Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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Congressman from Fourth Nebraska
Makes Exhibit of Condi
tiom in Weit.
(From a Ftff Ocrreanondent
WASHINGTON. Feb. 1. (Special Tele
urarn.) Kepreeentatlve Ploan la receiving
endorsements from many localities In Ne
hraska favorable to his Mil proponing an
embargo on the shipment of munition
intll the grain congestion In the esetern
terminals be relieved. These endorse
ments are not alone confined to Ne
hraeka, but dealera In grain In other
slate are urging lerltlation to relieve
what la obviously a serlout situation
growing out of the car ahortage.
Western railroad tn reply ta n Inter
rogation, atata that car condition make
It impossible to move grain aa they would
The Union Pectne report 10,000 less
car On It line thsn It own.
The Burlington ha t.OrO. The Rock
Inland, while not ao many a either the
I'nlon Pacific or Burlington, ha large
number. On the Northweetern similar
condition obtalna. but the management I
hopeful of early relief.
Wires trim the West.
Among the many telegrams received by
Mr. Sloan the following tail the story
of storajro and contention in which car
moving I concerned.
The Western Elevator association of
western Nebraska, says Ha elevator I
rilled to capacity wr)h wheat and soft
com, which will not keep In case of
warm weather. The shortage of car
seems lo be getting worse.
General Manager O. W. Ifoldrsge of
the Burlington, Omaha, says: ' Our com
pany own necessary equipment to take
rare of preaent shipments, but there has
en a steady drain of car loaded With
grain for expert point. Were th car
are tied np and do not return. We have
at this time 1.000 less car on our lint
than w own and this shortage la grow
' . Walters, Omaha: "Oar ahortsga not
ureal. W expect normal conditions lat
ter part of week or ten day. Extreme
cold weather ha made movement slow."
J. W. Phorthlll, York. Neb., secretary
of the Nebraska Farmers' orsln TeI
era' association: Conditions approach
ing calamity. Munitions seem to have
preference over grain."
Klevater losapasilee Protest.
farmers' Grain and Hupply of ITIysaes,
Xeb.j 'Tha car shortage I getting de.
perate and many farmers think they
must move their grain In the month."
Farmers Grain and Co-operative com
any. Ooehner Elevator company, Ta
mora. Neb.: "Car shortage. Need car
Ax tell, Neb., report elevator full of
wheat and tort corn that should b
moved at net.
Charles War of th Union Pacific,
Omaha: "Ten thousand of our bos ear
In eastern territory. There la temporary
anonasa in grein section and corre-
ponding shortage of equipment of east
ern line to move grain from Mlseourl
river terminal elevators outbound. W
are making slight galna on our Kansas
and Nebraska grain order. "There ai
t.SSI more t'nlon Pn'lflo system car off
our rail than foreign cere on our line,"
Congressman Bloan will press for an
rarly hearing on hla bill now nerdlng be
fore the interstate and foreign commerce
committee. Congressman Reavla has ac
cepted an Invitation to deliver an add res
before the Herman-American club of
HaJtlmora on Lincoln'! birthday, Febru
ary 11. ,
(Continued from Page One.)
not look at him when they filed Into tiieir
The verdict read follows: "We. th
Jury duly impaneled and sworn In the
teas of (Kate against Kelly M. Smith, do
find tha said defendant guilty of murder
in the second degree."
Attorney Ritchie laat night aaid a mo
tion for a now trial would be filed, and
if it were overruled an appeal would bo
county Attorney. Magney tn Ms closing
argument to tha Jury mad a strong at
tack afatnst tha theory f the defense
that th shot which killed Mr. Campbell
In a, rooming bouse at 128 North Nine
teenth street wat fired by arldent while
ftmlth was strurcllng with Plley Camp
bell, th woman' husband.
Mr. Mtfney said Ironically: ftmlth ae
cidentally brought th revolver from Bt.
Iouls; accidentally took tha revolver to
the rooming house; accidentally took It
out Of hi pocket: accidentally pointed It
at -Mrs. C-impMI; ey"et,entelly put hit
fintjer en the trigeorj ti x accidentally
fired and -Vr. Campbell accidentally
M bat. gteite Asked.
The county attorney told thv jury h
lid not ink for the extreme penalty, but
trat the question of degree of homocld
should le left with It Judgment. .
' Argument made by Deputy County At
torney Piattl and A. P. P.ilclile, attorney
for. the defense, occupied the morning
teaeton of court.
' Piattl made a vigorous plea for con
lctkn of Smith.' declaring that tha only
ee-w!tnese to the shooting Of Mrs. Camp
bell sgred In testifying that Smith aht
hrr prior le tbe atruegle which ha had
with Itiley Campbell, the woman' bus-
luind: '
P.iUhie ftemsnded the acquittal of Smith
on th ground that the state had failed to
prove htyond doubt that Ma revolver
es -not dlsrhsrged by accident while
de wea atrugfllng with Campbell, aa he
Attwraey riaie asaell.
Tlie attorney flayed Campbell, husband
f the dead woman. In scsihlng language
rid derlarid that the county attorney'
i 'flic was prosecuting an Innocent tnan.
He declsrrd no motive had been shown
by the stste which would cause Smith
to desire to bill Mra. Campbell.
"Mr. France Campbell In her drath-
11 statement aaid: 'I did not see the
gun before the shot.' That was a mighty
pe e of evidence standing In tha way
of a conviction ef this man. It bear out
hi assertion that Campbell wa In front
jf him snd was choking him when tht
shot wa fired."
To rreveat tbe Crip,
CoMs causa grlu-LaxatHo Krome
Qttr.tne tomovee the cause. There la
oil- one "K;orao Quinine.' E. XV. Grove's
signature on boa. tic. Advertisement.
Advertlaera and customrrs profit by tha
"i lts-t'lcd Ad" habit.
Yes but Not in Their Neighborhood
. u Li m v 5 i""i
t M m a II 7 U
(Continued from Pegs Ons.)
Fry shall be ready to tako cars of their
own government."
Tha crowd roared approval.
"Tou have either got to get the men
of thla nation ready to withstand th first
onslaught or you har got to be ready to
uffer from th first disaster."
When tha president aaid he ws only
asking for a trained cltlsanshlp, he-wee
cheered.. Ha said he did not want to
command a great army, but to command
tha support ot confidence of hi fellow
"Th plan now before congress are
niertly plan to aave tha live of Amer
ican youth," he aaid.
"And those plana wtll go through,
tsrr Needs Fiaperls.
"Tha modern fighting ehln, submarine
every Instrument ot modern warfare
must be bandied by expert. All w are
asking for now Is a sufficient number of
expert and a sufficient number of ves
1. There la no better tervk In th
world than th service of the United
Btates navy. But tha navy must have
more ship snd we' are going to give th
navy tha ahlpa It neJs. We must have
a program and then Ur.k to It. Tho nary
ha a great task. No other navy ha such
a task.
"W ought to hava tha greatest navy
in the world." he declared, amid great
applause, lie explained that tha coast
line of the United State was so long
that many hlps war needed.
home of th newspaper editor who op
posed preparedness, the president said,
should see th crowd before him.
"They would be convinced." he aaid.
that what they y would not deoelv
For, every day I bave been away from
Waehlnrton. I have had Juat this feeling.
Tha country la up; there Is no man wh
I not awake, who does not realise what
the situation la and what wa ahould do
to meet tho situation."
Mates, for Velee of People.
Th president amphatelaUy reiterated
ho believed that th UnlUd State waa
Ith him. .It said th living room of
tha White House do not faoa toward
th cjt of Washington, but toward Vlr
glnla and the open spaces.
"That U whwr I listen for th volo
f America." he declared.
"I think I bare heard that vole say
that w must lot no , on Invade th
right of America."
Heart f Coaatrr a..
Th heart of thla country, th president
said, la sound and la made up of princi
ples of human sympathy which iitovs all
men "when not Interested witn ut poli
cies of groups of men and the Impulses
of lho who do not represent the peopl
"I do not believe the world haa ever
witnessed a cae where one people de
sired to make war on another people,"
(ltd the president. "
"I believe the aocurlty of America rests
n the fsct that no man I master of
We respect other nation. W do not
dalm anything fur 'ourselves which thvy
would not under like circumstances claim
tor themselves. Every statement of
right w have made la grounded upon
th utterances of their own publto men."
Tha president declared that If America
w ere en gaged In a ternuia war he knew
he would bo tneltned to aweep aside the
miner impediments . of the ordinary
transactions of government and not be
punctilious a to th manner of fighting
for Itfo.
"The fortunate circumstance for Amer-K-s.
my fellow countrymen. Is thst It I
desires nothing but a free field and no '
Our security la In th purity of our
heme Kill tare Igaeraat.
"I do not wish to say anything dis
respectful about any newspaper, but It
is astonishing how little some newspaper
editor know. I would Ilka some of them
to giro a candid expression of th im
pression that tbey have cot from what
has happened since I left xashington.
Tbey probably will give It tneir own
interpretation and they won't deceive
"The vole of America I very etl!I, but
a very powerful vole.
"Thee are days of Inflnlt prejudice
nd passion because they are days of
war. It ta aaid by aa old maxim that In
time of war the law le silent. It is also
true, that amidst 'wrtr th Judgment Is
silent .
"No man ought to y to any executive
body: 'You must take my plan or none
at all.' That la atupidily. but wa have
tha right to insist that we will get th
essential thing. That is th principle,
th ayatem by which we can get a trained
clttsenshlp, so that if It become neces
sary to defend th nation the first lln
of defenee on land will be mora adequate
and an intelligent line of defense. I say
on land bocauso America, apparently ha
never been Jealous of armed force If
they ar only at ea.
"And America also know that you
can't aend volunteers to sea unless you
want to send them to tha bottom, too.
Task ( Navy Croat.
"Do you real! th task of the navy?
Have you ever let your imagination dwelt
upon th enormous stretch of octet from
tha canal to Alaska, from th canal te
th northern coast of Main? There I
no other navy in the world that ha to
cover o great an area, an area of de
fense, at th American navy.
"And It ought in my Judgment to b
Incomparably the greatest navy in th
world, but a I say, you have never been
Jealous of armed force at sea. Tou have
been Jeatoua of tho armed force on land,
and I must say that I ahara wlttb you
the Jealousy of a great military tab
llshment. But I have never shared any
prejudice against pt'ttlng arm In th
hand of trained cltixons, whose Interest
is to defend their hornet and their secur
ity, and not to serve any political purpose
"There la no politic in national defense,
ladles and gentlemen. I would b sorry
to see -men of different parties differ
about anything, about th detail of thla
great question, and I do not find any
essential difference.
"Home men do not ee anything; torn
men look right straight Into the face of
facta and sea nothing but atmospheric
air. Pome men are so hopelessly and con
tentedly provincial that they can't see th
rest of th world. But they don't con
stitute a larg or Influential minority
Th president ended his speech amidst
applause. The band played "America,"
All stood up and sang. '
MITCHELL S. T., Feb. JWSpeolal
Telegram.) The city of Mitchell hat
again wea In Its fight to collect,
representing a 10 per cent ebarg on th
gross taming ef th Dakota Central Tel
aphona company In Mitchell for th year
enOlsg May St. J81L
Th decision affirms tha Judgment of
Judge Frank B. Smith In Pavtsom oounty
circuit court and la th result of a de
cision Juat handed down by the state su
preme court
The suit originated la 9ll when th cor
poration refused to pay tha above turn
taxed on grots earnings. Imposed by an
ordinance ot the city.
NEW TOrtK. Feb. . 1 -Frederick
Schlelndt formerly a clerk in th City
National bank, convicted of telling- oon-
ridentUl lu formation regarding tha ship
ment of munitions to th entente allies,
was today sentenced to th penitentiary
for an Indeterminate term. Schlelndt waa
accused of furnishing th bank' privat
telegrams and other documents to Paul
Xoenlg, the reputed head of th German
secret service In thla city. ,
PORCM. Okl., Feb. 3. Three men wer
drowned at the waterworks lake her last
night while they wer trying to rescue
Mire r'tclla Anderson, one of a skating
party, who went through the Ice, Th
The boil lis wore recovered.
NEW TORK, Feb. i.-The annua re
port of the Republic Iron and Steei com
pany for the year ending December a.
1915. whit h waa mad ) public today, ahowt
total profits of Ij.bS.KO. This represent
au Increase over 114 of I3.115.SS7. Th
net profit ar given a H.SM.T23, an In
crease of H.510,6i over the preceding
year. ,
test Lifts Kasbarajw.
BALTIMORE, Md.. b. f.-The Penn
sylvania, which thro week ago lifted
Ha embargo on grain exports through
Baltimore, haa Issued a new embargo on
all graiu exports through this port, ef
fective today. Ftelg ht congestion it given
tt tht reason.
Notable Artillery
Activity Reported
On Western Front
FERUX, Tab. .-Vla lonrton.-No-table
artillery activity by both aldea
along th Franco-Belgian front Is re
ported by German army headquarter in
today's official statement. The allied ar
tillery fire has been particularly heavy
In the vicinity of Neuville. where the
Germna recently made a considerable
gain Of ground. English mine erator
In the vicinity of Hulloch were occu
pied by German troops. Th text of the
statement follow:
"Western theatr: The nemy artillery
haa vigorously replied to th shelling by
our artillery of enemy position over a
wide front.
"Northwest of Hulloch we occupied
two Crater caused by the explosion of
British mines before our front.
"In the region of Neuville the enemy
Inrrnssed Its artillery fir until during
the afternoon It assumed great activity.
Along other parts of th front lively ar
tillery activity developed.
"In the Argonno hand-grenat fight
"In the region of Peronne our airmen
shot down two aeroplanes, one English
and on French. Three of th occupants
were killed and the French observation
offloer waa seriously Injured.
"Eastern and Balkan theater: Th sit
uation la unchanged."
LONDON. Feb. I The following Brit
ish official statement ha been Isused re
garding the operations on th western
fr nt:
"One of our patrsl last night after
shooting a hostile sentry, threw hand
grenades Into hostile trenches established
st th northern end of Frixe.
"At about 11:39 o'clock this morning th
enemy attempted a surpiia attaok
agslnst our trenches near Tpre on th
Pllkelm road. Th attack wa not pre
ceded by an artillery bombardment and
was easily repulsed by our fir.
TAnid. Fb. I. (Via London.) Th fol
lowing statement was given out at th
war office tht afternoon:
"Th night waa calm and there I noth
ing of Importance to report Shortly after
midday yeaterday following a spirited
bombardment th German launched an
atack agalntt our position in th Boil
Des Buttes, north of th Alan in th re
gion of th village of Bols."
Heir to Turk Throne
Assassinated by a
Member of His Suite
PARIS, Feb. J. "Tussef Ittedin, what
ever may be said, was assassinated by
hit autte. by order of the committee of
union and progress." said Cherlf Pasha,
who with Prince Sabah Edtn. directs th
personal movement of the Turkish oppo-
sltlon, to a reporter for th Matin. "Lat
terly Yussof had revolted against the dic
tatorship of tha Young Turks. He be
came dangeroui and he haa been re
moved. Ills successor. Vahld Edln. It
even more hostile to the Young Turks
thsn was Yutsof.
"I should not Ilk to make a prediction
regarding th length of hit life," aaid
Cherlf Paaha In conclusion.
A dispatch front Constantinople to Reu
tcrt Telegram company, dated February
3, announced the report that Yussof
Issedtn, heir apparent to th Turklau
throne, had committed suicide. Later de
tails supplied from th same source said
that th prince took hi life by opening
a vein In his left arm, that a statement
declaring that ha had met bit death by
suicide wtt signed by all th principal
doctors In Constantinople, and that th
prince wa buried at Stamboul on the
day following hit death.
Yussof Ixsedln, who wss born In Con
stantinople October 9, 1'iT, was a first
cousin of tha present sultan.. Vahid Edln,
who 1 mentioned as tha new heir ap
parent, waa born In Constantinople Jan
uary 12, 1MI, and la tb brother, of the
present aultan.
Accused of Theft
Of Valuable Gems
LOS ANGELES. OaL. Fwb. 1. -Ad vises
received bar from 81 Paul. Minn., tail
ing of the arreat of a man and a woman
whoaa naine wer not given, revealed
today tha theft from Mr. Cletfta Baldwin
8 tocher ef a necklaoa reported to be
worth between $36,000 and ITS. 008. Mra.
Btocker la a daughter ot the lata E. J.
(Lucky) Baldwin, a noted turfman, and
inherited hi tt0.000.0M aetata.
Polio Detective Bruoe Boyd and H. V.
Hatter, superintendent of a local privat
agency, hava been in M. Paul eevwraj
BT. PAUL, Minn.. Tab. - A profes
sional automobile race driver and a
woman companion, alleged ta hava stolen
jewelry and money totalling front
a Lot Angelet woman, according to re
ports here, ar tn St. Louis today an
route to California under esoort of two
detective from a privat ageney.
Th race driver and his companion,
with their escort, departed from St. Paul
last night after several days ot maneu
vwrlag by tha detectives. No arrest was
roeorded in th cat.
Hotel attache stated that an agreement
had been reached by which tha jewelry
waa to be returned to the woman front
whom It waa stolen.
SAN FRANCISCO. rb. t-Mra. Stock,
r's necklace haa been recovered, aceordi
Ing to Oavla McNab, bar attorney her.
British Freighter
Sinks in Atlantic
LONDON. Feb. a-ReporU ef th sink
ing In mid-Atlantic of the British
freighter Chaeehlll, from New Tork.
January It, for Havre, with a cargo ot
supplies for th Frenoh government.
were confirmed today. Th Chaeehlll
foundered January IS. Its crew was
rescued by the Spanish aleamshlp Mar
Adriatico, which arrived at Gibraltar on
February !
Vataa C atef D4.
BOSTON. Feb. (.George E. Williams,
ecretarv and treasurer of th Strreo-
typere and elect ruiypers i nion or itorth
America sine l&d, died tvday at hit heme
rere, agea 71.
committee of the American Jewish relief
rcmmltt, at a meetlna; today reported
tnai j..iaw nua seen pibdsea lit tbe cant'
plgn to raise funds In thla city.
Da as a Meats Fbrwarr IS.
PETROGRAD vts London). Feb. 1
The Novo Vremyw says It has loarned
from a n-ltahla source that th Duma will
assemble February is.
Ea-Preasler at ire oDead.
LONDOV. Feb. 1-The death of former
Premier alevronitchalia of Grwece is an
nounced tn a tdapatrh to the Fxchance
Telegraph company from Athens.
British War Office
Denies Air Raid
Story from Berlin
LONnON, Feb. .-Th wsr office last
night Issued the following statement with
reference to th Zeppelin raid on Eng
land: "The utterly In accurst report In the
Berlin official telegram of rebruary 1.
which purported to describe the effect of
the air raid on the night of January 31,
affords further proof of tha fact that
th raiders were quite unable to ascer
tain their position or snape their course
with any degree of certainty
"A number of cases of injury, mostly
slight have been reported since t!ie
previous figures were issued, and ther
have been two or three more death. The
fururea now stand as follows:
"Killed: Men, 83; women, V; children,
; total. U.
"Injured: Men, El; women, M; children,
total. 101. making the totala of killed
and Injured: Men, M; women, W; chil
dren, S, a total of 190.
"A church and congregational chapel
were badly damajred and a pariah room
waa wrecked. Fourteen bouse were de
molished and a great number damaged
less seriously. Some damage, not very !
serious, wa caused to railroad property
J In two places. Only two factories, neither
being of any Importance, and a brewery
were badly damaged, and two or thro
other factories were damaged slightly.
'Tha total number of bombs discovered
up to th present exceed 300. Many of
them fell in rural places, where no dam
age was caused."
Donn Roberts and
Fellow Defendants
Have Lost Appeal
CHICAGO, rb, .-Th cenvlctlon of
Donn M. Roberts, former mayor of Terr
Haute, Ind., and ten other found guilty
with him ot election frauds, wer sus
tained by tht United State court of ap
yea Is here todsy.
In the Terr Haute, Ind., election scan
dal lli men wer arrested, charged with
violating the election law in tbe Novem
ber election in 1914. Eighty-three pleaded
guilty, five not guilty and twenty-seven,
including th eleven ruled on today,
filed demurrer which were overruled by
the lower court.
Twenty-seven defendants wer found
guilty and sentenced to the federal prison
at Leavenworth, Kan.
Appeal from the judgment of the lower
court waa made by Donn M. Roberta,
Alexander Aoael, William Crockett,
Ueerga Ehrenhardt, John E. Oreen,
Charles Houghton, Harry Montgomery,
Hilton Redman, Ell H. Redman, Elmer
Talbot and Lewis Nunley.
British Ship Belle
of France is Sunk
LONDON. Feb. . The British teem-
shlp Bell ef France haa been sank. Th
European In Ita crew and 210 Lascars
wer landed. Nineteen Laacart are ralsa-
Tha Bell of Franc was last reported
tt Karachi, a port of India, on Itt ar
rival there from Port Said on December"
SI Its grots tonnate waa !.?. It waa
! feet long, of a fret beam and was
built tt Sunderland. England, In 1902 for
th Bell Steamship agency, limited, of
Liverpool. '
DartaaeBt Orders. '
WASHINGTON. Feb. HffirxxMiil Tata.
gram.) Iowa rural letter carriers ap
pointed: Kensett. Andrew O. A u as tan ;
iMspleton. otto F. Owens: Montrose.
Thomas P. Knotts.
civil service examlnstlon Will be held
on March U for postmaster at Talnor.
Wyoming Discontinued. Mllll. Uinta
county: mall to Evaneton. South Past
City. Fremont county; mall to Atlantic
Mr. Venl-And-CuMt
-Ilcre'sMr. 'Gets-It'
The New nan Com Cure Tbat'a as
Sure aa the Kiting Kun.
"Glad to meat you'" says the rasor
to th oorn. I'll bleed for you!' eeyt
tb oorn to tbe rasor. Raaora and corn
love each other. Corns love to b cut,
Why, A Way. Did T De Itt Kieta-It
fev Me After This It I Live!"
iMcked. gouged, salved, plaatered and
erked out they grow faster. Mr. and
..Irs. Went-and-Oit-It realise It now
they use 'YleU-It" Instead It'a tha won
derful, almple cor-cure that never falls.
ftopa pain. Tou apply It In I eeoonds.
it ones at once, the com ta doomeo.
Nothing to stick to the Blockings or press
on the corn. It meana good-night to
plasters, stives. dlRgera. rasore and toe
bundling You can wear entailer ahoea
Tour corns will come rinht off. "clean
aa a whistle." Never Inflames healthy
flesh. The world's blrsest selling- com
pure. "t-ts-!t" Is sold bv drucalats
everywhere. 26c a bottle, or aent direct
by E. Lawrence ft Co.. Chicago, III. Bold
In Omaha and rerommeuded aa the
world's best com remedy hy Sherman at
McCownell Dnie Co. stores.
Concert Dansant
FROM 10:30 P. M.
Monday, Friday and Ratwrday
Augmented Orchestra
arorUi Brothers SVeek Oo.
W B I Est) I WFR 999
.Ho Fashion CbnlerorBieMiddleWesK
bfoUifJied I886t
New Wool Challies
For Spring Wear
We have just received
an extensive assortment of
New Spring Challies in
neat stripes and figures
both light and dark colors.
The best showing
we have ever made.
Boudoir Caps
Dainty creations of Crpe de
Chine, Lace and Ribbon, In
pink, bine and white, BOc, A5c,
Third Floor.
s c c
H' t L
Li 1
Al E
Phons Douglas 2S2
Wi Sinn Appreciate Tour tsslnes
We Plact? On1 Sale,
Men's and Boys' Hats & Caps
All the Boys' Furnishings
All the Men's
KM6-PECK 6137,000 Stock
We Will Alto Offer Choice of All
at Three
Sensational Sacrifice of Men's
lHk aaC Karaey.
11, 130, ll0, 3, 4,80, gltO, T.
130, tl0.
rAVuara rmsoxaucx ta
oau.xas irar omm.
Xtaily Hata., 15-tS-S0e
veajra it aa OO.Tfte
au Hew. AU rreen. Jul original
Vaudeville Includss the Tenvpla Quartet:
Norton a Noble. The eurprlaa show of
the season. Beauty chorus of Ameri
can Maids. The R'd. White Bius ho
Ladles' ime Matinee Week Saye.
at. Nile a W. : Marioa ss "Snufly."
bl'X., MON.
Tea eeueeara awi wwsser
''Nobody Homo0
Wits, Lawreaoa Orossalta and AU
aar Oast.
Wlg-ata. Ma, gl Mi. Tn v. Mat, tie, gl.
ni siaT or TAmwraiM
SMUy Matt too, tat. Svary aTlgrat.
IJhOWiTltR. Kerry Him. AiUiu m a Mu
lu Heme. Tb ' eWktweaia, oisa Ceek. Tkiee
NetaUie bleu re, Ursoeea Tiem Weekls. rtloee:
SUUleee. aelierr. tee: beet seats (eee4 geluroer
ea4 tuaeatl. see. Nlsaia. tea, SH. sue. sat Jee.
aad lit.
Mz. aad Mia. Oobara rvaeaat
1 Metiaea, gte to gl. avag., aoe to gt.M,
Women's Gowns
of Finer Quality
Crepe de Chine Gowns,
white and pink trimmed
with lace and very attrac
tive, $7, $8 and $8.75.
Fancy Slip Over Gowns
of fine nainsook and or
gandie, with medallions
and lace trimmings, short
sleeves. Priced $3.50,
$4.50, $5, $6 and more.
Unrierinusltna Third Floor.
Hill MM
Prk ; i. VX Vis
Clearance Sale
or Mil's, wotrxjra Asro .
Disinfectants v
Don't pay hlKli price for phenol anl
cresol disinfectants, when you can get
the beet, LBK'S DIP. In ooncent rated
form at tl.25 per gallon caji. 15.00 pr
5 -gall on can. Dilution 1 to 71. One jallon
dip makes 72 gallons disinfectant. GEO.
H. LEE CO.. Omaha, Neb.
Fine Shoes
Small Prices
Boys' CIo.,Etc
yxon xotiaiAgt m.
gUnglag aad Saaolag. 1
A meal Wire Hovelty. .
Karmoaloaa Oonadlaas aad gangers.
Comedy MnatoaL ( .
yOTo rx.AT
SJTOstCOsra. roar steel Comedy.
leUthtkUMl MO. 9.
eeerved Seats lOe Bvtra. 1
OoanlBg Ion,, M Bptsodo Mary rare.
1 P. L TX 11.
Florence Reed
Nov York
from A. K. Woods F anions Broad,
way Bucceaa, with A 1 -tit at Ctmt.
X)RItKST W1XAXT. JESSIE A Gold Kooater PUy n
5 parts.
Let ((aty Do lts
SAM BEKXAHD In Tha Great PaAii
Turpln's School of Dancing
Twaoty-elghth A rarnam. Mew Classes.
Llet your name noa. Private i,nn,
tiro , KABBCT Uii.