Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1916, Page 4, Image 4
THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 1916. MILITARY SERYICE WILL BEREQUIRED Dr. Edward Breck Telle Commer cial Club Ignorance Keeps Preparedness Back. EATS PENSIONS ARE Git AFT PASTOR IMMANCXL SWEDISH I,rjPT4i THURCH. Mreet s furnished and ready for his family. Rev. Mr. Chinlund will pererh hla first sermon In lmmanuel church next Punday at 10 a. m , In the Swedish language He will preach also In the evening. A net policy In regard to the Isnguace used at lmmanuel church will be In augurated. The morning service on the last Sunday of each month and the even ing service every second Punday will be In Kngllsh. Other services will be In Swedish. LABOR IS AGAINST ALL CONSCRIPTION Conference at Bristol Holds that Compulsory Service Contrary to Spirit of British Democracy. ACTION IS NEARLY UNANIMOUS emphatically -against the adoption of con arrlptlon In any form as It la against the pint of Itritlsh democracy and full of danger to the liberties of the peuple." When the delegates assembled today they found this resolution on their tables and also one on the military service MM whlrh were designed to take the place of the numerous preoal which have been made on these ubjert. The other resolu tion placed before the congrea follow: "Thl conference declare It opposition to the military hill and In the event ef It teromlng law, decide to agitate for. Ite repeal." CONSUMPTIVE PRISONERS ARRIVE IN SWITZERLAND BERXK, Switzerland. (Via Tarisl. Jan. ST. Two hundred ronxmnplive prisoner nf war arrived In Heme today. Hair of them are Trench prisoners from Ger many and the remainder German prison er from France. 'The lliwe I crmln shortly when mili tary T V will riiilred In all the 'cheots arvl out ef them In America." 'mlt In. fx1rf prrr, representative nf the NetVmisI Navf league, tn apea klna n rreparrriee;s hefnre the Ormimrrrlal clnh at Mnn "It Is lawe-rance that In keplna; people hack frwm this prof ram of prepared tires. All are in favar f It when thrjr knn Ihf fart. President Wilson aaa a a. sine H, ana la now far it. All honor to a man who will change hla mind on ao great a auhjec t." The aeake maintained that we cannot lan1 by the Monroe doctrine, and we iiw( eWenel the Tanama canal a ad krrp It aeirttal and open to all ahlna un r.a ae have a lam navy. "Th Jk"arw doctrine." aald the rpraker, U one of the rockiest polldea ever anaoimorrl by a nation. Without a Ml navjr It I a iwt bluff. a some of the Ortnan offlra hare told tne many a time fare to face. I remember aome years a no one of them aald to me: 'The Monroe rtoclrine la a gigantic Wiiff, and the firm time we set a thanre to rail It we will rail It hard.' Mast Keen Monroe Dortrlne. "Hut we mii't stick lo tie Monroe poc trlne,' raid the speaker. "Why, Mim yon. oii ronlj not abandon tha Monroe Ioo 1rine now If you wanted lo. If yoM tried lo M go of II. It would not let go or ll." Pr. Ilreck touel cd on the i-rllirlsm that I heaped upon the Navy 1m sue tn lb Intlmitlons tint the league I ' boost In? for the munitions works nnil the alerl rompnnl' . "All i need to Kay U that la lalae." he raid. ''Kteel, yea, reitnlnly, t ionf.-1-s three steel bond rrself. I woisld lo Hud 1 had more." . A imr klnn Joaephtia lanlrlK. for mvix llng 1 1 cimiiaJ. who have a rent tec h nical knowledge of the rtsvy, nnd spenV. Inn for the nevy wllj only Che g-ner.ii knowldluro that any well-read man ran set. he ea'd: "If Wlle-.m la defeated for the 'presi'li liry tills fall one rennon will he JoniphiiH Hnnids. If he Itislcta upon kreMuc liim at the lieiid of the liny, nnd ! tools aa though we 1 1 1 1 1 have lnnlln for anntetlme, then lr. WiNon wilt nrohahly lie defeated. Another rea. eon will he liia unfortunate lirae, "Too I'Tcitiri tn flaht.' " 'he speaker spoke dhMlxInrully of the email, amounts appropriate! for the itrmy and navy, and .the ridiculously lurue I miiii of l70.0"0,(o paid annually In pen- I I i-lc itiH to eldlei( of a warfouxht a half n renti'fy a-to, "Fi lly one-half of that Ik liia't," he an til. "I wlh we could tune n public limn In congress or aome-I nhcie e!e that had vouraga enough to j i rt a ;! up and aay ao. But they have to look out for their volea. Aa I have no political aiiiliitiona. whaterevrr, I will nay It for them.' I if- 2 Iff - j h : 2-.::L... 8iiiiiw ,"i ItEV. K. G. Tn xn. THREE MANILA CENTENARIANS DIE WITHIN ONE WEEK (CorreHpondettea of the Aaaociated i'reaa.) MANILA, P. I., Jan. 20. The bureau of health gives notice of the death of five centenarian, three of whom were women, In one week in Manila. It point with prominence to the record of Don Inabelo lea los Reyes, member of the Municipal board of this city, whose family now numbers twenly-two children, the latest addition lielng a boy and girl twine, Br. llevs is fifty-one yeaxa of age. ' ; Tha next reroid among leading Fill.' pi no ia held by Xon Oregorlo Araneia who Is the father of foutaen children; but he has not yet paaeed his fortieth birth day. Hr. Ainneta was secretary of finance anil luetic under the Tart administration. Time, tide unci Bee Wnnt-Ads waU for no man. An "opportunity missed s an opixirliinlly tost. ' HEW PASTOR GIVEN A ROYALGREETING CongTf jation of Swediih Immtnuel Lutheran Church Welcomei Rer. E. 0. Chinlund. BIG "CHURCH WARMTNQ" HELD ' 1 - m Rer. Emit C. ' Chinlund. ' new pastor of the Swedish Immanuel Lot berg n church. Nineteenth and Casa atreeta, wag given a royal wel come by hta corrretatlon In the church laat evening. He was escorted to the chtirch, not aware what wga In atore for him. There he found a large gathering of the tnembera that filled the ( big building. A aaUndld program' of apeerhea and muelo waa given by way of a "church warming" and a gettlng-acqualnted time. riepresentatlves of seven working organisations In the church made short telks and the several Swedish tiutheran anlnlstera of tho city spoke. Rev. A. T. korlmer of the.. Z Ion .Lutheran church spoke In English. Rev. C. O. Bloomqulst, reprenenUng the newly organised Trinity church; Rev. F. A. Under, representing the Kslem and Gethsemane churches, and Rev. John A. Johns,' repreaetitlng the new mis-Ion district on West Leavenworth, j Ttreet all spoke In the 8 wed Mi language. Rev. Mr. Chinlund then responded to the many felicitations, expressed himself delighted with his reception here and enthusiastic at tha prospect of working In such a large and promising field. The women' of the congregation served refreshments that were varied and de licious. , . , , Rev. Mr. Chinlund waa born and brought up In Chicago. He wag ordained In WO. He has held a1 number. of im portant places In the Bwedlah Lutheran church and is 'a close .friend , of Rev. Adolf llult, former pastor of lmmanuel church. In tail he married Miss Alma' Swenson and they have on ' daughter, Ethel Rvelyn. Mrs. Chinlund la III but will arrive In Omaha with, their daughter tn a few days.. I Rev, Mr. Chinlund Is now a guest at the home of' Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Hypes, ?118 Cass street, where he will remain until the parsonage t ' Attrt California MIGRATION OF RATS IS TOO MUCHFOR PETROGRAD (Correspondence of the Associated Press.) PET Ron RA D, Jan. !0. A migration of rats, estimated at tP.wr,, surprised the resident of the city a few day ago. The custom house district and the grain market of Petrograd are Infested with Innumerable rats, often of large site and great boldness. They go to water usually In the stillest hour of the nUrht In serried rank. Watchmen who ee them In mo tion take pain to get out of their way a they attack laolated men when la number. There are tradition that per on who have tried to interfere with these armies of rat have been overcome and killed and eaten. The last migration waa by day and and th rout led across the Nevsky proapeot. Thousanda were cut to plecea by the electric street care and band of boy and men killed many other. Thla daylight migration waa no doubt . caused by the emptying of the grain bin at the grain market. Supplies have -been distributed recently directly from the railway car to the dealer and larger baker. , CIGAR TRADE WITH THE PHILIPPINES INCREASES (Correspondence of th Associated Press.) MANILA, r. I., Jan. 20.-The cigar trade between the Philippines and the United States Is growing rapidly. A com parative statement Issued by the collec tor of Internal revenue for the period of January to November, 1914. and 1915, bow an Increase In exportation to American consumer of 6.ty),4!9 cigar. During these month of 1914 the total shipment amounted to 47,972,060 and In 1J1B to K.9S0.M9. February was the month of largest increase when 9.120,487 cigar were shipped aa against 4,07,7K) In 114. January and March showed smalt advance. July and September Increased about a mllllo:i each. August 1000,000, while October fe'l off over 1,600,000. BRISTOL, England. Jan. .27. A resolution protesting In the name of the national labor party agalast adop tion' of conscription in any form waa passed by the labor congress today by a card vote of 1,76,000 against 211,000. The resolution follow: ' " "That thla national labor party protests ITCHING ON SCALP 111 CAME OUT Wanted Rome Wanta-Ad In exchange for lots of answer. Phone Th Bee. Had to Lie Awake and Scratci. Scalpt Hair Became Very Life less and Broke Off Terribly. HEALED BY CUTI CUR A SOAP AND OINTMENT "My daughter had an Itching on her scalp aad upon It waa some sort of pimples. She complained of having to lie awake and cratch her scalp and her hair came out gradually till finally he had hardiy any. it became rery lifeless and split 1 at the end till It just broke off terribly. "The trouble lasted err oral month and she tried all kind of shampoos and soaps but all failed. Then she got OuUcura Soap and Ointment. She would wash her hair with the Cutlcura Soap and after It had dried, she used the Ointment. In a few day she felt better, and In a abort time (he was entirely healed." (Signed) Mr. Ida Irrtn, N. State Rd., Westervllle, Ohio, July 23, '15 Sample Each Free by Mail With 32-p. Skin Book on request. Ad dress post-card "Catleva, Dept. T, taw." Bold throughout the world. el Your Free 25c Bottle Swissco; "Da44am Mi n n.v99 Th fres Jte twills of "8wlnw" Hair ana gtai Trsetmest. .It ussa llrwte4. will anmnliti o. Kill Mew Treatment, the latest and beat prep aration befora tha public. It Is tha remit of rears of Inraetlsatlon and nwearcfa Into th re son why ao manr ef tha hair praparatlona ba failed In th past to Ao th work aemandes of them, it I marvalous is Its actloa ana lha anda have received amaitns results Just from tho fra bottl eav thev for th aakln. ' Beoauea yeu mar aot hava rerelrad an? relief from aomethln you bar triad, don't b fooiuh eneach to eondamn erorrthlna elae. T wilt he greatly renamed by th fra bottl wa (We you. ttwlaero la recommended and sold br druggleta and drug department Trywher at 10 ranta anil 11.00 a bottl. Take' Nothing But Swiasco FREE 25c BOTTLE COUPON C.ond for one Full-1ed 2M Hotel a of Swinaro" Heir Treatment at anr of th Shaman A MrOnnoall Ihrus Oa's 4 fltnrea, whan nam ajid adrireaa are prooerty fllledi 1n t on dotted Itnee below. Tho outaid of Oiaaha will sat a free bnttl hr almplT filling nut coupon and pending I renta In stamp direct to th ftwkMco Hair Treatment Co., Ie74 P. ' O. Hquara, Cincinnati. Ohio, to hala never ezpenaa of parking, pottag etc. Nam etreet R. F. D.. Oty State ..-j. (Olva full addma: write plainly.) , This Offer la Ooed for 10 Pays Only. Piles and Fistula Cured Without Surgical-Operation or Pain.'; No Chloroform or Ether given. Writ ten Guarantee Given in All Cases. Pay When Cured. Carfare Paid One Way to Points Within 50 Miles of' Omaha. Patients must come to the of fice. Men only treated. Hundreds of the Most Prominent People in Omaha have been cured by. i:' Dn.uiiLunr.1 ceieigutoh r.MxivEu 408-9-10 Omaha National Bank, 17th and Farnam' Sts." Phone Red 4390. Hours 9 to 12 and 2 to i JAPS MAKE WOOLEN CLOTH FOR THE RUSSIAN ARMY iC'irrenpondcnot? of the ssorlated i'ress.) T0K1O. Jitn, 91. Japanese woolen mllla have accepted a Wsr order for 2.0UO.O) jsrd.1 of woolen cloth for; the Russian government for delivery beginning next month and continuing until July. Tha order amounts to S.OK1.000 yen or about f t gOOO. It I umlenttood that the Jap anese rompanlea have agreed to accept rtiisslati treasury bill In payment, a lapunese banking eorpcratlon having liromised to discount the lillla Dandruff Makes Hair Fall Out 25 cent bottle of "Danderine" keeps hair thick, strong, beautiful. Qirh! Try this! Doubles beau ty of your hair in few , . .moments. f. y I I '- L .... These Deialers Sell "Shift's Premium" Oleomargarine Hitbin ten minutes after so apptloa tins of U nder In you can not find a slh. ; trace of dandruff or falling hair and our a-alp will nut Itch, but what will pkaae you moat will be after a few cks' use, when you see new hair, fine and doany at firat yea but really new li air crowing all over the scalp. A Uanderine Immediately double tha beauty o( your hair. No dlffereno how dull, faded, brittle and scraggy, ual liioiatea a cloth with Dandertne and care ful I j draw It through your, hair, taking 9ne small straad at a time. The) effect la imaslDg-your hair will ba light, fluffy 4 wavy, and have as appearance ot; aa laooraparabU 1 us tar, autt tites and luzurtaaoa. Get a IS cent bottle of Knowlton's raa Jeriaa frowa aay drug atore or toilet counter, ac4 prove that your hair I as I rtuy and soft a any that It has beea neglected or Injured ty careless treat ment that's you surely ran have kxaufful hair and lot of It if you will Alford & Ooodin BeDROD, Neh, Anderson, August 1713 No. 34th, Omaha. Arrabrust, Wm. 3602 So. 20th, Omaha. - Auerbach, II. II. SIR No. 2ttb, South Side. .' "Azorin, II- , . t ' 2330 So. 20th, Omaha. Bailey, Mrs: Olive 2701 Madison 8t.. Otngha. ' Berrv, W. A. . 471 So. 24th, South Side. Bee Hive Grocery UUh and Cumin;, Omaha. Berkovitz, J. - - 1502 No. 24th. Omaha. Bernstein & Brown'" 1404 So. 16th, Omaha. Bernstein & Cohn , 2501 No. 24th, Omaha. Blind, Chas. v ., 2804-6 Leayenworth. Omaha. Bogatz, F. ' . 2S5 So. 2 1st, South Side. Burstein & Rimmerman 3724 Sherman At., Omaha. Chalupskv, J. ' ' 4003 L St., South Side. Christensen, J. 30th and Pinkney, Omaha. Clanton', .L. 3501 Center, Omaha. Collins & Hannigan v 3S04 Q St. Omaha. ' Crew, J. D. 32d and Arbor, Omab. Dictz, R. ' 424 No. 24th. South Side. Economy Store, Ko. 2 2622 Leavenworth, Onujia. Edquist, C. B-. . 3004 No. 24th. Omaha. Empress Market Grocery 111 So. 16th. Omaha. Fingcrlos, C. 26S1 Y St.. Omaha. Goldware, J. 4101 Grand Are.. Omaha. Goldware, Sam, Jr., 2621 Sherman Are., Omaha. Gross, J. A. 1224 No. 14th, South SMe. Gross, M. . 411 So. 15th At., Omaha. Hagelin, F. 1S3T N. 24th 8t, Omaha. Ilaman, TJenry 1704 Clark 8t, Omaha. 1 Tayden Bros. - 104-112 So. 16th, Omia. ' Heath Bros- 8001 No. 24th, Omaha. nelfrich. IL L. florvnoe. Hibbeler&Co. 231J Vlntoa 8U, Omaha. Horwich, C. 210S N St, Omaha. Howell, W.'IL, & Sons ' 1713 Leavenworth, Omaha. Jacobsen, A. . 4224 So. 30th, Omaha. - Jankowski, J. . ; 1430 Military Ave., Omaha. 4 Jensen, C 1T00 'o. 24th, South Side. . 'Jepsen Bros. 3S03 Coming. Omaha. Johnson, E. A. Park At, k. Leavenworth,' Omaha. Johnson, Tom 20th aad Lake Sta.. Omaha. . Jourdan, D. J. 1701 Vinton, Omaha. Karsch, E., Co. 1820 Vlntoa. Omaha. Katleman & Hannegan 602 No. 18th. Omaha. Katskee, A. 22d and "Jefferson, Omaha. Kelly, L- F. 39th and Franklin, Omaha. Knudsen, J. IL 4916 Cuming-. Omaha. Krause, J. P. Albright. Kulakofsky, I. 1144 So. 10th 8U Omaha. Kulakofsky, R. 2404-6 Amea Ara., Omaha. Lincoln, H. 832 No. 34th, Boath Bide. - London, L. 463 So. 10th. Strath Side. Lynam & Brennan -' - 2208 So. 16th, Omaha. MaUinaon, 0 IL 208 No. lTth, Omaha. Margnles, J. 1308 No. 34th, Omaha. Markovitu, J. 1101 MlsgQurl Avw Omaha, Melcher, S. 1104 S. 4th St. Omaha, ' Meyerson, II. - ' 3501 Haskell St., Omaha. Meyerson, S. ' 3901 Q St, Omaha. Milder, II. R. 1014 Pacific St, Omaha. Morgan, Jos. 4102 No. 28th, Omaha. Mulfinger, G. A- ' 1502 So. 24th, Omaha. . Mushkin, R. 700 No. 24th, South Side. ' Myers, C. E. 1723 Vinton St, Omaha. . Newman Bros. , 2404 Cuming, Omaha. Novitsky, S. 1010 No. 16th, Omaha, One Horse Store 28th and Grant, Omaha, Palace Meat & Grocery Co. i 1824 Clark St, Omaha. Pankratz, E. R., & Son ' 8908 No. 24th, Omaha. Pavlas, J. 104 No. 24th, South Side. Paxton, R- C. 1701 So. 10th, Omaha. People's Market 2311-13 Coming, Omaha. Persels' Grocery . 24th and Ames, Omaha. Petersen, C. 3924 Sherman At., Omaha. Public Market 1610 Homey, Omaha. Rachman, H. 2802 Sherman Are., Omaha. Raduziner, J. 2404 Fort St. Omaha, Rasmussen, L. 3815 Bedford Are., Omaha. Ravman & Romanek " ' .514 No. 16th, Omaha; Reed Bros. 2223 LeaTenirorth. Omaha. Reschke & Swoboda ' 2414 N St. Omaha, Reuben, H. i . i 2422-24 Sherman Are.. Omaha. RezniehekJ. 2711 LeaTenirorth St!, Omaha. Roffman, George ' 2624 Ko. 30th, Omaha. - Roitstein, B. ' 2524 N St. Omaha. 1 Ronan, Wm- ' - i 8701 Gold St., Omaha. Rosenberg & Co. 403 No. 34th. Omaha.; Rosenblum, 'L'. ' ,808 No. 16th, Omaha. Rosenthal, S. 1611 Leavenworth. Omaha. . Ross, George . - v 34th aad Ames, Omaha, Rofis, George 24th and Masle, Omaha. 3k Rudloff, Wm. , 1 ' ,. .. 2629 Sherman Are.,. Omaha., Schiller, L. 3225 California, Omaha. Schlaifer, O. . ! ' 1824 St. Mary's Are., Omaha: Shaw, A., & Son - V 2123 Military Are, Omaha. - Simon, M. J. . . ' ' 250 So,..30th, South Side. Skriver, N. ' . 83d and Parker, Omaha. Smisek & Hrdlicka . 2623 L' St. Omaha,: . Smith, E. N. ,l V:'rV:...: . 2728 Madison St Omaha.'' Spaulding Grocery Co. - 29th and Spaulding, Omaha. Stahmer Bros. . ! . . ' , ' V - . , 2702 So. 20th St; Omaha.. . Steck, G. L. ;V ::';V 4134 .Grand Are.,' Omaha. Stein Bros- ' ' ' 1 4002 Hamilton, Omaha. Stern, C. 2307 Leavenworth, Omaha. Stribling, Geo. j 1124 So. 7th, Omaha, Swatek, Ed 4020 L St, Omaha. - Thorin & Snygg 8880' Hamilton, Omaha. Tietsort, Geo- 3530 No. 40th, Omaha. Tuchman Bros. 26th and Davenport, Omaha.. Tuchman Bros. 322 No. 18th, Omaha. Vachal, V. 1302 Garfield, Omaha Volenec, B. ' 3747 Jackson. Omaha. Vom Weg, Wm. 2128 Leeven worth, Omaha. Wallace, Wm. L. 2706 Lake, Omaha. Welsh Grocery 531 No. 24th, Sooth Side. Wesin, C. P., Grocery Co- - 2005 Cuming, Omaha. Wohlner, H. 5144 No. 16th, Omaha. Wohlner & Izenstat 606 So. 16th, Omaha. . Wohlner, LT . 622 So. 16th. Omaha. Woodruff, Mrs. L. 3702 No. 30th, Omaha. Wolff & Herfort 2017 Manderson Ave., Omaha. Wulff & Sowards . . ' Benson. Zarp, C. M. 1603 Park Ave.. Omaha. Ziev, It- 3226 California. Omaha. .. .. ,,, K- f Order a pound carton today Swift & Company U. S. A- . Just u litUa litaderla.