12 TIIE BEE: OMAHA, JANUARY I T5 Neiv lnJant (NOW in Cash Rate: Charfto Rate; 8 per lino 7 per l'n? Three or Special Rate 9 Farm Lands 7 per lino, each insertion All Foreign Advertising, under Agents or Help Wanted classification, 2 per word, one insertion. per word, three or more insertions (con secutive.) (Count six words to the line.) No Ad Taken for of 20c Or Less Phono Tyler 1000 MAUSOLEUM. rtOHIITI. t JBATH'n. florists, 104 Farnam J,J"! ' i HNF.liON. iw Douglas. I. It' i ileritbFjrlBtsTecgrMir 1 flli.t3 rtwi"MlAjQaInnm St SiTlXNAGHUK. 14i Harney. Doug. l"0t BIRTHS AMD UKATHS. Births-Michael and Mary Ouneln. Thlr-ty-nlnth and N, boy; Gulascppe and Ho ! Deoosta. 1 South Sixth, girl; It. L. and Ays Csrns, hospital, boy; Charles snd I ena Mrrti, 1714 Dorcas, boy; Louis .ami lna Bandwlck, Nineteenth snd , girl; 'John and Emma tlardes, (AM U. b.y; Arthur and Elisabeth Rahcr, 3034 Valley, slri; Mrmllnr and Gllvett Hobs, MS Nntln Twenty-fourth, boy; Albert nnd Hilda Kelpln. 23 North Thirtieth, girl. J. W. snd Anns Ingl 2610 Houth T.ntli. boy:. James F. and Mabel O Hern, S'.'IO Houlli Twenty-eighth, girl. . Destrta-Hyiiian HarcharUh. tfi. 11 North Twentieth; Belle Carle, i. hnup -1al; Margaret J. Daken, 36, hospital; Mrs. I.indono. M. hospital: Frank 1'. Gould. 62, W Park avenue; Wlllard Saseney, 19. hospital: Mrs. Josephine Shllhen. tA, V,Zi '.: Steve Wavmere. M, Twenty-third and Hsby Spicks, days. ItKrS South Tenth. THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHANG ED DAILY. Answer ttte question "Where to to tonight." Liistwita. EMTRESS, 15th & DOUOLAS Solig-Tribune, No. 7. "By Love Redeemed,? 8-REEL VITA. "Angels Unaware," 2-RKKL. KSS. oliuJKN. 1818 FA UN AM Tha Thirteenth Olrl, S-reel Vttsgraph. Ths Ka red TlT of Agra. HcUk. , 11 Out Himself a Wife, Vllagraph. 6c I 'roprsm -n. FlUNCKba. ll-ll UOUULAS. riorsnes L Bsdle In 'The Flvs Faults of Flo," Mutual Maater IMotura D l.iiKs. The sensatlonsl story of a woman's error, in five sets, "lloaten at the Path," Keystone comedy, North. BRAND. 16TII AND B1NNET. . Robert Mantell lit Ths Hllndneas of Ix-iutlon. it parts. Neklaca of Pea il.l -part comedy. 4jDfUIlOPs4TU AND LOTUROPr I'aramount Presents Marguerite Clsrk in Ths (loose (ilrl, a rsi-s trest lor hlirh claaa audiences. vatk. . APFOLO. 82 4 LEAVENWORTH. Legrands Revenge, 1-r. Fjs.. tea luring Nell Crsiic. i um Haby, i:diai'i com. Mrs. JKsndnlphs New Secretary. llo. dram. On theWrongTrBck, Kdl. dia. HOULEVAHD; 85"& LKAVKNW'Tll , HISLBV WARIS SECRET LOVE oTILFF;; iZ lkavenwoutuT Indian Blackburn and Oeo. F. Marlon lit Excusing. I'athe. 1 -reel comedy. kk al. MONROE. 1558 FARNAM. ICsrls Wllllsms snd Anita Btesart In Ths loddss. chspter . Viola Dana In The Plavey Student. Buatki SlSe. BESSES. UTII N. Ths Bpy's Ruse, Kslrm. Tlie Iwvtl In-t'hlef H-recl Sellg. Caught With tne towxls, Mlna. ORFHEl'M. 2 4TH4V"M" Triangle picture. The ljimh, a fine srta pnwliictlon, Kestorlnu foniiis Falrbnoks. s tar Features These are Bpeclal Extra-Reel Pictures now appearing at the following Theaters: BOULEVARD. 35 & LEAVEN W'TH lelen Ware, In Secret Love. CivAND. ")TirANb BINNsvY. Robert Mantell In The Blindness of Iwvot'nn. s psrls. NwiiU'-w of l'esrls. 1 -pa rt coined v. LOTimOP. 14THAND LOTH HO PT I'arsniouiit Presents Msrguerlis Clark In The ;oose Girl, a rare treat for hu.'h clans audiences. tiONUOE. 15 55 FARNAM. Fsrle Wllllsms nnd Anils Stswsrt In Ths loddess. chspter . 0RHIEUM. The Imb, featuring J4TII i. Mr Douglus Fslrbsnka. PRI.NCK33. 1J17-1 DOUOLAS. ."loience lj Badie lu "The Five Faults t f lu," Mutual Masterpn ture De , rue. The acneatiottai story of a woman's error. In five acta. 11 0 i ILVF ' 2 1 1 "LK A V LN W ORT H? j.l'li.n Biarkhurn and Geo. F. Xlarlon 111 l.tckifiiin. I'athe. l-leel coinedy. WHT bury your desd In the cold ground In stomiy weather when you can buy a tomb In I merble building at reasonably pries? Tel. MAUSOLEUM CO.. 1. 217 - Ad Kates Effect) Per VVord..Each Insertion One insertion moro (consecutive) insertions Less Than a Total Than 10c per Day. Anil you will receive the name courteous service m though you were delivering your Want-Ad to THK W.K office In person. MARRIAGE ICKSKS. Licenses to wed have been granted I he following couples: Name snd Address. Vlto llslsamo. 1'ounrll Hhirrs... Age. .. ; .. a ... n Antonlna Ancona. Omaha Abrsm Grndln. Arthur, la Anna Anderson, ientson, la llsrold V. Webster. Kvsnston, Wyo. Irene B. I'ethlck. Kvsnston, Wyo.... Arthur A. Olson. Dayton, la t'lara A. Newbrr, I sy ton, la Clarence R. Orlnnell, Oriswold, la... Delia Veils Hamlin, Bliott, la 20 25 a L0STF0UND-REWARDS OMAHA. COUNCIL. HLUKKri MTHUU? ItAlLWAY COMPANY. Persons having los soma srtlcls would do well lo call tip ths offlcs of ths Omaha ft Council liluffa Ptrset Railway company to ascertain whalher they left It In ths streot cars. Msny articles eacn day ara turned In and the company Is anxious to restore them to ths rightful owners. Call Dons'. 4f. IK Vol! Iiim ntlilo( snd will t4vrtiss tt ksre, you will sursir rsisr It II fouo4 hr ss honest prwn. Ksmsrksbls rsooysrtss are brought shout STrr day throurt thla eohimo. TUB 'LAW psoitis who find lust articles ars lntsrasts.1 In knowing that ths stnts law la unci in raiiiring ihsm to sssk the owssr iiiiouan anvsrtisriiisnt ana otfcsrwls sn4 thst a failure lit do so. If asms ea bs proa. lo- vnlv , nrs B,nnr, L7S'H -On"w est si de of 84th street b" I ween Ksrnsm and Dodge, diamond crescent pin. Liberal reward. Keturn to IIS H. IMth Pt. T iHT-Hattirda y "afternoon, about l.th and Harney. 1 tan cap glove. Finder eau cosier j'i. DwTijne'inuff, Orphetim, Bouth Omalia. wn,.. .,. irnfliu. wait ji'uiisaa c.'. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS Farnltara nad lloasrkolal Goods. Hid UAKOAINfl. Furniture. ; stoves, beds springs, mattrs, fi each; bsddlng coiiuoria, nianaeis. lwa is, Z4tn. W. 1H'7, Al.l. HKPAIUH Water fronts, furnace colls, etc. gulck service. Dinahs Htovs Mentlr Works ?m-tt Uohslns. Tyler y. Vl'UNi'SHINtW for a fourroom a'parU ment for sale; also baby busgy and bed; almost t ew, Harney 40711. 2siS Dodgs. OMAHA PILLOW CO.-Mattreswarnads over Just Ilka new. 1WT Cuming. D. 1X7. Ready Reference Directory ACCOUNTANTS. E. A. DWORAK. C. P. A, 4M-4CT Ramge Bldg. Tel. Doug. 740$. ADVKHT1SIMU kOVKUItlh F. Shafer A Co.. tt Farnam. P. T4T4. AHCllllliiCXS. lodi. !J Paton W, P. $nsl. Fverett H. anuasat, C T. IMcktnson. ill Paton Blk. P. W- AtJlTltAB.ii It. Powd Auct'on Co Illo-M W O W. R.MHO. .a.ali-. .. ,iritiiin imw tt 11-th. Ws 85S7. Illlttl ANU ltN tnia.s. Psxton-Mltchell Co.. mnerdMBjrthe Sts. MIHOPMACrnai'i!iAI- AUJtJ'MT DR BL'RllORN, 1'r and Farnam, Waad Bid. D. M7; l-almor schoet graduate. Dr. J. C. Lawrsnge. 1 l aird Bldg. D. MU. PR V It. KNOLLENBERO. ties Bldg. Tel. J'yler cMIROKoUlsia. Suite OX Carrie J. Buford. Fa Bl k.Re4 JWJ. l.AHPh.Al ll-HJS As"ii" oK lttAC lOMl Lsasara 4 Son, 1 Capllot Ave. T. 1H C. W, Hokanson, I.vnwth, TyL tlM-J. (uirtuii. mi! lsrsest stock of masi.arsds and ihrstrical eoatuines In ths country. untry, D.4U1 Tbso. Uwben B-. U14 Howard. THFATRICAL gowna, full dress suits, for rent. N. 17th Ht. John Feldmsn. AMtlNU ACADKBllb.. PK M'Xf! ACAPWMT. Ill H. Uth t uHtSaUAKIXU. LADIES' Jackets remodeled In the latest style. 19U Farnam. Douglas to Kelster's Dressmaking Col. 1 City Nat. Tarry Pressmak'g college. Hh A Farnarru Ut-kl AND CLKANhiRs. BTATF. Dry ng Co .120 N. 12th. P. 6071. i)rtrivs. JAMES ALLAN. $11 Neville Block. Kvl- nce sac u red in au r-e. ijur.ns 1)IN risi a. Pr. Bradbury. No pain. Ill W.O.W. Bldg. ryorrbea. Pr. Flcklsa, T4 City Nat Bank. Taft DantslRooma lSif Iouglss D. Hit imuus. PRITGS at cut prices; frslght paid en tit oroers; catalc-gues free, tilierman A gf Conn. II Drug i'o.. Omaha Neb. ' . Lt-ClkbLVIU. tJloa Allender, t?4 Bte PMg Red SKA ICLi.TMICAL HEPAltilNts. CHUFLr-rrlIOCO.. Bi Bid. P. VT TUM-lu llrl'Lltk. CM AH A Towet Si'Pply, JW S. Uttu p. UL FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS Plana, M astral laetrumeuta. PLAYER PIANO ROLLS 15C15C 150 Wi want every Player Piano Owner to Visit "ir NEW PLAYER ROLL DEPT. location. Just half dmn steps from the street In the hesrt of the shopping: dis trict. l'-,ll.'.ln loug1aa St. Service: I'rompt attention by Intelligent ssles forse. will sell sll overstock rolls for 15 cents. Just to get yon In. A. IIOSPE CO.,. 1SU Wi Douslss Bt. o In sold wllibs psld" for" Trie nams of a prospective plsnn or plsyer-plano liuysr. . ROUIv''N PIANO CO., fit 8. Itth St.. Fsrtory Distributors Cable Pianos fPo pcrmonTri, A. Hosne.' 16 ii Douglas. Store aad Office Flaturee. I5KSKS. ssfa scales, showcases, shslvT Inc. etc. We buy, sell. Omaha Fixture sV Hupply Co. 414-16-18 H. th. Pour 3734. I'll, Mb developed tree If purchased from Photo Craft. Shop, 414 Hee HM. Dept. p. Jewrlrr, Diamonds, Watehes. LlAMuNL" LotkET, men's and ladles' watehes. rsaaonable. frledman. .2!! Done. 6 KUUKCIAA Rl 8 "lucky wddln rlns ' at lbth and Douglas Ms. i I. amber aa4 BslUlsg Material I'HY Klnillliiy hy th load. Ilurney ?7a6. Msshlserf an Batlsea, VVOKU Wui kln Machinery. Complete outfit for smalK plunlng mill. ln-lud-Init motors. This Is s snsp it taken ss It stands. Geo. H. Lee (., 1116 llsr le v S' . '.imnha. Nrb Jifj.'W e--ond-hand motors, dynamos, tnsKiietos. ys Bron Klectrlc W'orhs, 3ls-g g, th Ht. 'vnlut Maeklaea. SEWING ilACIIIRT.'S Ws rent, rscslr. Hell needles and nerfa of all sswlnc machines. NRBRAHKA CYCLE CO. 15th and Harney Hts. Douif. Typawrltrrs ana Bapplles. MIDLAND K I B HON A CARBON CO. i ftBON we mailt thsm In OMAHA. Whsit Typewriter Ribbons! Huppiles for lbs office. Douglas 2147. Z: Res Bidr. fiKNT an Oliver typewriter a mo. for 15. uiiver xypew Mter ABenc, 1 ii Fwrnatn. suld, routes repaired. Central Typewriter Kxc 19W Farnam. BrXIANCB Illbbon and Carbon Co., rar- pon paper and inkerlitons;D;4J: fiKNT a "Ramington" 'notfust" type writer. Low rent. Call Dnuilni 12X4. BtfT;r8 Typewriter exchange. 3I S. 18th. cii. aii maaes ror sais or rent. Printing; and flfftco Sappllea. WATBRS-BARNHART Hi. Co., quality Urinlln Tl I).in IIDA 1)1 U tliK at fENtltAL, Printing Co. DOUOLAS 171)47 POL'OIAS Printing Co. Tel. Douglas 644. Misestls neoaa. FOR 8AIJD CHEAP, Business Collegs Courss. Full and complete scholarship In one ef ths best Omaha bualnesa sqhnol. Good resson for selling; perfectly relia ble; worth full prl'e, hut will be sold Very reasonably. If Interested Investl. gate at once, because spring term begins soon. There are a variety of courses for sale. For particulars Inquire at the of iles of The Omaha Be ALEX JETES LIQUOR HOUSE, Thirteenth and Douglas, nottled-ln-bond whisky, 8.ra, $1.00, $1.2o. fuil quart. Parrel goods, $2.00 to tl.Oft per gallon. FOR 8 ALIO New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; send for cata logue; easy payments. The Brunswick-Kslke-Coilender Co.. 407-409 P. 10th St. PltEK lo r Gunpowder or Atiu Japan tea with every 10 lbs. of best &C coffee, parcel post, at tl.TS. Dave's Coffee Market. Mil lsavonworta 8t Omaha, Neb. OABOXiNM lighting plsnt. good condl- iion nave installed electricity; will sell old lighting plant cheap. Address 8. O. ruts, Alda, Neb. MY high standard of quality will lie maintained; 4 quarts of Old Fontenells whisky, UK; bottled In bond. Henry Pollock, mall order house. Doug. "ilul. 12J-12I N. lMh Pt. EVERY day has Us sunshine for Want-Ad users. titart ;oiay. Call Tvler P00. POAIi baskets delivered. $1; Illinois nut or lump, t&.U per ton- Douglas MSI fc-'i Vfl Oobleii West Whisky. 4 full aunrva bottled In bond. Drenald. Cackley Bros., Omaha. BVKRYTJIIX. FOR WOHEIi. ACCORDION, side, knife. nburst. bos pleating, covered buttons, all slses and styles; hemstitching, point edging; em broidery, beading, braiding, cording, eyelet out work buttonholes, pennants. Ideal Pleating Co., 8uu Douglas block. DoukIbs ik. rURNACHa AND TIM WORK BORNEM AN Chimney and furnace cleaning. Phone lkiuglaa !23. HABFBBTWOH. 40M Hamilton Wal. 7t FIXTl'HES AKU WIRING. DURKIT jr;lBr.rl washing machines i .fc,"lc ,ron" "nd reading lamps, r3$ Cuming ht. Doug. frm. KtKHltCUS. AM KNUETER. M20 Vamam. Red CU1 K. Rothols. sals Leavenworth. H. rrta. JUSTItKS OF TI1U FKAta HiJf- L,B0RI?F! P"ton Blk. Red WL Notary public; depualiion sleno. 0- W. BR ITT, Sm Jlarker" Block. LlVK STUCK CuMallasluS ! RTLL? BP UO. Exchange Bldg. MUVINU PIC I t Hhi MAt-inVfiaT OMAHA rilm Ex.. Mth and Poug Ma. oiU'l0iuI!Lma hlne and film ba'gama" oil list: " Eyes examined, glasses fitted, pay as vou JSHL-Vr-. McCai ty uil W . O W. itfltg ostkopAiu i'u i'slci am7 i-LNKWBTRONO. lf Bes Bldg rATUNth. D. O, Barns 11, Pax too Blk. Tel. Red IU7. If. A. Bturges. Sir) Hrandela Th.... tiM. r I . NOI STRlCYl6. R A G T IMK piano playing nostlvelv 'ns.J2rumlnVJ?r t'Lt.MKS ILkiAAkU. CURLED, dyed. l Riiele. 118$ City Nat BtALU HirAiMlAb,- ' Om. Etan 'adScsl c0 , su p. utn D al, fcUufc UKPAlSliAii.""- HerleyjPhoe Rep'rjco.ttMM Farn'm. R, J444 ktKk.-Cli.lA.. " " CARTER Sheet Neva I Company, no 8. IX ikUk and sTir lAika. i?- Atkva ka.a.AAa.sia. ltM SPh-CJALlSTaT tTbrlstlansen. W fi Paxton Bk . if yr. esa. auiui.tu k tituasaT Wedding anaeuiwmsnts. Iiug Ptg. Ce. Vl.a AMi UHIuhi, PITY your family liquors at Klein's Linus house. isZ N. IMS. Douglas lsua WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS, New desks, used desks, bought, sold and traded. J. C. Roed. 1304 Farnam. ANNOUNCEMENTS NOTlf'B TO OiNTRACTOlut! Rids will be received at the office of the nnderslirned. Omiand, Nehrsaka, un til IS o'clock noon, February 11. 1H1. for furnishing material and labor, snd building" complete a brick school building In the vlllsse of Cortland Nebraska, In accordance with plans and specifications furnished by It. W. ilrant, architect. Me atrlce, Nebraska. The board reserves the right to reject sny or sll bids snd to wslve any formality In any bids re ceived. Contractors must accompany their bids with a certified check for i per cent of the amount of their bid. made payable to Frank Mlltenberger, secretary, the amount of the bid to be forfeits m accordance with terms I or tne speciricstions. Heating bids will be received separate from general con tract. FRANK MILTLNBKKUKR, Cortland, Nebraska. Secretary. Tilechanical Draughting Machine Designing Estimating Patent Drawings it Phone P. 1444. E. SLOMAN. 415 Brandels Theater. CHIROPRACTIC If sick, regardless of the nature of your aliment, rhlropratlo will do for you what no other science can. When all else fails try me and note the dif ference. I adjust the cause of BO-CALLF.D "Incurable" ailments snd all derange ments peculiar to women. Dr. W. II. KNOLLENBERG Phone Tyler 9?A. Hulte 312 Bee Bldg. BKODEQAAKD'8 "Lucky Wedding Rlnt-s" st 16th snd Douglas Btg, tXKHClsilAT Y.M.C.A. Uusiness men. SWAPPERS' COLUMN ROADS'IKK. lightweight, two-passenger, 1K16 model. Just overhsuled and fully equipped. Will swap for the best 18lS modul motorcycle or motorcycle and side car outfit I can get: but It must be a-i conaition. Aggress p. c. 7a. Hee. "A MBKHOLA" Edison's new diamond point cabinet phonograph; this machine with assortment of records cost 60 three months ago; will swap for good No. 4 Underwood typewriter. Address H. C. K.16. Wee. ANIJRLI'8 Plano-Player (cabinet style) In perfect order, with 1 rolls to ex change for Kdlson Diamond-Disc pho noKrsph or snything 1 can use. Ad flressH. C., Y. 21, Bee. WILL trade my rebuilt racing type roadster for diamonds. This car Is In good running order, fully eqalpped. newly painted, and a classy looker. Address H C leal, Hee P UONOG R A PifEdiflon machine and 3fi record cabinet; 100 fiO-cent records, as sorted. Want cheap lot, diamond or motorcycle. 8. C. M3, Bee, Omaha. MoKEI. 10 Bulck Runabout, two-pasaen-ger, first-class running order, to trade , for atripped chassis: prefer one a little larger. Address B. ('. W2, Bee. rllA'l5 a Brush car, in good running order, suitable for delivery, worth Jxi, to trade for something of equal value. Address P. C. tsa, Bee. ADDING machine, cost ::76 new; excel lent condition; will trade for pictures; bookcase: automobile or, what have you T Address H. C. 6fB. Bee. SlAVB '6-year-old fack. liiVjTlianda b'Kh. Thla Jack la registered and sound. Will swap for cattle, horses, mules, or what have you? 8. C, 871, Bee. ALL furniture In 45-room hotel; reason able rent on building; South Side; will exchange for real estate; value 11.800. Address 8. C. 6Xt. Bee. $400 UPRIGHT plant, and $200 Victor cab Inet talking machine. Will trade either or both for auto, or -what have you? Address 8. C. S60, Bee. HAVM 6-year-old bay mare, unbroke and sound, with oal to best Jack in Ne braska. Will swap for automobile. H. C. m. Bee. SKATES, almost new, nickel-plated, cost S'Vdv; not. oroinary sastea. win swap for anything useful. Address 8. C. M, care Hee. SCOTCH collie dog, one and one-half years; good wstch dog: very Drettilv marked. Will trade for chickens, or a hat have you 1 IT 8. C. E60, Bee. 1914 TWIN cylinder Indiun with eleetrln head and tall lights and good side car to iraae tor wnair Aaaresa 8. C. 861, nee JV ANT a good auto In exchange for painting ana paper nanging bv first- class mechanic Address H. C. K64. Ree. Jii!"TNvTN Indian motorcycle, free en a ine clutch and In A-l condition. Will swap ior iiHMti ormi auto, p. j. siu, tiee. MANDOLINS Two sood mandolins. value $63; exchange for diamonds or jewelry, h. zs. nee, timsha. 1 'HAVE a fine bunch of Buff Orping ton punei. nnii ant a oiterea. Agaress B. c. wx, nee 1 WANT to trade my 200-egg Incubator and sewing machine for good roller toD desk. 8. C. 558. - v UOOD high grade Kruae piano, will trsde ror building material or lot. Address B. C. fros, Hee. llAVK shotgun and rifle, will exchange for roll-top desk or small safe. 8. C. gWjp.ee. A UTOMOBlLES For other automobile bargains sea the "Automobile" classlft cation. $VVTN X motorcycle for stock of gro- certes or victroia. Anaress a. c, B&S. $140 equity in standard piano to trade for whatjiave you., S. C. 667. Bee. WANT wardrobe trunk. What will voti have In trade? Address B, t'. 8ft-i. Bee. HAVE" a good 45Tt. P. oTda to trade7or a good Foro. S. C. WA. Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES Office For REAL ESTATE or INSURANCE Same floor as Bee Office TIIE BEE BUILDING Office Room 103 FOR SALE Fool hall, five Brunawlck tables, electric piano, ice box, cigar and candy caaa, wall oaae, safe, roll-top desk, all in good ahape, and good busi ness. Will invoice about $3,200. Will sell for )u"( what it would cost nsw. About hslt cssli, balance will pay for self Located lit a Nebraska city of 14.H00. Address Y. 210, Hee PARTNER WANTED-Actlve man with $6,000 to $10,010 capital to take active pari In central Iowa mfg. plant; must i cspsoie or 01 no wort. Splendid oi- IMtrtuntty for right man. 217. Hee. Address Y ESTABLISHED photograph business in leat town in southwestern Iowa; must be sacrificed quick: In beautiful studio building, centrally located, rent $3& per month; small competition; fine oppor tunity for good man with some capital. 8. B. JOHNSTON. iTS Keellne Hldg. Douglas XQS. COMMERCIAL CollegaTully equipped. doing a good business In a city of U. In the most populous part of Iowa. This college can be made to pay from $10,00) to $U.floo a year profit. We have no use fur It. VN 111 sell it at $,Qon, on easy terms. St'W A H HRoS., loji Plymouth Bldg.. Minneapolis. Minn. WANTEI -A good elierg-tlo msn with few hundred dollars, in a fine business, that will pay handaome returns. Quick action neveaaary to secure early re sults. Call sli City National Bank Bull.llng SALESMEN. Salesmen thst wsnt to make t'-OO per month or more call at our demonstra tion, 1824 Farnam. and ask for Mr. Young. Tou will be convinced. VtR SALE Infants, children's and la dies' furnishing store at David City, Neb., at a arialu, txrat location In town: doing sa excellent business; went to retire Box NoS-6, I'avld Ity. Neb. LA 111. K aiburuaii plului aiiow. doing good buslnesa. In thick populated dis trict, tor sale or trsde. Address Mr. Morris. 4121 N. 24th St. Phone Colfax t.74. BUSINESS CHANCES PICTUREJ shows, locations, leases, ma chlnes, repairs, supplies and scot sennas. fcee us first. OMAHA THF.ATER PUrPLY CO.. Balrd Bldg. Ll8T your buslneaswlih me lor qu ok results: buy, sell snd axrhsnge. RFLI ABLE BARGAIN CO., Poom ? Baird B'ds. Tel. Doug. MM 17TH AND DOUOLAS 8T. F"Ok HA LK A gooil. clean stock of har ness goods: business well established end good location. Inquire of F. J. Ko vsr, Schuyler, Neb. ROO.MiNiTTioiise'of I rooms, well furn ished, full of roomers. Will sell cheap ss owner Intends to leave city. 2X Douglas Pt. Phone Dong. 7-4. f fHKATKRS Buy, leawTor ssll your the ater, machine and supples through Thester Kg. Co.. 140H Fsrnam. 1 1H.'T. CFFICE for real estate or insurance; ssme floor as Bee office; 11x21 feet; 10. The Bee B'dg.. Office Room 103 POOL tables and barber shop for ,sale. Chesp. Will rent building. W. E. Ingalshe, Deweese, Neb. DOCTOR WahtedTvery deslrable location, with no Investment. Write Nugent de longpre. Lodge Pole, Neb. TO OCT In or-out of business call on GANOESTAD 4M Bee Bldtf. Dong. 3477 EH Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar gains In established sr...w. D. fo PELL or buy a business, call on Busch & Bnrghoff. Frenier Blk. jXWI. Investment i-oo.oo with services. p'54. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. WANTED A position as manager or salesman, retail hardware or furniture, by middle-aged man with long experi ence In furniture, hardware and imple ment business; also band man; beat references. Address Y i!18, Bee. YOUNG man, who now .holds a good responsible position ss stenographer and bookkeeper in another city desires a permanent position In Omaha; best j;e f e re nc ea. Care Room 6)J Y. M. C. A . MARRIED man, 40'yeara old. with 1 years- experience, wsnts office work, bookkeeping or collecting: references furnished. Call Webster 2C73. WANTED Puliation as assistant window trimmer by novice with tsste. Good ref erences and willing to work. Bert, 201 8. 24th Ht. Phone Doug. 7H. WANTED By a young man going to business college, a place to work after school hours for bosrd. Phone Douglas 347i snd call for Logan. EXPERIENCED railroad man desires to locste with local mfg. firm in traffic dept.; best of references. 07 8. 6th Ave. Dour. r!l. WANTiob-Chore Job, work on farm. nth: experienced wages $10 to 115 per month; experienced msn. Address Tii lm Nolan, Qen. Del., Omaha. JOB WANTED House carpenter In store or office building by competent me- cnnnic. .rnone Harney km:. WANTED By married man, Job as auto mobile salesman. Can give reference or bonds. In or out of city. Tyler jMW. man, 22, wants work of snv kind. M ust have work right away. Tyler 2iiH. FIREMAN Experienced, wishes position. 1223 Chicago Pt., Room 10. J. Kapel. YOUNG college student wants work after cjmol.Addreag W. it.. 2706 Jarn m Pt. Female. LADY ueslrus position to assist with llBht housework and cars of small child; am capable and willing and very adept In the care of children. Call Douglas 5340 and ssk for Room 37. , SITUATION wanted ss housekeeper by two latiiea. i o oojeciion to going to a small town or city. 2764 Grant fc-t. Web. 3i:tu. EXPERIENCED German lady wants to do housework In small family. Hanscom Park district preferred. H. 54o0. WANTED Position by competent younn lady aa housekeeper, or caretaker of rooming house. Call Colfax 401. POSITION wanted as cashier in restau rant; call between 8 and In the ee nlngs. Douglas 703. YOUNG Isdy wishes position in office. Willing to start at reasonable salary. Douglas 3632. SITUATION wanted by young lady stenographer with experience. Phone Benson 166. YOUNG lady wants position in office, stenographic, or ' clerical work. Tel. D. 3632. EXPERIENCED children's nurse wants Kosttlon as children s nurse, vrelghton ome, 2104 Davenport St. EXPERIENCED laundry woman wants bundle washing; neat work. Web. 1167. WANTED At once, sewing by the day or piece. Mlsa Molumby. Douglas 34o4. CDIARKD girl wishes kitchen work or chambermaid work. Doug. S214. WOMAN wishes chamlermald work or housework. Dong. 223o. LACE curtains and bundles carefully laundered. Webster 42SJ. BUNDLE washing cheap. Webster 4307, Cleaning and laundry work. Web ster 4745. DAY work of any kind. Web. 6H26. Mary. HELP WANTED-MALE Stores sail Offices. BtX)KKEEPER Pteno.. thoroughly cap. able of handling books, credits, office, etc.; splendid future for man of ability, salary to ault ability. Must be taken at once. WESTERN RBF. BOND ASSN., INC., originators or me nererence nosiness. 752 Omaha Nat. Bank Hldg. YOI'NG man with good common school education. Must be accurate and fairly rapid on typewriter and careful on figures. Salary $40 to start. Fine op portunity to learn advertising profes sion. Apply to 10 a. m. at 224 Bee BujU!lng. SPECIALTY SALESMAN ..$125 STENOGRAPHER 75 GROCERY CLERK ) THE CANO AGENCY, fttt BEE BLDG. BOOKKEEPER, grain experience $75 JTBNOORAPHER and clerk 78 STENOGRAPHER and bookkeeper 40 WATTS REF. CO., 838-40-42 Brand. Thea. Professions and Trades. WANTEDGood Job and ad printer; preference for orchestra cornet player. Trlhure. Niobrara, Neb VANTBD Practical farmer, single man. F. C. Bliss. Room 2S4. Exchange Bldg., Stock Y'arda. South Omaha, ' Tr"ug Store Snaps, Jobs. Knelst. Bee Bldg. Salesmen nnd Solleltora. SALESMANSHIP STARTS MONDAY, JANUARY 31 Increase your efficiency; make more money; good salesmen command their own salary; get to be a scientific sales man and be Independent. Call Tyler lo. Mr. Miller or Mr. Shaw, and learn how. Y. M. C. A.. 17th and Harney Sta. WANTED High class salesman with established line to carry new articles. Pocket sample, show ten, sell nine. Make us prove It. 411 Keellne Bldg. WANTED VVe offer an exceptional op portunity to good salesmen to rail frocerles direct to the consumer. Write iarper Bros. A Co., Wholesale Grocers, thtoago. III. ' , ji ALES. MEN. Salesmen that want to make $600 per month or more tall at our demonstra tion, 1824 Farnam, and ask tor Mr. Young. You will be convinced; Trade Sehoole. MOLER BARBER COLLEGE. Men wanted to learn the trade. We have originated a. plan to teach it quickly and earn back tuition while learning. Tools nciuaed. Open to everyone. Write for catalogue. 110 So. SAVE $25 8KB OUR SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER. If you can't attend day school you can hold your Job and at the sauie lime get your aulomoUUe education If you euro'! iu the NIGHT CLASS OF NEBRASKA ACTOMOBILK ' SCHOuL. 2 LEAVEN WORTH. KFD Silo. GOOD MEN WANTED te learn auto work, for the big spring rush. Fine training work on autoa and electric starting stems. AMERICAN ALTO COt.LF.CE 1061 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. HELP WANTEDMALE Trade Schools. LEARN TUB BARBER TRADE. Trl-Ctty Barber college; low rale tui tion. Including set of tools; wsges paid; electrli meaner , hydraulic chairs; cat alogue free. UL' I Douglas St.. Omaha. Mlaeellaaeoas. WANTKI Married man (with grown-up son preferred to work on farm by the year. Separate house, garden, cow; give nationality, wanes expected and references In first letter. Oocd position for right party. Address Y 219. Bee. M EM Is vT over, wsnted as railway-mail clerks. Sample examination questions free. Franklin institute. Dept. 221 L, Roch es ter N . T. WANTED Namea of ambitious men, 1$ to 4S, wishing to become Omaha mall carriers. Commence $67 month. Address Y 1!. Ree. iSEWEK man st once, who will let winrt Pay or a Job go on a good lot an flown payment. Address at once,, 8 t50, Cmhi Bee jVAMES snd addresses sutnmohlle deal ers, 20c per 1"; hotel owners, per 1"0; write forcomplete list and prices. . Box 14l. Bartley, Neb. CUNNI NGHAM Labor Agency, 111 8. 13th "i nannies everything. SUITS pressed. fiOc. Carey Cleaning Com pany, tn and Dake. Webster 3'.. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS ADVERTISE your property as though f'u i'eiieM-u us saie or rental to be tnportant. by keeping It listed In the Big Douse. Home and Beal Estate Guide-TIIE BEE HELP WANTEn FEMALE Stores and Offices. 8TENO., t-t'K Pteno. and bookkeeper, - ..oaru snn xi, splendid VJ"?. Cfl-..p,''r,,t.,ve. Heference Co.. 11 1 t itv National. STENO., (OCT TOWN) 15 r- I n.MHIKAl'HKR 5,1 .THE CANO AGENCY. W0BRR BLDG. STJ-'vriiiniput'D 11 ii . . vJPURAPHi,iH' Ai place::::::::::::: 40 ..... . . 0,13. rana th. Profeaslona and Trades. GpLtr0. 1J2!rn.,.'"'d!T""'- Oppenhe.m . -. .j-, .-ny nil. lloaaehold and Domestic. GOOD gill wanted for houaework. One the very best of treatment.. A right 0A-i;ini,,i.-wJK 11 -"2 1 , tare i ne jnee. t?iTl;LtYoun . ,ri asslstwlth i,Lii V. iVV worl7 "i rniiiy with two small children. Good home to right Fi Colorl People need not apply. 4602 Florence Blvd. Colfax 706. . FREE! " dv". f.r..BeV"'!t "' will be run 3 f"e of charge. Bring, send or yU.r "J0 rHs BEE office. W?Fl5:Net.M tor S-eneral housed ..i.y miBitncH required; one who can go home nights. Call at Si 06 mo'rnlnT1 St- Fr,,ay r 8tJr5 W,-JIi1-UlrL for general housework! -.-1 uo B""u piain cook. References required. Mrs. V. E. Callahan 114 v 3th St., liar. 2375. "' 114 N' Wu.Kh!ry?!?a to wo,k bV "ay or , l"t. cmi go nome nights: experience and references; no phone calls answered. ?TELTA wnIle irl tor Keneral VVt, .1- ' u wB''ng or cooking, mh st 4m or ad3re" w ' WANTED-Girl for general housework: good wsges, no washing. Mrs. A. W tiordon. 3611 Jackson. Harney Ht. 'ANTED Competent- white girl, 3 1 family No washing. Best wages paid. Mar. 978. Do not call after 6 d m WANTED A cook with references; good u VLV "o- wJ7"Ln.' Joacph Bar- " 1 1 ."" otn 01. uoug. WANTEDGood white girl for general Har. W. 4 Dodge"sty' a Wtlte' EXPERIENCED colored girl wants po sltlon as chambermaid or In boarding house. Webster 765. " WANTED Competent white" girl to do general housework. 3 in family, no children. Red 2960. ., WANTED Girl for general houseworkT " cmioren. jw Harney St. liar, taig. WANTED-Olrl to assist with house wdYk and car of small child. Phone I 1 ft I Il-y lOitri. COM PKTENT white girl for gener'sl housework; reference. 3172 Dodse cii Harnev 1161. WANTED A woman for day work Ant' . Bcargo Block, 4718V4 S. 24th ' Tel South 8W.2. 1 WANTED Girl for general housework Good -wages paid. Harney 1427. 1134 Rn 3oth Ave. GTRL for general housework; no wasrT lng; small family; white preferred. 611 N. 2th. WANTED Competent girl Tor general housework. Mrs. L, H. Korty, 114 N. 3l WANTEDGood girl for general house work 200LIrtStJ WANTED A girl to assist with house work. Harney 810. EDUCATIONAL AFTERNOON SCHOOL OPEN i TO P. M. nrauiiu, -i.v.uH, Huna, antnmetie, Rni lah. English for com Inn A. ..-. hand, typewriting, bookkeeping. Five days per week. $6 per month. Enroll for n i .-. nr full time foe nn. . , w . ,. j-.. v. 7 , . w "vro S U U- jecls. afternoons or night, or both. . M. U. A. SUliUULiS, 17TH AND HARKEf ST3. BUSINESS COLLEGE) ' STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSE. For sale, with good reasons for sell. Ing. a variety of courses In a reliable Business School, one of the leading busi ness colleges of Omaha. Will be sold very reasonable away below regular price. If you are considering taking a course investigate this at once, since Spring Term begins soon. Call office. viiic-itas vr day gcTiobn; BOYLES COLLEGE. NIGHT SCHOOL. Every dav is enrollment day.- Book keeping, Shorthand, Stenotypy, Type writing, Telegraphy. Civil Service all Commercial and English branches. Cat alogue free. BOYLES COLLEGE, IStli and Harney Sta. Tel. Douglas I.V56. TIIE VAN SANT SCHOOL FTENOGRAPHT BOOKKEEPINO. Day School for Young Women. Evening School for Young Men and Women. fceunday morning class In typewriting. lone C. Duffy, Orner and Manager. 306 8. 18th St Omaha, FOR sale, tho following scholarships in a first-class Omaha Business College: One unlimited combination business and shorthand course. One unlimited stenographic course. One three-months' business or steno graphic course. W ill le sold at a discount at the office of The Omaha Bee. SCI l M)L OK Ml IDE It N LANGUAGES Claim or private leeanns. Translation. Conversation. 303 Jvrlc Bldg. Web. 664. Faxton Blk. School of Lettering and Art Tuition $10 per month. iKiug. 2U7. PERSONAL $3,000 TO PENSION INVALIDS. The ldtee' Home Journal 31.34 The Saturday Evening Post $1.60 The Country Gentleman $101) &0 subscriptions each month till April earns that $3.0ou for The Inva lids' Pension Aaan. Your order or re newal contributes 60c. Urgent, ln8 needed In January. Phone Douglas 716$ tr add re as, OOKDOX, THE MAGAZINE MAN. Omaha. Neb. YOUNG women coming to Omaha as strangers srs invited to visit the Young Women's Crulatlsn saaociatloo building at 17th St. and St. Mary's Ave, where they will be directed lo sultsble board ing places or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide ai the Union biation. PERSONAL PILFH. FISTULA CtmiED. Dr. E. It. Tarry cures plies, fistula and other rectal dlsesaes without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials DR. E. R. TARRY. $40 Bee Bldg. THE Salvation Armv Industrial home so licits your old clothing, furniture, msg sxlnes. We collect. We distribute. Phone Douglss 4113 and our wagon will call. Call and Inspect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. SAN FRANCISCO INSTITUTE. Tfl South I'.th St.. second floor. Hot 'tub baths, shower, genuine Swedish mas sage, chiropody, manicuring; graduates. Hours 10 u. m. to 10 p. m. PKRSONAI Alice, if you want to see your mother slive. come home Immedi ately. Her life despaired of unless shs (tin see you; wire your answer. O. F Coonrsd, 1010 Asbttry avenue, Asbury Park. N. J. R U P T IT It E Bucessfully treated without a surgical operation. Call or write Drs. Wray A UUieny3Q$BeeBldg.. Omaha. MISSES GRAY AND HEAD Electric batha, chiropody treatment, scientific massage. 210-212-214 Baird Blk., 17th end Douglas. D. 84,i8. MEDICATED vapor and modern Turkish baths for ladles and gentlemen; lady attendant for ladles; Swedish massage. 1919 Fsrnam Pt Douglas 3437. Personal Misses Staples & Mason, bath, -electric treatment. Open a. m. to S p. m.loug.jri3. 8u2 Brandels Th. VAPOR. TUB AND SPRAY BATHS. Edna La Bell, 709 8. 16th St.. 3d floor apt. D. 7046. MISS WILSON. Baths. 1802 Farnam St. Room 2. Phone Douglas 8751. M. BRITGM AN. Steam and shower baths. Red Z727. Room 202, Karbach Blk. VOI R furnace cleaned, $1; work guaran teed. Centra 1 Tin Shop, poll glas 464, RHEUMATISM treated successfully. r- sults guarant'd. Dr. Bowser, 814 Bee Bid j. MRS. STEELE, IedJci(ledJ5tr'?L l'2t Dodge St COZY m-inicuring parlors, baths. 1802 Fsrnam. Apt 7. Doug. 7574. DR. A". C. STOKES has moved his office to 474 Brandels Theater Bid g. MISS VENETA, massage and alcohol. rub. Office 109 So. 17th St. SCIENTIFIC massage. Phone Douglas 6T72. K20 Bee Bldg. MASSAGE Miss Webster. 618 Faxton Blk. Doi.glas 8227. WALL paper cleaning. Tyler 2662 W. FOR RENT-ROOMS Furnished Rooms, HOTEL SAN FORD. HOTEL HARLEY. 19th and Farnam. 20th and Farnam. Special Rates to Permanent Guests. 26TH Ave., 621, South Modern, close-in lurnisneu room, ior gentleman, $10 mo. Tel. Red 947. NICELY furnished room, clos modern. Ml ft. Pt in; all Housekeeping; Rooms. TWO furnished rooms for housekeeping, with all new furniture;, walking dls- tance. Call Tyler 15r9. , S. ibi'It ST.. 3132 rooms, water, gas," range In kitchen. $4, near Farnam; plenty beat. ' Board and Rooms. WARM, COMFORTABLE ROOMS. Newly furnished, home privileges to the right parties. We serve good board. Ca II Webster 7172. W ELL-FURN1 SH ED large room; 8 wln dows; big closet; new, modern. home; good board; home privileges. Tyler 1709. HARNEY ST.. 8349 Room and board, suitable for two. Phone Hsrney 2211. Untarnished Rooms, HARNEY ST., 2580 If you have furniture and are looking for nice rooms, either 2 or 4, for housekeeping, see these first. FOR RENT-FURNISHED Apartments and Houses. Apartments. NICE 7-room flat; all furnished. Will sell furniture cheap. Located at 1111 Pacific. Call Douglas 6688. MODERN furnished bungalow, $36. 2044 Fowler Ave. Call Red 8465. PRETTY, new Dundee home, will rent reasonable to responsible people. Wal. 2909. FOR RENT-HOUSES West. FOR RENT. 1632 Harney St., mod. 10-roora brick bouse. Hot water heat. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. Tel. H. 1094; P. 11 12-ROGM modern house with garage. barn: hot water heat. 2618 Harnev St. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. D. 1216 or H. 1094. North. 1616 SHERMAN Ave., mod., 11 rooms. $33. 1615 N. 17th, 7 rooms, bath,. $18. JOHN N. FRENZKK. DOUGLAS 664. 362U LINCOLN BLVD. U-rooin house. enricuy mooern, wiin not water neat. Price $60. Douglas 1818. 25TH AVE.. 6330 N. Eight-room house; all modern; hot water neat. Colfax IM. 1615 GRANT ST., 7-r. com., modern. $7 T. F. Hall, 4,i3 Ramge Bldg. p. 7406. . NEW modern bungalow. 2601 Bristol, vveDsier ii. New mod, bung. 27 A Manderson. Col. 12$. South. $-ROOM home la Hanscom Park District, 1136 Georgia Ave., with garage; nioely decorated, excellent condition: 136. HASTINGS ft HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St NICE 6-room cottage at 1907 Spring St for$18. Harney 00. FiVEi-ROOM house, modern except fur nace. won Martha St Miscellaneous. FREE RENT TO FEBRUARY 1. 622 8. 19th, 8-r., all modern house; well arrangid for renting rooms ..$40 903 N. 17th, 6-r., all mod. apartment, heat and water furnished $36.(0 2ja Wirt, 6-r. cot., mod. ex. heat.. $16 Has! 8. lth, 6-r. cottage, pt. mod.,.. $9 .101 Bristol St., 6-r., part mod. ...$14 RASP BROS. DOUG. 1663. 6-H., downtown, colored, $12; 3 and 8-r.. lots garden ground, $4-$6. Tel. Doug. 2107. Eveninus Walnut 2og7. HOI'S KS FOTFTTtENT. CRK1GH. SONS & CO.. 608 BEE BLDG. DOUG. 100. SEK th. Cantral Furullure btore s I'KIl RENTAL LIST FOR RENT AP'TS AND FLATS West. THE DEWEY, NEW AND UP-TO-DATE, !01 DEWEY, JUST COMPLETED. Consisting of 3 rooms with 6-room ac commodations; 3 built-in beds:, kitchen and bath; all outside rooms; good light kitchen; individual porches; choice lo cation; $3o summer: $4o winter; Far nam car line. See thla today. HASTINGS & HEYDEN. 1611 Harney 8 1 4-R.. gisAt Harney, has sun parlor, buiTt in bed, very choice, good location, all outside rooms, good light, plenty ven tilation choice location, bub-lease, $37.60; $4- 60 summer. HASTINGS - HEYDEN, 1614 IIARNET. VERY choice 4 or 6-room steam hosted apartment, on Weal Farnam Street. J NO. W. Rt KB 1X3. I h 2 Farnam t-t. Hf:LEN Apartment 2464 Harney St., very desirable four-room apartment Call laiugias 6TO0. Wra) DLANI Slt and I'ewey., apt. 6. very oeairauie. . r.. tirando. H. 11 Soath. fiVE-ROOM s earn healed apartment. very deniable, tns Chula Vista, 30th and Popnletun Ave . 14? SV ::'2 Bran- oats Thsater Bl Ig. iiou;. i: