Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 7-A, Image 7

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    Tlffi OMAHA. SUNDAY BEE: JANUARY 30, 1916.
Mr. and Mrs. Hixenbang-h Keeeire
Interesting Letter Telling of
Son's Travels.
Mr. and Mri. W. A. HUenbaugh have
leeelved from Walter A. HlxenbaUf-h, Jr.,
. member of th Ford peac party, an J
interesting letter written In Copenhagen
describing- hla travels after the party left
Stocholm. The letter says:
COPENHAGEN, Drnmart. Jan. a.
Mr. and Mr. W. A. Hixmosugh, Omaha.
N'eb., Dear Folks: I wrote you concerning
the trip up to the time we left Stock
holm. We left Stockholm on a special
train at S p. m. end arrived at Malmo at
the next morning-, where we took a
ferry across the lower Cattegal to Copen
hagen. Wo left Stockholm deep In snow
and found CopenbiRcn foggy, wet under
loot and warm, it la much like sprlng
weather In Omaha and we are not wear
ing overcoat. Know la aeldom een on
the ground In Copenhagen more than a
day or two.
Copenhagen la A wonderful and Interest
ing city. I can truthfully aay tnat 1 have
liked each city 1 have seen better than
the one before, and I never thought I
. ould like a city so well aa I liked Oirl.
1 lan la. The sequence waa forunate from
the point of view of alghtteeing exist
ence, for Chrtatianla han a population of
Z-AOOOO; Stockholm, 400.000. and Copenha
gen, ioO.OOO.
Copenhagen Old lity.
Chrtatianla la quaint a city built at
the hcaa of fjord with narrow, winding
street radiating from ita one main
atreet, Carl Johans etiockholm waa
sinking, proua ana beatitirui a metro
politan capital which well deserved auch
tltiea aa "Queen of tho Halile," "The
Venice of the North" and -City of
Opera." but Copenhagen ia truly Eu
rppean. Ita charm la not like Chris
tlaniaa In the natural beauty of Ha
location, nor like Stockholm'! In the
splendor of Ita boulevards and public
bulldinga. These do not Impress one aa
doe the odaness and strangeness of the
European architecture In the side streets.
"-Krope, and try aa you
will you cant forget that you are In a
foreign land. Easy It was to accustom
yourself to Chnstlanla and Stockholm,
but the gargoyles on the city hall, the
old spires on the churches, the queer
windows and atone steps along the miies
or narrow streets and the old mediaeval
gulla signs aoounalng everywhere pre
lude that possibility here. Copenhagen
is over 1.K0 years old, and you can well
believe it In wandering down some of the
0 d side streets. It reminds one of the
Pictures of Nuremburg, Hamlin and lu
bpek. Of course, except or the old
street and buildings, the city Is modern
In, every respect and, like all Scandina
vian oapllais, a mouel of cleanliness.
We arrived lit ( openhagen, Orcemher 31,
nd tnat night we had a big New Year s
evo banquet. But soveral of us students
beat it anout 11 o'cloik and went over to
the Wlvil or Tlvoli, a big cafe where all
the swells of Copenhagen were making
merry. They were turowmg confetti;
paper rolls and ringing bells. Everyone
wore paper hata of grotesque shape and
champagne ran IIko water. It is Copen
hagen's largest cafe and known all over
1-iurope. Dancing waa In order upstairs
in the beautliul ball room and we left
ft There waa still no empty
tables, though hundreds had left and
many had breakfasted before going home.
One European custom whLh I noticed aa
soon aa 1 landed but which I don't be
lieve I have mentioned Is the fact that all
'Igner class European women amo&e. To
rind one that does not ia exceptional. In
theater lobbies, cafes, hotels and c-iocolate
shops (but never on the street, railway
stations, or museums) women Invariably
smoke. At first It seemed strange but
since last night, when the daughter of
Denmark chief Justice of the court of
appeals, whom I have been with con
siderably, naively accepted a cigarette
which I offered her, I am frightened at
nothing. The cigars here are abominable,
good pipe tobacco la never seen and
everyone amokes cigarettes (mosUy Rus
sian) with gusto and reckless abandon.
ratiirday, January U e visited the city
tall which is considered the most magnl
iicent In Europe, and the Olypothelc, a,
museum given to the nation by Mr. Jacob
sen, Scandinavia s art patron, containing
thousands of ancient original busts,
statuary, sarcophagy, and Egyptian, and
Assyrian relics. Room after room of well
arranged antiques, more than I ever
dreamed existed, and the ftwutt museum
1 have yet visited.
So Pablie Meetings AUewed.
Now watch closely our schedule for the
riext two days. Sunday (day of rest) and
Monday, I may aay here that the Danish
government, on account of Its proximity
to the European conflict, has reminded us
of ita law that no mass meetings or
public meetings bearing on the war may
be held. bo we are devoting our time to
recepticcs, Informal explanatory groups
and sight-seeing. The same rule exlalts
at The Haue, I understand.
'. Sunday, January il.
10 a. m., student meeting. Palace hotel.
' n a. m.. Visit to Rosenborg palace and
king's gardens.
' l'i m., luncheon.
I p. m., address of editor of "Polltl
ken (which I skipped).
i p. m , general meeting.
p. nr. visit to University of Copen
hagen. 4 p. m.. visit to Technical school (very
Tine; address by tescher of English;
utrved tea and cigars and showed us
many Interesting things).
6 p. m.. church service In the Russian
Ureek Orthodox church (an Individual
matter; I went Just to see it).
p. m., dinner.
5 p. m., meeting at the Liberal club;
speeches, singing ly Danish opera stara,
refreshments, dancing (firs we had); got
home at 1 a. m.
If you look these over you will see
that it wasn't possible to skip any, e
rauae where It wasn't soma meeting (and
you can't skip these for many obvious
reasons). It was something I wanted to
see. I have passed up some trips and
learned later that I missed half my life
and had to go anyway, and ao now I
iklp nothing along that line, and I sel
lom regret sparing the time. And, how
.-an you write letters for three days I
Didn't hsve time to shave. But look at
-he next day. Monday, January S:
9 a. m., get up and have breakfast
i We have an official awakener for the
students because these foreign hotel por
ters are unreliable.)
10 a. m.. student meeting.
II a. m., visit to Thorwaldsen's museum
famous, but not so much of a eight).
13 m., lunch.
1 p. m visit to National museum (won
derful place).
1 p. m.. sociological talk followed by
trip through tenement district. (I had
heard that the tenement district wss a
beauty compared with America's, so I
skipped this and stayed at the National
p. m.. general meeting.'
4 p. m., visit to American ministry 'Mr.
t can. American minister!.
7 n. m., banquet for all members of
oarty to celebrate going to The Hague.
nd discuss plans for customs search and
ther details.
1 a. ni , bed.
Mere Krssksrg Tastle'.
I was dead tired of meetings, ao another
niuucm ana i swippea everything the next
imy. i urniy, janunrv 1, sno went by
train to Elslnore, about a two-hour ride
'o thu north to aee Kronhnr rmmta
where walking on the ramparts. Hamlet
mw ine gnosi or nis lamer, it waa a
pleasunt snd happy trip, for we stopped
eff two hours at Fredensborg and saw
Kredensborg palace, the autumn royal
lare where most of Europe's royalty
has been entertained. Then we went on
to Klsinore and saw Hamlet's beautiful
castle. It la now a museum containing
many old relics and the tomb of Hamlet
is is thought. leaving there we got back
t 5 o'clock In time to dress for the opera,
the magnificent acenio oitera "Euaen
Danerin" by the great Itusalan Bashi
Kouv. played by the Royal Danish Opvra.
It waa a great opportunity. I wouldn't
have mlased It for anything and when we
got back and sprung It on the bunch thev
1 went up (over 100 of them) the next
sy. The whole day cost T hroners, or ST.
The beet opera seats sell for S kroner, qr
bout SI. 6". Jn New York they would at
least be $10.
Today wa have been to see the soologl.
rsl gardens. Our I-adys church (where
are the famous Tborwaldsen apostles'),
the Geflon fountain, RockiMe cathedral.
I'fnmsrks Westminster Abbey, dating
i'-k to the eleventh creur. Besides
this, I have been shopping and snooping
sround In the quaint old hps. I claim
this Isn't bad for one dev. The wsv
did It wss to slsrt st 11. sfter the student
'-lUfcOMe I
y . "t . ... x i
: ' ..V
meeting, skip luncheon (wo had cskes and
chocolsto In a chocolate shop) and got
back Just In time for dinner. Gee! It a
a busy world! ,
Day after tomorrow we leave by rail
for La Haag. Germany nt first refused
to permit us to go by rail. (We have to
cross the Kiel canal) and It looked aa
though the party would remain In Copen
hagen, because no vessels can cross the
dangerous strip of wster from Denmark
to Hollanl. Not even mall vessela are
plying hern. And so, when wa had
actually given up hope of getting to The
Hague, came news that (Wnmny had
Consented to Interpret the phrase In our
passports, "All necessary transportation"
to mean by rail across Germany. And S3
we i ave to have four copies of our photos
and have to got rid of our papers, opera
glsssea and cameias. I will mall mine
direct to limn ha, think, and take no
more chances. 1 am aending you a
bulletin showing our plans from now on
snd al""o tno serloumiess of travel In war
lime. I understand that it is Impossible
to get to Englnnd as the American mini
sters have implicit Instructions not to
amend our passports. I don't caro much
out some or tne ottiers no.
I will try to wr te nil rny further letters
from here, but doubt if I have time.
Not Cordially Hecelreil.
About our ifceDtion here: Wa have nut
been very cordially received. Tne people
bi' strongly anti-Gorman and pro-English,
as differentiated from the Nor
wegians, who were pro-English, but not
especially anti-uerman Holland is also
pro-English, so a cordial welcome there
Is not a'sured. It is strange that all
these countries think that we are helping
Germany by trying to end the war. That
accounts for our cold shoulder at chrls-
isnia and our enthusiastic boost In Stock
holm. I changed my reDort of our re
ception here on considering that the
newspapers were non-committal and unen
thuslastlc, and we were unable to test
the feelings of the people because we
have held no mass meetings. Everyone
rcviiin irienuiy, However.
Again I find no time to write the frat,
Whioh Is a crime snd a shame, hut it'a
Just Impossible. Will write postals in
stead. Have been so busy that I have
as yet gotten no postals, as I did first
ining in tne otner cities.
Big Entertainment
During Market Week
A ' dinner and dance, a theater party,
and Informal evening party with con
test and the distribution of prizes, and
a lot If Interesting social event like that
ars acheduled by the entertainment com
mittee of the Merchants' Market week
Mtlvltle which will take place the week
of February 28.
The committee la making good use of
the experience of the last two years in
arranging Ita program of entertainment
for thlc time. Thl will be the fifth Mer
chant' Market week for Omaha, and In
that time considerable ha been learned
about the business, especially alnce
Omaha had it all to learn from Itself,
being the pioneer In this movement.
Ed Suchy, 2S36 South Nineteenth street,
arraigned In polio court for being In
toxicated and disturbing the peace In his
home, was sentenced to thirty day In
the county Jail. A hi brother, who ap
peared aa complaining witness In court,
left the room he patted the prisoner on
the shoulder and aaid. "I'm orry, Ed."
"That' allright, no hard feelings," re
plied the latter.
If You Could Only
Be a Stomach
You'd Go to Bed Rather Sore at
the Work You'd Have to Do.
Btuart'g Dyspepsia Tablet go Into your
stomach Just Ilk food. They ease up
the stomach' work and help it to obtain
the rest It needa.
Tour, common sens will tell you that
Stuart' Dyspepsia Tablet would not be
In every drug store, a they are, unless
demanded after trial by stomach suf
ferers. St Isat Fair to Overwork Tour gtom
acfc and Tat Stefuse to CHve It the sTslp
of gnoarV Syspspsia Tablet.
No more are they a doubtful quality.
They have 'passed a rigid examination
by all manner of stomach and dlgeatlve
tests, and they have been awarded the
diploma of American patronage. Stuart
Dyspepsia Tablet are for aal at all
drugglata at Sue a box.
Bend coupon below today for a free
Free Trial Coupon
T. A. VtaarS Co.. 984 Btuart Build
ing, Marshall. Kicn., ,n1 me at one
a free trial package of Stuarr Dys
pepsia Tablets.
Name ,
Mn. Charles S. Lobingier Is Landed
by Taper in the Philip
From the Philippine Islands come news
paper dispatches lauding Mrs. Charles 8.
Loblngler. a former Omaha club woman,
to the skies. The Manila Dally Bulletin
and the Cable News-American of Decem
ber IS and 13 contain lensrthv accounts
of numerous social affairs given for Mra
iningier and her sister, Miss Huneker.
who were visiting there. Judge loblngler
and his wife are now living In Shanghai.
China, where the Judge occuplea the
bench, but they were formerly stationed
at Manila, where Mra. Loblngler organ
ised and was the first president or the.
Manila Woman's club.
"Mrs. Judge loblngler took the club
through Its first difficult years, by her
wisdom, her tact and Intellectual ability,
and gracious freedom of spirit making
The Sample Floors and the Big Warehouse Rooms M ust be Cleared! We Must Close Out
This Splendid Stock! We Must Sell and Sell Fast! Down With the Prices!
AT PRICES that will rush this splendid high grade stock into the homes of the people of Greater Omaha and surrounding country. Don't wait, come tomor
row; if not tomorrow, come as soon as you can and buy everything you need for your present as well as for your future needs. You do not need all the
cash, we will arrange easy terms at the same low prices on anything which you wish to purchase.
Plenty of Extra Salespeople to Wait on You and Prompt Delivery Guaranteed
Rugs and Draperies at
Less Than Wholesale Prices
Rocking Cbsirs
Kubcl'ii splendid atock
of high grade rocking
chairs all going at price
that will close them ont
All 11.76 rocking QC
chairs 70C
All $3.00 rock
ing chairs
All $.60 rock,
ing chairs
All $4.00 rock
ing chairs
All $8.60 rock
ing chairs
All 110.00 rock- $C75
ing chairs O
AU $39.60
dressing tables
Iiubel's hplendid stock
of high grade Urass Beds
all going at prices that
will close them out
All $12.60 brass
beds now.
All $14.60 brass
beds now.
All $16.60 brass
beds now..
All $19.60 brass
beds now
All $24.60 81 OOO
brass beds Asu
All $27.50
brass beds .
China Cabinets
Rubcl' splendid block of elegant
China Cabinet all going at prices
that will close them out quickly:
All $21.60 china cabU 1 O50
nfts now
AM $26.60 china eabl- Si QOO
rets now IO
All $29.60 china cab!- 81 COO
lets now IO
.Ml $34.00 cblna cabt- 81 750
t fets now A - -
All $37.60 china cabl- S rt75
nets now . . xt
All $12.60 china cabl
nets now . ,
Dining Room Tables
Kuhel's splendid stock
of beautiful IUiing lloont
Table all going at price
that will close them out
All 117.60 dltilns; SJQ Crt
room table now WOiOU
AU 121.00 din.
Ing room table
All $25.00 dln
Ina room table
All )2M0 din
In; room table
All S32.&0 din
In; room table
All JJ7.50 dining-
room tsble
Everything going at less than wholesale prices and in many cases at
less than the cost to manufacture. Buy everything you need now in this
sale an opportunity of this kind may never occur again.
both a fin choice of those who should
gtiida the club and In assisting the Man
nings of work, which Manila wss In cry
ing need of." one account reads.
"Mn Loblngler found at once in
Benora d Vcyra and Calderon two most
cspaN women, who gave the move
ment prestige among the rillplnas
"The charity work done her In the
Spanish day wa very largely done by
the Catholic church. Much of It waa of
an estimable character both private and
"But Mr. Loblngler and the corps
of women who met In the formative
gathering at her house found them
selve confronting certain needed re
forms which the ever growing metropolis
with it poor, swarming from the prov
lncea. It large districts whet Industry
hold away, auch aa Plnondo and Tondo
required major effort. Th clvlo con
sclousness which ha been awakening
only In late year In America, had
reached the moment of birth. In the
Mare Praise.
Another story describe an affair
given for Mr. Loblngler:
"Saturday evening tho Philippine chap
ter of the Daughters of the American
Revolution gave a large reception at the
home of Mr. and Mra. Henry W. Klser
to welcome Mrs. Iohlngler, regent of
Seventy-five Thousand Dollar Stock All
Dressing Tables
Rubel' splendid stork
of high grade dressing
tables all going at prices
that will close thorn out
All $16.60 dress- SQ25
Ing tables O
AU $$1.00 81 r75
dressing tables. lw
All $24.60 Si 325
dressing tablet. AJ
AU$29.60 81? 50
dressing tables: lw
All t5.00 davenport
All $3T.B0 4avnporta
All $$6.00 sinso
, 17.
iA.ll Sia.SO davenport
All $48.00 davenport
Gas and Electric Lamps,
Statuary, Medicine Cabinets,
Pictures, Pedestals, Hall
Trees, Hall Racks, Music
Cabinets, Smoking1 Stands,
Etc., Etc., are all marked at
prices which will close them
out quickly.
1 iTrr
the Daughters for the orient, who with
her sister. Miss Huneker, Is msklng a
short visit in Msnll before Joining
Judge l,obingler In Bhanghal.
'The spacious old Spanish home was
beautiful vlth Its tropical decorations
of bamboo, palm and flower. At the
head of the stairs th chapter member
and their guests were received by th
hostess, Mrs, Klser, Mr. Loblngler and
Miss lluntker, who Ik regent of th
Hny City, Mich., chapter. Daughters of
the American Uevol'itlon.
"Mrs. lxhlnglrr, while In the homeland,
attended the silver Jubilee cf the national
society In Washington, and early In the
evening delighted the guests with a shoct
account cf tl.ln twenty-fifth birthday
celebration held In Continental Memorial
'At the conclusion of Mr. iohlnglr'
talk. Justice Johnson wss Introduced and
spoke on some phase of the history and
work done In the Philippines, the subject
Of the chapter' study this year."
Mra. Ixblngler and Miss Huneker were
the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Delden
and other Omaha friend, on their last
trip to thl country.
Lord In Metv KU.,
Harry t-ord, the late manager of th
Buffalo Keeral league club, has asked
Hugh Duffy to put a price on his Port
Isnil. Me., club, member of the New Eng
land league.
..illlMHillM 1111
.r,i .v.,'.,;;.-l.. ...i.,m,(.,
Babel's splendid stock of beautiful high grade Davenports all going
at prices thiit will rlooe them out quickly:
All I4I.B0 davenport
?? . f r.r.T:?" . . . . $33.50
All ltf.00 davenports $36.00
All 110.00 davenport 39,IQ
Itubel'a splendid stock
of high grade Iron Ueds
all going at price that
will close tbem out
. All $4.25 iron 81 75
beds -now 1 -
All $6.00 Iron SO 75
beds now w
All $9.00 Iron
beds now
All $12.60 iron 8C75
beds now
All $15.00 Iron 8725
beds now
All $17.60 Iron
beds now
Kubel's splendid stock of elegant
Ires-rs all going at price that will
iloNe I hem out quickly:
All $10.60 dressers g 25
now O
All $15.00 dressers $Q50
now O
All $17.50 drewers ?Q75
now J
All $21.60 dresser 81 OOO
now AM
AU $24.50 dressers
All $27.50 dreosers
New Booklet About
Nebraska On Press
A new booklet on Omaha and Nebraska
I being prepared by the bureau of pub
licity of th Commercial club and I oon
to be ready for distribution.
This booklet combine Interesting things
about Omaha and Nebraska In such a
way aa to give a remarkably complete
and yet compact Idea of Nebraska, It
resource and It annual volume of pro
duction. It gives the value et the agri
cultural output of Nebraska for the year
as txa.000,000, while It gives th combined
resources of the tat a W.MO.OOO.fli'O.
General Freight Agent levers of th
Wyoming division of th Northwestern,
I In Omaha from Casper and asserts that
while the weather la unusually cold
through the western range country, thor
will be few. If any, losses to the cattle
men. All Ih ranch are well provided
with feed, assert Mr. levers, and the
cattle are being cloae fed. Instead of
running the range, as wss the custom
year go.
Going in This Great
U tij Lb. &
Less Than
Library Csses
Rubel's splendid stock
of elegant high grade Li
brary Caaes all going at
prices that wUl close
tuem out quickly :
AU $12.60 II- SC25
brary cases now., O
All $14.00 11- $775
brary cases now. .
All $17.60 11- 8Q50
brary eases now. . J
All $21.00 U- 81 125
brary cases now A JL
All $24.60 11- Si Q50
brary cases bow lw
All $27.60 11- 81 50
brary now AO
V '.' 1111 mn,in!at
r-u,' 1 . ,. "Isij
Rubel's splendid stock of
high grade
Rugs, Carpets
and Draperies
are all marked at prices that
will move them into the
homes of the people very
Library Table:
Hundreds of new samples from our warehouse' rooms have been placed
on our sample floors and you had better hurry and make your selections
while the assortments are still good.
Consist e n t
Ilcl per
in casi'rf of lH)or arrpo
tito, imporfpct diges
tion, inactive livor nnd
clogged bowels is
A household remedy for 60
j-onrs. Try 11 bottle today.
and Ranges
Wholesale Prices
Kitchen Cabinets
Itnbel's splendid stork
of high grade modern
Kitchen Cabinets nil go
ing at prices that will
clone them out quickly f
All $12.60 kltch- SC75
en cabinets now, . O
All $16.00 kltch- SO 00
en cabinets now.
All $18.00 kitch
en (ablneta now.
All $22.60 81 O50
kitchen cabinets Lt
All $27.60 S1A75
kitchen cafclnets I"
AU $32.60
kitchen cabinets
Kubel's extensive stock
of beautiful fluffeU all
going at prices that will
close them out quickly:
All $19.60 S1A75
buffets now. ., . lw
AU $22.00
buffets no . .
All $27.60
buffets now, .
All $31.00 ,
buffet now. 4
All $34.60
buffets now, .
AU$37.60 SlQOO
buffets now. .. . . J
Rubel's wploidi'l Htock of high
grade Chiffon ten all going nt
pi Ices that will c1om I hem out
All $8.60 chiffonier . JM50
now X
All $12.50 chiffoniers S25
now , .f. ". . . . O
All $15.00 chiffoniers S775
All $18.00 chiffoniers SQ50
now 7 y
All $22.60 chiffoniers 81 A50
now 1 U
All $25.00 chiffoniers 81 Q50
now 13
Rubel's spleudlii atock
of hiQli grade Library
Tables all going at prices
that will clo them out
AU 18.60 library mm Cm
tabic now QHiOU
All $11.60 library r f c
tables now WU.fO
All 115.00 library JY Crt
tables now Vl.uU
Alt $17.60 library mn m r
table now W?iaU
All 121.00 II. ail pit
brary table. . . 91 I DU
All 124.60 11- Sin ap
brary table... OlwibO