Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1916, Page 15, Image 15
TIIK BEE: OMAHA, SATURDAY, JAXUARY 20, 15 FOR RENT-HOUSES .North, For Kent, A Bargain S92J North Uth St., two-story, ell rooms. recption hall and bath; strictly Bflodern,. ons block of Sherman Ave. ear line; good m new; $;aj per month; owner leaving cltv. H IATT-FA 1 K Kl KS COMTANT. 230 Omaha Nat 1 Pang Bldg. Telephone longlaa 4!W. fr'w mod, hum; 7 Msniicrson Col. 13. goatta. -ROOM home in H.mM.oni Pars Llatr1ct, U3S Ueorma Am , v Hh gnrage; Mcalf" decorated, rxrclerit condition; $.16. HASTINOS 1 1 I iFX, 114 Harney St. NIl'K 6-room cuiuui' ai ivh Spring Bt. for IIS. H nnii'v J.yA t"IVE-ROOM house, modern except fur nace. 1000 Martha St. ItriNT TO l'KUKL'ARY 1. (Si S. 19th, 8-r., all modern house; well artangrd 101 renting rms.. .40.00 Mi N. 17th, ii-r.. all mod. apart ment, heat and water furn.sned. 35. M t.M Wirt, o-r. cot., mod. ex. heat.. 15 00 Jm 8. ltith. j-r. cottage, pt. mod. .0t J010' Bristol .St., 5-r., part mod.. 14. 00 HASP HUwS. tMH'Wt.AS 13. fc-r., a.M'4 Ltovcnporl fct., West r'sruum, T-r., l't:''j limmtt Bt., mod. ex. ht 3l !-r., 7it 1'arkrr St.. colored, mod.... 30 S-r., Shelby Court, mod. ex. ht IS K1ffltHjrKljtT0). Iwgla K. 14W CHAKl.liS t rooms, balh. SIS. 2X I'oppleton Ave., 6 and bath, 117. JOHN N. FRKNZEn.IWigl -K., UowntownT colored, il2; i and -r., lota garden ground, 4-5. Tel. Doug. 2107. Evenings Walnut lloTsKS FOR 11KNT. CRKRiH. SONS ft CO.. aV bKK BLUU. lOUQ. K. E70"ine ventral furniture blore a s'KIlS t: ENTAl. LldT FOR RENT-AP'TS AND FLATS West. THK UKWKY, NEW AXU Ll'-TO-DATE. 3.J01 DEWEY. JI BT COMPLETED. Consisting of 3 rooms with 5-room ac commodations; 2 built-in beds;, kitchen and bath; all outside rooms; tod light kitchen; individual porches; choice lo cation; 336 summer; $4o winter; Ear nam car line, pee this today. HASTINGS & Tl K YPEN. 1M4 Harney St. 4-It., Hfo Harney, has sun parlor, built in bed. very choice, good location, all outside rooms, good light, plenty ven tilation, choice locution, tSub-lcase,; 31- .60 summer. HASTINGS & HEYI'KN. 1M4 HAHNI'V. AI'AR'1'.MEN'l'.S. 4- r., ;!0tli and Capitol Ave., 3:15-340 5- r., Ueorgiu, HW Georgia Ave H7.50 4-r.. Elo-Les. IH'th and Capitol Ave., flrat floor .7.60-H2.WI VERY choice 4 or 5-room steam heated apartment, on West Karnam Street. JNO. W. ROHHINM. 1HU Karnam e't. MODERN T-r. apartment, including beau tiful east sun room. In west Faroam district, for lent. Harney JIW. o 1'lVE rooms, second floor, unturnisiif a, close in, vW UodKc, lo. U. A. EcKles. 1'iitiiH' Uq. iglag o WOODL.AND tlt and Dewey., api. o, m. very desirable. E. E. Brando, H. 1103. south. KI.ATS. 6-r.. JUS Iovenworth St., mod. ex. ht. $16 6-r., Hhelbv Ct , close In. mod. ex. ht.. 14 !i-r.. lit'2 tot li. 2d floor, mod. ex. ht. 12 3-r.. S. th Ht.. near Ieav. 8t 13 I'KTKRH TRI'HT CO.. Douglas S9K. FIV E-liuOAl alcum ncaied apanmenu very le.liable. the Chula Vista. 30th .nil I'oppleton Ave., $42. 6A 322 Bran- ceia Theater Bldg. Doug. 157L Mlaceilaneoaa. MONTH FREE RENT. CIOSE-IN APARTMENT. 3-room and lath apartments. brick. I jnod. but heat, best neighborhood, 112.50 and Call lor appointment to see them. D. E. BUCK, 912 OMAHA NAT. DO. 52K. -, MOVING AND STORAGE "GLOBE VAN & STORAGE Stores, moves, packs, ships, 8-horsa an and 2 men, fl.a per hour; storage, 2 per month. Satisfaction guaranteed. Douglas 433K and Tyler 230. GORDON VAN CO. Packing, storage and mov ing. 21 N. 11th St. Tel. Douglas 894 or Harney 1937. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE Separate, locked rooms, for house hold goods and pianos; moving, paralag and shipping. OMAHA VAN AND STORAGE CO.. 0 8 lth Bt. Douglas 4163. iDKUTi' pTerVTck Phone Douglas 288 for complete list of vacant houses and apartments; also for storage, moving. 16th and Jackson fits. t T C RVlT.n Exp- Co moving I. J iMLlSUU n..blni and atoraaa. 12W rarnam 8t Douglas gi4. atAGGARD Van btoiage Jo.: Moving packing, storage and shipping. D. 14L4. FOR RENT-BUSINESS PROP'TY toraa. Lease for Bale Good Location EEAL ESTATE INSURANCE 130 8ia&r Feet tlO.OO. The Bee Building Co. " Room 103. WILL remodel space. SO by 0, for lodge hall, 3d floor of Crounse Block, 11 N. 16th St., to suit tenant. CONRAD VOUNO. m Brandels Thea. Doug. 1571. 6MALL store room; very desirable:, rent. SO; 1530 Cass St. CONRAD YOTJNQ, 322 Brandels Thea'er. Douglas 1S71. STOREROOMS at 1809-1811 Parnam St. Thos. F. Hail, 433 Ramge Bldg. D. 740. fiODER.N store near postofflce; low rent. O. P. Btebblns, 1810 Chicago. WANTED TO RENT tnturalabed 11 oases tat Flats. E HAVE many calls fur houses to rent. List yours with us. F. D. W EAD. 310 B. lsth tit., Wead Bldg. REAL ESTATE-SUBURBAN Haaaoa. ROOM. All modern, in Benson, at 2313 N. 63th St. Pull lot. house about 6 years old. Mortgage on It of $L'.(in0.00, payable 31.U0 per month: make offer for equity. You need not fear to make offer low enough. The owner must sell and you will get a snap. H A. WOLF. 614 Ware Blk. Doug. 80S3. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED Weal. BARGAIN Two good, well built, well arranged S-room houses, strictly modern and up-to-date, located on corner 36th Ave. and Jones St. Paving all paid. Price $i,5w). Kintal $7W. Always rented. D. V. SIIOLES CO., f!5-l Crfy Nst'l Bank Bldg. Doug. 4i Martk. PEETTr HOME NEAR "PRETTIEPT MILEi" AM LKAVINO CITY AND WILL SACRI. PICK MY HOME. Fifty-foot lot, rooms, modern, excellent condition, paci street, all specials paid; roes. ..... . 1 1 1 1 1. laiuiiy t ." Ill Ii nr mr... VAU . .. ...... - .. - -- w-. b- . . u.ivii aii'i .no.I. tlirec-uiinute car service, on tuik. C..ur at the price asked, v. M. FOOTE. M2 Foler Ave HA 1-1-' H If you watch the "For .-ale. Miscellaneous ' columns of THE I'l'l.' ...I'll .7).. .. j. . . , iiiuiwnicil sie for all practical pui po-hs alniont s-t uid ss new odvcriised fnr half tne original price in THE BEE. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED North. REAL BARGAIN Ttrand new, "-room, strb-tly modern stucco house, with sleeping porch; Just completed; near Kteld ilub. He sura and see this bouse before vnu buy and we will save you money. Write N. J. Hkog rnsn & Sons, building contractor. 812 N. Jjftth Et., or phone llarney7ol anyjtlme. HALr' A . within blocks ol " car line" new 5-room house; full basement, elec tric light, well water. Thos. U Mc "srry Keellne TiMf. Red RORTH front lot. 16th and Rherwood Ave., with old S-room brick cottage, not modern; only 1.!60. Tel. 1 oiig. Sh.. TfT? rooms, four apartment, cheap. I'hone tolfag lu52 after 11 a. m. Soatk. Ir'OH SALE A BAltGALN This 7-room modern house, hot waist heat, located -40 8. ltb tt., one-half block from Boulevard. PRICE, $2,250 THE BYRON REED CO., Douglss r7. I t2 S. lTth FOR SALE Strictly modern 7-room house, nearly new; Field club district; fares east on the boulevard. Will aell cheap If taken at once. Buy direct from owner. I'hone Harney Ibii. Stlaeellaaeona. GENUINE BARGAIN, rractlcally rew five-room cot tan a, modem except heat, located In a new addition and surrounded by new houses, In west part of city, 1H blocks to car line; must sell at once on aorount of wife's health; price, only U.3M. Call Webster 6,M Sunday and evenings, or Dougla 31S during week days, WANTED Experienced white nurse girl. Young girl need not apply. 4U6 N. 3Sth S t .. H wmey 6W. RT-Tw 7-room modern house. O. A. Kckles. I'hone Douglas 1893. o REAL ESTATE-UNIMPR8VED TUB most remarksble derelopmrnt ever seen in umnha la mi.Nhi Ll iiA addi tion. Over WW lots have been sold In that addition in seven months. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., OWNERS. o Sooth. GREAT LOT BARGAINS'. Leavenworth St.. coiner. East Belt line, S7r.. Cuming and 47th. 7uo. G EURO K O. WALLACE, Keellne Rldg. 31 iirellsneoui. LOT bargain, cleanup sale, Mornlngslde, Kenwood , Brookliiie, Crelghton 1st, Kenwood, Lennox, Clalrmont, West End, Baker Place, Her 1'lace. Ames Place. Elllston Park Place. Florence and Dundee. , TEF.HENS. 60T) Omaha Nat. Bk. REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES For Sale or Excliauge Seven room modern houso with largo lot, on paved street, paving paid. Price ,00u. Mortguge. $2,tf. Owner will ex change for vacant land in Nebraska with hard soli or for well located va cant lot in Omaha. I J. II. Dumont & Co., 4IB-1 Keellne Bldg. Tel. Doug. V. TO EXCHANGE FOR RANCH. 115.000 restaurant and billiard room; the best money maker In Iowa; want good unincumbered grass land. E. L. rills. Perry, la. FtJR SALE or exchange for Omaha prop erty, nice little ranch In north central part of state (640 acres), good Improve ments; no cash required; owner now in cltv. Address K 4t, Bee. APinTMPVT hnn.. M .nll Rent 17 bin Want, flrat rlu.a farm j A ABBOTT, Room 4, "Patterson Blk. REAL ESTATE, Fire and General Insur ance. Art Thatcher. 1217-1S City Na tion Bank Bldg. Douglas 3S01. 300 ACRES. Montgomery county, Iowa, to deal roe Omaha Income. UA-MPUULAi & CRA1Q, Keellne Bldg. REAL ESTATE-WANTED INTELLIGENT and persistent advertis ing will "sell" any salable real estate, and the largest number of prospective buyers can be reached through the Real Estate and W ant-Ad Guide to all of Greater Omaha THE BEE WANTED To buy on monthly payments, small store room, with living rooms above, la Central school district. Phone Red 7i A BUSY, busy door bell and a steady stream of replies-after your ".jKB Want-Ad has told Us story. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Investors and Builders Attention I $18,000. We have an excellent piece of ground close-in. Iiioxl60 with a frontage On three streets. Priced rlgnt, with reas onable terms. In line of advancement and a big Increase In value. All streets paved and paid for. , Glover & Spain, Doug. 3Sg, 819-80 City National. WHAT he had to sell: An automobile, a motorcycle, a summer cottage, a Morris chair. And ha sold '-hem through TUB BEE Want Ad coluraua. FINANCIAL Real Estate Loans, afortgages. WE art) ready at all times to tuakt) loans oa flrst-clagg city property and eastern Nebraska farms. Rates on request. . UNITED 8TATL8 TRUST CO til 8. 17tn Bt $ TO (or loans oa best class elty residences In amounts ti.OuS up; alee farm loans. Reasonable commissions PKTKH8 TRUST CO.. 1622 Farnam St. OMAHA homes! East Nebraska farma O KEEFE REAL ESTATE CO., IQH Omaha National. Phone Douglas ITU $100 TO $10,uuu made promptly. F. IX V.'ead. Wead Bldg.. 18th V Farnam Sta. aiONEIf on hand for city and farm luaaa. H. W. Binder, City National Hank Bldg. CITY property. Largs loans a specialty. w. n. i umnaa, a piate pang riiqg. CITY and larm 6. i. per oatib J. H. Dumont at Co., 413 State Bank. CITY LOANS, c. Q. Carlberg. &0. u nranae s l neater Miqg. 6 MONET. HARRISON aV MORTON. Stocks aua ttoads. 7 Home Builders Pays 7 Plus builders' profits msklng over 10 per rem in mio 10 our investors. You can Invest $1.U and up to run aa long as you wish and convert Into taan on snori notice. Ask for our "New Wsy" bo'ilet. lltll Authorized Capital $l ,!. 1314 APTHOKIZEl) CAPITAL $.O),O00. AUTHORIZED CAPITAL fotiO.OuO.OO. AMERICAN SECURITY CO. Fiscal A gents. Omaha. UNCLE SAM ol. slock at a sacrifice of 1 cent per share; advertised price to non-stockholders, cents; i,JU snares. u i. j. co j g n an . r.agerton. rvan. Abstracts at Till. WHEN buying real aetata have Us eorav pus your abstract, uuaraniee Aostract CXf.jRm. 7. Patter sob Big. D. k'li'Klf. f'U guaraotaa and Abatraot Co.. a mode ern abstract of fioa. gr 6 17th St. Tel. D. 647. EfeTT y.KD ABStRACTCO. oldest abstract of floe in Nrbraska. Brandels Tbea. HORSESLIVESTOCK-VEHICLES For Sat. ihirty-two milk agous for seie. cheat. Juhr.son-Danforth Co. and Clara. HAY-$ IkU. A. .V. Wagner, aul nTTT POULTRY AND fETST0CK alXj' giaui. iuv iua. $i.7. Jaguar. Ml fi, 17 FARM AND RANCH LANDS Florid La a ale MAKING MONEY WII11JS YOU WAIT. There will be planted In our section In Florida this month U'.OUO to 15.iW acres of Irish potatoes. These potatoes will go to market atout the time the MeVTM toes win re followed Dy a crop oi corn or other field crops. Our lends sie equally adapted to trucking, small or large farming and stock raising. The largest rattle and hog farm tn the Vntted States Is being develofpcd In our locality. No one crop country can begin to compare with It. A place to live aa well as to make money. The superb all year round cli mato should add years to your Ufa. BENSON CARMICHAEL, S42 r-!nJ,',t: Omaha. Xeb. "FREE tK'ilfo VERO, FLORIDA, Tuesday, Febrngry L to see the famous Indian River farms. here the luscious orange and grape fruit are produced In abundance; where general and Intensive farming Is engaged In; where the possi bilities In cattle, hoga. poultry raising ant calrylng are almost unlimited; -owing days In the year; outdoor Ufa, noaung, naming, ilslilng ana nunung; good roads, schools and cburchea. We want you to see this country, where op portunity awaits you; where you can secure that farm and home on eaay payments, which may mean your very Independence. Call or write for free booklet and complete plnns for this free trip. MEDDINO A HEDD1NO. MS Brsndeis Theater Bldg., Omaha. Web. .Minnesota Lands. s oaCre y a k mk0r" rent: Southern Minnesota, well Improved, tiled, smooth; WW per acre, or share rent. Ben ConSj Wlndom, Minn. Mtaalaalppl La ads. AN OCEAN SPRINGS Pecan orchard, will provldo you with a winter home mid sunshine and flow ers, snd psy you an income besides; costs you nothing to Investigate. W. T. 8.MUTH CO.. D. M. City National Bank Bldg. Mlsaoarl LaaOh 2J7H ACRES improved. 3 miles of Salem, Mo.; 140 acres fenced, eo acres culti vated,' lays fine; good soil; price 40 Per acre. W. S FRANK. Neville Blk.. Omaha. Nebraska Lands. CE.N ERA lt NEBRASKA FARM CHEAP An omsha man owns a very fine luo acre farm 2 miles from county seat in Central Nebraska and we think he would be willing to exchange It for Omaha property. The lund is all level; Iihs fine sandy loam soil; 30 acres being alfalfa, with plenty of tame and wild hey and running water; j;o per acre Is the price and it is worth the money. PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANV. 6th FI.Omaha Nat. Hk. Bldg. D. 17KL EASTERN Neb., 2o-acre farm. 50 per acre. C. S. Relyes. 316 Ramge Bldg., Omaha, Neb. W tseonsln Lands. UPPER WISCONSIN Best dairy and general crop state lu the union; settler wauled; lauds for sale at low prices oa easy terms. Ask for booklet 34 on Wis consin Central Laud Urant. Excellent lands for siock raising. If interested is Iruit lands ai-k for booklet on apple or chards. Address Land and Industrial Dept., Boo Line Railway, aiuinaapolui. Minn. Texas Lssia. ) WHEN you buy a larm, get It where It has a future. If you buy high-priced land you are just trading dollars, so to speak. We have a land proposition that ought to interest every larmer seeking to better his condition. Our Isnds sen at Wo to M) per acre, on easy terms. The soil Is rich and fertile, the climate fine, tha water supply pure and plenti ful; the rain', all has always been ample to Insure crops. Until a lew years ago there was no railroad through this sec tion of the country, but with the ad vent of a main-line railroad It Is now rapidly coming to the front, towns are springing up, and In a few years these lands will double and treble In value. We have personally Investigated this land, bought some of It ourselves, and have the agency for a limited supply. These lands ere- located . In western Texas, below the Psnhandle. Circular giving detailed Information furnished upon application. SCOTT & 1IILL COMPANY UoCaguo Building, Omaha. Douglas 1009. BEAUT1FI L RIO GRANDE FARM FOR SALE CHEAP. I have two fine farms, located on ths Great Mercedes tanal at Mercedes, Tex. I must sell one 1 of them and will give some one a bargain. The farm Is all Improved and ready for working. It's a beauty and a snap. Must be sold. Lock Box Zii. Marshall town, la. Mlacrliuneoaa. HAVE YOU A FARM FUR 8ALBT W rit a good description of your land sad send It to the bloux City (la.) Jour, nal, "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Fri day evening, Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday tor one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve dllferent days for $2; or 69 words, $4, or 7j words, tg. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper; 214.000 readers dally In four great siales. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Automobiles Wsaut, HAVE pair of diamond ear screws weigh- ing IVs karats eacn, to trade lor A Ulu-16 auto. Phone Douglas 1447. For Sale. REAL BARGAINS t 1314 Ford touring cars. 1 118 Ford roadster. 1 1914 Ford roadster. 1 1911 Hupp 30 roadster. I 1912 Chalmers 30 roadster. 1 1912 Maxwell 36 truck. C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO. jiirj riL'ysjii Dougiasj. 1 1916 Bulck C-25; louring, excellent shape 3660 2 1915 Bulrk roadster, good shape.. 11914 Studebaker six touring... i0 e 1914 King roadster Lo 6 1914 Ford touring ). 1913 Ford truck i:bO Auto Clearing House, 2?iB Farnam. DS.'ll. 1.000-LB. truck $126. Nebraska Uulck Service Station. 1914 Farnam. Phone Douglas ill. AUTOMOBILE MUTUAL lNBURANCiO CO.. DougiBS S9l. Asia Livery as borages, industrial Garage Co.. an a Harney 3ta All Hepa'rlaa and Palutlag. Automobile painting done by expertaTlo years' experleiics In Omaha; work guar anteed 1st class. Johnson-Danforth Co. Eoo reward for magneto we can't renair. Col's repajd.Jbjfdorfer. 310 N. 18th. fiee winter storage when cars ara paJnu ed and repaired. Johnson-Danforth Co. flmsLha Radiator Hep. Co Jiai Far. I. Juoi A its) Ttres aa taiisllaa. UUPLEX tires last longer, ars stronger and mora durable. gxH. 36.60. i6u nam '"s' AUTO TIRES REBUILT. $3.00 TO $5.09. DUO TIRE CO.. 1611 Chicago St MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES b'AKLE a -DA V IDbON MOTORCYCLE)!." bargain la used machines. Victor Rooe, Ilia Motorcycle Mao." Ifitfi Lata Tan worts. fottoa Mavrkea- NEW YORK, Jan. COTTON Spot, quiet; middling uplands. U.86c; no sales. Cotton futures opened steady. March, 11112c; May. 12.0; July, U.lVc. October, 12 17c; Iecmber, l?.80c. Cotton futures closed steady; March, 11.90c; May. 1131c; July, Uc; October. 13.:Mc; Decern bar. llttic The cotton market closed stesdy at a net advance of eight to eleven points. LIVERPOOL. Jan. COTTON r pot easier; good middling, S.2sd: middling, 7.9Jd. low middling. 7t6d. Sales, .out balrs. Melal Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 2X. MIJTAIX-Iad. $6 06. Spelter not quoted. Copper firm, electrol) tic, $-5.6 for secod quarter da livery. Iron steady and unchanged. Tin quiet; spot, $11 bid.. At Ixndon: Spot copier. i'9n la; elec Irolvtic, ppot tin. il7 :s; futures. 11)79 Atitiinon. 2'i. lA-u-i, LIZ 2m d. r'pellcr. i.91 I GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat it Beit Seller and ii Quoted at One and a Half to Two Cent Higher. AND DEMAND GOOD OMAHA. January H. li. Wheat, rorn and oats were In demand t0?y nd sold at advanced prices. "heat was the last seller, the receipts w'r" fairly heavy and there was a fsirlv active demand for this ce.-eal. Wheat sold i-y 10 jc nigner. Corn was also a good seller, the better grades filing a mo higher, while the poorer grades were o higher. receipts or oats continue light and the few ears that r. nrr-a i... . I old Ho to ei higher. viearanoes were: Wheat and flour lial to WJ0 bushels: Mm. 1 law bushels: oats. 844.000 bushels. Wheat. W1 hlirhsr 1 1. I l-orat" Wd hlgher. Primary corn reeelpts were l.fWi.noo bu. and shipments 7:,000 bu.. against re ceipts of 704.000 till, and ahlnmnnla of 672.000 bu. last year. Prima rv enrn mvlnli mn 1 mittt hil and shipments ftrV.ooO bu., against re ceipts of hu. and shipments of 72.a bu. last vear. Primary oata receipts were 1.043.000 bu. and shipments SM-Ouo bu.. against receipts of 743.000 hu. and shipments of 1.017.000 bu. last year. CARLOT RECEIPTS. CMcuo 17 Minneapolis 1M Duluth m Omaha t;i .Kansas City list 8t. Louis m 210 M Winnipeg ai These sales were reported todsy: ..h'tNo- "ra winter: I csrs. .i7H; cars. $127; 1 ears. 1 ; No. 4 hard winter: 1 car. cars. $1.24; i car. $1.M; S S- cars. $1.2;; 1 car. HI; ' cars. II IS; 1 car, $1.17; 1 car. $1 Is. No. I spring: 1 car, ll.M. No. 1 spring: 1 car. 1 1 ); l car, $1.1. No. 4 spring; 1 car $1.18; 1 car, $1.17H. No. t mixed: I -$ ears, $1.29. No. t mixed: 1 car. $1.54; 'cars. $1.16. No. 2 durum: 1 cars. $1,231. No. 3 durum: 1 car. ti ri Ktm.i. i ..... ,1-.,4:1 T,r ""'.' L01. No. 4 durum! mixed: $-5 oar. $1.1.1 Rye-No. $: 1 car. ste; 1 ear. We: 1 $-8 cara, WiHe; 2 cars, Klc. Sample: 1 csr. 3o. Corn No. 4 white- 1 o . x white: 1 oar, fik No. white: 1 car. 2vc; 1 ear. 82c; 2 cars. c. No 4 v.i. low: 1 car, Vc. No. 6 yellow: 4 ears. iic; 1 car. SifHe.. No. yellow: 2 cars, .1He: I car. C$e ; 1 ear. lc. No. 3 mixed: 1 car. 71c; 1 car. TOHc. No. 4 mixed: !t cars. RV. No. mixed: 4 cars, 4Vc; 2 cars, 4c; 1 car. 4kc; I cirs, 2te. No. mixed: 2 ears 2e; 4 cara OSo: 1 car. 6ir; l car. floe. Sample: 1 car, Mtc; 1 ear, 57c: 1 car (yellow). 66; 2 cars (mixed), toe; 1 csr, 64c; 2 ears, RJc; 1 car. 60c; 1 car. 40c. Oata No. I white: T cars, 60c. No. 4 white: 4 cars, 4c. Sample: l car, 48V: 1 car. 47Hc. , I Omaha Cash Prices Whest : No. 2 hard. fl.2sjrt.S0: No. 3 hard. i1.2ffl.l.27H: No. 4 hard, fl.21iffl.26; No. 3 spring. fl.OOH! .21 ; No. $ spring. il.23"l.$0; No. 2 durum. I1.22H ffl.2S: No. 3 durum. $1.2101.22; sample, $1.01iffl.l4. Torn: No. 2 white, KR(f!'.c ; No. 4 white. No. 6 wh'te M4T7c: No. 6 white, 6TtW:Hc; No. 3 yellow. tM,fli M4c; No. 4 yellow. R?-nHc: No. 6 vel low, KSVipG'Wo: No. 6 vellow, fiKiiKp; S'o. $ mixed. 70ifi7le: No. 4 mixed. S7s.': No. 6 mlved. a440; fj0i mixed. ta 3c; sample. 40T4'ic. Oats: No. ! while. 6uiO,e: standard, 60Ka0V-; No. 3 white, 4,rnVV; No. 4 white. 4rwiliU,.. Barley: Msltlng, 70ifr76e: No. 1 feed. 0c0 S7c. Rye: No. 2, 96X(h97c; No. 3, 0bfi9u.c. Chicago closing prices, furnished Ths Bee by Logsn A Brvan. stock and grain brokers, 316 South 1lh St.. Omaha: Article Open. High. Low. Close. I Yes y. Wheat May. July. Corn. May. July. Oats. May. July. Pork. Jan.. May. July. Lard. 137-Stn! 1 S74 12?t 31 31 1 f. 1 364 i sBVii imit: 127V,; 1 2l. 1 i'TH Miff soiJSTfc! SOU soy.! 6Su' 79 64mc'! 6sm 4W)a &0 SO IK 80 80 21 00 4a 4SJ JO 43 20 60 20 60 30 70 f0 40 30 67 20 85 20 75-70 at bo 20 70 20 KOfli Zl Wl Jan.. May. July. 10 36 10 28 10 26 10 26 10 66 10 33V, io :v 10 00 10 30 11 16 io Bgni 10 6TH 10 624 10 72Vs 10 SO 10 10 67-701 Ribs. io 78-anj io so U 16-30 n to Jan.. May. 10 76 11 10 10 T7H 11 m f CHICAGO GRAIPT AND mOVtBIOXI 1 1 Features of tka Tradlasj aael C'loalaf Irlcea oa Board of Trade. CHICAGO. Jsn. 28. Assertions that ex porters were taking back wheat from foreigners and were selling futures caused a material sag today In prices here notwithstanding that previously the market had scored an advanoe. The close was heavy, Vg;VaO net lower, with May at $1.3&uM.&V and July, 31.20. Corn wouna up 'vo 10 nigner, oats a shade to MiO down and provisions unchanged to a decline of 10&12HO. It was estimated that 1.600,(410 bushels of wheat In cash and futures were thrjwn nacKwara today t foreigners and ex- iorters. some of the holdings thus un loosed were sold to consist of spring wheat of high grade. Bears weie quick to seise the advantage and were able to force ths market almoat continuously downward after the descent had once be gun, as eariy support had been baaed to a large extent on tha assumed likelihood of increased export demand. Snow and sleet predicted for the entire domestlo wheat belt was taken to Ind cate mat receipts wouia remain small ror sev eral days. The effect was adverse to the bears In the early trading, but tha tnrin. ence was aiiersaros lost sight of, uorn rose 10 a new nigh price record for Uils season. Rumors were current that the British government had $.000,000 bushels or more. Oata responded to the corn strength, but tha downturn In wheat led to realis ing sales. Cash deraard was low. Provisions closed weak, owing to sel'lng by packers and foreigners. An advance In the price of hogs lifted the market early, but did not serve as a lasting prop. Cash prices: Wheat: No. 2 red, 31 JWiT: No. 3 red. 31.27Ai1.84: No. h.rll 11 ail, m.M; No. 3 hard. $1.3I',W.83. Corn: No. 2 yellow, nominal; No. 4 vellow, 7l' f7Sc; No. 4 white. 7f4ifi7fi!. Oats: No 3 white, 61VrM,2'ic; standard, Vf.t-i,c. Rye No. 2. Sl.lHwKMH. Barley: egflglc. Seels' Timothy: $i.6o07 6a. Clover: $10.0X1 13.50. Provisions: Pork SIR 4v?r0 o i .rH. $10.G0t! Fi a. Ribs: $10.WV(f 10,77. BtXiS Higher; receipts, 4.2W esses' firsts. aiVvitoVo; ordinary firsts 77 Urn. 27c; at mark, cases Included. 2WJPic, POCLTRr Alive, lower: fowls l.Wrff l&c: springs, 16c. BUTT Kit Lower; creamery. 23f?rtOc. POTATOES Lower: M'chlssn Wlnonn. sin. Minnesota and Dakota whites. Vlcui $1.00; Minnesota and Dakota Ohius, o.'.t('.c. Kaasas City Grata a4 Provlaloas. WHEAT No. 3 hard. fl.2M71.X2; No 2 red. S1.aVyai.3S; May. fl.Wt,; July. fl.25t. CORN-No. 2 mixed, 72c; No 2 white 72Hj7V; No. 3 yellow. 7S7J'-4e; May. 76c; July. 7Hc. OATS-No. 2 white, 6?JfJ4c; No. J mlxd, BI'TTER Creamery. 31c; firsts, :.-; seconds, 27e; iacking, 19c. HOGS Firsts, t'ic; seconds. 20c. POULTRY - Hens, 13c; turkeys ISc; springs, 13c. Evaporated Apples aael Dried Frails NEW YORK, Jan. 28. EVA PORATED APPLES Dull; fancy, t'gVc. choice 7''37,e: prime, 'fi".'4c. DRIED KRflTS-Prunes Irreaular: Csllfomlss, 411'ac; Oregon, 7VfiVc. Ap- ric.ia. nrin; cnoice. lostc; extrs choice, lKHllt,c: fancy. LMf lZc. Peaches, firm; choice, extra choice, 6Vjc; fanev. Vq, Ralnlns, steady; loose muscatels, 71fr714o; choice to fsncy seeded. ?1.'n7Vc; seedless' 'tftllc. Mlaeapoll aUralst Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Jsn. 28. WIIKAT May. $1MV July. $1.3lH; cah. No 1 hard, 31.4074; No. 1 northern. $l.i.4T1.37V No. 2 niHrthern. II Sn'Afll.StV PXOCR L'nchanged. ha Ki.r.r Jj77c. RTK SiST'ogl 00. BRAN iN-$!9.75r20.26. CORN No. 3 vellow. T7U4T7X,'. OATS No. 3 white. 4GWC. FLAX SEEP-Si SiaH So. St. Loot Oral a Market. ST. LOTHS. Jan. 23 WlfEAT No. 2 red. $l 4li1.4t; No. 2 hard, nominal; Mav. $l.3lS; Julv. $1 23'i. r-ORN-No. 2. 74Tya-7Sc;fo. t wtifte. 75 TfiHc: May. TH'tc: July. 7ic. OATS No. 2. 61Vc, No. white, nom inal. Wanted fome Wants-Ads in exchsng for lots of snawers. I'hone The: Bee. OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipts Light and Trade it Steady to Stronger Sheep Slow to Soma Lower. , H008 MAKE A NEW HIGH JUMP Receipts were: Official Mondsv Official Tuesdav ... Official Wednesday Official Thursday .. Jailmate Friday-.... Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. p.lis T'fJ .6S 6.IW0 . 3 .63 4.SX 6.9t5 2f ' il S.700 H.77. 7.600 Five davs this week...ST7 Ssme rtas Inst week. .SI.M7 ame days 3 weeks sg 2.2"J Same days 3 weeks ago .ZX Same days 4 weeks ago 1 0T7 Hsma rl v I... n nta s.7 ion rso gl.liA KJ.010 S1.M7 3S.44 4S. 62.S.-1 34.71 63.3H M.4I The following taMe 'shows tns reciP' of cattle, hogs and sheep at tia Omaha 1 ii a . T r M. flats as mriTrLrimr1! ,0.r.tb.,. a'W .-...i- ..'' Jl JJi. .. Ha V-l n-Ta iV7 Sheen VwJ ?TvS ... 20.x The following table shows the average prices of hogs at the Omaha live stock market for the last few days, with com- pansoiis: . I'ste. 1 lm. iii6.il4.M13.limi lPu.'i': 4imA.if Receipts snd disposition of live stock at the fnlon Stock yarda, Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at 3 p. m, yes terday ; RECEIPTS CARS. r a. C, M. ft Ft. T 1 3 Wabash 3 I nlon Paclflo 4 23 33 2 C. N. W.. east.... 1 S N. W.. west... 7 C, St. P., M. O.. .. 7 t ., ht. U . essl. .. I i .. .. C, H. A g., west.... 14 23 t .. ('., It, 1. P., east.. 4 3 I . K. I. P., west. 4 11.. Illinois Central 1 1 Chicago Uu West... Total receipts.... 33 131 12 I DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Bom. Sheep. Morris A Co 193 2.02 V Swift and Company m 2.013 2,4-n Cudahy Packing Co 1 1,X9 9- Armour at t o ii 711 i,47 Schwarts C 344 J. W. Murphy 2.1M Uncoln Pack Co I Rath 31$ W. H. Van Sant CO 3 Huston A Co 2S J. B. Root Co S F. U. Kellogg 36 Sullivan Bros 34 Iehiner Bros Rothschild 6V Krebs S3 Hlgglns Huffman IS 10 John Harvey 17 Jensen A L.ungren 1 (Other buyers 90 304 Totsls 1,074 3.411 6.613 CATTLE As usual on a Friday iecs p. a this morning were very light, only thirty three curs being reported in. for tne week receipts amount to 2f.!37 head, ths llgntest since four weeks ago, but heavier than a year ago by 6.UJ0 head. The demand for a Friday was good and practically all kinds of oaitle were steady 10 stronger than yesterday, lt Is safe to say that the market on killing stock is now not over luurioo lower than last week's close, while feeders are fully steauy 11 not stronger thai a week ago. Quotations on cattle: Good to choice beeves, $7.7&$4l.60; fair to good beeves, 37.t6Q7.76; common to fair beeves, 34. 3.. 7.26; good to choice, heifers, V4.i6o.7o; good to choice tows, $4.0urj4.60; fair to good cows, $3.26iaS.0O; common to fair cows, $4.00it6.J6; good to choice feeders, $A.6i'u7.ti6; fair to good feeders, $ common to fair feeders, $8.UB.4o; good to choice Blockers. $7.007.66; fair to good etockers, $.&Mj7.00; common to fair Block ers, 6.tOw4.; stock heiiers, 6.764.7i: slock cows, $4.oHj.36: stock calves, $o.W &7.60; veal calves, $7.M.7l; bulls, stags, etc., 35.0010$. 40. Representative sales: BEEF atTEERS. Ne A. r-r. ate. A. Sr. 4 4U SI 04 4 Ill N U 11 Sts) 4 70 3 Hi I 74 It I4 1 0 I Sm4 t IS 4 Ml T 14 39 ls4 7 44 BTEFRR AND H BITERS. S3 M IM COWS. 4 14 II 3 134 4 tl 11a I OS 1 1W 3 SJ urn 4 si Iiu4 4 14 7 Shi I M I ON 6 74 4 t 1HI I 14 HEIFERS. 1 4a I 60 4 1 71 I aa 3 I Ml 4 10 S BULLS. 1 1444 4 74 1 I...., 17SU I M 1 .1 ) I SO 1 I M tW CALVES. 7 MT 4 M 4 1 M0 T II 3 ...HI IT4 ... 1m 4 n ... Til 4 34 ...III I M ...14aA t ...Us 4 00 ..414 S Tl ..144 SO 1 ISO Oa STOCK ERS AND FEEDERS. I ill II 4 Til 4 I n i4 1 m u us 1 11 ll IM 4 M T Tu 00 nil So 1 Sae 1 00 T 011 T M 14 M 7 HOOK Receipts were vary liberal this (mornin, ja-i irvan cara uatms iwih in. rniA urings ms ioisi tor ins iia davs this week up to 36.871 head, which is 14,ono head smaller than last week, but 19,0110 head larger than a year ago. The market opened active and fully 16e Mtt-her. with here and there sales that were possibly 30c higher. Some of the packers were holding bsck. however, and lati-r on when the more urgent orders were filled thev tried to besr the mar ket, with the result thst It closed with part of tha early advance lost. representative saies No. AT. gh. Pr No Av Ah Pr 17. 14. M. M II. ll! 77. ..14 ..171 . ue ..! . 177 . IU . t .lit ..171 1 W 7 i 1 4 7 47S 7 M 1 12 'a 7 la 7 A 1 .'. 7 70 ....14 ....Io4 ....14 ....Kl .. T 14 40 7 4 K IB M . 71.. 7 . on.. 11 A.. II., II.. .. 7 47S .. T an n tu 40 7 M .. 7 44 an noa. W H .. 4 4 it 41 ... 4 64 SHKK1' As wss the ease a week ago today, supplies were large for s Friday. some thlity-lwo cara. or 7.600 head. showing up. The week's supply totals only r.m head, being 20,000 short of last week. 1 1.' smaller than two weeks ago, still s falling off of 13,000 as compared wuli tha same days last year. The number of rara on sale wss the loiai'si of any day this week, the supply sppearlng too burdensome for the clos- ii.s dav of a wreg or ucn Dear is It mar kets. Backers talked sharply lower right from the outset, bids mane on Iambi on esrlv rounds being aa much as a quarter lower, and aa sellers thought they were sakina too large a concession, practically nothing was dune d 'it ing the early part of lie forenoon. When sellers finally began to cut loose prices showed little or no Improvement over esrlv bids, and sales made up to noon looked generally l.Vtrv&c below yes terday, lt took a real goon Kind or Mex ican lambs to bring $10.36. and the bulk sold at 310.25 and under. Parkers were not trying very hard to buy soma of tha last stuff, and several loads were still unaolrl at mldllay. Muttons were in good supply and showed sbout the sains reduction as lamhe. be ing l&iti'c below yesterday. Several bunches of good ews brought n.ii. Year lings were bumped a quarter, although ih.ta were only a few of them here. It took a good sort of handywelghts to . a J . . ..... W t.t V V. . tr. no There was not much of anything on ii r.aitar order orterea. uuotatlons on sheep and lambs: Lambs. arood to choice, $10. 3mS 10.36; lambs, fair good, $l rtaffl0.i; lambs, clipped. 6 600 16; yearlings. ood to choice light, $t.76 ft. 10: year lns. fair to choice heavy, $7.7$ ma iVil wethrra. lair to rnoite. 14 7(.&7A0: eaea. good to ch'lce, $7 .16; awes, I - i 2 u..t x 1. t .r- x rs .ti m vui a y. live rteer Biaari I Mkia Mi: yur im atM.rai .lav )3. t ." 4t Ml T ) y J Jl S . Jf 7i t a na t Mra i avnyr 1 "hares. notably Mexican Jan. 14. o s; $ oi T M j T M Tpi" '?? " "iT. 'L":,.. ',vi:. rVZ relroleum. the motor coppers and a few Jan. 17 ik t or f V 1 J m j iii Hia.Rmrta.lnta l am I,..- m.rk.- I mntributed moderately to the forward Jan. is. 714 (Ttl T M 0t 7 7 t M L HoG9-Roelpts. ,,$ MO head: marks, jn.n, w, . . n , . . h . K.I It'l a TO i i III l t z i . . . . . in nut r nftftfl At itia nniih.nui 361 Jan. 13. T KS T t 1 t J ,,f "gJL.' :VZZ 1 "'on. Eries and fnloa Paolflo weri ... Jan. 30. trv, J $Kl H ! 5? a ii ?. a io ' 7TW,M1 ot kY- f-W.lhe conspicuous shares of the rsllwsy ... Jan. 21. 7 01 (6 $2! 3 $7 t t7 3 M J,10,. a, "". w; Canadian Psclflc. St. Fkvuf. S Jsn. yx. 7 l4 I M I II I 11 I W I 3 33 BIlbBr AND MM rw KeoellHa. soo i ij.-ji,,- .-j Mnrik.n. r -ifi,, .J 8 Jan a i s s "1 T T M' 7 M l'": maket steady; yearling wethers, j vflrm it IaUiJ MUsS: 24 im V1 ri 111 6WI7I t4f.-.; lambs. Se.OOtflO.; ., K3, I'J1' f,rm mi vro advances of a j.n I S. J ! . - T.W I Si T 46 7 J . I'Hces underwent downward revision , J,"n- 1 "' M tl . .. i S? I 3 li , , A the final hour, tha decline Ming led by J.'n' 2 ' J l1,7, T. " 'r " Market. Nw Haven, which broke 34 to t. while Jan. 28. 7 64j boj $W 7 31, I 7 i aJM ptoiTX CITT. Jan. 23. 4TATTLR Re ww of tha other rail", as well as In- falrl to good. g.WIi w Heureaeiitatl.e saies: No. Av. Pr. 14 fed feeder lambs 3 4 343 fed lambs M 10 247 fed lambs SO 14 2T fed lambs 61 10 ia fed lamhs sit 10 r.K fed Ismbs 63 10 CHICAGO LITE TOCK MAHKICT Cattle Weal Hogs Weak' heep Weak. CHICAGO, Jan. 2. CATTLE Receipts, l.ow hesd; market weak; native beef steers, 3rt.J0lis.7O; western steers, $Sodl 16; cows and heifers, $j.WJ.30; calves. .,wsoiOoo. lKiUH-Recelpts, M.Onft head; market ' week at 16c to V advanee; bulk of sales. $7Mtr7HO; light. $7"t7.0; mixed. $K0"tf i ft Oil' t7CAtt.Bk- m..K n Rfltim St.' pis s 7J.'in. ' i sillSHl' AND IAMrt-Iteeeipts, smo head; market weak; wethers. $;.J643g.00; ewes.; Ismbs. $n. Jfvji 10.75. I . ., . buying figured In the Improvement was at Hattaaa 4 Ity Live sleek Market. bt a matter of debet or conjecture. KANSAS C1TT. Mo , Jan. 2. CATTLK but the Inquiry for Investment Issues sug- Receipts, 100 head; market steady : I gested change of speculative sentiment, prime fed steer. $VZ6Tf. 76; dressed beef I War shares, particularly Crucible Steel, steers, $g 7R4J6; western. 6 34J 40; ; JAckawanna Steel, Baldwin and Amert stockers and feeders, pi U'if7.R.'.; bulls, $i.iM an Locomotives, Westlnghouse, General tia.M' calves, $.6tjl0 6O. Electric and American Can led the rlaa. runt itecelpts, s.pij head; market nigner nuig, i 4.viri mi neavy, ii.(Mf(.P packers and butchers. light. hHEEl AND lAMHSReeepts. (K head: market steady; lambs. $10 OH 10 SO: yearllnss. 3i r-v.r.2&; wethers. $7.26 fx); ces. ..ts T7 . at. t.nala Live Stock Market. I nx. IIMS, Mo.. Jan. 2. CATTLE I Receipts, BOO hesd; market unsettled; na- ceipts. 600 head: market 10o higher; n me sieera. o.b's. is; oiucners, m.ntia.ij; bulls, stsgs. etc., $K.2Mii.0O. 1 ItMlS-Receipts, 4,000 head; market )0f TOc higher; heavy, 7.i7.7; mixed. $7.4i) lt7.66; light, $; bulk of sales. $7.40 76. SHEEP AND LAMBS-IUcelPts. 1.6O0 head; market steady; ewes, $'.0ttff7.0t); lambs, $3.60T1.76. St. Joeeph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Jan. 23, CATTLE Rs. eelpts. 600 hsad; market steady; steers, $7.orififl.; cows and heifers, 34.264iS.78; calves. ITOOfllOrt). HOtrS Receipts. . $.300 head; market 10 higher; top, $T.30, bulk of sales, $7.46 &1 to. SHEEP AND LAMB! Receipts, $.W head; market steady; lambs, $l0.0oifr'l0.M; StMk $ Sight. Receipts of llvs stock at tha five prin cipal western markets r Cattle. lings. Sheep. Omaha 7.MO l.f 6.000 Sioux CIty..s Chicago Kansas City 6L Louis Total receipts. aoo . .3,600 61,700 20,300 Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Jan. S3 mrVVVThm market for coffee futures was less active today, but prices ruled steadier on re ports of continued difficulties In the mat ter of Importations snd In sympathy with steady Braslllsn tnsrkets. The mar ket opened at an advance of two to six points, with prices later Improving on a moderate demand, In the absence of any aggressive pressure. May contracts sold up 10, ana September to 7.61a, with the market closing at a net advance of five to eight points. Sales were 17,7(1 bags. February, 7 2So; March, 7. He; April. 7.32a; May, .3bc; June, 7.3flc; July, t aSl! Allvil.l 7 AHt. 9 j.B: October, 7.67c: November, 7 S2o; Decem- ner, 1. mo. rpoi, quiet: mo. 7S, l"o; Santos, 4s. c. Cost and freight offers were delayed, but one offer of Santos 4a wss In the market at Sc. based on English credits for shtnment within days. The official rabies reported no change in mllrles prices, with Rio ex Changs on London 1-8M lower. Rraslllan port receipts. 36,000 bags; Jundlahy, 17,000 bags. . , aa-ar Morlaet. , NEW TORK. Jan. 23. STTQA R Ra w, firm; centrifugal, 4.77o; colasses. 4oi re fined,' firm. Futures were more active today and prices v. ere higher on scattered covering and buvlng. At noon prices were 4 to S points higher. New York Stoaay Market, NEW YORK, Jan. 2. MERCANTILE; PAPP:R stjr-4 rmr cent STERLING loXCHANOPJ Sixty -day bills. $4 71; demand, $4.73-19; cables' $4.74 16-1. SILVER Bar, 67Vte; Mexican dollare, 44e. " BONDS Government, steady; railroad. Steady. ' TIME LOANS Easy; sixty and nmety days, 2V6f2 per oent; slg months, 2VA1 per cent. CALL MONET Easier J high, 14 per cent; low, per cent; ruling rate. 14. per rent: last loan. 1 per rent; closing bid. m per cent; offered at 1 per eent. Closing quotations on bonds looey were ss follows: , C. t. rat. la. rag.... M. Pas, . h 4S 4a aoaixa M ft. T. c. Oak. 4s.. ..Ilia. V. B. la. rag 1..10tN. Y. lttr 4H. MhZ 4s omiooa lti ff. y. Miala 4a...,iu IT. B. 4 rag 10041 N. Y . N. H. a H. 4e asssas 11 sv. 4a H&14 Paaama 4a taoa. .lOitiNa. yaoitls 4s 4 Am. gaaaltar 4s Ills ss la (. A. T. T. s. .V4S..11SH.O. g. u eaf. M IV Aimaar Oa. 4t.. HHria. T. A T. Is... lwa Atehlana am. 4a.... Xapana. roe. 4te peu Pal. Otala 4a 4o ran. 4 Ha ne ra. raolflo IM ar'aiKaaOlBS tn. 4s gv ctwa. Ohle 4Sa... MHt. f. A g. P. r 4a a.4 C, B. A Q. I. 4a i.taea. Psa. sv. 4s IJ', CUtl P S 4UjS..I'i 4o rat. a not, O. R. . f. t. 4s. strain. Rsllvar as IM C. A S. raf. 4a.... lSl)ntaa Paain 4a.... n H a R. O. rat. aa . Ho ct. 4a lt Brl s 4a TMS4'. Pa Khar )ro 0B. Elaetrlo 6s lm V. a Staai u 1M Ot. Na. 1st 44a M'4Wabasa 1st 4s m 111. Pan raf. 4a..... KlVWaat. t'nloa 4ta.... 14 K. C eo. raf. aa.... NuM. Btsa. e. Is.. 14 LAN. ubI. 4a Aosla-rraaoh Is .... tl sf K. A T. 1st 4s.. 7IH Bid. L.esw.fc.'l.l.'A.. iviai,.",i . j I ..l.ono i.700 .. 600 4,000 ..1.000 fn.ono .. ion 3.100 .. $00 $.600 . i! '..'I, j -. " S. " L. Rentfrow, Progressive Hotel Man Ho is spending money lavishly to remodel the hostelry and will place its name among the most popular in Omaha the Fame as he has the Windsor Hotel, of which he is also manager. The Millard for Years Has Been The hotel favored by a large patronage from traveling men, stockmen and theatrical people. "HONESTY, CLEANLINESS, SERVICE" la the motto of the Millard Hotel management a hostelry where a man can bring his family and lire In comfort while ahopplng or visiting In Omaha. Mill ADn UATCI 13th and Doiichs I to I 0 1 36 1 H6 lYlIaLiljmUS nUlaLiJL Phone Don. 924 ;t I 26 I 11 NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Sharet fiegitter General but Very Irregular Reoreriet at , Session. AMERICAN CAN LEADS RISE NEW TORK. Jan. 23. Stocks registered general, bnt very Irrsgulsr recoveries to .ay from their declines of the preceding days of the week. To what extent the 'covering of short contracts or Investment rucinte was the most active feature of me session. Trading In thst stock eeedlng the dealings In I'nlted States Pteel. The rise In the munitions grourt was regarded as a logical result of the j president's plea for home defense, but Crucible s unwonted activity on Its ex- Ircme advanoe of g points to 7H revived rumors associating tna company with Bethlehem Steel. Bethlehem was dull, hut strong, ad 'sn.'lng 10 points to 470. and fnited states nteei after some early uncertainty rose dustrlals and metals forfeited much or all of their advantage. Tha unsetllement was accompanied by reports from Wash nlgton deemed to be of a disquieting character. Total sales of stocks amounted lo mvio Shares, Bond were mainly stead v on narrow dealings. Total salsa, par value, $4,210,000. I nlted Statea bonds were unchanared an call. Number of sales and leading a notations 6n stocks today were as follows: galas. Hlth. Ixi. Claa. Ateaas. rtoM .. Allls- Palmers le MH M l.) 37 r av M'4 er.v va Asiarlras Bt B am ssit ms l.r siiv, A sua neA Aaaarlxaa Caa Ainarlran Loeesaetlre .... A star ha a g. a R Am. a a R. r'4 Am. Sucar Haflalns American Tal. A Tal Amertraa Toranea Anamida Copeer , Atrhiaae, Ttal4ls Lonnmotlve ... Dalllmnre a Ohio... Bethlaham Htae prnolilya Rapid Tr ralllnrnla ratmlaum .... Canadian rsrin Oatrai Usathsr Ciwaasaalia a Obis rtitrasrt O. W niltavse, M. a St. f.... rnirai, a if. w Cllra, R. I. a P. TlT.. ritna Cbprse Colorado Pual Iraa.... Crurlhia Aaaai rwsrar a It. V fM piailliars' ascurllla .... r.rla Oaseral Klatna Oraal Nnrthafa Oraat Na. Ora rtfa Oucsannatm ISiplerattea., Illlnals ('antral tntarhorouan Cno. Cor., tnastratlnn Oneper tatarnatlonal Marvaatar.., Kansas CKr gauthara..., Isihlsh Vatlay iMHartlla rtaakvllle. ., Mitaa yatrolaasi Miami Obppar Mlaaeurl. K. T. fd.., Missouri Taltla Nallonni niarvll National tail Nevada Cosmar New Vnrk Osotntl N. Y . N. H. A K Knrfalk a Wasters Narther farlfla Pacltta Mali , Psoitis Tal. a Tal THnnarlvsnta Pvilmsa palana (s7 101(4 taia, Ill" 111 m ii itTiA too so m S!sno"l(ti''l 34.7IO ltSI4 1S7Mj ISTH Sni istia ll.a i, 14 4 0 SOU 17 l.Kn IMS IT 1i M M l:4 a, l M 4l t: 1 414 Ma 111 13' 14 4S likV lt 4t, lit w-4 ms ms 15 41 11 4. SOB 17s 1 4S lie ins 4.4 II 7H 1TH M 4 " 7914 ' 7V4 1H US Si ft l.i II n0 'i!in M.m I.4S I31S IMS 4.10 41 i 44 S I. B 4614 44 l.W lino r TH 5 isa 1.300 li H let i, int4 1.4n I ri 17 l.BM II 11 U sue lti 4 i it"t tm m t PS l re lnsMj ins l''4 Ti 17 A M la") ht lis it1, hit, iu ms i?s ; rrs m IMS 1H 14 JS rs tis AS 11 inns li4 ti as 1S 140 MS s 3S1S XXS 1MS 114 l.arn M tm i7.s S.Bftft SUA son TIS 3.sns lis 1.7A lns ' iwe II I v U1S 1 o his 3.40 sn 4e 144$ 4ns s4 S4.MI M4 gaaglag tUeuMIe Iraa a Steal. .. afwtaara parina gmithara ft 1 1 way ....... Mu4erxer I'aanseaf ... Tasnaaaaa Cnepar Teaaa Cnmeaar t'slaa faeirie ., 4'nlne Paetfla f4 t'nlta States t V. S. Stsal Bfd i.n Ds irru l,n 7S ro'4 4'tah Copper Wasfarn Psion Wnatinatumsa axsetrle .. Montana Paar ......... Ton ss ti,o i mi Oaneral stotof Wahaah B M t SW SSS s International Marina pf. St ion IIS S Total salas fnr tka 4r. a5 so tkafes. Loadoo etoelf Market. VCYHVOS. Jan. 2S. American saenrtttes on the stock market declined In sympathy with New Tork. The treasury reduced buvlng rrioes for the securities. SILVKR Bsr. n4d per ounce. PlTlCOOTRTFS-rshort hlltg and three months. 6S44tOU per cent Beak Clearlagrs. OMAHA. Jan. 2B.-Pan1r c lea rings for Omsha today ware $3,640.61)1.62, end for the corresponding day last year $3. iM, 156.21. Oawaka Hay Market. OMAHA. Jan. ST. PRAIRTB HAT Oiolce upland. S10 notio.60; Mo. 1, SS.OOtS 10 00; No. 3. $S.0irie.0O; No. 3, $vTa,.oo. Choee midland. $.6oyl0 00i No. 3. 3 V? 3 60; No. 3. $7.0(sJra.O; No. 3, $6.0mfM . Choice lowland. $o.00: No. 1. S.0um.W; No 3. $4 OOflg.00; No. S. S4.0tfM 08. STRAW Choice wheat, SS.soiSe.O0; choice oat or ry, $4.oi?tl.60. A LFA LFA Choice. $1$ BVfll.oS; Ks. 1. r$ O04H3.60; No, I. $.0OCll.O0; No. i roo CS00. Liverpool Oravla Markat. LIVERPOOL. Jan. WirEAT Spot, No. 1 Manitoba. 14a 7d: No. 3, Mg lVrd; No. $ hard wlnUr. new, 13 id; No. 1 northern, Duluth, 14s 3Hd. New Manager Well Satisfied Business on the Increase Patrons Good Boosters L. Rentfrow, the new manager of the Hotel Mil lard, paid: Business is increasing ; I am very well satisfied with my new hostelry and the best of it all is ray patrons are .boosting the place and sending their friends and traveling acquaintances. rs in ts ', s IIS s SOS