Hope and Experience Silly Situations bad. rwi ' SUftLlC DAME.. ARE ALL UEortG AAfTUON - AIL WRON G . HE 5 ABOUT 1ME. CAiSfc . ME's soin6 T5 1 ;; ASK. N"SEfc VJAJNG)' LAD , iSNoT"te..5TouT- BuT.TUe VocinS MAN 13 HiS OTFiCE. CitfcK Vsb UUELL "THE. SlTuApovi, ; oh yen No W i bo.1.': Srifess wjPl, J , . J- ?W-t'.i - fe-W'--. 5g jZFrli fist fa- r-fip Ym-csezteiAg l- i 1 : t ' ! i BEATRICE SHOWS , CLASS After Two Defeat! Queen City Firt Make. Crest Fight Ajaimt Central. ; .; SIX FIVES. HAVE CLEAE SLATE Coach Mitten Jones of Bcs trice High arhool athletics sent n cold chill through the hearts of Omaha ro'oerg Prl.lay vrn InRv by Importing a Dim Hint had hon hrad(Ml ac a loart an which nearly rleftatert tli. toal five. It took more than an hour' araitnwnt before tho arora wii derldrit.ian rlowi wna the (am. - . The Batr1cr tram wa a complete aiir prle. With to defrata by Crete ' and JHncoln and nly a clone victory over L'nlveraUy jlac a a rvrd, the team invaded Omaha and played Mulllen a puplla In the faatent snme of the aeaeon en thVJocat floor,. The! rmhtlrt aplclt, excellent tem-irk and vcloae r(uardlnc ef the Queen -City five -mar d-It aa an jual th?pnli'oul. Onlv poor Vukft shoots J ns on. ue pari. ot uie viitor reavuted In the their defeat. Aa for Central Illfh. the team had an ff-nlM. . , Fremont and ralrrriont traveled throtiBh the week at' filr pare, winnlnf jr.a from North - ond land Trlend. -North Bend w eery for Coach OHdrteiPa -puplla of the IiMfe,' the tcore' belnit'O to , Heward took jt, full out ot JIajnton, the atrona- IlamtHon eotinty five, by defeattne; the Utter by a icon of il to X Ifampton waa alao defeated by a a'core of 7 to 17 by the. Or rid J stand . BudOeaa collea-e. Crala, another etrena; team In the north waat. Is tlll addlnir vletorlea.: the-laat one bena: from'' Lyona by acora of 20 U1& . - . .f ..., Third City tAa.I.OB. Grand Island auffcred tire ftnaeoutlve defeat by Uotbcpbura: and Kearney. The acora In the Irat anie waa W to 1? and In the latter. M to 21.' Keaj-aey has a veteran aquad, bu( la not chowine up ao well tlija jcar In comparlwin with other team of the atate. Plat '.smooth took fall out of Nebraska City but the vic tory can eanlly'De attributed to the loa of Sam Kcll'.igg, atar centce, who graft uald the wek before. BoUUv' H1(U de feated Nebraaka City with Kelloav In the line-tip on their own floor a week before, rutttamouth haa a faat aeoond ary team. nvertbeteaa..and ahould climb hiKh In the aeoon4 dlvisioa. Definite announcement came from Un coin laat week that not lesa than alx teen teama would compoaa the ftrat di vision of the atate tournament to be held at the Capital City March I. t. 10 and 11.' Aaalatant Director of Athletics Cluy Reed, who will have pereonal charae of the tournament, announced that the plana of thn management of the tour nnment to date are to place. If ponalblnt thirty-two leading teama ef the etate In the flrat division and divide the ether two classes -.about the same. ' To data 120 high, achoula ot tha atata bay re quested : entry blanka. Thla doea" not mean that all will enter, but It la' quite probable that WO teama will be entered at leant,. s ; ," (l Have- Clean Slates. At present Central and South High schools. . Hebron. Fairmont. - Cralf and ktlndrn are the only teams that have elwan records. The first three are - Of flrat class caliber and will probably play well Into the later rounds of, the ft ate tourney.- '.Beatrice, Ueva. Kremont. Crete, Unrein. Hastings and t'jilverslty Place are re I comers among first .di vision candidates. The summary of fames for the week: PeWItt .31 fttantnn ' .... .... I ....II ....15 ....il ....17 Lincoln .... North Send Kah mnnt , . fiothenHerg Keamev .... Primrose . . Crai Ft. Edward Kalrmnnt ... Oothenburg Comh liiah l.yuna ...... Omaha 'tatuinoulh KremHit Seaard Beatrice rSCtdar tluff SI Mutton -MOrand Island ... i Ut and Island .. W Cedar Kapids .. in Lyons ..,....;-noa , ........a Friend ...'....47 ttrumburs ..10 ..13 .14 . .11 17maha university.. 11 VKosford ff tteatrli e " Nebraska Oty ....... North Bend . C Hampton .... ..f7 ..IT ..11 ..12 West Point High Teams Win and Lose; WEST POINT. . Nab., Jan.' S.-MBpeclal Telegram.) A double-header of ' basket ball waa r;yed on Friday night at West Point. West I'olut Hish school glrla de feated Hooper High, school girts, IS to T. The University of Nebraska freshrnn team played the. West Point Jllgh school boys, defeating the local team 44 to 17. ' Ed Albrecht, All-State Center for two years; Flynn. Alt-State forward laat year, and Flotow ahd. Engatrom, ex Omaha a'.ars. wera In the freshmen line up. The locals,' despite then- handicap In sise. weight end eaperU-nce flashed .real form In the f'.ret half; the score being only 1 to 11 against I hem. Tsaar Wlae (rose Oaklaad. TABER, la.. Jan. .-8peela(.-Tabor Jlrh school defeated Oakland High school at basket ball In the Tabor college gym nasium laat night, tt to 22. This ta said o be tha firat team that Oakland haa aern beaten by this season, hating prevvl ously a on alvvea ronsfcutlva. games. (...If A 14a Krtd Merkl 'tmjk ti gi! last winter I o tils 'I t ! winter r rvd has en play lug even more coif, and if the yt :in pictail again he sJioulJ Wad tue laogua. IES DARCY IS SECOND FITZ Anitralian Middleweight Expected to Become at Great ai Bob ' Fitziimmont. BOTH STARTED THE SAME WAT 1 NEW YORK. .Jan. ,m v . ' - .11 VIIUSl unfortunate for boxing In general If Us Darcy is shipped off to the firing line Just -when he seemed about to re-eatab-Hsh the middleweight class by becoming he undisputed champion of that division. The war killed the rhanrea of one great star when Georges Carpentler waa forced to quit tha ring and Darcy will be missed even 'more than the noted Frenchman, who, .after alt. was never put to the acid test i Krom what Parcy already haa accom plished during his short career,' there aeema to he no limit to what he msv da 'If nothing Interferes 'Vlth his riavelnn. merit. .It takes at least, five . years to hrlng out the heat, within a flahttng man and Parcy haa served an apprenticeship of only two. During half of that time h waa merely passing through the ele mentary, atage and all his noted victories are crowded In the apace of one year, rwith three years more to gain expert renee and the generalship that ran only re learned Iri thaj way, it Is quite pos sible that Parcy would become as great a fighter a- Boh FttEslmmons was t fore him.. , . ,. Both Fits and Parcy developed their jlilttlng muscles through pounding an anvil In an Australian blacksmith, shop. Moat -of the great fighters with whom the modern ' mtttmetv are disparagingly compared gained their hitting ability through swinging a hammer.. McAullffe, Pempcey and flkelly were coopera, , who graduated from the aanie shop; Jeffries waa a boilermaker and scores of leaaer lights who flourished during the ISorton law days learned the peculiar knack of -hitting that comes only to those whose occupation called for the use of a ham mer or mallot, A , t ' - , Horse Dentist Gives Old Pacer New Molar As tha result of a novel operation In horee dentistry up at Chatham, N. T., Ieater Clapper's old sorrel pacing mare, Rickety Ann. may be back on the circuit -next season with nothing rickety about her except her name. Coon after tha fait fairs wera over last year Ann's owner observed with dismay that moat ef tha "S-eent- oats he was feeding her took a back track and; came out of her nose. Flabbergasted at this peculiar leakage, ha called to the plumber, and when that expert jrave It up he led the old mare around to Pr. Franklin Pu Hol Smith's veterinary hospital, where, they chloro form anlmala that are beyond repair. Tr. Smith, on examining Ann. found one of her upper molars had dropped out, leav ing a hole which extended to her nostril. Ha consulted with Pr. W. E. Walker, a dentist, and together they conatructed a hard rubber tooth to fill the hole, fasten ing it in place by means of a bolt and a silver Plate.'- . ' Tha artificial tooth waa so successful that Rickety Ann' now eata like other horses and already looks Ilka a winner at the fall f&: rest year. I ' ' Brawera aea. Rimer Benson, second baseman ot the Cclumbua American Association club, has been purchased by the Milwaukee club. 4 aes Term Hairier. Jlevek. . The Chlcaaro White Sox have turned! Pitcher Shackelford back to Milwaukee. Team vsioN TAanc LWAone w. u r F. Pai-k bnxlms txiaaaua Soaal rar Rsoara J 1 Nabruka IMTlaioa. .It t! Mirttva Power St S lilur1 il linubt Shoiia tl Mlarl. AnMWnta. . . . I tl tii-uaral rYisit rMMnira 44 M Individual aTaraaaa: ' ,mn. A Name. P1.K.T l"Paa Karkwr .... lHileara .! .4 li .! .4M .4S1 .4M .un Av. nt . naa Haaitll .....Its tlarta I4T Hallt lMYouaa 147 W. Nalaoa-..14 Fraai-I J. a!!raaa..!Sl Xvraaa lal Ha w-miadlar , sloaw Krtwaaaar Norma re., in Maaoa ...HT ...Ml ..147 ..,.1.4 ...144 ...144 ...144 ...144 ...i4 ...l4 alwr4aaa han'Ura A- Vnm. kiMr rur bnue IWiarl.B .. giiue o'laaaar . Harauia ... ,, ltvHpataaaal . l..oii ... . tat VaiMtr . . . .laet'lokett . . uiHdii.ia Metanar . Kaatlnaa A adaraoa Sa.rtaMta Hilllaia Hol.ulH Mo.haa !akaiae barka ... i bM slilak .. Hrraul . US Mania 1 rvmai.. .kaUHMUaaa W.rrt.a i:.; Johsaua) a.lar ......i;eua ,...14 ...144 ban ...ii'is-"oa :u Han k !' ouiiar HI l-iaikllna ....U.""-" ; ttuakovHa I. uatraaMa MAUIO Yanixu i.y "rarao-r ...!. Hiatlara: ....! Vera44 Taarn. Oanlurluaa raiia IHlhaaka .14 liauar ,...,..!! a4W l-rarla ..... 1 " sau.ura ...ill rarawra' ateahaaaa. HI a Murpkr'S lulva ....14 14 haul a rraailiiM ...a buraa Aa. lo4....J at Caru Mia. gsrlna 4 ladlvidual arer-eae: . fuk l.uHaaa4l . kc'itaaar .. jolMia l.s LAl tllNTINOluN tXAtil tV w. i- rvi. Naata. (lolttablea flat.' "a IS t Taaaar rWkar '. I a4 a tioedaa 4 ." ivra-HamuMr fi. Q t 4 -4 (mana- H. a. W'arfca 4 4 4liat NaUtMta kvaaa. 4 .fcul Nlalaaaa ..4 . A (I. W. W. No. IT.. 4 t .M sioifn flu l 4 4 i- HHU.rda 4 .-- lM'-4 ' .. I 4 .S4 ludtiriaual aafaaaa' 'ata - A 4 .-taa. AT. tl iMmft ,T4 Uarahy iiu .it ui rn.ui ia Paii . .. . .l't Kvi i- Mat 1.1 K. atlraaar l H-riua laa .... staaaas Sra4 .. ' 4.11141 Y a. .. 4 a lroa tHHiraa Kaalav ... - I j 1 Jack Dillon Wants Work; Says He'll Meet Any of 'Em Any Time at Any Weight Any Place By u Worlda Champion Ught-HearywelghtT I will fight any man In tha world over the ten. twenty or forty-five-round route, nd if I don't; win In a decisive way. I ll donate my share of the proceeds to char ity. This ehsllenga goes for Jess Wlllard, Frank Moran, Jim Coffey and the ether "heavies." rve challenged alt of them time and time ago, but they always cinne I'acs; wun ma answer tnat I am "too small." That what a lot of people thought a year or two sgo, but soma of them don't think that way now. I used to fight in the middleweight division, and then latet I took on light-heavyweights. I believe the public will agree with ma when I say I cleared tha puglllatio horison of light heavies and established a clear title to the llght-heavywctght championship. And (hen I took on tha bigger' fellows' men who outweighed ma from twenty to fifty pounds and who were front two to six Inohes taller than J. Thar waa ae one else for me to fight. My weight la only 170 and my height Is five feet seven and a half Inches, but I'm not afraid to try conclusions with any living man. About a year or go ago Charlie We Inert ef Newark, N. waa being boomed as the logical contender for tha heavyweight championship of tha world. X finally got Wetnert In tha ring with me. Everyone said that I waa going to be murdered. The fight ended in tha second round and I was the winner because I had knocked . out Welnert. . Frank Moran answers my challenge) for a fight by telling ma I am "too small." Well. I waan't too small to win from big Jim Savage, If you'll look In the records you will find that Savage stopped Moran In their ftght. That was at a time. too. when Savage waan t as good a man as when I met hire. "I've fought every man I could fight. None, of them J ave come too big for me. If you'll look through my record you will find that tat addition to Savage and Wetn- Mike Mowrey Finds . No Profit in Peace Mike Mowrey is one man In tha world who is opposed to peace In base ball. Right now Mike finds himself a,, man without a country, or perhaps it might be better to say a man without a league. Mika neglected to renew hia contract with the Pittsburgh rebels last month, although be was urged to do so by Ed Konetciiy and Rebel Oaken. Mike eaid he would wait and see which way tha cat jumped. So he waited and saw, . Standing and Individual lt Malta !) ...l7 riahar IW ....laalatlhaal ... 144 Ian A out ,.li: NCB. TKOa UDAirrv, W L. Pr4. ....41 It .ISS Taaai. Oaaaral Otttae .., Auditors M 14 t44 Mullek 141 Wlrs Chief Iia4nt Plaal ... AaoaUAUaa sa.siaaara .14 It .m a .HI .44 .411 .4-4 .4-4 .) .14 .411 .n ss .11 M .14 U .it rr .14 t .14 II Hlua 144 IxaHanoa 144 W aaiara Ekaoina CanMrnci toa ... .. ltJ Mlraakr...l44 ..If a Waaaler ....144 U'raa Il ..li'Walaai 1U laatallaOea ..r., Tratna ladlTtdaal aaan Ktaa. At NasMl. A ...IW . l4 ...144 ...lit ...Ut .. .154 ...117 ..liTWDau . ...1 sima ..maraanall , . .IT.wilaiaa ..latMadaaa . . lTOirmlr ..IWttanlait , ..l4tHdttal4 . ..UiAahlaa ,. ..lt.7Dulf ..ltTtaraahr , . .LMHruoa ... .uA. (wtraalua I il Prls . l4 Wanak 141 .li-ShriMaaaaa .141 Kaat Kiraa . . . .llrfHaaaa ..141 ..l4 Hollioajr , Halrd .... rhlllles .. ontaa . . ll-S Dnfcaraaa .k-ASIacll .. .IMAikira .. IfJMaaa .... I. !K i-i 10 .. I Kfllaas . L-t ftianua I. Nolaa4 Olaaa .... ...13 ...14 1S4 1M lit t in-a ... II iohaaa Palaraaa . Hull Kahaaok , Kallar ... gaa ar .. Karauida ioAlta . fctowAar , poul.l ... 114 1M IAkt. kill ..VWHaJtaaaa ..114 ..UiAKaatar Ml .1.4 -lairbaaaiu 111 ,.ti Haiuaiaaa ..11 l'PaUk U4 144 nraila lal HI OTt LBAOl B . IMktlM .144 rahoaalock ..U-ll4aaatraam ..Itllaiadla ... ..UlWallara ,. ..-Maad ,.l4Blra . ..I4rvr4ie4a .. ..kaaMoaU ..... . .14T laa . .ialamla ... i. . ia I Antora ,. ..latPtiaraa .... ..14Rlilaaa ..114 Pillar .... ..141 Kkoaa ... W U fc. .Ul .191 .lat .13 .17 .la ii .1 .117 irs .114 .1 .114 .121 t-1 K4 St .411 X4 .44 41 laaae loaAbava ., Xadlna .... i'btti-ag .... (kx-klar ... Hall , Klua Bull Siraara ... Millar .... ItaaHlse .. W . Noiaa llsar Daaaaai -. . Shara HraatMaiar I m r . . . . C'raalaa4 . A. N A. ..lTaiolamaa . I T Mwtvna. . 1.4 W. Ulaa ,.i:&Vaaa . ..ITXaiiiTaa ..14 ..114 .1.4 ..1-4 ..1M ..l4 ...44 ..KTi-uikia .... . loT Marnald . . .14: Hanaaa ...aklavlwa ..iabt'laJ-ae .... ..lSVar . .lal a-.alaa ... ..WVaaae .... . . r4la.a lins . . . .1 j' -'ialaf . . ,..l4W. Ho' .1 ,. .lOIOkanr .141.) Hall ,.v!4l Paklka . ..171 S..l ....II ...IIS ..'1.4 ...III .. 1 ..141 ..1 ..14.' .141 ha Id a la UIHaraaa , ,11'MllHI . ''lUiim 14(lka4las . . .4tHraaa , IULIII4.I .141 . .1- .1 tlarnaau :HlJ.r. . r- . r a AW. - ert I have fought such big men as Jim Flynn. Porky Flynn, Ouhboat Smith, Ed die McOoorty, George Chip, Frank Klaus, Andre Anderson, "Bear Cat" Tom Me Mahon, Jack Lester. Al Norton. Tom Mc Carty and a bunch of others.- "I've been fighting for seven years. "In that time I have figured In 17 battlea. Never onca during my career haa any man scored a knockout over me; never onca .have. I been knocked oft my feet My record shows that I have scored greater number ef knockouts. In ratio to my bouts, than tha bulk of the roert In tha prlsa ring today. I won tha newapaper decisions over Gunboat Smith and Tom McMahon. Look In tha records and you'll find that both those men scored decision victories over Jeaa Wlllard. Dccsn't that show that have ' made a" better record against the same men than WUlardT .. "I'tO'seen Wlllard tight and I've aean Moran. Neither Inspired any fear In my i heart. I've beaten men that wera too good for both of them. I know that Mo ran and Wlllard can hit a powerful blow, but I think I'm, just a little bit too fast for either of them. - "And when It comes to hitting well, look over my record of knockouts. "In conclusion, I reiterate my chal lenge: - I'll fight any man in the world anywhere, any time and any diatance, and If I don't win either by a knockout or declalvely on points my share ot tha prooeeda goes ta charity. "Can I make a fairer, squarer challenge than thatr WALTER JOHNSON EASY FOR GREAT TYRUS COBB Ty Cobb Is the best batter In tha game today. There era many' who believe that Walter Johnson Is the greatest pitcher. Tet Ty waxed fat on Walter's pitching last season. Rip Mlllken haa It alt figured out that Tyrus slugged tha Speed Krng for an average of .S7S, while against Bert Gallia he bit .071. stoderara ta Lack. BUI Rod sara can breathe easy for a while, at least. The Cincinnati club haa decided that he la the right and proper person to atlck on second baaa and haa paid tha Portland. Ore., club In full. Averages of the Local VCKflOO IXAOCaV Oaaanlrk .. W I- Pr. Blanaaaulst Iaa tiklrts W 14 .441 Idaal Ma-1aaaTs 1 IT .14 riaaale CktU 11 II ,1 tdaa.1 MarklaaaS It IT . Mine Taylor 1 l .all IM-aadaoughls ... ...ll4 .1-11 Na.ni. At. Nam. At. Waaiaiaant lynhaaloa ...111 Steak lUKlrk 1st Rnahnall iianilan ....114 Hrha Kkdaht .... Mahl , Ruul stcAagrsva Kallar nark Bwali oatb enrr Taaia. Klrkkaa ...tSTPaui Ill Larana UJlilraaam ...1.17 IhM'aauasia IM aturvhr Did Its Halhka Olaaarow Parkar . Ih-aMt .. Pier . Sana.ie Walkar . Maallka Ptialaa Mlrkay Olbaoaa lala Burials 14Haramdla .114 UAMaaaa HI liar Uraada M 17 .49 olraviHa ituidjaa ....tkll .41 Foa-ra Caadr aids.. II at ' .41? ...144la4 lal ...IMMarDoucaJ .114 ...14lHItord 1J ...lllKna lil rioraaalms Uutai tlaxnaja ...14K'unll li) ...lavHavrrtaartoa lie ...l-SCaainaas .114 laSlTldaal Poreoele Naaaa. riu Dakar ... Ho4V .a lAadatrna atorlaa . B. Kocaa Shaar ... Hvtnoaa lna .... At Naaaa. . lainolaiaaa ,.147Havar ... .14 liar . ... . lar-Baad .... ..llOJaraaaa . . I'-Kauaa . ..ridlkaoa ..rn'raue .... AMHI4'A.V RXPRKHS Cou rts LHAUl a. W. U Pc. rfiTars s 14 .4T omoa m it .va bapot s .444 Bupanataadaat it je .lo4 . ladlTidual aaaraaaa: Naaaa. At. ban. At -....174P. I'almar. ..!. .....177 MU. kali ....ll 17i"awaoe IT in..,mitiw'i .a ....17411. Palmar... lat Ralilnaah'g 11 . Maurar.. 1'7 Haras . ttlne ... RIo) ... Ka.Uor Vaaa ... llouaka ....1H Hatubara Kaain !J.4Mrkaj4 Ill IVular IMKhaai 19 Eraaia 113 Jrillaa 14 Waatantv .ul Vara oat 1 hniaamii ..l44tlaa ....11T U lplaakl l(lra A.l4 Plarra lui.rlaaaar ....It, Ulddlataa .141 Hunt IS 174 "aadlar ...174H.aa.la ,..ifai Wabar 1T4H1US ! Naia.ai I ll Karma. ...144 Ttiairkar ...irlBlul ...,,.14 avlet aba ... .ITJ Uaaaav .. .1-4 ilaaalia 1 PuoJar lal A. Laalaaai.HON.iaoa la sUltor USAallraam ,...U swirr Itowunq tuorg Bartaaak ,.17l Eldaaa riHuaan 11 Kaba , -Taadaa la W. U Prt. Cmpiraa .a.. g C .4-7 Ull4 ......... Tl HnKikflalds I Haoaaa .... 171 LrroootHArHaTt iaqcb. Taaaa t W twtva. Loair TtIbu ...... 1 li vT Oaiaks rriaui It 1 a I vaaa Prlai a U -I4 lawala 4 I t I iMilaa ludlvtdiaal svacaiaa: Saaa. A'. Saan tariaa 1.1 R.u-aa U. a.aMar ..It. sail. WALSH HOLDS SOME RECORD "Bunt" it Only Pitcher in Captivity Who Hurled Two Ball and Al lowed Five Runs. TRIPLE AND HOME RUN MADE Jimmy "Runt" Walsh once aspired to be a pitcher, realised his ambition. Im mediately established a world's record. and right then and there hia pitching hopes died a audden and violent death.- "Bunt" laat season a third-sacker on the St. Ixiuls Federals was doing in-flr-ldlng chorea for the Philllea two or three seasons ago. Frequently ha ap proached "Red" Doom, the manager, and aald: "I've tot speed and control and I sure ly can curve that pellet." "I'll give you a chance some day," an swered Red" and the -chance rame during a Boston series. The Braves had massacred a brace of the Phillies pitch ers, two more were unfit because of duty the day before, tha game waa hopeleasly lost anyway and ao Dooln yelled to Walsh: ' ' . "Hey, yeu, 'Runt!' Get in that bo and let's see what you kin do." Proudly, almost haughtily,. ."Runt" atrode to the mound. Three men wera on the bases. "Runt'- uncorked his usual warming up benders, then hitched up his belt, -nodded In affirmation' ot his catch er's signal, wound up, and the ball was seen hurrying at a terrible dtp toward the batter. v -. jigralast the Feaee. The batter, however, reached out hia war club. . caught, .the ball . fairly and squarely on the seam and sent It collid ing against trie' fence, for three bases- which, of course, sent across three more rOns for the Braves. . ; "Runt was -very much , surprised at this rough treatment, ' but was not disheartened.- Ho hltcrhed his trousers 'once again, gave the next batter tha "onca aver," nodded to hia signaling catcher, and cut loose. The batter hooked Walsh's curve as It broke and tha ball went sailing over the fence for a home run. "Hey, you get out there; get outa there before I assassinate you!" shrieked Dooln, and "Runt" Walsh's career as a major league pitcher ended there ended after Walsh had hung up tha unenviable record of yielding a triple, a homer and five runs on two pitched balls a record without parallel In the long history of the national pastime. Sioux City Finishes In Lead at Mitchell MITCHELL. 8. D., Jan. . Sioux City finished in the lead in the five-men and singles events of the trl-state bowling tournament today. Tha 'Martin - hotel quintet and G. Adolph Otson of Sioux City top tha field In their events, with Branson and Young, of Mitchell, getting the honora In the doubles. ' Tha winning scores were: . .. Five-men ... -..... . .2,7X1 Singles ,,. ng Doubles 1.1S7 ' Aberdeen secured tha .1917. tournament. J. E. Shannon of Aberdeen waa elected president. - , Boxtasi Match Called Off. BEATRICE. Neb.. Jan. . Specla1.) The tan-round - boxing match to- have been pulled off at Uncoln next wek between "Kid" Wheelock, a llghtwelaht of thla city, and Joe Carr ct Liiooln, haa been called off. Wheelock haa aranged to meet a Chicago pug at St. Joseph next Wedneaday. Bowlers .144 Shaenarrl ...117 .14 W. kaaar..is4 .leBMoMlliaa ...U .lwrrmnrta 114 .WlOallaahar ...VI .laoKlamsnaasr 1 .lrnNalaaa IJ .ll-7Rhansa ...111 ..lsOHaekla ....lit Ul&oaiaaaa ...HI Raaeaek - Vast la ;...s .(41 14 II Hukar Inks .... Klono-B&nlatt . II 44 .HI ' Indlrldual h'sin. At. Nana. At. Haaaaa .... ..171 Baal 141 ..lTeHnhr .-.Id ,.i:rWtlnaoe ...IM ,.1TC. Andaraaa .Ht ..lUTrruikahaaU .161 ..IsnOaborn ....141 ..'.UMiratakr ...141 Taa ....... istar . .. . Holaaasa .. Ohaaaura Hofrmaa ixwz. W.U Pet. Kiaa r-aatrmr- . A. Paaaow. WW worth Ptaaabaaa- . ,.14J Wledoam .144 It II .k4 liKnklar .. ....14 ....141 ....IU ....141 ...nr It Kuril ,. lMaattav . IM-Savlnr .. IMAadaraoa ...Mil 4a U 17 .(a W.BI, 7hn R. r4awlMKraa4a ...13T alillar laaHuirklaaa ..Ul 14 4 . ..... at II MT l' Klaaaaar .. IMi rnaama ...lit (Vtrar VMtailiar II Qnas lMPaauska ....10 At ..ITS ,.1T .174 ,..n .a; ..1S -.14 .. SI r. aV TABX LSIAOCS. Taaav. w.U f Wood Bm rr it . Olar-Roeinaoa MM . laaf Bros. M XI . Bhaa Sara ..- 11 , 11. . tarda -...) U . I . a. T. awak 14 U . 4il STI 111 ..lSdalatar 144 Udivttual a' At. Naaaa. lTtParkar ... .iTSAriaaiadae . 1 74) Povar . . .tPaaka .... AT. ..14 ..'.4 .14 .144 ..144 ..11 ..IU I jTtoaaua .14 ibSKaoyoe .. iv' r via. .ia0raaraaar4 . .lklaalbxU .MHlTTIl ... .141 .14 .lat U T.llkarVa.lat Parabaaaaa ..lal .11 UKokaaaam.irT .UlOaaa ...is .rMSraaittair tuiifoa ... .IMIaahlfaol . .1-. Rrckavr .IMluf ... .-rhraak .UtHaat .., .14 Oraaarg ..lal gaatarkatta ,.M4 ...114 ...IU ...Ul ...Ul ...11 ..lf ..14 Naaaa. K-ila Jokaaoa ... Taaauaa . . . C Uairaaa Ftavrk Raadall ... lliililssae (nam Star l-aaa- Ra.aU laillam laauaiard) ... r, Klaav.... Haaaaa .... Huta ...... IVaraa It-ki aaaa .. Hallaa .... BIG FLOOR FRAYS ARE ON THE CARD (Continued from Page One.) eawclation with High nchool-Biandeis battle. - ' ... .. Two other titles will be decided. In the Commercial league the supremacy be tween the High School of Commerce and Central Hliih Reeerves' Is drawing un usual attention. The Commerce toascra have perked up the last few gamea and j feel confident of handing a drubbing to I their scholastic contemporaries. Sonth Bide Charehee Mix. What will probably be the toughest .leading snort governing bodies In this proposition la the mstch between the city. While the rules have been altered Bouth Bide I'resbyterlan and the South . from time to time to meet changing con Side Baptist. The championship o( the dltions the Impresnion prevails that tha South Side churches Is at stake. That theee flippers are more evenly matched than any of the other fives of the Church league is seen from the league standing. Both have lost two contests and won one. With the St. Mary's Congregatlonal ista they are tied for fourth place. - All eyes Are dtrectd' toward the big melee scheduled between the Brandelo five and Nebraska" Wealeyan for Feb ruary 10. That this will be one 'ot. the largest home game of the year, the out come will determine the amateur cham-i pionahlp of. the atate; The department store- manipulators are . accredited . the champ, amateur tossers of the state. Weateyan on the other hand clalma the' atate In tert collegiate title which their record easily proves.- To date the Metho dists have, cleaned up the University of Nebraska.-, defeated ' tha University of South Dakota twicer and have declalvely beaten tha best secondary colelgea of the state. Dssst Game Off. Because of the' Impossibility- of 'securing1 a floor for Friday evening, ". Manager Gantt of the Clarks has called ' off hia game with Doane college. The collegians will meet tha University ot Omaha Thurs day evening and wera to play the Clarks the following nUrht. The gam wfU prob ably be played at soma latter date. . -' With Tesvma mm Players. " ' "Bud" Reams, physical director of thei iToung Men'a Christian association, will referee the Kansas-Nebraska games at Lincoln, February 11-11. The basket ball schedule of the Benson High school haa been taken over by the Clifton HID Merchants, an aggregation of former base ball cracks. . , . . Bob Koran of the Brandela will not be able to play for aome time. Koran is laid up with water on the knee. Since the Church league organized four new churches have ' sought admission. They , cajinot be accomodated because of lack of courts. A serious caae of grip has kept John Reel, star center of pie Hanacom Park Methodists, from participating in ' the floor game. Aa a reliminary to the University of Omaha-Doane game 'Thursday evening on the eolleaa court, the Omaha. Hleh I School Reserves will play the High Bcnooi oi commerce. . Because "Cy" Ksmanakl of the Creigh ton and severe other Bellevue alumni wished to play against Bellevue college Thursday evening the Townsend Tiger-Orelghton Law contest was post poned. Because three of their star flippers were on the blink the Clarks found It impossi ble to meet Bellevue College last Monday. Wtth thirty-eight eligible tossers o Rick from the M. Mary (.'ongregationaia ad only four of their regulars for their earns -against the Calvary Baptists laat Tuesday. The uongresaupnaiaisia lost. 18 to 13. Ong Defeats Swanton In Two Swift Games - ONO. Neb., Jan. . (SpeclaMi-The fng High school basket ball team de rated Swanton last night. to 28. The game waa exceedingly fast and close throughout. McLaughlin, the midget guard for Ong. wag the atar of the game. Bailey rang up a points for. the visitors. Line-up: ONO. BWANTOV. Nelson -. F.IF Bailey Rosenqulst F.I F Ollliland Mosleym C C- W-is Mclaughlin OIO Reed tVofleld O.IQ.... Luaa Referee: KlUion. . . .. The Ong girls team defeated the Swan ton girls,, M to 10. Both teams played ex cellent ball, but ' the Swanton players were unable to break up the accurate goal shooting of the Ong forwards. Line up: . ' ' ONO. ' SWANTON. Beroulat . F. ' F. . ...R. Witts Nlspel . Ellnneir .1. JJumtiy ...O. Witte .C. Mumby Mct'ratn . Oskley .. Norduren Bundberg twanson . F.IF.... r.'C... C.C.... G.lQ.... O.IO.... GENEVA TRIMS YORK IN BASKET BALL FRAY YORK. Neb.. Jan. Special Tork and Geneva high schools played basket ball laat evening. Geneva, defeating York to 11 Lineup: ' York. I-amphere rVamerhorn Kosiiaky .... ShsrM ..... I Geneva. ...L.O.II.Q J. Kochler I..RO.IB.O Ods (..(!.. Asniana .....R8JR.8 B. Koebler ....L.F-1 L.F. Martin Olmated Bea Want-Ada serve hundreds dally. Saalth at " keallsg. Harry Smith, formerly manager ef the Newark, N. J. club of tha laternatlonal league, has been chosen manager of Ui VtUeaUiiig club ef the Central lavue. AMATEUR FUSS IN TENNIS National Association. Will Attempt to Clarify Much-Discussed . Situation. GOLFERS ALSO IN ' TROUBLE NEW YORK, Jan. 12. At the coming annual meetings of the National Golf and Tennis' associations efforts will be made to further clarify and strengthen tha rules governing the conduct and actions of players who pose as amateurs in these I sports In keeping with the new code , adonted at the recent conference of tha regulations can atill be Improved upon. This Is Illustrated by an occurrence last summer which Involved a prominent tenX? nla authority and a business man from the middle west. The business man, who' knew nothing of tennis, Waa on an aaatx ern trip when he Teceived a request front , friends prominent in tennis drolea at ' home to secure the entry of several .high, class t6umament players for -a tourney-'j about to -start. . .---Ho called upon tha other principal ot the-story and after-stating his mission -and requesting the latter' assistance, ex- i o . 1 1 .j -. aiam. a. . .....in w m ' eral. hundred, dollars for expenses and .a-: still larger sum for the time and services of the players named. It was pointed .out, .-' to the business man that tennis was tn -r" amateur sport and that the players were -not supposed to take money for playing,' The matter ended there, but the tennis -authority is still wondering whether hia '. .visitor simply took It for granted that it ; was necessary to offer td pay for the services' ot tha rilayera. desire or w acting under instructlong from, the folks dock noma. ,-, - - -i a."- .'a , Moran Admits Be ls'r Pugnacious Person . NEW TORK, Jan. tS. Fran Moran. tha big blonde Irish-American Who Is to ftght Wlllard for tha worM'g heavy weight championship, in a talk bora tha " other night said: "I guess I have always been a fighter. , When I was Just a kid of . knocking around the freight yards of Pittsburgh" I was as confident that I could lick eny-i one in i na wui in as a awia aww a not always worked at It. And soma. day . I ahall. go on to other thlnga, ,1 hope. - ' "Outside of tha ring my greatest Inter-, est is In the poor youngsters. I, am -very proud of the friendships I have made among the newsboys here. I want to help them. I want them to get a chaaoa to lead good, clean lives In decent surround ings. . "When Tra through with boxing, per haps, I will make my life work.' I know no mora laudable work than ' that dona hi the settlements for the welfare ot tha poor kiddles." . . - NARY DETROIT PLAYER . WAS HIT THROUGH PEACE Base ball peace will have no hnmedtate effect on tha salaries of - tha Detroit Tigers. President Navln announced, that his squad haa all been signed and that practically all of the signing was dona while Friend DovS'was homelsss. FIVE HUNDRED BOXING MEN ENTER THE BIG WAR "Snowy" Baker, tha Australian JvtlgtHs-i tlo promoter, figures about HO men more or less prominently connected with tha' boxing game In Australia are la 'tbr trenches or on their way to tha war " J. EYERS IS LINGUIST," ' SPEAKS THREE TONGUES A Boston fan suggests that the name of the Braves be changed to Haughton Tots, or Hottentots. He says that the Hottentots speak . three dialects. . Wan, that lets the Braves In. Johnny Ever can talk base ball, Kngllsh and profane. ; t. Edward Iefeata FaUertea. T. EDWARD. Neb.. Jan. (Special) In one of the beat and moat exciting basket ball gamea played in thla part of the country thla year, the St. Edward Hish Seward won from tne rMiierton Hlrh school. 28 to . Thla maksa Fun- erton'a third defeat thla year. The game played In ilia local gym Derore a large . crowd waa no onea' game until the final Whistle blew. , Bey far Mollwlta. . Herr Fried rich Mollwltx. late lieutenant In the Slaty-ninth Sileaian Infantry, haa started an Infantry corps of hia own. Boy; weighed in at twelve pounds; elegant lung power, and already demand-. -Ing the right to travel with the, Clucui- ' natl club. I '9S3S4 Osbvara I fr'lrcd. Wilfred Oabom, who for the last three aeaaons led American Association turw fleldere In (he number of putouts mada, haa been released by Louisville to At lanta. V I aid I teleaele ta Aaakvllla. The Touisville Polonals have left I ford. Fia.. flat on Its back. 3avrafl Nashville. Tana, will ba the aoaaa tasHha ti-aiaiBg M'ta g tha 1rasa.