Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 04, 1916, Image 1
Omaha Daily Bee UHI AWAY fr' ROM HOME IF THE WEATHER. Snow The Bee is the Paper H yon tit fori if yo ptao to to abaeat mora Ihtg few Saya, nave The Baa neile ta 70m. fL OMAHA, FRIDAY MOllXTNtt, FEBRUARY 4, 1016 TWELVE" PA(JES. VOL. XLV NO. 108. On Trains, at Hotel Mtwi Stands, ate Bo, SINGLE COPY TWO CENTS. HARD .COAL CHIEFS REJECT DEMANDS OF THEIRWORKHEN Anthracite Operators Refute to Grant Increase in Wages and Shorter Honrs Asked : by Men. THEY They . SUGGEST ARBITRATION Declare Can't Afford Pay Toilers Any More. to WOULD COME ON THE PUBLIC v NEW YORK, Feb. 3. The an- ractte coal operators rejected here today the demands of their miners lor a 30 per cent increase in wages, complete recognition or the United Mine Workers of America, a two year working agreement, an eight hour day and changes in the meth ods of fixing wages. The operators propose that if the differences cannot be settled by the interested parties themselves they b submitted to the board of concilia tion provided for in the award of the Anthracite Coal Strike commis n'on of 1902. The miners' demands were formulated last September at Wilkesbarre, Pa., and were ratified last week by the United Mine Work ers' convention at Indianapolis. In reply to their employes. signed by the heads of nineteen anthracite com psnies and approved fct their meeting to day. If Is stated that to grant the wane Increase would, mean an advance to the consumer of Co cents a ton for domestic slues of anthracite. The operator de clare that the anthracite Industry Is be conducted "on n low a margin of rofit as Is possible, if the operators are to continue to serve the public. The demand for recognition of the United Mine Workers Is declared unrea (enable, as it would "subject the anthra cite region to the politics of an orgasrfta- tlon absolutely controlled from the out Hide. The operators point out that a majority, of the members of the United Mine Workers are employed In the bitu minous coal fields. They hold - "the rights of organised labor are fully pro tected by the open shop principle estab lished by tbe commission." Arguments Begin in Mohr Murder, Case PROVIDENCE, R. Feb. I. Tho pre ..aentatlon of all the evidence in the trial w jarv. 4pii.wiii v. mow, vwu 01V"H and Hsnry II. Spellman, charged with th murder of Dr. C. Franklin tohr. was conuluded at the forenoon session of the superior eourt here today. It is ezpeoted that the. case will reach the Jury some time tomorrow. - Th greater part of the session was oo- cupled by the prosecution in, seeking to irefute parts' of the testimony offered dur ing the last week by the defense. A wit ness called in twhalf of the two negroes had testified that one of the bullets which struck tr. Mohr catered his chest.' The state today put on . a physician who stated that both bullets entered the back. Tbe state also sought to rebut the theory that the assault on Dr. Mohr was for the urpose of robbery. Arguments, for. the defense were then begun,' William H. I-ewls spesr&ing first in lehalf of Brown. Disabled Zeppelin Afloat in North Sea IjONDO.V. Feb. 3.- 1 fishing trawler re ported today to the r.rval authorities that It had ecn a German Zeppelin in the North Sea In ft sinking condition, It was stated In an official announcement given out this evening. - A Reuter dispatch from Amsterdam yes terday reported that the coast guard on the Putch Island of Ameland In the North ea sighted a Zeppelin which was flying lew, probably having lost Its bearings In the fog. The Zeppelin was bombarded by the guards, it was adiicd, more than fifty shots being fired at it, some of which it , was believed hit the airship, which ultt n ately disappeared to the northward. The Weather For Omaha, Council bluffs and Vicinity Snow and colder. I'railieratarr al Omaha Yesterday. Hours. Deg. a. m t a. in., 7 a. to 7 . a. m 7 a. m 7 10 a. m g 11 a. m I 32 m 1 P. m 2 p. nu 10 p. rn ll P. m n wmm l. m io p. in 7 P. ra P- ra... 8 Local steeerd. 111 IMS, 1914 im 11 U 2 25 CcasrtttTC ll igheat yesterday.. 1 .o est yesterday. .. Siean tmpereture.. 1-ncipltation TempenLture and .... 19 ,...y 'J ...j. .07 .00 10 13 T .00 precipitation depa I' tures from the normal Normal temperature rt I tendency tor the day J3 Total deficiency since March 1 130 rormai precipitation OS Inch kxceaa for the day 04 Inch Total rainfall since March 1....2S. inches Iieflrlonc.y since March 1 M inch Jficiency for cor. period. 1914... l.SO Inches teflclency for cor. period, Ipl'i.. 6.73 inches Reports front Btatlona at T P. M. Station i and 8tate Temp. High- RaJn- of eather. - 7 p. m. est fall. Cheyenne, snow t f .15 Davenport, clear I yt .00 Denver, partly cloudy.... l M tes Muinw. clear t 14 , T Lander, partly cloudy. I ra riaiie, ciopay s 14 .B riinaha, clear 11 in I'ueblo, cluudy 1! 14 T Kapiri City, pt. cloudy ... i ja .on halt lake City, cloudy... 40 40 .,n Kheridan, londy J 4 .,( .410UX 1 ity. clear 1 .m, Valentine, clear 2 I .uj indicates below sere. T indicates tru.-e of pieclpiiation. t. A. WELSH. Local Korecasier. TWO NEW ENTRIES IN THE RACE "DR GOVERNOR. 17 1 r V.X; 1 ... .. t ' 7 I MAYOR CHARLES W. BRTAN. For Democratic Nomination. CLARENCE J. MILES. For Republican Nomination. MAYOR BRYAN FILES FOR GOVERNORSHIP Brother of Commoner Aocepta Filing and Lays Emphaaii on Dry!; s Platform. . W. J. BRYAN IS BACKING HIM (From a Staff Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Feb. 3. (Special.) That Mayor Charles Bryan is . the political Moses to lead the demo cratic party out of the wilderness Is now settled. To make it. doubly as sured he makes the announcement himself. He recognizes that owing to the conditions in all political par ties someone must come forward and save the whole country, and the mantle of leadership has settled upon him. , In answer to the. question of whether he would accept. the filing made this morning placing him In nomination for the democratic nom ination for governor, the mayor said: Telia Why He'll Ban. "In view of the very important ques tions to be ' considered this year by the voters of Nebraska and owing to the un usual conditions existing in all political parties, I feel It my duty to stand as a candidate for- the -democratic nomination for governor in response to, the petition filed by tbe democrats of my. homo city and the requests which have been coming from throughout the state. I will there fore file my acceptance and make the beat fight for the race that . I know how. I will give out a statement within a few days relative to some questions that I believe the voters of Nebraska wilt be Interested in considering at the pri maries." -Dnaht of It Now. When the mayor issued his celebrated pronounclamento a couple of months ago. which threw consternation Into the ranks of his party, to the effect that every can didate for a state and legislative office must attach himself firmly to the water wagon or be flattened out by the Bryan roller, many of the mayor's friends sought' consolation in the alleged state ment that his statement was made with out tho sanction of Brother William J. That they erred is apparent by letter (Continued on Page Three Volumn Five.) Updike Brothers on a Ranch Somewhere Out in the West CH1CAOO. Feb. 3. (Special.) Irving and Herbert Updike have quit these en virons. They are some place in the west, a destination said to bo known to only four persons hereabouts. The best Information obtainable is that they are on a ranch, working dllllgentr to forget the troubles they heaped upon themselves by plotting to kill their father, mother and slater. It was theeir .father and mother, Mr. and Mrs. tfurman D. Updike, wso made thet rip possible. Tbe sons repented . to the full satisfaction of the parents, and all is again sereo la the Oak Park family. There was no loving: farewen for Nelly Do Onaonne Updike, the confessed big amous cabaret performing .'wife of Her bert, and the sons promised faithfully to abstain from drinking Intoxlcatnts or indulging any further lu the t'fast life." They departed Just a week ago today, twenty-four hours after they were lib erated from Jail on bonds signed by their father and Henry C. Hansen, vi o presi dent of the Oak Park Trust anl Savings MILES WILL RUN FORGOYERNOR HaitingB Man Announce! Hirn" aa i;andirlats for " Executive STATES STAND ON ISSUES nvr VTCeTrco HASTINGS, Neb., Feb. 3. (Spe cial.) Clarence J. Miles, for several terms mayor of the city of Hastings, now a prosperous grain dealer, and one of the bet known of young re publican leaders In the state, today announced his Intention of going be fore the voters at the coming pri mary, asking for the nomination for the office of governor. Mr. Miles, in his statement of his Intentions, says: "In announcing my csndldacy for the republican nomination for governor, sub ject to the will of the voters at the pri maries April 13, lflld. I might preface my remarks hy sayinc that I have two mo tives in my amhition to be governor. I want to see the government of this great youn-; state administered In an econom ical, progressive and business-like man ner, the same aa one would conduct any large private enterprise. 1 believe that men who work for the state should be honest and capable, and that honesty and efficiency for this particular work are as necessary tests tor employment by the stale as by the Individual. I be lieve 1 understand business methods and that I can and would apply three meth ods to the atate administration. The other motive I have is personal pride. I feel that it In a legitimate ambition to want to be governor of Nebraska, with tbe hopes of successfully manaalng the affairs of the state, so that most of the people at the end of the term can say, Well done.' That commendation and the satisfaction from It are worth more than the largest salary paid by the richest business concern. Position on Important durations. "As the platform convention will not be held for months after the primaries, It seems only fair that candidates should, In advance, lot the people know Just where they stand on Important questions. "While tha liquor question is not a po litical issue, I have never tried to carry water on both shoulders, and that there can be no mistake In my position, I will state that I am for high license and tem perance but not for prohibition. I favor high license as the best means of con trolling the liquor traffic, but If tho peo ple of the state, by their votes, declare for prohibition, I shall abide the will of the majority, and shall,. If elected gov ernor, use all the power at my command under the law, to oarry out the expressed will of . the people. On tha other hand, should the result be against prohibition, I would enforce the Slocum law and not favor, any material change In Its provis ions, as I consider It the best state liquor 4 law ty -tfae-i nwntir. flfitvnr mwftiable" appropriation to keep, our Btato Unlveri sity at its present high standard of ex cellence aud In tha front rank with other great educational Institutions. ' I also favor tha sectional normal schools, and realise their advantages. Oood roads should bo encouraged generally, as a bet tar moan ot transportation for our farm era, and the advertising It brings through tourists traversing our state. Protection for Amerlesat. ' "I believe In a protective tariff protec tion for American life, American Indus tries and Amerlcati products. Tho tariff should be modified to meet changed con ditions, but shouid always be sufficient to offset the difference between the price of labor abroad and In this country. This can be best arrived at through tha ap pointment of, a non-partisan commission, picked from among business men and sci entific experts, and not politicians. . "I believe In reasonable . preparedness against war. In which the National Guard should have a substantial part. "I believe In absolute neutrality with regard to the nations at war; that we should be in a position to protect our na tional honor, our freedom, our repub lican institutions and our cltlsens, wherever they may be, and a protest against watchful timidity." Eleven Lives Lost In Arkansas Floods LITTLE ROCK. Ark., Feb. S. Eleven lives have been lost and hundreds- of thousands dollars' damage dons by the floods now devastating Arkansas. Hun dreds ot families are homeless and the next two days is expected to see the loss and suffering increased. Laconla Circle, fifty miles below Helena, was flooded today and tha town of Dumas, Melwood, Ferguson, Laconla and Knowlton, are Inundated. Nearly 300 families have been driven from their homes In the Laconla levee district. Helena is not in danger, according to dispatches received here. Many refugees have sought shelter there. The dispatches received here today from the Business Men's club of Arkansas City, says that point is not In serious danger. bank. But up until last night, when in formation of their departure was brought to the newspapers, it was generally un derstood they wore still at tho home of a Chicago friend, preparing to go away. This information was subsequently vert fled by . George Remus, - counsel for tbe accused sons, and Sidney 8. oOrham, counsel for the elder Updike. Mr. U'pdlke is paying al Ith expenses of his sons, and la still laboring to have Btate's Attorney Hoyne wipe tho Indict ments off tho criminal docket. If ha suc ceeds the sons will continue their absence from Chicago. If be falls the sons will be recalled for tbe trial and tqen their future will depend upon the verdict of the jury. While no ciract Information Is forthcoming on the matter, it Is hinted the sons are living under assumed names to avoid further annoyance. "I cannot give the location of the ranch where they are," said Mr. Remus. "I am pledged to secrecy on that. 1 don't he Hcve anyone knows expect the parents, Sir. Gofham and melf." AUSTRIAN U-BOAT RPPHES FORMER ioiii STEAMSHIP Submarine Captures Erstwhile Ger man Liner, Xoenig Albert. Seised at Beginning of War. SAILED UNDER ITALIAN FLAG Three Hundred Serbian on Board Prize, Which ii Towed to Albanian Port. BERLIN MAZES A STATEMENT nt i.i k.ti. LONDON, Feb. 3. The Central News states that a collier has been sunk by a Zeppelin, th'rteen men be ing drowned. The British steamer Frani Fischer of London has been sunk. Of its crew only three men were saved, Chief Engineer Birch, Steward Tay lor and Seaman Hllller. BERLIN, Feb. 3. (By Wireless to Sayville) The r steamei Koenig Albert, flying the Italian flag and with 300 Serbian refugees on board, has been captured by an Austrian warcraft In the Adriatic. It was an nounced today by the Overseas News agency. The agency's announcement says: "An Austro-Hungarlan submarine slopped the former North German I.'oyd steamer Koenig Albert In the Adriatic. The steamer had been captured by the British at the beginning of the war and afterward put at the disposal of the Itnl iana 'The steamer, which flew the Italian flag, carried Berhlan refti'rres. The submarine, after slopping thi s'.etuvM', called a destroyer, which towtd the prlisa to Booche Dl C'attaro, Albania." The Koenig Albert, before up war, wai In the North German Lloyd service be tween New York and Mediterranean ports. She is a vessel of 10,481 tons, 4'.$ feet long, bulll at Bteltln In 189. Three Hundred Negro Convicts Are Saved from Flood LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Feb. t.-Three hundred negro convicts who were threat, ened with drowning for two dsys and threa nights on tha .crumbling levees of th-4ate penal farm at Cummins were rescued tolhy. Efforts to gel a launoh from Grady, Ark., to Gould .had proved futile Up to noon today, and tha situation at Gould was critical.' Unless boats reach that city at once grave loss of Ufa la feared. , Currants of water too strong to be braved by rowboats ara surging through tho streets of tho town. Seventy-five negroes wore rescued from a eottonaeed warehouse today and swelled the number of refugees at Gould to about 8ns. Aooordtng to dvloe received at Helena today tho leve at New Augusta on the Whlto river went out last night. Inun dating a largo section. With tho crest of the Arkansas river flooding tha lower reaches of tho stream today continued calls for relief from strlcksn and threatenel villages are being received there. The crest of the waters Is between Little Rock and Pine Bluff today. Bernstorff Expects Note on Lusitania Some Time Friday WASHINGTON. F"eb. ' 1. Count von Bernstorff, the German ambassador, to day received a brief message from the Berlin foreign office, dispatched on Jan uary tl. Informing him that his latest in structions on tho Lusitania case would go forward Immediately. The ambassador expects to receive them probably tomor row. Suggest Interstate Quarantine on Dogs SALT LAKE CITY, Utah. Feb. 3. Resolutlons recommending thst the fed eral government impose Interstate quar antines upon dogs and other animals likely to carry the Infection of rabies snd thst western states appropriate funds for the eradication of the rabies epidemic, will probsbty ce adopted at today's session of the Nations! Health conference, being held here under the direction of the federal government. Other resolutions will favor the pas saga of a bill by congress granting sub sidies for slates in caring for tha tuber cular patients and will indorse the ef forts of the national health bureau to stamp out Rocky mountain spotted fever. Ten states and the Ilatrtct of Colum bia are represented at the conference. Success Is measured In many ways, but success in trade depends on mar keting your (foods. , The successful mer chant is invariably the merchant who stimulates his busi ness .with judicious newspaper publicity. Advertise in The Bee SUBMARINE LOST OFF VIRGINIA COAST Submarine K-5 of the North Atlantic fleet, cruising: south with the re mainder of the flotilla, that was lost off the Virginia coast in a thick fog. It was finally heard from at Key West. I a"". erysi.y-'-w-K-jii li hi mi mi; 'in" ve-a'raneinsiii """SJ f S V' 1 .'.il ?- x- i - ' . 4 i ...! 4 i.j S w t J -r;-;"r H " ' Si M; ; !?". ".I .jJ if- ' f''." ; il i I k . " - . v -a? . I: ?f 5 ' ll . I ; "' - "" :tV" ? : ! I . :-; ' I I ."'- ; I i I t ... - I' 1 ,: fi I - - n I i ' i I I SMI -- I . ----- - 1 an 111 1 fr nr 11 "M lisknV 3 SMITH HELD GUILTY OF MURDER BY JURY Defendant Convicted of Second De - gree Homicide for Killing of Mrs. France 1 Campbell. PENALTY' PENITENTIARY TERM Relly M. Smith, 69 years old, was convicted of second degree murder as the result of the shooting of Mrs. Frances Campbell October 31 last, by the Jury which heard the evidence In his trial In District Judge Sears' court. The Jury deliberated a little more than two hours,, taking the case shortly beforo 4 o'clock and return ing a verdict at 6:15. The verdict was a surprise to most of tbe persons Interested In the case, according to statements made last night. The prosecution made no demand of the jury aa to the degree of homicide of which Smith should be found guilty. Consequently It was anticipated that in the event the Jury found Smith guilty it would fix the crime at manslaughter, which Is the least of ths three degrees of homicide. , Penalty Twenty Tears to Life, The penalty for murder In the second degree Is Imprisonment In - the peniten tiary for from twenty years to life, to be fixed by the court. Although Mrs. Binlth, the gray-haired wife of the defendant, remained in the court room more than an hour after the Jury retired waiting for a verdict, she had left before the Jury cams. In. None was present except the defendant, Ills attorney, A. 8. Ritchie, Judge Bears and court attaches. ' Hmlth sat quietly in his chair. The Jur ors, as is slmost Invariably the case when a verdict of conviction Is returned, did (Continued on Page Two, Column One.) Six Missing After Oil Plant Exposion TOI.KDO. O.. Feb. 3.-HU men are missing and are believed to hiive been killed In an explosion at the Craig Oil company's plant late today. The plant, one of the largest In this section of the rountiy, Is said to be doomed. Behind Every Ballot Should Be a Bullet, Says General Pearson WASHINGTON, Feb. 3. Former Adju tant lieneral Pearson of the Massachu setts National Guard told the house mili tary committee today that the only op position tat" federalization of ths National Guard has coma from the War depart ment and not from the militia. General Pearson viewed the continental army plan as a hope'eas failure beforo It started. "if the militia, as has boon stated. won't respond to a mil in time of war," ha said, "what hope Is there that this continental array would respond in time of peace T' Jt-nt'ial I'csKoii said he personally fa - .11 11 III 1 si n T LAD TELLS STORY OF. F ATHER' S DEATH Crippled Edward Sodonka Relates Tale of Shooting of Parent to Coroner's Jury. DID IT TO PROTECT MOTHER "I saw there was no hope so--I ehot him." In the simple language of the grade school student Edward Sodonka, 18-yt-ar-old cripple, son ot Mr. and Mrs, Frank Sodonka, who Monday evening shot and killed his father at their home at 4123 South. Fortieth street, following an assault by the parent on his wife told a coroner's Jury yester day morning tha story of the tragedy "My father tame In mo that night about 7 o'clock and started a fight with my mother. He made his usual throats, and linnlly said ho wss going to bed and die. "Iter about I f.'olock my brother Prank came In after working all day long at the store. - Mother laid out supper for him, and he had Just sat down , to tha table anl was beginning to 'eat when my father came into tho kitchen from tho bedroom, "Ho went over to the table and, pulling Frank around in his chair, demanded that mybrother listen to a story" about bow he had refused a good Job because It was winter and he didn't have to work. He was Intoxicated. ; ' ; lilts Mother la Par "My mother went ovor to htm and asked that he leave brother alone, saying that Prank was tired and wanted to c.t In peaue. 1 was reading tho newspaper at the time, snd looked up Just , soon enough to see my father stand up and hit iny mother in the h,fj1 rfelit between tho (Con tinued-onT iJage Th reet tfcf.-1r'onirrT) Tut it There, Wilson,' He Says to President BA.ST HT, IriS, III., Keb. 3.-The greater part of President Wilson's five minutes' atsy here was taken up In shak ing hands of hundreds of men, women and rhllilren, who , crowded about tho train and ran after It ivhen it started up again. Tho president continued to grant hand shakers until the train picked up quite a bit of speed. Kven then a man spurted ahead of the rest of the crowd and yelled "put it there Wilson," and the presi dent reached for his hnr af)j nook it. vored conscription 'on the theory that "be hind every ballot should be a bullet." There mere Just throe solutions to the national army problem, he added; first, and most effective, conscription: second. a paid national guard, and, third, the continental army, which was "totally Im practical, ho said. Efforts to build up the National Quard on a basis of patriotism, be said, had been a failure. Militia pay, he feared, would produce too many recruits. Adjutant General TiUtson of the Ver mont National Ouarl argued that the guardsmen had a vested right in any na tional army that migl-t be formed, - UNITED STATES NAVY SHOULD BE UNCONQUERABLE President Telli Cheering Crowd in St. Louis America Should Have Largest Sea J Force in World. G 15 EAT INTERESTS TO PROTECT Act of Single Submarine Commander Might Bring America Into the War. MIDWEST FOR PREPAREDNESS nti.i.ETiN. THRRE HAUTE, Ind., Feb. 3. President Wilson was cheered by reversl thousand persons as he passed through here late today. He addressed the crowd briefly. "You know my errand," ha said, and added: "There is no oubt about Indiana." ST. 1)UI8, Keb. 3. President Wilson today told an audience of lb, 000 cheering tumultously at his feet, that the United States should have the greatest navy In the world. "I believe the nary of the United States should be unconquerable," he said, "the greatest In the world." Tha president declsred that sub- i iarlne commanders abroad have In structions which for the most part conform with International law, but that tho get of one commander might set the world afire, Including America. I'pon the ocesn there are hundreds of cargoes or American goods, he said. "cotton, grain and all the bountiful sup plies America Is sending out to the world snd sny one of those csrgoes, sny one of those ships may be tha point of contact that will bring America Into the war." - For the first time during tho tour the president told of how one set of bel ligerents wss cut off from tho world. He said this kspt tho United States from helping them as It would like. He made the statement in trying to show that ' the United States was really neutral. Middle West for rrepsredaess. Tho president opened with the state ment that h had "come seeking some thing in tbe middle 'west and found it.'.' . He said he had been told the middle west was against preparedness, but did not bellevt It, "1 did not coma out to learn how you thought, buj, to tell you what was going on. 1 came out thst there may be abso lute clarification of the' Issues wo are now confronting. 'America Is at peace with all the world because it Is the friend of all the world. ' The friendship Is genuine. Wo are tho friend of all tha world because we are made up of sll tho world and Vnder stsnd all the world. 'It would tear tho heart strings of America to be at war with any other nation. "We believe wa can show our friend ship for the world better by keeping out of tills' st niggle thsn by getting Into It. I do not misread the spirit of America. "I have no indictment of any form o( government. Americana Will Not Be led. "No man can lead America any whither that Ita people do not desire to bo led. I believe It to be my duty to subordinate my Individual feelings to tho conscien tious attempt to interpret and express in these International affairs tho genuine spirit of my fellow cltlsens. "80 far aa America Is concerned no man need go amongst us preaching peace. Wo are disciples of peaoo already, ahd no man need preach that gospel to uav "Suppose my neighbor's house is en fire and the root is of combustible ma terial, Jt la not my fault If tho ftro spreads. Tho danger is not from within, but from without. One Maw Hay Set WarI4 Afire. "Tho commanders of submarines for tho moat part are In accord with law of nations, but tho aot of ono commander may set the world on firs. "Tbero are cargoes of wheat and eotton and manufactured articles on tho sea. and svery ono of them may cause trouble be cause they go Into tho son ot fire. "America hss drawn no flno points, no new issues In its international relations; It has merely asserted the rights of man kind when the life of mankind la threat ened In a world aflame with war. It has rested upon what is already written plain on the documents of international law." The president said that aome day states men of tho older countries would hava to admit that it was America that kept burning the flame ot international law upon its altar when every other altar In the world was swept by tha wlndrof pas sion. "I am ready to make every patient allowanco," he continued, "for those whpse tempers are upset by war. Yiels Al bat Vital Polata. "I am not In a critical frame of mind. 1 am ready to yield everything but the Vital points. "I am ready to make allowances for both sides. "Tou know how one set of belligerents is shut off from ths rest of the world. Therefore, the United States U not ble to express itself toward them as they would like. 1 believe the United States Is really neutral. "My fellow cltiaeas, while wa know our own purpose, it does not follow that other nations understand. "Men press forward with a sort of blind recklessness. "The peace of the world. Including America, rests with the remainder of tho world, and not with America. Only TTr Alternatives. "Here s the alternative; "Cither wo shall alt still and wait for the necessity for Immediate national de fense to come snd then call for volun teers, who would be. for tha tint few months. Impotent as against a trains! and experienced enemy. "Or. wo shall adapt tho anossnt Amor loan principle, that ho man of tho cotm (Conliuuvd on Pago Two, VUwiuisnjVj4'