Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1916, NEWS SECTION, Page 6-A, Image 6

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no, into. i
: .
OifU for Home and Foreign Kii
lion and for Charitable Work
Largeit in History.
JrWWI TOBK, Jn. .-The Federal
Council of Churchy Pr. IT. K. Carroll,
the census export, editor, and the
Churrh News arsoctatlwi. New Tork. co
operate thin year In report of Christian
progress during 1!18. The council Imun
rxntt week a Tesr Pook of Churrheii, a
new venture, and from !t the following
data onrernlnK the growth of the prlnol
pal religious bodies within the T'nlted
States Is taken. The asaoc atlm furnt he
the other lntrtlng data:
The showing for IMS Is the lsrgest year
hi the history of churches in America.
The growth of numbers Is not so remark
ablet, .although encouraging, hut the
spiritual condition, the advance in equip
ment and In methods, the money gifts
for sorrnrt at home and extension
abroad and vhe leadership of churches
in Taut sums for war and other relief
pcovee the year to have exceeded all
others. All principal bodies shared Id the
cftrtty and In the gains.
Tnrtr I' Oat Increase.
Oct of the 100.000.000 population In the
TJfeltedi States tt.37&,2Tl are members of
IwUgtous bodies cf some kind, or two out
of every five. In round numbers. Accord
ing to Rev. fr. Carroll, the gains last
Third "Pop" Concert to Have
Two Soloists with the Band
' ' Irs.
iMiaswaiTWiiisisa-saiiT gtpna v X TYxv
Shie Tinpant At Each Other and
Scatter Samples of Garin
Oyer the Room.
George Great.
The third of the "pop" concerts t the
Auditorium this' afternoon will Introduce
two more local soloists, one a vocalist,
to the people, who are more and more
year of all bodiai were 48.19,'es against I showing their appreciation of the effort
77.27 the previous year. This census ex- to furnish good music at little expense,
pert, following the United Htates - gov-) George Orwen, the bandmaster, has ar
ertiment's plan some years ago, deducts ranged this afternoon's program, and haa
IS per cent In the case of Roman Catho-I provided not only for hi" organisation of
lies for children not old enough to be j fifty-five pieces, but for a cornet sola by
counted as members, and In some de- j Dr. A. D. l-alril. who has more than a
gree to equalise the reckoning between (local fame for his vltuoalty, hut also will
actual members and population. Roman 'present Miss Grace Toole, who will sing
Catholic total population, according to "Av Maria," accompanied by the full
official data of that church, was ls.Hia.M0. The concert will begin at I o'clock.
In the case of !utherans. Dr. Carroll wl,h th admission Prl"e still at a dime,
shows a loss last year, but his figures I Tns attendance at each of the preceding
ar above ih. of thi. ffioii Tj.ik.. concerts haa been large, and this after-
fiissGrdte Poole
year book, even if the loss, be allowed.
Iitherans say thlr churches grew at
normal rates last year.
Ore win by Deaonlea tinea.
The well known Christian bodies have
now the membership within the United
States as given herewith, and they In
creased their memberships last year as
shown: .
t . . . Present Orowth
m-llglona Rody. Membership. In 1915.
Ksptlms, north 1, 14.310
Haptlsts. south 1.7ub.m 111WH
Raptlsts. colored.... i,01H,18
i,auioiu.s, eastern ortho
dox 1 4CT.MI0
Catholics. Roman H.041MM
t 'nngregatlonallsts TTI.ISU
1m w'rt of Christ l.fod.T'iO
Kvansellcals 2,,i,a
Krtcnrts fguaker) Uii,712
Lutherans S.tM.lMi
MethoiliKts, north 8,DJ,f!'4
tethoitxts, African ht.UK)
Methodists,, .ion"
Methodists, l'rotestant.... 1.I10
Methodists, south,i.u.ift
1'reshyterlans, north....... 1.4:,li7
'replytrians, United 1M.1
ITesbyterlans, south .?.KV.t
Reformed ( Dutch branch)
noon It Is thought the Auditorium will be
Following Is the program:
March, "The Pathfinder of Fanama"
Selection fro in the comedy Opera.
The Firefly") Trlml
Oornet Solo. "The Lost Chord". .Sullivan
Dr. A. I. I.atrd.
(a) "Shsdowland" (a tone poem)i .Oilbert
(b) "LaBsuB Tromlie" (a trombone
oddity) , , Fillmore
odltv) .'....' Fillmore
Overture to "Bohemian Girl" Ualfe
'Atlantis" (A descriptive suite In four
parts -.. Hjr Hafranek
(a i Nocturne and Morning Hymn of
(h) A Court Function.
c) I Jyve Thee (the prince nd Aana)
(d) The dcetmctlon of Atlantis.
Vocal Bolo, "Ave Maria" (with accom
paniment by band) Hoffman
Hy Mlsa Orace Poole,
(a) Oriental Serenade, "Star Dreamer"
' , RendtX
h) Valse, "nanaeuse" Miles
Grand medley selection, "Popular
Sontis" !,,!.,Wlimirk
Finale, "The Stars and Stripes For- ,
ever" .'... Housa
Reformed (German) 3JI.4&9
unitarians , , V.M1
United Brethren 3i(,XK"
Utilversaliiits , hh.iiXt
lToestant Kpiacopal...,..., l,0tilt,t3
The Lutheran year book Just
hows a gain of ti.100. and not loss as In
1 lea ted by the council, Unofficial .figures
for Disciples of Christ Indicate a gain
last year of 81,000. The statistics era de
KlXeen MHUena la Bandar Schools.
In numbers of children in Sunday
schools the United States leads the whole
world. The enrollment In Protestant
arhools alone la in even figures ie.fi00.ono,
with 1.60.OfJ0 officers and teachers. Protes
tant bodies of all the world have some
what mors than Methodists
lead all Protestant bodies In number of
children as compared wlUi adult mem
bership. ,
Chart tlos last year were put out of gear,
o to speak, by the war relief. Uifts to
benevolence In America, fell oft half be
cause Americana gave Ktiropo and to
Mexico. The usual Saw.OtO.Oub to to charities at home fell lust year
.. ege- - g
pi 51
VJ v-T"
Boys Shovel Snow
Off Fontenelle Pond
Boya of Fontenelle park district set an
xampla for other boys of the ' city by
getting their brooms and shovels and
clearing the snow from the skating pond
In the perk. When' the park men went to
the park they found the work nearly all
donn. i .
Commissioner Hummel states ha Is do
ing his bent to get the skating places In
condition fnr today. ' He ' will have the
ponds In Rlvervtew; 'Hanacom, Curtlss
Turner, Kountse and Miller parks In con
dition. , , , .
ere next Thursday at 4 o'clock, In. the
city hall. Mr. Coburn will probably talk
on the movement of modern drama. Iast
year when he played here In Shakespear
ean repertory. Mr- Coburn addressed the
High school students.
Next Tueeday evening, it the home of
Mr. and Mrs T. P.' Isltt, 2V7& Calif ornia
strest, a reception, w 11,1 be. held, for Rev.
Arthur Marsh, rector of St. Paul's ICpls-
ropal church, and Mrs.'Msrshi The women
to li44.000.00. while gifts to the Red Cross or , rhurch have' chsVgs of the event
and through the Belgian. Serbian and
ether relief ran up to unheard cf sums.
The total benevolence, considerably more
than $J60,Cou,ooo to public causes alone. In
cluding the war, ta the largest In the his
tory of American giving. This giving, by
the way, baa place In a Christian' review
e.f the year, since W of every 14 of It,
peewlWy more, was given by persona con
nected with the churches.
NlUtoaa for Frla MImIi.
The United PUtee and Canada Inure ased
their gifts last year to foreign missions
by tl.KS.000, running ail up to a total of
tIS.7Sii.9u. hy far toe largest amount of
any cation, and the largest one that the 1
United (States and Canada ever gave.
Siome mission gifts were also laiger
than the exceeding t.ou0.000. and the
t2,QOO,0GC.OQ0 Invested la church properties
took last year tUS OOO.OOO to maintain work
and worship In them.
The striking feature of the year was the
work done by the Church unity people.
The pope addressing a Protestant gath
ering, and doing so In the way that Pope
Benedict XV did at the end of 1915. and
read at a meeting of unionists at the
sery opening of 1?1. pleased Catholic
and Protestants alike. It ta agreed that
unity plapa among Christian are more
promising than they have been since
disunion began back In the Middle Ages.
A second striking feature, due to the
war and brought about In 1S15, was the
manufacture and sale of Uiblea In the
United Statee In larger numbers than ever
before, and their sale In countries hereto
fore supplied by Kngland. Along with the
ale of Bible was also the aale abroad
of Christinas muslo that was composed
and printed In America. The war In 191i
shanged completely the sacred muslo
market and to a large extent religious
lieratur giving America the lead as the
war has helped to do in so many other
and they Invite member and friends.
Miss Kate Mcllugh, president of the
Drama league, announces a lecture to be
given by Mr. Coburn of the Coburn piay-
Hzzi fis hh As
A Sumner's Day
Are Possible If Stuart's Cal
cium Wafers Are Used for a
Short Time After Each Meal.
Many people have been heard to say
that they used creams and lotion for
year without effect, yet after five or
six . days of Stuart's Calcium Wafers
their complexions were perfectly clear.
wheat, ninety-one of corn and fifteen of
oats on the market. Wheat was down
1 to t cents from Friday, selling at Si.w
to It37. Corn was H to J cent up and
sold at S3 to 71 cents, while oats were i
cent down selling at 48 to SO enta per
When the Omaha Grain exchange
closed lta session at noon It bid a
most hilarious and tumultous adieu
to the quarters It has occupied for
twelve years on the eighth floor of
the Drandels building. When the
clock struck 12, the gong announc
ing the bour of the ending of trading
sounded the usual three times, and
In an Instant, staid, sober, serious
men who are In the habit of Jug
gling with hundreds of thousands of
bushels of wheat, corn and oats, at
once became boys, and very active
Hsrdly had the clock stopped striking
before tin pans, used fot exhibiting sam
ples of grain, commenced to sail through
the air. Chairs quickly followed and
thnn the loose grain commenced to move.
It was poured down the coat collars and
staffed In the pocket of spectators, as
well as members of the exchange. One
hundred or so of the floor trader and
dealers participated In the fun that con
tinued for a half hour or so.
la New Home.
Monday the Omaha Oraln exchange will
transact buainess in lta own eight-story
building 'at Nineteenth and Harney
streets. The trading room will be on the
top floor, with practically all the build
ing occupied by grain men.
Tuesday will mark the twelfth anni
versary of the grain exchange. It had
been the Intention to start business on
the date of the anniversary, but Sunday
coming between, members considered It
advisable to take Saturday afternoon and
Sunday for moving and open up In the
new building Monday morning.
Omaha grain receipts were fair for
Saturday, there being ninety-six cars of
Legislators File
For Renomination
(PYom a Staff Onrreepondent.)
MNCOL.N. Jan. . (Special Telegram.)
Senator Beal of Broken Bow today filed
with the secretary of state for renomlna
tlon on the democratic- ticket to hi place
In the senate
Senator Charles Ruden of Crofton alsd
filed for renomlnatlon to the senate posi
tion on the republican ticket.
When , George and James Stevens, ar
rested for the theft of coal from North
western cars, - were brought to police
headquarter on of the two was searched
and found to have a hi principal posses
sions a pair of spectacles, a much-worn
Bible and a flask of liquor that had lost
considerable of It spirit. Both were
sentenced to ten day.
WASHINGTON'. Jan. . American
aeroplane are Inferior to foreign ma
chine because of poorer high-powered
motors, Admiral Griffin, chief en
gineer of the navy, today told the house
naval committee.
"In our present service, he eald, "w
have no high-powered aeroplane motor
that are entirely satisfactory."
There has not been the encouragement
for the aeroplane motor development that
there ha been abroad, he said.
PARIS, Jan. . Fresh antt-Oerman
demonstrations took place last night at
Lausanne, a Swiss city on the north
shore of Lake Geneva. Toward midnight
the great crowds which purged through
. . I ... IUm
me streets wrre aiiiereeu,
railway station a small group of persons .
urroundlng a German flag was attackvtr 4
with canes, stones and fist. The police
were forced to use their swords before
tkey could rescue) the men attacked.
W. H. Wray of Dallas, Te., Is In the
city conferring with the officials of the
Bankers' Reserve Life company. He
came up out of a summer temperature
and plunged Into a regular Nebraska
snowstorm, which, he said, is quite a
novelty to him.
.5 V
Grand and Upright
Pianos at special
prices and terms for
one week only.
Wonderful Beauty
of tone has made
Stegcr Pianos world
renowned. Their
charming musical
and artistic qualities
satisfy the most crit
ical musician.
Owing to the fact
that the month of.
February is short and
usually a quiet month
It takes out a mtuuie of time to save
dollar when you read The Bee Want-Ad
Movements of Ocean
IJ VKHP(K)L....,
S tee mere.
.... iterwfaotor.
.... Cymric.
.... Nob.
in the piano business, we have decided to offer the piano
buyers of Omaha and vicinity an opportunity to pur
chase a Beautiful Steger & Sons piano at a saving of
$100 to $150 and on terms as low as $5.00 per month.
Free Stool and Scarf with each instrument.
Remember this great reduction in price will last
for one week only. If you wish to buy a high grade
piano cheap call or write at once. "NVe guarantee a pos
itive saving of $100 to $150 by buying now.
Zxolnslv Representatives for the Celebrated Steger ft Sons' Product
for Hsbraska, Westsrn Iowa and South Dakota.
Dr, U. E. Ludwick
Wishes to announce
to his old patrons
and the public that
he is again perman
ently located and is
now with the Mc
Kenney Dentists,
1324 Farnam Street,
Phone Douglas 2872.
You Are Paying
Too Much
If You Pay Over $4.00 FOR GOLD or
Porcelain Crowns
In Material and Workmanship, Beautiful and Lasting, we with
our yeara of experience can safely guarantee everything for 10
years, and If a piece of Dental work Is In good condition 10
years after work is done, there is every reason to believe It
will be good the balance of your life.
Can Too Afford to Impair Yonr Health for This Nominal Sum?
Ilemember, yon can tell Just what it is going to cost before
coming up. We advertise $1.00 per Crown, that is our price.
- Come any time, examine work being done. Examine it In
every way. Let us give you the name of anyone having had
Dental work here.
Modern Methods of Dentistry Are
Not To Be Dreaded
Science and years of experience en
able us to perform your work
less!)' and Quickly.
Let us talk the matter of your
teeth over with you. All work guar
anteed 10 yoars. See our Trice List
and compare it with prices you have
paid for work elsewhere.
Silver Fillings 50o
White Crowns $t.OU
Best 22-K. Oold Crowns $1.00
Bridge Work, per tooth. . . 4.00
Best Plates. $5, $8 and SIO
Treatments $ 1 .OO
McKENNEY. Dentist
1 The Man That Put TEET in TEETH
1324 FARNAM STREET, Corner 14th St. Phone Douglas 2872
The Following Sections of the
King-Peck $137,000 Stock Are
Continued on Sale Monday and as Long as They Last
Men's Suits and Overcoats
Psnaer of a steam coal famine Hsp
warei with shout at rourn. rapidity as It
came, misy nlgtil there was not
enough steam cost In. the city to last
more then forty-eight hours. Now 4 he re
la enough to last several days. , J hiring
FVIdsy night eight trains of twenty f
thirty cars each tame In, all loaded with
leans coal.
AH ot the road report coal trains h.
teeea the ininfs and Otnaha and It Is
assorted that there Is now enough 01
track In the cily and on the roads en
route here to supply all demands tor a
couple ot wetks or mur.
"X Oot mid of Blaekheada Quickly by
Ualaa- Stuart's Celeiuaa Wafere."
They contain no poisonous drug of any
kind, are perfectly harmless and can be
taken with absolute freedom, and they
work almost like mafic. Calcium 8ul
phlde, their principal Ingredient, la the
irrentfst blood-clffanaer known to ctn.
No matter how bad your skin msy be.
Stuarts raU'lum Wafers will quickly
work wonders with It. It's good by to
blackheads, pimples. a-ne, bolls, rash,
enema and a dirty 'fllled-up, complete
Von. Stuart's Calcium Wafers are cold
by all druggists everywhere. Fr!ce Wc a
box. Bend coupon below for a trial pack,
age today.
Free Trial Coupon
T. A. Btaart Ce Sal Ituri SUfi,
Marshall, atlsk. Kend mi at once, by
return mail, a free trial package if
feluarl's 1'e.icium Wafers.
Men's High Grade Furnishings
All The Boys' Fine Clothing
v tiililH
) Stock I
New Lots Will Be Added Every Day Clean, Fresh
Merchandise That Emphasizes the Sacrifice in Prices.
Come and Judge for Yourself.
We Will Soon Announce Date of Sale of the
Men's and Boys' Hats and Caps,
All the Men's Fine Shoes,
Suit Cases, Bags and Trunks,
All the Boys' Fine Furnishings
Watch the Newspapers tor Developments.
Kama F .,
City. . f. atste.
Ask the man ho has used Bee Want
Ads K to 1 os will hear a boost