Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1916, Page 12, Image 12

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Corvrlght. lf1. International
N. Service.
Drawn for The Bee by Jimmy Swinnerton
... - . .
rr l . : !r ; ' i ,
"T T I I- ("BiT iThou&kt lou I f I
r T T 11 I To DuMi cfHjmJ MccaeariJ 1 ' VrTf V'Tl I
s,.Tvt7V . r -t x 7 -i tJUV jfctJN. ji? y r rN
(Promoter Say Fis&l Apeement for
Willtid-Moran Mtch Signed
Next Wednesday.
KBW YORK, Feb. 4.-Tx Rlckrd.
ho 1 promotlnn the Willr!-Morn bout
that U U Uk Ac hr March IT, saM
6y that Wlllard manater, Tom
Jones, would b here next week arxl the
final aareement for the contest would be
'olmed by all parties concerned at a
meeting Wednenday.
"I have not been apprised of Ihe exact
agreement arrived at In Chicago yester
lsy." said Rlrkard today, "but . I am
ttolii ahead with my efforts to find a
suitable place to stage the bout. I would
like to bring It otf at the Madison Square
Harden and am ready to meet any rea
sonable proposition by the management
of that place, rtegardtesu of price I have
rders on file now for twenty-three ring
aide boxes.I am sorry thst I could not
defer the meeting of Wlllard and Moran
until summer as I am sin then they
would attract lnoooo spectators with th
bout staged In the open air. I have de,
eided that the top price for the best
seats will be a each and I Intend making
reservations so as to protect visiting
sportsmen as well as locsl patrons from
peculators as far as it la possible to
! so.
. "I clinched thin match,' by positively
threatening to bring Moran and Plllon
together In this city for a pursa almost
as large as the one I am putting up for
Wlllard and Moran. Willard Is not com
ing east with Jones next' week. 'but. I will
Intlxt that' the champion . train In thtg
vicinity for at least three weeke prior to
starch 17. I understand Moran Is going
to begin training at Pur togs, but he,
too. must flnlh his preparatory work
somewhere adlsceti, to this city. The
Wn thcnr.-elverj w'll bav to agree on
lefercc ni I wl'l not -under' any clrcum-
sltancen agroe to off hint In that
I'sel'y." . ' ' ;
Joo Luxa Wants to ;
Shoot Gates for
the Combs Trophy
Joe Lsx of Columhus has challenged
I-eitter A. Oatea of Columbus to shoot fof
Ihe T. i.. Combs' trophy, which was won
recently by Gates from Harry Phllson
of Leigh. Neb. Gateg defeated Phtlson
ft to SJ.
I.uss, In his challenge, names Colum
bus as the place and rbruary 7 ai the
date of the shoot. He hts posted IS for
feit money ith Marshall Hharp of the
Townsend Qun company of Omaha. It Is
rxpected that Gates wilt accept the
Tinker Yants to
Buy Interest in
the Peoria Club
ClliaHO, f'eb. Joe Tinker, oian
avr of t!e Chicago Cues, ssld todny thnt
he wss anxious to become a part owner
tf the I'eoria club of the Three-I league.
i!e held a conference today with Mr.
Uysn. prcdlilent of tbe I'eorta club, and
after the minting expressed himself as
confident thnt he could make a pennant
winner for If the directora of
the club accept his proposition, which
was made at the moeting here last right.
Tinker ssld lie wss In a polton to send
fivt cla-.i ball players to the club.
Pitcher. Humphrey
Sold to Kansas City
CHICAGO, Feb.. . Bert Humphreys,
lor several years member of the Cht
iao Cubs' pitching staff, today was sold
to tM Ksnsas City club of the American
spKoriaUon, according to an announce
ment made by Chgrlea AVeeghmsn. pres
ident of the Cubs. The purchase price
was n announced.
Just an Earful
By Tad
The Iste Tim Hurst A one men who umpired that lie bsll players never
kidded. Tim wss umplng In Thlllle one time with the Athletics vs. Detroit. Hoc
Powers, a gabby backstop, was working for the home team that day and kept.
up a constant stream of chatter inout
balls and strikes.
Whether good or bad, he made
everyone a bear, according to his talk.
He went along, "Cherries off the tree!
Hero's'- pippin I Watermelon ripe, ehT
Pick that Juicy pear, kid! A peach, a
peacherlno!'" Hurst never gave him a
tumble, but called them as they looked
to him.
This went on for six Innings, when
there wss a tough guy at bat In a
tough place. Powers kept up his chatter
about the apples on the tree, etr. The
batter was there with three- balls and
two strikes, At the next ball Powers
yelled, "A strawberry, boy, a straw
berry!" Hurst called it a ball and the
batter walked.
Powers turned to Hurst and yelled.
"Are you gonna give them this game?"
Tim removed . his "Iron headgenr
also and, looking at Powers with a pitying glance, piped, "My boy, you
might be O. K. on a farm pIckThg the fruit, but from where. I stsnd your pick
ing of balla'and strikes Is rotten!"
Visiting Tiger Basket Ball Team
Trounced. Eighteen to '
- ' . - Fifteen. - ,.
Board of Directors of Omaha Ama
teur Base Ball Association Maps
Out Plan for the Year.
Department Store Team Piles Up Jess Willard Will Have Large
Count When It Once Gets Income Fighting Moran St
""Started. Patrick's Day.
Bellevue college basket ball five lost a
Tri-Clty league game to the Burgess
Nash team laat night, 33 to 16. The first
half was. almost uneventful, each team
caging three free throws. The depart
ment store men, however, got three
points from fouls In contrast to Belle
rue'a one, making the score at the end
of the perlbd to 7 In favor of the for
mer. The aecond half alerted sensationally.
Erwln tossed V bseket, tylnj the score,
and Allen followed suit, -pucclng the col
lege ;meh In the lead. The tldo turned In
their favor when Webb Jones, who did
the good work for his team, forged ahead
with three counts in a rbw.
The great and only Obie Meyer was
then substituted for Bauman and In the
last few minutes of the game he made
three free throws and three field goals.
The lineup:
Maxwell (c,)...R.F.
Allen L..K.
Plcotte C.
Erwln R.G.
Kacely .........L..G.
L.K Bsumann
R.F. Howard
C Finley
I..G Amber-son
R.U Jones
fcldaer ' !- IUce.
S1U.NEV. Neb. Ke(. 4 tKpeclal. -
Kiicy won trorn Alliance. H to 4, In a
Two weeks age Doaue college defeated
the University of Omsha team at Crete,
11 to . I ast evening the locals had their
Innings and returned the compliment with
a win by a almllar score. Tho contest
was one of the snappiest pulled eff on tho
college court this season and was replete
with sensational playing.
Pave for the first three minutes, Omaha
retained the lead by a narrow margin
throughout the first period. The visitors
tied the count several times, but lacked
the punch to make baskets when they
were most needed. The period ended H
to .
Doaae Fights Ytaoroasly.
On the restart Doane tried hard to come
back. The visitors took picks on Klepser,
University of Omaha right forward, and
while the stsr performer was able to ne
gotiate five double-decker the first half,
in the second period he was guarded so
close that he was unable to register a
Doane played with gn aggressiveness;
that kept the locals continually on their
metal. The visitors repeatedly displayed
flashes of form that rll but took the
Omahana oft their feet. Toward the close
of the contest Doane struck its stride, but
the rally was too late for a comeback.
Omaha V skswi Mettle.
Coach Kavan's disciples played an ex
ceptionally hard game. Although minus
the aervlcea of Captain Adams, who was
Vinable to perform because of a bad cbld
the locals put every ounce of their energy
In the battle, with the result of the fa
vorable outcome.
Bayer, at center for Doane, played one
of the niftiest games witnessed on the
college court this seamn. Bayer had lit
tle trouble in getting the ball at the tip
off, which he always directed into the
Hands of one of his guards or forwards.
Omaha found it impossible to break up
this combination, which waa responsible
for the larger number of Doane'a scores.
In the matter of recording the most bas
kets, Bayer also took first honors. - The
cenlen corralled three and added five
more tallies by free throws.
K.'tm.'iifls and Whltehouse were also
alile loaiers for the Cretans, the two.
with Bayer, making all the visitors'
' - Klr ladlTldaal Star.
Klepser waa the Individual star for the
Scarlet and Black, klepser made all
Omaha s baskets the first period, several
of which were of a sensational order.
F.iTet and (.each alo put up a star brand
of flipping. Out of eleven free throws.
t'inst succeeded In launching six.
' The gsme, while flint and snappy, waa
clean throughout. The lineup:
Substitutes: Meyers for Bsumann.
Goals from field: Finley, J; Meyers, 3;
Jones, Z; Howard. 1: Baumann: Amber
son; Allen, 4; ii-wln, I; Maxwell. Goals
from foul line: Howard, 3: Meyera. 1;
Allen, 2. Referee, Fatton of Nebraska.
Timer, Haskell. Scorer, Benjamin. Time
of halves, minutes. -
The board of directors of the Omaha
Amateur Base Ball association held the
first meeting of the year at the city hall
last night, elected officers for the en
suing year and mapped out a few ten
tative plans for the 191 campaign.
The old officer were all. re-elected.
Jake Isaacson waa re-elected president;
William B)osles, secretary, and F. B.
Hunter, treasurer.
The directors decided last night that
an arbitration board shall be appointed
this yesr to settle quarrels and disputes
which may occur. Last year-the board
of directors acted as an arbitration board.
but found this method faulty in that
most of the directors are presldenta of
the various leagues in the association
and therefore Inclined to be more or le
prejudiced in their views. It was de
cided that an arbitration board of fiv
or six disinterested psrties, men who
are in now way connected with the ama
teur association, be appointed and every
dispute, argument or 'quarrel be turned
over to this board. The directora will; as
In the past, conduct the business affairs
of the association.
residents of the varlotiif leagues were
urged to call meetings of their organi
sations as soon as possible. It 1 hoped
that a general meeting of the associa
tion can bs held within the next two or
three weeks as important chsnges are
advisable. The constitution, and many
rules must b altered fqr 181a and the dl
rectors are anxloua that the new working
constitution and rules be drafted as soon
aa possible.
Electric Railway Managers Say it is
Difficult to Get New Capital
for Extensions.
State School Money
Apportioned Among
' Nebraska Counties
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. 4.-(Speclal.)-The state
superintendent ha finished the distribu
tion of. the semi-annual school fund,
which this year amounta to $454,410.9!,
among the counties of the state.
Douglas county, - having the most
"kids," get the high sum of mi8d.;
Lancaster county comes second with 1-1.-
314.84; Custer county third with tll.30.6,
and Oago county fourth with $10,609.
Theae are the only counties whre the
thousand are marked by two flgurea.
Hooker draws the smallest sum, $IS1.TV.
Grant stands next with M-.3-
""l .v.m., J
fiv wss completely ou?
The Alliance
clsseed. The ball sa under the Hkln.y
l ack et most ' of the time, but scoring
wb prevented by the five-man defenee
displayed by Hdnev. At no time did
Alliance stand a chance. Sidney threw
fie field goals and four fouls to Alliance a
two field goala and two foula.
I-F Whltehouse
H.F Edmonds
' Hv.-r
KG Mtrkle
II U Conrad
Landis Will Rule
On Federal Base
Ball Suit Monday
CHICAGO. Feb., 4. Because the BalU-
. ... . . - M . - W- V.
more Federal ciuo wianea w " uw.
a motion made today to dismiss the suit
of the Federal league agalnat organised
baae ball waa set for hearing MoncTily,
The motion was offered In th Vulte-1
Ptatea distric t court by attorney repre
senting the defendants to the ult which
waa brought under the Sherman anil-
trust law.
Dismissal of the ult, which was filed
January IK 1911 waa one of the condl
tlona of the base ball peace by which
the Federal league went out of existence.
The Baltimore club ownere at tliat
time Indicated that the plan to put au
International league team In Baltimore
did not satisfy them.
Judve K. M. Indl directed tliat the
Baltimore club should be notified by tele
gram and be ready to present ' Its case.
Caea .S14i Jeffereon ....$ ,227
Cedar'., .i74 Johnson 4.1K2
Chase ........ 3.01 tl Kearney" 3.4!6
Cherry .12 Keith 1.77T
Cheyenne....' t 6fev Keya Paha .. 2.119
Clay i 6.&M! Kimhali 1
Colfax ....... 4 T! Knox S.17S
Cuming Mt Lancaster ... 21.314
Custer II a V Lincoln 6.KU
Dakota 2.'W Logan - !.19
Dawea ,. 3.o23j Ixiiid 1 3!2
Dawson I..V.. S,73i Mcpherson .. l.JnK
Adams $ Madison 7.414
Antelope .... .' Merrick ...... S.iv.7
Arthur .." tKl' Morrill 2.5tit
Banner 74i Nance 3,7X2,
Blaine. 1 f Nemaha S.V
Boone 6.44i, Nuckoila .... 6.
Box Butte.... J.T74 Otoe 7.1tt"
Boyd 4,046! Pawnee 4,14
Brown S.W4I Perkins 1.4T.7
Buffalo MW Hhelp 3.5S1
Burt 4. Mi! Pierce 4.5-i
Butler 57l Platte 7..W
Ieue Ml! Polk 4.117
IMxon B.OMi Red Willow.. 4.2.VI
Itodae 7,K!l Klchardaon ..
Dougls 3.mlRock 2.213
Hundv ....... S in! Kallne (.741
Fillmore .... 69i Harpv 3.119
Franklin .... 4.3M Sanndere .... 3,175
Frontier 4.S1J Knttsbluff .. 4.7W
Furnaa 4.R27 Reward Ml
Gage 1O.0W Sheridan S K-U
Garden S.tStl ftherman ..i. 4.0
Garfield 1.778! Poux !.
Gosper I.MT Htanton S.J4
Grant Mi Thayer 5.178
Greeley S.771' Thomaa -l
Hall .H:tl Thurston .'4
Hamilton .... 6.HMI Valley $.7
Harlan .V9il W ashington .
Hayea 1 7i' Wavne 4.4
Hitchcock ... I Webster 5,0
Holt s H i Whclor l.-t
Hooker ...... 41 Tork
Howard 4.77'2
:taignshrdli: '
... Total $464 410
CHICAGO, Feb. 4 Jess Willard, heavy
weight champion, will h paid at the
rate of $1,583.33 per minute for his ten
round fight with Frank Moran in New
Tor March 11. Willard signed an agree
ment toua" to meet Moran. The pro
moters who secured the bout, Tex Rlck-
ard and Bam McCracken of New Tork,
agreeing to pay the champion $47,000, win,
lose or draw. In addition to 61 per cent
of the movlng-plcture rights, he gets
money derived ' from advertising privi
leges. ' - , '
Mioran's activities In the New Tork
ring will be recompensed at the rate of
$fi6.87 a minute, as he will receive $30,000
from the promoters. These sums consti
tute the largeet purse ever offered for
a ten-round contest. The champion drove
i hard bargain.
.Joaes Oets Check. '(
Tom Jones, manager for Willard, was
given a check for $2,500 by Dave Lewln
sohn. representing Btcksrd and Mc
Cracken. According to the agreement.
$20,000 is to be deposited by the promoters
with Robert Vernon of New Tork, the
official stakeholder. February . and the
remaining $25,000 is to be paid Willard
twenty-four hours before the fight. It
also was stipulated that the referee must
be satisfactory to the title holder.
The question of a referee is expected
to come up at. a conference with the pro
moters next week in New York, at which
time other details of the match will be
aettled. -
Wlllard Delighted.
Willard expressed himself ss delighted
that the match had been arranged. He
has been doing light work at the Chicago
Athletic club here for some days. ' Jones
at once wired Walter Monahan at Los
Angeles to come here and take charge of
the champion's training program.
It was reported here that the price of
seats to the contest would range from $3
to $36.
Tom Jones tonight denied reports that
he had match Wlllard to fight Dillon In
April. He aald he declined to do so be
cause he thought the match would not
prove a popular one because of the dis
parity in bulk of the two men. Wlllard
is a giant, while Dillon Is much lighter
aad shorter. ,
Eagles of Lincoln
Open New Building
From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Feb. . (Special.) Over 450
Eagle.t. member of their families and
their frlenda gathered at the new build
ing of aerie No. 147 of Lincoln last night
and partook of a fine banquet act out by
the local lodge as a dedication feast to
their new building.
The building Is a beautiful edifice cost
ing $75,000. Besides the beautiful lodge
room with its anterooms, billiard room.
reading room end offices, there Is a nice
bancuet and ball room on the third floor
with a stage and upper balcony. The
lodge room la aituated on the second
floor, while th first floor Is used a an
automobile salesroom.
After the banquet Chief Justice of the
Supreme Court Morrlsacy waa introduced
a toaatmaater by Fire Commissioner W.
8. Ridgell. Spcecehes were made by
Charlea F. Nye. local president; John
Rorlg of the building company; A. D.
White of Beatrice, atate president; Henry
Rothols, Omaha, deputy grand preaident;
Frank K. Hering of Indiana, representing 1
i the grand lodge, and Governor Morchead,
who waa the gueat of honor of the even
ing. Mayor Bryan waa also present and
sroke and Judge J. B. Barnes of the su-
prenito court and W. F. Moran of Ne.
hraaka City were also called upon for
short addresses.
CHICAGO, Feb. 4. Alarmed at
the Increasing difficulty at getting
now capital for electric railway ex
tension and Improvements, as re
flected In a decrease of more than
36 per cent in the amount so in
vested during the last five years, as
compared to the previous five years,
tbe executives of the principal street
and interurban railway systems of
the United States, represented in the
American Electric Railway assocla
Hon, met here today to discuss means
for meeting the situation. It was
stated that 37,000 miles of electric
railways, with annual receipts of
n.ore than half aUHon dollars, were
'.Practically all of the utilities repre
sented are under the control of state or
city commissions, with powers to fix tlx
rates which the companies are allowed
tc charge. That the manner in which
this power has been exercised has had
much to do with bringing about the state
of financial affairs, waa the opinion of
practically all the speakers.
Fear Restrictive Lflshtto.
Colonel Timothy S. William, president
of the Brooklyn Rapid Transit system of
New York, said:
"The hesitating attitude of investors to-
srd public - utility- securities -has been
due not merely to the imposition of re
strictive and sometimes retaliatory legis
lation affecting returns In the shape of
Interest or dividend, but to doubt as to
the Integrity of the Investment itself.
owing to the uncertainty of valuation and
to fear that the power of valuation .for
rate purposes may be used to depreciate
tiie val io of property for governmental
Ask Practical Deleaatlon.
N. T. Guernsey of New York, general
counjcl for the American Telegraph ami
Telephone company, led the discussion
cn "Valuation," pleading for practical
lather than theoretical methods in de
termining for rate making and other pur
poses the value of public utility prop
erties. The association holds a dinner with the
American Klectric Manufacturers' ssso
ciation this evening, at which addresses
will be made by Senator Oscar W. Under
wood of Alabama, Thomaa Finlgan of
San Francisco, president of the Manu
facturers' association, and others.
HASTINGS, Neb.. -Feb. 4-(Special Tele
gram.) C. W. Chambers of Table Rock
won the slate checker championship In
the Nebrsska tournament today, wlnnlug
two names, losing one and drawing three
with L. T. Brooking of Funk in th
W. W. Branagan was third In the tour
ney. Peter O'Brien won first in th
minor tourney.
Hoar rlla tor Five Hundred.
YORK. Neb., Feb. 4. (Special.) "Bloe
mcndaal'a Big Chief" brought t'iO0 on the
block at the Cedar Bank farm Poland,
China hog sale last Monday. He wss
purchased for Back Brothers of Oxford
Junction. la. The Big Chief waa shipped
by express yesterday and wa weighed.
In by the express company at 1.010.
Giving Tip on Dipping;.
LINCOLN, Feb. 4. (Special.) State
Veterinarian Andereon will go to Alli
ance tomorrow to meet with representa
tives of the cattle industry In that part
of th state to take up methoda of cattle,
dipping In order to eradicate any chance
of the 'development "ofrscab in stock. it.
Verdict 1 Appro.
NK WYORK, ' Feb. 4. The board of
governors of the Amateur Athletio union,
by a mall vote, has approved the action
of the reglstrstlon committee In finding
Abel B. Klviat and Harry J. 8mith, New
York track athletes, guilty of profession
alism, It was announced tonight, ,
Last Call on Suits & Overcoats
Saturday we offer very rare bargains in our Clothing
Department. -
Suits and Overcoats of high-grade materials and
workmanship are cut to the bottom notch.
Our guarantee of satisfaction in fit and wear g04?s with
every garment. It is very much worth your while to see
these unusual values. 1
Every Suit and Overcoat including Maples and fan
cies are offered. Not a garment is reserved.
Suits and Overcoats, selling as high as
$22.50, now .....r.
Suits and Overcoats, selling as high as
$27.50, now '
Suits and Overcoats, selling as high as
$32.50, now "
Suits and Overcoats, selling as high as
$40.00, now
Alt Smtli lttk Btreot
I rui e
Biihatltutes: Reel for Garrienar. tien.
cer for WhUehouse. Field go In: Klep
ser ' to), Knm', h.amonOs. Whltehouse,
bsyer J. Free throve: Kinst c,
Bayer (J). Fouls committed: Omaha, 10:
oane, 11. Kefeiee: Kiewttt. Time-
keeper: Mulligan, dcorekeeper: eelby.
Time oi naive : zd minutes.
at Tfcla Oat It I Worth Hnr,
Uon't mis thla Cut out this alt. o
loa with la md mail to Foley at Co.,
Chicago, HI., writing your nam aad ad
dress clearly. Yea will receive la return
a tribl pckg aoatalnlng Foley" Honey
and Tar Compound, for lagripp aoughs,
colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills, for
lame bsrk, wtak kidneys, rheumatism,
bladder troubles, and Foley Cat h actio
Tkhl-ts, a wholesome and thoroughly
cicanrtng cathartic, for constipation, bll
inusnes, headache and sluggish bowels
B.'d every here. Advertisement,
Birdie (re stelraoed.
NEW TORK. Feb. 4.-F.lrdle Cree. th
veteran outfielder of the New York Amer
ican league chili, received at his own re-
ii.'t t-Mlaiy an unconditional relraw.
v ltd tr.e aceuuin or a few moot ha
Cree bad been with th local club
since A three-year oontract calling
foi a rw ad a&otner year to
Wrellea Match at Beatrice.
BEATRICE), Neb., Feb. . (Special.)
J. Mllholland. athletio instructor for the
Wesleyan university, and Jack Raymond
of thla city wrestled laat vning for an
hour to a draw In the armory under the
auspice of Company C. Both men put
up a fin exhibition. As a preliminary
Bryan Wood and Will Bitting, two
local boys, gave a wrestling exhibition.
the former timing la gUalght fall.
Fremoat ! feats B I off a.
FRF MONT. Neb., Feb. i,-Groisl.
Th Fremont High school baskrt ball
team rontlnued l' wlnn'ng streak by d--f
rutins Council ftluffa' five her Wednes
day afternoon, r remont has won aix out
of the seven gaim-a layetl. The local
lads eipecl to make a good ahowlng at
the stale tournament next niontb.
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. Feb. 4 -In a
report today to the Northern Union con
I ference of Seventh Pey Adwntlat. in
convention her. Pres'dent Charlea
Thompson of Minneapolis said that the.
North American division of th church
raised ili.&A4.i for foreign missions in
1914, or an aversg of IS io per member
(From a Staff Correapondent.)
LINCOLN, Feb. 4. (Special.) Manu
facturers of medicine which Is advertised
to. cure corns over night on the outside
of the package, and which admit on the
inside that three applications are neces
sary before reaulta can be secured, are .
to be nrosecuted by the pure food de
partment of the stste.
These cures are not cures." said Com
missioner Herman thla morning. "I am
retting tired of calling attention to
patent nedlcine manufacturer that they
are misbranding their atuff and from
now on I am going to prosecute right
and left If they don't com to time.
They hav had sufficient warning and
It 1 now up to them. Rome of them
ar trying to do th beat they can. , For
Instance. I received a letter from on
firm, who advertised It medicine aa a
cur, notifying m that It to changing
It labels and advertising fast as
they aatl gt t H
Apprsfs f Parrhaae.
CHICAGO. Feb. 4 President Mark-
tm . ik TUlitiiia Central rallroit t. an
nounced today that the directors of the
roed have approved the ourchtse c.f
tS.0rtO.i worth of new equipment, largely
for new locomotlvea and passenger care.
erd Tests rdev Way. 1
UN COT r, Feb. 4-Spclal -Tha food
rommlMlos 1 receiving sample of seed
of different kinds for th annual test and
will be very busy from now on making
the tests aa required by law. Po far
sreds tested appear to be in pretty good
AimlTOnlllM Cent
nvaa s wssswiwi (lM .,
t ... ' ""is . t ..