Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 30, 1916, SOCIETY, Page 3-B, Image 13

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    3 TJ
Visiting Her Parents, Mr. and Mrs. McQrcw
Social Affairs
of tho South Side
Social Circles
Council Bluffs
Social Notes
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Joseph entertahvrd
tha members of tht Boy Scouts' foot ball
team and a few of their friend at their
horn Monday evening. OtmM and con
tents occupied ttia evening, refreshments
being Served at the. clos by Mra. Joseph,
assisted by Mlsa Mildred ltom. Peslle
, the team memrwra were Scout Muster
Jenkins. who nri.leil much to the idea-sure !
I of the evening l y his tinting: Prof. Kel
ler, the tilgh school coach, and Mrs. Kel
iW; Miss Margaret Fllcklnger and Miss
' Mignon Msynard, both teachers In the
r hljth school, nr.J the Misses Beatrice
(Bunny. Inei fuller, Zeta pnmoroy, Eernlce
Bernhardt, Msrraret Larson. Lettle
niace, lasel Haws and Mildred Horn
and Master Kenneth Joseph.
Fonth Klrst Pti-eet chapter of St. rani's
guild held its reei.lsr meeting at the resi.
ence of Mrs. Richard Green, Monday
afternoon. The afternoon was .spent In
visiting after a short business session and
refreshments ?,i served.
On Friday evening Mr. and Mrs. Clif
ford Wolfe entcrttlned at 7 o'clock din
, tier, covers heln,r laid for twelve. The
tablo decorations were pink roses and j
the same beautiful flowers were used'
throughout the re mis. The guests were
Mr. and Mrs.Blnlno Wilcox, Mr. and Mr.i.
Jackson Pay, Mr. and Mra. Clarence
Keellne. Miss Thirl Pcresheim, Ml?a Nell
Benton. Mr. linger Coker and Mr. Xed
Wirt. The party attended the Assembly
Hub dance later In the evening.
The South Sldo Kensington club will
meet at the home of Mrs. Clarence
Nlckell, Wednesday afternoon.
The Tuesday History club met Tuesday
afternoon at the residence of Mrs. J. J.
Splndler. The lender for the afternoon
l was Mrs. C. iJ. Saunders and the study
of Bolivia was continued. The products
1 and industries of Bolivia were discussed
! by Mrs. Painter Knox and Mrs. K. 11.
Holllngworth told of the education and '
religion. The description of Iaa Pas was I
given by Mr. Splndler and Mrs. B
Pnyder told of the chief cities. The Bo
livian desert and the Bolivian Andes were
described by Mrs. Klllpaek and Mrs. J
11 Marshall, respectively. Mrs. J. K.
Cooper will be the next hostess to the
club, the meeting being set for February
I, when the study of Equador will be be
gun. Mra. 8. B. Snyder. will be leader for
the afternoon.
The R. E. M. club will be entertained at
the home of Mrs. C. I McAlplne. 30
lrd atreet, Wednesday afternoon.
Tuesday afternoon the members of
Momlngside chapter of St. Paul a guild
held their meeting at the home of Mrs.
George Roberta. Sewing and visiting fol
lowed the regular business session, and
refreshments were served. The chapter
will continue the combination of the
social features with the business meet
ings during the winter. Tuesday after
noon the guild will be entertained at the
home of Mrs. Sarah Bradshaw, 714 Perrln
avenue. i
The Assembly club gave another of Its j
delightful dances Friday evening of last
week at the ballroom of the Grand. As
a prelude to the dance, a number of
members entertained at dinner. Two
more parties have been planned, one for
February 18, the other April 2.
The Ideal club met Tuesday afternoon
at tho home of Mrs. B. S. Terwllliger.
The current events discussion was led
by Mrs. J. P. Organ and Mrs. M. F.
Rohrer, after which the study of the
language and literature of Japan was
taken' up. The introduction of a written
language and Its development was dis
cussed by Mrs. George Damon. Mrs. O.
F. Spooner told of the different periods
of literature and their characteristics.
Japanese poetry, the newspapers of Japan
rnd the foreign influence upon them were
the subjects of a paper by Mrs. Freeman
Reed. ' The annual election of the olub
w 111 take place Tuesday afternoon, . the
time after tho close of the business meet
ing being devoted to visiting. No pro
gram m 1 be given. Mra. George Damon,
Mrs. George Williamson, Mrs. J. "W.
Pmith. Mrs. W. E. McOonnell and Miss
lary peVol will be hostesses.
A hsrd times party Vas given by the
gymnasium girls of the Young Women's
Christian association Tuesday evening at
the association rooms. Everybody came
dressed In their oldest clothes, the prise
for the funniest garb being awarded Miss
Opal Randall. Games and a mock trial
furnished amusement for the evening.
Bread and water and toothpicks were
eierved upstairs, after which a spread of
baked beans, skim milk and crusts was
served In the dining room.
A delightful mualcale was given Tues
day evening under the auspices of the
Christian Endeavor society 'of the First
Presbyterian church. Following the pro
gram refreshments were served, and the
rent of the evening was devoted to a so-
t 'al time. The program consisted of a
piano solo, "Prelude, E Minor," by Mc.n
dc'tsohn. rlved by Miss Vivian Gray:
li:dley K ick s "On the Sea." by the Im
perial quartet; "cello solo, "Berceuse,"
from Jocelyn Goilard, given by Milo
fimlth. Mir Gladys Hcs gai'e a reading.
The ; t of Turquoises." by T. B. Ald
rlch, snd Mrs. W. W. Sherman sane Ji s
sie Uaynor's "And I" and Iogan's "Iid
dlo, Dear." Miss Gray played "L.1 1
mix Checeujf de Lin." by Debussy, and
Mendelssohn's "Prherso, E Minor. I"be
t lnHlii( lloi'rs" wm read by Miss Mat
thew, and t'ie qiiHi'tet pvie "Sumew hre
Voice Is Calling," by Tate. The must-
c ile whs we I utior.dcd and heart. ly en
joyed. In honor of Miss rhO"le Spencer, who
lesves aonn to attend Dreke university,
and Mr. John Wall, who will attend CH
ncr university, Mr. and Mrs. Guy Iavitt
entertained st dinner Wednesdiy evening.
Tin t.'Ue was love'y In red and wht"1
The Hmne K'Onomlrs druitment of
the Co i lie 11 Bluffs Woman's club met
with Mrv M. W. Clark, Wednesday aft
ernoon. The president of the e1i:b, Mrs
Sduey ninth, announced that the ball
room at the Grand hotel has been se
cured for tho baby health contest. The
fl: st day of the contest. Dr. V. I.. Try
nor will deliver a lecture bearing ifon
the subject; the second day a lecture
will 'be given by Mrs. Mary Watts of
Audubon, president of the National Baby
Health association, and the third day
will I dovoted to examining and class
ing the thirty-two babies selected at the
four preliminary contests to he held at
the school buildings. These will be held
at the Bloomer school, Februsry I; Ave
ru B school, on th 12th; Twentieth
a vena, the 19th; Pierce street, the 2tth.
Mothers wishing to enter their babies'
name and age ef the child, years, months
and daya. and the name and addrsa of
fayette avenue, at their earliest con
venience by letter, card or phone. Mrs.
Smith gave a talk on baby health and
Forest Bronson and lUlen Lyons each
gave recitations. Mrs. Towslee . gave a
history of the club, this being the cele
bration of the alxuentu anniversary of
fin 1 i&
llrs. Wilson Aixsbui snJ. Evelyn,
this department. An Intereatlng article
on the work of the Federation of Wo
man's ctubs was read by Mrs. Henry
Ducll. who presided In he place of Mra.
J. J. Sullivan, who was unable to attend,
because of illness. When refreshments
were served, the table was found deco
rated with a birthday cake bearing six
teen lighted candles. The hostesses for
the afternoon were Mesdames Clark. Page
Morrison, Sells, Shaver and E. A.
The Eaat End Card club was enter
tained Wednesday evening by Mr. and
Mrs. William Marquardt. Prises for
high score were won by Mrs. J. G. Will
iams and Mr. A. B. Wright. Mrs. Mar
tin Follett and Mr. Leslie Klrkpatrlck
won the consolation prises, ana jir.
Grover DeBar carried away the "cut-for-all."
Supper was served at the close
of the game. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. wngm
will entertain ths club February 8.
A mlacellaneous program was given by
the Book Lovers' club on Wednesday sk
their meeting at the home of Mrs.
Thomas Metcalf, Jr. The business of
the day was the planning of the study
cours for next year. The selection fell
upon French and English literature, and
Mrs. i. T. Hamilton, Mra. Charles i.
Officer and Mrs. Herbert Woodbury were
appointed a committee to choose the
writers and arrange the program, ine
arrangement of assignments will be made
by Mra C. S. Leffert and Mra. Kiain
Lou gee. Refresments were served after
the business meeting, the hostess being
assisted by Mrs. R. H. Nichols, Mrs.
F. T. True and Mrs. Herbert Woodbury.
Miss Rice will be hostess Wednesday, and
tha atudv of "Pendennls," will be be
The Reda Beda Literary aoclety met
Tuesday evening at the home of Miss
Edna Ford. A short business meeting
waa followed by a seriea of preliminary
debates, in which Klsle Sprenson. Esther
Hadlund. Louis Olson, Laura Hanson,
oia Thompson. George Kaiser and
Eleanora Thompson took part. Judges
for the debate were: Arthur Euglund
Stuart Evand and Seymour Smith.
West Ambler
Social Activities
Miss Beatrice Cockayne spent a few
days laat week in Glenwood, la.
Mrs. F. J. Clarke left Sunday evening
for Bolivar, Mo.,, where- alio will spend
some time visiting relatives and friends.
Louis Centner of Portland, Ore., spent
a few days In Omaha laat week as guest
of Mr. and Mrs. D. Givens. He will leave
Sunday evening for Madison, Wis., where
he has accepted a position as Instructor
of sooloy at the I'nlverslty of Wisconsin.
Dr. and Mts. C. '. Tomllnson have Re
turned to Omaha after several years' resi
dence In Wakefield. Neb. They have
taken a house at I'M South Thirty
seventh street and expect to remain here
Mr. and Mis. J. Robinson of Granl
Is'and, Neb, are. guests this week of Mr.
aud Mrs. John Long.
Tlie I-adies' Aid society of the Jennings
Methodist church l!l meet Thursday,
February i, f ith Mr. H. O. Claggett.
!C20 South Forty-eighth street.
P. J. Tial-cr has returned, from New
Voik, where he went to attend the fu
ncial of bis mother who was b:iried at
Reward. N. T.
Edward G'vens and Mis Elsie Givens
f I'rth. N-b., sre guests this week of
Mr. slid Mis. Dftislas Givens and family.
Tlie Grare Save I. idle class will be
entertalred Tues'lay afternoon at 1:
o'clock at the homo of Mrs. H. W.
Stewart, Fifty-fourth and Hickory streets.
A review of the last twelve lessons will
be held and a social hour.
Miss Mildred De Freere of Sidney, la.,
was the guest last week of Mr. and Mrs.
J. J. Fulnier.
F. W. Sleeper of Lincoln, Neb., visited
In Omaha Inst week as the guest of his
sister. Mra. Samurl Kldd. and Mr. Kidd.
Oran Plckard Is seriously 111 at Wster
loo. Neb., and his son. Clyde Plckard. Is
there with lilm.
Mrs. D. A. Foote will have charge of
the evening services st the Jennlnirs
Methodist rhurch for the foi;r Sunday
evenings during February. rhe will
present her four lectures on the "Life of
The Mothers' Kensington club met
Thursday afternoon with Mrs. A. M
Jackson. Those present were Mesdsme
William Piwnn, John Wlsler, Joseph
Sei-'tr, E. A. Wliin and A. M. Jackn
A son waa borr. Thursday evening t
air. and Mrs. J. A. HurrUen.
Social Items
Mr. and Mrs. William Wlckham of
Council Bluffs, la., were the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Lynch Wednesday
and Thursday.
Mrs. Frank Brown entertained the O.
O. P. circle of the Presbyterian Ladles'
Aid society Thursday afternoon.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Lynch of Wray,
Colo., are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A.
L. Lynch.
The Literary society attended the fun
eral of Mr. F. P. Gould in Omaha In a
body, Mrs. Gould having been a mem
ber of the society.
J. P. Jandro, state president of the
Eagles waa in Florence Wednesday vr
ganlilng a party to go to Lincoln Mon
day, February 1L to attend the dedica
tion of the Lincoln Eagles' new home.
Rev. J. P. Butter went to Utlca, Neb,
Friday to conduct the funeral services
of a friend.
State Treasurer J. R. Ellis of the
Farmers' union, was In Florence Friday
to address a meeting of the newly form'
ed Ponoa- union.
The G. O. P. circle of the Ladles' Aid
society of the Presbyterian church are
rehearsing "The Old Maid's Return," to
be arlven some time the fore part o
The Tonca .rlon will entertain at
play. "The Nohl Outcast." at the Ponca
school house Saturday evening. The en
tertalnment 'a gtven for tho purpose of
a get together of the farmers of that
A leap year dinner will be given at the
Presbyterian cln rch Friday evening, the
women paying for the meal and the men
waiting on the tables and doing the woi
the women generally do.
City Clerk Bondesson, who has been
very III for the last two weeks, is re
ported aa being considerably better.
Councilman Henry Behrman is suffer
ing with a seven cold.
Claire McCaffrey. Seated: Helen and Eileen McCaffrey,
J 7 I
t 1
''- ' SIS'-
Clare, Ilalen and Elleea ara the three
charming- daughters of Mr. and Mra
Owen McCaffrey. Miss Eileen Is now
studying murlc In New York City and on
Saturday of this week will be an at
tendant at the wedding of her roua'n,
Mr. James Oiarlrs Kennedy and.Mi.ia
Mart-arot Mi Ni.lty. h:vl will Ik- cel. -
Urated at Uie cUutcli of Bt. r'raii' Is'
Mrs. J. W. Persley lias gono to Cold
Water. Mich., tJ attend the funeral of
er father
vi.. M.r..r. t. i ulm l attendlna !
Nebraska, university, has returned homo
for a few daya
. . , . , ... , inns iimeps or ineir sister, Mrs. r- j.
Tha Regina cluh will entertain at "'oronner i
.eap lear flance at tne . entunon ciun. (
Thursday evening, February S. i
Mrs. Hoy Hoberta and her niece, Miss
ella Hunter, are spending a few dsya
In Ottumwa. la., visiting relatives.
The Misses Mercedes and tnea Mangan
ntertalmd the Monday Night Whist
cluh at their home Monday evening.
a. J. E. Monroe entertaimd at a i
whist party Saturday-afternoon at hot
home. IIT North Twenty-fourth street.
Mrs. Monroe was assisted by Mrs. W. J.
Slate. .
Mra. Maxwell and Mra. Harry Show,
formerly Miss Rehecei Maxwell, stopped
over a few days In Omaha with Mr. T. !
MVredlth Maxwell, on their way to Sa- I
annah. Ga. ' j
Mrs. William Rout entrrta'ned Sanr !
day evening, in honor of her son. Will-
lam. Tha house wan decorated through-
out in pink and white. About thirty
five guests were present.
Mlsa Graoe Ele and Mrs. Edward
Evans and her two small children,
Dorothy and Margarete. Des Molnea,
la., are visiting at the homo, of their
uncle. Joe Chrlstl. of this rlty., L
Mrs. Albert Noe entertained the New ,
Century club at her home Thursday. Thai"""- " i .nursoay or nexi
guests of the rluh were Mrs, Arthur I
wim - m-. v it en,nh im.
were won by
MVS. B. Minor and Mrs.
i. Hannon.
A reception waa given at the home of
Vt. XI,. A TJ WrVar lift Knrih
1 North
Twenty-second street, Wednesday even
ing, for the Rev. Mr. and .Mi s. Horn-
brook. Mr. Hornbrook la tho new rec
tor of St. Martin's church. v k
ir i. t Tw... fii..r 11-....
MIS. li II I 111111 VI IIIW ' ' 1 11 1 1 , ' ' V.,
came home for two weeks to visit her
pa rents, Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Goddard.
Ms, and Mrs. Hamn expect to move from
Pine Bluff to Crown Point. Wyo., where
Mr. Hamn was transferred.
Mrs. William Berry entertained the
Missionary society at her home Thurrdiy
afternoon, when Mesdamea Berger, Hill,
Nleman and Nllsson had charge of the
program. Mrs. C. E. Kullbom sang a
solo and the Mothers' quartet sang.
Miss Marjorle Abbott entertained the
O. F. F. club at her home1 Friday after
noon at a regular meeting. Members
present were:
Bessie Alsworth
Helen Vanflan
Marjorle Abbott
Hop Hibhard
Oladya Wright
Mildred Conaway
Dona vanbant
Mlas Josephine Connell entertained G.
P. G. club at a "taffy pull." Thursday
evening, at her home, 1615 North Twenty
fourth street. Members present were:.
Misses Mlssea
Beatrice Farrar Racbel Jordan
Hasel Green Josephine Connell
Evelyn Clark Gladye Numson,
Mildred Bliss Dorothy Van ant
Mrs. F. L. Goddard. entertained Fri
day evening In honor of her daughter,
Mrs. Joseph Hamn of Pine Bluff, Wyo.
Those present were:
Misses ' Misses
Ann M surer Ann Hlaglns
Viola Williams Amanda Peteraon
Marie Kmg . Gladye Van Sent
Esther Miller Clara Dworak
Helen Tyner Jennie Hall
Catherine Crawford Margaret Fltsgerald
Sadie Rothhols
The marriage of MTss Lauretta Wehner,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Wehner,
and Mr. William Klefer comes as a
complete surprise to their many friends.
Mr. and Mrs. Klefer' slipped out -to Pe
ril Hon and were quietly married, Thurs
day afternoon. Mra Klefer was con
nected with the Nebraska Telephone com
pany, and M Klefer la employed by
Swift and Company.
Mra. E. G. Christie entertained at a
dinner party Tuesday, complimentary to
her nieces. Miss Grace Slpe and Mrs.
Edward Evans of Des Moins, la. The
oenter piece was a mound of roses. Cov
ers were lal& for:
"Mesdamea Mesdams
George French Edwsrd Evans,
Horace Grur Des Moines
WllllsmCllne Miss Gladys vlpe.
R. Purknsp Des Moines
Joe Christie
It takes but a minute of time to save
dollars when you read The Bee Want-Ad
Xavler In Brooklyn. Mr. Kennedy Is
well known here, having visited tha Mc
Caffreys laat year. Mr. James MoCaf
frey left Thursday for New Tork to at
tend tha weddlne- Mlsa Clara McCaffrey
la spending tha winter at El Paao, Tex.,
with another alater. Mi.. John Murphy,
while Miss Helm Is at home, pursuing
Icr miisiral studies wlUi Miss Mary
Mr. B. J. Crewa spent a few days at
his home last week.
A son wss horn to Mr. and Mrs. Telrce
yan last Tuesday
Mr- A. Barrltt and Mr. Nehlan of Mln- :
jnesota have been called here by the sort- J
, u,, .r,iv. t,nn,
R,Mt. , , ....j..j
'the State Normal.
Mr. Gorton Roth was pleasantly sur-
.prised Tuesday evening at his homa in
honor of hl birthday anniversary.
The Voting Women's Kensington cluh
wss entertained Tuesday evening at the
home of Miss Mildred Tlttel.
Mie Mary Roth left for her home In
iTekamah, Neh.. on Saturday after a three
weeks' visit at the home of her brothers.
Mr. W. H. Tlndell of Chicago la lsltlng
at the homo of his son.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mra
H. R. Koopman on Tuesday.
-Mrs. R, Swanson left Wednesday for
her home In Tekamah after a visit here.
Tl,' Epworth league entertained at a
fecial entei talnment at the church Frl-
'"' evening.
Mlsa Mabel Toting has left for her home
In Chicago after a month s visit with her
sister. Mrs. E. J. Wolfe.
Mrs. C. WUher Nelson and son have
"'1"nl n""1' irom a visit wim relatives
In M Pherson. Kan.
Th" Missionary circle of the
",Tn nola on
.. ...
Mr. and Mrs. George Welch entertained
ciai tneir i
ir. juiih oinuani oi ureeiey, voio., waa !
" " " ml in nnm I
of U Linn McGulre.
Mr. and Mra. P. Dolela entertained for
the Whist club, when about twenty were
pi-osont and lunch was served.
Mrs. O. W. Howards entertained Tuea-
mV ,flmnj.n t m t, T M , , .
' V. V. """- nciuD,
Mrs. Ed Wulff waa a special guest.
Mra. Etnll Carlson entertained fourteen
Mttle folks on Thursday in honor of her
little son's birthday.
Mrs. W. II. Loechner entertslned twelve
guests at o'clock dinner at her home on
Sunday afternoon.
Mrs. A. M. Wlggena entertained Thurs
day for the b. B. I. club of Omaha.
Twelve guests were present.
Mrs. E. J. Whistler wlli be hostess for
the Methodist Ladles' Aid society on next
Wednesday afternoon at a social meeting.
Mrs. T. Johnson of Genoa, Neb., was a
guest last week at the J. Crews home
while her daughter was In the Methodist
An illustrated lecture "The tfhfoldlng
of the Little Flower" will be given at fit.
Bernard's hall Sunday evening by a club
of the Crelghton university. '
Mra. B. S. Phelps waa hostess for tha
Aufweldersehen club Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Woslager, Mrs. Phelps and Mrs,
Davis won prises. '
Miss Clara Newberg and Mr. Arthur
Oleson of Dayton, la., were married on
Wedneaday at the home of Frank Corn
stock. Rev. Bloomquist performed the
ceremony. '.'.' l"
The Women's Christian Temperance
union will meet at the home of Mrs. J.
Ppeedle next Friday afternoon. Mrs. C,
J. Roberts of Omaha will be the leader
on national survey.. :
Mlsa Louise Baehr entertained at a
matinee party last week for Misses Lucille
Hoffman, Gertrude Gleason, - Beatrice
Buckley. Wllma and Louise Baehr.
The Pundoy closing law of all bualnes
houses will go Into effect today and a
quiet Sunday Is expected.
Mr. George Potras of Hulett. Wyo.,
and Mr. and Mrs. B, Beatd of Blair, Neb.,
wero recent guests at the W. A. Ferguson
home, i ' 1 .
Miss Helen Hoagland of Fremont,' for
merly of this place, was a guest last week
of Mlsa Mary Norrls.
Mrs. Peter Christiansen entertained for
her little son's birthday. Those present
were Edna Giant. Frank Davis, EM ward
Servers, Maynard Miller. Anton Chris
tiansen and May Christiansen. '-
The Danish Brotherhood celebrated its
second annerversary last week with an
ontertalnment, when about SO guests
were present. A banquet and dancing
composed the program of th evening.
I :
Social Events
Mrs.. Charles Anderson, who is In the
Nicholas Senn hospital In Omaha, la very
much improved since an operation.
A twelve-pound son srrlved at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Moran last week.
The Ladlea' club met at the home of
Mrs. C. M. Skinner Thursday afternoon,
Mr. and Mrs. J. Slnde'ar or 8c uth Omaha
were visiting relatives In this vicinity
Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hsin spent a few duya
here last week before they departed for
their home at Fait lake City, I'tah.
Mr. B. J. r'avell la sIKI suffering with
a siege of the rheumatism.
Superfluous Hair
DaMlracle Is sold the world Over
tinder the same conditions Ksoh park
age contains a binding guarantee.
Others advertise "guaranteed," but
give sons, insist en
the original liquid hair remover that
alone has the power te rob hair of Its
iiaiity ua jire sustaining tore, di
wlaa, bsgla using DaMlraele to-day
before the growth gate beyond con
trol. If your dealer will not supply
you, order direct. DeMlracle Chemtoel
Co. Park A Uoth flr New Tork.
-old and recoinrnendel by Knermart A tig.
tonnell Irug Co, Owl rug )'., Har
vard rharmacy snd Ixiyal i'harmary.
An especially fine shampoo for this
weather can be easily made at trifling
expense by simply dissolving a teaspoon
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Pour slowly on scalp and maasaga
briskly. This createa a soothing, cooling
lather that dissolves and removes all
dandruff, excess oil snd dirt. Rinsing
leaves th scalp spotlessly clean, soft and
pliant, whlla th hair takea en a glossy
richness of natural color, also a f I uf fi
nes which makes it seem very much
heavier than it la. After a canthrog
shampoo arranging th hair la a pi
ur. Advertisement.
In Which To Try To Get Thi
$550 ?ftYNEo FREE
In Exchange for Your Old Grand, Upright or Player
No Lottery ' .f iTTOf 55522?
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aii-i-iuvr'vw lino Id II lit tui .
lrgitimntp plan to give
Player Piano Free
The ('banco of getting this Player is oa good now as
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Ie guro to do it right away as
Halite the top of yor pUno and look on th plate for th num
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store In a scaled envelope. The person whose old piano Is numbered
he number nearest 10 the number on this $550 player will receive
the plnyer. That's all there Is to It. Kor all you know yours may
be the number that will get you this fine player.
1513-1515 Douglas St.
Brln or Mull This Fre Tlnyer Plnno Coupon to
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Otnahn, Nebraska.
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Name of My' Piano
Number of My Piano
Crochet with
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Every .Woman who crochets with Klostersilk . Is more than
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all ere done so perfectly with Klostersilk, and the work is so
artistic and so lasting that its maker is proud.
Get your 20 Free Crochet Instructions
You are entitled to 20 free
instructions for crocheting
attractiva pieces. The instruc
tions are complete and make
the work easy. Simply pre
sent this advertise
ment to the dealer.
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I lPpTK TWaaaSakaDaatX JT3j f I
WATCHES JiH LKLUll 409 S.16thSt.,Omshi
Tha small sum of It waekly makrs you tha
ownsr of a splrndi.1 Tilaniond or otlisr art If
of liiah iirailo Jawclry. You will navr nils
tha dollar whlla you will anjoy wearing" your
Iilanond a lonir tlma. IMamonds ara prsi -ilrally
1n1stru-tlbla and ncar wear out.
Th IManionil you buy today from IKtls
Hros .'. will hava Just aa much aparklt
and fiery brllllHncy BO years from now with
ronsldrrshlp added value, hecauaa l))atnonla
Inn esse in value 10 to 20 a yar. W arc
offerln extraordinary bargains In tha An
nual Jenuars' "(Mesn t'p'' Fairs. " i'orns n
snd mslte vour seliectlon now. Wear and en
joy th arllrle while naylna; for It on eav
weakly or monthly payments, at suits your
jfih. ae-aMond
ffi Kin. Ill anllrl irnlil
f J,of tls "Perfection"
mounting. A0
' SI CO a 'we'k.
T14 1 Val
uer, solid
gold, beauti
fully dealgn
e 1, I I 'laniond,
Baroque I'earl
l e o p , 15
Inch chain
$1.40 a stoat
TM Iica Brooch
fins solid gold, hand
made. English finish.
1 fine brilliant !la
mond. 4 aenu.
in Pearls, at
$15 a Moath.
Th Old Reliable Dlamoad
I I II II I m 11 11 V3v aa
Mala rimr,
Baah Slog..
bros & ca;;;s
For Bargains, or to Get In
h x9mf
'fo'l ft
Established 1874
- i. 5 Cormtt Covr
i .4.c :;:?;!.
He will give you this set of
instructions, If his supply is
exhausted, send us his name
and three 2c stamps
and we will mail
the instructions at
once. '
tM - . lllng,
carved. 1 (k solid
gold.- fin Diamond.
Extra value CAC
1 Diamond
Stud, g olid
a?.1... $40
1.00 a Wck.
1043 Wrist Watch, Cas and Brace
let re both fine 14k aolld gold. Levr
st, full nickel. Jeweled, clinics of
either whit or gold dial. 1 7C
Ouaranteed. at W
Credit Terms I tt.fO a Month.
Call er Mt. tor rtale
No. fi. VhoiM nousl.
1444 mImisu will Mil.
Opes ntlr until t P. M.
AsiiHd.r until a.
Oredlt Koaae,
Olty STatloaal
40 U. IWs St,
or Out of Business, Bead The
firi Month
Bee Want Ads Daily