Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1916, Page 7, Image 7

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Meeting Called in St. Louit
March to Make Plant for
has been appointed to the
position of Home Secretary
in the British Cabinet.
John Purroy Mltchel, Henry W.
Kiel and J. C. Dahlman, mayors of
New York, St. Louis and Omaha, re
spectively, will Issue a call for a
meeting of mayors of the country,
to meet in St. Louis on March 8
and 4 for discussion of the presi
dent's preparedness program and to
take anch action as will impress con
gress with "the need for prompt
Mayor Mltchel sent Mayor Dahlman a
telegram on the subject, asking co-operation
In Issuing thla rail. Tha mayof of
this city will wire his willingness to Join
in thla effort and hiwIi to attend the
conference and participate In the dollb
eratlona. Mayor tahlman la In sympathy with
tha president's program and will do all
ha can to aupport the plan. ,
The telegram from Mayor Mitchel I
reada aa follow:
Will you Join with Hon. Henry W. KM.
mayor of St. Louis, and myself. In Issu
ing a call for a conference of th mayors
of the country on national defense, to
gether with auch committees aa yon
nave appointed on defense, to bo hold
In St. Ioiil on March J and 4. The suh.
Ject of national defense la most vital,
and It la planned to make thia confer
ence thoroughly representative In the
hope that congreea may be Impressed
with the demand from all parts of the
country for prompt attlon. Kindly wire
me your acceptance.
,-ye.v . ' "1
x ; -v.-ci
Union Men Give an
Hour's Wage to Help
Pay Hatters' Fine
More than 1 9W members ef Omriha
trade unions contributed an hour's wage
toward payment of he 1300.000 fine of the
Danbury (Conn.) Hatters' union. In cele
bration of the sixty-sixth birthday of
Samuel Qompers. president of th Ameri
can Federation of Labor, according to es
timate made by local labor leaders.
Moat of the Omaha union men who are
employed are bolleved to have contrib
uted, but no estimate of the amount given
ran be mad until reports are made by
the local unions to the central organisa
tion, according to T. W. McCullough, del
egate of the International Typographical
union to the American Federation of
The painters and atereotypers and elec
trotype. No. 34. made their contribution
week ago. They wore aent to Pecretary
Morrison of the American Federation of
Labor and Martin Lawlor. aecretary of
the United Hatters of North America,
Loral unionists took the occasion much
aa a matter of course. Contributions were
entirely voluntary. In many thops the
names of those who had given their por
tions were posted.
The money will go to pay tha fine and
court coats Imposed against the Hatters'
union of Danbury, Conn., in tha famous
case brought under the Sherman anti
trust law by Loewe ft Co.
Thirty-One Girls and Nineteen Boys
Get Places Through Merit in
Their Studies.
Thirty-one girls and nineteen boys on
the High Si tool of Commerce earned
places on the honor list which waa an
nounced by President Adams yester
day before the student body in the as
sembly hall. To be on this list the stu
dent must receive three or more As and
the balance Bs in their semester's work
. George Berger ia the only boy who re
ceived all Aa, but the following eight
girls merited that honor: Doris Board-
man, Edith Caatleman, Gladys Laraen,
Lillian Lawaon, Edna Morgan, Rose Pas
call. Mildred Sandberg. Sadie Weiss.
The others who .were on the list were
aa follows:
Here is a Chance to v
' Help Anti-Spitting
Campaign in Omaha
Mrs. H. C. Summy, who is backing a
campaign for tha observance of the anti
spitting ordinance, estimates that the
cost of printing carda and billboard post
era will be about $150. and ahe makes a
public appeal for contributions toward
thia fund. Working with Mrs. Sumney
la Mrs. K. R. J. Ed holm, representing
the Nebraska Society for the Study and
Prevention of Tuberculosis.
B. A. ' Wilcox of the Omaha National
bank has agreed to serve aa treasurer
and will receive and account for all
contributlonaent. Thoae Interested may
send their money by mall or call on
Mir. Wilcox.
"This la the people's fight and we are
confident that the money will be well
spent," said Mrs. Sumney.
Next week BOO placards will be distri
buted among various centers of Indus
try, the text of these notices calling at
tention to the evils of spitting In public
places. It has been conceded that legis
lation against spitting has not been very
effective. The present campaign will be
one of agitation and education.
Polloemen are to .be .Instructed .to in
form offenders regarding tha ordinance.
When the hand carda shall have been
printed supplies will be given to the
policemen for use when necessary.
William Albert.
John Fixa.
George Hanson,
Walter Kocher,
George Howaleskl,
William Krlss.
Martin Mtahes,
Harry Marka.
Helen Foster,
John Nicholson,
Wilbur Olson.
Joseph Bernlca,
Stella Petersoni
Felyn Ssndberg,
Georgia Tuma,
Clara Weaver,
Amelia Wells,
Ethel Adler.
Velma Alexander,
Esther Buckley,
V inlrred Brownfield,
Leona Elpperle,
Johanna Ekstrand,
Marxsretha Kngel-
Etta Grossman,
Ruth Holmes,
Msrv Gorman,
Elinor Lloyd. .
Htlrrm Peteraon,
Alice Ryan.
Ellen Stilling,
Merle Vanoua,
Hasel Weaver.
Wheat Touches the
High Mark for Year
Wheat on the Omaha market made an
other gain in price, going up 1H to 3
cents per bushel and tochlng the high
mark of the year. Spring wheat sold
at tl.'- to $1.31. and the hard variety at
$1.18 to $1.2?, the price depending upon
the quality. The receipts were fifty-
three carloads.
Corn was up one-half to 1H cents per
bushel, selling all the way between 69 and
71 centa per bushel. The receipts were
seventy-two carloada.
Oats were strong and one-fourth to ono
half cent up, selling at 4TH to 50 cents
per buBhcl. There were nineteen carloads
on the market.
Passengers Tell
of Fourteen Feet of
Snow in the West
Passengers coming through from the
Pacific coast bring with them the prise
enow atories relative to the recent snow
blockade on the Southern Pacific that
tUd up tralna for several days In the
mountains of Nevada.
At Summit, Cal., west of Reno, the
snow fell to a depth of fourteen feet on
the level. At Reno there waa a snow-'.
fall of twelve feet. There were several
trains stalled at Reno until the rotary
plows bored holes through the drifts.
There waa no drifting, but without it.
In the town of Reno, passengers tun
nelled from the train to the town, a
couple of blocks. Along the streets there i
were tunnels and cross tunnels, extend- I
lng from one business house to another.
Provisions were plentiful and there was ;
an abundance of fuel, so that there was
no suffering.
Frivolous Facts for Fretted Ford Own
era: If the en sin of your car grrws sul
len with the jol I. back the vehicle onto
a track and let an oncoming atreet car
oncome and strlka it lUhtly In the rear.
This waa demonstrated Friday morn when
a Ford gasped convulsively and proceeded
to halt at Twenty-second and Farnim
streets. A wea'bound street car, with no
such Intentions, however, bumped Into It,
Just aa the occupants were getting ready
to walk. The fender of the street car
was broken -nl Mra. J. C. Kinsley was
slightly cut by flying glass-but the Ford.
Ah.. the Ford! It perked right up and
hummed merrily along.
Trial Free
Rsttwi and analr tha hands on retiring: in
hot Cuticura soapsuds. Dry and rub
Cuticura Ointment well into the hands.
The result is wonderful.
Sample Each Free by Mall
n r oi,l floAlf m A1.
IIU OaT-p. PtIU swm vm V?
IreM pOMtrCATd foiiruri, lp. ltHJ.,
- o.. 1 ,4 tkeAiiohnnt thn a irt
To Overcome Eczema
Whatever may be your need, a Bee
Want-Ad will get It for you.
.Never mind how often you have tried
and failed, you can stop burning. Itching
ecsema quickly by applying a little so mo
furnished by any druggist for 25c. Extra
large bottle. $1.00. Healing begins the
moment semo la applied. In a short time
usually every trace of pimples, black
heads, rash, ecsema, tetter and similar
akin dlseaaea will be removed.
For clearing the skin and making it
vigorously healthy, semo Is an excep
tional remedy. It la not g.-asy, sticky
or watery and It does not stall.. When
others fall It is the one dependable treat'
ment for all akin troubles.
Zemo, Cleveland.
Month End Sales Saturday Offer Satisfying Quality and Assortments at Matchless Price Savings5
Clearance of all Men's and Rova'
C.oth l aps, worth ?c. II 00 an 1
up to 1. 0; all colors, ahapsa and
sites. Your Cap Is here at
T.Mir nnrestrtrte.1 choice ef our
entire stock of Men's Soft and
r'ttff telt Hals, all colore and
shape. (Stetsons excepted), worth
to 1100, st
e . s
is5ii, bads a no srzx
CAans AT ABOUT ts rxB
Trunks worth 110.00 at . . . . . ..8
Pas worth I (.00 at t3.S
ultras worth M00 et.....3.SS
Others at l.OO, ta.ts, M . M
axx. nra oats at about
Ai.r uoutu rtci.
All anylee of Caps aaa Fare.
II 00 Caps 91.00 t 1.00 Cajs 9 03
15.00 Caps 93.00 110.00 Ca; fS-80
Mearly tae Thoiisaefl New WtaJer Coats
Just received from our buyer now in New York,
On sale Saturday in three big lots Values that
will surprise the most critical buyer.
hi i
$18.50 Winter Coats $5
In corduroys, boucls, fine plaids and fancies,
stripe and plain colors, broad assortment of tho
season's most approved styles. Saturday, choice,
$22.50 Winter Coats
In fine tlbellne, novelty cloths, etc., plain colors
and fancies. Choice, of newest flare and belted
effects. Wonderful bargains. Saturday sale price,
up to $35.00
Wide assortment of newest styles in
wool plushes, plain kerseys, chiffons,
broadcloths, novelties, etc., at
More New Afternoon Dresses Received for Saturday
Silk Dresses at $15, $19.50, $25, $35, in tha advanced Spring Season's designs.
SPECIAL SATURDAY 150 more new dresses in Faille Silk and Serges, made in
the newest shades, all sizes, special Saturday ' $7.05
Small lot of Women's Silk Underskirts,
worth 2.50, as long as they last, Satur
day SI. 10
A new lot of Blouses for Saturday in Laces,
Crepe de Chine. Chiffons, In all shades and fancy
stripes. Blouses In this lot easily worth up to
$7.50 $3.05
One lot of blouses In Laces, Crepe de Chines and
Tub Silka, all colors and blacks, made to sell to
$4.00, Saturday 91.80
160 Children's Winter Coats, stses 2 to 6, full
10-12, that sold to $7.60, Saturday 81.05
Sale of Furs
T5 Fur Muffs in Mnnrhurlan Fox and Freuch
Coney, worth $10 to $12.50, Satur
day, special at
50 Fine Fur Scarfs In many kinds of Furs, sold
tip to C20, for quick sale, Saturday 33.05
High Effects
The hat Illustrated a,lM you
only a faint Idea of the t
tremely high ribbon effexta
nsed In trimming the new Oh
penux. A good many of these
hats are fully a foot and a half
high. Among the more con
servative styles shown are tho
new Tot Turbans, Bell Crown
Sailors, 'Saucer-shaped Sailors,
DoubleDecked Tot Hats,
Slashed Turbans. Colonials and
the new Omelette Turbans are
very popular. Some re Mtis
of Chrysanthemum braid and
corns In the most beautiful col
orings. . .
The, assortment is so varied
so delightfully versatile
that every face will tlud its
charming frame among them.
We feel safe to assert that
Ourt Is tha most com plot
present Millinery Showing i
Omaha. .
Tailored Street Halt, $5 to 112
Dreu Hats, $8.50 to S18
And Now for a Clean Sweep of the Boys' Winter Suits and Overcoats
The biggest stock we have ever shown in' January, here for your selection. - All values at
the reerular Drices we know will make us new
friends and customers and cause the old ones
to boost for Hayden's.
Boys' Suits and Overcoats, dJO OC
That Sold at $4.00 and $5.00 . . . d.OO
Tremendous variety of styles in the season's best fab-
I rics and colors for your selection at this price. All, sizes, 6
to 18 years, and every suit artistically tailored. Don't fail
to take advantage of these great bargains.
Four Big Specials in
Corsets Saturday
LOT 1 Corsets worth to 1 5, me
dium bust, extra Jong skirts, In
plain or fancy materials. Choice.
for Saturday, at $2.08
LOT 2 Corsets worth to $3, In
beat standard makes, medium and
short lengths, Saturday at 81.70
LOT S $2 Corsets in all nizes,
medium bust, medium or short
skirts, nicely trimmed. Snaps
t 81.10
LOT 4-A75c and $1 Corsets, plain
and flesh colors, all sizes, make a
good house corset, Saturday, 40
60c Brassiere, front or back fasten
ing, embroidery or lace trimmed,
special at 30
$1.50 Brasstero, 34 to 48, front or
back fastening, .beautifully trim
med, choice at ; . . . .G9
Boys' Light Wash Waists, 8 to U,
attached -collar, regular 76c val
ues, choice at 35c
LRdles' navy blue Sweaters, values
to $2.50, 34 to 42. Sat y 81.45
"Women's .Real . Kid Gloves,
in slip-on effect, very new
for early spring, in white and
tan only, worth up to $2.50
pair; while they dt ajj
last, at pl.aW
Women's One and Two-clasp
Lambskin Gloves, in light or
medium weight, in- all col
ors, worth $1.00, ft
am XmmanJvaBL
4 .
Values at the month end sale nrices which
tn . nl!J..i. 111 . L j S . 1
wc ic cuiuiueat you win not una equaled eise-
wnere in tne iana. see tnem. :
Boys' Suits and -Overcoats,
That Sold at $5.00 and $8.00 . .
' All the classiest new styles and very cho'ieest patterns
and fnlmcs. All sizes, 6 to 18 years. Not a single Suit or
Overcoat in our immense stock reserved.
Women's Cashmere Gloves,
in black, crray and
brown, at 15 and
'..25c H
Drugs and Toilet Articles
11. 00 bottlx Pal !ipotlcs SSo
IJ.7S bot. Horllck's Msltl Milk 9S.7S
60o Jar Menlbolatum 890
10a flhoe Hhlnola .' So
10c Williams' Shaving Hasp 4a
Threw for . . . .10fl
60(3 bottle rhenals Wafers aao
25o bot. Lambert's Llxterlnn ISO
Four 10o rolls Crep Toilet Paper SSo
Four 10c bars 1'eroxlJo or ('til
Hoap SSe
10o Jap Rose or Wash Has Caatlle to
2&o . Woodbury's Cream Hoap or
I'owder ISO
!5o Ponds' Vanlnhlng Cresni ISO
36o Nail Buffers So
tbo Natl Polish, in powder form,- ISO
50c White. Plna Cough Cure SOo
2io White Pine Cough Curs 190
DJer Kiss tau' Powd-r.. .B0o
75c Plnaud's Toilet Water 6o
S5o 1-lb. Doric Acid SOo
2fo Tooth Brushes lOo
60s Hard Rubber Iiresnlng Combs ISO
3 (10 Ited Itubber Whirling Ppray
Hyrlnge , .91.50
f 1.00 Comb Welling Syringe, guar
anteed 3 yeara S3. 00
12 Red Rubber Fountain flyrlnsra $1.50
fl.liU Hed Rubber Fountain riyrltiiio,
for .8
BOc Hind's Honey and Almond CreHm.
for BM
B0 box I Trefle or Aiurra Powder.
for so
Ladle A11-Wmi1, SI1W and Wool.
All-Nilk snd Silk ami Ml I nlon
Suits, In flesh and white, all the
best known makes that sold up to
$5.00, Saturday, all at
one prlre
lndles Wool nd Kxtrn Henry
Kloece or HUk and Wool qq
l iilon Suits, 2 50 sulta at. . tOC
tlilldren's Oiittng Gowns,
all, at ........... .
lilies' Italian Silk Vests and
Itloomem and Combination Suits,
hand embroidered In crepe de
chine and Italian silk, worth to
13. 9K, Saturday,
Iadlos' MunIIii Gowns worth to
$2.50, fine quality naln- qq
took and cambric, at.... OC
Month End Specials
. In Women s and
Children's Hose
Complete - llnei of Main an'l
oncy Silk Hosiery In all the n- w
e( shades and colorings, wort J
up to 18.80. Very speclul
. 81.00. 81.10. 81.50
Women's fiber Bilk Hose vitii
lisle top, double sole and heel, ail
color, 75c values.; Special, 50
Women's fiber Boot Hose, fash
ioned and seamltsrt, black and -oN
ors. . Special , ; . ... .Jjfjj
Women'g , medium and heavy
weight cashmere hoso In blaik
nd gray, In plain and heary rib
bed, 3Se quality, special. . .'.25
Boys' nd Misses' fleeced hnwl
hose, all slea, J5 values.
Misses' fine ribbod llslo hose in
block and white, 19e values. 8pe-
M 12V4
Infanta' and Children's light and
medium weight cashmere and
fleeced bose at. . .2t and 35
Omaha's Greatest Market for Groceries,
Butter, Cheese. Fruits, Vegetables,
Teas, Coffees and Crackers
For Quality and a laving ef 88
IT lbs. best pure Granulated Puar
for $i.oa
4S-!h. sacks best high grade Pta
moi.d Jt (''lour, nothing finer for
bread, plea or cakes, aack... 91.49
JO bars Ucat-'Em-AH. IMamond C or
luniiry Quern, White Laundry
0 cans Oil Sardines 10
4 pkgs. h at Dome. tic Macaroni,
jnnU elll or htaxhettl 80
Tall cans Alaska Halmon 100
California Ripe Olives, can 10e
Karire bottle Worcester Pauce, Pure
Tomato Catsup, Plc.!s (jBort4
klnua. or Prear d Mmturd, per
bott.e 80
82-ox. Jara Pure Fruit Preserves SSo
2D-oi. Jura pure Strained H'lney B3o
4 cans fancy Wax, String, Green or
Lima lieaus SOO
4 cans Golden Pumpkin, Hominy,
Sautr Kiaut or baked iiens..kto
t Jbs. choice J a ran lUce SJo
K-C Corn uea, pag io
The bbi ,Mua oi u it t'l ackei a 7o
Fancy Assurtixl Coolt, lOo, lVs
and 110
2-1 b. pkg. Self-RI lng PaJicake Flour
for Stta
Pure New York liuckwbeat Y our,
per lb 6o
Gal. cans Golden Table Syrup. .360
Condensed Mines Meat, pkg....7VtO
MacUucn'i peanut liutifr, lb.iaHe
Fancv Gulden Santos Coffee, for
family use, nothing like 1t lb. SOo
softs, rn doxejt wc
Tho beat Storage k.gga.
The best Creaxnary RutUr, it"n
or bulk, lb Slo
to 50 o tha Cost of Living-, Try
s first.
Fsiicy No. 1 Country Creamery But
ter, lb aao
fancy No. 1 Dairy Rutter, lb...S70
Full Cieam, Young America, N. Y.
White or Wisconsin Cream Cheese,
per lb ago
box Arrus bpeciax. battjbdat
One carioad of fancy Colorado Jona
thans, one carioaU of fancy Roman
Reauty Apples, one carload of
fancy Greening Ap..-e. all packed
In standard boxes. . ff
Saturday, box
Fancy 64 sue Morlda Grape Fruit
that retails for 4c and 10c earn
Saturday go
Fancy F.orlda Tangerines, regular
Jic seller at, dosen ..iaVo
Th orange of quality klsaed by
the sun. moon and stars. Regular
u0o size, Saturday 403
Regular 40c sice, Saturday for. . 30o
Regular tho aixe, Saturday lor..8bo
Regular Sue Sutunluy for..aoo
torn tbb rsoii.a.
Wisconsin Cabbage, lb le
19) lbs. boat 1'otaloes go
1 large bunchej fresh 8hs.ots, Rati-.
lahM, lieeU, Carrots, or Turnips
for i5o
Fancy lenver Caullflowert lb..TUo
Old Beets, Carrots, Turnips) or Para.
nlp. lb g
largo (soup Bunches for xoo
llill V Hd l.tllK'A k.Bjl 1 : .
I Fresh Spinach, peck 8So
Pill . IMA" 1 No
Meat Dept. Specials for Saturday
1 Fresh Pork Lolna ..10 He
1 Steer I'ot Roast .Be and 10c
1 Steer Rib Boiling Beef 8Hc-
1 Steer Round Steak 10 He
1 Fresh Spare Ribs .10c
1 Bulk Sausage 8Hc
lbs. best Leaf Lard
Armour's Btar Hams 17Ue
No. 1 Fancy Lean Bacon 17 He
No. 1 Back Bacon ...134c
No. 1 Bait Pork . oHe
No. 1 Picnic Hams 104 e
Fresh Bulk Oysters, quart 8()c
Fresh Dressed Chickens at Wholesale-Prices.
Washing Machines and Other Wash Day Items
Round Western Washers, 5l
O. K. Washera , go
Your choice of 3 different
makes of $10.00 high-speed,
best grade Washeis, ea.,
The well-known Superb An
chor Brand Wringers, war
ranted, special S3
Islington Wringer, worth M,
tor 82.50
Folding Ironing Boards, $1.25
value 08t
Solid Braid Cotton Clothes
Lines for 10
Mrs. Potts' 6-plece Sad Iron
Sets, at 89
Genuine Llsk Wash Boilers,
medium aire, heavy tin Boil
ers, copper bottoms, Si. 00
Large alze heavy Tin Hollers,
with copper bottoms, 81. 7t
Extra large heavy. . .81.80
Medium size, extra heavy, all
copper Boilers S2.7&
Large slxe, extra heavy, all
coprer Boilers 83.25
Extra large, extra heavy, all
copper Boilers 83.GO
Galvanized Boilers, No. 9,
t 81.10
Zinc Washboards 25
Folding Clothes Racks, large
New Wright Gaa Irons 81.08
A few bargains of slightly
damaged Wash Boilers, all
copper and heavy tin, copper
Medium Austrian Willow
C.otntei Basket TSo
Large Austrian Willow Clothe
Basket SSo
Kxtra large Austrian Willow
Clothes Ha-kft Sjl.lS
Medium else Galvanised Tubs, 40e
l.'trge alio Galvanised Tubs, fio
ltia largo else Galvanised
Tuba ee
FlK-trlc Irons, Idea), 11.50 vnlue
Liquor Dept.
S"11 J W 1 alt
uiu layiur, iuii
quart 8 jr. old..
Old Crow, full
quart, 10 yr. old..
Green River, full
quart, 8 yr. old. . .
Cedar Brook, full
quart, 8 yr. old. .
Clarke's Ture Rye,
full quart, 8 yrs.
Rye, full quart,
8 yr. old
California Port, half gallon. . 7f
Gallon -81.25
Home-made Grape Wine, half gal
lon ' 75
Gallon SC. i5
Bunklst Wines, 6 yr. old, full
fluart -0
Gallon 81."r!"
Old Colonial Bella, pure, s---t
Wine, bottle ; .
Maryland Rye, full quart.. .T5
Vj gallon 81.25! Pal'on T-?.r.ft
Ter Gallon.
JsJf C.Uon.
Full Quart
111 .V II
s J)
111 u u- . I " ' ' '