Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 28, 1916, Page 10, Image 10
THE BEE: OMAHA, FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 191G. x.' y yi Ti t i f t ) r u- sirv n-ii n r r rn r i vi m . i j f I'v i i 1 ivi ivvm t ii v t i i - . i m i t a mi f i i i iia r ar - ' w m 'mm i m r w m. w m am mm m m m m w m m m m w a m m m mm a f t m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m m . m m Mmmmmm m mrmmmamwimmmm SOCIETY GOES TO OPERA AND SKATES Dinneri Frrcedin; tnd Little Sap per to Tollow Grand Oper at Auditorium. SKATING RINKS WELL FILLED Bt mi: l.trtf t Jaaaarr T. After tha F'lhscitption club dance this evening, pncl'ty la going to tnp playing for a llUe while It will nit bark at ease, It were. nd watch other play for It. The making up of parties of watcher Kill be the principal ocl activity mean while Of retire, tber will be dlnnara preceding and little tapper at th Kon tnll following the (rand opera pan lea of thl week and the Korbea-Roberteon affalra of next, and akatlng wilt tak up r7?iiiiiiir-vu I I i i iAni 'r- ih$ L I ' aHthar r:7 foifl 111 Towels. M . Blankets X Mualin X Mnalin V Lonjclotlu Three are win piece ' I M-leeh "leaehed I M-lach rableihe4 1 ja.hjrh I at a I a I 1 . . . . ,. I rrth niaehet v I I Maelu. tambrtef 1 extra f 1 !to 1 1 L"". " "'l!n' I 1 remrrtabl, ! I 'ill lnrlHk.l I a a a 1 1 1 7. eleeel I '-TTF1""'-.-.' -I I 1 wttli fancy bor.lera I 1 ami , I ng leagtha. l.e.l I 11.., warth !! I J?,'1! TaTa?a"5 I 'Nv'- Bargains are more noticeable than ':', ever tlic.8c days in our Great Enlarged Blanket Hwdkerchiefs Basement, for large quantities of mer- Remnants J ' Wemea" and dill- 1 I chandisc arc being cleared out at prices I 1-rflli B-Ty, twtn4 i M'Ktt I war below what was formerly eonsid- I zXZlvrgg; I 'VV5..!:..Ac J ered unusually good bargains. , V h,r..?.,T!T,..lSc J I 0omfort 'A OvercoaU - X VHmm Crepe Jf- - ' . iOc Towela 23o 1 cv4 Urn., I rt-ia. whit, rit f BtlW. I rn blr.-erd, trnt l Z,lLt?A I t I ,1 1 f 1 1 Waa Qa-Uty WhHa 1 i I bl, iS I.n lr-jft?TtV.U I I atd-wtael I rwaa erl 1 UrrerlJ IWWi I try, bemneal u tVZ eh 5C ' f $1.25 Tabla A A A Women Hose Cloths, 79e. I Men's O'Coati Men's Pants Art Ticklnfff Wwi cn.. I 'ktiT. iT.,; I I "- leeU Prtee ea ( 1 It-lneh Fancy AH I I J'i"tJLrf I I If lIVonT?r; ZSZl c. cUlaehHla.1 M.a rte. wrlb I IVhlmg aad re-I I f .'!? I Yhu rrdar.7c ,,,.,$7.50 V 98c to $2.79 X rl.?.....6$c Y IOc Towel- A Sale of Silk Remnantt Friday Hosiery I . I (Main Floor.) de' na CetM I i lamik uie'iai?. Jl Ramngntg tf 16 and 40-Inch erapo do chlngg, radium.! SETuJS wartTTT ) and air pt- charmciit. popllng, Canton erpa, mattora, foul- f V to, pair C tere. II UclN, WW. anJti ftQ. ,0 1Mi ,t yr, UUC . J $U3 Spreads, X , Mens Suits ' X D Zephyrs X Calico X Wool f fiO(S 1 atMa mmA Tni f 1 -' Ira Call: aad - 1 ' I 1 II J?.' vT-l I PlJf. I ' h I T t I a g PHata. f 1 Men1 Heavy Wool 1 I '-K-LS-ti I JrVTVf.l Frr.rl r-r,:i.l 1 I V fir;; s - $7-50 y ...ejc y 5 .... 3c W -rr isc7 Awtite JTaxon Men'i Suits Flannel Long-cloth Mea'i Hocks I Ir .tripee. Uee .- I I i,k Jlllne I I Tlala Whua aUag I I rb'-lrt " I . I toa lwka, ala. k. tea I 1 feet; t wide 1 I h u,?I'l,t.! I Klai... Iethe t. 1 I i?!?1 ''T! 1 I a-4 BUed arayi I I to. value. aUIC. er Art V " - "T'.,,J rrW,,7l V 15c Wr:- 55.00 y 5c y :....7jc y ".7iy Swi8 Tur Cot.U l Shirting A Flannel A Bock I Cm4 OaalMy WblU I 1 U VWM I 1 II I I "ea' Heavy rMa 1 I K. w fe car. I Mn, y.r real, I I M-la. Faaey tthtr. I tt-tawh Pa Orad I I .. Mh4 Heck- I I tataa, 1 taeaea wW. I f,,tUM t lt.. U 1 I " "T? f I I ?" Weanel. 1 I ford Hark, regular I V Y- 0,:u Y r:.....8jc )C JaV!T!:..7Jc )C A Notion Notioni f Crepe. . h. m. r. iway km mrn-itack rtnWhUg Brau i? Underwoavr v.rikk vu. rw. 1 ( rarkM-l rMU. a4l a4 Mtmllag. mt l 1 I i-L JLm .turn lalZI I ak Kmb4J Edtag.t. lMMe tr Bettiag. igieial. C. I WaaaaaK Catlaa 1 I i ,SSk7eX I " ""- 2iC r1 xataa. agacaU W-l.! Sii lmiar I rS.Tii IOC -eal. eeoM- Heaag. kt.lW Urn. (laiei, at eaaraj ' ' I Baptmrtei. Batr aaea fa Jf f Dimity KAcktnaws A PercaJe A ovr BUP" A C'nderww Khwt lrtk 1 an. Weal Maekt-1 I I I iM Ic Bleach. I 1 rMUiw'i t aw tat 1 I Vtau la I - I Zmw VLf riri a I I M lack. wVte. TH I I 4 rate aup. I I rute. e4 ex. aW I I aru aa4 MrlfMI I I IIWi a. 14- I J mu4 . I I grade. 1 I wHbia f mcumi I Vit C JLl. VrWa 54.93 ea.i to rtaee t 1. vataa, aeyc aaaltly ISC nmieh of tb morning tlma of tha brave and the atalwart. Tha new akatlna: rink of tha Omaha elub on It tennla court brine an added Centura of Interest Into the eras which baa (truck Omaha, aa well aa all the world, thla winter. Men are Interesting atudle. even more ' o than children. It la acutely amuslng to hear pome atald buelne man declare that nothing can t Mm upon tha lea. that ha known hi j-ear and I proud of what he haa done with them. The next day that eame man la telling df how he could skate when he waa a kid back et." or he will tell of tha prlx he won for the figure eight h cut at the Ice carnival. The day after he I skating. Croix Club Organized. Tha Crotx. formerly the La rtasom olub, held a meeting Monday evening at the homo of John 0'I.ry. New rule were adopted and preparation were mad for a private dancing party to ba given February 4 at Hart a ball In Pundee. Peelde a tag party every two An essential to health and good teeth PERFECT a If fm mm hmm A Standard Ethical DmntifHci 2c gtamp today for a f aneront trial package ot Dr. Lyon' Parfect Danut Cream or Tooth Powder. Lyoa & Sons, Ine.,877 W. rth St, N.Y. City week, the rtuh h planned many large octal gathering during 11. Th pres ent mmtra are: H. Llnahan, preat dent; I,. fW-bermerhort. eretarv ; I. 8cr eneon. treaatirer; R. William, T. Erwln, aortal committee. kkVeere Mer. r. IMneen. , It. Maxwell. J. Cilery, H. Kura. A. tvv, M. Porenon, J. (lav. M. Urimn, B. KIM. p. O Dell. Dinners Preceding; the Dance. Mr. and Mrv I.udorle T. Crofoot a dinner at their home thl evening pre the bubacrlptlon dance at Turpln'a hall. Mra. Ward ronea ami atevla re ued In decoration. To? preent will be: Meaer and MertJamee Oeorge B. I'rlna. Horry Burkley, Frank Hamilton. Mr. f Iiarlea Wateon Hull. . Another home dinner t given by the O. C. Redlrk to Meeer. and Medame J. E. Bummer. ". T Kountae, A. L. Reed. ranlel Stap'.eton. Mr. Luther Kotintxe. Mr. Milton Darling. Mr. and Mra. Wtliion Low ara among the dinner giver of tha evening at a home affair, wl'h tha following gueeta: Meera. and Meadamea Howard II. Raldrlge. E. H. Bprague. lloxle Clark. The Wilt r,illton will dine Infor mally at homa with tha E1 6eorgea, Mra. Charlea Ciffutt, Mr. Luther Drake and Mr. nrt Oann-'tt. The W. A. Redltk wilt break the eve ning' monotony of home dinner by din ing their P'Hty at tha Fontenelle In honor of tblr g.ieft. Mr. William n. 8eaK of Mnnapoll. Thote preeent i wilt ba: Hniri. and Meatlamea Herbert Wheeler. W. II. McKeen, Ward Hurgea, W. A. Redlck. Meadamea Meedame W. it. rtweatt Arthur Remington. Warren Roger. Meeer Meaer. Harry McCormlck, Ben Warran. Stockton Heth, Nash-Hamlin Concert Mr. Oaorg Hamlin, wtf of th well known tanor. who, with Mia France Nash, ptanlat, give a concert at th Boyd theater Sunday, arrive Sunday morning. Mr. Hamlin cornea from fit. Louie, where he haa ben vleltlng her na, who are at eohool there. Mr. and Mr. Hamlin will be the gueeta of Mr. and Vlr. 11 O. Ptrelcht. whoee daugh ter, fcllen. la the fiance of fjwrse Kld ridge Hamlin, the tenor' eon. Mlaa Naeh and Mr. Hamlin arrive Sat urday momlnir from liubunue, where thev give a concert Friday evening. The Will riurn and the W. A. Itedlcka have taken a box for the Naeh-Hamiln concert for Mr. Rerllck' guest, Mr. W. R. Swcatt, of Mlnneapolla. Birthday Surprise. Mr. Gorton Roth waa pleasantly aur- prle1 Tueeday evening In honor of hi t Irthday nnlv'crary. A dainty luncheon wa eerved to the gueeta, who were: Meaera. and Ml ednmea J. M Hallv, (lorton Rmh. t. ATI-ege. CiPnrge Mitchell, H. l'avey, John Calvert, B. J. Whietler. Mr C. II. Moulthrop. Mfea a.liec Irene Moiilthrnp. Mary Roth, jeeee Moulthrop. Elks Club Affair. A delightful dinner-dance and musical program w given Wednesday evening at the Elks' home, thoee taking part In tha program Including Mr. and Mr. Henry O. Cox. Mr. and Mr. Harry V. liahn, Mr. and Mra. K. A. Reene and John A. Mccreary. Thoe preecnt we-e: Meaar. and Meadamea R, O. Young, C. I Rett man, I. W. Miner, Harry V. Hahn, J. A. Mronry, K. F. Pralley, H. O. Cox, F. C. Rnat, K. A. Rwee, J. W. Overetreet, J. P. Fallon, K. Rceee, , . w. r-reaion, j. j. Kyte. F. K Harwood, Ia N. Polaen. J. II. Kllllan. R. V. Uough. Dr. and Mra. A. W. Fitzalmons. Mlaace Mlaaea Sarah Keefe. Bertha Tohlaa. oreicnen ironnell, I.yman, Iran High, Maullck. Meaar. O. F. Rife. K. W. Patrick, W. C. Bullard, Rev, R, 8. Flockhart jnane JKey, Meaar. C. U Bwancutt, Jack Frost. X. B. Dyurt, , C. Barrett, Mr. H. Q. Shedd. Baptist Women to Meet. Tha Woman' Baptist Mlaalonary Quar terly will hold an all-day meeting Friday at tha Trinity Baptist church, South Side. Pevotlonala will be at Tl o'clock In the morning and at noon: luncheon will be served by tha women of tha church. Following thla. business of Im portance relative to foreign riS?lon will b discussed. Personal Mention. Mr. F. II. Cole accompanied Mir. J. H. Paul of St. Paul and Mrs. A. d. Paternon of Aurora to Des . Moines Wednesday for th conference of state Pekm Coa.1 u n u u . coal for fur nace, hot wat.r plant or cook atov. High In rarnon, which mean, heat, aeraenwi, low In flrat and laat coat. Com.. In tnree all" Nut. Me dium lump ana Lump. g fw f Order today. f OiSU Nebraska Fuel Co. at. -Doug. 430 "No!- I Said Calcmetl "I want what I ask for I know what it would mean to go home without It. Kfntber won't take chance she' sura of Calumet lure of light, wholesome, tasty bak ing of positive, uni form retults of purity and aconomy. xoci try CALUMET Baking Powder lay aside - your ' lavorit brand one ( f and you'll never go back to It. Calu met It tha world's best Baking Pow der it a moder ate in price. K.M Hi.k Awara h tm Cmt Bmt t HI, lafWa- Ca. W8t 7 ) Jo 8 Society Girls to Match Their Racing Cars on the Speedway "I want to ko alter the big record. I want to earn the title of tha best woman driver lit the country. If I win my flrt raoe. I mean to go record-smashing. I ahall accept other challenges If I do." That waa what Miss Maria Lawrenc Wetherlll, prominent New Tork society girt, had to say when it waa announced that she and Mica Katherine Dahlgren may race their high-power car against each other on tha Sheepahead Bay ped way thl spring. The race will b no novel affair. Each girl will have hct own mechanic and will presidents being held there. These women, who are most active In woman' clubdom, are expected home Friday even ing. Shower for Bride. Miss Lydla Ramer gave a shower Wednesday evening at her home In honor of MS as Myrtle Harding, one of the spring brides. Those present were: . Mioses Misses Myrtle Harding. Ruth Miorrls, Jean Matters, Ixils Shook, Lula McCartney, Marie Shcok, Kva Knnder, Blanche Pike. Rthel Kllnker, Virginia Ramer, L-jcIIo Cook, I-ylla Ramer. .lelen Morris, Weedames Meariame J. H. Ellsberry. F. R. Ramer, Amoa Heath, Leo Ramer. Norman Cuhow, Eastern Star Event. Th Fontenelle chapter of tha Order of tha Eastern Star gave an entertainment Wednesday evening at the homa of Dr. and Mra. W. Ji. Mick. The decorations were floral s(ara lighted with amall elec tric bulb. A very largo star hung over This Will Remove Hair or Fuzzy Growths (Toilet Tips.) A safe, certain method for ridding the kin of ugly, hairy growth l aa follow: Mix a paste with some powdered dela tone and water, apply to hairy aurface about two minute, than rub off, waah tho skin and the hairs are gone. Thla Is entirely harmlesa and seldom requires repeating, but to avoid disappointment It la advisable to see that you get genuine delatone. Advertisement. A Magnificent Tribute to Haddonf The Iladdorff, recognized by leading artists as being in the fron( rank of America's greatest Pianos, has re ceived additional honors this week. The San Carlo Grand Opera Co, Has, through Signor Angilini, musical director, and For tune Gallo, impresario, selected the Iladdorff as the Official Piano for their entire scries of Grand Opera, both on the operatic stage and for the personal use of each of the artists. Brandeis Piano Dept. Third Floor. TP You Had Better Hurry or You Will Be Too Late To Participate in the Greatest of All NOTHING RESERVED Going Out off (Business Sale Tne wonderful values will not last long, and you will be the loser if you do not hurry and buy everything you need for your present as well as for your future needs. We will arrange easy terms at the same low prices if you so desire. Rube! Furniture Co., 1513-15 Howard Street assume entire charge ot her car during th contest. They expect to make ninety five mile an hour. Ml Dahlgren first won wide recogni tion a an export driver last summer In the Berkshire hiUa with her car, known aa the "little yellow streak." Three time In one week sh- "aa arrested for speed ing and her license waa finally revoked. It was last August when Miss Wetherlll first came to the front aa another daring aspirant for the si ted htmora of the Berk shire roads. She challenged Miss Dahl gren then. Th challenge ha Just been accepted. the table in tha dining room and through out the other rooma were small stars. A musical program wa given. Miss Ethel MiCkand Miss Ruth Mick Bang a quaint German song, and Mr. Mick a vocal solo. In the guetslng contest tha first prises were won by Mr. Carrie Dawson Scott and Mr. B. A. Wilcox. The booby prizes went to Mra. J. W. Gamble and the worthy patron. Mr. D. C. Eldiidge. Mrs. E. M. Reynolds assisted tha hostess. Forty guests were present. Kensington Club Meets. The Jolly teven Kensington club was entertained Wednesday afternoon at the borne of Mrs. J. J. Amlah In Benaon. A buffet luncheon waa served by the host tan. Those present ware: Mesdames Meadame L. R. Burkhart. J. J. Aminh, J. Jchaneen, G. Petersen, H. H. Cerstlauer. C. Allen. u. ChrleUanaen, , Tha Young Women' Kensington club at Benson waa entertained Tuesday evening at the home of Miss Mildred Tit sol when the club was reorganised Into the "Loyal Daughters" club and new officer elected. They are: President, Miss Jessie Bel Us; vice president. Miss Lillian Stlger, and secretary-treasurer. Mis Ruby Davis. Twenty member weve present. University Event. An event of mora than passing inter est will be given this evening at the I'nl veralty club, when tha Oberlln Alumni association of Nebraska will give a din ner to fifty guest for no loss personage than the president of Oberlln college him self. Dr. Henry C. King. Ten out-of-town guest are expected. Mr. Harvey Moorhead, president of the Nebraska Pi !r"JJ'jar l ;"ie EVENTS" alumni, will rreelde and the arrange ments are In charge of the secretary ot the association. Mr. C. L. Mattson. Birthday Party. Mis Crrte Nagl celebrate her birth rf.v this afternoon hy a luncheon with j fifteen guests at her home, followed by a theater party. On the Calendar. Mr. Ludovlo F. Crofoot will glv a luncheon for th Hoxl Clerk Satur day afternoon. The meeting of the Original Cooking cluh has been postponed to Frldy after noon. Mra. Charle Kountxe will be hostes. The Mixer' club of Crelghton univer sity will Five a dance at Chamber' acad emy Monday evening. Today's Affairs. The Comug club la entertained this afternoon by Mrs. J. F. Dlmmlck. Tha Pagalco club gives a dance thl evening at Metropolitan hall. The Woman's Pre club la entertained by Mr. Thoma R. Rutledge. Personal Mention. Mr. Edwin R. Perfect wilt leave this evening for Centervllle, Ind., to ba gone M'.r, 1 m-l(. Miss Lettle Fltxpatrick haa returned home from a tl ree month' visit with her Mn n Riishhart. of Tulsa. Okl. All Blind People Admitted Free to the Grand Opera Blind music lover of Omaha, are to enjoy a rare treat, through tha courtesy of Tangier temple of tb Shrlner. who are managing the grand opera ea"n. by tUo San Carlo company at th Audi torium for the remainder of thla week. Through Dr. F. F. Whltcomb, potentate of tha Shrine temple, the Arab patrol ha offered free reserved seat tickets to alt blind person who will apply for tham. Application should ba mad to Charle Zadina, by phone at Harney 3572. and ha will provide the ticket. Blind persons desiring to do ao, may be accompanied by guide, Mr. Zadina ays. Tha com plimentary tlcketa set aside for blind people, through the kindness of the Shrlner. are good for any of tha grand opera performance. Nurses Start to Investigate All Absent Pupils The superintendent of public schools received from the principals Hats of 2.J: absent pupils, whose name have been handed to nurses for Investigation. Thes nurses have started on tours of the homes of these pupils to determine causes of absence. Dr. W. F. Mtlroy has been engaged consulting physician for the publto schools, his work to be in connection with th nurses. Cases of doubt wilt be referred to the doctor. The achot sys tem will have twelve visiting nurses on this work. CABARET DANCING AT " HENSHAW IS POPULAR The afer theater luncheon and enter tainment feature at the Henshaw Is proving very popular. Many Omahans go there after the theaters are out. to get a bite of supper, listen to th orchestra and dance or watch tha professions! dancers. Among those who had partlrs there Wednesday night were tha follow ing: Messrs. D'ck Kitchen. Burt Murphy. .1. E. Bchlank. Bob Thompson, J. W. Overstreet, J. K. Dwyer, C. W. V. Loucks. P. J. Madden. Messrs C. W. MscGregor, Bob Sterling. Jack O'Brien, L. J. Stein. Oeorge V. Chandler F. C. Pearee. F. A. Warfietd. feillav WIWeWsil To Delight tha llcnta ' When It Is known that In the neat innireun pome 18 to do blessed with S new arrival th tint thought ah on id ba "Mother Friend." This la an external remedy gently applied over the stomach mus cle. It sake them ftrm and pliant, they expand natnrailv with. "Xlir! out nndo strain. It AM -1 renlove from tb fVV' I nerve thoao laia- f J f I wblcl ra re- s' I poonle for much ot period of expectancy. It U for tbia reason l-at much of tSa dlstrea rach aa morning ti",?' U TO!ded- prpctiv father rhould ace to it Uiat the expectant mother is provided with a bottle of "Mother l nend. The direction are lmple. Get It at any crag store. It la applied by the expectant Bother herself , It penetrate deeply and af fords quick and splendid relief In a most rratifying manner aid reflect a physical betterment to tha nervous disposition of th taby. Don't fall to get a bottle of "Mother rrlcaa ' today and then write OradOeld Reg ulator Co.. 4ia Lamar M 4.1 for a pretty little book brlmll of Infonfe?" lion for expectant mothers. It U ft deiicLt to read It. EVERYTHING GOING