but considerable loea to
the books, particularly those which were
In the basement, was cauaed by water.
The fir Waa under control about 6
o'clock, though several ktreama were still
being played on the Interior.
Morning did not reveal any casualties
other than those rep6rted last night.
Mm.' Bray and Mme. Morln, whs- were
-caught and suffocated . In . a . room, and
the. three men Who are thought to ba
burled under fifteen feet Of debris, com
pri the list.. They , were, caught, when a
turret at the north aide Of th building
fell. Mr. Loggle. who waa reported miss
ing, I now believed to have escaped. As
yet ths debfla where ths three men are
believed to be burled, haa not been re
moved. '..'
The fire atarted In the reading room of
the House' of Commons. Colonel Sher
wood says there Is absolutely no ground
for rumor that th fir was of Incendiary
"It Varied" right under the no sf k
policeman." he added. . '
The fire spread with amailnaj rapidity,
but this may be explained by the con
tentes of the room, such as paper and.
light tablca. " "
Th report of a warning having been
received from Providence two weeks igo
Is officially denied.
The central part of trie main building,-"
Including the chambers of both ths Com-,
mons and Senate, wa destroyed, but the
front and end walla are apparently lh
good shape, though 'experts will have to
determine the atructurkl damage; Botlv
he east and west enda of tha building,
are little damaged, with the exception
if the roof a and top floors. The towers
were completely ruined, tha auperatfuCt. -ure
falling with a craah, though tha
maaonry still stands. , v
fnary Bargain Eweil
The Biggest Price Concessions of the Whole
Year on Odd Lots of High Grade Apparel
Man Dies After
Losing Both Legs
Tom Heomahos, a Greek section hand.
n year of age, died Thursday from a
shock, following an accident In th
Union Pacific yards, when both hla leg
wer cut off by a train.
: The. man waa working with others,
when h waa ran down and hurt. H
was taken' to St. Joaeph'a hospital aad
atteided by. Dra. E. J. Vpdegraff and
J. F. IfySe.Tha ahock and loaa of blood
caused hla death Shortly afterwards, be
(pre he-could glv a coherent statement
of ta happening. Coroner Crosby took
charge of the body and will hold an In
due.- Heomahos, roomed at (13 South
Sixth- street. : '. -, i J
Lepers Escape from
Isolation Hospital
IXXI ANGELES. Cel.. 'Feb. a -Two
lepers, Perto and Carro M.'Glaterma, es
caped early today from' the- lioS County
Isolation hospital after-severely beating
two trusties, also lepers who. wer on
guard duty. Sheriff John C. Cllne de
tailed a paae of deputlca to. search for
tha men and also telephoned to the au
thorities In nearby places to keep a look.
ou (or them. ,
Af the. meeting of, the executive com
mittee of tha Omaha Ad club Thursday
noon; ths , club's stamp, of 'approval was
placed on th "It Pay to Advertise"
show that la coming to tha Brandels
theater In th near future. ,'
It had been reported that' the "It Paya
to Advertise" company waa carrying John
Butler aa lta star performer and latet
ascertained that ha would not b wltH
tha performera booked tor th Omaha
ahow. "A wire came back from Bullet
to tho affect that tho booking agency
has four "It Paya to Advertise" com
panies on tha road and that tha man
who playa tha atar part In tha organi
sation coming her ta th best of any ot
them. ,
EIjGIN, Web., Feb. 4. 48rrlal. Elftn
Community club gav a banquet tonight
at Elgin opera house at which Ira Wolf
waa toaatraaater. -
Tha following respoata to toaat war
"Our- enaamuntty Taeuty-ft-re Tear
Ago." George N. Seymour; "Our Com
munity Friend." John O. Hadda; CW
lonimumty rreaMenV . M. Johnson.
"Our Community Farmer Joaepn j.
fchulta; fnity,'' Jasnea J, TraJnur: "Our
rVmmuntty ldaai." Karl W. O. Htller.
r'h. D.
Da mm as Febrawrr IS.
PETltOfiRAD fvta I-ondoni. Feb, .
Tha Kovo Vremya aeys It haa learned
from a rthatl eour e tliat tba Duuia Mill
taaacmbla rwbriMiry 18. t
When Mra. Fred Walker, 4510 North
Twenty-fourth street, discovered amok
coming from tha baaement of her homo
last night, ah rushed downstairs with a
pan of dishwater . and attempted to put
out th flames. l . ' -
It waa too much for her, however, and
she had to; call th fir department.
which extlngulahed th bias before tha
flamea spread to tha- main part of the
house. The . flra atarted from burning
aoot falling out of tho chimney onto a
pile of kindling, after tha cover ot th
handhol In th baa of th chimney had
(Continued from Pag One.) '
of Quebec, and Mm. Morln, wlfis if
Loula Morln of Beauce, Que. The men
whose bodlea ara atlll burled In the
debris ara Alphonse De Jardlns, a Do
minion policeman; Alphonse Des Jardlns, 1
his unoie, and employe of the bullldng,
and Robert Fanning, a waiter. i
Among thoaa reported missing la B. B. '
Law. a member of Parliament for Tar- i
mouth, N. B. Mr. Law la understood to :
hava been at the house at tha time the
flra broke out and haa not been seen
sine. He waa alona In th city and
tha management of tha hotel where he i
waa stopping aald he left there last
night to go to tha house and that every
effort to traca him alnoa had failed. J.
B. La plant, assistant clerk of tha com
mon, la alao among those reported miss-in.
Liberal Whip ta Safe.
It waa atatod laat night that Frederick
F. Pardee, th chief liberal whip In the
House of Commons, also waa missing.
but It waa subsequently learned that he
went to Samla, Ont., yesterday morning
and that ha could not have returned be
fore th fire.
Tha financial loaa la difficult to estU
mate, but th contenta of the' building
wer of great value. At an early hour
today It waa believed that tha parliamen
tary library In a rear wing had been
saved. While the fir waa burning sol
dier carried out many of lta SQA.SOO vol
umes. ' '
Tha, parliament building was rated as
one of tha finest' Gothic' structures on
thla continent. It covered four acrea on
Parliament Hill.
Several persona who were btimed or
otherwise hurt In fleeing through the
corridors before tha swift rush of th
flamea. or In escaping from th win
dows, are In hospitals today. One of
thos moat severely injured Is Martin
Burrell, mlnlater ot agriculture, who waa
burned about th head; , Dr. MBohael
Clark, member for Bad Doer, Buffered
burna about tha hands. . Sir Robert Bor
den, th Canadian premier, escaped
without Injury,
Kxploaloa Preceded Fir.
Tha origin of tha fir can ba determined
only by an investigation, which It la
wnderatood will begin aa aoon aa possible.
Tha, fire started In th reading room 'of
th Houae of Commona and Colonel
Oeorge Bradbury, a number of th house
from Manitoba; Mayor Medrlo Martin of
Vbntreal and Constable Helmer, wlio
wer atandlng at tha entrance of the
library, agree that It waa preceded b
an explosion which blew open tha door
of tho library and knocked down per
sona standing near. They aay they be
lieve .the explosioa. waa. cauaed by
bomb op Infernal machtae. .. ... v i
In tha reading room were thouaande of
loose paper. . among . which tha flamea
leaped with almoat amaslng rapidity,
moke rolled In denaa volume out
through tha doors and Into the chamber
of tha House of . Commons,' wher that
boe waa. alt ling. With tha apreading
af th alarm membera of tha House of
Commona, spectator In th gallery and
attendaata fled In panic for window,
doors or fir escapee. So swift waa th
ruah of tha flamea that many narrowly
ear a pad.'
Blava Bread a Rapidly.
Colonel' John Currie,' who - commanded
ST. PAUL. Fb. ilUght Rev. J. J.
lAwlrv of th archdlocea of tha St.
Paul, vicar general of tha archdlocea and
pastor of th St Paul cathedral, haa been
appointed bishop of the Lead. S. IX, to
succeed Bishop Joseph F. Busck. trans
ferred to 8L Cloud. Minn., laat March.
Aa Inventory of th astato of tha lata
lira .Thomas KC Patrick, fll.d In county
court, ahow a total valuation ot t&t&.tta
xeltaxtv f th ha wropaaty. It hi
ehterty in stocks aad bands and la left ta
a daughter. Mm. Flore no K. Mlxtor f
Violin, lit
Ha Ihui SCsabargi.
BALTIMORE. Md.. Feb. 4. The Penn
sylvania, whlih thre week ao lifted
Ita embargo on grain ,rta through
Halttmore, haa leaued a new embargo, on
all grain exports throug-h thla port, ef
f . the tudy. Kirilit ivngt'slion ia given
aa th rtanon.
Eczftma. From Hands to Elbows On
Mass. Could Not Put Hands in
Water. Could Not Sleep.
"My daughter wa poieooed by sari and
It turned into erawea aad trotn her hande
to her albows was oo ana of red, boralag,
Itching erupMooa n, tagan with a rasa
which waa f uca a burning ItcbJng narur
aha at ttnjea abe waa nearly wild. For
weeks ahe oowkl act put her haada In
waw and aba could o atoop,
"She sufrered mtaoaary fur several waaha
a4 I SrWd wrtncmg toweia out of hot watar
aad poMaag a iwbbar bae from bar. but
waaatt hatped. Tha Doctor aM t try
Cartteur Soaa aad Olnanaana. I OM aatd
th tatxstns ao4 bwraaaa; Mt feav, aa4 I aavd
Ibor baaaa ag CXittoar Ttarkaaw
with tha CwKksara Sua seat ab waa
PieMty healed." (Signed) Mr. Ma ben,
rest Ktiwa Ave., cucag. HL, Oca, aa,
Sample Each Free by Rlatl
With aa-a. Bkia Book aa reua Aa
dross post-card TuU,a. Dwc. T,
a." Sold tbrvughout th world.
All Womfm'i Coat that wr fermsrlj
$18.75, $25.00, $29.50, including a fw
, handsome style in Plush $0.75
88 Women's Coats in Rich Wool Mixtures,
formerly up to $17.50 $3.95
20 Skating Coats in High-Grade Wool Ma
terials, formerly up to $12.50 $3.05
38 Women's Warm Wool Coats, nerw mind
what the price was, it is now $1.00
80 Women's Waists, in good, clean new
stock, formerly up to $10.00 $5.00
80 Women's Waists, every one highly desir
able, values to $6.50.... $2.05
Women'! Waists, usually worth to $4.50,
now ; $1.05
75 Women's Silk Dresses, including many
new styles with extra full skirts. .$12.75
35 Women's Silk Dresses, including new
etyles $8.75
Maxator Underwear, for every member of
your family, at prices to make purchasing
) very profitable. . '
' y - ' i
40 Girls' Coats, well made in handsome mix- '
tures and plain colors, values .to $7.50. , ;
at $2.t5
30 Girls' Coats, in Zibelines and Mixture-,
values to $12.50 .$3.05.
Middy Blouses, just a little mussed, regular .
$1.00 and $1.50 values, now 69 J
Girls' Dresses, formerly to $5.75.... $2.05 '
Girls' Dresses, formerly to $9.75, .. .$4.25
75 Children's Coats, 2 to 7 years, Chinchillas,
Zibelines and Corduroys, values up to '
$8.50 $2.65
Children's Bonnets and Hats, of Velvet or
Corduroy .HALT PRICE
Children's Purs, Ermine, Thibet and Brook
Mink, formerly to$5.75... . . .$2.05
Children's Bath Robes, 2 to 6 years, values
up to $1.50. ........................ 89 '
Plannel Rompers, $1 .00 values ........ 80 i
Jersey Drawer laggings, were $2.25, now -
at 5g
Children's Wool Sweaters, small sizes only,
$1.00 values : ........ ..50
Infants' and Children's Soiled Dresses,
greatly reduced.
Women's Dress Boots $5.00 and $6.00 val
, ues $2.05
Women's and Misses' Dress Boots $1.50
and $4.00 values..;,;... .........$2.45
Misses' Tan Button Boots Former $3.50
values . . j .v..:..,:.;...... .$1.05
Boys', and Youths' Shoes $3.25 and $3.75
kinds, now... $1.05 and $2.45
No Approvals, Charges or Exchanges
KTB take great pleasure in announcing to the
' V V public the establishment of a new service for
Omaha, Council Bluffs and surrounding territory.
" : To old friends and acquaintances, this, no doubt, . will
? be interesting news. Accept our assurance that. "our .
- chief aim at all times is to please. We have, therefore,
- arranged for the distribution of the world renowned
Orders for this splendid product will receive prompt
and courteous attention. We therefore ' take the liber-' ' T,
ty to solicit your valued patronage at this time.
As prompt delivery is our chief aim, we suggest that all order be mailed
or phoned to us sufficiently in advance, to insure such delivery. Re
memberdelay ia costly and unsatisfactory. Go to your nearest phone
now. We are right on the jump filling orders in regular rotation.
Information of any nature will be cheerfully furnished.
oil o
2567-9 Leavenworth Street
Phone-Doug. 876 OMAHA, NEBR.