4 r TTIK OMAITA SUNDAY BEE: .TAXUATtY 30, 191G. REAL ESTATF INVESTMENTS I JNVESTMKNT have a 1-atorr btVk building, lo rm1 In downtown district. All rented. ntwr here for two weeks and offera nmi M sacrifice price Full particular at office W. FAHNAM SMITH & 00. irjn Farnam St. Tel. IVmg. ln4. WHAT be hud to II: An automobile, n motorcycle, a summer cottage, a Morria rhslr. And he sold 'hem throorh T1IF PPK Want Ad columns. RIG svXK T-R., medTn. np-tn-rtate hotel In the heart of tn city. Altnoet nw, price I4ti. i.noo cash, balance long time. J. B. HOB IN SUN, rw. Dour. wr FINANCIAL Rnl Kslale Linaaa, Ma WE art ready at all times to oak loana on flrat-ctaaa city property and eastern Nebraska farms. Rate on request. TJNITED 8TATLS TRUST CO tit S. 17th St FKSAT7kA real ratals mortgage, lira we 6 per rent Interest, ao irnod bv 6-room house and other out building: two good lots covered ly In urani'it for fl.OO. Non-taxahle; runs a, llule over 4 yeara yet; roerty la worth $20K. Addi-rea Lmk Box Blair. Neb. 1 TT) tor loana on beat claaa city reaidenrea In amounla 12.00 no; alae farm loans Reasonable mmmlHlonn, rETKna TRt .'ST CO.. 12?Farnarn St. IT."7 U land contract on liiinrteej home", drawing good Interest. Need money. Discount for cash. Ad'lreae M M, Hee. OMAHA homea. lat Naoraaka far ma, O'KKKKB REAL, FHTATK CO.. Omaha National. Phone loualaat71l (J UV'I' HlfOS OMAHA VAT-.H 1' ..S'Th. FATIM loana. b. eaatern Nab., or wcat- rn la. Tolnnd at Trwinbnll. 4IS Haa tldg. tl'O TO litt.taM made promptly. K. D. Vead. Weed PI'I K . Ith rt Fnmam Bta. WON K V on hand for city and larin IxaaaT l. W. Binder. cMty National Hank Rld. VI1K propetly! Luit loana a ep-cially. w- Thomaa. Htata Hnnk ; KJdn. ?f TtT and farm loana, S. ler rent, J. H. Inmnnt Co., i ftnta Hint, Tl'C C1TV LOANH. C. Q. Carlberg. ' ' 12 Brande a Tbaatar Bld. r; MoNKV. I(A i KlfoN v MDHTUN, llfi Omaha Nat. Rank Plilg. titoa'laa aaal Hua4i, Iloinu liuilders Vaya Vo I'lua hiillilefs' tiroflta making over 10 per etui in I81ii to our Inventors. Von can Imeat II IK and up to run ii a long Ma you and convert Into taxh on aimrt not e. Ak for our "New Way" booklet. )U Authorised CapMal llOuoo. 1S14 AlTllulllZKl) CAPITAL. '(.'. IMo ACTIIOKIZKU CAPITAL KO.MOU.00. AMKIUCAN BKCCRITV CO. Flacwl AKtita. Omaha. Abatracla t Title. HIT V!f V''ri,l1. Ahairai-l C. Tho Ul .MHiNiMi Bbatract I tha cliCHi-jat. ltoom 7, PaUcraon Uldg. IJoug. :9t7. i Iv I' lilt"' guarantee and Atia'.raot nl'"" Co., a modem abatract oftlca. rth ft Tel f). to ItKf'.K AH.sTltACT C) efflce In Ni'braaka, Mraudela Thaa. M Ui'rllanruua I'OK 8Al.lv-l( you have . to invent In aometnlng that Kill make you from In ier tent on up. I have It for you. Addrea Hox 4 Albion. Neb. REAL ESTATE-TRACKAGE WHOLESALE. AM Til TltAClvAGE. Here la a bargain, 92x51 feet In the who.eaale dlatrb t, with excellent trark aue f illtlea. on both IT. P. and N. W. R, R., with substantial stone building on the property, suitable for wholeaale or warehoune puriwaea. The price Is up to you. a a owner said BKLlJ. so make me an offer. - C. A. GIUMMEL, 4 Omaha Nat. Rk. Bldg. Doug 1S15. FARM AND RANCH LANDS (aillornLa La ail a. A UTTI.H farm, tJT-t. Eaav terrna. Call fornla Imports carloads of chickens and euua. Here's a chance for poultry men. My I -acre tracts are Jnt big enough for chlckena and are cluae to town con venience and market centers. Write owner for full Information. P. B. (loss, e'herldan Placer county. California. o t ulurado . Lia. . . f hInTv f.'eo your hoad ami then ait. Sterling, Colo., la a city of R.uu) popu lation and a dlvlalon point of two rall roftda, haa a court bouae and high school coaling enrh IM),(i, Is 140 inllea eaat of ) eiivr, and 4J mUus west ot Nubreska line. I ow 3J0 acrea ct land t mllna from Klerllng, on good roada, on Rural mall route, near school. Juat think every ad vantage This Innd la level black loam soil, unimproved except fence and Is choice. 1 . ml all around this vicinity produced iit to 40 bushels of wheal r ai re the year. Will sell tnia land at fit. per acre, no tiadnt, and will give reaaonahle terms. , If yo.i U)i ti dironllnu workljig for the Undlord come and see thla land. KiioukIi mkIcJ. C. M. Morton, blerilug, t 'olora do. Florida) l-aaala MAKING MONEY WIIIL.K YOU WAIT. There will be planted In our section In Florida this month lu.Ouu to Ib.mm acres of Irlah potatoes. Theae' potatoes will go lo market atxiut the time the itoriiiern farmer Is plaullng and bring prices unhtixd for by Mm. The pota toes will be followed by a crop ot torn or other field crops. O.f landa ate equally adapted to trm Mini, auiull oi large farming and atnek raiaing. Thv laigeat cattle and nog riuin In the I nlted blatea Is being iei.eorfd in our m-atiiv. N one crop country can begin to compare with It. A place to live aa well a to make money. The superb ail year round cli mate ahould add yeara lu your life. BENSON CARMICHAEU : paxtnn Block. Omaha.Neb. "KKKi-r-llUPTO Vfc.HO. riAHlAT" Tueaday. February L to aee the famoua liKltun xlver I i ma, where the luscious orange and Krae fruit are produced tn abundance; abure general and Intensive fariuiiig la tuixaged in; where the poaai VliKua In calile, boKa, poultry ralalug anij .airyUig sro almoct unlimited; feu f -owing days In the year; outuoor life, oatuig, bathing, tlahuig and huultng; good roada, eilieola and churcliea. We want you lo aee ibka country, where op piiluiiiiy awtiita uu, ahere you can secure that farm and home en easy pa men i a. which may rneau your ery luiieiirtideace. tali or write for free booklet and complete plna for this free trip. HKI'I'INO A HtDUlNU. !.ll Rranueis J'heater Rldg., Omaha Neb. 1 L.KAKN of a fruit tree thai thrives only in a ery limiu-d acea, beera like a pear free toiity much earllel aud one iruit e Ha for aa inuvh aa rmuiy northern farmera received laat aeaaoii tor a tr Icl of eppitu, four bualieia of peactiva, a bushel ot wheal or lo bushels of coin. Huih Is Ihe Avocado the new, high priced, winter fruit. The demand far exceeds the supply. You have the oppor tunity of purchasing a grove on eaay Uriiia. A poet card brings details. Write today. lryant A Oreasiiwood, 1U at. Dear byrn M , lii-hgo. IaTTI-B bualtirsa oiTKnk I offer" t acre high, open prairie la solid body La las Kota county in line of Hebrtng ex tenaiuu of A. C U R. H, Price fc aa acre, srtcalaa water. Also ku.uuw acres, ' m cuuuty. In heort of cattle range, al n an act: buc an acre cash, balance In nine equal annual payments al g ivr cent Inteieet. James llutlon. Jtinm 4". t ainliardt block. Fort Myers. Fla Mlaseaels l.a lag a. " t i 0 ACHE FAR M.V0 R R IC NT. .eoutliern Minneaoia Well Improved, tiled, smooth. Xi be) (arr acre, or snare r. ni Lau vkho, v liitioiu, Muiu. . FARM AND RANCH LANDS WANT MOXKYf Tt me tail you bow to gat It. Idaha land la full of It. and ttie land Isn't vary high-priced, either climatic and living conditions are esoellent electric Ity used for rooking, liuhtlng and heat I ia on many farma educational advart-las-naj unexcelled. Thara are many fr-ta of land Irri gated and non-Irrigated aultahla for all kinds of farming, for sale ehcap and on reasonable terms Seed raialng highly profitable. I will give comitate Informa tion lo you free for the aaking. R. A. SMITH, Colonisation A Indua trial Agent. Union Pacific System. Room bt, I ntnn t'aclilc. Headquarters, Oniana, Nebraska o M larrllaaaaaa. ICR Pr-'AN ORCHARDS, are the bant Investment on earth or In earth. lav Income, from start. In rreaamaf with maturity. Own a noma. prcxliK lnir an Income, nut outlay. Kan? pa ninia. W. T. BMITIt ro., f. 21T flty National Rank RldK. Mlaaourt Saai Aa. (jltKAT HATuJAINH t6"divn. monthly Imva acre, good fnnt and poultry land, near town, aouttiern tl'umjiirl. I'Hre only 117. Addreaa Jox MW, Ki- alalor Kprlnca, &lo. lis CHOK'K farina for eala; jot arrea lilglny Improved: M acres of choice land at $ o er acre; to aeltle eatate. Kd t'rof tIUcha rda.M o. o Rlt'H corn land, Ohu. acre., la avcra; only 4 per cent caah, balance 2u yeara. t. P. Btebblna. I6i0 Chicago. o 40 ACRKrt timber land, lent ( o to loan, 110 per acre, Write for book- let. W. B Frank, Neville Hnrk. tebraak U4i, FAIINIS FARMS I'AUMS Several bargains In 10 acres, 40 acre. M acrea. 1U acrea, 210 acres or txt acrea, or larger. Home of theae will not laat long. Farma within leas than 2f miles of Omaha our specialty. Call forenoons, If convenient. Hrlng wife with yiU. OHIN H. MKKKiIj COMPANY, N. K. Cor. 2ll and M hta.. Houth Omaha VVhMTKKN NBIikAKKA," Quarter advcrtlaed Uat week In tTheyenne Co., Is sold, another across the rond ran be sreurrd under forced sale at VSfi. Xee nw at on'e atHiut It. One of the Iwat aection bargains In Klmhall Co., la offered at IU.60 per acre, good terms. UKOltUK (. vAI.r,ACR, KEEL1NB RI.IMJ., OMAHA. HAitf V Ci I. HAKtJAIN. flood well Improved o at much less than value. Mustn't tell you more now. fee me al once about It. tlr.OitvJr- vrtl.i.A B, KEELINB PLDd., OMAHA tn.Ae.ilWi AfcnHAHaA KAK.Vi t'HlOAP aii (jniana man owns a very fine Dim sere farm t miles from county seat In Central Nelirnaka and we th.nk he would be willing to exchange It for Omaha property. The land la all level; hits fine sandy loam soil; M acres being aifalfa. with plenty of tame and wild buy and running water; s;m per acre Is the price and It la worth the money. PAYNV; INVKHTMKNT COMPANY, Mh Fl. Omaha Nat. HkBldgJV !"!; CENTHAi'a NKBHAsKA FARM CHEAP. An Omaha man owns a very fine goo acre farm 2 miles from county sent In central Nehraaka, snd we think he would lie willing to exchange It for Omaha property. .The land la all level; baa flno aandy loam soil; ) acrea being aiialla. with plenty or tame and wild . bay and running water; tiO per acre U the price and It la worth the money, PAYNIC INVESTMENT COMPANY, fit h Fl. Omaha Nat. Uk. Rldg. D. 17H1. ONE OP Til K VERT REHT ranches In northwestern Nebraska for pale conaldernble below actual value, K.040: hlwhly Improved; 400 ,eres cultl- i. u c ir i. . i i . i vr n. i . hiiiiim, p.Mrti nnj mini, aplenilld water supply; high-'.laas prop erty in every way. wt;;. or call. B. CRelyea;SI Ramge Rldg., Omaha. ii ACKErt. la'liillea from" Omaiia'f hiiih. rolling land; jolna small town; :o,bX) caan, long nine, eaay terma, on bainnce, 0 'KEEFE UKAL ESTATE CO. 101 Ornaha Nat'j Rk. Rldg. Doug. t71B ICIMBALL"C0.NEB. Kimball Co., Neb., and southwestern Wyoming lands; Improved and unim proved. AaH for Hat. 0 'KEEFE HEAL ESTATE CO. . . luVACRlS farm in fawaon Co., Neb.; small set of Improvements; IV, acres cul tivated; a rood farm; will sell with email payment aown, balance easy lerniB, TOTjAND A TRUMBm.T 4-!L.B'..".l''aT- Doug. 707. 1) ACHKH. beat Cheyenne county wheat lana; i,wio worth or Improvements; HO acres now In fall wheat, 70 acres ready for spring plowing; 31 bushels per acre ltilS. Price, Kl. H.nno caah, U.f-00 t per pent, S yeara. Write Nugent de IXngpre.Ixde polo, Neh, ORAZlNft land TrPWheeler County. $4 per acre. IXJOK AT THUS MAP. County t lerk. Partlett, Neb. BEND your name today. Receive offers from land owners, agents everywhere. Tnlted Realty anoctatea, Jollet, III Wlaaaul, Laade. UPPRR W1BCONH1N Meat dairy and general crop stale la the union; settlers wanted; lauds for sale at low prloea oa eaay Wrme. Aak for booklet 14 on Wla. eonain Central Land Grant. Excellent lands for stoea rats lag. if Interested la ft alt lands aak for booklet on apple or chards. Address Land and Industrial lpl.. Boo Liue Railway. Mlouaupvlia Vilnn. . ' Wyoaatagf La a da. flP fur you, homesteuderrfiio acres. Can locate number oi good claims. Per sonally seen the lands by survey. Hue lion, township and range plat checked, Oood building pine, abundance of fuel. Hmall grain, vegetables, no better grown. Northeaat Wymnlng If In terested In claim, aee or aJdresa 2ii2 Woolworth Ave Omaha. Tyler lw Tesaa Laa4a WHEN you buy a I arm. get It ehara It has a future. If you buy hlgh-prloed Wi.d you are Just trading dollars, so lo speak. We have a land proposition that o us til to interest every farmer seek lug to better liia condition. Our landa aeu at Uit) to Ml per acre, on eaay tariua. The foil la rich and fertile, the climate fine, the water supply pure and ulunii. ful, Ihe raiutall baa alwaya been ample to insure crupe. i inn a lew yeara ago there was no railroad through tula sec tion of the country, but a ah the ad eiit of a main-line railroad It la boo rapidly coining lo the front, towns are springing up, and tn a few yeara these lands win uouuie anu treble In value. Vie have peraonally Investigated Ibis land, bougni suiue el ii ourselves, and Have the agency for a limited supply. 'Ibeae lanus sre located lo western Texas, below the Panhandle. Circular giving detailed Inf unuauou furulenee t.poci appliualiun. SCOTT & HILL COMPANY UoCague Building, Omaha. Loug laaloJ0. Un-AtTlFi L. RIO "uiiA'NDU FARM FOR BALK CHEAP. I have two fine farma, located on the Ureal Meicedea lanal al Mercedes). Tex, I must aell one of them and will give some one a bargain. The farm la ail Improved and ready for working. It'a a beauty and a snap. Must be sold. Lock liox Z.Z. MaraliaU town. la M laeel la aeaaus. H AVC ToU A FARM FOR KALKf Write a good description of your land aad send It lo the bioux City (la.) Jour, bat "Iowa's Moat Powerful Went Ad kiedlum." Twenty-five erda ever Fri es y evening, eaturdsy morning and every baiurvisy evening and buiulay fug ene muaih, giving sixteen ads on twelve di Keren! days for 11; or W worOa. la, ew Id words, la Largest circulates of any Iowa newa. Paper; lAua) reaCere dai y la four area aiaiea. hKNll your name today. Receive offers from land owners. Aarenla everywhere Free. I'nlled Realty Associates. Jollet. 1 1 .tools ' f CK any ami CX kinds of avt.re.ge located on or ne.r car line, call C R. C nobs. hU, Rraiidvls 1 healer Bidg. DjUj. iJ.. FARM LAND-WANTED WaSTKiCto her from owner of farm or unimproved land for sal. C. C Pueklnirhem. Hoiiaton, Texaa FARM LAND FOR RENT 4W ACRFaS 16 miles south of Ixing Pine. Neb., well Improved, good hay and some plow land. F. J. nTTOEOALD. tin Ree HMe Phone Doug. 411 HORSES LIVESTOCK-VEHICLES "erele. FTlR PALF-Fi rs tcTa"s 1 Fo fa felii cow. milking one gallon, fresh In May. Phone South Jll. Thirty-two milk wagons for sale, rhaao. .lonneon-l iinmrip i o , inn annj i lara. RCFF Leghorn cockerels; also good young row; fresh soon. Colfax 2K4. Two mares'for sale. 1622 Cuming. Ty! im flAYII M ton. A. wTWegneT. Wl -V. 1. POULTRY AND PET STOCK BtNOl.K comb Rhode Island Red rgga for setting, II, fl.. . ror 10 eega. i nnu on request. Pl.lllp Harper, David City, Neb. THf'RoVVjHBRBii cockerel, Red Husaeg champion strsin snn iiiur nrpinium Bunswlck strain. bJ2 B. h Kt. Har ney 20fi". . U'K offer a few New Zealand Red BteeT, grey black slivers and solid white giant rabbits. Robt. Reutel, Dcntaon, Iowa. NINETY pair of Homer pigeons for sale, price fTC. Im Anspacn, iirami, Nob. iTAY-y 60ton. A. W. Wagner. W N. 1. tiJiT7. An for aale. tX if. W9. FOR BALE Betting hens. Web. 7S7& AUTOMOBILES-FOR SALE LOOK THESE OVER ROCK LIOHT TRUCK. One 10-11. P. light truck, excellent condition. Price right. MODEL, 3T BUICK. A bsrgaln. Excellent condition. NEB. BUICK AUTO CO., 1914 Farnam. Douglas 73. REAL RAROAINS. t If 1 4 Ford touring cars. 1 111,1 Ford roadster. 1 11I4 Ford roadster. 1 llill Hupp a roadster. 1 lltlil Chalmers 30 roaileter. 1 1UI2 Maxwell 26 truck. 1 11)15 Maxwell. C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO., 221 Fjtrnarn. Douglas Po.1.' 1 It I (V Loaler. touring, O-cyllnder l-f) Zli6 Muit'k C- touring fN) sImiR Rulck roadster 661 41.115 Krlt touring 4 0 Ii IHI4 Ford touring 2V IHlrV Btudehaker 6 touring 0 Auto Clearing House, rm Farnam. D.M10. FHANKI.1N i-cyl., with fine 7-paaseng'r limousine and touring body, good con dition, Hno.Addreas 8K0". JFarnam H.I1K1. t'OR BALE cheap. 1911 "Ford tourlng"carT engine and chassis In A No. 1 condition, two good tires. CallWebSlL" Aatomobllea Waatea. nXE pelr of diamond ear screws weigh log ISi karats each, to trade for a 1916-10 auto. Phone Douglaa 1447. fc'OU RnotTnlarnosaTColo., will trade for ear. Tyler 2444-W. i For Sale. 1.W0-LR. truck tl2S. Nebraska Buioa" Service Htatlon. 1914 Farnam. Phone Douglas 721. Aato Livery aaa Oarsget, liiduatrlal Oarage Co.. to A Harnee tit. Aato HetalrlnB aa4 1'alatlswf: Automobile painting done by experts- "ikS yeara1 experience tn Omaha; Work guar. anteed lat class. Johnson-Danforth Co. DL'PLiCX tliea last longer, are stronger and more durable. 80x34. ld Farnam St. Douglas 4K?g. tlUO reward for magneto we can t repair. Colls repaired. Rsyadorfer, 110 N, 18th. Fiee winter storage when cars are paint ed ajMrrpnijionnaon-anrorth Co. flmahn Ratirator Rep. Co. iai Far. f. n" Aate 'llree mad BappUeev "aTjTO TIRKiT REBUILT. (2.00 TO 15. Oa DUO TIRE CO.. lsll Chicago a. A THREW or lour-line ad In the For Bale, Mlscellaneoua column of TUB REE will sell your old furniture and household goods. Phone Tyler lvou, NOW. M OTORCYCLES BICYCLES llAHLhA-UA Vli.'bON MoXORC YCLa.V." Rargaln In uaed machines. Victor Rooa. flie Motorovcle Man." Ki'ui leavenworto. REAL ESTATE-TRANSFERS l oiuplleil and furulshad by Karr Tills Uusraa ee snd glaHraiit euiuiiany, aa Mouth HeveatssuiS stmt, WARRANTY PEJCDS. Charles W. Martin ana wlfa to lauasnf R. Williams, 1st 11. block is. Minna liaa. .1 1 Mnrnlnsaltie linit Ce. te llclaa Tlbblla. lot 7 Momlnsaioa add Ill P. J, 'lnn said wire le V. F. Wtxrea. lot XI. ksyatnns Park I.S00 Oarlas liarkay lo I. M. kV Howall, lot 4. block I. Hmss Hill's add 1 rrudautlal ltaa.1 KaUts Co. la l olua rual (k., lot t. blork 1. Mot'rsarr riaue t rioeaaes W. Hall al al. to William Latow- sky, o(s II sag 14, block a Vsa Caaip's add IM Fiord U laville and ell te B. V. Brar. I. . block a Kuunt.a a Ituih'a add I Hlka sad Katls I raiiavanla to Patar Urs- davania, lot M, Hulllvsa'a add to South hnaiia M Patar lanhsrd snd wit to Vlnsvas Rltouje, lot T, bhwk I, Uurr Pisco L0 CoBimsrclal gavtugs and Lnaa association te ain Ueviasna. lot a block a ourrtgsa Place Lie Form Pollard Club . To Boost Campaign For Governorship The Pollard Republican club was orga nised yesterday afternoon at the Hotel Rome, to further the campaign of Ra namesake for the republican nomination for governor. Attorney Halleck was made president; Calvin It. Taylor, vice prealdent, and Kenneth Fin lay son, secretary-treasurer. Borne fifteen were present In the Initial meeting in Mr. Pollard's room at the hotel, and the first goal of the club will be a larger membership. Its political activities In the Interest of the Pollard campaign will be directed chiefly to Douglaa eounty. In the stellar speech, Mr. Rose paid a tribute to the candidate In glowing tarma. He went Into Mr. Pollard's rec ord In congress and In the state legisla ture and lauded his keen and Intelligent interest tn various pubtlo activities, par ticularly the development of the fruit Industry In the state. Other speakers were Charles Battelle, Harry Weller, J. W. Gamble, Harry O, Palmer, Anaa Raymond and II. O. Bhedd. During the day In Omaha. laV. Pollard issued a statement, again denning his position, with particular reference to the attempt to bring the prohibition Issoe Into the campaign. "There) la a reason." he said, "why the liquor question should be drawn into the gubernatorial cam paign " He declares that the Initiative amendment to the constitution seeks to eliminate theae moral qurations from politics, and that acordlng to statute no political party shall endorse any mat ter submitted under the Initiative. TOPICS FOROAY OF REST Erinpeliit Morria If to Be t Once Methodist Chnrch, South Side, Sunday Evening. TALKS ON MAJESTY OF LAW Kvangelist Morris will be the principal speaker at the Orace Methodist church. Twenfy-flfth and E streets, South Side, Sunday evening, his topic being "Tha Majesty of the Law." Rev. Mr. .Morris Is one of the. western evangellata and hag done much work in the mining districts of the ear west He spent considerable time In Ooldflelil Nev., where he delivered this sermon and a number of others. He I spoken of as a convincing sneaker and an eloquent pulpit orator. In the discussion of his topic, he recently said: "The law of the Lord Is perfect Law la a generic term, and In Its different forms, as natural law, moral law or clvlo law. Indicates only the varied applications of sovereign will. Natural law is the ex pression of divine will In reference to material things. Moral law Is the ex pressions of divine will in reference to moral beings. Civic laws axe In some measure at least, the working out of dfrtne purpose In human forms of gov ernment. The common distinction made between natural law and moral law la a distinction without essential difference; for moral law la as natural aa the laws that operate In the physical universe. Man'a moral nature la a part of Ita estab lished order and moral law la natural aa applied to moral beings." The choir of the Castclar Presbyterian church will repeat Fred B. Holton's cantata, "The Christmas King," Sunday evening at T 30. Program as follows: Chorus Prenara Ye the Wav of tha Lord. Duet-O'er the Silent Eastern Hills, Mlaa Margaret Koopman, Mrs. Frank xirown and choir. . Male horus Flllnw the Guiding- Star. Chorus Glorious Morn. I Contralto A nrl There. Were Sbenherda. Mlaa Hit tier Uoggs, women's chorus and Choir. nnnrano The Rnnr la Rlnrlna- Still. Mlsa Margaret Koopman. t norusjoy to the World. fori! caltn T xtl.a-'- c,.,lln tfvmn llfea Frank Hrown, with choir accompaniment l norua Praise Ye the lord. Duet Fnlreat Lord Jeaua. Mlsa Rease McOlll and Rert Krelle. Chorus There is Room In Mr Heart for Thee, Chorus Come and Worship. Mrs. Frank Brown, director. The Thli 1 Presbyterian church. Twen tieth and Leavenworth streets, three weeks ago started a "win one campaign." It haa for its object an Increase in mem bership and to familiarise the families of tho community with its work. Interest has been created to such an extent that a paid worker, Mrs. Kate Copeland, has been put in the field to assist the pastor, and those who are giving their services voluntarily. AH departments of the church work are getting an Impetus from the campaign, the moat marked result be ing the large congregations which now fill tha church every Sunday evening. Trail hitting is a feature of that service and every Sunday night witnesses tha re turn of some pentunt seeking forgiveness for gin and restoration in their Father's love. A gospel team, consisting of Dr. W. W. IWard. Gerald M. Drew, Charles Lang, Felton Blair, Harry Trimble and II. C. Forgy, went to Fpringfleld today, where the members will be . In charge of the services at the Protestant churches there tonight and Sunday. . The opera house haa been roaerved for the men's meeting In tha afternoon and the union meeting In tha evening. Charles Lang goes along aa gospel ginger. This team also has Its own pianist Dr. W. W. Ward la captain. Baptist. Vlrat Tf.Mt.'DiH- ., . H V. ,)..- , i "V. . "Mu ' ara Avenue, . O. Rowlands. Minister Morning wor h p at 10:30; sermon, "The Paraclete." !C . . Sr louna People s meet- Palvaev IT.n.111,.- . . if i weniy-rinn. A- Mxwell, Pastor Mornlna; theme, John the Baptist." Evening, a gonpel team, Elmer E. Thomas. M. O. Cunning ham and M. C. Rush. Bible school at noon. Young people's meeting at 1:30, led by Mlaa Hannah Kdman. Hpuolal music Grace, suth and Arbor. E. B. Taff, Pas torMen's prayer meeting, 9:3d; bunrtay sciiooi, ju; morning worship, 11; "The Opportunities and Needs of Evangelism In America;" Raptlat Young People s -ran, cTciiina ra-rvice. i:su, "Am- nnMttarlora fn, Chul ' nn.ui- c. . school. 2010 Bouth Fourth, 3. Olivet. Thirty-eighth Street and Grand Avenue. William A. Mulford. Pastor Morning worship at 11: evening at T:S0. "Thai Hlffn. nf IKa Tim - rr. i i , . , " - . . . i uia la I lie first of a series of three Sunday evening sermons on prophecy. Stindny school at 10; Baptist Young People's union at , Mrs. Mulford and group No. 4 In cbarge. ia;vr uiveiing weuneeaay ai s. Cartatlaa Scleraee. First Church of Christ. St. Marv'a l.a. nue and Twenty-fourth Street Services I 11 . S ' 1 T a . . 'I U . , .1 .. . . w . . mv.v. ...... ,,T ncnooi VI wo sessions;, 8:45 and 11. Wednesday evening ut.uuii. m v o. Second Church of Christ. Dundee Hall TJnderwood Avenue and Fiftieth Street It "Love." Sunday school, 8:46; Wednes day evening meeting at . First Twenty-sixth and Harney. Charles E. Cobbey, Pastor Morning ser mon, 1L "Peraonality In Education;" evening, 7:). "A Hand Clasp That Trana formed a Life." Young People's Society of Chrlntian Endeavor, 6 15; Intermediate, 1.15. Junior. 11: Bible school. :45. North Side, Twenty-second and Lothrop, George L. Petera. Paator Bible achool. :; morntng service, "Growth by Con- iact," m an; even ns servtc, -fne Rich Fool," T-.3IK Endeavor. Intermediate at 6; senior al (:1&. Ceagrearatloaal. First. Nineteenth and Davenport Morn ing service at 10:30. Rev. J. T. Jonea of Council Bluffs will preach. Evening service at 7:30; Sunday school at noon. Hillside. Thirtieth and Ohio. W. 8. Hampton, Pastor Morning service, II; evening service. T:S0: Sunday achool 10 James Bulck. superintendent; Senior En deavor, jo; intermediate, . junior. 3. Plymouth. Eighteenth and Emmet. F. W. Ieavltt. Minister Morning service at 11. The Bible achool hour has been changed to lu: loung People a meeting at ..; evening service at 7.30. topic, The Fruit of the Spirit Is Joy." Wednes day, 8, prayer meeting team ot W. t. Sheldon will lead. Bt. Mary's Avenue. St. Mary's Avenue and Twenty-eeventh Street Rev. U. A. Hulbert. Minister Sunday morning aerv tce at 10:30; preaching by the paator. Music by the Kelly choir. Sunday achool at noon with kindergarten. Classes for young men and women. Younj People s society at 7. Sunday school board meet ing at t Wednealay evening. Mid-week eervt-ee at I Wednesday evening. Talks on the eParablea. Rvaagelleal. Grace United, Twenty-eeventh and Cam den, Thomas M- Evans, Paator Preaching at 11 and 7:30. Sunday achool at 10. Key stone League ot Christian Endeavor at St Paul's, Twenty-fifth and Evans, Rev. E. T Otto, Pastor Services at 10 and T SA Evening In English, prepara tion for holy communion at 7:16. Sermon. "The Sixth Petition." Sunday school at 11 30, Ladies' Aid Wednesday at 2. German, Eighteenth and Coming. F. Oatertag. Paatu r S ui.dav achool. Ejigllah and Herman clasaea, at 10. Semion by lhstrlct Superintendent T. I- Daehher of r-reraont at 11 and ft. Holy eoinmuiilon at Ihe noon hour. T. P. society meeting at 7. w . M. society itMartlng W edneaday afternoon at X. Zlon. Thlrty-alxth and Lafayette. A. T. laniiiier. Partor Suuilav whool at 4a. Bei vices al 11 and a Evening text "The Fourth Commandment." Tuesday eve ning the Luther league will meet at Ihe home of V. A. Johnson. 10:3 North Tblrty elKhth. Prayer meeting Wednesday eve ning. Choir rehearsal Friday evening. Confirmation claaa Saturday morning at 10. First Vnlted, I(3n Franklin, Ira Me-Brl-le. pastor Morning sermon at 1L Subject, " Foreign Missions." Hermon In the evening at J .10. Sunday school at 10; Samuel Ktatler auperintendent. Mlaalon Band at J.:; Mrs. Iiird, superintendent. Intermediate Chrlaflan fideavor at ; Mrs. Frans. suierintendent Senior Chris tian Endetvor st t:3. In this service the officers of the Y. P. M. 8. will be Installed. Holiness association In Ihe side room of the church at I I'raver meeting Wednes day evening, followed bv the regular school monthly b'iatnes meeting at the school monthly business meeting at the parsonage, 2430 Franklin, Friday evening. Fplaeopal. St. Andrew's, Forty-first and Charles, J. E. Flock hart. Rector Holy communion at a. Morning service at It Subject, "Ecce Homo. Behold the Man." Sunday school at 1:45. Evening service at 7.30. Special muslo for evening. Oood Shepherd, Twentieth and Ohio, Rev. Thomas J. Collar, Rector Holy com munion at 8. Sunday school at t.40. Morn ing prayer with sermon at 11. Evening prayer with sermon at 7:. All Saints', Twenty-sixth and Dewey, T. J. Mackay. Rector; Robert S. Flock hart, Assistant Rector Holy communion at 7:11. Sunday school at :45. Service and sermon at 11. Sermon topics. "Rela tionship to God." Vesper service at 4. Sermon topic, "Faith." Bishop A. L. W'llllama will nriah tha sermon and administer the rite of confirmation. Latberaa. Our Savior's, Danish, Twenty-oecond and Leavenworth, T. B. Ammentorp, Pas tor Sunday school at :.i. Servi.-eg st 10:40. Young people's meeting at 8:16 and Thursday at 1:16. Bible class Friday at :16. Trinity, Twenty-fifth and Ames, Rev. C. O. Bloomquist Iastor Sunday school at 10. Services at It and 7:30. The Swed ish language Is used only at the Sunday morning servlcea. Luther league meets Tuesday evening at 8 at the home ot A. O. Danielaun. 2440 Ellison. Grace English, 1E South Twenty-sixth. C. N. Swlhart Minister Subject at 11, The Ship that Will Not Sink." Subject at 8, "A Thousand Years and One Day." Sunday school at 10. Luther leanie de bate at 7. Orace Lutheran branch Sunday achool. Forty-eighth and Leavenworth, at 2:30. St Mark's. English, Twentieth and Burdette, U Groh, Pastor Morning ser vice. 11: tonio. Job 23-11-17 "Hleaaed Consciousness. Sublime Reflection, Moral Sadness." Evening service, 7:30; topic, leut. 4:82 "Inquire of the Past." Bun day school, 9:46 a. m. Young People's So ciety of Christian Endeavor, 6:46 p. m. Kountxe Memorial, Twenty-sixth and Farnarn, Rev. Oliver D. Baltsly, pastor; Rev. C. Franklin Koch. Associate Pastor Morning woramp at 11. Subject, "Who Was Jesus ChriHt?" Evening worship at 8. Subject, "The In-dwelling Christ." Regular monthly musical, special musio by the choir. Sunday school at 9:45: Oscar P. Woodman, superintendent. Luther league at 7. Branch Sundav school Druid hall. Twenty-fourth and Ames, at 3. Catechetical lectures Thursday and Fri day at 8 and Friday at 4:16. Methodist. Walnut Hill. Fort V-fi rat an rbarlea Oliver Keve, Minister Services at 10:30 and 7:30. Sunday school at noon. First, Twentieth and Davenport, Titus Lowe. Pastor Hible claaa U4K T V Sturgess, superintendent; classes for all ages, amming worsnip at 11, "A Man's Religion." Epworth league, 6:30, a meet ing for all young people. Evangelistic services at 7:30, "The Heritage of a Christian." An opportunity for adult baptism will be given at both morning ai.d evening aervieea. Oak Street, South Twentieth and Oak, T. C Webater, PastorSunday school. - "un,ur league, a Jipwonn league, '7. Sermon at 11 and 8. Pravar mcoilnl and Bible study Wednesday evening, 1:1). Mccabe, fortieth and Farnam, W. H. Underwood, Pastor Morning service at 10. Evening hour, 7:30. Sunday school Bt 10. Mrs. Georsre Entrtktn .nitint.n. dent Adult Bible clasa at 10. John Lewis, t?.ftch.er.Euwo'th i" at :J, Mrs. iimrys, presiuent; topic, "TOO Meaning of Dlscipleship." m Trinity, Twenty-first and Btnney, Rev. John F. Poucher. Pastor Regular serv ices at 10:30 and 7:30:. muslo by the choir; E. F. Williams, chorister, and Miss Flora Sears, organist. In the morning there will be an address by Nathan Bernstein on "The Jew and Patriotism." In tbe evening there will be preaching bv the pastor. Sunday school at noon, Wlllard Chambers, superintendent Epworth league at 6:30. William H. Borcherdlng. firealdent. Entertainment by Epworth eague Mtonday night at church: oyster supper from 6 to 7, then muslo and mov ing pictures, Walter More, chairman ot committee. . Jennings. Fifty-second and Hickory, R. II. Cnenoweth. Pastor Sunday school at l'. Mcrnlng preaching at 11:15, Floyd Shepherd, speaker. Epworth leagae at T, leader, Mrs. Blaka. Evening preaching at 8. "Friends." Diets, Tenth and Pierce, C. N. Daw son, Pastor Sundav achool at 8-48, Dr. J. L. Frans, superintendent Preaching at 11, "Heaven." Epworth league at 6:30. Preaching at 7:90, "How He Missed His Last Chance." Family reunion Friday evening. Friends Invited. Hsnscom Park Woolworth Avenue and Twenty-ninth Street, Rev. Emorr D Hull. Minister Morning worship at 11, The Tragedy of tbe Ages." Ev.-n'ng service at 7:45, "The Divine Perspective." First Swedish. Nineteenth and Burt, Guatav Erlckaon. Paator Honda ..hn1 at 10. Morning service at 11; subject, "The suuim nnuni jfiiu. ijovea. jpworth league at 6:30.. Preaching service at Presbyterian. Third, Twentieth and Leavenworth, Rev. Robert Karr, Pastor Sunday achool with adult Bible classes for men and women, at 9:30. Public worship and ser mon by the pastor, at 10:46. theme. "More Laborers Wanted." Junior En deavor meeting at S. Christian Endeavor prayer meeting at 6:30. Evenlnsr worahln and sermon, "Lamps, But No Oil." Clifton Hill. Grant and Forty-fifth. Rev B. R. von der Llppe. Pastor Sundav school at 10. Regular service at 11. "Keeping Step with Dlety." Junior En. deavor at 4. Senior society at :. Even ing at i:jo, A Bacrince Acceptable." Castelar. Sixteenth and Caatelar n C. C. Meek, Paator Morning service at 11. Evening service at 7:3n. Song serv ice. The choir, by request, will repeat the Christmas cantata. Sabbath school at 9:46. Junior Christian Endeavor at 2. Intermediate Christian Endeavor at 6. Senior Chrlatlan Endeavor at 6:30. Prayer meeting, Wednesday, at 7:30. Benson. Rev. A. J. McClunsr. Paatne Sunday achool at 10. Mornlnir worahln at 11, Rev. Mr. Klllle, a mlealonary from China, will apeak. Junior Endeavor at Chrlatlan Endeavor at 6:30. Rv.nin worship at 7:30, aermon bv tha na.inr Christian Preparation." Prayer meeting, Wednesday evening at t. Covenant. Pratt and Twentv.aeventh Rev. Charles H. Fleming. Paator Morn. Ing worship at 10:30, "Jesus, the Tru Vine." tiitue scnooi at noon. Endeavor at 6:45. Evening worship at 7:30, "What tne Bioie Means Dy tne word Fin." Men a Hible class weonesdsy evening at 8. Ladles' Aid at 2.30 at the church and food sale, Saturday afternoon. North. Twenty-fourth and Wirt. Rev. M. V. Higbee, Pastor Morning sermon at It Sabbath achool at 9 45. Young People a Society of Chrlatlan Endeavor at 6:30. Evening sermon at 7.30. Fellow ship meeting at 7:46, Wednesday evening. Low Avenue, 1023 North Fortieth. Rev. A. F. Ernst, Minister-' The Third Com mandment," at 10:30. Sababth school at 12. Junior Endeavor society at 2. Senior Endeavor society at 6:30. "Conversion of a Sinful woman, - ai i:sd. Psrkvale. Thirty-first and Gold R. W, Taylor. Paator Sunday achool at 10, K. C. Wilbur, superintendent Devo tional aervlce at 11. "The Need of a Re membrancer." Christian Endeavor at 7. lublic services at 7:j, "The SDlrit of Leadership." First, Toung Men's Christian Associa tion, Rev. Edwin Hart Jenka, Pastor- Preaching at 10:30 and 7:3u. Sunday school al noon. Endeavor meeting at 61a. Dundee, Fiftieth Street and Underwood aaderlaade File Caaaplalat. WASHINOTQN. Jan. 2.-8peclal Tele gram.) Sunderland Bros, ef Omaha have filed a complaint against the Missouri Paclflo Railroad company with the In terstate Commerce! commission, that rates on on a carload of gravel shipped from Lanes bo ro, la., to Omaha, was unjust and asks reparation. NORTHEAST PRESS HOLDS CONVENTION Goodly Attendance of Newspaper Men tt Session in the City of Wayne. J. L. KENNEDY GIVES ADDRESS WAYNE, Neb., Jan. 29. (Spectal Tele gram.) The Northeast Nebraska Press association met In Wayne Friday. The address of welcome was made by F. 8. Berry, Msyor I). H. Cunningham being out of the city. W. H. Weeks of Norfolk responded. Addresses were made by D. J. T. House on "Progressive Journalism," J. J. Ahern on "Business and Publicity" and J. P. Oturey on 'The Country Merchant and Advertising." A visit to the public schools followed. J. L. Kennedy, Dr. Victor Rosewater and E. O. Mayfleld addressed the high school. An Inspection of the state normal school followed. A reception was held for the visitors and a short session at the city hall fol lowed at which IL II. Pease of the Beemer Times spoke on "Running a Blockade." The enrollment is good, the northeast Nebraska newspaper men being well rep resented In spite of Inclement westher. A banquet was served to the visitors this evening. Carranza Names Board to Consider Conscription Issue EL PASO, Tex., Jan. 29. A commis sion, appointed by General Carranza to consider the advisability of establishing compulsory military service in Mexico, has begun work in the City of Mexico, according to official advices received today by the Mexican consulate here. Carranxa previously had declared against compulsory service, hut it Is understood that the recent development of revolu tionary movements south and west of Chihuahua City. with Zapata in the south, prompted him to appoint the commission to canvass the situation and draft a compulsory service law if neces sary. Twenty-eight Women Fined S100 Each for Selling Booze SEWARD, Alaska, Jan. 28. Twenty eight women, arraigned on a charge of selling liquor at Anchorage, the principal construction camp of tho government railroad, pleaded guilty and were fined $100 each, it was learned here today. , Two other women caught in the raid conducted by special agents of the De partment of Justice, acting under special Instructions from Washington, were ac quitted. Under the rules of the Alaska Engineer ing commission and a stipulation Included In deeds to town lots at Anchorage, the sale of liquor is prohibited. Danish Engineer Invents Device to Nullify Torpedoes COPF.NHAOEX. Jan. 29.-(Lla London.) -Aa apparatus which It is claimed will prevent the destruction of ships by tor pedoes or mines has been Invented by Frants Poulsen, engineer. . Tho details are withheld, but the principal feature Is said to be a device for diverting the pressure) on ships' aides of tho air masses formed by the explosion. The invention has been offered to the British admiralty, which has promised to teat it at tha earli est possible time. ADVENTISTS RAISE THREE QUARTERS OF MILLION WASHINGTON, Jan. S. Seventh Day Adventlsts of North America contributed nearly 1760,000 to- the church last year according to a report to the general con ferenco made public today. This was said to have been the best record ever made by that denomination. The money went to foreign missions and to aid edu cational Institutions in North America. . . Calls Extra Session For South Dakota SIOUX FALLS, S. D.. Jan. 29. Gov ernor Frank M. Byrne, today Issued the call for an extra session of the legislature, to convene at Pierre, February 8, to amend the presidential section of the state primary law in order" that dele gates to the republican national conven tion can be' chosen by direct vote. South Dakota's, Ilka West Virginia's primary law, sets the date of the primary elec tion on Juno 6, which Is only one day ahead of the republican national conven tion at Chicago. It is planned to set the date of the primary some time in May. HYMENEAL Devaal-Thomaa. Miss Essie Thomas and Mr. Oscar B. Devaul, both of Chula, Mo., were mar ried Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock by Rev. Charles W. Savldge at his office In the Brandels Theater building. Jlreas-Allea. Mlsa Grace Allen and Mr. Joseph Jlrous, both of Fremont, were married Saturday morning at 11 o'clock by Rev. Charles W. Savldge at hui office In the Brandels Theater building. BoavereoeU-Volske. YORK. Neb.. Jan. 29. (Special.) Ai nould Voiske of Waco and Miss Belle Bowersock of Thayer, were married at the Presbyterian parsonage, Rev. T. F. B. Smith, officiating. De LaaeylaaiBos. YORK. Neb.. Jan. 29. (Special.) Charles Samson and Miss Ruth F. De Laney were married yesterday. Rev. Thomas Cullen. officiating. DEATH RECORD Frederick Heber Eslos. NEW YORK, Jsn. .-Frederick Heber Eaton, president and a director of the American Car enc Foundry company since 1902, died at his home here yester day. He bad been engaged in manufac turing pursuits rince 1K0 and was a di rector In a number ot Industrial firms, railways and banks. Ha waa born tn Barwick. Pa, in INI. Frmak M. Klael. YORK. Neb., Jan. . (Special.) Frank M. Klael. died at tbe home of hla daughter, Mrs. Jamea Rae, seven miles south of York. He waa 74 years old. The body was taken to Grand Island for Interment. AFFAIRS ATJOUIH OMAHA Management of Playhouse Assert They Keep Theaters Fumi gated. SOUTH SIDE IS WELL FAVORED Protection of small children from scar let fever has aroused consldersble com ment. The recommendation of the city council thst children under 12 yeara of age be kept from going Into moving picture theaters Is receiving most atten tion. Manager George Atkins of tho local Besse theater, one of the three movie houses of the South Side, said yesterday that children have a-oolutely nothing; to fear In his showhouse. It has been the custom of the management several times each day to spread disinfectant through out tho entire house, whether there be a report of a contagloua disease in any part of Omaha or not. At the Orpheum and Magic theaters similar carefulness is exercised by the managers, they gay. Health Representative Henry Schmellng has reported not more than twenty cases of any kind of contagloua disease In the last month. Thursday evening the health officer arrested W. Gabriel, living at Forty-seventh and L streets, on a charge of break ing a quarantine Established at his home. He was housed In tho upper story of tho local Jail Thursday night and removed (o suitable quarters yesterday morning. Aid Society Elects. The Ladles Aid society of tho West Bid Interdenominational church . elected of ficers to serve during the coming year at their last meeting, at the home of Mrs. Harry Chance. The officers are: Mrs. J. F. Shekley, president; Mh-s. George Marble, vice president; Mrs. Harry Bruce, financial secretary; Mrs. George Foglc, treasurer; Mrs. Jack Smith, chap lain; Mrs. Jsck Smith. Mrs. J, Wells and Mlrs. Harry Chance, sick committee, and Mrs. John Wells, church reporter. Bowline; Scores. UNION STOCK YARDS CO. l"t. 2d. i. Total. Powers m m iol40J Leonard i,v) 160 414 kln" ISO IHt 1st . 4M Schellberg iw 144 u$ 43 TotA? sloi CLAY-ROBINSON COM. CO. fiirn J34 , Wllkerson 158 1Hi Hanaen 19 167 Malloy 143 140 Knoskl log ifa Total 707 814 STOCK YARDS NAT. BANK. , lt. 2d. 8d. Total. Harris Ifi7 ... 82 239 Vance Ml 162 167 ' 4W) King 1M 140 J34 432 Emerson J58 160 131 434 PeBka . 144 143 143 430 Gehrman 127 ... 127 Totals 772 722 TAGG BROS. let. 2d. 139 172 , 95 1114 197 1B4 1X5 lHS 144 127 6S7 2,151 Sd. Total. ir7 4 108 82T, 173 t34 190 M3 82 333 Kells Rickard . Kenyoun Johnson Gavin ... Totals . 7S5 755-708 2.218 ' Chnrch Notes. Gospel team work will ' constitute tha service at the United Presbyterian church, comer of Twenty-third and It streets, at their Sunday evening service. The service will be called at 7:30 o'clock. West Side Interdenominational, Thirty eighth and Q, Rev Shallcross, Pastor Sunday school at 9:15. Morning worship at 11. Christian Endeavor at 8:45. Even ing service at 7:46. Wednesday evening a prayer and teachers meeting for the (tudy of the lesson and election of of ficers will be held at 7:30. . . . South ' Omaha United " Presbyterian, Corner Twenty-third and H. Rev. Albert N. Porter. Pastor Preaching at 1L Sab bath school at 9:45. Juniors at 3. Christ an union at 6:30. Gospel team service at 7:30. Hillsdale Baptist. Forty-third and I Bible study hour at 10. Revival service at 7:80, led by Mr. Weemer and the goapol team. Thursday evening at 7:80, study class in the fundamentals ot the Christian life. Grace Methodist. Twenty-fifth and E, Rev, Dr. J, W. Morria, Pastor "The Modern Prophet" is the subject of tho morning discourse. In the evening Dr. Morris will glvo a special address to men on 'The Majesty of Law." Mr. Baker's large choir has attracted considerable at tention lately by their splendid singing. They will be In full force Sunday evening with good music.' Central Interdenominational, Twenty fifth and M. Rev. H. K. P. Cornlfih. Pastor Bible school at :45. Morning worship at 11. Christian Endeavor at 6:30. Evening goapel services at 7:30. .Topic, "Young Man and His Business." Mon day, Camp fire girls. Tuesday, Dramatta club will repeat "Mrs. Briggs of the Poultry Yard." Thursday, prayer and teachers' meeting, and Friday, choir rehearsal. Magic City Gossip. W. B. Wyman. cashier at tha local Burlington railroad headquarters, is con fined to his home with la grippe. Mr. and Mrs. Mike Guertn, 3824 U street, report the birth of a son. The women of St. Agnes parish will give a card party and dance Tuesday afternoon at the McCrann hall at Twenty-fourth and O streets at 3:15 sharp. The Ladies' Aid society of the West Side interdenominational church will meet Thursday sfternoon, February I, at the home of Mrs. Geox-ge Marble. 6lo South Forty-first street at 2 o'olock. Helen Anderson. 3-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. Anderson, 4X!6 South Twenty-second street, died early yester day morning. The funeral will be held this morning at 11 o'clock at the Brewer chapel. Interment will bo made in the Forest Uwn cemetery. Rev, F. A. Under will officiate. Soldiers in Class in Bomb Making 1 Hurt by Explosion HALIFAX. N. 8.. Jan, 29. One officer and three soldiers were seriously injured and five soldiers received minor Injuries I and cuts today when an explosion occur I red In the old Cunard building, when a 1 military class In bomb manufacturing ! was listening to a lecture by Captain Kurd of the Sixth military division. Mr. Lansing Denies that Ultimatum Has Been Sent to Berlin WASHINGTON. Jan. 29. -Secretary Lansing today denied published reports that the United States had given Ger many until February 6 to make a def inite answer on whether it Intends to dis avow the sinking of tho Lusitanla. Nebraska Denied Another Hearing in Passenger Case .wciii..-.v.,w.,, u a o. k. x rwwon ot ins Nebraska Male Railway commission for rehearing on the Increases In passenger fares recently granted on western rates waa denied today by the Interstate Com merce commission. 1 4M 170 (.2". 160 493 122 405 156 417 779 2.300