Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1916, Page 14, Image 14
Tim IiKK: OMAHA, FEBRUARY 191T. 14 New Want (NOW in Cosh Rate: H Charge Rate: 8 per lino Ono insertion 7$ per line, Three or more (consecutive) insertions Special Rates: Farm Lands 7? per line, each insertion All Foreign Advertising, under Agents or Help Wanted classification, 2 per word, one insertion. Per word, three or more insertions (con. secutive.) (Count six words to the line.) No Ad Taken for of 20c Or Less Phono Tylar 1000 FRATERNAL OHDBR'i ajTAOS-Ornaha Drove No 135. Swedish Audtltotium. Friday evening. Feb. 4. All should be present as there is vry important business to be t- twad'ad to. . MAUSOLEUM. WHT bury your dead In the cold Kround in stormy weather when you can buy a tomb In i marble building (t '"n.b' priest Tel. MAUBOLEUM CO.. D. 217. florists. tTATrfFS'. floristsT-! Bt. D,""A CTTrfiNDErifiON, 1814" Douglas. IX 1 ""ier Florists Telegraph Dol. Ass n. ffl-. H "A EWQHOl) A, 1416 "Farnam Bt. ONAOHlfK. Wd Harney. Doug. b?t. BUILDISQ PERMITS. H. La wis. Mi South Tenth, repairs end addition. $4"0; K. Ennooldsen. 4S1J Hpelfllng. frame dwelling, 11,600. THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHANGED DAILY. ' Answers the question "Whets to to tonight." Dewalewi. EMPRESS, 15th & DOUGLAS XMvorcons, 4-roel Blograph comedy. Too Clever by Half. Vltagraph comedy. ' Belli Tribune No. 9. OlRfcEN, .' iTTTFAUNAM "Wlien Seconds Count." Kalem. "The House of Kevelatlon." I-r. t.s. "Vps and Downs." Vim, .o program St , Grace Carlton, famous Broadway star, in Wrayed. an absorbing nvstj-y. In seta. And a epeclal aelwted KrV- 1 Kortm. GRAND, : 1CT1I AND BINNET. -The Be arcls," Episode No. 7. Tbe SUcnt TraU." two reel Western Cub Omerty. . . I EOTUKOP iTirANfirX6TIiUOP. 1 "The Ooddess." Chapter S. , "The Broken Italt." Helen Holmes. 'Jaoes' Conqueet," Plivldon Iiwis. Kotstk. 1 .POLtO. S8J4 LEAVENWORTH. ' ThO Orient! M r oK." 'Kalem. ,. "The Secret Hoven." reels. I "Little Brown Hen." lULiaVAkD, 5"d"oV Leavenworth, TbO Kod Circle," Kplsode No. T. Gall Vi In "Her Oreat Match." 1 XV cat. ' MONROE. 2558 FARNAM. : "Hearts Mate." Broadway Btar fea. re It Rogerg Lyton. Julia Hwayne , . Gordon nd Io Delaney. Bellg-Trlbuno . current events. . fiii:rF7i5fr Ll2ATENW6nTir 1 fTanic Keenan la "Tho Cowaxi." Trl angia. , (nree comedy. twstk glda. I BESSE KTH AND N. . Ptlg-Trlbuno No. T. "The Angel of , Piety Flat," I-r. Bio. "The Cold Feet Getaway." Vita. com. "The Red Clr- Icle,'' featuring Ruth Roland. CllPiTEUM. " J4TU & M Keystone comedy, "Fickle Fatty's Fall." featuring Roscoe Arbuckle. "Tho tavorlto Fool," featuring: Eddie ' Foy. ei . .. ., , na Star Features These are Special . Extra-Jteel Pioturea now appearing at tbe following Theaters: 1 APOLLO.! 5F?24 LEAVEN WORTH. '. "Tho Secret Seven." f Ct,Z5E, miuT "The Red Circle," featuring Ruth Ho U-. t 'EOLXEVXED, 33d & Leavenworth. ' Call Kane In "Her Great Match." EslFHEbSTToTH AND lUGLAS Td yrR(Y)NS." 4-ree Blograph comedy. OiiANU, 1TU AND B1NNLV. "The Red Circle." Pl'laodo No. T. U) lllliOy.ii iH AND LOTH HOP. "The Goddess." Chapter No. I. monuoeV S566 farnam:. "Heads Ablaxe," Broadway Star feat uie; H. Rogers Lytoo. Julia 8eye i.'iidon sndLeo Lrlaney. i KINCESiJ. 'l ill -I DOUQ LAST irc Cailton, famous Itroadway star, in "Htrad." an absurtiiiig mystery In five lvid aits f.oaLvr, tai i.eavenviorth7 rxik Ktccan In "The Coward." Triangle. - Ad Kates Effect) Per Word..Each Insertion Less Than a Total Than 10c per Day. And you milt receive th same courteous servlco m thoturh you wcr delivering your Want-Ad to THE HV.K of fire In pti-son. MARRI4UF. LICENSES. Tbe following couple were granted marriage licenses today Name and Residence. Vlotor Hellts. Omaha.. Age. , 1 19 .....over "I over 11 12 , n Nellie Wllhun, Omaha.. Morrla Roaenbera-. Omaha. Frieda Klewe, Omaha , Olcn nel, Lincoln Eunice Hunter, Lincoln.... HIRTlia AMI UKATIie. Hutna .loieph II. Hnd Anna Blmuard, 14ii2 North Twenty-aeventh, boy; OuorRe and Kdna Kihard, New Hamilton, Kill; Conrad end lora .Tohnnon, 3t10 Heward, boy; I'letro and Carolina Mazzero, 612 Marry, boy: Klchard and Nettle Hooker, 6t Houth Thirty-third, ulrl; Oaetano and ItKHario Mi inxiuiruli, 1112 Ilrce, girl; lllartelfo and Cannola Monaco, lfii'3 Kouth Fifth, girl; Nick and Anna Oen t till. PM Hli koiy, girl; George and Lena (ioodhart. lioHpltel, girl: Thomas F. and Ada B. Kaiiffinnn. Houth Hide, rIiI. Deaths Anna Maloney, Twenty-aixth and ,; Ben Wuhl. HI, i Houth Forty aeoond; Ullen M. Thomas, 1, 1113 North Twenty-third; Agnealta Ford, IB, 2-'W Maple; Jlmnlo Jotmnek, S, 1411 Houth l-'li -teenth. L0STF0UND-REWARDS OMAHA & COUNCIL BLUFFS STIUCttT RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons having Ins' nwii article would do well to rail up the office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs lit reel Railway 'company to ascertaia whether they left It in the street cars. Many article seen flay are turned lit and the company la aaaloua to restore them to the rightful owners. Call Hong. 4. IK YOU Ium tnythlnf an4 will (JvtirtlM It hr y will auroljr reruvar It If fmm4 tor as houvot penua. Hvniarkalil roovrlM are brought about erarr day throusk thla oolumn. TUB I.AW ppl wis (Id4 luat artlelaa ere intaraataa IB knowlag that lb atata liw ta atrU't la raqutrlns tham te aaeli tha owear tbroudk aitvartlMniant and otttarwtaa an4 that a (allure to ma, tl aame caa be sroraa, in vol a pnaHr. Lost On Beoaoii-AIUrlKht street car package containing alx plates out of an art book. Finder pleaso return to Charles M. Furha, 2712 N. tlst Ave., and receive J5 reward. WHAT he had to' iti; An automobile!, summer cottage, a a motorcycle, a Morrla chair. And be sold 'hem throughl'llWnKM Want Ad columns. CohT iluno'h ke"'sT"ti!lnk on Hainey8t. Call Doug. M or Iou. 7t72. 12 O. IralnKx. Bldar. Reward. LoHT Tun traveling bag. empty, lteturn '!8;J?thJ4t;jtnd reoelve rewnrd. LOBT ( halna for delivery car. Please call Cary Cleaning Co., Web, 392. Ready Reference Directory ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DWOIIAK, 0. P. A, 4M-4W Ramge Bldg. Tel. Doug 74o. . AUVIiHIUlsU IS WV ail. Abi F. Bhafer A Co.. ltth-Farnam. P. T474. AU.Ciilia.Cla. yirorst m. Dodd. H Patton B1H. P. A t i OKNtHYg. ft T. Wcklnson. Ill Patton W. P. tH, AlCUOnklbHI, rw.w Auction Co., 1116-1 W O W. R.MM, taAtvi-.tilb.. n eeirnitR. IMS) N. Wlh. Web. Ot- m a . - 1 BHAIt AND 1HON roUlKlK. ui6i'HACTtTbPTiriDJiJ mi DR BURHORN. ili and Farnam. Wead Sidj. O. Po-lmer ochoul graduace. Pr. J. C. Lawrence. 1 Bslrd BldgnMgl. tumorouiiTi. Carrie I. Buford. F!i- AkiW.iMrToVxMAC low Laaaard A Son. 1M Capitol Ave. T. 13. C W. Hokanson. V Lvnwth. Tyl CWJ. tOITVUEI. THB largest atock of mssq.wsde and theatrical eostunea In the oountry. Tbeo. Lleben A Bon. 1S14 Howard. D.tlls TIIKATRICAL gowns, full dress suits, for ren 4 N. l'th Bt John Feldman. DANCINQ ACAUttMlsCS. P T.tTXB ACAPBMT.jlt 8. llth Bt. UkKDIlMlhlNU. LADIES' Jacketa remodeled In the latest style, liu iraraaia. Douglas toJ. Kolatefo ProoamaktaK Cot VM City Nat Terry Preaemaa'g oolles. nth A Farnam. Dtt-HI AMU CLICAMKHa. TATB Pry Clny. Co.. 1 N. Hth. P. ton. ' !i-:--h,TfccfIVn.i: " JAMES ALLAN. Ill Neville Block. Kv$- 9 0C wriirfu in Ail a t u li-. i isr. pr. Bradbury. No Peln. Ill W.O.W. Bldg. pyorrhea. Pr. Fteklea. T14 City Nat Bank. Taft Dental Room a ifeiT louglas. P. tlM. liULOI. PRCOS at cut prices: freight paid on 111 orders; catalogue free. SUermau A Mo- Cunneli lrug Co., Oiuaba Na. IvLKCTUULl IIS. (noa Allender. 4 Be Bldg Red Kkti. Ltkt'f UltAL HtvPAlHIMii. CAHILL ELZ)CTIUO CO.. Boo Bid. D. STt FOR SALE-M 1SCELLANE0US Farattare) nd HonrkaM liaode. HH BA HO A I NS. Furniture, $6; stoves, bed", aprlnc. mattr'a, $i each; l,e..ui.., comforts, hlanket.. 1Vt N. 24t h. W. !,. At. I. REPAIR Water front furnace roila. etc.. Quick service. Omaha Stove BASH burner anT Is a range end several other pieces of furniture, cheap. Ad dress 2a'7 North 27th Ave. 6"MAHA T'ir.iJW CO Mattresses made over JnsMlkejiew. VCnmlngPwT. LEAVING city, piano Vlctrola. T. IE. Pianos aad Musical Instruments. FOR SALE cheap to right party, a fine Kimball upright piano. Call or nd drea 1H N. 34th. , KEEP HHOS. $350 mahogany piano, $90. Mar ney K'XA , RMITII BARNES upright piano, $75. Tyler 11. R3AVTNO rlly; i trolajlano.. 3.V per month. A. Hos. lMI Douxla tore aad Offlcw fl a tares. f)ESKfi. aafea ecalea, showcases, shelv ing etc. We' buy, aU. Omaha Future A u"ppiy Co. . 414.K-1" mh. .iou..7ii .Nlll.LINERY fixtures F. P. Wend. P. 171. Cameras a nd Kexlake. FILMB developed free If purehaeed from Pnoto Craft t;hop. 4I Hee Hldg, l-ept P. Jewelry, Ulamonde, Walchee. LilAMUNU UUCKii.1, men a ana iaiee' wat hea. reaaonablo. Krledinan, 121 1 Ooug. BH01.,l'HiAAkl:8 "lucky wedding ring ' at Imh and Douglaa 8ta. tnlni Marhlaea. SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, cell needlea and part Of all eewlnjf machines. WlC'KbliyB NEBItABK A CXCU5 CO.. 16th and 1 turner Bta. tou g.l Typewrltere mm Sapjllea. MTDLA NDlfl BUON A CA RUONCo! We make them in OMAHA. What? Typewriter Kibbona! Kuppiiee for the office. Dougia 8147. JBee Bldg. ItliNT an O'iver typewriter 4 mo. for . OUrTy PwrJtriA gene y,l iF! TY i'K HVViTH.HS aoid, reui repaired. Central Typewriter Kxc. ll r arnam. fjL7ANCK Jtibbon end Carbon ro.. car bon paper and Inked rlhbona. J. RKNT a Keni'lnaton" not fuiTt writer. Law rent, chii feUTT'B Typewriter Kxrhnge, 3l S. 18th. ft. All makes for sale or rent Machinery and ICoaluea. VIW Becond-hand rootoi dynamos. Bron Electric Works, 3Hw 8. mn f t. KOfl HALto iO-h. p. gas eiiKlne; 4-hole shaller. !IjirperJPeterrotUreMliarn. Ncn. Illlllard and Tool Tables. FOIl EA LBV New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; send for cata logue; easy payments. The Brunswlck-Balke-Collender Co.. 407-4(W H. 10th 81. . Lumber aad UntlAias Material. ALL K.1ND8 OF LIJMUUlt FOK 8ALK. 1 Med in conalruotlon or ouuniiiK. f I rat cla as oond 1 1 1 on. Call 1'oug. 21 17. 1'TtY kindling ty the load. liHrney a72fe. Printing; and Office auppllea. ON 13 writer press for printing imitation typewriter letters: one Invalid sanitary clmlr; one collapsible go-cart. Phone Webiiter 71f9. SvaVwhs-BARNHAKT Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Uoug. itiw. 6-'t a. t.nn nt. CENTRAL Printing Co. UOUOLAS t.u. tOUOLA8 Printing Co. Tel. louglaa H4. Mlscellemeons. $3.20 Gulden West Whisky. 4 ' full uuarts bottled In bond, prepaid. cackiey uroa.. omana F'OK BAIJtl CHEAP. Business College Course. Full and complete scholarship In one of the best Omaha bualncsH school. Oood ressou for selling: perfectly relia ble; worth full price, but will be sold Very reasonably. It Interested Investi gate at once, because npring term begins aoon. There are a variety of courses for ale. For particulars Inquire at the of lice of The Omaha Bro. ALEX jiTK3'LIWU0R HOUSE; Thirteenth and ' Douglas. ' , Bottled-in-bund whisky, sue, 1.00, $1.25, full quart. Barrel goods, $2.00 to 4.10 per gallon. tniKK 1 ' Gunpowder or aJAJ Japan tea with every 10 lb. Of best Sue coffee, parcel post, at $2.75. Dave's Coffee Market, ltill Leavonwurtll ' Bt.. Omaha. Neh. SlY high standard o? qiiHllty will bo maintained; 4 quarts of Old Pontenello whlaky, $3.2f.; bottled In bond. Henry Pollock, malt order house, Doug. 71ti2; 122-14 N, lf.tll Ht. KVKltV day has 1U sunahlne for BKW Want-Ad userg. titarl lodoy. Cull Tyler vvi POAT.S baskets delivered. $1; lUlnoia vunlJ nut or lump, 6.M per ton. 1.KI1IVIBJI .1 131. FOll HALE One buffalo coat; seen at Aulabaugh's, 1825-22 Farnam. BVUHYTllIXG roR WOMGA, ACCORDION, side, knife, sunburst, bog pleating, severed buttons, all sizes and styles; hemstitching, point edging; em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eyelet cut work buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Pleating Co., 200 Douglas block. Douglas ItuM. rtHNAlHI AMU TIM WORK. HABERBTROH. 40J Hamilton. Wal. 71. L.S AMU V.1KL(J, DUIUvI ril?,0 ,lthln(fachlno. lamps. 3-n,rng8T."r.ou.. V!"1' t-UH SAM KNKETER. uM Farnam. Red eaj4. Rotholslsjenworth. H. no. vaaava. ur tuu PaiAtiS H. H. CLAIBORNE, H paxton Blk u- ".4A0. Notary pubUc; deffi,ffnB.7 O. W. BRITT. J()l LJVIS arotK CoMMiisiJTj; S-Sl-SO" BMg. " " .li.Itu AlACHlAEiT- C"AHA ,pt," "th and Dou. "ott"- machine anjfunfb?-.u,r OSHtOPATH PHYglClAMi: JOSEPHINE ARMbTRON-Q. 4 1 Bee Bid. 1"A1 twM. " - P. O, lrnoli, Paton"Bl. Tel. Red TUT. &?Z2r'' Theater Bid.. PlANtTTginiJCTiovr-1 Rf,ftlr?.pUno V1 positively tausi-t in Iomious. uo 1 uii.H... if.-;.'.. CURLED, dyed-jcisele. list City Nat fc- il M iTT-a- T-r. y antfc fcCALk llLPiiHiAtJ Om. Btansrd Scale C o.. 613 s, jt.w n .,. "UiJaK-iaAisliai.T51 Parley Shop RepT Co . 2004 Fam'm b uo sils-l ckiLi.t.i: - - CARTER Hheot.MotnljyoH.p,,,, , TowalBupply. s iUlMi A A 1 Vl7l 'riTA aaua-5 FREUNO A BTELNLE rmm V ACC CM .L.4i.t..: 1 ALL makea Tyier 1011. E. fi. WAlClt bPk.C4AA.laii: Christiansen. Id fl, Psxiob p Bk . U ... V.kililA lA'tAS"a7it"f; C Wedding announcements. Dou IPtg. Ca WlNfcl Alb a.Wluai. Btrr your family itauors at Jeln'a Llauor houaa. tvC N. Mb. Douaias lsua FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS M lace I I4NTN"'; rih lmple"mnt Co.. Omaha, have tnat reoei-eJ a large etoclc of ovulating bohwleda, FISK tubeT" J7 V uwdTrf II t tie. jr-od ahape. R4 VfH, or addrem TO. He. WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New deaka. naed deake, bought, aold and traded. J.C. Regd. H04 Karnam. 8K( O.N'D-HAND phaeton, atrong and In food condition; at once. Iula W. Haut ter. Houth Hide etation, Omaha, R. 4. WIlX pay raah for forty FonJiT any condition. Addreaa C 717, Bee. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mechanical Draughting Machine Designing Estimating Patent Drawings H E. SLOMAN. Phone D. 2444. 418 Brandela Theater. EKOIHCUAARD 8 Lrficky Weddina Minna r - r. - .j - ,,.s,0,. " ' - . a-AKItciaii, AT Y.M.C.A. Bualneaa at um anq iougiaa r!t. SWAPPERS' COLUMN .SJ BRKAK-OPluN It. & A. revolver, pair spring skates, size 11; Remlngtoa re-pt-atliig rifle; single-shot rifle; pair hip hoots, size ; new canvas shotgun case; 12 Ingeraoll watch, new; one hunting c ase watch, 10-year guarantee case, with gold chain, about 16 size, excellent timekeeper; want motorcycle, Vlctrola. pump shotgun, rolltop deak, Colt revol ver mandolin, cornet, kodak. Address 8. C. :.ltee. HUNTINO outfit, new hammerleas Win chester 12-gauge pump gun. rib barrel and recoil pad and case, kahklo hat, coat, shell vest and pants; shells, macintosh, w,,t waders, hunting bag, heavy socks, new, one pair hip boots, boota are No. size. 12x14 new tent, to trade '', "ii'iorcycio or small car. All in .A'L't''pL-Ad(1rel.H. C. U, Bee. NU 2 Smith Premier typewriter, 12-ln. V eatlnghouse fan, Columbia cylinder phonugiaph, cabinet, 120 records, re corder, 25 trunk, 7& Reglna mahogany music box. a dos. classy records, ono 4x6-plate magazine camera, one flo txa-v lew lens, Washburn mandolin, one banjo mandolin. Will trade all or pari, vv ant printing press or pool table. VV hat have you? 8. Q. &31, Bee. flAVL four boxoa of good fi-cent cigars and 20 packages cf Bull Durham, will trade for round table or some kind ot iurlture. Adress a O. 949. Bee PAIR lineman's spurs or climbers, rain coat, 38 brand new; Ever-Ready safety if"or .r'4 b'ados. never used. Want Mandolin, rolltop desk or, what have CTlMPLKTF. camping outfit, 7x7 Pyra mid tent, cooking utensils, covers, pil ows torch, 80-foot fish seine, campers' hand axe, etc. Want typewriter, cornet, Mctrola, or what havo you? Address 8. C, 1.'14, llee. 9 j uuiwa o. u. po, nee. rOHD ;lectiio band warmers, run off of magneto or batteries, new; Ford comu lulor and wiring, emergency light Want jox! or 3'4 casing, Vlctrola, or any t J ilng I can us... Address 8. O. 033. Bee. fiOALHTJOK, lightweight, two-passenger. in J 5 model , Just overhauled and fully equipped. Will swap for the best 191S modul motorcycle or motorcycle and aide car outfit I can get: but It must bo condition. Address H. C. 725. Bee. "AM BEROLA" Edison's new diamond point cabinet phonograph; this machine with assortment ot reoorda cost $60 three months ago; will swap for good No, 4 Underwood typewriter. Adores H. C. H3S, Bee. EDISON HOME, two and four-minute. same as new, rine large $200 mualo box ulth music, all In fine shape. Want motorcycle or good small car. Address H C. 929. Bee. I HAVE a C-passenger, 12-model Olds body and top. In. good condition, to trade for a set of tlrca slzo 34 by 4. Address H.C. M41Bee f!2 TWIN Indian motorcycle, clutch ma chine, to swap for furniture; must be in Omahu; lot mo hear from you right aws.y Address 8. C. M5, Bee. EDiSONlIome Phonograph ami 25 se lect Blue Amberol records; all good mu sic, for visible typewriter. Address S. C. WH, Bee. PAIR oflamb, wool-lined auto-driving gloves, Russian leather, brand new; coat $10. For' what havo you? a C. 32, jBeo. ST E VENS single-barrel shotgun and leather case, nearly new. Will trade for a revolver, Coll or Smith A Wesson, police model, 6-lnch barrol. 8. C. 6dl. Bee. ALL furnlturo in 45-room hotel; reason able rent on building; Houth Side; will exchange for real estate; value il.800. Address 8. C. 603. Bee. 4 REFLEX Inverted gas lamps, cost $2.75 . eacn. win irano inr a good revolver or anyining ican use. s. c. 662. Pee. GOOD farm team and heavy harness; will exchange for Ford car. Harry . uon, oeoiiH, ieu. CEMENT block machine, been uaed en one Job only. Will trade for furnlturo or rugs. . c. om. nee. BILLIARD table, home size: condition good; 3'sjx7. Will trade for anything I can uso. 8. C. M0. Bee. MOTORCYCLE, twin Exoelsior, first- tissa shape, to trade for Vlctrola or what have you? 8. C. 946, Bee. GOOD base burner, will trade for any thing 1 can use; prefer a Vlctrola. B. . rmn. rtee. 12 PLAY'ER piano rolls, will trade for overcoat, siso u, or also records. S. r. Mi4. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see the ' Automobile ' classifi cation. lilUii tirade piano, price, new, $4u0, to trade for roadster. A.aaresa 8. C. M7, Bee. $200 VlCTROIA. $400 piano, for suto or anything ot equal vaiue. a. wrt. Bee. TOOL box and mechsnlc's tools to trade What have youf Address H. c. 42, li I HAVE 46-horse power Oldsmohlle to trade for good rora. b. t:. :(. nee. WILL trade 2-cyllndr motorcycle, in No. 1 shape ror piuinoing. o. j. mo. BUSINESS CHANCES Office For REAL ESTATE or INSURANCE Same floor as Bee Office THE BEE BUILDING Office Room 103 BEST pyoitvirvty In Oroaha today of fered by live inanufttoturiiiaT concern with well-established, profitable busi ness. Must havo more capital to handle Increasing business. Permanent, lucra uva Doattion for the rLght man. If ria sired, but must come wll recommended and Invest not less than $&,000, which will be fully secured. A 716. care Bee, WANTED Shipping cleric and stock scan for position now open. Must Invest zi 600 to 12.000. whloh will bo fully se cured. Steady position and good aalary with uP-to-date concern aoing good Oust ness. Ketereuoea required. t 714 care Bee. STOCK For Bale Five aharea of the capital stock of tho PRAIK1U LIFE INSUR ANCE CO. J 7tf, Bee. TELEPHONE exchange for sale; good proposition. Address U. M. Btatler, mweee. Neb. OARAGE for rent. The Jonecek garase at Humphrey, Neb. New building, lust coiupleled; on the meridian; beat Watlon In town. Address Bog Sta, Humphrey. reo. PTCTURE shows, locations, leaaea. nt cainoa, repaura, aupyUeo aad aoaaaeoriaa bee us flraL OMAHA THEATER SUPPLY CO.. Halrd Bldg FOR SALE luiania children's aud la dies' furnishing store at David City, Neb., at a arvain; beet location in town; doing aa excellent business; want to rwtuw. Box No. I David i.ttv. Neb. BUSINESS CHANCES FUR 8AXja-6riIy hair rlreaaing. lauty parlora, lrwa town, 4.OJ0, prion WSO. JIM WllAY, SIOUX CUT. FOR 8AlJkOnly variety stock in east ern Nebraska town; owner has other Vjalnis that takes hla time. Address Y. ge. IW. FOR 8ALJ-V-Clan stork of ha mesa goods; business well established, good looation. iDquir) T. J. Kovar. dchuuy ler. Neb. ALL modern, steam heated. 4-room room ing house; 4 rooms rented. Very good location on South Bide. South FOR .SAl-K lo rooms, ij icily modern, nloely fumlsbed: rooms all full; lwTlni r4ty. Ked ftMn. jo H 9th Ft. SMALL grooery and lunch business with fixtures; building for rent, l'hone Col fax ItVK. or Colfax WANTEn Party with 11,000. third lnTer est In big business. O M, Bee. fHTEATERrt Buy. lease of sell "your the ater, machine ami supplies through Theater Ex. Co.. 1406 Farnam U. 1W, BFFICK for real estate or Insurance; seme floor as Bee office; 13x21 feet; ian. The Bee Bidg.. Oftioe Room intV RESTAURANT and eating bouse-'.or sa.rT Has good business. Address Box 417, Starling', Neb, TO-OET-ln-or out of bu.ineas call oi TO GET In or out of business call on QANOESTAl. 42 Bee Bldg. Pong. 3477. BAIXXJN. transient corner, proftlaoio hualneas; 2425 N Ht., 8. Omaha. S. . KB Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar gain, in established shows. D. 320. TO" SELL or buy u business. call ni Busch & Borgh lioff. Frenzer Blk. li. Ml. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. POSITION wanted by young man 23 years of age, with experience in grocery or general store; would consider any thing. Address W. II. Howes, IX) South 24th street. ilAN and wire wants Job on farm, by month, expei fenced farmer and stock man, no children, can give bent ot reference. Want work at once. Phono Red 64f8. SITUATION as assistant window trim mer, by novice with experience and taste. Willing;, to work to learn more. Oood references. Bert, 201 8. 24th 8U l'hone Don glas 7804. . MAN and wife want position In hotel as cooks; 2 daughters, as chambermaids or waitresses. John Rohnett, 'MX) Doug las Ht. Tel. Harney 4:m. ALL around pastry cook wishes work In city or out; reliable; no Doozer; xirai class references. Doug. 3447. Apt. 8, Bhelby Court. EXPERIENCED farm hand wants Job on farm, will work for small wages until March. Phono Tyier ztsww. no N. 24th St.- EXPERIENCED driver wants work driving truck or taxi, can drive any kind of a car. Phone Tyler :C"C.V! SITUATION wanted aa automobile washer or porter by colored niao. Call 1 yier zests. EXPERIENCED barber wishes a posi tion In or near Omaha. Phono Doug las 4713. EXPERIENCED stenographer desires po sition. Call D. 63M. Female. IF ANY ONE wants neat housekeeper, who is a good plain Cook, thoroughly competent to take full charge, call at 114 N. 1Mb or phone Douglas 6711. YOUNG lady with 8 ytars' experience de sires position as P. B. X. operator; can give best of ref. Doug. 3377. Ask for Edith. EX PERIEN0ED young lady wishes posi- tlon as saleslady in candy department; can give references. Call Doug. ,3377. MIDDLE- GD lady wishes work as practical nurse. , Mrs. llattlo itart. Wal. K. V A N TE D Position as housekeeper in private home In the city, or work by tne week. Tyler 204-w, WANTED A position as a piano player in a moving picture bouse, can Jiar- nev Sf). - ..... fEAT. reliable colored girl would like m.ltlon hi dost airl. Tel. Colfax 19&. POSITION wanted as housekeeper. Call in person, 83Q2 Ieavenwortn. EXPERIENCED chambermaid wants office work. Call littte. rted MAIO wishes general housework. Doug. Hiw. - COMPETENT colored lady want work. vcbster tvxm. GIRL wlxhes dust work. liar. 3067. Ask for EtheL . Lanadry and Day Work. EXPERIENCED laundry woman wants bundle washing: neat wont. vveo. uji. Laundry Work wanted. Call Ty. 2t98. PAY work of any kind, Web, 0926. Mary. WANTKl Bundle washing. Florence 323. BUNDLE washing cheap. Wehster 4307. Cleaning- and laundry work. Web ater 4745. HELP WANTED MALE . Stoves and Offices. WANTED Al once, goodstenographer; rapid on typewriter; pay. i. to io per week,' depending on ability. No ama teurs need apply. Call over Bell phone at our expense to A. A. Berry .Seed Co., C'nrlnda. la. SALESMAN, auto Salary and Com. Steno, R, R., out of town $70 Bteno, assistant to sales manager..... .$5 Steno and bookkeeper $40 WATTS RF.F. CO.. MS-to-42 Rrand. Tho. WAN TKi First-class drug clerk, ono who can give references from former employers. Sherman A McConuell Drug Co., liith and Dodge Sta. WANTED ror general store, an expe rienced clerk, young man preferred; one not afraid to work. H. A. Hen-drick-. Battle Creek, la. 8y l AM K PEUS IN tigUAKK HOLES. 0 una a poaicion ina xica you. CO-OPERATIVE REF. CO.. 115-1 CITY NAT. BANK BLDG. STENOGRAPHER $80.00 ILL CLERK (Good Penman) 46.00 thb CA1NO au miui, nee rung. Protrsslona and Trades, COMPETENT-printer wanted at once. Phone or come. Tho Observer, Logan, la. WANTED Moving picture operator. 171 Iavenworth. Lrug Store bUiaus. Jots. Knelst. Bee Bldg. Salessnea and Solicitors. SALESMAN WANfETT SALARY OR tX)MMISSION. WHICHEVER PREFEUtRED. We want two salesmen to handle strictly high class proposition In Ne braska territory. No matter what pres ent connection you now have, provided you can qualify as to Integrity and ability and are a producer, you can better yourself. State age and all possible Information In first letter. Address B Tl, Beo. "vVANTED-A good, steady. gentlemanly d a wagon In itT salesman to handle a Ward every county: no experience needed: you furnish team, wo furnish working capital; only ambitious men need reply. For full particulars w;lta promptly tu Minn. o W A NT ED Man who is acquainted with the clothing trade In Nebraska and Wyoming; to take a aide lino of raps on a ooinniiaslon basis. Address Y 231, Pee. Tradn Be heals. SAVE $25 XB OUR SPECIAL HOLIDAY OTTER. If you can t attend day sobool you can hold your Job and at the a me time get your automoblio education If you enroll lu the NIGHT CLASS OF NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILB SCHOOL. 24M4 LEAVENWORTH, BED 1110. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Men wanted to learn tho trade. Wo havo originated a plan to teach It quickly and earn back tuition while lavarumr. Tools Included. Opea to everyuua.' Write for catalogue. 110 So 14th St.. Omaha. Neb. GOOD MEN WANTED to learn auto work, for tho big spring rush. Fine training work on autos aad electric starting systeina. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. Omaha. Neb Wl Farnam Bt LEARN barber trade, nurt than make lour tuition while learning, iet of tools included. Job guaranteed. Call or write for catalogue. 14u3 I lodge TRI-C1TY BARBER COLLOIE. f HELP WANTED MALE Hiaerliaaeaaa. WANTED Ambitioua men with fore thought minus fearthourM who are deslous to connect with Trsfflc 1 apart ment ; give age. present employment, phone and house address. Correspon dence oonfidential. Addreaa B-702, Bee. ilr.. or, WJULid an railway mad clerks. Samplo examination questions free. Frank 'In Institute, Dept. 221 L, Rfclo-lr. N. Y. WANT kl NanHNi of ambitious men. 11 to 4fi. wishing to baronta Omaha mail carriers. Commence $67 month. Address Y m Pee. ArtVEF:T18 your property as thoUKh jrri believed its sale or'rental to be Mtiortant, by keeping It Hated In the PI lloue, Homo and -Real Katr C:lldeTHK BEE HELP WANTEn FEMALE Stores and Offices. BOOKKEEPER, expd St Pteno., small oflce, rapid advancem't 00 Cashier-Steno., prefer 25-30 yrs. of age W Hteno-tlerk, out of town S40-f 2 Stenos., very good positions 3-4) estern Reference At Bond Ana'n. Inc. , ibJ omaha Nat 1 Bank Bldg. iCaxhler WATTH Re'f'.' c6 CaYer . J 838-401-42 Brand. The. Profession and Trades. LEARN halrdreBlngat The Oppenhelni. llonsenuld and Uoruestlc. OLD Kentleman of W with one child of S years, wants housekeeper, between 40 and 60 years of age, with not more than one child. A respectable German woman preferred. Address 2204 Mon roe St., South Side. FREE. Ads for servant girls will be run S days free of charge for residents of Greater Omaha and Council Bluffs. Bring, send or phone your ad to TUB BEE office. Phone Tylftr 1000, OOOH girl wuiiied for housework. A home for some girl that is looking for one. Treatment Is tho best And the work is not hard. For full particulars Address K-7IH, care Bee. GOOD girl wanted for hoiuiework In the country. A good place for a deserving girl wishing good home and best cf treatment. Mrs. Emll L. Peterson, Ber trand, Neb. WANTED An experienced cook. Good wages. No washing. Call Harney M. between 1 and 3 o'clock Mrs. J. Dj Fareat Richard 104 H axth Ave WANTED 4 I rl for, general housework; no waening; small laiuily; white pre ferred, call U N. 20th St. "WANTED Competent maid for general nouseworx; good wages; references re imren. hi m. 4ist. Mar. -41. Sv'ANTEi5 Experienced girl for general hmiaewnrV no nn.talr. tunrlf , rt An quired. ii in. 4iai. liar. i4i IT VfKA ,W a ... i. . . WANTED Girl to nsslst with work and cars of small child house Phono WANTED White alii for housework. Small family. No washing. Good wages. uanmn preferred. ;iM Harney. Har. 7B. iV ANTED Girl for general housework. A. Laaerowlts, 613 North 19th St. WANTED First-class cook; white; 3806 jjurx. WANTED Good white girl for general nonaaworK. uona wages 3401 lievcy A v. 'WANTED Good 'cook, white preferred; rto washing. 20a Ca sa. Phone u. 4S14. WANTED Woman for upstairs work for half days. 1S12 Capitol Ave. EDUCATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS . SAVE MONEY ON COURSE. For sale, with good reasons for sell, tag. a variety of courses In a reliable Business Pohool, one of the leading busi ness colleges of Omaha. Will be sold very reasonable away below regular price. If you are considering taking a courso Investigate this at once, since Spring Term begins soon. Call office, Omaha Bee. DAY SCHOOU " BOYLE3 COLLEGE. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every day Is enrollment day. Book keeping, Shorthand, Stenotypy, Type writing, Telegraphy, Civil Service all Commercial and English branches. Cat alogue free. BOYLE3 COLLEGE, 18th and Harney Sta. ' Tel. Douglas 1565. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL STENOGRAPHY BOOKKEEPINO. Day School for Young Women. Evening School for Young Men and Women, . Saturday morning class In typewriting. Tone C. Puffy, Or ner aud Manager $08 8. l.h St Omaha. FOR sale, the following scholarships in a first-class Omaha Business Collates: One unlimited combination business and shorthand course. One unlimited stenographic course. One three-months' business or steno graphic course. Will bo sold at a discount at tho offlco of Tho Omaha Bee. NEW faces wanted on tho movies; $0 complete course raovio aeung, it. we secure permanent engagements. Tho Dramatic Correspondent, Hastings. Neb. SCHOOL OF MODERN LANGUAGES Class or private lesaons. Downtown studio. Phone Web. 6fc4. Faxton Blk. School of Lettering and Art Tuition $10 per month. Doug. 2157. PRIVATE Instruction in Gregg shorthand and touch typewriting. Walnut 2327. PERSONAL JMLEB. FISTULA CUBED. -Pr. E. K. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. U. R. TARRY. $40 Bee Bldg. $$,000 TO PBN8ION INVALIDS. The Ladles' Home Journal $1.64 The Saturday Evening Post $1.60 The Country Gentleman $100 6,0 subscriptions each month till April earns that $3,000 for Tho Inva lids' Pension Assn. Your order or re newal contributes 6oc. Urgent, 30 needed In February. Phone Douglas 71C3 or ad- drGORDON. THE MAGAZINE MAN. Omaha, Neb. HHEUMATISM. stomach, liver and kld ney trouble, goitre, nervouaneaa and asthma sufferers are successfully re stored to health by me. Examination free. .Call Suite 3XZ, Beo Bldg. DR. W. II. KNOLLENBERG, Chiropractor Tyler 1936. TOUNO women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to visit tbe Young Women's Christian association building at 17th Bt. and St. Mary's Ave . where they will bo directed to suitable board ing places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at tho Union Station. HEALTH INSURANCE) Our Health and Accident policies not only cover health and accident disability, but also QUAlw ANT1NE. You need it Why not now KILLY. ELLIS A THOMPSON, 1.3-14 City Nat l Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas M9. THE Salvation Army Industrial hums so licit your old clothing, furniture, mag azines. Wo collect.. We distribute. Phone Douglas 4L and our wagon will call. Call and inspect, our new homo, lU0-im-1114 Dodge St. HUN FRANCISCO IN8TITUTE. TOI bouth lain St., second floor. Hot tub batha, shower, genuine Swedish maa aage. chiropody, manicuring; graduates. Hours M a. m. to 14 p- nv PERSONAL Alice, If you want to see your mother alive, coma home Immedi ately. Her life despaired of u ideas she can aee you; wire your answer. O. F. uoniad. 101S Anbury avenue. Asbury Park. N. J. RHEUMATISM treated succeasfully, re sults guarant'd. Dr. Bowner. Ii4 Beo Bid j PERSONAL Kl T 1 T1 1 T If V Bucrasf ully treated Ul i UivL without a sinrlcal .M.tllnn rttll n, writ. Tra. tfraw A, Matheny. 1 Rea Bldg.. Omaha. S MIL8 ' IRA Y AND HEAD. Electric baths, chiropody treatment scientific maaaage. 21l)-2ir-714 Balrd B1K.. 17th and Douglas. D. ttfiS. MKI'ICATED vapor and modern Turkish baths for ladles and gentlemen: lady attendant for ladlea; Swedish massage, T1. Farnam Ft Toiig1as 34T7. I WILL not be responsible for any debts Contracted by my wife. Roxana Adam non after Feb. 2, ISlfi. Signed, N. Adam- 1 son. Personal Mlaeea Staples A Mason, batb, electric treatment. Open I a. m. ts) t p m. Doog. TH. S"l Brandela Th. VAPOR, TUB AND BPRAY BATH8. Edna La Bell. 709 S. 16th SU Id floor apt. D. 704. MISS WTT.SON. Baths, 1S02 Farnam St Room 2. Phone Douglas 751. M. BRUQMAN. Steam and shower batha. Rod 7727. Room 205, Karbnch Blk. - MRS. STEELE, Medicated baths. 1721 Dodgo St. COZY nitnicuring parlors, baths. Farnam. Apt 7. Doug. 7574. 1801 DR. A'. C STOKES has moved his offlco to474 Brandela. Theater Bldg. MISS- V EN ETA. maaxage and alcohol, nib. Office 109 So. 17th St. DRESSMAKING by the fliyl Work guaranteed. Webster 6IW8. SCIENTIFIC massage. 620 Bee Bdg. Phone Pouglas .rrs. MASSAGE Miss Webster, 61$ Paxton Blk. Douglas 3227. 1 FOR RENT-ROOMS fr'arnlshed Rooms. APARTMENTS. 4-r, 2oth and Capitol Ave., 1st floor, $27.60-32.60. 6-r.. Georgia, 1040 Georgia Ave., $37.60. PETERS TRUST CO., DOUG. 898, TWO furnished rooms, steam heated, well located, private bath; can Include kitchen; suitable fr man and wife or two young men; for rent Feb. 15. Har ney 1399. o HOTEL SANFORD. HOTEL ITARLET. 19th and Farnam. 0th and Farnam. Special Rates to Permanent Quests. NICELY fur. front parlor, suitable-for"! gents or man and wife; piano if desired. Phone Web. 5H71. 2438 Manderson Bt. Furnished front room for two ladles or ji married couple. Phone Web. 6970. 27TH ST., 43 8. One light housekeeping room, also sleeping rooms. Har. 4014. 24TH ST.. 4lb S. Well heated front room, nicely furnished. Tyler 1398. NICeTTy furnished room, close In; all modern. 631 B. 22d St. . . Hoasekeeptnaj Rooms. 35! NEWLY built place; have suite of housekeeping rooms left for deaireable couple. Harney Ryw. 1015 MASON Light housekeeping rooms and sleeping rooms, $2 up; close in. Ty- lor 730. Mason, 2917 Modern, well heated house keeping rooms: close to car. Harney 0012. ST. MARY'S AVE., 2.106Furnished rooms ror light housekeeping. S. 291h, 1119 5-r $1.50; basement. nt, H. 143$ Hoard and Rooms TWO or three-room suites. West st Farnam :lty; pleas- district; nothing to equal In city ant surroundings; east, north, south ex posure; splendid board; comfortable, cheery place for winter, ideal In sum mer: large yard and porch. 3303 Harney. WARM, COMFORTABLE ROOMS. Newly furnished, home privileges to the right parties. Wo serve good board. Call Webster '7172. JONES. 2424 Front room and board In private family: walking die. Doug. 8122, WORKING men or students; first-class table board. Doug. 2447. , FOR RENT APTS AND HOUSES FURNISHED. A psrtmesti, SIX-ROOM furnished apartment In ths Normandte. Park avenue and . Paclflo. Best street car service in the city. Phone D. 297. The Byron Reed Co. Ilouat-s. FURNISHED house, 4 rooms, modern, except heat, bath and furnace. Walking distance. FOR RENT-HOUSES Wost. $353003 DODGE An 8-room all modern home; well lo cated, and rent Is cheap. Corner lot. and but two blocks to Farnam car; half block to Turner park. Glover & Spain, Doujr. 3962. ' $14.00 FIVE-ROOM, modern except heat large lot; nicely decorated, fine condl tlon and clean; oak floors; electiio light, gas: fine concrete basement. Nlc garden spot and front lawn. Good party can have It lor $14 per mo. Phone Ben. 22. Trulllnger. FOR RENT. 1632 Harney St., mod. 10-room brick house. Hot water heat Inquire T. J. O'Brien. Tel. H. 1094; t. 111. Norm. NICE 6-room strictly modern bungalow. nancy to car line; goou neighborhood; key at 4131 Lafayetto Ave. Call Wal nut 907L A BUSY, busy door bell and a steady stream of replies after your bEEJ Want-Ad has told Us story. 3620 LINCOLN BLVD. U-room house, pinuuy niuucm, wilii out water noau Price $50. Douglas 1818. 1615 GRANT ST., 7-r. com., modern, $25. T. F. Hall, 433 Ramge Bldg. D. 7408. New mod, bung. 27 & Manderson. Col. 121. Bonta. I-BOOM home In Hanscom Park DUtrlot, 11S6 Georgia Ave., with garage; nicely decorated, excellent condition: tss HASTINGS A HEYDEN. 1614 Harney Bt 7 ROOMS, new, all modern. 211 8. 41st 8L pr.ttDuw v m i r. tn c ' i. 424 Oinaha National Bank Bldg. kilacellnneona. 623 8. 19th St., I-r., all mod. house, well arranged for renting rooms... $46.00 21.26 Wirt St, 6-r, mod. ex. heat... 16.00 3027 Manderson St.. 6-r., mod. ex cept heat 18. OS 2610 Bristol St., 6-r., part mod... 14' Dui N. 17th, 6-r., all mod. apt S6.60 RASP BROS., DOUG. 1863. f-R., downtown, colored, $12; I and J-r., lots garden ground, $4-$5. Tot Doug. Ilu7. Evenings Walnut 2687. 2410 CHARLES, 6 rooms, bath $i8 .00 fctiS Poi Pleton Ave., 6 r-r. and bath 17.01 JOHN N. FRENZER, DOUGLAS 654. HOUSES FOR RENT. CRE1GH, SON3 A CO.. SOI BEE BLbG. DOUG. 100. FOR R ENT-APTS ANDFLATS West. MODERN 7-r. apartment. Including beau, ttful east sun room. In west Farnam district for rent. Hsrney lto9. a DANDY four rooms; south front bay; walking distance. lViug. 2o4. " ' Norlk I-R. N. 21 S'i". cloao in; wal king "dit lance, mod. ex. heat; nicely decorated; , see this today, $-'J oU. HASTINGS A HEVDEN. 1814 Harney St Soatk. FlVK-HOOM steam heated spartmenu very dealrable. tho Chula Vista, SotBi and Poppleton Ave., Kl aa ta Bran els Theater Bldg. Doug. loTL HUrtllaaioai, WARM. COZY APARTMENT. Fine apartment of four rooms and bath, nicely decorated, oak finish, steam beat. Janitor servlc; every thing Tirst-ciass. bco it and you will take 1t. SCOTT A HILL CO.. I . v.m, ti.. -cairil, a.-.; hear post office. U. P. Stvbbina, lolo Chicago. , IS I