Till BKK: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, l'JUi. 13 a an MOVING ND STORAGE ""GLOBE VAX & SfORAQlT ' - bdips. i-nom ysn and I men. 11, Jo per hour; storage, li per month. Satisfaction guaranteed. Poiiyles .t and Tyler 14. GORDON VAN CO. racking, storage and mo. Inc. 218 N. lltb Bt, Tel. Douglas 3W or Harney 1937. FIREPROOF WAREHOUSE: Separate, locked room, for house bold wood and plaaoa; looting, peeking and shipping. OMAHA VAN ARU BIVRAWH CU, tr S lth St Douglas 413. FIDELITY .YrVTc Mih-J Fkon Douglas tS (or complete list of vacant houses aad apartment; also for storage, moving. 1th and Jack ion Bts. JP TiFF.il Kxr- Co- moving . IU-LiL packing; and storage. IW ramam Bt Douglas tin MAGOARD Van A Storage Co.: Moving paoktns. storage anil 'hipping. D. 14 FOR RENT-BUSINESS PROFTY Lease for Bale Good Location REALESTATE INSURANCE 280 8quar Feet $30.00. The Bee Building Co. Room 103. WILL, remodel apace. 80 by 60. for lodge hell, 8d floor of Crounae Block, lis N. lKh Bt.. to suit tenant CONRAD TOCNO. S23 Brandcl The. Doug. 1571 SMALL atore room; very desirable; rent. 130; 1520 Cas Bt. CONRAD TOUNO. S?J Brandcl Theater. Dougin lf71. TWO wholesale building, one with trackage. F. D. Weed Hldg. WE AO. 310 S. 18th St.. fTOREROOMS at lW-lltlt Farnam ft. Thou. F. Hall, 433 Ramge Bldg. D. 740. SQDKRN store near postof flee; low rank O. P. Stebblns. 110 Chicago. WANTED TO RENT Unfnrniabrd Hoases ana Flats. HURRY up! Cal! Red 4J44; ws can rent that vacant properly. THOa L. M'UAHRY. Keeline Bldg. WK HAVE many call for houses to rent. List yours with u. F. D. WEAD. 310 8. 18th St.. Wead Bldg. REAL ESTATE-SUBURBAN Benson. 6 ROOM. All modern. In Benson, at 2319 N. 69th St. Full lot, house about 5 yearn old. Mortgage on it of I2.0fi0.00. payable 2o.00 per mouth: make offer for equity. You need not fear to make offer low enough. The owner must sell and you will get a nar. H. A. WOLF. C14 Were BIk. Doug. M6S. REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED Hral. 8-RM. COTTAGE BARGAIN West Farnam district: all modern. In fine condition; east front lot on paved street; close to Leavenworth street car; 'i block to school and adjacent to valua ble property: lot 4ixl&0. If you want a big bargain Tel H. 1S8?. o BARGAIN Two pood, well built, well arranged -room house, strictly modern and tip-to-date, located on corner S&th.Ave. and Jones St. Pavlnn all paid. Price ti,500. Rental S7S0. Alwavs rented. D. V. SHOLES CO., 91B-1B City Nat'l Bank Pldg. Pons;. 49. KJW. bungalow, 6 rooms, all modern, osk ftnlHh, overlooking Happy Hollow, Fairacres and Elmwood Park, one block to car for IJ.SOO. S00 cash,, bal ance 25 monthly. TKBHKX3. iio Omsha Nat. Bank. 24TII ST., CORNER DEWEY Choice flats, bring t4 monthly; will more than carry the property at per cent until 24th St. doubles In value. If Interested In something ' choice you should see me quick. C O. CARLBERG, 812 Brandel Theater Bldg. REAL BARGAIN Brand new, 7-room, strictly modern stucco house, with sleeping porch; Just completed; near Field club. Be sure and see this house before you buy and we will save you money, write N. J. Kko man tt 80ns, building contractor, 8U N. iftth St., or phone Harney 7519 any time. RORTli front lot. 16th and Sherwood Ave., wlih old ft-room brick cottage, not modern; only I1.2SO. Tel. Ioug. 2947. FKN rooms, four apartments, cheap. Phone Colfax ItiM after 11 a. m. Soata. 5014 BURTBT. Six rooms, bath and sleeping porch. Beautifully decorated. Very artistic fireplace. Heating plsnt guaranteed. Material and workmanship guaranteed. Possession at once. Reasonable terms. IHATT-FAIRFIELD CO., 230 Omaha Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Tel. D. 49S. FOR SALE A BARGAIN . This 7-room modern house, hot water heat, located 3340 8. 19th tt., one-half block from Boulevard. PRICE, $2,250 THE BYRON REED CO., Dotmlaa 297. 212 8. 17th FOR SALE Strictly modern ' 7-room house, nearly new; Field club district; faces east on the boulevard. Will sell cheap if taken at once. Buy direct from owner. Phone Harney 7oiH, Mlscellaaeona. ONLY 10l CAtiH 116 MONTHLY. This small payment will put you in possession of a nice 4-rooin house, well located, with large lot, 00x125, all in bearing fruit. There Is a good chicken house, an sO-barrel cistern and the house Is equipped with screens and storm windows. Be ambitious to own a home. PATNK INVESTMENT CO.. M7 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg. I). 1711 o GENUINE BARGAIN. Practically new five-room cottage, modern except t eat, located in a new addition and surrounded by new houses. in west part ot city, blocks to car line; must sell at once on account of wife's hesitn; price, only iJ.ifcO. Call Webster vM r una ay and evenings, or Douglaa 3)1 during week days. REAL ESTATE-UNIMPROVED north. Attention Contractors $1,200 t choice east front lots, each Cxl27 ft., on corner, H bio. W to car line. Just the place to build t small bungalows for ssle. Nonresident owner anxious to GEORGE & CO., Phone P. 74 903 City Nat. Bank Bldg. THE! most remarkable development ever seen in Omsha Is MINNS LUSA addi tion. Over SuO lots have been sold In tbati addition In seven months. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO.. OWNERS. o HORSES-LIVESTOCK-VEHICLES fas Bale. Thirty-two milk wagons for a la. cheap. Johnon-ranforth Co pith, and Clar k. fiA Y 17 bO ton. A' W. W si.er. Irnj N'TltT UulUJt; aud was on for ale. T.leFTui REAL ESTATE EXCHANGES FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE l-room modern houm and full lot, H block from car line. Price., $i,. Owner will take i or 4 vacant lota within H mile of SKth and Hamilton Ms. as part payment and carry bal ance on the property. J. H. lH'MOST CO., 41M8. Keeline Pldg. Tel. D. 890. TOl' CAN SELL THAT USED AUTOMOBILE If you let tha public know about It. Writ a full description of It. don t leave nut anything and run earn In the Want-Ad column of THE PRE for a few dny. There la no better war of locating buyers than to ad vertise. Thone Tyler MM) and put vour ad In NOW. $25.niKV Manufacturing buaineaa, Omaha. Staple article, clear; for A-l land. J. A.. Abbott. Room 4. Patterson Block. P.KAL E4STATK, Fire and lieneral insur ance. Art Thatcher. 1217-11 City Na t ion Pa n k Bid rlm gl s 3"1. 300 ACHES. Montgomery county, Iowa. tt deal for Omaha Income. CAMPBELL & CRAIG. Keeline Pldg. REAL ESTATE-WANTED INTELLIGENT snd perlntenl advertis ing will "sell" any salable real estate,' snd the largest number of prospective buyer can be reached through the Real Estate and W ant-Ad Guide to all of Greater Omaha THE BFK. WAITED To buy on monthly payments, small store room, with living rooms above. In Central school district. Phone Red Tt. A Rl'SY, busy door bell snd a steady stream of replte-after your '.iEU Wwnt-Ad baa told It atory. REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS Good Location For Down Town Garage irSxIH feet, porthwest corner of 17th and Jackson streets. Close to retail business center. Price and terms on ap plication. George & Company, Phone O. 7n4. 2 Cltv Nat. Bank Bldg. NEAR 20TH AND HARNEY ttxlGO, $11,000 With Improvements, rented at $1,081 per year. Remember, ti'i la close-in property, and the rent carries the In vestment. GLOVER & SPAIN, Long, gwi 91- City Nat'l. WHAT he had to sell: An automobile, a motorcycle, a summer cottage, a Morris chair. And he sold -.hem through TUB BEE Want Ad columns. FINANCIAL Heal ICatate Liwai, SlortgasTea. WE are ready at all timet to make loan' on tint-clan city property and eastern Nebraska farm. Ratea on request. UNITED STAT S TRUST CO SIX 8. 17Ut St t Tu lor loans on best class residences in amounts tZ.OuO uo: oity larm luans. Keasouable immlaalona. PETEHa TRUtll' CO.. 162a Farnam Ut. OMAHA homes, tuast Neoraaaa farms, O KEKFE REAL. ESTATE CO, 1018 Omaha National. Phone Douglas I7U 1M TO HO.uuv made proinpily. F. U. V.'ead, Wead Blug.. 18th & Farnam Bts. iiONEV on hand for city and farm loans. H. W. Binder, City National Bank Bldg. CITY properly. ire loans a specialty. w. ri. Thomas. a.'M state Bank Hldg. CITY and I.irm loans, 6. i. per cenb . n. numom ft t;o,. ig state ttana. tifo CITY 1XJAN8. c. Q. Carlberg. LI Brsndeis Theater Bldg. t MONET. HARRISON A MORTON. Blocks and 1 Uoads. 7fc Home Builders Pays 7 Plus builders' profits making over 10 per cent in 191 to our investors. You can invest 11.18 and up to run as long as you wish and convert Into cash on snort notice. Ask for our "New Way"' booklet. 1W1 Authorized Capital slOv.ou. 1914 AUTHORIZED CAPITAL. IJUO.OOO. 191e AUTHORIZED CAP1TAU Vju0.o00.U0. AMERICAN SECURITY CO. Fiscal A gents. Omaha UNCLE BAM oi. stock at a sacrifice of 1 cent per a.iare; advertised prloa to non-stockholders, cents; Vi.000 shares, o0. T. J. Coughlln. Edgerton, Kan. kstravts ot Title. WHEN buying 'real estate have us cora- pue your abstrac uuaraniee Aoairaci Co., Km. 7. Patterson Blk. D. 29t7. K ri" rf R f 'tie guarantee and Abstract i I mx co.. a modern abstract office. 80S S. 17th St. Tel. D. Ml, RKED ABSTRACT CO , oldest abstract office In Nebraska. Hrandels Thea. Miscellaneous. FARM loans, 6, eastern Neb., or west ern la. Toland & Trumbull, 44 Hee Hdr. FARM AND RANCH LANDS Arksatas Laatasa For Exchange Clear Arkansas farms. Leslie Land Co., Leslie, Ark. Florida Lands MAKING MONEY WHILE YOU WAIT. There will be planted in our section In Florida this month 10,000 to 16.000 acres of Irish potatoes. These potatoes will go to market about the time the northern farmer is planting snd bring prices unhoped for by him. The pota toes will be followed by a crop of corn or other field crops. , Our lands aia equally adapted to trucking, small or large farming and stock raising. The largest cattle and ht.g funn in the United Htstes is being developed In our locality. No one crop country can begin to compare with It. A place to live as well as to make money. The superb all year round cli mate should add years to your life. BENSON 4V CAKMICHAEU 642 Paxton Block. Omaha, NcB. FREE TKIP.TO V'EKO, FLO HI OA, Tuesday, February L to see the famous Indian Klver farms, whets the luscious orange and grape fruit are produced In abundance; where general and Intensive farming is an-inteii in; where the possi bilities in cattle, hogs, poultry raising sn6 calrying sre almost unlimited; lii g-owlng day in the year; outdoor life, boating, baililns, fishing and hunting; good roads, schools and churches. We want you to see this country, where op portunity awaits you; where you can secure that farm and home on easy payments, which may mean your very Independence. Call or write for free booklet and complete plans for thia free trip. HEOD1NO & HEDD1NO. H5Braadela Theater Bldg., Omaha, Web. Iowa Laada. BPLE"NDID eastern lo w a 80- re dairy farm, lJa per acre. C. S. HELYEA. t:3 Capitol Ave.. Omaha, Neb. Minnesota- La ads. TTSFXCre FARM fOiTrENTT" Southern Minnesota, well Improved. tiled, smooth; i.su per acre, or share rent. Ken cone, Wludom, Minn. Mississippi Leads. AN OCEAN SPRING; Pecan orchard, will provide you with a winter home mid sunshine and flow are. and pay you an Income besides, costs you nothing to Investigate. W. T. bMITH CO., P. 3818. City National Bank Bldg. MIsMara Uats. fi7l ACRES improved, ' miles of talein. Mo ; 14V acres fenced. 8u acres culti vated: lays fine; good soil; price 140 per sere. w. jLJ'JtNKNevillerilk.. Omaha. RICH com land. 9 Obu. acre.. ?5 acre"' only 4 ir ctnt cash, htuiua s, years' U. P. Stebbin. 1'jiO Chicago. Q FARM AND RANCH LANDS W l aaa faoda. UrPKR WiscfiNglN-Beet dairy and general crop state In the union; aettlers wanted; lands for sale at low prices oa easy terms. Ask for booklet 84 oa Wis. Sonaln Central Land Uratit. Excellent lands for stoek raising. If interested la fruit lands ek for booklet on apple or chards. Address Land and luduatrtal Iept., Boo Line Railway. atiuneapolA Minn. " Teaaa 8. a is. WHEN you buy a farm, get It where It has a future. If you buy high-priced land you are Just trading dollars, so to speak. Ws have a land proposition that ought to Interest every farmer seeking to better Ms condition. Our landa eeli at $30 to $-"0 per acre, on easy terms. The soil is rich aad fertile, the climate fine, the water supply pure and plenti ful' the rainfall has always been ample to Insure crops. lintll a lew years ago there ws no railroad through this sec tion of ths country, but with the ad vent ot a main-line railroad It la now raoldlv coming to tha front, towns are springing up, snd in a few years these lands will double and treble in value. We have peraonally Investigated this land, bought some of It ourselves, and have the agency for a limited supply. These landa are locsted In western Texas, below the Panhandle. Circular giving detailed Information furnished upon application. SCOTT & HILL COMPANY MeCague Building. Omaha. Douglas 1009. Mlacelia aroma, HAVE TOU A FARM FOH BALBT Write a good description ot your land aad send It to the Sioux City (la.) Jour, nal, "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Fri day evening, Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday tor one month, giving alxteen ads on twelve different days for 2; or W words, H o 75 words, tt. Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper; EA0U0 reaCers dally In four great states. AUT0M0BILES-F0R SALE f'or nle. RBAL BAKGA1NS. I 1914 Ford touring cars. 1 1!13 Ford roadster. 1 1914 Ford roadster. 1 lll Hupp 20 roadster. 1 1912 Chalmers 80 roadster. 1 1911 Maxwell K truck. C. W. FRANCIS AUTO CO, 3024 Fam am St. Hongls XM. 11915 Bulik C-25; touring, excellent shape 2 1914 Hulck roadster, good shspe, S 1914 Studebaker six touting....... 4-1914 King roadster 6 11114 Ford louring t 191 S Ford truck Auto Clearing House. 2J09 Farnam. D.T3UK l,iw-I,H. tnicK i. nnuriiKs uuioa tkTvlie Station. 1914 Farnam. Phone Douglas 721. AUTOMOBILE MUTUAL. INBURANCB CO., oougiaa ia. Aato t-lverr aad Caraarea. Industrial Oarage Co.. 20 A Harney Sta. Automobile painting done by experts; 20 years experience in wmana; wura guar-. anteea iwt. ciaas. rfoiioson-taniortn Co. ;00 reward for magneto we can't repair. CoUs ijapaired. Baysdorfer, 110 N. 18th. Free winter storage when cars are paint ed and repaireq. jonnson-uanrorth Oo. 6maha HaJiator Rep. Co Far. U. l ! Tires aad Kappltea. UUPLEX tires last longer, are stronger and more durable. Sox3V, t.60. 18 Far nam Bt. L'ougms n AUTO TIRESi REBUILT. 12.00 TO tS.00. DUO TIRE CO.. 1611 Lhioaao St MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES HAKLUi-DAVlLttON MUTOUCYCLEa. Bargain In used machines, Victor Koos, "Ths Motorcycle Man." 2703 Leaveowortu. POULTRY AND PET STOCK MXU gram, loo lbs, 81.75. Wggner. 881 N.lt REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS Uowplled asd funlh4 br Kerr Tltla Uiwrautas and A b tract sompaay, S Soulk UeTtotasaik Sliaet. WARRANTY DEKDS. Moni C. lhtn. tnut, to Oil Olun. H of sactloa 23-l-t 1 84 om C Llehtsn, trust, te Noli Lusa- rn. of M14 ot Meiloa 83-1S- I Moni C. Llehtn, IruilM. to Detty Par on. wV o ot Mctioa 88-14- Barker 5o. to Beary K. f rlos. Kit II, loi. worth Hlhi Vusl lnTlmDt Co. te entries D. BtrkMt, s44 ft ot M I t or lot 4. block ill. citr Oeors A. HoKlsiul soil wit to Lovett Woodman, t4 of lot t, block I, Improve tnnt A)clatlon'B add W. A. Lockwood and wit to th B. g. Hsd Ick Co., luU 4 and 8, Km eat Bwett's UK- oad add Roy N. Towl and wit to Osorc W. Cos U.M0 dnn, lot 13 to IT nd M. U. block 8; lot 8 to 7, IncluKlv, block 8. Maxwall A Tree mn' add Mary A. WtBfnntr "d kiubssd to lUiei M. Punbnr. lot 4, bliK-k . Hinvon I'lao F. J. MrShant, Jr., anvrlff, to Omaha I,oaa and Uuildlni sMooisUoa. lot A. Woek 1, Heed fourth aad , 1.7M Executed in Mexico For Stealing a Pig DOUGLAS, Aril., Jan. H.-Alberto Gar cia, an Independent bandit leader, who, with 200 followers, lias been operating In the Bahuarlpa district of Bonora, Mexico, surrendered to Carranxa authorities. Carrania officials have adopted store measures to end bandit operations In tha southern part of the Monteiuma district. Death has been made the penalty for theft, according to arrivals from that sec tion today. Eight men. it was said, had been executed within the last two weeks. ono for stealing a pig. EL PASO, Tex.. Jan. 27. General E. Maycott. commanding a part of tha Car ranxa army of Generat Jacinto Trevino, routed the Zapata leader. Benjamin Ar- gumedo. In a battle at Maxas, Coahulla, according to a telegram received tonight at Juarex. Maycott had 1,000 men. Argu medo Is said to have been in personal command of the defeated forces. Big Hog Exhibit to Be Shown in Omaha CHICAGO, Jan. 27. Representatives of the National Bwlne Growers' association and affiliated bodies met here today and decided to hold hereafter a national ex hlblt of record swine eacu year. It was decided tha first exhibition should be held In Omaha next October. PRIVATE CARS APPEAR TO TRAVEL THE FASTER CHICAGO, Jsn. 27. Ac the inquiry of tha Interstate Commerce commission here today Into the operation of private car lines an attempt was made to learn why private Una cars were moved faster and at a greater mileage than cars of the railroad companies. It was said that cars of tha private lines were moved at an average of eighty miles dally while the railroad companies' cars moved only twenty-five untie dally. THIS MAN CAN'T EVEN UNDERSTAND ANY SIGNS NEW YORK. Jan. I7.-A daaf aad dumb man who could neither road nor apparently understand sign language waa arraigned in court here today charged with carrying a concealed weapon. The case was postponed until some method la,, found by which the court csi coin injmicatc wlih til ni ss required by law. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET Wheat Takes $v Sharp Drop, with Prices Falling One to Two Cent. COO PRICES ARE UNCHANGED OMAHA. January 7T. 11 The cash wheat market, which haa been very strong for the last few div. took a sharp drop today, selling lii.'u under yesterday's prices. The demand for corn waa only fair, the recetpta totaled eighty-eight rata. and corn sold unchanged to lu h Ik her, with moat of their sales at unchanged price. Oat were lower, declining 4fic. Clearances were: Wheat snd flour, equal to l,l72.0i0 bu.: corn, lX.OOO bu.; oat a. .w.tmo bu. Liverpool close: Wheat. Id up to Hd lower; corn, 'd higher. CARLOT RECEIPTS. W heat. Corn. Oat Chicago Minneapolis Puluth Omaha Kansaa city St. Ixilll ... 141 t72 JttT .. 84 II". 1M 73 71 . Winnipeg i nese sale were reported today: Wheal: No. 8 hsrd winter, 1 car, 1129. No. 3 hsrd winter 1 raiv tl w f, I'.o cars, tl.ai; cars, l , 3 cars, 1.24; J cars. 1 car. Il.ta. No. 4 hard winter, 1 car, II. ill.; k esrs, ?t.'!l; 7 esrs, A.'M: 8 cars, ll.lt; S esrs, II 18 ; 1 car. II 17; 1 car. 11.16. Sample. 1 cars, tl.lt. No. 2 spring, 1-3 car, 11 28; No. I spring, 1 car, 11.24. No. 4 spring, 1 car (oat mixed), II. IN; 1 car (light). I1.12W. No. 2 durum. 1 car, 1.2. No. 8 durum, I car. 11.21. Corn No. 4 white: care, 7c. No. 8 white: 8-8 car, 6tc; 1 car. 63c; 1 car, .V No. 4 yellow: 4 cars. xc. No. 8 yellow: 1 car. toe; 6 car. V : 1 car, A4c. No. yellow: 1 car, KISc; 4 3-4 ears, tic; 8 cars, Oe. No. 8 mixed: 1 car. c. No. 4 mixed: 8 cars, 7c; 8 cars. OSWoi 2 ears. c. No. 6 mixed: 1 car (near yellow), 4c; 4 cars. kl'c: 6 2-6 cars. Sc: 6 cars. fiJc. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, tUc; 1 car. lc; I cars, 6'c; cars. Wo. Sample: 1 car, Wc; 1 car, fiftc; 1 car, 50c; 6 cars, - 1 . . .n- I . . ui , , m a, v n i . .v.. Oata No. 8 white: 1 car, 49c; 1 car, 4Vc No. 4 white: 4 cars, 4Uc. Sample: 3 car. 47c. Omaha twah Price Wheat : No. 2 hard, t1.27frl.'; No. 3 hard. ll.2Corl.2rt; No. 4 herd. n.irnl.:iH; No. 3 spring, II :! ; No. I spring, I1.20W1 ; No. 1 durum, 1 21 fl.23: No. 8 durum, tl.20ifl.3l; sample, Wc. ffill.il Corn: No. white. 88lific: No. 4 white, MiVW7e; No 8 white. ?Hier4c; No. white. 674fV; No. .1 yellow. tm anw a. a ..n.. r-t i a. -a . V. K .1ln Vc; No. 6 yellow, 8nfuo; No. S .1 mixed. tyi9c: No. 4 mixed, 66HW7c; No. 8 mixed. 2jt4c; No. 6 mixed, HOrrtrtlc; ssmple. 1 40itMc. Ost' No. I white, MMf K0c; sUndard, ftO60Vic: No 8 white, AVV, tMNe; No. 4 white. 4Swtc. Barley: Malting. 7(ff75c: No. 1 feed, 60!(W7c. Rye: No. 2. 4ti9Sc: No. 3. 9i)3c. Chi earn elostiia- nrlces. furnished The Bee by l,ogan . r-ryan. stoca una grain brokers. Sl noutn nixteentn st'eei Artlclel Opcn.'pilrlTT Tw. CloseTf A'es'y. Whentl I MsyJl 8MM5 1 July.ll 2-5 1 27 Corn. May. TRMM. "S, JulyrnrHH1 Oats. May. 5SiiT H . 61 July. 49VIVi 491 Tork. Jan.. 20 25 SO 40 May. 20 60 20 70 Lard. Jan.. 10 2t 10 J2 May. 10 67 10 86 July Ribs. Msy. 11 OR 11 17-30 Jsn.. 10 7tVTC 10 MV 1 84i 1 srr 1 Sii 1 2K' 1 86 1 Z7S ' 791111 1 787 BSHfiSlBliS 49 49l 4:ivs I 10 22VI 40 20 20 a)7120 4O 20 471, I 10 82 10 82V 10 30 10 67V 10 66 I 10 7A 11 02 10 7 11 IS 10 90 CHICAGO GRAIlf AND PROVISION, Feat ares of the Trading; n Cloalaa; Prices on Board af Trade, CHICAGO. Jan. 27. Serlnu danger of extensive winter killing lifted the wheat market today In the face of reports that foreigners were reselling. The outcome was a ateady close, V'iic to ln net higher, with May at tl.36Vil.S7 and July at 11.27. Corn gained provisions, at a finished unchanged and provisions at a rise of 8c to 27 Wc. Violent changes In price accompanied, by an Immense trade kept the wheat pit lively throughout the session. Fear as to tha effect a cold wave would have on winter wheat was heightened by dispatches from the northwest, saying that blliaard conditions in soma places were the worst In years. Unsettled weather and tha removal of an embargo against shipments to Balti more put firmness Into corn, The market , 'was noticeably unaffected by temporary ' hr.L. In Ih. nrlr , wHeat Oats closed on a rally, but strength was impaired by reports that Argentine oats at Liverpool were belnpr sold cheaper man cargoes rrora in united mates. Provisions kept pace with hogs open ing lower, but advancing later. Chicago Cash Prices wheat: No. 3 red. 11.37V No. 2 hard. 11.83. Corn: No. 3 yellow, nominal, data; standard, KSVhO. Barley, (inraxie. BUTTER lxiwer; creamery, 23T30c. KOOS Firmer; recelpta 9,137 caea; firsts. ZlWic: ordinary flrntn, 20ii27c; at mark, cnees Included, , !Vu Tio. POTATOES Lower; receipts 27 cars; Michigan. Wlncontln. Mlnnenola and Da kota whites, 9?ciFr1I.O0; Minnesota and Da kota Ohlos, tbtpuc. POULTRY Alive, higher: fowls. i6o: springs, 16c. HEW TORK GENERAL MARKET itnotatiaaa of the Day oa Varloas CasasaadHles. NEW TORK. Jan. 37. FLOUR n rmlw held. WHEAT Spot, strong; No. 1 durum, 11.604: No. i northern, Duluth, ft. MM, and No. 1 northern. Manitoba. I1.6KV f o. b. New York. Futures were atesdv: May, fl.45. CORN-pot, steady; No. 2 yellow, HVic, c. 1. f. New York. OATB tfpot. steady: No. 1 whits. r.7 eiitc HAY-Steady; No. I. I1.22U1 2R- No. 1. $1.15: No. S. $100; ahlpping, aiijiOOc. hups htcady ; state, common to choice, 1M&, IF! 27c; 1HI4, h'uvc; Paclilo coast, 1116. Uai6c: 1K4. 8410c. HIDES steady: Bogota. flfiUc: Cen tral America, 3ic. LEATHER Mi i: Hemlock flraii. SAa 34c; secondn. 32Ji.13c. PROVISIONS Pork, firm; mass. $200n9 2050; family, $'J2.0fii4.f; short clear $19.6o9l23.0U. Beef, firm; mess, 818.604JI17 00: family. $18 M5 18.00. lrd. . firm; middle west. $10.60310.00. TALLOW Firm; city. 8!4c; country, 7 tjsc; special, 8c. OMAHA GENERAL MARKET BEEF CUTS No. 1 ribs, 19c: No. 2 Wc; No. I. ISc; No. 1 lolnts. 22c; No. 2 20c; No. I. lac: No. 1 chuck. le: No 2 c: No. S.'bHc; No. 1 rounds, VMc; No. : ntCi So-1 plat" No- FRUIT Oranges: Sunklst, 64s, $2 36 per box; 80s. $3 bi); Ms snd 10ii, fiM: UZh $11.00; 1Mb. $3.25; lfiOs. 2)s snd UM: 178s. 40U; 8UUS and 31m. $4.38. I-emons: Golden Howl, 300s snd 80s. $6 00 per box' Red Ball, $4.60. Grapefruit: 3ba, and 64s, $3.71 per bog; 64o and tOa. 14.00; extra fancy, all aisea, 4.2Ti. Orapea: Mslugas, l7 oCaT3.no per keg. Hannss: Medium, II bo q."i per bunch: medium Jumbos, $2 00 412.50; regular jumbo, 2.5oft2.76; large Jumbos, U.tgJ.ii, luamniolh Jumbos, lii.6ojl8.75. Cranberries, l.uujll.og v,at bsrrel, 1400 per box. POPCORN-No. 1 rice, 4c per lb.; 40 1-1 b. psrksges, 12.60 per case; Nebraska white 2"j'3Vo per lb. VEOETAULF:." Potatoes: Whit atock. 11.26 per bu.; Nebraska atock, 11. In per bu.; Red River Ohioa, 11.40 per bu. Sweet potatoes, 14.60 pur barrel; Delaware, 11.76 per hamper; southern, $1.60 per hamper. Onlona: Red. 3c per lb. Yellow, to per lb. lettuce: Head, l per dos; leaf, 4oc per dos. Cucumbers, 82 per dos. Parsley 80c per dos. Cauliflower. 63 per crate. Celery, too per dox. Cabbage, lWc per lb. Urua sel sprouts, 30u per lb. Rhubarb, 12 per box. Peppers, 60c per basket, shallot, beets, carrots, turnips, 60 per dos. Old beets, rsrrot. turnips, parsnips, IVto per tb. Rutsbagos, Vnfi psr lb. NUT Walnuts. I'.o per lb.; No. 1 Uc per lb.; black. 4c per lb. Pecans, 12Vc per lb. Almonds: Drake, l&o per lb.: soft shelled, lso per lb. Rrasils. lao per lb. Killwrts. 10c per lb. l'ecaui. Large. i:'-ic per lb. Islxod, 16c per lb. Peanuts: No. 1 rossted, fen per lb: raw, so per lb; Jumbo rsw, c per lo.; roasted, iuc per lb. DATE, FIOS Dromedary datss. Ms. I2.D6 per esse; rsro. io per ID.; stuffed 11.86 per box. rigs: isew, twelve f tm-r box. 10-OS., Miscellaneous Cider; Nehaaka, $3.2S1o( lja"i tonight. per keg. Honey: Comba, 14 aectlona, per case; Airline. 14 -os. tumhlera, 1 M per case. Cornpopa, Kornctte. 3 li per case; per W case, l.; Checkers, Cracker lack, Chuma, f frO per case; per H case. Jl. 76. Kalted poanuts, tl.liS per ran. Horseradish, 117 per case. I Kaneaia City Grain aad Prwvtetema. KANSAS CITY, Jan. J7.-WHF.AT-NO. S hard. It &v,it.ai; No. 1 red, ll.iW.il.J4. CORN-No. i mixed, "o'r7!c; No. ! white. 71V. tATS-No. 1 white. .Vf.Vic; No. ! mixed, 4V1 4!H-. toffee Market. N'K v vnnkv Ji r rnrricR-tt. pints that another vccl had been add1 to thoxe now loaillng coffee lit Hraail. inKiimnce rates sml stesdy Urasiilan cahlea. sermrd to creatn rreh buvlng l ower In the market lor coffee futures at the opening. K.rat prlcea were un hnne I to 1 point higher and active months sold about t I Inl points net higher during thti tarly trading with July touching 7 (c and lc-rmtcr, i.mc. There was a gocl cleat of realising at this level, however, par tlcularly from Wall atreel soues and 2igithe market later eased off to 7.3&0 for t : jniy ann j.c iorm im . i ne cmee "Iwbk 4 to 7 points net lower. Sales, SI.VH) iiags; January. 7.0c: February, 7.l"c; 5 1 Murch, i.-.lc; April, 1.:'c; May. .2c: June, I. S3:': .luiy. i Ai'gnst. (.; iopiem- ber. 7.4c; Octolier, 7.ti2c; November, 7.ic; IVcember, 7.V. Slt coffee, steady; Rio TfWSc; Santo 4a, sVc. It wa reported that Knnto 4 were offered In the cost and freight mar ket for prompt shipment at 8.4.'e, with quotations ranging from that level down to about 9.05c for later or Indefinite shli nient. The offlclsl rabies reported on un changed market at Santo with an ad vance of 78 ret at Itlo and of 1-1 M In the rate of London exchange. Ot anil Raala. PAVANNAH. Oa.. Jan. r.-TURPF.N-TINK No sales; last sale January 81 at KMirftc; receipts, I1H bbls.; stocks, 12,1 bbl. ROSIN Firm: ssles, 8H8 hbls.; receipts. 1,8m bbls.; stock, tvi.P'i hbl. quotations: A. I). C. D. K. V. IT.S0; (I, H. i.: I, IW.); K. IC.90; M, !.; N. IS. 75; WO, ; I7.J0; WW. 7,M. Kvaitorated Apple Dried Frails NF.Wl YORK, Jsn. I7.-KV A POIt ATKO APPLK8 Hull; fsncy. S'VUWsc; choice. 7,i'7Sc; prime, t,4ie. llRIF.P FRUTTS Prune, firm; CsM fornia. 41lll4c; Oregon. 74r!c. Apri cot, ateady; choice, 10lc; extra choice, llWIlc: fancy, I2t?l3l4c. IVache. atendv; choice, 8Vc; extra choli-e. Mc; fancy, l4n Kaislna. firm; loose muscatel, 7lafI4c; choice to fancy seeded, 74ti 7c ; seedless. :ntiic. lry tloods Market. NEW TORK. Jsn. 17. DRY OOODeV Cotton goods were flnn today at ad vents. Dress goods were active and knit goods strong. Leading lines of cot ton blankets were sold up and with- nrawn from sale for fall. t HICAGO LIVE) STOCK MARKF.T faille Dall Hears Stroatt -kheep Weak. CHICAGO. Jan. 27.-CATTIJ5-Recelpt. 6,0i head; market slow; native beef I steers, 18. 301 (9.75: western steers, S.SOfl 79SI TVS'S.lft: rows and heifers, 3.1o(r.20; calves, : ii.toi io. fio. Hot-Receipts, fAOOO head; market strong: bulk or salea, 7. a(.76: light. 17. low 7.78: mixed. 87.atKFr7.HO: lieavr. 87.SVft 7.W.; rough, I7.VkS-1.60; pigs. t6.liou.7C. KHE1F.P AND LAMBS Receipts, 8 .Ono neao; marKet weak; wether, 7.(8.ou; ewes, tj.lUb7.66; lambs. I8.aui 10.78. Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Mr. Jsn. I7.-CATTT,R Receipts, 1,600 head; market steady: prime fed steers, 88.eiMrg.7b; dressed beef steers, 84.70418. 28; southern steers, 840u 7.(0; cow. 14 iv?nt.76; heifers, ,0lxj.M; stocks. 3.00h7.8n. HOGS Receipts, 1500 head; market strong to higher; bulk, $7.8hl7.70; heavy, $7.0'(i7."8; packers and butchers, $7.4ti'ai 7.70; light, $7.2fr7.a0; pigs, $.2,Vtj.7ft. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 4.O00 head; market stesdy to higher; lamha, tioOdffflo.RO; yearling, ts.J5t9.2ft; wether. I7.li.4ia.00; ewes, f.7o4j7.BO; Blockers, ti.OOvtf 7.4j. 84. Louis Live Stock Market. ST. LOTHS Mo., Jsn. 27. CATTLE Re. relnts. 2.MX) hesd: market ala.Ho- ..n,., beef steers. 87.uuru.60: vaarllnar aleera inj hfeiT orS?.' 5S''60!,OOW,,,'?II"JU1 ault b" ll-tater than a week ago hlfers, H00ib.bO; native calves, . I6.W HOQH Receipts, 31,000 head: market steady; pig and light, 88.007.70; mixed and butchers, $7.4607.78; good heavy, 37.70 7. NO. BHBEP AND LA M B 8 Receipts, 10 heed; market ateady: yearling wether. tK.nuti8.au: lambs. 89 OOrfliKI If,: lil 7.60. ' -' " along City Llvo Stoek Market. SIOUX CITY. la. Jan. 17. CATTLF3 Receipts, l.txW head; market ateady; na tive steers. S.4X,rJ-ir,: rows and heifers, $T..Orvfjj.36; canners, l-1.5ofi4.60; ralvea, It 80 tl !'.(!; bulla, stags, etc., 6.00.0O. HOQS Rccelpis. 10.000 head; market jlsdy; hnavy. I8.f4vti1.40; mixed, 7.40; light. 7.1i7.26; bulk of sales, $7.Ki 7.60. 8HBEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 600 hesd. I Stoek In llskl. Receipts of live stock at tha flva prln- .rat araioni maraets; Cattle. Hog. Sheep. Omaha Kansas City.. St. Louis Chicago Sioux City.... .... 17 00 17,0io .... 1.600 8.600 4.0U0 .... 3.900 tl.O) 0 1.000 sO.ftlO I.OHO 1.800 10.000 600 ..M. Total receipts 17.800 108.0)0 22,660 Hold Two Postal Officials for Theft CHICAOO. Jsn. V. John T. Lynch, as sistant superintendent of malls at Chi cago, was arrested today on a charge of stealing money from the malls. For several months money haa disap peared from letters In transit, according to General James K. Stuart, chief of post office Inspectors. Finally a trap was laid which resulted In the detection of Lynch. Ho wss dne of the most trusted of tha department's employes, according to Gen eral Stuart, and had been tn the service for fifteen years. SALT LAKE CITY. Utah. Jan. 27. E. Prltchard, ssaistant postmaster and f uperlntendrnt of the financial division of the Bait Lake City poatofflce. waa ar rested today charged with the embesxle intnt of $3,066 April 27. W14. Updike Brothers Are Freed on Bail CHICAGO, Jan. 24. Irving and Herbert Updike, recently Indicted for ronsplrscy to murder their father, mother and sis ter, were released In bonds of $:c,noo each today. Furmsn D. Updike, the father, was surety on the bonds. He hss asked that the Indictments be quashed, as he does not rare to prosecute his sons. Average Episcopal Parson's Pay SI, 200 NEW YORK, Jan. 27.-The average pay of clergymen of the Protestant Episcopal church in tha United States Is $1,200 a ysar. according to Bishop William Law rence of Massachusetts, who announced tonight at tha annual dinner of tha Church club hare tha result of a census of aalajieo paid ministers of his denomi nation ha this so ua try. DRAFT BILL PASSES ITS THIRD READING IN LORDS LONDON. Jan. 27. Ths military asrvtca J Kill naaaed It third rearilnar tha Mnn.a OMAHA LIYEJTOCK MARKET Cattle Receipt Large and Pricet Steady Sheep Slow and Lambe Ten to Fifteen Up. HOGS ARE FIVE CENTS HIGHER OMAHA, January C. 114 Relpu were: Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. 10.SW trtciH Tues.lav 4.1'JI 8 Ml i.o 27.221 44.14 r.t,i7 42.M57 81,424 ffn'lal Wednesday . r-"'mats Thursdsy L.OuO m.twt 4."4 70.2H Mt'Jt i.' ",,r ""rs int weeK. T7.oit J:,rM J1) last week . .! S'" 5"v ! go 4.M 2"v ! o 1- ,r""',1"T4 week o m.Ml year..l..sol 44.101 The fnllnwln i.ku ih. eeeiDts of cattle, hog and sheep at the Omaha ilve stock market for the year to date as compared with lt year: ... Il. liS tne. Dec. tle U.t 7.fv2 41.114 ;7.V1 ri!.V4 H7.0SS "beep lM..tL0 i MM 21144 1 he following table show the average Prices of hogs st the Omaha live stock market for the last tew day, with com parison: I te. i!1ti 1!'IS. 'I!l4.l1:ill. H913 .ilJIUiMO. ?en. loTl m n Jan. rk I 1 w I ft 1 VSl 7 TM 8 18 I W I ll I Jan. 81'1 711 I 04 e it Jan. r) t tl T tM ad 7 8 1 I 8t7 3 14 till tl5 8 07 T 1 I t I t t 7a 8 18 Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 8 88 8 12 t 97 It' I W 8 44 8 8 .1. 3 ;u 8 33 I US 7 17 I I7W it -V m All f I 721 I I t 8 31 IX 8 81 7 8i Wi 7 8 t U I vl X I tn I 17 7 8 7 !! 67 7 HI I 891 I 1 7 2.(1 8 kli 1 ' Ui I 27 T 2J 8 Hi I U I" T M ti 8. : t 4. T aw Mrt 7 hi 8 0 I Mil 7 4A 7 9i I id 7 WJIW 7 3S 8 17 8 m 7 I Sunday. CATTLE Recelpta were large for a Thursday, 258 cars being rrportud In. This brings the totsl for in lour dsys this e up to ,u;4 hesd, only a little over 1.0 hesd smaller than last week s heavy run ana aimoat ,ouo head larger than lor tho ame iwriod a year ago. Die marKet on killeia of all kind showed very Utile chsuse as compared with yesterday, being '." ".V."'1 ,'M" quoted stesdy. As compared wltn a ws.ik ago ins market la around l.ifj isc lower. Htockers snd feeders also sold In about ths same mitche a vtrdv and lor that matter about tho asms ss a week ago there having been little change in either direction on cattle of that de scription. Uuotatlona on oatttet Good to choice beeves. 8s.(.i3.fiO: fair to good beeves, $7.&tKaa.I0; common to fair beeves. Ih.foj 40; good to choice halfera, .A4iI.0j good to choice cows, 86.7M.k0; fair to good, cows, ta.X4ii.il; common ta Sale .aa li Mvaa 1.1, , .knln. feeders, .8h4V7.s. fair to good feeders, M.404.; common to fair feeders, H so 4.40; good te choice stocser. $7.00u7.8i; fair to good gtocker. t.a6U7.iiO; common to istr atoekere 16 stock belters, 8.7i1l.7. stock ix-w ti.lmtii.Jk: stock ealves, tn Botj'l 60; vest .slves. I7.0utj l0; euiia, stags, etc.. i..iu(i.j PKFr ejTEKRS. Na. It... At. rr. et. 471 4 so I .. TH 4 M 11... M M 41... 1"" at jl,,, IM T 88 II... 11J T 11... A. St . ? 3 18 . I Ml . TM Ml . 7 1 l .t t IS .UM f U 1IUI II HTEKRS AND H BITERS. it A 1U8 880 COWS. f 1.. n in ,.u 8 OT Mi I II .. 7ni .. Ml ..111 ..11U I St, i .. 81 4.. 8 M 8.. 4 0 HEIFERS. 4 M I.. 8 7 I.. 4 00 .. 1M7 I tl UM r, is imi 3 e it . .., II.. I . 7.. II.. 7.. II.. 1.. 14.. I.. I.. HI III , III 4 at , IMI I III mm ai ih ui 4 18 841.. 40 8 3,. CALVES. 318 4 M 1.. 471 1 I.. IM 8 a 1.. i lis T a! , ! I M 1M III Stock EKrt AND FEELERS. 84 8 1 8u M VI l m i pi 8 re 821 3 M 14 1M 41 IT I St 3 410 I 7 47 I 71 I Ml I H) a TM f II II n ID I ilnn'i a i-.. M IH 84 Ull 7 34 foil off quits a bit today. Estimates called for 237 oars, or 17.000 head, making tha week'a auoPlv 73.607 bead. This Is 7.600 smaller than last week, but Is 14,000 larger than two weeks ago and more than 17,000 heavier than last year. As usual, tho market opened out a lit tle dull, and early rounds were very quiet Chicago reported a liberal run with prices showing a weaker tendency, and as many trains were lata at this point buyers all took their time getting started. Shipper buyers finally started the ball rolling by going after their kind at steady to strong and In some casa to highar prices, and as packers really wanted the hogs trade was soon moving along with a fair degree of activity at prices fliat were mostly 6o higher than Wednesday. Toward the close trsde weakened and late sales were no better than yesterday s averago, If as good. There were a good many lioga still unsold at the time ot cloalng this report. Hulk landed at $7. at 7.60, with tops at $7-66, tha highest price paid since laat October. Representative salea; Ns. ... 8... 78... It... At. gk. ...in ... ...171 ... ...IM ... ...ail II ...IM ... ...! ... Pr. 7 84 t at 7 80 7 M 7 4 7 41 f M T 88 Ne. Tl.. M.. II.. 4.. 37.. T.. IT.. II. . At. Rk. ....173 . ....I7 . r. . 7 i ....104 ....111 ....301 ....m ....IM ....871 ... t 87 ::: Is U... a... Tl... 84... T 84 T 84 PIGS. If at 3 78 SHEEP Total reoelnta of ahean and lambs were by far the largest of ths week, some forty-seven cars, or 10.OU0 need, snowing ud. Thirty cars or awes wsre, however, going direct to a nearby irea lot. ana actual oltennas were mod erate. Supplies for the week to dste foot tip 27.ZZ1 head, as against 44.214 laat week. 18.407 two weeks ago and 44.101 laat year. Conditions In the eastern mutton trade are evidently improving under tha Influ once or cold weather, for there was I much firmer undertone to tha lamb trade this morning. Market opened out a little slow, but waa stronx from ths outset mid when offerings finally started to move It was at prices that were strong to ltxalSc, and In spots a quarter higher than yes terday. In other word. Veaterday's slump waa fully regained. Real good Mexican brought $10.6, the day's top. and both Mexicans snd fed westerns of a good sort reaclisd $1080. In ths aged sheep divialon supplies were moderate, and trading alow. , but that was no indication of wsakness. for when offerings finally moved, prices showed fully ss mucn gain ss the lamha, that Is anyway I0.rl.V Wyoming fed ewes of a f.tirly good fort that were pretty empty hroKuiit $7 end one load of fed westerns sold St $7 15. Today's up turn laavea Viluo mi all grades fully stesdy with Tuesdu" Nothing In the feeder line was offered Testerdsy seve.-al loid-4 of half fat lambs were taken o-it for ihtar'ng ami finish ing at IIO.omMO.il. Quotations on sheep snd Ifm1: Lambs, good to choice, lirtIO.M: lambs, fair to good. ll0.16-tM0.4O; html dipped, 8.7&9 8 40' yearling, good to rhoc. light. I9.O0 ti'. 40; yearling, fair to choice, heavy, V 0013 76; wether, fair to choice. I7.0ni(r 7 76; ewes, aood to ennice, si.zuej i.eo; ewes, fslr to choice, tii.lW.2V Representative sales: No. A. Pr. 127 fed lambs 84 10 26 161 fed ewes 114 7 10 110 fed awes 113 7 10 14 nstlve lambs ....87 10 00 174 Mexican lambs n 78 10 68 2I1 fed lambs t 10 60 K1 fed lambs 73 10 60 210 fed lamha 1 72 10 60 144 fed lambs 71 10 W Metal Market. NBW YORK. Jan. 17.-METAL8-T.eed. $6.04. Spelter, not quoted. Copper: Firm; electrolytic. $,U6 for second qusrtsr de livery. Iron, steady and unchanged. Tin: Quiet; apot. $41.76. At LondonCopper: Spot. 80 16a; fu tures, N 7s 84; electrolytic, 113. Tin: Spot, A 177 10 ; futures, lCt Is. Anti mony. 1 Lead, 33 Is. Spelter. 11. Bank larlagf. OMAHA, Jan. 37 Rank clearings for Omaha today we $4t4.800.Bt. snd for ths corresponding aay laat ysar, $2,682, 1461. It takes but minute of time to aave dollars when you read Tha Be Want-Ad columns. NEW YORK ST0GK MARKET Continued Heavy Liquidation and Short Selling Further Im pair! Takes. RAIL SHARES THE HEAVIEST ..NE.w.TORKt Jn- 7 -4'ontlnued hesvv llouldatlnn snd short selling, the latter frohahly predominating, added to the urther Impairment of values todsy. Wednesdays selling movement wa re sumed at the nutaet and save for desiil toty rallies w maintained almost to the end. He vine was again moat pro nounced in the railway division, although numerou other stock of varied descrip tion suffered In some Instances to a greater extent. Coppers and Some of the war group were among the few excep tion. Decllnea were effected on compar atively small offering. The only Important event bearing upon prices the St. iall dividend which was Increased from 2 to 2H per cent s'ml-an-nually, did not materlnllse until the final hour, when prices hsrdened all around. Oil snd the motor constituted ele ment of weaknes. United State Steel wa heavy moat of the time, but recov ered later. Total galea of stocks amounted to 745.OH0 shares. The only lmportnt railway return for December waa that of the Southern rail way, ahowlng a net gain of tvvi.ono. Bond mnn'feted a vleldlng tendency, with cnnniderable activity In Anglo French & at a suhstsntlnl decline from j their recent msxlmum Total sales of bonds. nr value, were 84.OjO.onO. 1'nited States bonds wsrs unchanged on can. Number of ale nd lesdlng quotations on stocks today were as follows: miea. mm. urm, v.ioa Alka flel4 Allla-t'halmer Am.rl(n beet Sugar. American tan A marina a tncfNunt lv , Amarban S. a It Am. S. S R. pt1 Am. 8iar Hallnln... Amarttsa Tal. a Tal.. Amarte Tolreo ... Anarnna Onppar Alrhlans Balitarln lramiitlv . lull i mora a Ohio bettilehem Steal D irn KaaH Tr.... Calltornta rairtilaui . t'ana1ian Parirtc Tantral Irftaihar l.we 4V t i.eus W.MA- , l.am s 17,9 0V W1 114 m ii.i 7; n loiH tl.T"A ' XW 1W II, SOI pw - I. KM '"in 'si' , l.d l"H , IM 1 , l.Tim wva , K!i (as vi- , IS MS , J.oi tvna 41 lit, 1 I:' lo lm 114 a4 Hit lilt 11T I'-T r ioi ! lBla PT li N kS IM. imi a.s 1 KHa !; Ifclt. ir n rhaaanaa Otil... 41 la 17S ' 12'a 17 U .', II I fill". t w 1'H 4, ll' 1H 83 4J" t 44a 4 Mrasn, II. Ht. Chlraan A N. W ... rhirato. n. i. a r. riiln Toe par nr.. t.nn 1"i l.ts I .vo M 44, Colorado Fuel iros.... rm.-1M Steal Panvar A Tt . O. 94 IMatlllara' Herurltla .... I'rla r.anaral f.lartrle li 4S 4.7 4 la no 1.1 t.km litu. J,n 4H ; 81 tTftt i;.v tlraat Nnrthar pM 121 Oeaat Nit (Ira etra 4 t tiuKKanhalm Kisiorailoa.. IMinoia ittttrei Inlarbnrmtfk .Va. 0r ., lnapiratlon Coppar Iniarnatlonal Martar.., Kanaaa I'ltr nXisthers.... lhlsl Vsllar lulolll NaahTlll..., Meiuiaa Patralauam Miami roppar .Miaaeurl, K. T. M.... Miamwrt Paaltl Nattoaal Laas bavada appar ..., Nw York 4rntral N. V.. N. H. a 11 Nariulk A Waaura Norlhar Faetft I'actria 8411 farldo Tal. Tal Pannarlvanta Pullman -alo Car Kar ca. Cusimt., Heating Haaahllo lena A gVaal..., atoalkam laoltlo rnitbar Hallway RttMlahak Cwnpsay .... T C par Ta tHimpaay , t'Rlna PIM , plus r-aoltw pf4 4 BH4 tuata suwl 1 . S. Wtaat snl , t'tah Doppar Waatsra taloa Waatlnghouaa Rlentrl . Mnatana Pr Oanaral Moars MM 8. PJ 118 4. MOO us. TIV 'iiii 441 li a 14 li, 44X ll Sa't 74 '. 1-4 18 iaa 14'a 4 41 ti !' KW' H 4II..J 10 4.404 4 il " Vi l IMI, 74 0 It.em us in ;tt4 llTv. 9.10 i.se ltai 114 4,7o iiav Hl't l.l lis, l T 40 tSi I me M4 n h, l.imt ia uu UM I.XU 14a M n'a 1.w T 7 8e it m ils !" i 77' ,vs !.. .11 t.. I. 4'a kit, '.It Miva M 71 Hu H 81 .M IV 17.14 IM 141 l.t 1714 8 2U4 14,IO U4 M ! UIH n.it I n ii 47 loi.eo ui 4. l.we ici II.M I! 78 471 Wahuk B ptd. 4M -mi Intarutl! Marin (4. tl e 114a Total aalaa lor is sar. 14. auara. New York Money Market. NBW TORK, Jan. 27.-rRIMTS MER CANTILM PAPEIt-i8Va per cent BTL'UI IVIl L'VI 'IJ A Kfll LP Ml. STERLING EXCHANU E Blxty-dsy hills. 14.71V; demand, HKS. cables. 84.78 16-IS. mlvii;k Bar. t6ic;a Mexican dollars, 4.TVC. HONDB uovemmenl. steady;, rauroaa. easier. TIME LOANS Easy; sixty and ninety days, Vui'4 per cent; six months, 2t I per cent. CALL MONEY-Steady; highest. I per cent; lowest, 14 per cent; ruling rate, 144 per cent; last loan, I per cent; cloning Ibid. li per cent) offered at 3 per cent. Closing quotations on bonds today war as foilowsi V. g. raf. at, leg.. .. numo. re. . 4 ... K. T. O. dab. ,... Jl iU. ...1IH. T. CHy 4a 107 ...11 M. T. gtals W....1UI ...1-OtIM. T.. W. H. A H. .,.11 (nr. 4 - llau. c. a emttoa ., tj. . 4a. na. 4 Mupoa rsia 4a tioa..lilHNo. raelfla 4......, .!' I Am. soMlter a .,.111' t t a ' A. T. T. a. 4Wa..HlaO. g. U raf. 4 Sis Armoor A C. It.. 44Paa. T. A T. ions Atohlans ma. 4.... II Pan. aa. 4tta pat Hal. A Oh l 4a. IIS 4a m 4taa lulk On. Parltla 14 "Ra4ls . 4 H a tlM. OM 4TJV. M I.. 4 8. T. r. 4a : O. B, A O, . 4.... INitaBe. Fa, ar. Is IM14 O M 4 I P I 4Wa .l"J,4 raf. 4 not. Ml H. I. A P. r. 4. MUBn. uil.r ta 0. I C. A S. raf. 4t.... MUnioa Psoitis 4s VI n. R. o. let. 8.. u ar. 4a ,, Rrl n. 4 Tl'4rr. S. rtubbar t...iu!'a Oaa. 8Uetel 8 1 F. S. Steal I 108 Ot. No. lat 4Ma Kl Wabash IM ta I '4 111. On. raf. 4a...., t'nloa 4ta ... M IK. C. He. raf. a.... HitWM. ma, av. 8s..lsx ll. IK. an 1. is..... MtaAaslo-rraoak is la If. K. a T. lat 4.. H I Bt. Queen WUhelmina Is 111 with the Munlps' IaONDON. Jan. I7.-A Reuter dispatch from Th Hague says Queen Wllhelmlna haa been compelled to Interrupt her trip to the flooded region owing to an at tack of tha mumps. Loot Off Oresjoa Coast. SOI'TH FEND Wh. Jsn. 37. The chooner Repeat, bound from Honolulu to Port Oamble. was lost off the Oregon rosst, fifty miles south of the Columbia river. The steamer Avalon arrived here tonight bringing Captain McKenxle, mas tor of the lost vessel, and his crew. Culled from the Wire. Counsel for the Rer. Newell Dwlght Hlllls. pastor of Plymouth church, Brook lyn, made public an agreement signed by Dr. Hlllis and lis nspbsw. Percy n. HUH, in which th latter withdrew the libel suit against his vncls. Ths first step In the progresa of the national prohibition movement In this rongreaa waa taken when the aenats judiciary subcommittee decided to recom mend to the full committee benator b hep pa rd a federal constitutional amendment. Mre. Rebecca Pullman. 60 years' old, said to be the wife of a Chicago buaineaa man, and her daughter, lira. Gertrude Resell, 26 years old. were found dead In a furnished room In New York. Their skulls had been fractured. A blood-atalned axe waa found beneath the bed. Van Lee Hood of San Ptego, Cal., and his wife, who eloped last week with Ray mond Dobbs. negro, left Salt Lake City for San Diego apparently reconcile 1. Hood said: "So far, in the proving of euch facts as I am abls to obtain, niy wife la the victim of a conspiracy to ruin her life and character." Plans for the military training eampa at Plattsburg, N. Y.. and Fort Ogelthorpe. Oa., next summer wero announoed at New York by the Department of the East. According to those in charge arrange ments already have been made to accom modate a minimum attendance of 10,000. Major Oeneral Leonard Wood. It waa said, tonfldently expects tha number will bo twice that- lis m I'-TTrrrm t7z M Ow flrat BMrUrasa a yV ft ! sros wank ar J Suakla nriaaa jaw aapar-l- aaoa without II no laae. ra sal la aaaaala el 8u4-4 s. Aaxeriees srsoarlty 43v 11 a. itu ac Osuaa, N. I