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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 29, 1916)
TIIE BEE: OMAHA', JANUARY 191- Meiv Want" Ad" Elates (NOW In Effect) Cash Rate: Charge Rate: 8 lcr line One insertion 7 per line, Three or more (consecutive) insertions Special Rate s: Farm Lands 7 per line, each insertion All Foreign Advertising, under Agents or Help Wanted classification, 2 per word, one insertion. lVi Ir word, three or more insertions (con secutive.) (Count six words to the line.) No Ad Taken for Less Than a Total of 20c Or Less Than 10c per Day; Phono Tyler 1000 r.f Mr. and Mr. R.lph M Jeters, ThurdT. January 17. Th f "'" t.kpUc at U ofctock. Interment Prt MAUSOLEUM. WHY bury your dead In th ' lntorray weather when you can tomb In I wrbta bulldiM prtcT TL MAUSOLEUM CO.. D. !" FLOHIHTI. A T H ' W. florlsta. 1W4 Famsm By D.9 CTllKNUtRMON. 1U jjouajla.. 1. i Memljer FlorlBtaJrapntal. Asa a. JTrJ8 ABoA14ijjjnBt1 a.16"naqhuk. lia h"m". Lxug, moi. MABHIAOW s.ICK.E. licenses to wed have been granted the following couples: Najna and Residence. ' Wro,. M. Ureen, les Moines, la... Iva Kumbaugh. Wlngo, la Walter B. Towle, Wabash Klla Tlmm. South Rend Age. ... 32 ... 2u ... 2! ... W Warwick Ieroy Turner. Omaha. Carrie Bella Jasper, Omaha Antonio Varrlnno, Oniana (Franclsc Olglotll, Omaha Charlea U Uavls. Upton Wyo.. Bessie Mean. Kansas tlty rwm. H. Kempcke, Washington. Marsarat liters, Hlkhorn lxren B. Sterling, Omaha Haael X. Alegatidor. Omaha " HUILDIXH PKKMITS. ... 32 ... U .1... 22 1 47 17 21 21 21 11 M 1 KirvftV. Ha Bahler. frame aeweL. Una. ILK): Br'bara Horsuns, Huli Seward, I frame dwellina. fU,0ui), THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHANGED DAILY. Aniwerg tBo question "Where to so tonlRM." EMPRESS, 15th & DOUGLAS Selig-Tribune, No. 7. "By Love Kcdeemed," 8-REEL VITA.. I "Angels Unaware," I-RKEL ESS. ' OXilDEN, 1318 FAUN AM Th House of Revelation, -r. Ess. At the Risk of Her Llf. Kalem. Ho Bite, Bob, fcelig. RePro trim-4c. rSXXGEsSr i i 74"BoTJolA8" Aa a Woman Fows. featuring Gertrude Robinson and Alexander Uaden, a great mora! lesson tn 1 vivid act. Peanut god Pullets, ripld Keystone comedy. I BRAND. HTH AND B1NNEY. Vivian Rich In "Vlvlana." Two rrta ' Red Circle," episode No. . Two one-reel comedies. Tr1s"irl present Raymond Hitchcock t In "My Valet." a l-reel Keystone com- ay, also chapter 4 or me uoaness. th. lAPOLLO, 2824 LEAVENWOnTH. The Becret Message, Kalem. A Man Hacrtflie. J-reel Vltagraph. Bashful Blllle. l.ubln. fcOULEVAHD. 35 & LEAVENWTH Tonight at t and . Metro picture, Emily Btavens In Th Boul of a Woman.' fi0lILFF,"2Ul Nsnce O NeillnPr LEAVENWORTH. i'lincess Romanoff, Fo feature. 1-rt 1 comedy. " Uril. i HON RO E. 1555 FARNAM. Julia Swayn Oorden and Ieo lelaney to The Tlreaa. Broadway atsr feature. Pellg.Trlbuna K and an Ade fable. Boat a ' ia. BESSE. J4TH & N. Bellg-Trlbune No. 1. The Thirteenth Otrl. J-reel Vltagraph. The Red Circle. Featuring Ruth Roland, ' OHPUELM." " " MTU tTU7 Kevatona comedy. My Valet, featuring Raymond Hitchcock. . A Uirai Old ivnigni. i ai. v nas. Murray, s tar Features The ar Special Kxtra-H! Picture mow appearing at la following Theater; tESSH Hril AfJD N" ,Th Red Circle, featuring Ruth Roland. Eb l' LEV A liD. 35 4 LEA V ENW'TII F.mlly ptevene In "Th Koul of a Woman." L. Jk.SU. ' 1 Til AND B1NNKY7 "Red Clrela.- episode No. I Chapter 4 of "Th Goddess." rC'liLFF. iUl LkAVENWORTir Nunc O'Nell In "Princes Romcnoff." F feature lia.scLBd. iin-i DOUGLAS. As a Woman Fnws. featuring Gertrude jLlnt'.u and Alexandnr laden, a great iu.iX Iuks In 1 Uv!d act. r F t Per Word..Each Insertion And you will twelve the itma courteous rrrir a thotuth yon were delivering your Want-Ad to THE 1IEK office in person. BIRTHS AND DEATHfl. Birth Jaok and Esther Mateon, 4711 South Sevententh, frtrl ; Frank and Anna FYodlma. tn N. girl; Oscar and Cecilia uiwn, Jt iNonn xnirty-fourtn, gin. iMatha A. B. Coleman. 40. 10M Cum Ing; Etta Moa 82, Twenty-second and Howard; Anton Kapek, 6.1, 1721 South Thirteenth; Baby Hi-lck. 6 dun. 13 South Tenth; Richard Ryan, 8", 3u22 South Twenty-first. , LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFS SXREkT RAILWAY COM PANT. Persona having los aome article would do well to oall up tha office of the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company 'to ascertain whether they left It In the atreet car. Many articles aacn day are turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to the rightful owners. Call Toug1 4. IF YOU Ium inrlhlnt so4 will silvirtlM It Iwr. rou will aunir recorsr It If tuung br SB nensat person. Hentarkahls raoorarlas ace bruusht about svarv clv throuaa thla column Ttia iw repia wno una loei riiei ar Intoraatad In knowlna that the aiata law la iriri is rimring them la seek lus ownar tkrousll awtnrtlarniant and otharwlae an4 that failure to da so. If aaais ma ba proves, is. vulvas s aavar banallv. LOST On" wss"t aide of 24th atreet be- tweert Farnam and Dodge, diamond crescent pin. Liberal reward. Return to ill H. 84th Bt old case Elgin watch on Harney car or between 2Jd and z:tn on Lav- ennort. ftj.wsrd. ltarnev L"OrtT Friday, lietweeu aid andXaTid, iH nnu vnney, brown mi tin inuii. .an Tyler 2:2. Lllera rewsVd TTjTCBaturday aflehioorT about and Hartley, 1 taa cape glove. Finder can Wtfuater vw. LOST Bunch of keys on key ring Re turn to 61S Brandet Theater Bldg. Re ward. Cost One muff, Orplieum, Houth Omaha. .Jan. 17. 5 reward. Call Douglaa B3. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS Paraltar sal JloaBekold Usaila. f OR BALia" CHEAP Knabe uprlgh i ano. flue ooildltlon. onat m: au eiy lene ga tank; Huntley vacuum cleaner. almost new, ij; some nouaenoia gooas. uivriB B. Slst. liarnev i;mo. HilAINB. Furniture, to: stove. beds, springs, mattr . Il each; bedding comforts, blankets. IWN.Hih. W. ltkiT. ALL REPA1K Water tiunta, furnace coll, etc. uuick service, uinena rir Repair Works. 1206-S Uouglu. Tyler ZQ. Ready Reference Directory ACCOUNTANT. E. A. DWORAK, C P. A, 4M-4JT? Rsmge Pldg. Tel. toug. 14M. AUVUUTIKIAU AtlkLilK r. Shafer aV Co . lith-Farnam. P. T4T1. AttCltl t fc.1 I s. yveret B. lodd. Ui yartnn Blk. P. At I uil. aw X a. g. T. rwcklnson. Hlga;!op "Ifc P. 2H, Ate lo., rvwaa Auction Co.. lUft-ww ow. v.. kAKbUlt-i. .. w VTaki fff. m . arrnK l&uw r i-.... . iil OIL uTBuTroti n uhi-T. .... vn...k..ii ro run and Martha Bt. Tin RURHORN. l'h and Farnam, Wead P5idg! D. tMV. 'Palaaer achool gradual. Dr. J 'C. Lawrsnoe. I f alrd Bldg. D. ML DR. W. It. KNOLLENDERri. Suit. X Uaa H flsT I Tl. 1 ' a-" THiaofoDrtTi. Carrie J Buford. P B'-Jfi-!; teeaard Bon. 1 Capitol Aa. T. 1B1 W. Hoksnaon, W l.vnwth. Tyl. rU. lUJTtMKi. tug largest atock of maq.rd and tlvealrlcal costunwi In th """"V.Ti Th. Libn Bon. Hoard. D.iltt THFATR1CAL gown, full dr.s suit, for M N nth f4t J.d.n r-eldman. HDAk cTft U AUUHMIW. , tv xttww irAPTOIT. Ill U'n St UIII.HMAKItb. IADIES1 Jackets remodeled in the latest alt Is. 1911 Farnam. Douglas JaA Kitr's Dressmaking t-oi. psb my .ui Tarrr preeamak g exJWe Hh Farnara. UYkHl AU ..,.. gTATK Pry flea. Co.. 1 N. 12th. T. tOTt, VK I U ill ax. JAMES ALLAN, ill Navlll Bloek. Fet- rence awurwi in ' Dn. rurs. Dr. Bradbury. No pain. Ill W.O.W. Bldg. pyorrhaa. Dr. Fickle. 1M City Nat Bank. w.n rwntat Rooms Iwuglsa Pi tlt DHL Ul. DRUOS at cut price; freight paid fl$ orders, catalogues free. Bnsrniaa A MO- CounU Drug Co.. Omaha Neb. tLbllkuLllll. t'lOB Al'ender. : H BMr Rsd KxVa tLbt lltifAL lltl'AIUlVO. CAHI1J, BLWTRIO CO.. Ra Bid. P. m " " TUwKb lirrLIKs. OMAHA Towel Supply. JOT S, Uth. P. UL FOR SALEMISCELLANEOUS K-reTtare ttasTlieeawfcoU ed ' R N i .Tl I N S for four-room srrt- ment for ssle; else bahv Hurry ano n-u, elmostnew. Hnjrr.jrn,X S Dodge OMAHA pJLLbw CO -Mattresses made over Jutjlksnew; J5umlng. P' - NE good onk buffo! chep7 H. '' Plaaea, Mlra laMreBaeat. rLAYlO'lAWuSLIii 15C 15C 15C W want every Player Piano Owwr to Visit our NEW PLAYER ROLL DEPT. Ideation, Just half dnn tep from the treet In th heart of tha shopping dis trict, 161 1616 Douglsa Ht. Service. Prompt attention by Intelligent aaies forae. Will aril all overstock rolls for 16 cents. Just to get you In. A. 1IOSPE CO., 1MS-1B1S Pourlss Pt, . (Tin old will paid for tn nam of a prospective piano or pir"r-"" ROBINSON PIANO CO.. 114 a. lth St. Factory Distributors Cahl Planes per month. A. Hoso. 1M1 Douglas. tor aad Offlee riatare. DESKS, afea scales. howeae, shelv inir. etc W buy, sell. Omaha n" "ipply Co 414-W-18 H. 11th.Doug.2.14. PRACTICALLY" new - Vlk" for al at half pr ee Web. .04. Blake Drug Co.. l'.tn "" t aaneras 4 Kedak. dveleil free If purchased from Photo Craft Shop. 411 Hee Bldg. Ipt. D. Jewelry, Utaaaaada, Watcfcea. tilAMOND LOCKKT, men'a and ladlea wale hen, raaaonauie. rrieoman. u 1 1 uo a,. BrtOUPXiAARU -iuck ar'adding hnga" at lath and DouaJaa Sta. Linker aad Balldlaa Material. f)RT klndltnn l.v tha load. Harney waiT Macklaery aad Knalaea. WOOD Woiklna Machinery. Completa nuifit for mull Dianlna mill. IncliMI .n motora. Thta 1 a anap If taken aa It stands. Geo. II. Uea Co., iu nar- ny Kt., Omnha, Neb. 'Second -hand motora. dynamoa, maanetoB. I A Bron Klectrlo WorkB, !- 8. 12th Ht. , lamia Murkls", SEWING MACHINES We rent, repair, aell needlea and part of all sewing machlnee. Xf ICJCEL'S NEBRASKA CXCLB CO.. Bth and Harney bts. Doug. 112. Typewriters aad ppllee. M TBLA N I) RIBBON A CARBON CO. We make ttiern in omaha. wnmw Typewriter Ribbons! Bupplle for lb office. Douglas 2147. Bee Bldg. RhNT an Oliver typewriter mo. for 16. Oliver Type writer Agency, i: r arnam. T PERW1TK.RS sold, renteo ret.ulr.,1. rel Typewriter fete. 1908 Farnam. Cent tf. fLjiA iv itiooon ana v m uuh v bon paper and inked riDDons. if. RENT a ' Remington" not Just a type- wrlter. Low rent. Call fouun . 611X18 Typewriter Exchange. 811 d. Isth. Bt. All mane tor aaie or rem. w Prlatlnsr sal Offlee Bappllea. VVATERfeV-BARNHART Ptg. Co., quality printing. Tel. Doug. nw. h. win ou CENTIL'HnilngCopLASt XjOUOLAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglaa 44. MlaeellaiieoaB. FOR SALE CHEAP. Business College Course. Full and complete acholarahlp In on of th bt Omaha business school. Good reason for selling; perfectly relia ble: worth full price, but will be old Very reasonably. If interested Investl gate at once, because spring term begin oon. Ther are a variety of course for ale. For particulars Inquire at the of im nf The Omaha Bee ArEXJEfES'" LlQUSil HOUSE' Thirteenth and Dotigla. Pottled-ln bond whisky, feuc, $L00, full quart. Barrel goods, yj.w to x.w per a"" FOR BALEv-Nw and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alley and acoesaorla; Bend for logue: easy paymenie. im iu-Balke-Collender Co.. 407-K4 8. 10th Bt. TrnPM i lb. of too Gunpowder or "- Japan tea with every 10 ids. of best loo coffee, parcel post, at I2.TS. Dave' Coffee Market, 1111 Leavenworth tit Omaha Neh. OABOUNH Ughtlng plant, good condl- tlon; have lnsiauea oieciricuy; iu sii eld lighting Plant cheap. Auaresa a. j. I'itts. Aid a. Neb. o f)( Gulden West Whisky. full Nv quart bottled In bond, prepaid. Cackley Pro., Omaha EVERY day bus Its sunshlna for Want-Ad user. btart ioday. Tyler 1U00. Hfffi Call VKRYTIIINO FOR WOMEN. ACCORDION, eld, knife. Sunburst, bos pleating, covered button, all sices and styles; hemstitching, point edging; em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eyelet out work buttonholes, pennaaia. Ideal Pleating Co.. 200 Uouglaa block. Douglas 1M4. rtk.tnM A.MU 11.1WOHK. BOHNEMAN Chimney and furnac cleaning, ynone Douglas qss. HABERBTPOH. WX Hamilton. Wal. T1 rixtUBKa and wirTno. DTTTIKTN' Elctrlo washing machine JJUlUVXm electrlo Iron and reading lamp. 12a fuming Bt Doug. 2511. rUHHlBHI. BAM KNEETER, 120 Farnam. Red (Ui H. Rothols. mis Leavenworth. H JCgritKS OF Tltkl FKACJ0T BlJ?- CLAIBORNE. 112 Paxtoa Blk. Bed X4uL jNoiaury public; deposition steae. X3. W BRITT. m Barker Block. "Hvb "Stock cumuibsiunT MARTIN BROS ROS A CO. Exchange Bldg. (TPICTLUH MAtiuSliS. MUV1M OMAHA Film Ex., 14th and Doug. Mo- , iiuimid ,nu mm oargsjna ociLiBT. Eyes xainlnd glsea fitted. par a oa jeajDra MeCarty. 1111 w. O VV. Rldg ostkopatu ruTiiTiTSav JOSEPHINE ARMBTROKQgn Be Bldg. XX a Barnsll. Paxtoa Blk, Tel. Rd tuj, I H. A. Bturgea. aiBrandel Theater Bldg PIAMoTiJUTRUCTlOX, " R 1 flTf If n ...I, i Vi fiin poatlvaly iwauita. turning. Wal. flu CLtiASu. CVH LED, dyed. P. ElaeleIlM city Nat IIAUS HkfAIHUO. Om. Standard Fcsl Cej Ul 8. llrb, rt, jm ssat-Aistigiy. Barley Bhoe Itep'r t o , Xi04 Fara'm. R. 1444 sikkiL i;i,iSrti? CARTER Shaet l IComnaBy. 110 a 1 FRELINC1 a 8TE1NLE. 14 r.m. BL VAltiat lUiAAagi, ' ATX. makea K, B. WUluuna, tot a igta. W A 1 1 AA fUUUtll. CbrtsttanBew. Id fl Faxton pk . 11 mt9- V kUUlAU t A tu.a.aa k Wedding anaouncements Peng. Ptg. Cs wi.Nas uitkwat. BUT year fair H y liquor at Klein' I Uejuet- bouse. il N. lata. Peugtaa Isua FOR SALE-MISCELUNEOUS Mieeellaaeoaa. WT high BtandHrd of quality will be melnlalned; qiiarta of Old r onteneue whisky, $.".:."; bottled In bond, ll-ntjr Pnllo) k. inml order house. louj. UT-124 N. I'.th t. fi I 1 1 . i bekeis delivered. 1 ; lUlnota vuau or lump, I&.M par ton. Doi'alaa Mil. WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Reed. 1304 Karnam. ANNOUNCEMENTS NOTICE TO VNTRAT'TOR?T Rids will b received at the offlca of tha undersigned. rtland, Nebraska, un til 12 o'clock noon. February II, IflS, for fumlehlna; material and labor, and building complete a brick school building In the village of Cortland, Nebraska, In accordance with Plans and apeclflcatlons furnished by R. W. Orant. architect. He atrlce. Nebraska. Tha board reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any formality In any bids re ceived. Contractors must accompany their bids with a certified check for ( per rent of the amount of their bid. made payable to Frank Mlltenberger, secretary, tha amount of tha bid to ba forfeited In accordance with terms of the specifications. Heating bids will be received separate from general con tract. FRANK MILTUNBKRUKR, Cortland, Nebraska. Becretary. Mechanical Draughting Machine Designing Estimating Patent Drawings U E. SLOMAN. Phone P. 2444. 416 Brande'l Theater. CHIROPRACTIC If sick, regardless of the nature of your ailment, rhlropratlo will do for you what no other clence can. When all else falls try me and note the dif ference. 1 adjust the cause of BO-CALLED "Incurable" ailments and all derange ment peculiar to women. Dr. W. II. KNOLLENBERG Phone Tyler 193g, Suite 212 Pee Bldg. 1? RO D EOAARD'S "Lucky Wedding Rlnrs" at lBth and Douglaa Bts. EfXKRClSK AT T.M.C.A. Business roan. SWAPPERS' COLUMN KOADSTEU. IlKUtwelght, two-passenger, lvll model. IjmI overhauled and fully quipped. Will swap for th best 1111 model motorcycle or motorcycle and aide car outfit I can get; but It must be A-l condition. Addresa 15. -.'. ia, nee, "AMBEROLA" Eillsoit's new diamond nolnt cabinet Dhonograph: this machine with assortment of record cost !M three months ago; will swap for good No. 4 Underwood typewriter. Address H. r. Knh. Hce. ANUELU8 i'liino-l'layer (cabinet style) In perfect order, with 19 rolls to eic- hange for Edison Dlamond-Dlso pho nograph or anything I can use. Ad- dress H. C. Y. 211. Bee. WILL I rude my rebuilt racing type roadster for diamond. Thla car la good running order, fully equipped newly painted, and a classy looker. Address B tj Ifio, wee. PHONOURAPH-Edlson machine and 238 record cabinet: 100 50-cent records, aa orted. Want cheap lot, diamond or motorcycle, p. c. its, nee, umana. MODEL 10 Bulck Runabout, two-patsen ger. Ilrst-ciasa running order, to trad for stripped chassis: prefer on a little larger. Address B. C. gfvt, Bee IHAVB a Brush car. In good running urunr, luuauio lur ueuveiy, wurin ai. to trade for something or equal value. Aunres n. c. sw, nee. HAVE 6-year-old jack. 15V4 hands high. This lack la registered and sound. Will swap for cattle, hoi see, mule, or what nave you? r. c. wee. , T t ..T.i.... V 'T'TZ. i. .... 1 . . insula w-,w, uu , wwh- able rent on building; Bouth Side: will exchange jor real estate; value h.buv, Address 8. C. B03. Bee. IlAVH (-year-old bay mare, unbroke and sound, with foal to pest jack in N braaka. Will swap for automobile. . C. SH. Bee. SKATES, almost new, nickel-plated, cost 13.60: not ordinary skate. Will aw a for anything useful. Address 8. C. 64J, care nee. SCOTCH collie dog, on and . one-half years; good watch dog; very prettily marked. Will trade for chicken, or wnat nave your a. c. wo, nee. 1914 TWIN cylinder Indian with electric head and tall light and good aide car to trad lor what 7 Address S. C. 161, Hee. rWANT a good aulo In exchange for painting ami paper nanging by rirai clawi mechanic. Address 8. C. b64. Bee Jsij'TWIN Indian motorcycle, free rngln clutch and lu A-l condition. W 111 swap for piano or an auto, p. c. ffiu. ttoe MANDOLINS Two a ood mandolins. valued 163; exchange for diamond or Jewelry. B. c. rss, nee. umana. fclXTKLN-INCH WestlnghJuse Osclllat Ing i esk fan. Cost IIS, for small Vlctrola or what have you 7 . c. hi?. Bee. OX AVE a fine bunch of Buff Orping ton pullets. What am I offered. Address S. C. tm7. Bee. rWANT to trade my 201-egg Incubator and sewing machin for good roller top deBk. 8. C. 661. ET of small stock and dies, vis and pipe cutter for what have youT S. C. 173. nee. AUTOMOBILES For other bargains see in Automobll" claaattt- cation. fvVIN X motorcycle for stock of gro cer le a or viciroi a.A qureaa r. i.., do. l40 equity In standard piano to trade for what have you. B. C. 667, Be. IFaVE a good 45-11. P. Old to trade for a good Ol d. b. J. saa, e. BUSINESS CHANCES Office For REAL ESTATE or INSURANCE -Same floor as Bee Office THE BEE BUILDING Office Room 103 ' NEW HARDWARE STORE. W bav a uuw gwk of hardware, oils, vannehes. and some new. up-to-dale wall paper lu best location In Omaha, In modern building, almost new; Isrge living rooms above, with garage. Thla belongs to a widow who cannot run It and wishes to dispose of It at once. Bue will give good terms on It or might consider soma good clear Income fur part of it. 8 8. R. . MONTGOMERY. 71.4 Omah a National Bank. o FOR BALK Pool ball, five Brunswick tables, electrlo piano. Ice box. cigar and randy case, wall cast, safe, roll-top desk, all In good shape, and good busi ness. Will llivolc about $3.MX Will ell for Just what It would cost new. About half cash, balance will pay for elf Located In a Nebraska city of )4.0rtV Addrees Y. IIP. Hee " OOOD BUS1NE.S.S FOR SALE, Fins location, permanent two story building on corner. Groceries, meats, baker v. rjrooert V and business for U2.6U. Will take some real estate. A fin thing for a man who ran liandle It. W. T. GRAHAM, Bee Bldg. Established photograph business in best town In southwestern Iowa; must ha sacrificed oulck: In beautiful studio building, centrally located; rent $35 per month; small competition; fin oppor tunity for good man with aoui capital. B). XV juil.fiivn. Kt Keellne Bldg. Ioug1a tXI. 50MMERC"1AL College, fully quipped. doing a good purines in a city or l.o"K In th most populous part of low. This college ran be mad to pay from $10.00) to 1U.i a veer profit. We hv no use fur It. WUl sell It at ('.out, on easy terms. St'WAU HKos., luu J'l laoulh Pldg. Minneapolis. Minn. FOR BALE Infauta children' and la dlea' furnUbuii store at lavtd City, Nab., at a barrain: beat location In town: doing a excellent bualneas; want to retire. Bua No. 1. David cuy, Nbb. BUSINESS CHANCES PARTNER VV A NTK I Act Ive man with .,.c) to ttn.oa) capital to take active rrt In c-nirsl lova mfg. jlnt: must e capable of of'lce work. Fplendld op portnlty for right man. Address T 217.Iee. Id i lv S'ibiitbsn picture show, doipa grmd business. In Ihlck populated dis trict, for sale or trade. Address Mr. Morris, 4121 N. 14th St. Phonj Colfag 74. WANTEIi-A good energetic man with few hundred dollars. In a fine business, thst will pav hind. loine returns, "julck action necessary t. s-cure earlv re sults. Call m 1 Itr National Rank PulMlng. TOlt CA.V Hrtr.I, THAT 18EU AUTOMOBILE If you let the ll know nhout It. Write a full descrlf.ticn of I'. don t leave out anything rnd rm f m t-i the Wsnt-Ad column ! TliR BEE for a few dys. Ther- li v letter wsy of locating btivers thnn t .d vertlse. 1'hone T-.Vr l- end j'Jt vonr nd lij NOW. PTCTU R E sho ws7"loca"tlons. leoaeaT-ma-rhlnea, repair, auppllea and aoccssoriea. Bee us first. OMAHA THEATER PITPLT CO., Balrd Bid if. LlST your business" wlih nie'lor au.c results: buy. sell and exrhsnge, Room 2. Balrd I' d. Tel. r-''Ug. MM. i 17TH AND DOUGLAS BT ! A N T !C D S tat e manager and county men for big; seller. Com to Room 3, Patterson Bid., (pposile Omaha Nn- bank and se the "Wliaard" work. FtOOMINO house of I rooms, well furn ished, full of roomer. Will sell cheap aa owner Intends to leave city. i2 Dougla8t. Phone Doug. 7H14. FOR BALK On account of sickness, 4 year lease on the Brown Park Mineral Spring- Baths. South Omaha. O. P. ton cannon. o TH EATERS Buy, lease or sell your the ater, machine and supplies through Theater E. Co.. HOI Farnam. D. 1V'7. OTrFICE for real estate or Insurance; same floor a Bee office: 13x21 feet; 130. The Ree H'da.. Office Room 101 FOR BALERS' -room rooming house, all modern, steam beat, income J a montn. 117 Jackson. Phone Red 4443. Pool tables and barber shop for sale. ineap. will rent building. W. E. Ingalsbe. Deweese. Neb. IXeTOR wanted: verv desirable location. with no investment. Write Nugent de iongpre. Jjodge i-ole. Net. TO OET In or out of business call on OANQESTAD. 412 Be Bldg. Doug. 1477. EB Omaha Theater Supply Co. forEar- gains In established shows. D. 220. TO BELL or buy a buslnees, call on Bunch ft Borffhoff. Frenzer B Ik. D. K191 FNV'ESTMENT ?00 .00 with service. P 54! SITUATIONS W AWT ED Male. WANTED A position aa manager or salesman, retail hardware or furniture, py .mtddle-aaed man with long exnerv ence In furniture, hardware and imple ment business; also band man; beat references. Address Y 218. Bee. Wanted Bit uatlon a assistant window trimmer by novice with taste. Good ref erence and willing to work. Bert, 201 S. 24th St. Phono Doug. 7S04. COLORED Wants porter work or can lane care or furnace. Reference rur nlshod. Phone Douglas !K!6. Room No. 1, Colored man wants position a porter i nn tag care or furnace, can rurnisn references. Douglas 'iWd, Room 1 JOU"WANTED-Houe carpenter In store or ortice building bv competent chsnlo. Phone Harney 3949. me- WANTED By married man. Job aa auto- mooiie salesman, fan give reference or oonus.' in or out of city. Tyler WANTED Position as watchman by gentleman 4u years. Best of references. call Henson 142. YOUNG man. 22. wants work of any kind .Must nave work right away. Tyler zwifc FIREMAN Experienced, wishes position. U21 cntcago bt.. Kocm l". J. K.apeu VOUN U college student went work after school. Adores W. to., 2701 Farnam Bt. WANTED Position in warehouse by man t 4a years. Call Benson 142. Female. LADY desires position to assist with light housework and care of small child; am capable and willing and very adept In the care of children. Call Douglas 3340 and ask for Room 27, WANTED By raflned middle-aged lady position as companion or housekeeper muBt be nice place. Answer care Bee office. 62fl Little Bldg.. Lincoln. Neb. EXPERIENCED German lady want to do housework In small family. Hanacom fHTK district preferred, rl. mm. WANTED Position by competent young lady aa housekeeper, or caretaker of rooming house. Call Colfax 401. EXPERIENCED children' nurse want position aa children nurse. Creljliton noma, i" uavtnport pt. EXPERIENCED colored girl wanta do. sit ion as chambermaid or in boarding EXPERIENCED P. B. X. operator wishes position. Best of references. Call Edith Tyo, Douglas VMb. YOUNG lady wishes position In office, Willing to (tart at reasonable salary Doutjias 3iy-ii. SITUATION wauled by young lady stenographer with experience. Phone Benson 13. j . YOUNG Isdv want position In office, stenographic or clerical work. Tel. D. V7. WANTED postlon. Housekeeper wldowe baciieior Dy young lany. nee, u 4M, WASTED At once, sewing by the day or piece, mm m oiumpy. uougias aQ4 COLORED girl wishes kitchen work or chsmbermaiq worn, l'oug. a-'is. RELIABLE colored woman want cham hermaid work. IOUg. 746. WOMAN wishes chambermaid work or housework. Doug. 2238. Laasdry aad Day Work. 'EXPERIENCED laundry woman wants bi'ndl washing: neat work. Web. 2157. LACE curtains and bundle carefully laundered. Webster 42n3. I ITTi BUNDLE washing cheap. Webster 4307. Cleaning and laundry work. Web ater 4745. DAY work of auy kind. Web. Mary. HELP WANTEDMALE teres aad Offlee. MANAGFlR. retail. Idaho $12 Bookkeeper, steno.. exp.i n vtnokkeeoer. lumber exp. . 76 Two shipping clerk, expd $iS-';6 jsix stenos., at once.... t4rt-7 WESTERN KEF. & BOND AB.VN. INC.,- Originator or the Reference Muetnesa. 7ol flmsha Nst. Bank Bldg YOUNG man with good common school education. Slum ivmii. ami miru rapid on typewriter and careful on figures Salary $0 to start. Fine op portunity to learn advertising profes sion. Apply to a. m. at 1 Be Building. BPEOTaLTT SALESMAN $100 BILL t I-d-.rov f ' uTi.-vrv'tRAPHFK $75 THF, OANO AOKNCT. 0"0 BEE PLDO, BKPR.. gram exp., '". i". and clerk $76. Bteno and bkpr.. TS. W A TT S RET. CO, Ma-4ft-4i Pran.4. The. Prefeeatea aad Trade. WANT F.I Good Job" and ad printer; p reference for orchestra cornet player. Trthuee. Mnnrnrt, -W ANTKfPrctical farmer, alngl man, F. Bliss. Room JM, Exchange Bldg., Stork Yard. Bouuiomha WANTED A man to help bottle toilet art Ir lea at once. .17 Ieavenworth Bt. Pfu"g"Btor Bnaia, oba ifnelst- Bide. aleaBMa aad telteltere. Stock Salesmen Wanted A few good stock salesmen to sell stock In a gilt-edge corporation. This 1 an easy seller. For further rartleulars writ T t, Bre. WANTEr F.xperiencad men clothing and furnishing good salesman. Apply superintendent, Brandel Stores. HELP WANTED-MALE aleasnesj and finlleltnra. S A LESMA NSHIP STA UTS MONDAY, JANUARY Ml Increa . Oiir ,.f rii'in.v nwka ,,inr. our ffllenc. make more ood salesmen command their money; g own aalary; get to be a scientific sales man and l Independent. Call Tyler 1H, Mr. Mller or Mr. Shaw, and learn how. V. 1. C. A., 17th ard Harney Sta. WANTED A ( od, steady, gentlemanly salesman to hanrile a W.ird'e wagon In every county; mi exieitence tie,ded; you furnis.i iram, we furnish working cxI'I'.hI; only nniliitlous men need rep y. For full purtl.'Ular write prumpty to Dr. Wards Medical Company, Winona. Mli.n. o t A I, I! J S I A N A NTkF" Lxpei u iio d ctiuly ealcsin.-in for Ihiiaha u.iy tr..d'; one who Is chpui lo of selling a well known line that N ompiete end per fect In detail; surety l.ond reipiired: snawer In own hnndwrlting and give veourd of rmplovment, age, snlsry ex- twted. fVMBee. o W ANTED fine or two bright oiing men aliout 15 yesrs of Hue, thoroughly ac quainted with the city to leiirn the real estnte hiisima. iusl Ik men of hih clssi cliHtectpr. Address Fj?!. Hee . WANT a first class man, one who under stands tho selllnir gHine, to sell the het household proposition known. Oood profits to the right man. Inquire after 7:?0 p. m. at MO Her tiarnd. WANTED We otter an exceptional pp portualty to good saiecmen to roll frocerlea dliect to the consumer. Write larper Bros. & Co., Wholesale Grocers, Chicago. 111. WANTED Hltth class salesman with established line to carry new articles. Pocket sample, show ten, sell nine. Mske us prove It. 411 Keellne Bldg. Trade ackouls. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Men wanted to learn the trade. We have originated a plan to tench It quickly and earn back tuition whil learning. loom .nciuueu. open to everyone. v rite lor catalogue. 110 So, 14th St., omana, Neo. SAVE $25 SEE OUR SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER. It you can I attenu aay aonooi you can hold your Job and at the aame time get your automobile education If you enro'l in the NIGHT CLASS OF NEBRASKA AUTOMOB1LB SCHOOL. tH LEAVENWORTH. RED 3110. GOOD MEN WANTED to learn auto work, for the big spring rush. Fin training work on auto and electric starting systems. AMERICAN AUTO COLLEGE. 20F3 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. LEARN THB BARBER TRADE. Tri-Clty Barber college; low rat tui tion, Including set of tools; wages paid: electrlo massare, hydraullo chair; cat alogue free. 1124 Dour.js St.. Omaha Mtseellaaeows. W ANTED Married man (with grown-up son preferred) to work on farm Dy tn year. Separate house, garden, cow; Kive nationality, wage expected and reference In first letter. Good position for right party Address Y 219. Bee. WANTED Experienced young man to taKe measures in made-to-measure suit hop; must be teetotaler and have high est references. Address Y 222. Bee. MEN 18 or over, wanted as railway mail clerks. Sample examination questions Tree. Franklin Institute, Dept. zzi L., Rochester. N. Y. WANTED Names of ambitious men, 18 to 4o. wishing to become Omaha mall carriers. Commence $67 month. Address Y 199. Bee. CUNNINGHAMI Labor Aaency, 111 8. 13th St.: handles everything. SUITS pressed, 60c. Carey Cleaning Com pany, 24th ana Dake. weDster km. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS ADVERTISE your property as though you believed its sale or rental to oe important, by keeping It listed In th ' Big House, Home and Real KiUtt Guide THE BEE HELP WANTEtv FEMALE Store and Of flee. STENO. (out of town) tti STENO. (R. R.) $65 TH W UANU AOBNCY, 600 BEE3 BLDQ, STENO. and clerk, $tifi; ateno. $50; steno. $40. WATTS REF. CO., 83-0-43 Brand. The. Professions and Trades. WANTED. Head waiter, out of city; waitress pastry cook; scrub woman, in city hotel cook. CUNNINGHAM LABOR AGENCY. Ill S. 13th Bt. GIRL to ern hair dressing. Oppenhelm Parlor. 13 City .Nat. Kalrswonaeat and Solicitor. WANTED Two cultured, wall-educated women between age of IS and 35. for traveling position on high-class educa tional work; K. B paid; expenses ad vanced; experience unnecessary: refer ence requested. Call In person between 10 a. m. and 3 p. m.,or evenings by ap polntmeut. Hotel Fontenelle. Inqulr for Mr. Coffleld. Moasehold aad Domestic. WHEN th renting problem Is under con siderationeither from the standpoint of tbe tenant or landlord th Real Es tate and Want Ad Guide to all of Greater Omaha The Bee Is the best medium for sur and satisfactory re sults. GOOD girl wanted for housework. One mat would appreciate a good home and the very best of treatment.. A right place for a deserving girl. Wages fairly good. Address 1M17. csre The Bee. "WANTED Young girl to assist with general housework In family with two .small children. Good home to right party. Colored people need not apply. 46U2 Florence Blvd. Colfax 706. WANT ED-Oompetent girl for general housework; must be a good cook; good home; family of two; good wages and no washing. Mrs. E. A. Singer, 6lC2 Un derwood. Call Walnut 34. FREE! Ads for servant girls lll be run 1 days fie of charge. Rrin. send or phone your ad to THE BEE office. Phoie. Tiler lfloO. WANTED Neat girl 4r general house work; city references required; one who esn go home nights. Call at &M6 lavenport fit. Friday or Saturday morning. WANTED A whit girl for general nnusewora, no wanning or cook inn I'hone w eoster 4:1 or addresa Wj N. lth Bt. WANTED A couple to take car of the Negro Women s Chrixtlan Home at 3UJ1I Plnkney Bt. Call Sunday afternoon at i o ClOCK WANTKli Girl for general housework good wages, no washing Mrs. A. W. oordon. ie-ii jscKson. nsrney I4s. WANTED Competent whit girl. 1 In family. No washing. Rest wage paid. itar. ji 5. vo not can alter p. ra. WANTr.i A cook with references; good wages: no washing, airs. Joseph Bar Ker, iv eio. run r-i. noiif. ji'nu. WANTKD-Good white girl for general housewora; rour in lamur; gooa wages, liar. tCvW. M.'4 Dodge St. WANTED- lirl for general housework: small family: no children. 2640 Harney l"T. liar. cei:. WANTED Girl to assist with houi work and car of small child. Phon COMPETENT wiiit girl Tor general housework: reference. 1171 Dodge. Call narnev 1101. W'ANTED Whit second girl; good reN erencea; $7 per week. 4j N. 3ih bt. Harney a. UIRL, for general housework: no wash lug; small lamtiy; won preferred. il . awn. WANTED Good laiinilressfor XlonHv. MCI I nrterwocd Ave. Phoney'alnut H2! ANTED -Experienced girl for Venera nousewors ; no wasning. r-taenev sk4. WANTED ;.xd girl for general-Sous work. Harney r4. 1050 N. is,.h Ave. WANTETV A girl to assist "with house work. Jiarnejr aiw EDUCATIONAL AFTERNOON SCHOOL OPEN S TO 1 P. M. .ge" Pesdln. wr.tiug. seing. arlthmetlrf PrgMnh. Knsl sh for coming Am., short hand, typew riting. bookkeeping. Five davs per week. 16 per month. Enroll for lOavs f" T wt-vn. 9 M r nn'nin. Mini IOI Jmrt or fu me for on. or moT9 ub, liects. sfternoons or night, or both. Y. M. C. A. SCHOOLS, imi AND HARNET BTS. BUSINESS COLLEGE) STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSE. For sale, with good reason for set. Ing. a vitr ety of courses In a reliable Bi sines Wjhoot, on of th leading busi ness college of Omaha. Will be sold very reasonable awy below regular price. If you sre considering taking a course lnetigta this at once, sine Spring Term begins soon. .Call office, Omaha Bee. DAY SCHOOL! " BOYLKS COLLEGE. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every dav is cntollment day. Book keeping, Shorthand, Btenotypy, Type- riling. Telegrnphy. Civil Service all Commercial and English branches. Cat alogue Tree. HOVLES COLLEGE. 18th and Harney Sta Tel. Douglss 1.VS8. THE VAN SANT SQIOOL STENOGRAPHY BOOKKEEPING. Day School for Young Women. Evening School for Young Men and Women. tat ut day morning class In typewriting. lone C. Duffy, Or ner and Manager. ' 06 8. 11th St. Omaha f"OR sale, the following scholarships In a first-class Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination business and shorthand course. One unlimited stenographic cours. One three-month' business or steno graphic course. S ill le sold at a discount at th of flea of The Omaha Bee. SCHOOL OF MODERN LANGUAGES i. Issa or private lessons. Translation. Conversation. 805 Lyric Bldg. Web. 6664, axton Blk. School of Lettering and Art. Tuition $10 per month. Doug. 2167. PERSONAL $3,000 TO PENSION INVALIDS. The Ladles' Home Journal tin The Saturday Evening Post 11.50 The Country Gentleman $1.00 6 0 subscriptions each month till April earns that $3,000 for The Inva lids' Pension Assn. Your order or re newal contributes 50c. Urgent. JuO needed) In February. Phone Douglas 7163 or ad dress GORDON, TIIE MAGAZINE MAN, Omaha. Neb. TOUNO women coming to Omaha as strangers are Invited to Tlslt tha Young Women's Christian association building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave., where they will be directed to suitable board ing place or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guld at th Union Btation. PILES. FISTULA CURED. Dr. E. R. Tarry cures piles, fistula and other rectal diseases without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Writ for book on rectal diseases with testlraontala DR. E. R. TARRY. 240 Be Bldg. THE Salvation Army Induetrlal horn so licits your old clothing, furniture, mag azines. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglas 4136 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new horn. 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St SAN FRANCISCO INSTITUTE. 701 Bouth Kith 8t., econd floor. Hot tub bath, shower, genuine Swedish mas sage, chiropody, manicuring; graduates. Hour 10 a. ra. to 10 p. m. PERSONAL Alice. If you want to ae your moiner auve. come noma immedi ately. Her lite despaired of unless sh can see you; wire your answer. O. F. Coonrad, 1010 Asbury avenu, Aabury Park, N. J. R U P T U li E Sucassf uliy treated1 AVUI without a surgical operation. Call or writ Drs. Wray x Mathen y. 801 Bee Bldg., Omaha. MISSES GRAY AND HEAD. Electric baths,, chiropody treatment, scientific massage. 210-212-214 , Balrd Blk.. 17th and Douglas. D. $458. . MEDICATED vapor and modern Turkish baths for' ladlea and gentlemen: lady attendant for ladles; Swedish maasag. 1919 Farnam St Douglaa 1437. Personal Misses Staples & Mason, bath, electrlo treatment Open 1 a. m. W 1 p.m. Doug. 713. 161 Brandel Th. VAPOR. TUB AND SPRAY BATHft Edna La Belt 709 S. 16th St. $d floor apt D. 7048. MISS WILSON. Bath, 1802 Farnam St. Room 2. Phone Douglaa 8761. M. BRUGMAN. Steam and shower baths. Bad 1727. Room 202. Karbach Blk RHEUMATISM treated successfully, r sult guarant'd. Dr. Bowser, 114 Be Bldg. MRS. STEELE. Msdicated baths. 1721 Dodge Bt. COZY manicuring parlors, bath a Farnam, Apt 7. Doug. 7S74. 14 TJRTA C. 8TOKES has moved his office to 474 Brandels Theater Bldg MISS VEN'ETA, massage and alcohol. rub. Office 109 So. Uth Bt. IJRESSMAklNG by the day. Work guaranteed. Webster 0868. SCIENTIFIC massMoe. 620 Bee Eldg. Phone Douglaa -;,3. &ASSAGE Miss Vbtr, (11 Paaton Blk. Douglas Mil. WALL paper cleaning. Tyler 3663 W. FOR RENT-ROOMS Famished Rasas, HOTEL SANFORD. HOTEL HARLBT". win ana r am am, sutn ana sarnani. Special Rates to Permanent Guest. 26TH Ave., LZl. South Modern, close-In furnished room, for gentleman, $10 mo. Tel. Red 947. STST AVE , 131 N. Pleasant, warm room. Private family, oood location. II. lifts. HARNEY ST., 2euThree warm rooms, $1 .00 up. Close In. Douglas 2447. Nli'KH close la: dl :'1 St Vanted young man. Roommate. D. 7031. Hoaaekeepiasj Rooaas. iT. MARY'S AVE.. 25t3-Two modern, furnished, south housekeeping rooms, well healed. T'lDouglHB 4432. TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping, wun an new lurnuure; walking dls tsnce Call Yyler 1V.9. TWO warm light housekeeping rooms. Private entrance. 68 N. 21st St. D. 6707. Hoard and Room. WARM. COMFORTABLE ROOMS. Newly furnished, home privilege to th rUht partl. W serve good board. Call Wrls er 7172. WELL-FURNISHED large room; I wln- dows; big closet; new. modern home; good board: home privileges. Tyler 1709. T'LEASANt south room, with best of board; excellent location; private fam ily 1105 Park Ave. Tel. Harney H2S I nfaralahed Ruaaa HARNEY BT.. : S0-If you have furniture and are looking for nice rooms, cither 2 or 4. for housekeeping, see these first. FOR RENT-HOUSES WW. FOR RENT. ttSi Harney Bt., mod. 10-roora brick hou. Hot water heat Inquire T. J. O'Brien. Tel. H. 1094: D. Hi. 12-ROOM modern house with garage. earn: hot water heat. 2618 Huimt T bt. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. D. 121 or H. 1 Merta. 1&J0 LINCOLN BLVD. U-room hou Mrlctly modern, with hot water heat I rice tan. ixugias mix. 1515 GRANT ST., 7-r. coin., moiern. U. T. F. 1111. 433 Rajnge Biug. D.740. IVEW modern bungalow. 2tA Lriatoi, Wbstr Lw. I