Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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Fresident, in Letter to Kitchin,
Says He Changed Mind Became
Circumstances Did.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 27. Presi
dent Wilson today sent a letter to
Chairman Kitchin of the houso ways
and means committee, explaining
why he had withdrawn hla opposi
tion to a tariff commission and now
was urging the creation of such r. '
body by congress. He wrote that
he had changed his mind because .
"all the circumstances of the world
had changed."
Declaring that he had "no thought
whatever of a change In attitude
toward the so-called protection quei
tlon," the president said the pro
posed commission would have notn
'ng to do with theories of policy,
ut would be charged only with the
iuty of seeking facts to guide con
gress In legislation.
lra-ea Nonpartisan Board.
In another letter to Mr. Kitchin last
Monday he had aet forth fully hla ideas
of what a tariff commission should be
and urged that the frays and means
committee consider the matter Immedi
ately. He favored a nonpartisan expert
"I have changed my mind," aald to
day' tetter, "because all the circum
stances of the world have changed and
It seams to ma in view of the extraor
dinary and far-reaching changes which
the European war baa brought about
It is absolutely necessary that we should
have a competent Instrument of inquiry
along the whole line of the many ques
tions which affect our foreign com
merce. '
"I have had in this change of mind,
no thought whatever of a change of at
titude towards the so-called protection
question. That is neither here nor there.
A commission such as I have suggested
would have nothing to do with theories
of noltoy. They would deal only with,
facts and the f-'cts which they would
seek ought to le the actual facts of
Industry and of the conditions of eoono
mlo exchange 'prevailing In the worla
so that legislation ot every kind that
touched these matters might be guided
by the circumstances disclosed In its
roily" to Act Now.
"I dare say you feel as I do, that it
would be folly at this time, or until
all the altered conditions clearly are
understood, to ' attemot to deal with
problems ot foreign commerce by legis
lation and yet having dealt directly and
clearly with the whole question of un
fair competition within our own borders,
It is clear that as soon as wa know
the facts wo ought to deal with the
unfair methods of competition as be
tween our own nation and others; this
Is only one of the many things we prob
ably would wish to deal with. The
other matters I have attempted to lndl- ;
cate in my previous letter to you. X am
glad to supplement that letter by this
explicit statement of the considerations
which have been most Influential with
"Tou will remember that in my last
message to congress I foreshadowed just
the conditions which were operating In
my mind in this matter. Tho passage to
which I refer was this: 'Many conditions
about which we have repeatedly ex
changed are being altered from decade to
decade, it Is evident under our very oyes,
and are likely to change even more rap
idly and more radically In the days Ira
mediately ahead of us, when peace has
letumed to the world and the nations of
JSurcpe once more take up their tasks of
commerce and Industry with the energy
of those who must bestir themselves to
build anew.
o Calculable Elements.
" 'Just what these changes will be no
one can certainly foresee or confidently
predict. There are no calculable because
no stable elements in the problem. Thn
most we, ran do Is to make certain that
we have the necessary Instrumentalities
of information constantly at our service
o that we may be sure that we know ex
actly what we are dealing with when we
com to act. If it ahould be necessary to
act at all.
We must first certainly know
what It Is that we are seeking to adapt
ourselves to. I may ask the privilege or
addressing you more at length on thla im
portant matter a little later in the ses
sion.' "I need hardly say that I appreciate
very fully the motives by which you are
yourself actuated and it is, therefore,
with the greater confidence that I lay
the whole matter thus fully before you.
Congress has so much to do at the pres
ent time that it is clearly Impossible that
It should be able to collect all the data
which such a commission would gather,
and I feel that It would presently find
such a commission Indispensable to it.".
Rhoald Be M'lthoat Blaa.
In his letter sent to Mr. Kitchin last
Ihfonday the president said:
"1 am convinced, as I suppose every
disinterested person mut be. that It
would be a mistake to provide for sucb a
board with the idea of serving any par
ticular theory of fiscal policy. What we
would need would be above a 1 things else
a board as much aa possible free from
tiny strong pre-poaespion in favor of any
political policy and capable of looking at
the whole economic situation of the coun
try with a dispassionate and disinterested
rutlny. I believe we co:H obtain such
a board if the proper legislation were
tnacted and It la quite clear to me what
tie field of its Inquiry' and Its activities
should be."
He outlined In detail his plana (or the
work of such a board including the col
lection of tariff figures, investigation of
Ihe output of products at home and
abroad, of the workinga of commercial
treaties and preferential agreements, of
unfair methods of competition, of dump
ing and of scientific methods of creating
lew Industrie and biUl ling up old ones.
Colonel William Anderson, Hotel
V R mc'i chief clerk, has been seriously Hi
f wltii grippe for severs! days, but is now
f t (covering. However, Mrs. Anderson has
contracted the malady and Colonel An-
II derson la remaining away from business
V f a fuw days longer In order to look sfter
COULD FIND NO KNOCKERS HERE So Old Doc Knocker will continue his journey to the Pacific ocean for burial
Rotary club in charge of the obsequies. Rotarians who shipped "Doc" on were, left to right, John Mellen, Harry Weller,
O.T.'Eastman, John M. Hogan, R. T. Manley, Paul Wernher, Will Clarke, Dan Johnson, 0. B. Brown, W. E. Taube, Harley
O. Moorhead, Tom S. Kelly.
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Four Hundred of Them Hold Cele
. bration' and Hear J. X. -Kennedy.
When a heart-warming occasion
like Robert Burns' birthday ia to be
observed, what does a howling wind
and a low temperature amount to?
Nothing, according to the 400
Scotchmen who ignored the cold
wave last night to celebrate the one
hundred and fifty-seventh anniver
sary of the birth of the beloved bard
of the. bonnle . land of heath and
It was held in the form of a con
cert and ball at the Swedish au
ditorium, under the auspices of Clan
Gordon No. 63, Order of Scottish
Clans, and in spite of the severe
weather it was one of the most suc
cessful and best-attended affairs ot
its kind ever held in Omaha. Tues
day was the exact anniversary of
Burns' birth, but Wednesday was
chosen as the more suitable date for
the celebration. ' , '
There were kilts and bonnets aplenty,
and bonnle lassies and Highland tune.
Toung and old Joined In approbation for
every Burns quotation and 'mid the
t brill of the bagpipe' music and the Inspiration-
of 'the- Highland, tllhg and.
sword dance, the love all bore ' for the
land of Tarn O'Phanter and :"The Cotter's
Saturday Night" was plainly and' merrily
emphasised. - '. : '
Keaartiy Leads Oft. '
John U Kennedy, himself a native son
of Burn' own county of Ayrshire, might
well be heralded as the man who put the
burr In Burns. ' He was the speaker of
the evening and made a stirring address,
generously Interspersed with : lines from
the poet, as only a true Boot could speak
them. . . , , . . , . ; -
Mr. Kennedy was born In Ayrshire, and
for seventeen years lived near thi-re.
Chief Kenneth fl. Flnlayeon or "Clan Gor
don, who presided,' Introduced the speaker
aa "a Scot of whom we are justly proud."
Thirty yeara ago Mr. Kennedy was a
speaker at Robert Burns' celebrations in
Omaha, and this year he not only made
a Burns' address In Omaha last night
but delivered a similar one at Havelork
the night before. ...
Barm Loved fey All.
' "Wherever the English language ' Is
spoken," he said, "the memory of Robert
Bums is honored. Vtie noet has been
,jea(, about iao year now- How many
people are there In the world today who
will be remembered and loved as Bums
la when they have been dead as long as
he hasT " ' "
The Bible, John Knox and Robert
Burns are the three great influences that
made Scotland what It Is. We thank Got
tor the memory of Burns, and what It
jfi wi sin aas i ii n ii 1,1, i in inn, ii m ii i ilnrii'tfiL
r iv
H o f7T r
I. Is" VW fe)
J 2 ; a
Omaha la such a types' booster city
that "everybody's doing It." Prosperity
and progress prevail, and there are no
grounds for "knocking," so not a single
knocker can be found here.
This fact was discovered by A. 8.
Borglum. J. M. Hogan and P. C. Heafey,
a comlttee of the Omaha Rotary club.
It was appointed a few days ago to ar
range a Mg public funeral for "Old
Doc Knocker," which is a gltta itlc hum
mer with' a handle ton feet long, that
eastern Rotary clubs have held funeral
procession for, to symbolise the death
and burial of the knocking spirit.
"Old Doc Knocker" arrived by express
from Syracuse and Dayton a few days
means to history and civilisation. The
poet hod his talllnna. as all men have,
but hla teachings are true, and through
them all his tongue waa touched ly the
Divine Hand, and his waa tho greatness
of Ood-glven genius.
"The nearer we approach Burns' teach
Inga In our lives the happier we will be
and the closer we will come to the Ideal
Kvrnlnar of Enjoyment.
Chief Flnlayson . made the welcoming
address In place of Judge A. C. Troup, a
past chief of Clan Gordon, who was un
able to attend. Pipe Major Ocortw W.
MrDougall played the bagrlpe In true
"Hleland" style, and Miss Jennie Hlslop
delighted the audience with her Highland
fling and aword dance.
These typical Scotch eoloa were eung:
"Mary of Argyle" and "March of the
Cameron Men," by Charles Olson; "Rlue
Bells -of Scotland" and ' Bonnlo Sweet
Beasle," by Miss Hasel S.lvcr; "LaUlo
of Stirling" and "Blue Bonnets." by
Harry 8. Dlsbrow; "Afton Water" and
"My Aln Folk," by Misi Gertrude Alkcn.
Miss Clara Schneider played two pleas
ing violin solos. Edward Pewar Challi
nor played the piano accompaniments,
Corsby'a orchestra furnished muvlc for
the dancing after tho program, and the
whole company Joined In singing "Auld
Lang Syne" at the close of the evening.
Arrangements were In charge of Chief
Flnlayson. W. R. Ronnie, W. J. Hlslop,
H. B. Fernandes, U. G. Watson, A. Fal
coner, R. Oalt and H. Home. Tho floor
committee consisted of H. Fernandes, A.
Falconer, H. Home, W. R, Gunn, D.
Munro, C. Johnston, R. Malcolm and D.
Will Try to Whip
By Colombia Pact
WASHINGTON. Jan. J7.-The adminis
tration's determination to force action aa
a part of lta Pan-American policy on the
treaties with Colombia and Nicaragua,
held up for more than two years, spurred
democrats of the senate foreign relations
conjmlttee today to fix next Wednesiay
ss the date for a vote on the Colombian
treaty, regardless of the result. An ef
fort also will be made to get tho Nlca
raguan pact to a vote.
Some senators today predicted that
both treaties could be recommended for
ratification, but both democrats and re
publicans have doubta regarding thejr re
ception In the senate. Opposition to the
Colombian treaty Is based on the proposal
to pay Colombia 25,C0O.UX) for the separa
tion of Panama, and on an expression of
ago. The aforesaid committee started to
arrange, to have the emblematio hammer
lie in state at the court house, and then
parado it through the stieets. with cltl
sens following as at a runeral.
"But a funeral of Doc KnOoker Is not
appropriate for Omaha." declared Presi
dent Harry S. Weller of the Rotary club
"How can we bury any knockers, when
none have been here, dead or alive?" 8o
the directors of the club called off the
local funeral of Old Doc, and instead the
Bent hla "corpse" west to the Denver Ro
tary club. They put an Inscribed plate
on the casket, saying that knockers are
unknown to the Gate City. When the
hammer reachea the Pacific coast, It lll
be thrown Into the ocean.
regret Incorporated in the treaty that
anything ahould have happened to mar
the relatione of the two countries.
Eio Grande Seeking
Gateway Settlement
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Jan. K.Speelal Tel
egram.) The Ogden gateway and Its re
lation to passenger traffic was the sub
ject of a conference today between rep
MniHvf.i of the Union Pacific and
Denver & Rio Grando officials snd Com
missioners Harlan and IUU of the Inter
state Commerce commission. Gcrrltl
Fort, passenger traffic manager of the
I'nlon Pacific presented the Union Pa
cific side.
The commission suggested that the
I'nlon Psclflc allow through tickets to be
sold la the Denver & Rio Grande at the
sum of tho local fares which would
make a higher rate via the Denver It Rl
Grande than the Union Tactile.
This waa agreeable to the Union Pa
cific but unsatisfactory to the Denver aV
Rio Grande people and further time wa
asked by the Colorado road. If no action
Is taken meantime the whole controversy
will be settled on February 15, when the
decision of tho commission as to the Og
den gateway aa It relatea to passenger
traffic goes into effect.
Motor Car Reason
Tor Unsold Lumber
KANSAS CITY. Mo.. Jan. !7. At the
convention of the Southwestern Lumber
men's association here today the motor
ment tn the scle of lumber by J. R. t
Moorehead, secretary of the association. 1
"The motor car has done more to cur
tall the use of wood than all the sub
stitutes combined." he said. "Mllllona of
dollars that ahould be going Into Im
rrovements on farms, new buildings ai.d
homes are golig into the purchase ot mo
tor cara." .
William Burke, rlnlmlng to be a former
newspaper reporter In Iea Moines, Bur
lington, Clinton, Ploux City and else
where In Iowa, has been arrested by the
Omaha police for the second time within
a few months. Tl'e first time he waa hel I
for the alleged passing of a worthless
check and this tires the charge Is being
a fugitive from Justice.
Burke says he it wantea tn Des Moine
In connection with contemrt of court rr.v
reeding growing out of Investigation ot
certain liquor law litigation. He declarea
he will fight extradition.
Cascarets Gently Cleanse the
Headache, Nasty Breath,
Better Than Salts, Oil, Calomel or Pills for Men, Women,
Children Never Gripe 20 Million
Boxes Sold Last Year.
1 . .
Take one or two Cascarets tonight and
enjoy the nicest, gentlest liver and bowel
cjeaslng you ever experienced. Wake up
feeling grand, your head will be clear,
your tongue clean, breath sweet, stomsch
regulated and your liver and thirty feet
of bowels active. Get a box at any drug
store now and get .straightened up by
morning. Stop the headache, biliousness,
Letter and Telegama to Crown
Prince Advised Holding- Out
Agninit Vienna.
nERUN (Via London). Jan. 27.
The Hudspest correspondent of
the Tagchlatt says that, according
to a Sofia dispatch, letters and tele
grams signed by the Russian em
peror found among the archives of
the Serbian crown prince, Alexan
der, advised the prince under no
circumstances to yield to the demand
of Auslro-Hnngary for the dissolu
tion of the Narodnl Ochrana, a
Serbian political society. The docu
ments were dated Just before the
outbreak of the war.
In a tetegix-m Emperor Nicholas Is
said to have Instructed the Serbians
to reject the Austro-Hungarlan ulti
matum because Russia was ready
to support Serbia with force of arms.
Socialist Presides
Over Federal House
WASHINGTON, Jan. I7.-A socialist
preHded over the house today for the
t'rst time In Its history. Representative
London of New Tork was In the chair for
about two minutes, being called to act
for Speaker Clark when the house rose
from sitting ss a committee of thn whole
to receive an exiculivc report.
Phone your Want-Ada to The Bee.
Liver and Bowels, Stopping
Sour Stomach or. Bad Colds.
bad colda and bad dsys. Feel fit and
ready for work or play. Cascareta do
not gripe, sicken or Inconvenience you
the next day like salts, pills or calomel.
They're flnel ...
Mothvs should give a whol Cascaret
any time to cross, sick, bilious or fever
Ish children because It will act thor
oughly and cannot Injure. i
(US) I , (LJ) fiS
Keep Family Ties Strong
When yon started in, yoti and mother, "your home
stood for all your hopes of the future, and, ot course, you . !
were proud of it. As the family grew, the, home was the
center of interest and affection.
And NOW, is it as comfortable a your neighbor's
home as attractire has it the - Improvements they
have? Their families deserve nothing better than yours.
Install Electric Light
Let the nightly gathering around the evening lamp
help hold together family ties. Electrlo Light is soft
and restful. It invites the whole family to gather with
in its cheerful rays and or eat m a real home atmosphere.
If fear of its cost has kept you from having the
house wired, let us give yon an estimate today. It will -prove
a pleasant surprise.
Omaha Electric Light & Power Co.
. CEO. 11. HABElKS, Pro.
Glass. of Hot Water
Before Breakfast
a Splendid Habit
Open atulesa of the system aaeh
. rriornlno; and wash away lh
poisonous, stagnant matter.
Those cf us who nr accustomed to
feel dull and heavy when we arise; split
ting headache, stuffy from a told, foul
tongue, nasty breath, ae:d stomach, lama
back, can. Instead, both Inok and feel as
frvsh as a daisy always by washing the
poisons and toxlnd from the body with '
phoaphated hot water each morning.
We should drink, before breakfast, a
glass of real hot wster with a teaspoon
ful of 1'mestone phosphate Ift It to flush '
from the stomach, llxer, kidneys and
ten yards of bowels the previous day's
IndlgestM wast, sour bile and poison
ous ' toxins; ' thus cleansing, . sweetening
and purifying the entire alimentary
tract before putting more food Into the
stomach. ,
The action of limestone phosphate arid
hot water on an empty stomach Is won
derfully Invigorating. It tkans out all
the seur fermentations, gases. ss( and
aridity and gives one a splendid appe
tite' Tor' breakfast TUId It l said to be
tut a little whllrt until the rosea. begin
td appear In the cheeks. A quarter pound
of .limestone phosphate will cost vary
little at the drug store, but Is sufficient
16 make anyone who Is bothei-ad with
biliousness, constipation, stomach trouble
or rheiimstism s resi entnusisst on ui
subject of Internal sanitation. Try it
and you are assured that you will took
better' and feel better In avery way
shortly. Advertisement.
Ue Cocanut Oil .
i : For Washing Hair
If you want to keep your hair In good
condition, be careful what you wash It
with. ;.
Most soaps and prepared shampoos
contain, too much alkali. This dries the
scalp, makes the hslr brittle, and Is very
harmful. Just plain mulstfled cocoanut
oil (which Is pure and entirely grease
less),'. Is much better than ' the moat ex
pensive soap or anything else you can
usa for shampooing, as this can't Pos
sibly Injure the hair.
Slmplf moisten your hair with wster
snd rub it In. One or two teaaponnfuia
will make an abundanc of rich, creamy
lather, and cleanses the hair and scalp
thoroughly. The lather rinses out easily,
anfl iTiiHnrii rcry una ui wuai,
dandruff and excessive oil. The hair
dries quickly and evenly, and it leaves
It fins and silky, bright, fluffy and aasy
to manage. 1 '
iTou' can get mulslfled cocoanut oil at
most.any drug atore. It Is very cheap,
and .a few" ounces Is enough to last
everyona in the ramiiy for monuii.
Advertisement. ' . ...
That's th Six
, of Our Staff
Utfaatmres ant arawlara
ef all descriptions. B
toaeklas; phot ograpas,
reballdiaa vlotaroa, tu
ail kinds of art work.
:noka vinos,
At Your erriaa,
Bee Engraving Dept.
rhoa Tjlsr 1000
, Bee Slag-., Omaha..
!-" affl
J " l'r comfort. A number cf
: X a called at the Anderson ho
II Twenty-fourth street, to
I I ti eir condition.
d ! j
hotel men have
home, 944 North
Inquire about