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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1916)
4 8 THE BEE: OMAIIA, SATURDAY, JANUARY 23. 1916. I ! THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNDKn HT EDWARD ROSE WATER. VICTOR ROSEWATER. EDITOR. The Pee Publishing Company. Proprietor. BEB BllLPlNG. FARNAM AND SEVENTEENTH. Kntrr-4 at Omaha poetofTIca aa second-class matter. TERMS OP SUH3CFTPTION. Hy nrrlt Py Wail per month. Pr year. pattv snd Fundav v 16 Iallr without Hundny....' 4f9 4 0 I-Henlng and Sundav "c Fvln without Sunday. ............ ...SV)-........... 4.00 iundav Re onlr ... 1 00 Wily and ounday Bee, three years In advance. ...HO W fend notice tif .-hat-ic" of iiHrm or complaints of Irregularity in delivery to Omaha Ilea, Circulation tepartment RFMITTANCE. Remit ly draft, express or postal order. Only two pent Mampa received In payment of email ee counts. Personal chec k, except on Omaha and eastern exchange, not accepted. orncra. Omaha The Pee Rittldlne:. Vouth Omaha 231. N ttwt Council Bluffs 14 North Main street. Lincoln! Little Rulldlng. Chk-sgn H Hearst Hulidlnr New York Room 110. t1 rifth avwua Ft. 4iiIs-M8 New Hank of Commerce. Washington 72a Fourteenth St., N. W. CORRESPONDENCE. Adilma communications relating to news anil edi torial nutter to Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. DECEMHEK CTRfXLATIOX. 53,534 tuta of Nebraska, fcocnty of Douglas, aa: Pwlght Williams, circulation manager of The Baa Publishing company, being duly sworn, says that tha a vera circulation for tha month of December, 114, waa U.iT-4. DWTOHT WTUJAMS. Circulation Manager, ut scribed In my presence and aworn to before Dta, thia 4ta 1bt of Jenunry. ROUEHT, Notary Publlo. Subscribers leaving the city temporarily should have The Hee mailed to them. Ad dress trill be changed m often aa requested. The price of oil Isn't coming down any, even If the burners are. It's also good form to clean the snow off your sidewalk early. You've got as good a right to guess who Wil ton meant aa anyone. No Omaha winter la perfect without ita prom ised ahortar of steam coat. ; President Wilson aaya be learned a lot about Mexico from liars; but where doea that leave Carrania? Our local weather man certainly believes in variety aa being the teat of climate aa well aa tha spice of life. Mayor "Jim" la going to New York to assist In a preparedness consultation. He'll make a bit If be will take that welcome arch along. All experience goes to show that a petty gouge ia never permanently profitable for the rougcr. Good will ia an asset; ill will a liability. Several democrats are ahylng at the nomi nation for governor, because they aay It la not an office for a poor man. But, la that the real reason? ' To make assurances doubly aure. the elders of the family aa well aa the children ehould avoid crowded assemblies at much aa possible. Wise precaution! inake for aafety. Inside information regarding the readineaa of our colonels to serve their country no doubt convinced the preaident that Omaha's prepared nesa did not need the atlmulua of a speech. Safety first impels Yuan Ehlh Kal to defer the crowning event unt'l the executioner 'fin- tthet the task of convincing rebels of the errora of their ways. The possibility of knockers dis turbing the gaiety of the crowning vindicates the wisdom of delay. Sixteen months of the mothers' pension law in New York, aummarlsed by the World, showi eighteen caaea Investigated by eighteen Investi gators at tl.OSO a year each, and the appropria tion exhausted. A s jet em which glvea the inves tigators the money and the mothers an invest!' gatloa puts New York at the foot of the class. Neither age nor knockouts check the come back of bills designed to tap the national treas ury. The Colombian handout, the ahip purchase bill, good roada and the omnibus "pork barrel,", carrying a total of 1120,000,000, are again on deck. Invigorated by the ginger of prosperity. Deft-naive measures for the. national treasury are fully aa urgent aa coast defenses. w sai vwji m M af im ' J. r lit A Brandeii on Supreme Bench. In naming Louie D. Brand els for the vacancy on the supreme bench, left by the death of Justice Lamar, President Wilson has sprung a surprise almost as complete aa did bis prede cessor when he named Lamar for that high office. Mr. Brandela la much better known to the public, however, than the man be la to suc ceed. His activity In late yeara has been such aa to bring blia prominently into notice. His legal training has been complete and bis mental equipment, the result of long experience In af fairs of life, will fit him for the high place to which he la called. Mr. Brandela has not been much of a party man In politics, but baa been an ardent partisan of the men and measures be baa espoused. He waa mentioned in connection with the cabinet when Mr. Wilson waa coming Into office, but the gossip at that tm proved unfounded. The nomination will likely be promptly confirmed by the senate, and a man whoae sympathy la atrong with the common people will take hie aeat in our highest court Li.a An enjoyable card party was given at tha resi dence of Hull. James E. Boyd, hotly eonteated games twine played at eleven tr-blea. Among tha guests waie Mr. and Mrs. A. J. llanacom, Prttchett, Dandy, Mc aiiley. O. I. Gilbert. D. O. Clark. Our C. Barton, Joseph Barton. Horbach, Coutant, W, V. Mora. Joawpli Barker, tUmuel Burns, Coffman,' Mr. Charles Uulou. Mr. Bummers. Mr a C. T. Taylor and Ura. Dundy, ' Mlaa Maude Anthony, daughter ef Colonel D. R, Anthony of tha Ifavenworth Times, Is tha gueat of Mrs. Prank Colpetser. The much vaunted Mikado ball was slven by the Home Circle club, presenting a Scene of bewilder inrnt, with fantastic- coatumea and oriental decora tion, the dance muale being taken from tha comlo upeia of that name. Tha special committee who took aulKned parta were: Tha Mlkaoo of Japan, F. W, I'U-kena; Oolont. W. It. Itcy; teouchonn. II. A. Cop Icy; J'oo-Hah, J. H. Conrad: Plan-Tush. William Drown; Koko, J. W. Gannon; Nankl-Poo, B. K. Red man: Go-I-onf, U B. Mole; Ah-Tliere. W. H. Nelson; it-There, Y. K. Bailey. C. E. Mayna has pun haMd 1!4 aores of land In Ilia north wee lam portion of Omaha for fiot.000, from , 11. Clark. Tha land la part of tha tract known at vkva A. K. Baker farm and will probably bo platted is an addition to the city. A party of sportaroea consisting of John and Fred Mora and Fred Fuller brought from Horseehoe lake the largest pickerei over eaught hi tho lake. If nt'lchrd nine and a half pouada. ' Tha Burlington is advertising round-trip tickets o California, good fur sis months, at a special rata wf S. Uarahetl Cumniings has laaund aa order closing P.lKe street and all streeta Croaalng It from Fifteenth to Taentleth, fur the routing carnival Saturday, from n . Mk. Ulitll mldnt&bt. t Wilson's Challenge to Bryan. The speech of the preaident In New York, made with the glowing fervor of passion stirred to fighting pitch, la leea of an appeal to the patriotism of the people than of a defiance to those within bis own party who oppoee bis poli cies. He clearly outlines bla position on pre paredness, already understood, but this time with a purpose quite disUnct. He has been racea with a aituatlon decidedly embarrassing, the open opposition of the former secretary of aUte and a formidable group of democrata In the congress making problematic the successful Issue of any measure the president may champion. It baa been apparent for many weeks that Mr. Wil son mutt negotiate with or openly defy Mr. Bryan, for the latter holds the balance of power In the democratic party, and hie personal posi tion will serve to determine the fate of any strictly party measure. Mr. Wilson Is evidently of the opinion that the time bas come when be must try bis strength against that of bis former premier, and bit choice of issues on which to approach the coun try Is made aa affording the squareat of cleavage between them. Mr. Bryan's views on peare are too well published to admit of doubt as to bis position. The president In taking the otner ena brings the Issue sharply to a focus. It is fortunate for the country, however, that the matter of national defense Is not a partisan Issue. Republlcana are willing to support the administration In the work of providing for proper means of protecting the country against possible assault from any enemy, and this gives assurance that, without regard to the outcome of the Wilson-Bryan struggle for control, de fense of the nation will be provided. Rules for Submarine Warfare. Secretary Lansing has submitted to Euro pean nations for approval a set of rules, formu lated for the government of submarine warfare, or, rather, for the safety of merchantmen at aea and exposed to the attack of submarinea. These rules embody the humanitarian principle insisted upon by the United States tn Us dealings with Germany and Austria la connection with the sev eral cases in which passenger boats have been aunk and lives of Americans bare been lost In the main, the new rules require that the mer chantman be warned, that "provision ' for the safety of passengers and crew be made before sinking, and that attack Is permissible only in caae of resistance or flight, and must cease as soon as the merchantman shows submission. Oa the other band, the United 8tates warns the belligerents that armed merchantmen will be treated as warships, and will be accorded only such rights in port aa are now granted to the latter. Thla formal recognition of the principle 1 Important, because lately several Italian mer chantmen have reached American porta with guna mounted. Auntrlan and German protests were promptly lodged, and the present note Is in reply to these protests. The mounting of a gun, even of small caliber, changea the nature of a veasel, and consequently deprives It of any Immunity it may have as an unarmed ship. It the rules outlined by Secretary Lansing be subacrlbed to by the belligerents, much of the present occasion for controversy over the use of the submarine will vanish, because of its status being definitely defined. Uniquo Suffrage Library Foreign Trade and Domeitio Blockade. The freight Jam on the aeaboard, and espe cially on the Atlantic side of the country, has been noted for several weeka as one of the dis turbing conditions in home trade. It la due en tirely to the difficulty met in securing vessels to take cargo, a peculiar situation incldentaKlo the war. Senators and congressmen are getting excited over it, and the Nebraska Railroad com mission has called for a temporary embargo on munitions shipments, until the western grain has been sent to market. Any form of relief will be welcomed by those whoae ordinary courses of business Is Interrupted, but Just what remedy ia to be applied la not easily determined. It will be well to keep in mind that our ex port trade la made up entirely of what we are able to aell abroad. Just now European nations at war are our beat customers, snd they are apt to buy only that which they think they need and to insist on having first what they most desire. Thla phate of the queatlon la self-evident. An other controlling factor la the shortage in ton nage., German ahips are entirely withdrawn from ocean trade, and British ahlpe are all under control and direction of the war office at Lon don. Sblpa of other countrlee are taking such cargo as brings the blgbtest freight rates. With these conditions prevailing, bow will the placing of an embargo on munttlona shipments, or any other form of freight, help the blockade at home? European governments now at war will not likely" g've themaelvet a great deal of concern over the Nebraska farmer's efforts to get bis grain to market The blockade of freight oa the eastern coast Is annoying, bat It is because of shortage of shipping facllltiea, and not ascrtb able to any particular kind of fre'ght. THE Library of Congress has Just been enriched bf the .presentation by Mrs. Ida Husted Harper "t 'her magaslno and newspaper artlrles on woman suffrage and tha various phases of the so-called woman question during the last twenty years. These are preserved In twelve large, handsomely bound scrap books, tha contents of each Indicated by lettering on tho red barks. Every Volume Is carefully Indexed, and altogether they offer a mine of In formation on this much discussed question which wUl gladly be taken advantage of by those who r Interested. Tho books represent whst may be termed the cur rent events relating to woman suffrage and the gen eral progress of women during this long period, as wek by week and year by year they take up the points of special prominence Just at that moment It was during thla time that Mrs. Harper wrote the bio graphy of Pusan B. Anthony and the last volume of tho History of Woman Suffrage, and the fund of In formation which It waa neceanary to acquire for this work contributed to tho accuracy of these articles, so they are likely to bo largely drawn upon by future writers on the subjects they cover. By no means tho least Important part of this col lection are the volumes containing the accounts of tho great International congresses of womn held in Europe, beginning with the International Council of Women In London In 1199. Thla ' was followed b.v others In Berlin, Copenhagen, Paris, Geneva. The Hague, Amsterdam, Budapest, and on down to tho largo meeting at Rome tn 1914. Oraphlo descriptions are given, from tho viewpoint of a delegate and speaker, of the distinguished people In attendance, tho courtesies extended by the municipalities, the re ceptions by queens, empresses, the nobility and others of note, garden parties, visits to Institutions, etc. Ac companying these are Invitations, menus, pictures and souvenirs of many kinds. One page of maiden hair ferns and delicate blos soms la Inscribed: "Gathered In the little conserva tory at tho foot of the stairs leading to Tennyson's study." Under a cluster of pressed roses Is written: "Placed In my hands by Queen Margherlta of Italy," and under another, "A rose from the bouquet of Eleanora Duae." In no other library In any country ran a collection of these congresa letters bo found and they arc all tha record that exists of those cos mopolitan meetings except tho official business re ports, while tha social festivities are their Ufa and charm. A very Interesting feature la the number of autograph letters from eminent people In the United States and Europe, some of them possessing a valuo even beyond their signatures. In leaving these snd other mementoes In the books, Mrs. Harper has shown a commendable faith In tho honesty of the readers. Two volumes of especial Interest are made up en tirely of tho series of articles that ran continuously for fire years, 1899-UOS, In tho New York Sunday Sun. This was a period when the words "woman surfrage" seldom appeared la the newspapers, and they at tracted much attention because of their wide range, fearlessness and satire. Men were much rasher tn their printed utterances than nowadays and they were flayed without mercy, while tha women "antla." whj were Just beginning to organise, were Joyfully held up to scorn. These several hundred articles give an ac curate pen picture of publlo sentiment on tho woman queatlon ten or fifteen years ago, and they recoid also practically every Important step of progress. It waa largely through the Influence of Miss An- . thony that the Bun began the publication of theso articles, and aha followed them closely and with tha keenest Interest. This wat also true of Mrs. .Elisa beth Cady Btanton. and several of her letters are given In which she urges that they be put in some kind of permanent form and makes suggestions for future writing. Boms characteristic, of Miss Anthony are Inserted, telling how she hurries home from church to read the articles, and a copy or a protest she aent Mr. Dana because one of them was cut! She carefully preserved them in scrap books of her own. Mrs. Harper herself has added a graphic, ac count of how they happened to be written and has made.eoploua annotations for tho assistance of the readers. . The story Is told of manr eurrrana Mmnatm. in cluding that of California la im, the first which at tracted the attention of the countrr at Urate )!.. Ings before congressional committees are given; the aranung or partial surrrago in various states and lua action of legislatures recorded. The suffrage ques tion Is discussed from every point of view, beginning when It was chiefly academic, and every possible ob jection Is analysed and answered. At the years go by Its development Is followed Into practical politics ana tno later volumes describe .the victories In western states and the effects of women's enfranchisement on the laws, their election to office, etc. Considerable apace la allotted In the bookt of 1914 and 1815 to tho discussion of a national amendment and the debatea and votea In congress. Through aU the early volumes the personality of Mist Anthony runs like a thread of gold, as many of them were written while Mrs. Harper waa in her borne and they were working on tha "History uf Woman Suffrage' and Mist Anthony's biography. For about ten years before her death their association wot very close, each assisting the other. Miss Anthony always said that Mrs. Harper's pen came to her help Just at Mra. Stanton's was laid atlda. A number of Mlaa Anthonya ertlclea also are contained in these bookt, and soma which they wrote together. Mrs. Harper lived to tee both Mra fitanton and Mlat An. thony past from earth and to preserve In theso volumes the tributes of the press to their memory and her own appreciation of their character expressed tn various magaatne articles. In a brief note of presentation Mrs. Harper Bays: "Theso tcrtp books contain a considerable part of my magaslno and newspaper articles for tho laat twenty years. They performed their mlaalon at tha time they were published, and. like all such ephemeral work, were not preserved by others In connected form. Because of their associations and their con venience for reference they possess a special valuo for me. but I think that at thla time when there is so much study of the woman tuff rage queatlon, they ahould render more general service. For this reason I present them to the library of Congress, although with tho feeling of parting from my children. Aside from tho assistance which they may offer to stu dents, present and future, their Illustration of the gradual evolution of public sentiment and the stren ous objections of tha opponents will probably Interest and amuse. "I am deeply appreciative of the opportunity of fered by this great library to preserve theso records." The "records" consist of over l.SW pages and form a collection of data which never can be duplicated. In placing them upon Its shelves tho Library of con gress la able to offer for purposes of research material whioh cannot be found anywhere else In tho world. People and Events. IV-sav? A little belter team work In the matter of looking after the public health will aave money tor city, county and achool board, not to speak of the benefit it will be to ruffcrlng mortals. A Denver doctor breaks Into print with a broadside attack on red-haired girls. Titian locks ho brands as a positive disqualification for matrimony. Wonder what red-head handed the mitten to doc? What, a middle-aged man can't "oome backT" Nothing to It. or Instance, there la Dr. Frederick A. Cook a mat with a reputation, who hat come back without a request or Invitation. Had to. Life abroad was 'inconvenient and disquieting. Landed In New York last Sunday direct from Denmark. A New York wotmaa with a score of Mt yeara adds to the confusion of expert octal oa on long Ufa. Heretofore century health hints hung danger sig nals on drinking and not drinking, smoking and not smoking, dieting and free eating. The Gotham old girl attributes her great age to her habit of eating pUklea. The treatment appeara to work well In tha rase mentioned, but aa a general thing getting pickltd duet not come up to the advance nolle. More A boo 4 Scarlet Fever. OMAHA. Jan. .-To tho Editor of The Hoe: The statement made by Dr. Con Hell In the council chamber "That scarlet fever canoot be distinguished until four teen days after Inception or until the peeling of the dead skin has begun'' may or may not be true. It doea not matter. Physicians do not trest diseases, they treat the patient Dr. Connell may not be sble for fourteen days after a fire to tell whether It waa set by a colored man, a boy or a woman, or whether It was by spontsneous combustion. But he ought to know there was a fire, and he should proceed to tear out the Inflammable stuff snd stop the burning ss quickly as pos sible, regardless of the active cause of the fire. Many children and adults, though ex posed, do not contract scarlet fever, be en i he of their relatively pure blood stream and normal power of resistance. Germs cannot grow In a relatively pure blood stream, and the great need of the age la to teach people hnw to live, so they will not fear or contract any disease. A cor rect philosophy of life and right living would revolutionize humanltv materially, lessen crime and prevent disease. In forty-three years of active practice in the profession, I have never lost a patient with scarlet fever and they should not, and will not die, when treated by thor ough elimination. Thia meana to get out of the system as quickly as possible the chemical tox Ines that keep up the fever and feed the destroying Invader. First, not a particle of any kind of food except water so long as the temperature of the patient It above normal. Flush the system Inside and outside with plenty of water to get rid of excrementltlous matters through tha akin, kidneys and bowels. If neces sary, as usually Is the case, add a saKne laxative every morning, for be It remem bered fasting without purgation Is tox aemia. Open up the 2.&U0.0UV sweat tubes and glands that even In a normal condi tion of health throw out in gaseous ' form that, which If condensed to a liquid. Is from two to four pints of sweat and poisonous matter every twenty-four hours. Aconite 1-ino of a drop every five, ten or fifteen minutes when the skin Is dry and hot, and there will be very little use for any other medicine. These brief rules properly followed and there will be no complications or bad after results, and the patient will be on the way to recovery usually In tlx days or less. There will be little or no peeling of tho hands and feet, because the poisons have been eliminated and little damage done. Tho fire will have been put out because of the removal of the chemical and bio logical waste mattera that caused the fever. Fresh made calcium sulphide tab lets to the amount of from ten to twenty grains dally la of great value In some cases. Physicians too often follow authority and dare not do their own Independent thinking. They are conatantly looking for tho end products, or results of a dis ease that ahould and could have been prevented. They fight the fever with death-dealing agents, rather than to re move the animal or vegetable proteldt that, decomposing, feed tho germs, paral yse the heart and cause death. Blind as a bat In the midday sun, too many physi cians cling to their superstitions and au thority and refuse to be taught, and have only -words of derision and scorn for the Independent thinker. "Truth wears no mask, bows to no hu man shrine, seeks neither place nor ap plause. She only askt a- hearing-. U A. MBRRIAM, U. D. Foe a Froo Preae. INDIANOLA, Neb., Jan. T7.-To the Editor of The Bee: Our attention was called by a neighbor, who said, "You are able to answer this and we want you to do It." to aa article in Metcalfe's Ne- braskaa entitled "Religious Liberty." when In fact It should have been entitled "Religious Tyranny," for that la Ita aim and substance. Wa have known Mr. Metcalfe for years and have supported him and hit lHeaa for fourteen yeara, but such an unjust and unreasonable article settles It with ut for ever. It hat lowered him In fairness, liberty and Justice at leaat IB per cent in our estimation: besides any one entertain ing such an Idea it not a safe person to bo trusted In public affairs, and his coun cil la dangerous with such brain leaks as that. We havs always .had It in mind that Metcalfe favored free speech, and. being an editor, fkvored a rree press, but hts article proves the opposite. Metcalfe's article opposes anyone saying anything against another's religion. Where would our religious liberty be to day had It not been for Luther and many other fearless onet taking the atand they did? The dark a gee, the Inquisitions, religious wars and mastoerea, witchcraft. that caused the lives of 1,000, (XX) women and children, would still be here were It not for the lovers of liberty with feeling for the Interests ef the human race, and If Mr. Metcalfe knows anything he knows If Russia, Spain. Portugal, the Central and South American stales were allowed free religious discussion those countries would not be buried tn ignorance, nor would the religious fanatics of Russia have banished SUO.OQO Jews less than thirty years ago. Metcalfe Intimates that a writer should respect the religious feeling of others, but does not even hint that religionists do likewise. Let me say right here that no one's feelings can be hurt too much who favors auch things or whoae doctrine Is so weak, though backed by thousands of preachers, priests, a host of aid so cieties, their Bible, Jesut and Ood, and cannot stand a few criticisms of the out side world. If Metcalfe don't know that much he had better Inform himself before condemning tha free press. Metcalfe knows, were not the democrats allowed free discussion on the republican high tariff, and on their favoritism shown tha Interests, and the Ilka, the O. O. P would attll run the government. lavestl gallon and free discussion are the chief sources of Information. D a religion or any other Ism that gets offended st or can't stand investigation or free dis cussion. Metcalfe made another bad break when he said. "No man's competent to pass on another's religion." If thla be true he should advise the preachers not to attack the entire world, their own little ctitu excepted. It does not require much sense to see, If a man preaches the golden rule and practices the opposite, thst It Isn't "pure and unde filed religion" ha poa aeasea, but religious hypocrisy, and Met caife'a article favors such hypootiay or he would not oppose Just criticism on re Ugtooa natters. Metcalfe's article la aa tntult te the freedom of the press tnd a meevaea to our free Institutions, and would place a gag upon those who are liberal, fair and court new Ideas, because hit article aaya so. It also shows be Is with those who believe tn tho doctrine, "If a man be Ignorant, let him be Ignorant still." I. Cor. xlv;. Metcalfe hat but one of two thing! to select. Join the crowd whose narrowness cauaea them to whine at Investigation, at fair open discussion and whose doc trine Is that He who has ears to hear let him hear, believe and have faith. Or Join our crowd whom doctrine la He that hath brains let htm think, reason and In vestigate and stand firm for the freedom of the press. JAMES PONTICS, Editor Indlanola Reporter. Editorial Snapshots Washington Post: It It difficult to convince a board of military strategy that a shell wouldn't be made more ef fective with a bit of red tape attached. Cleveland Plain Dealer: To avoid grip, keep out of crowds, say the health au thorities. But suppose everybody would take this advice and seek an uncrowded place what a crowd everybody would get Intol Baltimore American: Now Portugal la getting restive over Spain's attitude and General Felix Dias Is threatening another revolution in Mexico. But then a little disturbance more or less In the world hardly matters in the general row. Pittsburgh Dispatch: It is declared the president, on his coming tour, will launch a fight against the congressional "pork barrel." If this be so, no one will ever again question his courage or his readi ness to undertake a task supposedly Insurmountable. Springfield Republican: The South Carolina legislature. In Inviting the presi dent to address It on preparednesa, re fused to Include Mr. Bryan in the Invi tation, so that if Mr.' Bryan "trails" the president he will have to apeak In the open air at Columbia, or hire a hall. Indianapolis News: Lieutenant Gover nor Bethea of South Carolina, the re turned Fordist, tayt that he found that the time for neutral nations to move for peace has not i arrived which he would have known quite at well before he left for Europe if 'ie had kept himself In formed on currant events. Minneapolis Journal: Therefore, If Sen ator Kenyon'a bill becomes a law, and expatriated Americans, male and female, have to pay an Income tax in thla coun try of anywhere from t to 30 per cent, in addition to the Income tax at home, the Incomes of some titled Americans may be dissipated In taxes. It Is estimated, for Instance, that Baron Astor of Hever Castle will pay In this country, alone, something like J8,0OQ,000 annually. Sen ator Kenyon it the boy! For yeara we've been trying to keep our American girls of many dollars for our American boys who needed them (both the girls and the dollars) in their business. Now,- by Jim my crickets, we'll keep 'em from the coronet habit by taxation! Indianapolis Newt: Men will no doubt continue to discuss It as they discuss other ' forms of taxation, and will con tinue to differ at to the merits of the In come tax. But there can be no further question as to the power of congress, or the validity of the present law. Having this power, congress will appreciate the responsibility that goes with It and avoid any policy that even savors of confisca tion." There la a bill now pending that provldet for a still further Increase In the rate of taxation on Incomes In ex cess of 130.000, and tlso tor a reduction of tho minimum exemption below $3,000. If a much larger revenue becomes a ne cessity It could be derived from this tax without seriously oppressing anyone. CHEEKY CHAFF. Astounded Mother Whv. Tettle. roa never told me you had invited so many children to this rrty. Small Hostess That a 'cause you said that 1 could never keep a secret Life. Friend of the Family William, can ! be pone I hie that I heard you aay, "Hello, governor! to your ratnerr William Yes, It pleanes poor dad. You see. he never really has any say In any thing at home; mother's the real execu tive. Boaton Transcript "Say. look here, you're tha fellow wbe took mv overcoat from the club the other day!" "All a mistake, of course. But t left a much better one." "I know vou did. It was too small. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Mra. Casey The docther says ye hoe aprendlkitia, TimI Mr. Casey Ch-h. Norah. NereJi! Why wor ye so foolish as to ahow htm yer bank books? Dallas Newt. VlHEK I TAKE MY JlfcL Wf To TAkeT A CHAJTR0M WATCH THE" SHOW 70 TtU VOU ABOUT 1Y lAtt-RJ a is Head of Vestry It will be your duty to toll the bell, take cart of the furnace and blow the organ. New Sexton-Have I got to listen to all of the sermons, sir? Judge. "Do you think your constituent! agree with your views? "Yes," replied Senator Sorghum. "I made It a point to have my views In acreement with theirs before I tald a word." Washington Star, 'To what do you attribute your aue- ce.s V "To the fact," replied the self-made man proudly, "that In my youth I en oved all the disadvantages. 'St Louis Republic. "I feel safe from accident en this train." "Whv so?" "Because it Is In eharr of an .engineer who haa the reputation of being ks wreck less one." Baltimore American. "Please, ma'am." said the maid, "there's a man at the door with the new telephone directories." "Tell him to go away," replied the old mlstrese. "t haven't read the old one yet." The Craftsman. "You seem deeply attached to your little plavmate." "Her doll saved mv dMi'g Mfe," ex plained the doctor's daughter. "How was that?" "She consented to a transfusion ef aaw dust." Ioiitsvllle Courier-Journal, POETS VEESUS COOKS. (Naturally poets are born, but cooks are better paid. There's a reason extract from The Bee.) Poets are born And so are cooks; They're both alike So far, gadsookst 1 But cooks are paid For the work they do, And Poets? W ell It's up to you. Tea there's a reason Why conks are paid Much better than poets (Rut I wouldn't trade). It's because man's tumnryt (This truth Is grim) Is the most Important Part of him. While hit Intellect . He puts on a diet . For his tttmmy-tum-tum . . . He'd raise a riot . , To procure It all The food it can swallow; But he lets his brain ' : - . .j ,, Grow lean and hollow. Omaha. ., -B A TOLL. NE TRELE. "Golden State Limited" CALIFORNIA via Rock Island Lines Visit California this winter and go the warm, comfortable way the Golden State Route the direct line of lowest altitudes via Kansas City-El Paso. "Golden State Limited"- America's foremost transcontinental train entire train including observation-club car and dining car through without change between Chicago, Kan sas City and California. "Californian"- another transcontinental train via the Golden State Route with steel sleep ersboth standard and tourist chair cars and through observation and din ing car service. Daily from Chicago and Kansas City. Wide choice of re turn routes. Amtomatie Block Signals Fit Modem All'Stttl Equipment Superb Dining Car Service Early reservations important Telechona. write or call Rock Island Travel Buresu for information snd travel booklets. 1323 Farnam Strest, Omaha. Phone, Douglas 423. J. S. McNAXLT Divieioa Paaseager Agest V 1 T Persistence is the cardinal vir tue in advertising; no matter how good advertising may he in other respects, it must be run frequently and constant ly to be really succcessfuL