Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1916, Page 16, Image 16
TITE BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY o, 1016. PRESIDENT GETS HOUSE REPORTS BaBIBMSBBBa Important Kewi in Connection with LmiUnia Caie Received by Wilton. DELIVERED ON SPECIAL TRAIN WASHINGTON. Feb. 4. ! pitches on the Lusltanta situation from Colonel E. M. House, now on special mission in Europe for President Wilson, are believed to hare been delivered to the president today on his spctal train. Colonel House discussed the sltu atlon with high German officials, In forming them ot the position of the United States and receiving In re tarn first hand Information of their viewpoint. Details are not disclosed in anjr such dispatches as have been received here, but they reported Colonel House found it unnecessary to remain In Berlin as long as he originally had Intended. I.aslfaala Dle)ae4 Chiefly. It I said Colonel Houm probably dls t'ussed other subjects than the Luaitania rae with the Oermen officials, but that the I.usltanla situation occupied the, ma jor portion of hi dispatch to the presi dent. The semi-official statement of the for eign office, forwarded to this country, that there waa "reasonable" hope that a communication which had been started to Count von Hemstorff would prove llrfartory to Ire t'nlted State, la taken In official and dlplomatlo quarters to mean that Uernieiiy has net accepted the tentative form of proposal exactly as It was submitted. The opinion and hope waa expressed by tilplomat In a position to be familiar with the status. of the ne gotiation that the cardinal points sot forth In the tentative form approved by Secretary Lansing remained. It was said here that there were cer-1 tain words which the Berlin officials be lieve could not be Included in the final settlement of the controversy because of concern for German public opinion. It waa thought certain that this phase has been explained to Colonel House, and that he in turn has conveyed the explanation ta Present Wilson. Is Kevtaeal Considerably. It was said tonight that the language In the tentative form of proposal sub mitted to Hecretsry ' Lansing last week in regard to Germany' expressed hope that the t'nlted Htate do everything possible toward securing freedom of the ia had befn revised considerably, bo cause it waa said that the words used mlMht have conveyed the Impression that Oermany . was making that question a condition of lettlemoit. This it was ex plained1, was In nowise the Intention of the Herman government. ' The latest communication to Count von Bernwtorff had not. It was said, nl the embassy, arrived In .Washington to nlttht. 11 Is expected tomorrow. nlasa llecelvea lilapatvhea. ON III) ARO PKK8IDKNT WILSON'S PFKCtAI. TRAIN. INUIANAl'Ol.IH. I'eb. X. 1'reelilent Wilson received from secretary banning today, what members of lit party characterised as "very Im portant dispatches," relating lo the for Vln situation. Their exact content wers not revealed, but It was understood they tclxlrd to the I.usltanla and caeca. 'I he president spent the lute afternoon failing the d spatches In his car and through them setting In touch ilh developments In the foreign situa tion since he left Washington. A final ((U lenient of the I.usltanla rusa I ex pelted soon after the president arrive In Washington, lie determined that j Cermany make full tl savowal and repar- allun, and it Is undrrsloml lie will be sal- j Ixfled with nuthtiig; leas. What altitude ' Ceruiany has taken or will lake toward j the last suggestion sent forward by Count von Beinstorff, could not be learned on ! the president's speclsl tonight Colombian Envoy Is . Much Disappointed By Modified Treaty WASHINGTON, Feb. 4-Whlla th Co lombian treaty was being brought Into the senate today, Julio Ketanlcourt. th I Colombian minister, ws Issuing a state ment expressing hi dlsspprovai or the amendment to reduce th Indemnity the t'nlted State would pay Colombia from t2S,oot,ooo to $15,000,0) and to make the expression of regret for the partition of Panama mutual to both nation. Minister Betanleourt'a disappointment waa unoonoealed. Ha was certain that the treaty, already accepted and ratified by hi country, would be rejected with the proposed amendment. How much further than the Issuing: of hi statement ha might be prepared to go to express hi disapproval waa not stated, but there wer suggestions In Latin-American quar ter that the minister wa considering whether It would be an expedient and diplomatic method of expressing Ms dis approval If he left the legation and re turned to Bogota. Would Give Coyotes Mange and Scabies HALT LAKE CITT, Utah. Feb. 4.-Tlie conference of federal and state health officer to consider rabies and other dis cs a conditions in th? west closed today after adopting resolutions expressing their suggestions to meet the situation. The Department of Agriculture la asked to investigate the practicability of Inocu lating; coyotes with mange or arable for their eradication, a now practiced In Montana. Senate Action Upon Filipino Bill Held Up WASHINGTON, Feb 4 New proposal relating to tKe condition under which Independence would bo granted, delayed final enate action on the rhlllpplne bill today, and when a recess wss taken un til tomorrow some leaders were doubtful whether a . vote could be reached this week. . Tha Clarke amendment adopted yester day, under which the" president would be authorised to grant Independence within four yeare or might delay It after that period If he delred to consult eongress. waa under fire In the debate today and the senat declined, 42 to 33. to table a proposal by Senator Hitchcock changing these provisions.. Under the Illtehcoc'c amendment, which will be dlscursed fur ther tomorrow, the United Btates wo'iia withdraw from the Islsnds In from two to four years, and would require that the new government'a promise to fulfill its obligations to th United Btare be In th form of a provision In th Philippine con stitution rather than a treaty pledge. 'METHODISTS PRAISE: REYIYALjTRESULTS They at Lea it Keep young People Out of Mischief on .Long1 Winter Evenings, Says Bishop. ' FORWARD MOVEMENT MEETING Gopher Democrats Declare for Wilson ST. PAUL. Minn.. Feb. t.-Reaolutlon approving In general the policies of President Wilson and advocating "hi re nomlnatlon aa tha truated leader ofthe general democracy In 11." were adopted by the Minnesota democratic conference here today. Twenty-four delegates to th national convention at St. Ixuils, who are to be recommended to the voters In the March 14 primary election, were elected. From Our Near Neighbors Otlo gprlae'lcld. Wrleth u very sick at her waa In town Mr. home. A. L. Dunn of liellovu Thursday. O. C. Illshllng of Antelope county I her visiting relative. W. B. Htapleton of Omaha visited friends here lust Sunday. Hev. 11. O. Capsey Is attending the min isterial association In umaha this week. The hlgb school will dehat the question of Pretareane" next Tueaday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hchumsnn of Omaha arc visiting Me and M.s. W. M. Klerk. Rd Zimmerman returned Tuesday from Ilriinsmlok, Net.., whet h has been ls lt lnc hla mother. am Alets is In Ulna ha practicing wl.h the I'siunli team for me tug-of-war con teat that is soon to pulled off. John Weise, an innvit of the poor farm here, died Wednesday evenlna. Th body was taken to Cam I) for burial. An average temperaiur of a little over 15 degreea above aero I th record for January a reported by L. A. Bate, who keep the government record. Jacob Pass while Masting atump waa . Injured by a prematura explosion limit I cHUNotl him to l taken to an Omaha hoa- pltal. He will not be permanently injured. A trillion la helm.' circulated aaklng that tb name of James T. Hegley be placed on the ballot at th primaries to aucceen lilmaelt aa aisirici juoga 10 mi" district. M Martha Hark after a lingering Ill ness of more then a year died at ber lute home Tuesday evening. Funeral services wer conducted Thursday afternoon by Hev. II. C. capsey. A gospel team from Omaha consisting nt Iir Ward Frail Hlalr. O. M. Drew. Al nam i m,.ry Trimble, II. O. Foray and Char!! j ling. toK cnarge or ine revivni m v i Ices MiiurdHV evening and all day hun- i liar. A lame number attended and many private , Un,k p tlu Christian life Hrsslagtes. Hit key went to Oiuaba on Klkkora. N. Wyatt went to Omaha on Mrs. 3 W ednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Warren moved to the eefu farm this week. in-. O. It. Halt was confined to his bed a few day thl'week with grip. Mr. end Mrs. Henry Johnson were at Omaha Monday afternoon. Meadames Jsrrvs Qulnn snd John Man gold wer Omaha passenger Tuesday, Mr. P. U. Hofeldt and daughter. Mia Dorothy, wer Omaha visitors Monday t.fternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Chris Hsehau of near Itennington vlalted Thursday with the former' slater, Mrs. P. O, Hofledt. Henry Denker. Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. John Denser, and Miss Lena Mockelman wer married Wednesday at the bride' home. They will live on the Herman Bull farm. Mlasea Klla and Alma Hansen gave a mlaeellaneoua shower Haturday afternoon at the former's for Miss Hilda Meyer ,who is to he married soon to Mr Henry Ootch of Springfield. COMMISSIONER MANLEY TD CALL ON REDFIELD l-a rente' Illness. H nCUrltLUj M, ,.milll, Maikham Mis. IVW 1 l.iiisday. Augusta lebberi wss an Omaha visitor Tuesday. Mrs. George Nelson and children huv moved to town. Miss Clara AMU underwent an opera llou for throat trouule. TV. and Mis. Dwyer of Omaha wer Betiulnston visitors Minds y afternoon. kir mid Mrs Chris Bachus attended 'the lieiiker.Motiklcnum wedding near Kik I hum tlieilay. ' I Mrs. P. Kedde of Benson ha bsen stay liii vtiih her ilangnier, Mr. 1'i'sd Olul, III for smiie time wlui ha been very brain fever. Hlie Papllllon. The February term of district court convenes Mondu;'. Tha young Women of Panllllnn will give a leap year dance at Bell's hall to night. , The "Happy rive" will give a masquer ade hall at the German Home hall to night. Mrs. John Ilarmsen has been seriously 111 this Week. Hike ! aurfftrlnv from at Injury to her knee caused by a fall some .! ?phi i KO. Th Christian Endeavor of the Presby terian church will have spectat service Hunday evening celebrating Chrlstlnn Endeavor da v. Hev. L. A. Thompson ha gone to Ham burg, Is., where he will have chaise of the service at the Presbyterian cliu-ch Hunday. Hev. Mr. Cook from the Omaha seminary will preach In his stead here. Mr. O. fthsffer and Mm It. K. Hon rsm entertained the Womitn'a club edneslay afternoon at Its regular meet ing. The following ofllcera Were elected for next years Miss ttilna Wilson, presi dent; Mrs. A, K. tlolllns. Vic president; Mrs. George Boyer, societnry; Mrs. J. T. Hegley, corresponding secretary, ant Mrs. It. K. Honham, treasurer. Sirs. H. H. Armtrn led an Interesting lesson on "American Marine Painters.'' "If revivals did nothing else they would at least keep young people out pf mischief," said Dlshop Frank. M. Bristol in bis talk to a full house of men and women, in the Methodist forward movement rally at the First Methodist church last night. "Re vivals would be worth while ' for that alone, for during the lona; win-1 ler evenings the young people would I lie there instead of In other gather- j ings where they should not be. There is no time so fruitful for the works of the devil as during the long win- ter evenings. That is the time when young people get together. What is the time when, down in the country, j they have their dances and their card parties, and the devil makes rich harvest." Bishop BYlstol made a plea for re vivals, but admonished those who seek to lesd other to Christ, first to get the power of the Holy Ohost In their own beings. Converted by John Dale. The bishop incidentally told some in teresting reminiscences about the late John Hale of Hanscom Park liethodlat church. He declared that John bale wa the man who first brought him to Christ, during a revival back east many years ago, when he waa a small boy. II said John Dale was so good and kind, and made auch a friend of him a a boy that he was willing to do anything Mr. Dale said, and when Mr. Dale cam down the aisle In a big revival where young Bristol had cone to scpff and giggle, and placed his arm around Bris tol shoulder and anked him to give him self to Christ, he just could not resist "There comes a picking time on the farm In the cherry season, or In the ap ple season." said the bishop. ."There come a picking time In the work of the church. And It waa during one of the big revlvajs that John Dale came down the aisle and picked me. "Yes, and I can count at least a doien minister today who came to Jesus ChrlAt through the Influence of that great, good man, John Dale." I' rare Peraoaal Work. Bishop Theodore H. Henderson of Chattanooga, urged personal work by the members of the church, but admonished th ministers to supplement the cam paign with their own work on Sunday. He urged the minister to ask their congt'eitation to write the name of all men of their acquaintance who would be better men if Jeaua Christ were In their live. He told them that then these should be tabulated. "If you have but thirty-five men in the church and you find you have 100 namea passed In," h said, "divide them up and give each member three or four of them to aee. Let them have definite ones upon which to work, and let them go to them per sonally and earnestly." ELKS WILL CELEBRATE ANNIVERSARY OF LODGE Omaha Elk will celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of the local lodge next Mon day nl jht w-lth an attractive program and souvenirs. Hundreds of charter members and old nnd new member are expected to turn out to assist in making the occasion a, success. fFVom a Htsff Correspondent ) t. now rtuortert lo tie .Improving;. -WASHINGTON. Feb. 4.-8pec!l Tele- The schools reopened Monday morning, gram It. It. Manlev. comnilsioner of there being no new casea or acwriet lever the Commercial club of Omaha, arrived In Washington today. Mr. Manley will meet Secretny Itedfleld of the Depart ment, of Commerce, tomorrow, together with other secretaries of commercial bod ies coming from' cities of ljO.mut and up ward, Mr. and Mrs, Ou Heme, of A k-Par-Ben fame, wer in "Washington yesterday, ac cording to tb Raleigh register. Th creator of Ak-Sr-Ben contented himself by looking at th Washington monument and other pt :mlnent landmark. Ueorge P. Morton of Omaha, ha been appointed a member of tha city planning committee of th American Civic asso ciation, which this year will direct an energetic campaign for the adoption by American towns and cities of compre hensive city planning for their future physical development. While some H cities hav taken Initial step by th creation of city plan com missions, generally speaking the coun try at large ha but a vague knowledge cf all that planning comprehends. FIGHTING CREV WILL SAIL CN THE OSCAR II XKW YORK. Feb. 4-Th name of the amateur boxer who will go to Dan mark to compete for th United Btatea hi the international boxing champion mill l her in March wer announced to day by th Amateur Athletic union. Th men re: William gpensler of th Union Settle nun A. t of NfW York. JuS'.n Karpinakt of tb Cleveland A. C. of I itvclftfid. J..I.H Maiuney of St. Rita' Catholic iui or riiuaaeipina. ucngler will compel in th middle weight and heavyweight da, Kar plnskl In the welterweight claae, and Ma loney In the Impound clsss. All thre men bold amateur championship title In Uielr weights. They will sail from New i'ork on th Oscar H oa February 17. and the situation t,ietiy Improved, The local lodge of Odd Fellow Inatallod officers lest week, with Peter Buns, Jr., as noble grand. Fred Uottach citary and Peter Mangold a treasurer. Th coyote hunt wa quit successful from the coyote iolnt of view, a nona was caught. However, a larg number of mea and boya enjoyed the hunt the lunch that followed. William Karr. who formerly lived hr. but for th laat year has been on a farm near Tekamah. win soon, coma to man hla home on tha Toaier place near Kik City, which h-recently-bought. lrtlaaton. Mrs Vlstal and Mr. Powell wer Omaha vlslto- (Saturday. M'niitsret Anderson snd Fmma Sundall Were Omaha visitor Mtuid. - K.ilpli Thompson run Into a wire fence while coasting and broke his lower Jaw, Tlio Northwestern rallrniid Is putting ,'i a cteel In kite over Hie L tile i'appio creek, Mrs. KpriiiK. Mrs. Nels Rasmusaen. Mi.v WlUkl and .Maggie Kitchen are ou tha a'ck list. The Ladles' Aid society met at thn tnhn Anderson, sr.. home for iliiin, Wednesday. Ml', and Ml. Clinton William, rot u ctio.l Monday from a two months' triii In Texaa and Florida. Alfred , Ksamuasen of Osmond. Neh.. visited a few day last week at th Ncl Itaainuuen home. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Blelck of Elgin. I never , v.i air. ana Aira. eranK Hieiric ami Mr. and Mra. Jim Anderaon of Benaon wer entertained at the John Blelck horn Monday. Ouch! Pain, Pain. Rub Rheumatic, Aching Joints Valley. Miss Lillian Morrow went to Omaha Monday to see Hamlet. Mtaa Vaunts Cork spent tl ek.end with her mother, in Lincoln. Mra. W. lit. F.ddy. who has been quite HI. is Improving quite rapidly. Mra. Richard Webater will spend a month with her parents. Mr. and Mr. Frank Whltmor. Rev. Mr. Relnhardt of Omaha gave an llluatrated lectur at me rmoynr- n church Tuesday. Rev. Ralph Ilomeman occupied the pul pit at the Presbyterian chinch on Min- dy morning and evening. Tha ladle of the Presbyterian church gave an enloyable aurnrlse tor Mra. Hoy fcmlth at her bom Thursday afternoon. Mr. Hbaber of the Rayburn party at Fneinont. addressed a union meeting in tb Methodist ICplsoopal church Wed nesday evening. Th rrular meeting of th Ladl' Aid society waa held at the home ot Mr. Frank F. Adam on Wednesday, Mrs. Bulcber and Mrs. Garrison as sisted Mr. Adam In serving th lunch, Th Valley Woman club held It reaular meeting Friday afternoon at th home of Mra. Hedberg. Mrs. N. K John son gave a paper on History or Modern Mualc:" Mia. Webb, an Instrumental se lection, and Mr. Wallalroen. on "Ne braska as a Territory." BRITISH BUY CASTOFF RAILROAD TIES IN U. S. BOSTON. Feb. ,-An offer of ( cent aplec for KW.OOB cat-off railroad ties received today by th Boston & Msin railroad flora th British govern ment. Foimerly tb railroad burned all .is old ties, but orders wer sent throuih--ut the system today directing the ll be ni. It is understood that the British tiot ei Binmt is negotiating wl.u other i i';i&t''.s in the bop cf obtaining Sou.aO ii for u-e in constructing branches In 1 .uv. . Weealaar Water. Bori To Mr. and Mra. J. M. K II bourn on February 1. a son. Th district Odd Fellows' meeting will be held her Wednsaday, February i. Farmers are using bobsled a great 41 this time to haul grain to market. John McKay returned Thursday from a buatnea trip te Hook county, kanaaa. Frank A. Wvl retimed th first of th week from a visit with friend at Auburn. Mr. J. W. gpnrry hla been called to Hummer, Neb . by the artou nines of her lather. William lcFrland. agred L . Mr. and Mra. Clareao Pool of Wabash wer In town the first of th week mak. Ing arrangements to move to this locality, Mrs H. V. Gerard returned th first of the week from l.ln.'oln, where he bad viaiieo at toe horn or a friend, Mr. ugaeo. Mia. M J. wtrkeraham ha sne to rairuury to attend a steeling ot Ui off! -ra me isaugnTcr ei ia Amen. a Revolution. Rub Backache away with small trial bottle of old "St. Jacob's OiL" Hheumtlm I "pain only," Not one cse In fifty requires internal treatment. j Ktop drugging. Rub soothing, penetrat ing "8t. Jacob Oil" right Into your ore, ! stlfT. aching Joints and muclea, nd re j come Instantly. "8t.- Jacob Oil" ! Is Awi, Mr. Howe and dauahter are here from Canada for a visit with relatives. Heals Skin Diseases harmless rheumatism .cure which disappoint and cannot burn tha kin. Limber up! Quit complaining! Get a small 'trial bottle of old. honest "St. Jacob Oil" at any drug store, and In Just a moment you'll be free from rheu- ! matiu pain, soreness, stiffness and swell- Dick Dobney. who has been tier for ' ' Don't auffar! Relief await you. everal week, returned to hi horn at ".-t. Jacob OU" ha cured million. Btuart. Friday. i t,. ,.,. .,,....,. ... .... .... t i iiiv"iiiiibi)i ttricia iga a.iv intk JIM II John Onlnton Of Brule, waa here tlila ' . . . .. week vlaltlng relatives and friend. " .or .c.auc.. Mr. V. 11. Bett. la spendln the week i' aprams.- wllh her on. Bddi and family, at Eagle. Advertisement. Miss Mary Kohl I anendln the week I - ' with friend at Nebraska City. I John McFarland was called to Sum ner th fleet of th week by th serious i iiineaa oi nis lamer. Mra. Hamuel Johnaon and Mra. P. A. 1 Hanger were visiting at Lincoln this week. ! J. M. Dllllhar and family mar at Ni. hawaka on Hunday for a visit with relatives. Th Avoca and hiik.i K.n teams will nlay a same here n nt 'edneaday evening. Prof. Cteorae Camnbell waa eallrf n ' Columbua thl week by the death of hi iler-in-lgw. Mrs. CampbU. STOMACH UPSET? Get at the Heal Cause Take Dr. Canards' Olive Tablets. That's what thousand. 0f gtomach suf ferers are doing now. Instead of taking tonic, or trying to patch up a poor dl gestlon, they are attacking th real cause of th ailment-clogged liver and diaor derod bowel. Dr. aklward' Olive Tablet a roue th liver In a oothlng. healing way. When tha liver and bowel are performing tbslr natural function, away gooa In digestion and atomach trouble. If you have a bad test In your mouth, tongue coated, appetlt poor, tasy, don't car fellng, ao ambition or energy, troubled with undigested food, you should take Olive Tablets, the eubatttut for clotnU Dr. Edward Ollv Tablet are a purely vegetable compound mixed with ellv oil. Teu will knew there by their olive color. They do th work without griping cramps or pain. Tak one or two at bedtlm for quick relief, so you ran eat what you tike. At c and He per box. All drugglaia. Tb Ollv Tablet Company, Columbu. Ohio. It I unnecessary for you to suffer with ecsema. ringworm, rashes and similar rkln troubles. A little semo, gotten at any drug alor for 26c. or 11.00 for extra larg bottle, and promptly applied will usually live Instant relief from itching torture. It cleanse and soothe th akin and heal quickly and effectively moat skin disease. Zemo la a wonderful disappearing liquid and doe not smart th moat delicate akin. It 1 not greasy, Is easily applied and cost little. Oct It todsy and save all further distress. Zemo, Cleveland. 4 ARTISTS That. th Sli of Our Staff LETTERHEAD DE81GMAO gttgaatwaos aae evawtaga of all Aloa. oacia a crania, StlBU4Ug ! U all kiaA or art work. ENOKAVINOS, IlLKCTKOTVPES nd BTKRICOTITES A Teur gMarrtoc B Engrtvinjj DtpL pkoa TyUr ISO B Oaaaaa. UJUWU n v (o mjm hundreds of people will sell houses, lots and farms will find needed capital and partners will get good jobs --tomorrow hundreds of people will be getting just what they want by using little BEE Want-Ads. Why not get what you want by using Bee Want-Ads? At a cost so small that it's only, a fraction of the profit you stand a chance to make, THE BEE will deliver your Want-Ad message to its huge army of readers-will find a taker for most anything you have For Sale, For Rent, or For Exchange; will find good positions--will bring you better workers. . .. All you have to do is bring; phone or send your message to THE BEE want ad of f ice in time for tomorrow's paper. u M rzs r ns n nrr u rNnnP-n1! f 18 17 c Ho I7snt-ftd Men Uter Tfasn 9:G0 P. f.l. FOR THE DIG SUNDAY CLASSIFIED SECTIONS Phone Tyler 1000 or Bring your Want-Ad in Person to THE BEE