I .J iJi BUSINESS CHANCES THE building near l-reem e hool, " donni no competition. Addrea U . Xee. . CarH-.TY tore. Inventory about $l,2f. live r,"lnea. live lcin.Fh'8jRee. OirrHr;RYand cr. feet Ion ery tore down town, a snap, 1.1. GANOESTAD. ANtEti-lSirty with $l.0.thirdlnter. out In big bualneaa. O H P- tU EATERS Huy, lease or Mil y"tr the ater, machine nd ippl e throvty Th eetar K ,('., I0 Fern am. D 1T. OFFICE for real tat or Insurance; same floor as Bee office; 12x21 feetj 6J. The fee Bid.. OfflcoRrgnJ1 FV'Yu SALE -room rooming bou", ell modern, team beet, Income I) a month. 117 Jckon. PhcnPed4443. Im 'CTuK wanted, very uirbi location, with no Investment Write Nugent de -oner-re, Lodge Pole, en. fOOrTm or ot of bulnee eJl on OANOESTAn, 422 Pee BldgDong., JUL BEE Omaha Theater uppif Co. "i"r fain sj n thlthed eh s, P. s TO-SELL or buy ft business, cell Buerh A Borghoff. rnntrp. P- l GOOD rooming houe; It room; d floor. 4W 8. th, South Bid e. 'JOI hotel for sale, $7M. A. I.eke. Elmcreek. Neb. 8 . BUSINESS 'CHANCE. Candy etore neer Urie eohooli tlelng room rear, PXO. Addrea J 637, Be. HELP WANTED-MALE Salesmen ae.4 aaliellara. TOT7 CAN MAKE MONEY selling flour, amoked meata. dried fruit, canned gooo. evrups and pihcr apla gi over lee; paint. automobile and lubricating otla, stock and poultry tonlca. prepared roofing and other good In every nay t)ee. Prices are high In retail storea. V. eave consumer money. They like Mir good hecau they are better. Our ae-enta are uceful, acma have been selling our goods In the sam locality for twelve yeare. One man writes: "Here are nir order for thle wrek. Ill profit;" another write. "Hed a poor day. made made $23 46 yee lerday." Fame do better. It b-t own In a store. Now la a Rood time to e tahllah youra'-lf In a permanent, hon or a Me. profitable h'lalneaa. IHmi ran work every day. Tfl ua your ge. oc rtipatlon and send references Any rood bank will tell you that wa are a sue. reasful and reer-onelhl hotiae. Hitch cock Hill Co., Wholcsal Orocer. Chi raao. Ill . SITUATIONS WANTED Male. VOLXO Danlah man of with aiperl enca wanu poaitiim aa hotiae or yard man or would llk to be chauffeur In private family. Reliable and honeat. Andreea Johnaon. M4 N. 1th ft. MAKKltU man. 40 year old with U yeara' experience, wante offlr work, hookkeenlnir or eolieetlna; raferancea furnished. Call Webeter Ci)LOHEI Wanla porter work or ran take care of furnace. Reference L fur Mahnd. Phone Ioti(la 4. Bootr) ro. lL frM x tui i m iiia iwUiilnn aa iorter. t an take care of furnace. Can furnlah rWraria ItnnvUl tuA. Boom I SvANTi2I-Ivaklon aa watchnan by Kenileman 46 yearm. Beat of reference. t all teneon 14:. TOUN'4 nmtriMi man wanta poaltlon aa haufftir. can drlva any car. Phone Tvler JiiN AVANTEUPoalUon In waretioua by tnaA 44 yeara. Call Benson 141. rewtale. HAVE ABILITT WANTED, noneer and Urgent concern In Ha Una wanta additional men for It national aalea oraanltatlon whole or part time. You hulld a profitable local trade fur niahlng aanltary equipment to aewer leaa homea arhoola and factnrlea; pa t tonal adtertlalna create th lead you rjoee inn eaire. tjulpment beat nWIe; aella for ; eommlaalon attractive and field broad: repreaenlntivea ma kin I2.0UD to yearly; rl- or auto an advantae. Only men of atandln aouaht; aell- In; experience deelrable, but not en tie I. Her' your opportunity to mek money; a permanent connectton. leii all about youraelf: write immeaiateiy. KausUn Co.. Wil Klllcott bq., Buffalo, N. Y. HiLLWiMEJ.MALE aleawaeaeai aa4 eil lei tore. BTUksMKN msiie-!)!"" mTney eellln our nunchboard rleala. A'l'lr-na IWhrend Ilroa..4'MT Adama 8t.. ( hlr-aro CI.KAN-t'l'T. amliitloiia eaUaman, wit hj eu'Ceaafnl record, to repr-ecnt promi nent manufacturer of hlgh-arade er"" clalties. eold to Jobhete. dealer and conaumera, aalary, expenaea and bonua on ala; atate afe, experience and qualification! In Initial letter. Addrtaa a Y 4, ltee VANTEI Men who dealre to urn over it per month, write ua today for po altlon aa aalcaman. every orportunliv for advancement. Central I'elroUmr.i f'o , Cleveland Ohlo pALf:SMETlnAN"Ti;iJ I have an artU cle with merit:, nolle for I'.S": eom mlaalon; anme of our mn make 40 aale weekly. Fred A Walker, 2 llarnea Bd w-hlta. Kan. W'AS"fEf) Paleamcn to aell our line tH temperance drlnka In amall country towne; Z8 per cent commiaaton, nu weekly ilrawln account. Bed Cro Company, a 8. Main tC, 8t Louis, Mo, iept. t. v Stock Salesmen Wanted A few food stock salesmen to sell stock m a gllt-edte corporation. This I an easy seller. For further particular write T fn, pee. tVANTED One or two LTItrht youn; men about r years of a, thoroughly ac ciualnted with th city, to learn the real eatate bualneaa. Muat be men or ntgn clnas character. Addrea V-Xft, Bee. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS Bl1 textile mills will employ everywhere reliable people to take orders for dree fabric, hoalerv. umlerwcar, sweaters, walBta and skirts, from samples. Fac tory prtcea. flpare or all time. No ex perience. Permanent. Many maklna; over V werklv. Hteadraat Mills, Pept. Kau'ohoeaNY- fi'r.M. WASHc -LEAN Abollfhea rubblna; ateam bubbles blow out rulnou iiDer eatln Brit; leala everythlna;. won sold medal In actual teata: only waahln preparation ualn ateam bubb'e prin ciple; hlKKer proflta more value; aam- le and perticulara free. Waahclean Co., 1-' W. ,tli, I'lttaburirh. Kan.J UENTS- Our houae'hoid ie laltlea offer bis; profile, bin salea; repeat bualneaa: U) extra rah prise to every good anent; no conical. Edward J. Puncan, I'realdent, W. Grand Ave., Chicago, III. NEW. won.lerful different; II') daily dem- onatratln "Mnenw hit." F.very noaee wlfe buva. C'oata you 4 cent, sella 10 cents A. F. Ppenoer, Til Franklin 6t, Buffa lo, N. Y. . APVEHT18E your property aa tliouah yoi Iwllevefl Its sale or reniai u o important, by keeping it listed In th 111 iiouae. Home and Real Katat Oulde-THE BEE Trad Irkooli, PHYANT eV OPEENWOOP, th house of sound Florida Investment, aeaire sale connection on eommlaalon basis: full co-operation i clueive territory to tha right men and hlgheet commis sions possible commensurate with hlh claaa nronertles: easy term and th best salea proposition In Florida. Pry- seb OUR SPECIAL HOUDAT OFFER. MOLEK BAKBEIl COLLEGE. Men wanted lo learn the trade. W have originated a Plan lo teach It quickly and earn back tuition wbtl learning. Tools Included. Open to everyone, write tor catalogue. 110 no. 14th nt., umana. reo. SAVE $25 If you can't attend day school you can hold your Job inci at th same time get your automobile education If you enro'l In lb NIOMT CLAPS OF NEBRASKA AUTOMOniLS CHOUU .( LEAVENWOHIil. BED H1 10. OOOD MEN WANTED to learn auto work, for tha big sprint rush. Fine training work on auto and electric starting system. AMERICAN AUTO L'OIKUE. MM Earn am at. Omaha. Neb nKFINKP, elucted young woman wishes position aa managing bou keeper, where aervant la kept, or com panion to invana; no oojecuon to a'ni out of town; reierenoea exchanged, H. ?ih Kt. Call Hamev . UlTPbTJSQtlO woman want position aa housekeeper or manager of or- ohanu' home, feeble-minded school or shepherd s home. For particular, writ ' Mr. Morrla. Koulh 7th rt, Harlan, la. WANTED-By refined mldd!-gd lady', position as companion or housekeeper; must be nlc place. Answer c.r Be office, ttt llttl Bldg., Mncoln. Neb. WANTED-liy competent colored gTrT, work a chambermaid, Janltrea or duster In furnltur store- Tbon pougla 444fl. Boom 17- EX I' K HI E N C F,P Oerman lady want to do hpuaework In small famJy. Han acorn tir !?-' tr '-' Lnr f ' rred. H. W6. WANTLD-t:hlldien or plain sewing, by young woman; price reaaonabl. I'Mona narney ir. LBARN THH BARBER TRADE. Trl-Cltv Barber college: low rat tui tion. Including set or tools; wage paid electriq masaase. hvdraullo chairs: cat BJegu ires, iui uougiaa bu. umana. Mleeellaaeoae, KXPItlKNCEb chlTdren'g riurs wsnt oalllon; city reference. Poug. T7ut, elghtonHom. . C'OLOHED girl want position a wiltr nr maid. N. Wl. i' T I ON""w anted by wimpeTenTlady a bouaekeeper; good cook. Tel lime i. WANTELe-liy ni(ddls-ad woman. Po. sitlon aa houaekeeper In amall family. WalnuMHiS. . HE f J A B l.K. experienced child nurs wants poaltlon. frouth 144. IlElVlABLU colored woman want general housework or aeoond work; good wad expected. Harney & ll UL hr-A ft Kl laTy with ' experience! desires poaltlon fop coavaiaaceut or Invalid. Webater 2lt. ant A Oreenwood, Th Houa of Hound Florida Investment, 110 B. Pearborn ft. Chicago. III. fipFX'1 ALT Y traveling salesmen, who are capable of making .& or mor yearly; men poaaeaaeo; ol engaging peraonaiiiy and energy, to aell our Illustrated newspaper advertising service to banks and merchant; exclusive territory on eommlaalon baala. I.'nliue Illustrating Co.. T-thnne Bldg.. New York City IilJKIP',SJ-rocket aide ffne: newTHlve propoaitlon; all merchants In towns of J')."nn and under want It; pay eom mlaalon on each sale: no collecting, no risk to merchant: wa take bark unsold goods; eaaleat, blrgest-paving aide line ever offered Can field Mfg. Co., 4 "Igei Ht., Chicago, WANTe-rv Flv mora men to repreaent ua in Weatern cltlea and towns; M to yearly; w pay every Thursday; ho samples, no selling or collecting: almblv determination to work: euch full Instructions furnished that .auccesa I assured, W nt now and secure splendid income. II. O. Jones, V,l Bchwlnd Bldg., Peyton. O. VirAKTiDgalesmen, glnVTln. to sell nirect irom factory to dealer enameled ware, aiuminumwsre, tinware, crook- pocket samples; commission remitted Z?kl" rorJ r.tt-ISTl ""' K.nsa company will .tart ambl need apply. Addria Pept W, National Production Co.. Chicago. Ill WAN'fftP Traveling aalesman for alt or part of this ststa, to sell ladies shirt walata and middle from MM a doten nd up, a a side Una, on commission f;7V'in"n.7nTrm7r ,TT,iv,ij ii,, :rvw r , AjTy" intelligent peraon, either hi, of good educatiun and bualneaa ability; muat be able to handle correspondence nd writ a good business letter. An opportunity to start a small but profit able mall order business In yoi-r own noma or office; good for 1100 a week when established: can bo managed In pare time, evenings, or aa a aide line at flfit: grows rauldly. bend for Par ttoular. lleaoock Co., Hi Iloacock niflg. lckport, w. Y." tlous people In fast growing mall ord bualneaa; any locality; make $3,?in yearly; spare time; no canvassing; no experience: wa lurnian everyuiing; new Idle' Apparel Houa. Ut W. Jackson rivn., j. n go 4aXe M EN " W A NfET neoeasary, easy unique selling method free. Eyeatone, Prealdent, Xi. W. Tth. Plttahurg. Kan D ntomy made at home knitting lery. Machine furnished on time. W buy or sell your good. Easy and constant work. Wheeler Co., Inc. 337 Madison, (Tili-ago. 'JjLK!tPJiJ,l'wi1i?: f'F salary of b1 per month and comml" ?Ik,,. .?ryJ.Wr,i l"n with liberal expenae Interests yo' xpenae Interest you address Pept 2X5, Zrf Indiana Ave Chloao au MONTIJLY and expenses to travel HELP WANTEDFEMALE ti UoaaeetTc. liaaaehald nm4 EXPERIENCED girl wishes position a maid In hotel, tlty or out of town. P.7?. vVANTEI Experienced whit nurs girt. Youn girl need not apply. iX S. th St. H arne yW. WANT E I GrrI for general houeework; I In family; referenot required. TeL i oirax w. WANTED Whit second girl; good ef erenoea; 17 per week. 4j6 K. Mth BU Harney A. W A NTI'-P Mellabl white girl for gen eral houaework. Apply 4Qi tewey Ave. VaNT BP Experienced girl for general houaework; no washing Harney tM. vV ANTED Joo3gfrl For general houaa work. llaneyllNMh Ave. VANTED Competent floor maid. Apply Clsrkaon Hospital. WANTED-VV h te arlrl for aeneral houe- work; small family; no children. H. aid. St laeeliaiaewaa. AfiE'NTS Large manufacturer want re liable men. women, to aell guaranieea hos.ery. underwear, shirts, direct to homes. Write for fre samplea. Madi son Mllla. Jut Broadway. New York. o Hh. AVJENt Send your name today. you'll be glad you flld. Agent eervice, hi Herald Bldg.. Jollet, III.' AtiENTS vraitei-iii0 per cent profit selling useful specialty; usea in nomea. hotela, store and by auto owner; good repeater, sample free. Auburn Spe cialties Co.. Pept. T42, Auburn. N. V Atrr gl.'ICK Automobile gasoline going Up. Hell traSO-TOnlC. Uaia liinn at tr a gallon. FTllmlnates carbon. Poller en hour profit. Ealea guaranteed. White Mfg. Co.. Dept. I" Cincinnati. O.' XftENf 8 Klther sex. Have fastest selling household article ever introduce. Women buy on sight. Absolutely new and novel. Particular free. Coast Ppe clalty Kelts Co., 672 Liberty rH., Ban Francisco, Ca AOHNTS Selling raffle enrda, punch boards to retail store, wonaenui oppor tunity; catalog free. Hoodwln Co., 294 van tt iren, cnicago.- WOMAN A live woman t( ood ad drees. over lo years, for outside, permanent position: steady employment; goon pay; quirk advancement; nurse, teacher, saleswoman or demonstrator preferred; experience, however, not necessary; only those ready to accept a position and go to work at one need apply, ah dress T KM. Bee." La PI fcM M ske shields at borne- $10 per 1X; no canvassing required. Bend ad dressed envelop for particular. Eureka i. p., i ep l. iua rv a inm a ioo . eiicn. MAKE money knitting hosiery for us; best machine furnished either plan; ea on now on. Write today. Oleaaon, 809 Madlann. Chicago.' fzb TO l:a permonth extra money to em ployed women ana men wunoui inter fering with regular work. No selling, no canvassing. -Positively no Investment I'nentployed need not apply. Kpancer Co.. 337 W. Madison. Chicago. III. flM 8AI.ARY for Srt day work, paid lady in acji town to dlalrlbute tree circulars, and take order for Whit Ribbon Con centrated Flavoring. J. 8. Zicgler Co., Chlcaao.' tA RN $25 weekly, spar time, writing ror newspaper, magasinea. experience unnecessary; detail free. Pre Syndi cate, 142, rU. Loula, Mo. PERSONAL FOR RENT-HOUSES M IfH VFNETA. niaasage and alconoi. rib. Office 1 Fo. 17th pi. I)KI-i8lAKiNi by the day. guaranteed. Webster eve. Woik SCff.'NVlFIC mae. 630 Be t none ieiigia bdg itAPfiAGE Mia Webster, ili I ax ton B.k. Pougla tlSI. .Mlscellaaeoa. Tcters Trust i'ompany. Modern Homes. FOR RENT-ROOMS Karmlahed! gtoosaa. 6. 30TH RL, Three fine large rooms for three or four gentlemen. Booms furnace heated. Electric light and mod em. Bath on same lloor with plenty of hot water; walking dlatance; privac family. Call. Also let garage room. Rent reasonable. Telephone Iwiug. .. Rst., 1010 S. NeeTTnoJem room for gen tleman only. T 210-J. ATjENT S--I've a new aoap nie that a dandy. New stuff, nil per cent proiua. Hample and full lHyout free. Writ oulck. Laccasstan Co., Dt-pt. 2, St. Loul, Mo' . nei plea, gold sign letters for etore and orfice windows. Anyone can put on Metallic Letter Co., 4 N. Clark, Chi-cauo AUKNTS Wanted, 15 beat sellers, every housewife buys. Particular free. tam- i free. Adilreaei M. DM tee, Box 41. Marlon, Neb.' FJtEE Catalogue, blffgeat and best line toilet sMclitltles, reindles. aoaps, ex trala. Lllierx.! terms. Write today, Western L bora torit . 1!H W. Van Illiren St.. Chicago. AGENTS wanted'to sell tha Unit Ga and Mantel Caver. Write for particu. lars. M. H. Boehmer. 131 N, Broad, Philadeiphlaa. AGENTitMska $o",7)00 thin year; be your own boaa: indeDcnciimt; aounoant money; your time your own; all of spare time; at home or traveling. Writ K. f. Feltman, Salea Mgr., 4UJ9 Ttilrd fit., Cincinnati, P. . XtrES'Tft 1015 changeable lgn enaatlon; rold frame, 19 letters. 12c sella 60c; lirxeat money-maker In world; every merchant buya; XX ,000 sold In Chicago; 400 per cent profit. People's Portrait, Pept. rr, Chicago.' EDUCATIONAL TWO furnished rooms, steam heated, well located, private bath; can Include kitchen: suitable for man and wife or two young men; for rent Feb. 16. Har ney 139 o tJESl RA BLH room, beautiful Wet Far nam district, opposite Turner park, walking distance, reasonable. IK South 1st Are. FOR RENT One south room. Just what you want; within walking dlatance. Douglas 7aw. Call Sunday after 6 p. m. to' eat Farnam Large, warm, n.cely fur nished front room, hot water heat; prt vate, walking dlatance. Harney 3012. NEWLY furnished room, modern home, connecting bath; close tn; ladies pre ferred. 1957 Jon es. poug 1 as 69?7, HOTEL RANFORD. HOTEL HA P. LEY"! lfth and Farnam. 10th and Farnam, hp-ciHi Haee to Pernnnent Quests. EfcT AVE., 131 N. Pleasant, warm room. Private family. Good location. II. 1ik. LARUN front room, sultnule for two nurse. p:1vate Phone Welater tiTH AVE., 1J NORfil Front room, suitable for two gentlemen. T.J!'7fi. ITit HARNEY Two nicely furnished rooms, steam heated, close In. Red friiaV TWO7 nicely furnished rooms, all mod-.rn, close in; for gentlemen. Harney 714 1 itTH BT., B. 410Piea"ant, well furnished room a ; wa 1 king qiaiu i ie. lei. l.i. HARNEY ST., ao fliiree warm ny.nis, ll Ni up, i. lose in. l'ougias mi. S-U.-WLVT FARNAM. 3304 Davenport ft., good mod. home x-R. 8T..2 Marney ft -ll. '.'Ti? Parker St. (coloredl I-H 114-1 Psrk Ave 7-H. 2t;9 Emmet Ft -R. 4213 Cuming Pt -R. !!.! S. !Mh St MuI'ERS EXCEPT HEAT. g-R-41'l N. 17th Pt... ..$V 0ft .. ro.oo .. 30O0 .. lS.Ort .. 2J.M .. :3.(0 .. 30 0 if K.R 4Vi N. 17th Pt..- !" (-R. Shelby -Court, close In 1V00 fclt. jksis Seward St lO.tfl 3i h Leavenworth 8t 1S.0O 4-H. 512 N. Mh Pt 13 0 4-R ;al ,-s. 2Mb. Pt i 00 J-R.-Sil N. ;it t-t .tu Peters Trust Company. K1 Farnam St. Douglas s PETAC11KP. 12.1 N. Slat Ave.. 7 r.. modern, $37.60. 7-1 8. j;th, r., modern. $-.'. 1810 California, r., modern except beat. reduced to $J0. 412S Mohoia. r.. mod. except heat, H'T N. 2-rth, S r., part mod. (coloreu W 2-ll N. 2otli, 6 r., pt. moi. icolorcai, 12 5. ATT'ACriEO. lOM N. 29th, 7 r., modern, $::.60. H6 N. anh, 7 r., modern, $J0. FLA T8 TIO N. 23d. & r., mod. St. U flat, . 7lS N. 2M, b r., mod. ft. L. Tat, $25. fll N. 24th, Sd f., 7 r., mod. ex. ht., l.iai N. 24th. 2d t.. 7 r., mod. eg. ht., lib. 111 decorate these flats to suit ten ants. A. P. TTJKEY & SON, Phone loug. S2. 1S.7-8 W. O. W. Bldg ' AFTERNOON SCHOOL OPEN t TO I P. M. Reading, writing, spelling, arithmetic. English, English for coming Am., short hand, typewriting, bookkeeping. Flv day per week. 6 per month. Enroll for Jiart or full time, for one or mor aub acts, afternoons or night, or both. Y. M. C. A. SCllOOLB, 17TH AND HARNEY BTB. K'ICKI.V furniHhed rum. close in; all modern a ."d t Vanted young man. Roommate. P. 7031. T distribute samples and take orders, or appoint agents. Permanent Jap Ameri can Co., Chicago.' KXT'kiUBNCED colored girl want po. slllon aa chambermaid or la boarding liouae. Webster TbM. f'lAKlSf,' eight reader, wlshea poaltlon In or out of town; excellent bartton Voice, Red tKt. KAPKRIENCED P. B. X. operator wiahe poalUon. iieat of references. Call Edith Tyo, Douglas 7M. W A NTKDPlsb washing or chambermaid work In hctcl or restaurant. foj'g- (". vXNTF.D poatlon. Housekeeper Widower or bachelor by young lady. Bee, L; 41. WJJii Ei-At once, sewliig by tha day --r. J1''-.M Molumby. I'ougls I4"4 liELlAliLK coiured woman waOtvKni-bermai-1 work. Ioug. 7f-4. COLORED girl wleheg work as chejiibcr maid. TyUr ukl-W. Laaa4ry mm pay Work. EX t' EM. I ENC'ILD laundry wout'ea ' want bunrlle washing; neat wetk. Wb. rtT, LACE curtame and bumlie caifuily laund red. Webster 4:1 Tsl 'N rI.E waahlng rhesp. Webater 4d, CieatTing and laundry workTVeb sr 47J bAV work of any klud. Web. um. iittf. for lanre list of nneninss offurina no portunllles to earn from 100 to f'rflO a roentn wtilie you learn. Addrea near at office. Dent. 4W. National Sale roen' Training Aocatlon, Chicago, New York. San Franclacn ntitia aomethlnv eaav tft ell, wfit u at one; retail dealer I GOVERNMENT POSITION Thousands can Mil our bargain hosiery lor 40 1 of appointment to n mane, r ree na o pair ana pur siih noeiery Tor I booklet telling wnere tney are, wnat lao and lias balr. Writ for nrlcea and I thev nav. with specimen examination ample, fieoend Hosiery Co., Kansaa questions. Nat l Cor. Institute, iJO Sev Ity. MO. enth Ht.. WashlnKton. P. C. o cOXem A rl-r-Vacancy FebTi; fexpeil- ntitLER3Pe to" Mniai1ewekly dis ence.1, any line, to sell ueneral tiaiie In trlbutlng circulars, amples, tacking central west; unexcelled specialty prop- sign etc. Advertiser National Agency, oemon, rommiaainn contract. ,i lept. xi, t nicago. 6I(i Kansas company will start ambl tlou people In fast-growing mail order business; any locality; make 3,0) yearly; spar time; no canvassing; no experience; wa furnish everything; new, unique selling method free. Eyeetone, president 3V7 ' h u DU rh. K 5 TO $10 profit daily selling our new household artlclea; $2.60 premium with each $1.98 aale; free samples for work ers. Cleva Huddleston, Guilford, lnd. Wf! pay $so monthly salary and furnish rig and expense to introduce guaran teed poultry and stock powder. Blg ler Co.. X m. Springfield. HI. ASTONISHING money-maker: new. or iginal, iHscinaiing pian inirooucing home suppllo; factory tod consumer; $4 weekly enay. writ tor term ana rr goods; offer quickly. Rider Mfg. Co., Dept. 4Q0, Coshocton, o. weekly expenses. Continental Jewelry rj.x. v;.Tm r.'t?'rl"-r i M va tj.ru. Co,, Continental Bldg., Cleveland, easy'work; fre partlculara; writ Ohio wages; a. u v work i rrM nartiouiars: wriL wm- 1 , V l, l.,l..tnn .v.nlln l York.. S"ALKH.KfAN-fl,lndl'( opening Feb. irT lcpt. M . , i. ""nlOB 'or webiaaka to ell OovKRNMBNt posltlona tn postofflce, " uuuaueuy inierai irrmi, i railway mall and otner Drancnea are good. Prepare for "exams" under former I!, n, Civil aervica irwirriniiinir. Booklet O-K free. Writ tody. Patter son Civil Servlc School, Rochester, N. Y. commission contract: tViS advanced weekly. Sale Manager, 4 Suit. KuO Wantki' On or two bright young men alout 2S year of axe, thoroughly ac quainted with tha eity to learn th real estate business. Must tv men of hlgit c!a character. Andreas F-Sirf. Bee. fAYX5JiR.N&IJve sUelneTniethlrTJ new: nine minutes time pay you j; pocket samples; prompt commissions; eiai Territory oovorea. Jt.iwoon M Co.. IUI Michigan Ave.. Chlcaao WAK'fF.Ik-Trivler for"lTrrg'l7tS iVTr : experience unheceaaary; salary. v".'firii commission and expense allow no to nga( man. J. s. UcUrady, Chicago, GOVERNMENT examination! thorough Instruction. IS. Returned If not ap pointed. Partlculara fro. Civil bervlo School, Washington. P. C. o UEN U or ovtr. wanted aa railway mall clerks. Sample examination question free. Franklin Institute. Dept. 121 L, Bocheater. N. Y HELP WANTEDMALE t teres mi Oflloas. ainea of ambitious men. II to 48. wlshln ta become Omaha mail carriers. Couirasnc $tf7 month. Addr Y 1. B ' caru- i nt.. nannies everytnmg. rriA"niL"rjr.y,T.""5 " r.1 y'd 7or frre..n. hrak.men. Il monthly V wlfAVUV. II IV gflMWIlllta. JEUAg-TlSJ aMW WBW I W I " . v ... and uo. Fan Pent. kimr Thome I'm.'. Fxparienc unnecessary, nauway. i-ina. tlnrlnnatl. n.1 far Bee, ANTED tielesmen to aell to grocara. general aiurea ana coniouoner in mall country town; 26 per cent com-1 itiwaiuai ew wveaiv nrawing aooouiiL I Crown Cider Company. M u.. Cunnuh I ciei ci , ri. ixiuia, wo. jept. t. o ACbri'OR, grain exp, for i.nUn..$ir5 Saleaman. paper, elo., out of town.. US Mtno., bookkeeper, xp... e Secy., suno II Shipping clerk, furniture tp.. ....... TI Shipping clerk, must know rat, to. TI I i-ienoa., ex'-ellent future ,.,.-A-7& WESTERN REF. BOND ABSN., INC., Originator of th FUfereno BuSlaea. 761 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg SALESMAN, gaa engines, aalary aV Com. MAN'AUKK for warahouaa, liOO. STKNtVlRAPHEn, nrlvat Seof. tU. STENOGRAPHER, R. R. Exp.. 1 STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper, $40. WATTS REF. CO., KW-t-41 Brandeis Theater.e tuo Kk f.P E R. 7t: aaaisianl book keener, grain experience. i eteno.. brlaht beginner, $4; aalesman. Invest ment, staple line, aalary ana per cent. Co-Operat)v Refaranoe Co., Wi City National "rTK NOil RAPHE II - l sTKN'CWi KAPH K H n STENOGRAPHER. R. R 10 OFFICE MOR , Investment 10 THE CANO AGENCY. ! PKH) PLDG PORTRAIT ggenta wishing to work In- oriwnucni anouia writ ror my new catalog ue; expense advanced reliable men ana good snipped on day' time. Roberta, HJQ McUe Bldg., Kansas City, MO. - Prefeselewa mm Trgles, MACHINISTS, first claaa on Hour to build locomotive crane. Only arectora exiiertenced on larg work need apply. Ittha banda wanted on large latnea, also good planer banrta. Steady work. No labor trouhl. New hop and fin working condition. Living economical here. State ag and experience when replying. Industrial Work. Bay City, a MAN qualifivd U tak full thar('of' auto anop; aula to run vuicaniaar ana oxy-actyllna welding macbln and ti- wrt on slf-tartra and storage bat teries; uo booser or chicken chaser wanted; Oerman preferred; begin March t: must be band man. cornel or clr Inet preferred. Addrea T tii. Be.' M.'M It 1'lt Water and aewer eonneo t'ons. To oue who will let part ef con tract go on aood lot a down payment. AO'lcesa i, d;h. nee- X' ANTED A man to help bottle ttl article at once. 17M Iavenworth Ft. riua ci i. re fiat. Jol. Knelst7TheiTTi aleasaaa siad gelleltor. SALESMANSHIP STARTS MONDAY. JANUARY 31 Increaa your efficiency; make mere money; good aalesman command their own aalary; get to b ft scientific eele- man and b Independent. Call Tyler 190, Mr. Miller or Mr. Shaw, and learn how, Y. M. C. A.. Tth p1 Harney St. i ALL eike AN WANTED-Experienoad iai.oy aalrsmaa for Omaha city trad one who ta cepfeb! of selling ft wel known line that is compute and per fect in detail, surety bond reoulred anawrr In own handwriting and glv recora or employment, a, aalary ea lea. u. n. tee. SALESMAN To sell from factory to neater, giaaa, cnina, wnue, gray and royal bhi namelwar. big commla slorts paid wely. Small aamplea. part or entire time. Live aalesman can make $71 to $100 per week. Herthal alanufaeturin Co.. fct. Lou La. Vo n 'vVH PAY $3 ft weak and expensee to man wuo rig to introauc poultry com pound. Year contracL Imperial iJXf. Co.. Dept. It. Persona, Kan. o kiEN everywhere make $10 dally placing eampiee or new neceaaiiv won automo bile owner. Orolo Manufacturing Cora- pany. liouisvllle. Ky. 1 WANTKDWt offer an aoepUonal ep- portuaiity to good salesmen te sell !roeries direct te the consumer. Write larper broe. Co., Wboleal Orocer, lilcago. III. (LL adverlialug pipea: aemple and par- ucuiaia rree, Jkyanea Movsliy Co.. Clinton, I. o loTSTS To aell Farm Journal and Poor Kicnerd Almanao, the must rapid seller ever oi reran. oneriovK Agency, Ji r iynn. 1 wi Moine. la. o c1s1X1ALtY aaleamen to handle a aid Una absolutely newest advertising pov. Ity on th market: commission basis. Vivace Co., Dept. tu, U71 iiruadwey, i. nicago.- SlFil. wanti traveling salesmen on com mleelon. Box 1. itchfieid. III. Yi ANTEl eaieaiucn. exuerlenced. age it to 4o, addreaa, giving street addrea and prion numiwr. Aildreas Y J-. Bee. WANTF.D SvlesiiM-r. of apeclalty or ad veniaing epeviaity, roan experience; reputable, rvaponaiuie house, guaran teed, egtaCllatHMl line; strong patented. Controlled epecialttns; give exnenmc flret letter. Shedd-Urown Xlfg. Co., MlnneaiHiita, Minn- VV A NTEP Salesmen; prefer men with either clothing, tailoring or retail ex perienc. to take charge of an agency for new proKltlon to be placed In ever count v: no Inveatment reuulred: If you can qualify It means at leaat ti to le) per week and profitable, perma nent bualneaa. um, A. i.trgtr i-O.. (. 8. Franklin St.. Chicago IJATvrS"Tje weekly; each merchant aud nkvao aa a oroaneel : rree oaitii one man mad HU flret ten days; that waa inn.: be la atlll working. Addre.a (secre t ary, 4I Wells Bid g . .0 u I ncy. 1 U WW HAVE ft ueclalty propoeuion wnn which a live wire man can make from ITS to Hi per week; If you are ft salts man, write for partlculara. Th War ren Rertmng Ac Chemical Co.. Clee- larifl. UM",' ff A I t ttsTAN"arMll eiwlitlly man foi Nabraaka; ataple line on new and ex- ra-pfl'-nal terms; vacancy now; at tractive commission contract; lil week I Oe e-l"ea Co.. an -I Carlln BUI MMea '. Filler Clat eland II AGENTS wanted for small household ar- tic e which no housewife can resist Hells at almost every home. Law ton Distributing Co.. Ixiulavllle Colo. o AGENTS make M ner cent profit sell mg "Moveity Biam carua. xuercnant buy 10 to 100 on light. Px) varieties, Cntalogue free, Sullivan Co., 1234 W, Van Burcn St.. Chicago, 111. HELP WANTF0 FEMALE Btorea and Offieea. 15 BUSINESS COLLEQB STUDENTS SAVE MONET ON COURSE. For sale, with good reason for sell, trig, ft variety of courses In reliable lu.stneea Svhool. on of th lead.ng busi ness college of Omaha. Will be sold very reaaonabl away below regular price. If you are consldertag taking ft course Investigate this at once, alnc Spring Term begin soon. Call office. Omaha Be. DAY SCHOOL. BOYLKS COLLEGE. NIGHT SCHOOL. F.very day I eni oilmen t day. Book keeping, Shorthand. Stenotypy, Type writing, Teiograpiiy. i ivn service ail Commercial and naigiun orancn. Cftt- alogue free. . BOYLE8 COLLEGE, Uth and Harney St. Tel. Pr.ugla 155. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL 6TENOORAFHT BOOKKEEPINQ. Pay School for Young Women. Evening School for Young Men and Women, fee, lu i day morning class In typewriting. Ion C Puffy. Omer and Manager. aos 8. 18th Si Omahi FOR aale. the following acholarahlp in a, flrst-clasa Omaha Bualneaa College: On unlimited combination bulnaa nd shorthand cours. Ona unlimited stenographlo eottr. One three-monthg bualneaa qr eteno- araDhle course. W 111 t sold at discount at the office ef The Omaha Bee. ' E??rT0OTr5F MODERN" LANGUAGES Claaa or pnvate lessons, powntown atudlo. Phone Web. 86f4. Pax ton Blk. 6chool of Lettering and Art Tuition fto per mourn. uou. uei. PERSONAL ttm TO PENSION INVALIDS. The Ladle' Hym Journal $1.H The Saturday Evening Boat 11.60 The Country Gentleman 1 00 b6 aubsenpuon euch month till April earns that $3,000 for The Inva-it,l- Pension Assn. Your order or re newal contributes 40c Urgent, 0 needed in February. Phone Pouglas 7163 or ad- " BOOKKEEPER, expd Steno., splendid position M . Steno.. rapid, accurate - 40 Steno., law. Insurance, amall town.... 45 Vl-f. Steno., good beginner Ilf" GORDON. THE MAGAZINE MAN. 7.V2- Omaha Nat. Bank Pldgl ' 8T EN" OUR A PH E R, wholesale $ STBNtXIFAPHBR, R. R SO Honsekeeptaaj Room. WEBSTER ST.. 1911-Well heated light housekeeping rocm In modern home; also sleeping rooms. Phone Red (WW. ST. M'ARY'S AVE., 2M3-fwo modern. furnlahed, south housekeeping rooms, well heated. Tel. Douglas, 44S2. Two furnished rooms for housekeeping, witi an new furniture; walking dis ta nee. Call Tyler Ik. A NEWLY built place; have suite of housekeeping rooms left for desirable couple. Harney 77. ilTH AVE.. 215 NO. Bulte of housekeep ing rooms, ail new ana modern, with hot water heat. irca ST. MARYS AVE. Modern, houee- Keeping room. ffih St., 4U N.Ilousek'p'g rm.. $2.60 wk. Board and fleomt, STEAM heated suit of rooms, suitable for two or three, also aingle room, with or without board, reasonable "The Pratt," 112 8. Zfith St. Pougla 313S. WARM. COMFORTABLE ROOMS. Newly furnished, home privilege to the right parties. We serve good board. Call WfU'er 7172. VVHLL-FURNiSHED large room; 1 win dow; nig (Hovel; new. modern home; good board: home privileges. Tyler 1709, T!LKAiA"N"Tr7o"ti th room, with best of board; excellent location; private fain-lly-ll Park Ave. Tel. Harney 14f5.' tiEWET AVE., I SI I I large rooms, with or witnout Doara; private name; walk ing distance: references. LARGU southeast room, In new modern home, wiui board for two; gentlemen preferred. Call Webster 760,.' FCRNIBHED room, with board. In pri- vate fm!ly; walking distance. Har. 6Qo3, taliralthtl Reoxaa. "TWO unfurnished room for couple or two ladles. Heat, light and gaa furn ished. Reasonable rates to desirable people, pnone walnut iZ4t. flKT, 313 N. Large, warm room with al cove, H 60. Douglas 7d4.' 21iT ST., Ill N. Modern, warm room. z.o up. Douglas '.b-w.' FOR RENT-FURNISHED Apartment and House. Apavrtmeaits. STENOGRAPHER, wholesale 40 P. B. X. OPERATOR U WATTS REF. CO.. KS-40-4l Brandel Th. HAVE place for three alenograpTiera, on at on at 111 ft week, on at $40 with good future: another at $4, with good prospect. Oo-Operatlv Ref erence Co.. 1015- City National . AGENTS AND CANVASSERS INK THoTJbaTs'D DOLLARd RHiwAHD. We will forfeit H.OuO If this I not the greatest money mak.ng house-to-house nroooaitlon advertised In these columns. N. R. O.. Little Wisard Labor Saver weahee elothes in 10 minutes, absolute ly without rubbing; it contains no paraf fin or was and there 1 nothing Ilk it on th market; sella for Uc; enough for five family washings; we supply you with all th free samples you need; all you do i to leave the free aawpla with tea nouaewue ana wnen you can again sh la waiting to become your teady and permanent customsr; this Is positively the most clentlfio and wonderful labor saver of the age. and you will make a great mistake if you do not secure territorial right at once. A 1-cent postal card bring full par ticular. Farquher-Moon Mfg. Co., Dept. E K, 140 W. Van Uuren.St,, Chicago, in ilOuO.OO for your next 100 days, apvt caabT; new money-nviaing invention iur agvuia, general agents, managers; recently in vented; l.ooo,(io already sold: 2) more salesman wanted ftt once; Amaxing Au tomatic Comureased Air Washing Ma chine; washea tub of clothvslns.x min utes; no crank to turn or levers to push; no rubbing, work Ilk luagio; Jrtcc II. W. makra sal ftt every bouse; . per cent profit L. Palmer. Glen Allen, Ala., rut out on trial log, ma chine, sold 107; profit, $107. Writ to day. Wendell Co., i-OI Oak t, Llpalc, oe E V EjtY household on farmin email town or uburb where oil lamp ar uaea, need and will buy th wonderful Alad din Mantle Lamp, burn common coal oil (keroaenel; give ft light five time aa bright a electric Awarded gold medal at Pan Francisco exposition. One farmer cleared over loOO in six weeks; hundreds with rigs earning $iO to per month. No cash required e rurn lU capital to reliable luvn. Write quick for whoieaale mice, territory and aemple lamp for free trial. Mantle Lamp Co., 4 Aladdin uiiif , i r.icago, in - XfiENT-Your credit I gad for u) day: end name ana aaare; receive ten iuo package of native herb; 0 tablet for conatlpatUin, rheumatism, blood, liver, kidneys and family use; sell friend and nelgbbora. luu each; keep w aa your profit and remit ; an unusual offer. Pon't nilee It. Mulro f.. Iert. 411, Columbue. P. fiEjTiCAN dtainonJa. exactly rearmbl genuine; am rainbow fire; ataml testa; all at sight; live Agents wanted; prof it $U weekly and up; writ quick for aampl case offer fre. Mexican Dia mond Importing Co.. Bug A -6, La Cruce. N. M ex XI5KNT4 Never such a big seller. Con centraled liquor attract a makes the real article in a minute, right at home. Strlctlv legitimate no license required, slake $10 a day eaav anywhere. Ter ritory going teat. Juat a postal today, aak for fre aampl'. M. P. Pricket, Sale Mar. U?t M St.. Cincinnati. O IfSFVf 8 Free eemple nd part'culars lelbare' Naptha Washing Tablets; wash clothes without robbing: guaran teed pot to injure the finest fabric: no acids, lime or caustics: manufacture 1 and sold by Nsptha Washing Tablet Co.. 714 8. fejrborn. Chicago, III Profeaalon Trwgea. GIRL to learn hairdreaslng. Oppenheln) Parlera. t City Nat. . gales 'osnen and gollcttere. LARGE manufacturer will establish ac tive lady of good address and ability In permanent, profitable bualneaa In her home town. Io0 to 1100 per month. Ex- ferlence unnecessary, AH or spare line. Occupation congenial to woman of refinement. For particular address Parker Mill, 2764 No. 12th St., Phila delphia. Pa. o. VANTKD 6 live aaleamen. men thai want to work and that can deliver the goods; steady employment to light par- tie; salary or commission, t-eu room Sol. Paxton Hotel, Sunday or Monday Hours. 9 a. m. to :so p. m. iiH. WKKK. exDenaee advanced. Women to travel and appoint agents for con centrated food flavor In tube. Reli able Mfg. Co.. If Oomo Bldg., Chicago A YOUNG lady, able lo play th piano anu wun om selling acuity, i an after a. m. Monday. Robinaon Plana Co.. 214 8. 18th St. Honec-old audi Deaaeaf lo. WHEN th renting problem ta under con sideratlon either from the atanapo.it of the tenant or landlord tha Real Es tate and Want Ad Guide to all of Greater Omaha The Ilee I th beet medium for ur and satisfactory re sults. , GOOD girl wanted fur houaework. One that would auureciaie a loon noma ami the very beat of treatment.. A right place for a deaervlng giru wagea lainy good. Address U-617, car Th Bee. FREE! Ad for servant girl will be run I day free of charge. Bring, send or 'hon your ad to THE. bttE office, hore. Tvler lmo. WANTED By widower with clilldTneat. clean housekeeper on farm; tnuat be good cook, nut over Si year. Addrea M 4-3. Ilea. WANT E D Girl for general housework muat be able to do sood plain cooking c-Mored preferred. Apply Mrs. Dr. Hoe tetter. rO 8. Mh St. Phone IHug. T7, WANTED Nt-ei girl for grueral houae work; city references required; one who ran go home night. Call t 63il Davenport fet- rklay or Saturday mtrnlng WANTEP Experienced luaid tor aeneral houaework. No washing, good waaaa. Keferenoes required. Mra. Mcbhane, 141 No. 4Ut. Call Harny C41. "XNTEP A white girl for gwneral housework, no washing or cooking Phone Weovter 4M1 or addrea 43 N, lth St tv i"v'fiT-A cuUDle to take car of th Negro Women's Christian Horn t ptnkney St. Call Sunday afternoon at t oc loo K. W ANTED Girl tv gei.ersi houeework; good wagea, no washing aire. A. W, Gordon. :11 Jarkeon, Ha tmey 14n8. ft. ATE1 Ulil U eaelat with houae work and care ef awall ehlld. Pftoae Harney TWI. Omaha, Neb. YOUNO women coming to Omaha as at rangers are invuea te visit tne loung Women'e Christian association building at 17th St and St. Mary s Ave., where they will be directed to sulubl board ing places or otherwise aaalatad. Look for our travelers' gutd at the Union Station. ' FILES, FISTULA CURBD. Dr. K. R. Terry cure pile, flstnlft nd ether re(al diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and na money paid until cured. Writ for book on reotal disease With testimonial DR. fi. B. TARRY. 40 )) Kidg. SPLENDID. NEW. FtTRNIiSHED FRONT APARTMENT. Traverton FIREPROOF. MTU AND LANDON miHT Ca.terin' to Deonla of refined taatea. Apartment 1 completely equipped for niiuKHocrii)si uu-uraia ana comion able. TRAVER TtRfll. Tel. Douglas 701 Omaha Nat. Rank Phone W'ehster evenings or Sundays. KKulJ rtENT TO FEri. IjTH. 4"C1 Charles, -r.t modern $26.00 L417 Capitol Ave, T-r., mod. ex. ht. 20.00 H0 S. s'.th Ave., 6-r., part mod.... 16.0"B I'll S. 27th St., -r., port mod 16.00 lfr.'t N. 2Sth St.. 4-r.. part mod 19.00 ?:'4 Pupont, 6-r., part modern T.00 1X17 N. lint St., -r., part modern.. 13.0 ' .'tl Emmett. a-r., cltv water 30.01 WIS N. 32d St.. t-r.. citv water...?. 9.01 3.X Maple, 4-r., city water 7.50 -M5 S. 6th St., 4-r., city water 7.5 3-W1 Miami, tt-r., well 9.00 Sitf Emmet, C-r.. well 9.00 aiw SHiib-r, r-r., we.l I.oo 34 linimot, 4-r.. well .."t0 &ni Lmdsay Ave., 4-r., well 5.00 CREIGH, SONS & COMPANY. Pougla 200. fyi8 Hee Bldg IIOl-SES. 11J Chlr.e.go St., 10-r., mod , brick. .M.09 'AM I'ntrick Ave., 6-r., modern, tfor coloredl 27. W 17?1 Park Ave., 8-r., modern 2-VOo 1214 8. 17th St., 4-r., city water.... 12vo ise N. 3ld Ave., l-r., modern 60.1-0 .$ 8. 2eth St.. -r.. modein 4S.0I 1US 8. soth Ave., S-r., modern 35.00 1114 S. 2lth St., -r., modern 30.no lilt 8. 2Mb. St., 7-r.. modern .oo 1115 N. 17th St., 6-r., bath 1S.80 JK.10 Seward St., 5-r., bath 17.00 Vino Parker St., 6-r., modern....... 15.00 5f 8: 34th St., 5-r., city water.... 11.00 GARVIN BROS.. iV, Omaha Nat'l Bank Pldg. 1 ROO.I8711 N! 17Ui St.. modern except heat jiz sn 6 rms 1612 Case St.. pt. mod 20.00 T rooms, 211 8. 4lt St., new. mod.. 45.00 T rms.. 1308 8. 2Mh St.. modern.... 30.0i) 7 rooms, 139 N. 26th St., modern, hot water heat 25.00 T rms., 13.0 N. 40th St., modern.... 2o.ro 8 rms.. 14L2 Sherwood Ave., mod.. 2S.0i) 10 rms., Z414 caaa St., modern 40. JO rms., 1028 s. 80th Ave., modern. 26. i rooms, zni? d tt., soutn Omaha, modern J7.60 rms., W4 "N" St., So. Omaha.. 15.00 RENSON A MYERS CO.. 424 Omaha National Bank Bldg. Phone pougla 74l HOT.TBKS APAPTMKNT8 FLATS. io 4-r., 2F14- N. 16th, mod. ex. heat. 1 S-r., 3121 Ohio, partly modern. J0 g-r 3714 N. 30th. modem. IW T-r., 6110 Caaa, Dundee, modern. 140 8-r., 8326 Harney, mod., flret class. $42SO-4-r. apt., "The Harold, 27th and Jackson Sts. 150 7-r., 212 8. S7th, modern, hot water heat, garage. $76 B-r., 3321 Farnam. extra, fine, OEOROH COMPANY. 908 City Nat'l. Bank Bldg. Phone Douglas 7M. 1313 Davenport St, S rooms, modern ex cept neat. m. 1306 8. 801b Ave.. I rooms, strictly modern. $25. 2010 N. 18th St, rooms, gtrlctly modern. $20. 110 S. 20 tli Ave., t room, gtrlctly mod ern, $30. 1311 -Georgia Ave., rooms, gtrlctly modern. $10. 1033 8. 22d St. S rooms, city water, ewer and gas, $10. W. FARNAM SMITH CO., 1320 Farnam St. Doug. 1064. C-R., downtown, colored, $12; 2 and t-r., lota garden ground. $4-15. Tel. Doug. 2107. Evenings Walnut 26S7. lieaaea. UREAT bargain In new home, furnished or unfurnished; give possession imme diately; snap; investigate. Web. 6-Jt FOR RENT-HOUSES Weet. T ITHALTH INSURANCB-Our Health and Accident policies not oniy cover nenn and accident disability, but also QUAR ANTINE. You need It Why not now KILLY. ELLIS THOMPSON, ii-14 City Nat'l Bank Bldg. Phone Pougla Bc2kMA la only kin-dp; no internal medicine will cure ecrna; only By tn application of Cranolen can the ecaama, mlcrob be destroyed. You pay ua no money until you any you are cured. Write today. Mill Chemical Co., Wl Mills Bldg , Oirard, Kan. THE Salvation Army induatrlal home so licit your Old awning, tunuiure, mor- slnea. W collect W distribute. Piion Pougla 4U and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new bom. H10-1111-U14 r odge St BAN FRANCISCO INSTITUTE. TO South ltn Ft, Seconal sioor. ngi xuo bath. hower. genuine 1 Swedish nt age. chiropody, manicuring; graduataa, Hour 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. PERSONAL Alice. It you want to see your mother auve, com noma immedi ately. Her Ufa despaired of unleaa ah ran aea you; wire your anawvr. O. F. Coonrad. lulA Aabury evenue, Aabury Park. Pi. J. ITl T P TIT UK Buoeesfully treated It U I lUftto without urglcal operation. Call or writ Dr. Wry 4k Matbeny. tte niqg uminx. "kllSSES GRAY AND HEAD. Electriq hatha, chiropody treatment, rlentiflo massage. liO-XU-114 Baud Blk.. 17th and Douglas, p. Xe. MEDICATED vapor and modern Turkish bath tor ladia and gentlemen i lady attendant for ladle; Swedish inaaaag. 11 Farnam St Itonglae &4-t7. Peraonai Misses Staple 4k Mason, bath. electrie treatntcnt Open ft. m, to p. m. Doug. TU. u2 Brandel Tn. SrAlOR, TUB AND SPRAY BATH Edua La Belt. M 8. lftth St. Id floor apt P. 70. M103 y IbBUn, Baths, liot Farnam St. Room 2. phone D ualaa tTO. M. BRCGMAN. Bteejn ftnd ahewer bath. Red tltU Room . Karbaoi ma. RHEUMATISM treated euceeaafully, re sulta guaran t' d. Ihr. i'owaer. 14 Be Bldg. "iina. sTTYELE. Medicated batha. lTtl Podge Pt OOZl mmlourlug parler, "LalL. . Farnam. Apt T iwur. rei. tTClk "cnsTOKPa ha moved bis on lot lo 474 Brendei Ttietr Blog. WALL paper cleaning. Tler 22 W. WEST BIDE! FVJR RF.tMT BEAUTIFUL 6-ROOM COTTAGE. 130.00 Per Month. This houa I l block from ear tin; is ftll modern, with principal room finished In oak. For further Information call Pougla 2926. " FOR RENT. KS2 Harney St, mod. 10-room brick house. Hot Water heat Inquire T. J. O'Brien. Tel. H. 10M: D 121. 1125 8. list, modern, room $30.00 z:s Douglas, modern, l rooms...... 82 so V 8. 41t. modern, T room 23.60 JOHN N. FRKNZER. POI QLA8 6.54. 11-ROOM modern houa with garage earn; not waier peau ia tiamey bt Inquire T. J. O'Brien. P. 12W or H. low. FOll RENT Brick house, 2614 Pewey av.; aevn rooms, modern. Meyer Stationery Co.. 161 Farnam St. 2714 DAVENPORT St.. modern. 7-room cottage, with furnace, electric light, lit. FROOM. hot wtr heat. $40. O-KhJKFB REAL ESTATE) CO., 1011 Omaha Nat. Bank. Doug-. 2716. CROOM cottage, 4811 Woolworthr"Ave7: one-half block from street car; $10, all wood for cutting. Douglas 4.41. lotOOM house, mod. except furnace. 632 n. th Ave. Harney 4;8. Nertsi. FINE brick residence, ii N. 40th St.. iJ. H. ,w,.a , .... ,--1 uiiiuig OL., eO. 8 rooms, good repair, S;l Decatur St, $12 JOHN W. ROB BIN 8, 1J2 FARNAM BT ti. LINCOLN BLVD. 11-room house. eincuy noaira, wun not water neat Price IM. Pouglae ill. 0!5 ORANT ST., T-r. com., modern. $31 T. F. Hall. 41 Ramge Bldg. P. 7to fjEW modern bungalow, tool Bristol, v eoaier im. 639 sTZTTH bT, modern 7-room house, it. lis. HOUSES FOR RENT. CRElOH, SONS & CO.. B08 BEE BLPO. POUO. 200. SETS the Central Furniture Store's FRB7B WPTNTA1. IIPT 649 a 20th Ave, 4-r., first floor $11. fo 919 N. 2"'h St., (c). 4-r 12.U0 94." N. 2Sth Ave., (el, 4-r 11.00 28 Burdette St (c). 4-r 12 on 21 N. 20th St, 6-r 20.0 434 8. 24th St., 6-r 30.00 3139 Mason St., T-r 8&.00 117 8. 25th Ave.. -r 40.00 THK BYRON REED CO.. Douglas 297. 21J 8. 17th St. t,' 2007 St Mary' Ave.. 10 rooms, mo- $40410 N. 22d. 10 rooms, modern. HO 2409 Capitol Ave.. T rooms, modern. j:o W2 8. 2Mh, 8 rooms, modern. $2i 311 Chicago, 8 rooms, modem. . lid 2616 Seward. 6 rooms, toilet barn. $!0 Including w a'er, 2218 Cla'k. 8 rooms. R1NOWALT, BRANDEI3 THEATER. MO S. 29th St. 8-r., afl mod., $35. 604 S. Soth St., T-r., all mod., $32. SO. 1012 Pacific St., 9-r., mod. ex. ht, I3L 2602 Chicago St. 6-r., mod. ex. ht. $20. 2W1 N. 2xth St., 8-r., mod. ex. ht, $16. 2068 Sahler St.. 6-r., mod. ex. ht, $12. BIRKETT & COMPANY. 423 Bee Bldg. V- Ill S. 20th St, 10 rooms, stuanTTieat modern. ir.'. N. 17th St., 8 rooms. 1553 N. 17th St., rooms. 2421 Pratt St., 7 room, trlctly modern. 4219 N. 24th St., 14 rooms, modern. STORES TO RENT. 1104 Cuming St., store, good. 1411 Hmey St, store, good. CITY TRUST CO.. 16th and Harney. FOR RENT-AFTS AND FLATS Weet. The Maj-fair New Open Today From 2 to 5 p, iu. 3-Itoom, New mod, bun. 2T eV Manderaon. Col. 12. th. 6-ROOM bom o Hanscom Park DUtrict. 113 Georgia Ave. with garag; nicely dccoratedl excellent condition; tiki. HAPTINOS AY HKYPrN. I14 Harney gt BEVfN-ROOii' Eoue; modern excpl furnace. tolO Popploton Ave. Inquire ' 312 Poppleton Ave ' RK'E 6-room cottage at LVJ Spring St for 118. Hamer li0. Mlwtllasasaa, I I tsis FORT St. t-r.. well. cave. I T- 21 Castellar St, -r., water. $12 1S64 N. loth St, walking distance. III kill Jon 8t, 6-r.. mod. ex. heat $ 6 4l(fl Lafayette Ave.. 6-r., red -.-orated. $jS M:l Florence Blvd., 4-r., all mod. $2r.ll Sharmad Ave.. 6-r., aU mod. $J6 IJ Lincoln Blvd.. 6-r.. all mod. liO 4134 N. 1Mb St, 6-r., new bungalow, iio tx Canter Bu, 6-r.. garage. We have plently of ethers. FAYNB INVESTMENT COMPANY. 637 Omaha Nat I Bank Bldg P. r!L With 5-Room Accommodations Located at 2224 Howard St: strictly up-to-date, very choice; has living room, dining room with two bullt-lrt beds, kitchen and bath; good light rooms, well ventilated; individual porches: In fact everything to make It one of OmahAa choiceat apartment houses. Good loca tion, close in, walking dlatance, no car fare. See theae today, or call Douglas 1J for appointment Only few left $wt3.60 summer, $38.60 winter. lUSTINCrS & IIEYPEN, IUI Harney St. THE DEWEY HIGH CLAS3 APARTMENTS 8301 DEWEY AVE. . In ft good location, consisting of 3 rooma with 6-room accommodations; strictly modern: new. Just completed; have 2 bullt-tn beds; latest lighting fix tures; beautifully decorated; individual porches; excellent janitor sorvlc.e; t left. See these today. 136 summer, 1 40 winter. Janitor will show you through or call our office for appointment. Poug. lou. HASTINGS A HEVDEN, 1614 Harney Ht APARTMENT IX11 RENT- A very desirable apartment in th Woodland, list and Dewey Ave., IjO per month. J. II. DUM0NT & SON, 416-18 Keeline Bldg. Phone Dougla. 690 ) THE ST. GEORGE. Five-room ateam heated apartment NY niii ciaa ana up-io-aale in every re- I apec-t Choioe location in West Farnam J district. Very desirable. I 1: ARMSTRONG-WAlTf COrpANT. I. Tyler U. Keeline Bldg , I