Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1916, WANT-AD SECTION, Page 5-D, Image 31

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    TlLfc UAiAHA SUNDA. Khh: JA.NLAU1 mo.
TTheat it Weak Despite Brisk De
mend and Sells One to Three
Cents Lower.
OMAHA. January . 191.
The wheat market waa very wnk to
nay. There wn a fairly active demand,
h he wheat sold 1 to I cents lower.
'orn was atronir. advancing H to I cm a
hlrher, tha better gradea aelllnir J cenia
higher, whlla tha off grade corn aold
Hilly Vi rent up.
Oata wera lowr, tha recelpta continued
Itht and tha demand waa only fair. Oata
were, quoted a quarter cent lower.
Llverpol cloned with wheat Vrfl'ld lower
and corn Hd higher.
Wheat Corn. Oe.
'hit ago 1 177 14
-Mtnneapolla 1!
Omaha 1 1
A'tnnlpeg (7 ... ...
Theae aalea ware reported today:
Wheat No. I hard winter. 1 car. $17:
2 cars. 1.25'4 4 care, f 1.26; 7 ears, tl.MH:
rara, 11.24; I rara, 11. X, No. 4 hard
winter, 1 car, 1123; a care, 11.21; cars,
11.20; 1 car, 111 No. S spring: 1 car. U.J0.
No. 3 mixed. 1 car, 11.17: 1 car. tl.W.
t cars. tl.24. No. 4 mixed, 1 car, IMS.
No. I durum. 1 car, tUttfc
Rye-No. , 1 car, tvo.
Jl.rlev No. 1 feed 1 fir. Uo.
Corn No. 8 white. 1 car. flc No. 4
white, 1 car, 7"c; a cara. 9c; I cara, tna.
1 car. S3ic; S cara. 0c; No. 4 yellow, I
cara, 70c. No. a yellow, 1 car. asvfrc; 1 cara,
Vie. No. mixed, I ear, 7a. No. 4
mixed, 2 eara, c; 4 cat a, K',c; No. I
mixed, l ear, 64c; I cara. esc; 10 cara,
Wc; 1 car, 5c. No. 8 mixed, 1 car. 4c:
4 cara. 63c; I cara. Kc; I cara ' 62c; 1
car, alVtc; I cara. Wc; 1 car. 60c. Sample,
1 car. (wheat mixed), 68c; 1 car. 61c; I
car. 68c; 1 car, 66o; I cara, 66c; 1 car, 45c;
1 car, 42MiC.
oats No." I white, 1 car, 60c; S cara,
4!4o. Sample, 7 cara. 4fc
Omaha rash Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard.
1.8S&1.: No. 3 hard. 11.221.27; No. 4
naru, 11.14111.22; ino. x tpnng, ii.kibi.w;
No. 2 spring, 1. 19411.27; No. 2 durum,
tl.l8HJl.ll4)i N'o. I durum, $1.17471.1;
sample. S0cmi.i2. Corn: No. 1 white,
70Vo71c: No. 4 white, 6SH70c: No. 6
white. 6HHe; No. white, toWc;
No. $ yellow. TrSTlHc; No. 4 yellow,
70c; No. S yellow, aHnc; No. 6 yel
low. 63'r: No. 3 mixed. "0ir?OHc: No. 4
mixed, $: No. a mixed, (kg W-. o.
ft mixed, 6utj'64c; aample mixed. 4Jtlo.
Oats: No. 3 white. S0ff61o: atandard,
WVVffteOHc: No. 8 white, tef00! No-
white. 41xltHc. Parley: Malting. 7r
T5c; No, 1 feed. ioftSc. Rye: No. 2, 96
S?Hc: No. 3, 959He.
Chicago closing prices, furnished The
Bee bv Logan A tryan, stock and trrain
brokers. 315 Bouth sixteenth st'eet;
ArtlcleTopen. lUfh. low. Close! Tea'y.
WhStl T I
May.ll W1 1 Wi'l MMS'l MHHll 85T
juiy.11 iKfti 1 1 ati aitfti x -r"
Corn. . I I . . I
My. xoaijr
81 Hi
Oata. I
801 S0
40!. 491!.
Pork. I I I
Jan..! 20 65 121 10 I 20 66
tl 10 '2-1 51
20 B7H 20
20 80 I 20 70
May. 20 7k4l 10 78 20 67
July.l 20 771 30 80 I 30 60
IArd. I I
Jan.. to no
10 S2H110 27-90 10 27-221 10 2S
.May. 10 so
10 60 i 10 KJlllO 62-l 10 BO
10 70 I 10 6TI 10 70 110 67-70
July.l 10 70
Rlba. I
Jan.. 10 70
10 70 I 10 70 I 10 70 I 10 TT
U 12HI 11 I 11 W 11 10
May.lll 12-101
July.fU a-l!6',U 22-26111 22-25111 22-l
Featarea at tb Tradlagt and Cloalaa;
Prlcea oxt Board of Trade.
CHICAGO. Jan. 29. Forelgnera caneel
lna; spot purchase transactlona and then
turning; to tha eelllng aide of future de
livery brought about a aubstantlal de.
cline In the May wheat market hero.
Prlcea closed heavy, lflH to ISO net
lower, with May 81.84s4 and July
3l.5'ii. Corn gained 4 to H?". oats
finished H to Ajc down., and provlalona
varied from 7Hc decline to rlae of 70
cents. - ..
Aocordlna; to a well knewa authority,
the reselling of wheat by forelgnera waa
due to the prospect of a reduotlon In ves
sel rates and becauaa of signs that spec
ulatora bad overbought. Predictions were
out that ahlpmente from here to Europe
will ba generally enlarged In coneequenca
Of the lowering of veaael rates.
Advices from Mlntieapolie that ths
French government bought a larga
amount of flour at the highest . quota
tions this eeaaon created a rally In wheat
but the effect was brief.
Corn rose to a new high price record
for tha 1915 crop. Bullish eetlmatea aa to
tha also of the Argentine exportable aur
plua were largely responsible, together
with the unaettled weather In tha do
mestic belt . ... .
Oats weakened tinder free eelllng by
comrolealen heuaea.
January pork was bid up 70 cents ba
fort a belated email short could effect
a eetUement In the rr of tha llat val
uea hardening with tho hog market en
couraged liberal offerings.
Caah prlcaa: Wheat: No. 1 red, 31.WSH;
No. 2 red. nominal; No. 3 hard, 81.85; No.
3 hard. $1.2&gl.80. Corn: No. 3 yellow,
nominal; No, 4 yellow, 75876c; No. 4 white.
74437&io. Oata: No. 8 white, blc;
atandard. Ko. Rye? No. 8. 31 04. Barley;
a8lc. Seeds: Timothy, 85.50y7.t5: clover,
810.00J? 18.50. Provislona: Pork, nominal;
lard linr,fn0 2&: ribs. 110.3710.40.
BOG9 Lower: flrste. 28c; ordinary
firsts. 27W57c; at mark, cases Included,
POULTRY Alive, higher; fowls. 15c;
springs, lss.
HPTTKR Lower; creamery, 22ffWc.
POTATOES Lower: Michigan, Wlaoon
aln, Minnesota and Dakota whites. :'.c
M OO; Mlnneaota and Pakota Ohios, fc5Kc.
Qaetatloas of (ka Day Tarloas
, NEW YORK, Jan. 29.-FLOITR Uti
le (tied.
' WHEAT Spot, easy: No. 1 durum,
I1.48U: No. 1 northern. Duluth. ai.84U: No.
i northern, Manitoba, 31.84, f. o. b., New
York. Futures barely ateady; May,
CORN Spot, firm: No. I yellow. 8TO0.
c. I. f . New Tork.
OATS Spot, steady; No. I white, 67
,7ifAT-8teady; No. 1, tl.22K4J1.25; No. i.
J1.15: No. 8. 8! 00; shipping, MrVOCL
HOPS Steady; state, common to choice,
.1916. 15027c; 1914, kSc; Paciflo coast. 1818,
llrt15e- 1914 8Ol0e.
HIDES-Firm; Bogota. 81Jlc; Cen
tral America. 81c.
LEATHER Hrm; Hemlock flrsta, 23
54c: aecotid". tUfKie.
PROVISIONS Pork, steady: mess, 130.00
.V: family. 33.0n6tt4.00; ahort clear.
8l.oOu'i3.')u. Beef, steady; meaa, 81.6?
J7.00; family, lfc.50aL 00. Lard, steady;
middle west, 3lo.4iKglo.60.
TALLOW Steady; city, 8',ic; country,
8Vsc; special.
BUTTER Steady; creamery extras. 32c,
scoring ai'a32c; creamery, higher, acor
Inr 22.52Hc.
EGOS Firm; fresh gathered, extra fine,
81$ 32c.
CHEESF Firm; state, whole milk flats,
specials lfJm.Se.
POULTRY Live, ateady; weatern
chickens, l.'Uc; fowls, 16Vac; turkeys, 1W
Wc. Dresaud, strong.
RKElF CUT3-Rlba. Ne. 1. 19c; No. 2,
17 tec; No. 8, 13c. Lolna, No. 1, 32c; No.
2. 2c; No. 3, 18c Chucks, No. 1, 10c; No.
J. 84c; No. 3. Rounda. No. 1, lJc;
No. (. 134c; Ne. 3, 13,c. PlaUa, No,
1, r: No. 2, 8c; No. 3.
FRUITS Oranges: tuikiat, 84a, 82 28
per box; 80s. K.bO; 86a and lOus, 12 ii: 112a,
UflO; l; 13.5; 150s, 2xa and 314a, 81. 80;
lTbs, 84.0U; uos and 216s, 4.2o. Lemons:
Golden Bowl, 30ue and 8tk)a, 84 00 per box:
Red Ball, 8450. Orapefrult: 3. 4a and
F4s, 33.75 per box; 64o and aOs, 8400; extra
ancy, all alxea, 4 2i. Urapea: Mglagaa.
17 per keg. Bananas: Medium, 81 50
al.'5 per buncb: medium jumbos, 110
f'ZSO; regular jumbos, 82.aou2.7a; larga
umbos, 81oO$3.2ft; mainmoth Jumboa,
J.6(3.7i. Cranberrlea, 8-vM4U.og par
Jarrel, 84 00 per bos.
POPCORN No. 1 rice, 4c per lb.; 40
Mb. packaaea. 82(0 per caae; Nebraska
white. I'tor-kO per lb.
VEGETABLES Potatoaa: White atock,
81. 26 per bu.; Nebraska atock, 81.20 per
bu ; Red River Ohloa, 31.48 per bu. tweet
potatoes. 83.50 per barrel: lelaware, 31. 1
per hamper; aouthern. 8I.80 per hamper.
Onions: Bed, 3c Per lb. Y'sllo. 3c par lb.
Lettuce: Head, fl par dot; sf. 0c per
Hoi. Cucumbers. 3.' per ana. rarsley, 0e
per dos. Cauliflower, 8J per crate. Celery,
r i
ri aprom. per in. Kntuart. x;
box. lppeiw. ftV per ba.kft. hallota.
beeta. carivta, turnlpa, 60 per dot. Old
beeta. carrot, turnips, paranlps, 1H0 Per
lb. Riitabagpa, IV per lb.
NT'TS Waiinita. l"-c prr lb.; No. 2.
11'40 per lb.; blark. 4e per lb. T'ecana.
12Hi pr lb. Altuondi: Urake, lfc per lb.;
oft ("helled. r per lb, Hratlla. ISO per
lb. Filberte, l.v per lb. Tei-ana: Lrge.
l-'c per lb. Mixed, loo per lb, Teanuta'.
No. 1 roated. Ho per lb: raw. 6c per lb;
Jumbo raw, c per It).; roasted, 10c
per lb.
PATE, F!Of rronP!edary dates. a.
J2A5 per ce; Fard. K'c per lb.; atiiffed,
I.S5 per box. Figs: New, twelve IO-01.,
'0 per box
laneoua-Clder: Nehawka.
. Honey: Comba. 24 aectlona, 3.1 .6
e; Airline. 14 6;OX. tumblera. 319
per keg
per raae
oer Mm. Cnmoopa. Komettea. M.JS Per
caae; per H caie, 1.; enackera. t racaer-
jaca, cnumt
I3.W per esse; per H caaa.
5. Fatted peanuts. 11. 3 per can.
Horaeradlah, 31.7S per caae.
' . Coffee Market.
NEW YORK, Jan. 29. COFFF.n-In-dlcatlona
that Bra ill waa. clearing con
alderable coffea for Europe helped to
ateady the market for future here today,
and after opening unchanged, prlros
cloaed at a net advance of 1 to R polnta
rn moderate acatterlng demand. May
contraote aold up from 7.:4c to 7.Sc and
Septemlr from 7.6to to 7.67c. Balei were
reported of lO.ISn baga. February, 7 7Sc;
Maroh, 7.S"; April, 7.37c; May, 7.3c: June,
7.43c: July, 7.4c: Auauat. 7.Kc; Septem
ber, 7.56c; October, 7.80c; November, 7.6tc;
December, 7 Sc.
Spot coffee, quiet: Rio 7a, 3c; Santos
, 4 Coat and freight offer wire
delayed. Cablea due here yesterday
quoted Santoa 4a at .0Sc London credlta.
The critical cablea reported a decline of
T5 rels at Rio, with Santoa and tha rate
of Rio exchange on London unchannM.
Port receipts, sanm baga; Jundlahy. ?4.0no
bags; the Rio atocka showed a losa of
147,000 bags, which with the receipts of
11,000 baga suggested clearancea of iw,0n
bags: although Rio cleared only 1,000 haps
for New York. 8antoa reported a clear
ance of 64100 baga for New York and
Victoria, 8,000 baga for New Orloons.
Metal Market.
NEW YORK. Jan. 29. META IS The
copper market ahowed continued firmness,
gome agencies reported a growing
scarcity of supplies for early spring de
livery and quoted 25c for May ahlpment,
while quotations generally ranged from
In So to 2o for tha second quarter. Iron
waa unchanged.
Liverpool Clrala Market.
No. 1 Manitoba, 14a 6Hd; No. lis Id;
No. 2 hard winter, new, 13a 4d; No. 1
northern Duluth. 14a 2d.
CORN Ppot, American mixed, new,
10a lOd.
F.lgln Batter Market.
KLOIN. 111.. Jan. I9.-BVTTEn-Fifty
tuba at 30c.
"aa Carlo Company In Rta-olrtto."
In presenting Verdi's opera "Rlgoletto"
at the Auditorium last evening the Ran
Carlo Opera company not only equalled
Its triumphant success of the evening bo-
fore In "Alda," but. If anything, exceeded
It. The audleneo waa practically of the
same proportion of the opening evening,
attentive, courteous and enthusiastic, and
In the Instance of the well known "I.
Donna Mobile" and the famous quartet
waa cordial In applause and enthualastlo
In the reception of the well known gema.
Mma. ISdviga Vacarl aa Gllda looked
pretty, acted with a sweet Innocence and
slmplltcy and sang divinely. Her voice Is
of an opulent velvety quality, not over
heavy, but of good carrying' power, and
of a clearness and beauty In Its great
range that allowed her to soar to the
exquisite high notes of tha "Caro Nome"
In tha second act with ease and bril
liancy. Her voice Is also flexible and of
ft sympathetlo appeal, which adds much
to the dramatlo power of her acting.
"Caro Nome" waa heartily applauded and
encored. In her other solo work aha was
entirely adequate, and the duets In tha
second act both with Blgroletto and the
Duke were artiatlo and convincing to a
Blgnor Antola In tha title role created a
vivid impression of this difficult part.
His acting throughout waa Intensely real
istic, for at no moment did ha depart
from the character represented. In his
singing as welt as his acting there is a
freedom and ease which aided htm to give
free rein to the many moods and stress
of feelings depicted. Ha was especially
effective In the third and last acts when
he waa torn by many emotions. The final
duet between Gllda and Rigoletto waa one
of the finest bits of interpretation of the
evening and left a vivid impression with
tha audience..
Blgnor Agoatlnl as the Duke was like
wise admirable in his part, singing the
role of the profligate nobleman with a
whimsical Insincerity of manner, but
wheh was moat sincere, and with a wealth
of vocal power and fluency. His acting
was full of life and energy and Ma voice
of excellent quality and even brightness.
He instantly won favor with hie flrat
solo, which increased to the climax of tha
part in "La Donna Mobile" and the
Stella De Metta aa Maddalena charmed
both with her acting and her warm con
tralto, which added ao much to tha beauty
of the quartet Natale Cervi aa Mon
terona made tha most of a small part, as
did Pletro dl Blast and tha other members
of tha cast. Mr. Angellnl'a influence waa
felt throughout the opera, tha orchestra
playing with excellent ensemble and
beauty of tone. The dramatlo altuatlons
were clearly Indicated and expressed un
der his baton. Tha scenery and costumes
preserved the balance of excellence which
was displayed in the rest of the presenta
tion. This opera is one of the most tuneful
of the Immortal Verdi's, containing a
continuity of musical interest and melody.
It is handicapped by a libretto with low
moral tone and not in any way in keep
ing with the great beauty of the muslo
which clothea It. With tha exception of
Gllda, and a certain amount of pity felt
for the wretched Rigoletto, there Is not
much of sympathy to be felt for any of
the characters presented, and but for the
muslo there Is slight Interest in the text
The fourth act, with its many dramatlo
situations, is perhaps the strongest.
11. M. R.
CRAWFORD, Neb., Jan. .-To the
Sporting Editor Omaha Bee: Referring
to the article In The Omaha Be which
appeared January SB regarding the tan-
round bout between Al Greenwood and
Tommy Smith In this city, in which
Greenwood claims be got the worst of
th popular decision. I wUh to say that,
as fsr as Ore en wood is concerned, he was
pitted against a man heavier than him
self and, while he put up a clever fight,
he was outwelghod and outfought.
The management endeavored to get
Montana Jack Sullivan of O'Neill to go
against Bmlth, but waa unsuccessful and
had to take a lighter man.
Smith's showing hers agalnat Green
wood waa a great surpria to tha many
fans who had witnessed some of his pre
vious work, many voicing the opinion
that Smith is cspable of going against
the beat In tha etote. Tours truly,
JOB HAND, Referee.
eess ( th Mravee.
Ueoira Stalllnga sava the Fraves need
a third baseman, an outfielder and a
0e pr dm. cMge, Vic rr lb. Prua-
Killing Cattle Lower and Feeder
Steady for Week Sheep and
Lamb Sharply Lower.
OMAHA, January 29, W
Ttecelpta were: Cattle. Hops. Sheep.
Official Mondav a.llS lo.W oi
y.V.'A!! Jawwar 6.i
Uf f iclal Thuraday Si
1 Official Friday 1014
Estimate Saturday..".. 'lAO
Plx daya thla week, .JS.IAt W.S"T
Pama daya last week..X2.4 1 W4
Same daya 2 w ka ago.2i.HM 79.061
Rama daya 8 Wka ago .R04 97,118
8a ma dav. A wka n ! 211 60 -
4" 9M
Bame days last year. .20.367 90.:4J 64.7M
Tha following table ahowa tha recelpta
of cattle, hoaa and aheep at tha Omaha
Live Ht.K-k market for the year to date
aa compared with laat year:
101 ims Inc. Dec.
Cattle tlfi.4;a ti.oot W.J;
Hna-a aa m Ul Kl 142 WU
Sheep I!2r6 8L! 101 23,878
The following table ahowa tha average
prlcea of hoaa at the Omaha live atock
market for the laat lew daya. with com
parisons Iate. I ism iiqi nan iint 1 1 aii a nan. link-
Jan. 13.
Jan. 13.
Jan. 14.
Jan. 15.
Jan. 17.
Jan. IS.
Jan. W.
Jan. 31.
Jan. ti.
Jan. 23
Jan. 24
Jan. 26.
Jan. 2i.
a,v.v 6,v
liW 8.727
9,:n .:9
7.400 4 300
n 7 a t
T 1 8 16
7 8 66
8 U
3 44
7 (M
7 8
8 33
8 21
7 87
8 33
8 33
7 U
7 604 a Tv
7 6
7 4.V
8 03
7 91
Jan. 27.
7 4!
4t I 02
6 8 03
3 04
Jan. .l
Recelpta and disposition of Ilv Block
at the Union Stock yard. Omaha, for
iwrniy-iour noura ending at s p. m. yea-
icruay :
Cattle. Hogs.Sheep.
C, M. A St P 1
Wabash 8
Mlsaourl Pacific .. 4
Union Pacific 10
C. & N. U, cast 1
C. A N. W.. west H
C, it. P.. M. & O . .. 7
C, H. Q., west l"
C. R. I. A P., eaat 1 6
C, R. I. A P.. west 2
Illinois Central .. 6
Chicago Groat Western 7
Total receipts 3 J OH
" i
Morris ft Co
Swift and Company..
'"III anu V Ulllj'aiiy.
"udahy Packing Co..., 1 .73
Armour aV Co J, 2,2 I
Schwarta A Co
J. W. Murphy
Total 7 631
CATTLE There v.rfi nn fresh alinnllea !
of cattle of any consequence In sight thla I
morning. or the weak receipts, w hile
vf-ry mucn larger than a year ago, are
smaller than last week. There haa been
a good buying demand, but prlcea at all
points have shown mora or less weakness.
ao that thla market In common with
otnera has eased off. At tha cloae of
the week it la safe to quote all kinds
of killers, that la. cows, helfera and
steers, aa lOylic lower than last week's
Htockora and feeders have been In ery
light supply all week and for that reason
they have held fully steady with the close
of last week.
Quotations on cattle: Good to choice
S?rS'J?!l- -Tr-Bw. 60 ; fair to good beeves,
37. 2667. 75; common to fair beeves, 3 2Eif
7.25; good to choice heifers. .2r.7B;
good to choice rowa, 8tJ.0HiinS.60; fair to
good cows, 85.2&Q6.O0; common to fair
cows, 34.00Ci.26; good to choice feedera.
fo.aoa'; 1 air 10 good leedere, x.4y.u;
common to fair feedera, 35.60.40; good
to choice atockera, 87.004r7.6o; fair to good
atockera. 34 .SFgtf.OO; common to fslr atock
era, ta.604t4.36; atock helfers, 8o.7txSS.T6;
stock cowa, 85 'stock calves, 36.60
4j7.60: veal calves. 37.2fia0.76: bulls, stars
etc., 85.0mi.i.40. .
HU'iS KecelDtS were tha smallest of
any day thla week and were moderate
even for a Saturday, being estimated at
102 cars, or 7,4uO head. The total for the
six days la 93,307 head, and while 16.OJ0
smaller than last week a record-breaking
run, it la a gain of 14,000 heavier than
two weeka ago, and 13,(100 larger than for
the some dava last year.
snippers took bold In rood shape thla
morning and on -early rounda bought
quite a lew rood heavy hogs at prlcea
that were fully 60 and in many cases.'
aa much aa 1O0 higher. They paid as high
as on more man one occasion, setting
a new high mark for the year, and bought
several loads around 37.70.
Starting out at crices that were ateady
with yesterday's good time, or strong to
In apota 60 higher than yesterday's aver
age packer market, soon weakened and
most of the sales were no more than
steady with yeaterday'a general market.
One train that came in late after nearly
everything else waa sold found the low
spot of the day. Lights were especially
ham to move, ana all graaea looaea a
nickel lower than the early packer mar
ket, while some lights failed to attract
bid up to a late hour.
Bulk of the aalea were made at a
spread of 37.46(7.70, with topa at 7.75.
ana a sprinkling or litems ar, ana
under. Despite the fact that nearly every
day haa seen a weak close, current values
are 40if46o above laat Saturday. As com
pared with January 1, today's trade
showe an upturn of 81 per hundred and
thla on the heavleat supply ever received
here In one month.
Representative sales:
No. a. Ph. Fr. No. A. St. Fr.
41 M 130 17 16 14 ...T4
H U4 ... t 46 X an la) 7 ts
7 IKS ... 7 65 S4 1S4 ... t 16
12 ' ... 1 CO St 190 ... 1 St
I T.1 ... T si 41 X10 ... 14
21 ... 7 7S SX 14T ... T TO
ID VH ... T 71 M !H ... I ll
SHEEP It was generally predicted laat
week that unless tha eastern mutton
situation Improved any kind of a run
would mean revision or pricea ajowns
ward. Tha rood runs failed to mate
rialise, but the break was on hand as
per schedule, and lamb valuea have been
over the bumpa this week. Monday
prlcea held steady, with the low time
last Friday, but Tueaday and Wednes
day saw breaks and no reaction came
until Thuraday. At the close of Thura-
day'a'trade valuea were 10rJ2oo below laat
Friday. The blKgeat run of tha week
rut In an appearance yesterday and waa
the algnal for a 15026c break, and tha
result la that lamu are closing uii wee a
with a net decline of fully 2Mi40c aa com
pared with last Friday. It took real
good lambs to bring 810.35, which price
la a half-dollar below the high spot nine
or ten daya ago.
Yearlinga ahowed fully aa much decline
aa lumhs, although verg acantlly sup
plied all week, and are aa much aa 600
lower In spots. It took good handy
weight Mexicans to bring 88.76 yesterday,
and tha higheat notch quotable la 89 00.
Aged aheep were about ateady up to yes
terday, but then they suffered a l&2b
reduction, and are that much lower for
the week. No wethers have been here
for ao long that quotatlnna have been
mainly guess work, but a good kind of
2-year-old Mexlcana sold yesterday at
7.60. Beat ewes are selling at 7 OOrrf)
37.15 and fair to good kinds from 37.00
Feedera are still In splendid demand,
although owing to the sharp drop in fat
lamba are a little easier than a week
ago. As high aa $10 10 waa paid thla
week for iambs to ba finished and
Reculpta today wera nineteen cars, or
about 4,300 head, practically all of awes
going to a nearby feed lot The week's
total la only 3.vA head, aa against 63.09
laat week, 4B.9C2 two weeks ago and
M.TfcJ laat year. Supplies this week are
the smallest since four weeks ago.
Quotations on sheep and lambs; Lamba,
good to choice, 1 10. iVij 10.36; lambs, (air to
good, $10otil0.i'.; lambs, clipped. 8 6iv,r
9.15; yearlings, good to choice light, 8s 75
ttttOft; yearllnga, fair to choice heavy, 87.7a
tta.60; wethera, fair to choice, 8o.7Ujj7.i0;
ewes, good to choice, 87.0O-g7.16; ewes, fair
to good, ltS.0uG7.uO.
lew Hoar Wtsk Ikeeg
CHICAGO. Jan. 29.-CATTLB-R.celt pa,
300 head: market alow; native beef steers,
in Xfu'frfl 70; western steers. lft 5THtitii6: enw-a
and heifers, $4. ltx. 10; calvt-s, 37.bOfi
10 60.
HOC;-Receipts. 17.000 head: market
weak at a shad- advance; bulk of sales,
I KH' 6 70 8 04r r T
9?S 89 T ! T 0 j
7 OHM, 6 67 8 01 7 00
9?H 147 8 IS 7 11 8 15
4 86 6 40 8 07 7 1 6
7 144 74 7 i 4 Ot
7 V 8 72 8 n 7 8 4 06
4 r 6 8 886
7 01V 6 N 8 21 3 27
7 13 y, 6 f.7 8 1H 7 VH 8 89
6 61 8 SI 7 28 81
7 19 8 27 7 t I 94
7 33 8 61 T806K
7 S3'4 6 6J 8 27 8 96
7 .Ta 4.. 8 19 7 2". 6 i'l
7 64-n 6 5.". 8 rt'i 7 82 i I
77 8 07 7 33! 8 93
rr.7vp7 95; UM. $;.fl7,0: mixed. r.r-M
80i: hearv. 4;.5(.a10i'. rough, ;.ivj7.6u;
pigs, 8A7fK0.!O.
f-HEEP A N P LAMPi-Reeeltpa. J.flnO
Bead; market; wetners. ..xtn-s.vv,
ewea, lil'OLB; lambs. s.a-ul0.T3.
a 4ly LIT Itwk Market.
SIOUX crrT. Jan. .-CATTLE Ita-
celpts. 200 head.
lliHl? Hecplpts, l.0o head; markeet
steady; heavy, $7.8Mf7.73; ihImJ, fl.fW b;
light, 87.104J7 40; bulk of aalea, 7.4Mf7 f"-
PHEKP AND LjAMBS Recelpta, 10
Beatrico Golf Fans
Boost Country Club
BEATRICE, Neb., Jan. .- Special -Jr.
H. M. Happerlen ,of thla city haa
started a untry club project by aecur
In. a leaaa of eighty acre, of land aouth-
east of tha city from W. N. ITarlow, with
an option to buy tha property, and eub-
. '. k-i -irui.tMt !
acrlptlon papera ara now being circulated .
among tha buslnosa man to ralaa a fund 1
of 85 000 to make club Improvemente. A
, w. ...,. j h - !
atock company la to ba organlied with a
capital of 810.000 at 3100 per chare. It la .
w. kaan nrtw n.1 inn
" !"-"- - " ' ,
stockholders. Oolf fang who hare exam
Ined tha tract prorounea It an Ideal loca
tion for a country club.
(lUawaetl Trlnta Malrera,
OUSMWOOD, la., Jan. 2. (Special )
In a rough game of baaket hall at the
Armory here last avenlng Olenwood High
defeated Malvern. S3 to 25. West and
Haikua of Malvern and Stranathan an.l
Gllmore of Olenwood featured. Una up:
A 1st rope
H.r Hachman
1F HUCll
R.n Stranathan
LO.i KO..
.... Ollmare
Prof Nellsen.
Referee: Macliorl. Timer
Douglas Pays Less
Into State Coffers
(From a Staff Correspondent.!
LINCOLN. Jan. 28.-(Speelal.)-tate
Auditor Bmlth today received the annual
settlement sheet of County Treaaurer Ure
of Douglas county for the year 1P1S. The
aheet ahowa that there la atlll due from
rw.,,-1.. mii.i tl IK tut XI nt which 370.-
418.42 goes to the general fund of the
The previous year Doulaa county waa
charged with 8-x.S33.04 aa lta share of
at ate taxea. Thla year, becauoe of cut-
ting down the state levy one mm, tna ra-
relpta from Douglas are 817.846.94 la. or
Broken Bow to Get ,
Fine New Station
BROKEN BOW. Neb., Jan. 29. (Special
Telegram) R R. Purcell, president of
the Publlo Bervlce club of this city, re
ceived a telegram today from President
Hal Holden of the Burlington atatlng
that the Burlington will erecfa new an-l
modern ststlon here owing to tha Inade
quacy of tha present station. This matter
haa been under consideration for some
Governor's Friends
Signing Petitions
(From a Staff Correspondent.
LINCOLN, Jan. 2.-(Special)-Not-
wlthstandlng Governor Morehead has put
hut foot down and will not be a candi
date for a third nomination for governor
at the hands of tha democratic party, pe
tltlona still continue to coma to the
office. This morning a bl one from Red
Cloud was in his mall.
Letters from alt over tha state are
urging; blm to reconsider tha stand taken.
I '
FREMONT. Neb.. Jan. 2.-SpecIal
Mrs. Llllle rrultt of Tom was awarded
a judgment for 83,240 against the Modern
Woodmen of America lodge by a Jury
In district court. Wrs. rrultt brought
suit to recover the amount of an
insurance policy her flrat husband,
Frank Davis, a former Fremont resident,
held when he disappeared from Fremont
over nine years ago. when he had been
absent two years and Mrs. Davis had
heard nothing from him. she applied for
and was granted a divorce. Three years
ago aha married Mr. Prultt
AURORA. Neb., Jan. .-Spedal Tele
gram.) Theodore B. Nordgren, former
representative from this county In tin
stats legislature, today pal dhls filing tee
as candidate for lieutenant governor on
tha republican ticket and mailed tha re
ceipt to the secretary of state. Mr. Nord
grea was bom In this county In 1873 and
Is ths manarer of a large farm. He was
a member of tha legislature of 1911.
MONROE, Neb.. Jan. 2.-(Speclal Tele
gram.) Fir totally . destroyed the T. U
Hord elevator her last night. It con
tained 7,000 bushels of grain and had a
capacity of 20,090 bushels. Ths building
was built laat spring and Is tha second
elevator to be burned on the same site
within thirteen montba. Losa, 315,000.
Admit Paaalaar Bad Cheeks.
BEATRICE. Neb., Jan. 2. (Special
Telegram.) Will Urn E. Mitchell and
Charles McLean today pleaded guilty In
ths district court to passing worthless
chscks on Beatrice merchants amounting
to about 830. Mitchell was given an In
determinate sentence of from ons to flvs
years In the penitentiary and McLean
was fined 8150 and coats. He will servs
out ths fins in Jail.
Charles Oray, arrested In September
for stealing a horse from William West,
a Plckrell farmer, pleaded guilty and
was paroled for one year to Rev. Mr.
rlaa Waif Drive.
BEATRICE, Neb., Jan. 28. Hpelal
Telegram ) Farmers living north of Fli
ts yhave planned a big wolf drive for next
Wednesday, February 2. The territory
to be covered by the hunters mill take in
alxteen sections, and aa a number oC
wolves have bean seen In that vicinity
of lata ths hunters expect to make a
successful roundup.
Freaaoat Jews Rata foOO.
FREMONT. Neb., Jan. a.-6peclal.)-Jewg
in Fremont raised over IvMO the
first two days of ths campaign for funds
to aid ths war-suffering Jews In Europe.
A committee canvassed ths business sec
tion of ths city. Business men donated
1 ,,K ,.n A k. ...u.
I -
1 . L .. ... ...
I Read Tha Baa V ant Ada.
it pays!
Week Ends Much the Same aa it
Bepan, with an Excess of
NEW TORK, Jan. 29 The week ended
much tha same aa It beaan. with an ex
ceaa of peaainiish In which etocka offere.1
only feeble resistance to further pro
fesalonal pressure. Dealings ware un
usually light, but embraced a fairly large
variety of Issues. Inclines ranged from
1 to more than 2 polnta in mils. C anadian
Tai Ifle and New llavtm manifesting eepe
clal heavlneaa, while eoppere and ni'inl
tu.ns fell 3 to 4 and oils and motors even
imore. Rethlehem Steel at one time
anowed a losa of 14 on Ita decline to 4.,
rttSll no ecePtior.a to
the lowering tcrnd. Irtaaea Wing only a
matter of relative degree. United States
bteel waa under attack from tha out act,
t ,M TPOPnt ,ow rrtre of gj, a
net losa of m. other market leaders
wera at lowest prices of tha week and
some registered net mlntmuina for tha
curm,t movement.
Total sales of atocke amounted to
9u.0U shares
,i - .1 A
mrnii o connect wun in selling, ouicr
than a renewal of apprehension growing
out of the relatione between Washington
and Berlin, and soma possible tension
with Great Britain resulting from the
present controversy over mall sclaure.
The Reading road reported an Increase of
9.9.0iiO In Crrating pi oft la for that month
and the St. Paul gained tl.XA.OOO In op
erating Income.
For tl.e first time this year, local banks
showed a small caah losa In actual op
erations, with a moderate contraction of
loans and a decrease of slightly over 83,
totlOiiO In reserves.
The sole feature of the narrow bond
market was the heavy trading In Anglo
French 6a at f unchanged (rom yeeter
day'a minimum.
Total aalea of bonds, par value, wars
1 .'IK
l in trd states bonds were unchanged on
call dining the week.
Number or sales and leading Quotations
on stocks today were aa follows:
pairs. lxw. ciw.
4"o U U S
A!k field
Allu-Cbalmfrs ,
Anisrtcsa lll ftuaar.....
Amsrli'aa ran
Amsrirsn Ijnromotlve ....
Amsrliwn f A H
Am. M A . pH
Am. Snssr Refining
I tw SV4j
. ei m
l.a4 n
a,PO 100
I w
' 14,
4on in lit 113
Amsrlcsa Tl. a Tl
Amertraa Tohsrro
13, U.l4 l"
AntpniMta Copper
T.i M ass, m
Halnwla lromeilTs ....
ITS IOS lOTta liia
Wslttmors aV Ohio
Bsthlrtwm sterl
ttrnfiklyn IRaplq Tr......
I ("J mst as
inn 4fl s 4"
0 ST St htw
1.ln K114 tta. IH4,
Nltfnrnls rstrnttum ...
Osnaitlan Parinn
ll at t!H 44
X,lo (11 4i
eo II 13S W4
Ontral Ihr
Ti a assess Ohio....
rhlcnss U. W
.!ilra, M. m. P....
l.aro 1114 st
intra a pi, w
1 KD4
1,00,1 (14, 1S l4
rhirtfo, k. 1. r. nr.
(Illno Ooeper
1.4 Mi It IX
K 4444 44
a, 7, 10 -,114 ti4
nxinrsilo Vusl a Ima...
(TMclblo Htesl
rnr a R. O. M
ntstlllsrs- rlsrurltlss ...
4 100 4ft
i H M
rnorsl f71sctrle
ntMl Northern '4
flrnl No. Or nrs
Ousarnhelm Rxyloratloa.
ion 1,-nUj 17014
l am m uv 11 ti
1 (WW 44(4 4414 4U
mw 23w Ui
to ins 1, jiwij lOjtl
t.710 llv, 114 iki
J. I-IO H l,
if 110 11014
l.Jos aK'4 .!i
'on 7i H'4
in 1 ii
I.,) lti Ml
l,nn m tn HT4
MW 141 4 14
Ilnnls Osntrsl
Intrrhorouffh '" (.VJrp.
ItMeiratloa ppr .....
Intrmatlnnsl lUrrestrr. .
Ksnsss t'ltr Houthsra...
Iliish Valley
Ixulsrlll s NaahTllls..
Mntran Petroleum
Mlsml Oorpsr
Mlasourl, K. T. pfd...
Mtismirt Parltta
National Binult
Nstlonsl l.ra4
Nsvsos Copper
Now York v'eatral
1.700 tlX
4.0' 10M4 W li
M a M14 7
4v Uh lit, 11644 11914 ll HI
mo 111 ut 13
pne M sT4 7aj M ics4 A
I son u ai4
1.400 774 T7 T7
1 mo 11V4 o4 boat
l.sno Jims IM rnT4
rM si', n4 '
1 7 14 11.114 14U Mti Sfii t
!K ni(4 in
4,00 1U44 111 lt
N. T.. N. tl S H
Norfolk A. Weatera
Northara Paclflo
IVrlflo Wall
rarlflo Tel. Tal
Pullmsn Palare Car
fllar Cna. copper
itrpuniia ima at steal...
Foutntrn Pai-tflo
rVnithsra ltsllwar
fMtiiteoaliar Company
Tsnaaaae foppar
Tsisa Compsns
Vnlpn Fanrio
Vnlon Parlfto ptd
failed mates Masl
, 84. a p44 I J 14 sc4
U. K, Htaol pM
roo 11s ji7'a
, I. Ti4 7114 tH
I'tah Copper
Wrstsrn Colon
Wsallnahotiss ICIsttrlo .'
General Motors
rid an m
4.700 ei4 a-
Wabash R M
. MM S44 tkl4
iDternational Marina ptd ) II 10
Total aalea nn- ins (tar. n,uno aharaa.
New Tork Mosey Market.
unnt vnnir t.. ao nut um vrttr n
CANTILK rAPFU-SW3'4 per cent
bills, 14 71V,; demand, 4 T4S 8-18; cablea,
84f 18-1.
BiLVH.11 uar, bo'sc, Mexican aouars.
BONP8-oovernmcnt and railroad.
Closing quotations on bonds today wars
as roiiowa;
V. S. rat. la, rac.... MV.M'o. rso. av. 8s.... 4s 14
8s souasa t N. T. '. 4eb. la. ...Ill
U. S. la. raa 141 HW. Y. rtt 4a IwtV
to tauoos 191 N. T. sttu 4WS....HI
V. I. a. rea lo.'iiM. T . N. M. II
4e aaupaa lis Cr la nr.14
riflim. pwnnm..i-riB1 rsoino SS. ...... V4Mi
Ass. amsltars aa 111 as Is aw
A. T. 4 T. . 4Vis..lml4if). g. T. raf. 4s..... aiu
Armour Co. 4 Ha.. ,p.i, T. A T. ta lno4i
Alrnisns san. ss... as fans. eoa. 444s. Vm
Hal. Okie U Ho ass. 4Ws If 1 '4
(-en. Paelftn 1st OHReeainc san. 4s V4
( has. a Ohio 44a... HH. U A K F. r. 4a. 4H
r It. A Q I. 4s.... 'iis. Pso. ct. ta 1..
OUIcPl 4t,s..iv:'4 4o raf. 4s...
:. H. I. P. r. 4a 4. -X Ho. Rallwar bs...
'. A a. ret. 4Hs ... K44Valoa Hscirie 4s..
n. A R. O. ret. ts.. 4" do tr 4s
Hrls sn. 4s f4l'. I. Mubher s.
dm. Risotrla us lt V. s. FUaal la....
CM. No. 1st 4U,s 'Wahaeh lt 8a....
III. IU. raf. 4a . I'nlna 44s.
. H't
K. t fs. rat. aa.... li4Wast. Klaa. r. Is. .11144
U N. unl. 4s KtaAnalii-Kraai'h la .... K4
M. k. a t. m as.. ia
Local Stocks aad Beads,
Quotations fnralshsS r Burns, Brlsksr A Os
lo Omaha Motional bank buUdlni:
rllocka BI4. Askad.
Cuntlnaatal O. E. pfa TO 74
fxu(lss Houl boeus Fsniaaalls 11(4
Daara Uo. pto 114 !
r'alrntont Croamarr, 7 par oant sfd.... 11 107H
rairmont 1 rasmarr, 00m 11 ....
Falraiont Oaamary. S rr seat guar... Iff) ....
Oooch st. K . 7 par rant pfd II sa lot)
Uufoln Tal. Tal., rom. 7 par aaal.. 1 M
Msuniala Walaa Tal. 4V Tal 104 lis
Omaha U. I) St. Hr pM '1 "S
Oinalia A C. n. Br. A H. pfd 44 47
Purine II K. flrat pld ti
Peters Mill Co., pfd 7 10
Htats Bank of Omaha 1X4 ....
mm (t'T Hlork Yards, f p. a. pfd... I7Uj 1
I'nloa Mock Vanls, par uaol 97
Doualaa War Co., I e. tHsIt Laks).. 4 a
Iwnar . II. U first rat. lis l i
lillooi, C'aolral tit. rf. 4a, IMS 40
Iowa Ry ILK ISII atv, 4:14
IxMil.vllla O. B. first 4s. 1WI 1414 lm
I,lnxln Tal. a Tel. a. lau as iou
Mimtrasl T. S P sa. 1MI rt
Norwaslan sa, 1011
Jtatiraasa i;nr Lillliirs as n sn
liroahs a O n it. Br Is, i2 '.4 r
faoiria O. A B. as, UO tl M4
Hirkr Mountain uai as, ins, eoa us. . . .. 4
Had Cloud. Nab.. 4 Ha. 1M M fl
K.m a ( . k 144 suj tr
floux Ctt Tal. wa, 134 SSV, . .,
Wlchlla I'nlsu stuck Yards aa. 1W4... S4 lot
tatement of Clrarlngr Hoaae Baaks.
NF.ff TOTtK. Jan. 2 The atatement
of the clearing house banka and trust
comtanls for the week ahowa that they
hold I177.NOI.740 reserve In excess of losa!
requirements. This la a decrease of $3.- from last week.
Ilsak Clearlaaa
OMAHA, Jan. 2. Rank clearings for
Omaha today were 83.01,677.23 and for tha
corresponding nay last year, u.&u.uas.r.
Tha rieerlnrs for the week ending to
day were ui.wi.w.w ana ror the ror
gesnondlng week a year ago, lt,!u,
Cottosa Market."
NEW TORK, Jan. . OOTTON K pot,
on let; middling uplands, 11 46c; no aalea.
t-utures closed ateady; March, 1181c;
May, lillc; July, 12.77c; October, U.26c
lermber, 12.40o.
Futurea opened barely steady; Maroh,
ll.soo; May, 12.10c; July, U.He; October,
12 9c; Iereinber, 12 84c.
Tha cotton market closed steady at a
net loss of T to 10 points.
easier; good middling. I2id; middling,
T.kd; low middling. T.Wi. Bales. 4.4UO bales.
gar Market.
NEW TORK, Jan. 29 blGA R-Ks w,
firm, ruolassea, i X' 'Q4. ; ientnfgal,
4.94 77c, leflneil, firm.
Burlington May Lose
Union Pacific Track
HASTTNOf. Neh, Jan. .-(8peclal.)-ftumors
of a trafflo rrangement for tha
uaa of Vnlon rarlflo tracks between
O' Fallon and Northport, .sab., rtachr l
Hastings today, carrying significance In
connection with ths development of tha
Burlington's new line In Wyoming.
The construction of the new Burlington
road In Wyoming has been upon an ex
tensive scale, but the Burlington has
made no official announcement how It
will connect the eastern terminus st
Bridgeport, Neb., with Its central system.
A possible solution of tha problem Is
suggested in the rumor of the trafflo
arrangement for tha use of tha Union ra
elflo tracks between Northport, whlct
Is does to .Bridgeport and O' Fallon. Tha
Burlington would have comparative!
little construction work to do to complota
tha connection between Bridgeport an.l
tha Kearney branch touching the main
tin st Hastings.
Local Vnlon rarlflo officials would
make no statement last night In connec
tion with tha rumor from Hastings.
Realty Men Would
Form Company to
Buy and Sell Land
The members of the Real Estate Kx-
chang are still debating the proposition
ef forming a company that should engage
In various real estate activities in tha
city for profit.
Frank If. Myers spoke on ths subject
again at ths laat meeting of the ex
change. Its woyld have a company of
about $108,000 capital which should bs
made up of members of tha Omaha Real
Estate FStchange. Tha company would
not be the exchange Itself, but would be
made tip of members of the exchange.
Just aa tha International Realty Asso
clatea, ths big investing company, la
made up of members ef the National As
sociation of Real Estate Exchanges.
Tha proposition waa discussed at con
siderable length at ths last meeting.
"Tha proposition Is to utilise the expert
knowledge of the real estate men of tha
city In Investments in a rest estate way,"
said President C. F. Harrison. .
Editors Entertained
At Banquet at Wayno
WATNR, Neb., Jan. r.-(Prolal Tela-
gram.) The banquet tendered the North
east Nebraska Freas association, Friday
evening by ths local editors, K. W, Huae
ef the Wayne Heiald, and W. O. Oard.
ner of the Nebraska Democrat and the
Wayne Commercial club, was a brllllan
affair. Covers wars laid for over J0
russts. Visitors who responded to toasts
were: Dr. Victor Itosewater of Tha
Omaha Bee; -Eugene O. Meyftcld of ths
World-Herald, N. A. Hue of the Nor
folk News and John I Kennedy of
The closing session ef ths convention
was held this morning at which M. W.
Murray of the Fender Times spoke on
tha attitude of editors on free political
Election of officer 8 resulted In tha
choice of C. E. Kevin of the Laurel Ad-
vocate, president. Maris O. Donnall Wseks
of ths Norfolk Press, vies president; W.
O. Gardner of tha Nebraska Democrat
secretary. Norfolk was chosen as the
place for , tha nest meeting In July.
Moll A. Rchmled of ths Dakota City
Ragle, president of ths association, was
finable to bs present.
Hastings Y.W.O.A.
Secures Members
HASTINfld, Neb.. Jan. tt.-Cflpeclal Tel
egram.) Following a campaign for mem
bers and subscriptions of less than four
days, ths finance oommlttas of ths
Young Woman's Chrlstlsn association
haa secured 81,000, one-half of the bud
get 'planned.
It is planned to open a cafeteria for
noonday lunches as soon as headquar
ters are oatabllsed.
Relfearath File Agra I a.
LINCOLN, Jan. t.-"peolal.)-John It.
Relfenrath of Crofton haa filed for re-
nomination on ths damoc ratio ticket for
representative from tho seventeenth dis
trict, composed of tho counties ef Cedar
and Knox.
Renew Hunt for
Mad Gunman Who
Shot Four Persons
ALBANY, N. T., Jan. 2.-Dateottves
and polios renawad their search today
for the mad gunman who last night shot
four persons, Injurylng tto so severely
thst thslr recovery Is doubtful.
Three of tha victims were shot through
ths back and ons through ths slds with
a rsvolvsr, either equipped with a atleno
lng device or fired through tha pocket
ef a heavy ulster the man wore.
Of the four shots, two heard muffle re
ports and the other two were not aware
they had been Injured until they fell In
the street from weakness.
Germans Capture
French Trenches
BERLIN, Jan. t.-Vla London -Capture
of 1,000 yards of French positions
aouth of and 'Including ths village 01
Frlse was announced today by army
headquarters. Thirteen machine guns
and 82T prisoners wera taken. Northeast
ef Nsuvtlls ths Oermans stormed trenches
along the front of about 1.T00 yards, cap
turing twenty-seven prisoners and nine
machine guna.
PARIS, Jan. 2 (Via Ijondon ) An at
tack by the Germans on the Fremh
front south of ths Bonime yesterday
along a width of several kllometets
failed completely on the aouthern and of
the line, succeeding only qn the bank of
the Bomme s gainst ths village of Frlws.
It was announced today by the wsr of
fice. French troops near Hill 140, in ths
Artols district, recaptured thla morning
some of the trenches taken yesterday
by the Germans, ths announcement fur
ther dec la raa
In the valley ef the Fecht, French
heavy artillery caused an outbreak of
fire In a German munitions depot. A
number ef explosions had been heard In
the Prear-h Unas.
Rnlea Are Poated in Water Office
So that Rentera May Bead
Water board rules on how to get wster
service when you move Into your home,
are to be posted In the water board of
fice so that customers may resd them
on the wall.
This waa announced by F. D. Wead,
chairman of the Metropolitan Water
board, at ths last Real Efctate exchange
Thla action Is the result of an agi
tttlon started a few weeks ago by tha
Omaha Real Estate exchange, when It
waa charged that the water board haa
been too quirk to send appllcanta for
watr to the landlord to ask him to
sign a guarantee of their water rent.
The rulea of the board la that you
must deposit 81 with the board to guar
antee that you mill pay your water
rent regularly, or that you must get
your landlord to algn a guarantee that
you will pay It. Thla guarantee. If th"
landlord algna It, makea him liable for
tha payment of your water rent If you
'fls" tha coop" allhout paving your
Object to tiaaraates.
Real estate men doing a rental busi
ness have always objected to signing this
guarantee, holding that It la no mora
Inoumbeut on them to guarantee a ton
ant'a water bill then It la to guarantee
hie grocery bill or his meat bill, or hia
coal bill.
Nevertheless a constant stream of ap
plicants for water la moving from the
valr board offlie to the various real
estate offlcra with application blanks
asking that the real ratate rental man
sign tho guarantee.
The realty dealers have become sick
and tired of thla.
"The wstrr board said you must algn
thla before 1 can got water," la the com
mon expression of the people, when
they coma Into the office of the land
lord or tha rental man.
Thsn the rental man la always forced
to explain that tha alternative Is tha
payment by the tenant of a V deposit.
Which will get them water Immediately.
Tho Fastest Way.
The real estate men Insisted that tha
clerks In the water board office were
elmply doing thlnga tha easiest way.
That la when the tenant objected pay
ing the 83 guarantee, they almply handed
him a ailp and asked htm to get hia
rental man or landlord to sign, without
explaining to him that thla amounta to
a guarantee.
When half the members of the Real
Estate exchange had poured out their
vlrol lotlvenesa on F. V. Wead at tha ex
change meeting some weeka ago, Mr.
Wead agreed to take the matter up
with the board and the result Is thst
some of the seta of rules are now poated
In the water office, ao thst all tenants
may read.
BHICKLET. Nob., Jan. 29.-(Ppeclal.)
4?5llrkley defeated Nelaon college last
titsht. 2 to 12. The line up:
Mulligan H.F I1.F.,
... Harbor
Jterntilst L.F.
Hansen C.
, Rmltli
Johnson R.O.
Krvennaugh ,.l..c
Held uoala: Hernulst (1). Hanson 4.
Mulligan (3), Lane (2), Smith, I'arber,
Iiibson. Foul goals: iierriuiMC 14), une,
barber. I lei ore: v rigntaman.
liravaa la Waahlagtoa.
Ths management of the Poston Na
tionals baa announced two additional con-
teats with tha Washington Americans, to
be played In the capital, April 5 and 8.
Home Builders'
Building Department is tak
ing contracts earlier this rear
than uaual and more of them.
A bigger year than any yet
la In evidence.
This meant rnorty profits to
our Investors, who receive 7'
cash dividends and a share, of
the Surplus Profit. ,
1911 investors are receiving
over 11; their shares having
Increased from 11.00 to 11.18,
plus 7 cash dividends.
You can order by mall one or
more shares at f 1.18 esh. You
can hold them as long' as you
like, or have them enverted
Into cash on short notice.
Onr No. B "NEW WAY"
booklet explains fully the plan
Home Builders
American (Security Company,
rWa! Agents.
8. V. r. 17th & Douglas Ms.
Oinnlia. Neb,
Heavy Hoisting
1212 Far-nan St Tel. D. 353
Thrt t a -uiaill weekly ssatpvr l.iih reflsc is.
Kw York 81 o k lxcbatnc. oiport u n ii in rr ma
tats..l tavMtor a naadiMiiH. l a ymr.
laatMd kly. ut)li.bri tj Jutm Mulr
Co., 1 ttroadwav. Nw vk. sq,I lor km
p' f0Pv nt THK ir i.tT ' r w