THE BEE: OMATIA, WEDNESDAY, JANTJABY 1916. HILLIS TALKS OF POLITICAL ISSUES Secretary Sure Republicans Will Name Candidate that Will Get Support of rrognreisire. tNIFORM FBIMARY LAW NEEDED CHICAGO, Jsn. 2B. Charles D. llillrs. chairman of tha republican national commute, before leaving for New York today after attending tha aeaslon of tha subcommittee on arrangements for tha party national convention, discussed political ques tions, Including the possible candi dacy of Colonel Roosevelt for tha republican nomination for president. "All the Information I have la to the ei.ert that Colonel Roosevelt Is not a candidate for tha republican nomina tion." Chairman cilice aaJd. "Ha baa de clined to permit hla name to bo on tha primary ballot In the only three states where it hat Wn suggested, Minnesota. Xebraeka and Mich If an. Statement af Preerreeslvee. 'In tha statement Issued by the pro rreeatve national committee It was made plain that any reasonably satisfactory man would be acceptable aa the republi can nominee. They Instated that they meant Just what they said and we will take tha statement at Its face value. I think we will be able to nominate a man who will be aatlafactory to all elemont of the party and that our candidate will be elected. "In retard to Justice Hughes, no one knows just what Ma attitude la today toward the presidency. In disctisainf the subject with a friend In ISi:, Juatlee Hughes aaJd, when he went on the United Ktstea supreme court bench he took the veil and renounced the world. "There la no man bit enough to refuse the presidency. In my opinion. If he ware nominated without hla consent I have no Idea what he would do." I at term Primary Law deeded. Chairman Illllea called attention to tha conflicting- provisions of the direct pres idential primary lawa adopted by the different eta t fa and expressed the opin ion that It would result In much uncer tainty and confusion. There will be MS delegate la the next republican national convention, and of thla number OAS, or about 61 per cent, will be chosen by dlreot primary. "There Is an urgent need for uniform presidential prlmarlea In all tha states. In my opinion." said Chairman Illllea. "I think a model should be prepared, em bodying: the beat featurea of the varloua state lawa, and that the primary ahoUld be held la every state on the eame date. I think some action on the subject will be taken at the next national conven tion. ' "The primary lawa moat discussed are those of Ohio, where all delegates are required to make a fl rat and second choice for preatdent before they are elected; In Minnesota and Wisconsin where there la disaatlafactlon over the method of Inat ruction; In California, where all the delegates are elected at large, while the republican party bae been against the application -of tha unit rule alnce W, and In Texaa, where our party rule fixes the number of delegates st twenty-four this year, and. the state law provides for tha election of forty." W. B. Prescott, Former Head of the Printers' Union, Dies CHICAGO. Jan. SS.-W. B. Prescott. former preeldent of the International Typregraphlcal union, died at his home here today of apoplexy. ' Ha was active for yeara In the organisation which he served aa head and waa well known throughout the country In labor clrclca Mr. Prescott waa born In Toronto, Canada. In 1KZ Body of Fireman Is Found Under Car HOLDRKGE. Neb. Jsn. .-Speclal Ttle4ram.y-Tha.b0dy of Fireman Walter Moll, who was killed In the Burlington wrrck near Atlanta yesterday, was found thls afternoon under a car of wheat. . Tae Una has been cleared and trains are running again on the main Una.' Injuries, to Out Budlck, engineer on tha wrecker which tipped over early tbla murclog while clearing the track, are not expected to prove fatal. , 1. T, Duff, the engineer of the paa senger train, killed to the wreck, was the oldest Uurllugton enginetnnn west of the Missouri river. He died with a elean record, never having had an accident. He went onto an engine aa aa engineer In i end had been running continu ously ever since. Whim the (tilings line waa opened, he was the first engineer to take a train out of Lincoln 'over the lit road. He resided In Lincoln. ' Hla wife la In one of the Omaha hoepltala and la In a critical condition. It being feared that the nrwa of the death of her husband will produce fatal results. 5! 1 a came to the hospital last Monday r an operation and was accompanied hy her husbtmd. 'who returned to Un lolu the following day. , . Pioneer Teacher , Dies Suddenly SHENANDOAH, la., Jan. Special ) A few minutes after eating breakfaat kikI walking bark Into her room, Mrs. Phoebe A. Schaeffer, a pioneer school teacher, died about 10 o'clock Saturday morning from heart trouble. Mr. Schaef ler ldl downstairs at the home of her eiaur. Mrs. M. M. Latimer, on Ninth avenue, a week ego and broke a collar tone.. Her injuries, howevrr, were prov tug not as aevere aa anticipated. In the early days, even before there were school houses, Mrs. Bvhaeffer waa a school teacher and taught one year at the home of Jrtf Williams. Later she taught near Ferragut, The children that survive , are Mra. Homer Cheater of Jtforthboro, la; W. L rVhaeffer of Ehenandoah and Ororge It. fchaeffsr of Vivian, 8. D. Depart me at Orders. WASHINGTON. Jan. V-Srcial Tele gram.) it'll service examination will be l.'-ld on February Si. fur puatniasters at lartun and I'ornelia. NVu. The Poniufflce deportment haa accepted 1K irofMl of (ieorve Ml A da ma to l-!M ft quarlare tor the pniufftve at rafd. Neb., fur a term tit ten yeara Joys of the Rent Family THIS IS AN OUTRAQE 'ft YOU MUST. SEE THAT LAND LORD at once.john. H CERTAINLY CANT HOLD US TO THAT LEASE. tYE'VE. B URN CD 75 WORTH 0' COAL ALREADY REGISTER Torn Letter May Be Clue to Estate SHENANDOAH, la Jan. 25. t Special ) Following tha clue of a torn Intter. Benjamin F. Pierce of Casavllle, Mo., waa here Friday searching for hia father a last estate. Mr. Fierce inherited his father's property a ahort time ago, but the recorda were in such condition that he has only keen able to locate a portion of hie Inheritance. Mr. Pierce believes he has a farm some where near Phenandoah. In searching through his father's papers ha found a letter telling of a 100-acre farm. A part of the letter waa torn and the remaining piece told of land near "flhenan-." With only this as a clue, he la looking for hla estate somewhere in this neighborhood. Tha father died January I and the son is a sole heir. He has been quite success ful in getting tognther a good portion of his legacy. He has already found $14,000, which was in varloua trust companies. Union Pacific Net . .. Earnings Increase Three Millions NEW YORK, 1 Jan: .-Unlon Paelflo earnings for December, made publlo to day, ahow a groaa Increase of $1.8iS,JTT, with the net Increase, after payment of taxes, 11.0:8,434. For the first six months of the fiscal year the groaa Increase amounta to t4.SM,Me and the net Increase SOUTH DAKOTA PRIMARY " FIGHT IN U. S.HIGH COURT (From a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON, Jan. .-(BpeclaI Tele, gram.) A motion to advance the case of the state of South Dakota, ex rel, R. O. Richards, P. J. Murphy and Henry A. Perriton. plalntlffa In error, against M. D. Whlsmen aa county auditor of Beadle county, South Dakota, defendant in error, waa presented to the supreme court of the United States by local attorney act ing for T. H. Null, attorney for the plalntlffa In error. The ease grows eut of tha South Dakota primary laws, which, aa Interpreted com pel the primariea to be held en June a, Itl. a day before tha national republican convention meets In Chi or go, and a week before the democ ratio convection la BU Louis. , , . The motion to advenes asks that the hesrlng be set at a date not later than February 16, in order that the machinery for holding the prlmarlea, as provided In the act of 111. mey be act In motion, to the end that the prlmarlea may be held on Miarch St Instead of June t, as pro vided In tha act of 1915. which, acoordlng to the brief submitted, "contains no pro vision for continuing ths party officers snd committeemen and party organisa tion heretofore existing, and hence, there Is not now, under said act of IBIS, any legal organisation by and under which the proceedings for the primary election can be Initiated " The brief further saya, 'a condition bor dering on choaa extsta in South Dakota. Expenaee are being incurred to carry Inte effect ao much of tha act of tha leg. Ulattire of 111 aa la poaalble of enforce ment If said - act should be held to be valid, which will necessitate the levying and collection ef tatee to pay the same, and which, if held to be void, will Im pose an unnecessary and Illegal expense on the state. Political feeling Is st high tension. The machinery for maintaining and continuing a republican form of gov ernment la paralysed, though guaranteed by the peace section of the federal con alitutiot). Section 4. Article IV; and the people are helpless. " rortllr the liiifH Aealaat Grist. To remove the cause of Colds, Grip and Influx ma lake Laxative Bromo Quinine. It destroys terms, acts as a Tonic and Laxative sad keepe the system In condition to threw off these attacks. There Is enlr ee "Bromo Quinine." r. W. Grovee's slfneture on box. ?5c. Ad vertisement. iBfrradlarr Ktre at Crlswold. GRISWOLD. la.. Jan. tt. 8pctal The butldla on the south side of Main street In which W. H. Watson conducts a cream and poultry station burned down shout 4 o'clock yesterday tnornmi. The fire waa discovered toe Isle to save cither the buildln or contenta The loaa la t!0M. with l0 insurance. The fire la be lieved to be of Incendiary origin. When all other as fall, try Want-Ad. a Bee (00 fiUTHER I """N. f THIS TtCtfLES I Jh y 'T I AW, THAT FURNACE JUST EATS COAL.' t'VE .TRIED EVERYTHING fROM THE SOFTEST COAL TO COKE. SHUT OFF ALL UP STAIRS OCT -EH QOIN' FULL BLAST AND 77 FHEC2E THE. EARS OFF A BRASS MCWKET ! AUXILIARY HCATNQ RIANT 9 Serbian Who Threw Bomb that Started Big War is Dead RERUN, Jan. S5.-By Wireless to Bay vllle.) The Overseas News agency today gave out the following: "Advtcee from Therealenstadt, Austrla- Jtungsry, say the Serbian anarchist. Nedeljo Gabrtnovlcs, has died in prison. Qabrlnovlca was convicted of throwing a bomb at Archduke Frans Ferdinand, heir apparent to the Austrian throne, in Parayevo, Bosnia, In June, 1914, which Injured several persons who were behind the automobile of the archduke. Thla attack was made a few hours before the archduke and hla wife were shot to death In tha Bosnian capttot by Oavrlo rrtnslp. In October, 1914. Qabrlnovlca waa found guilty artd senteced to twenty years' Im prisonment at hard labor. Mistake Madein; Quoting'Petition in Brewers' Case SULPHUR SPRINGS, Tax.. Jan. ,- Through a mistake the Associated Press In Its story yesterday of the brewery hearing before Judge William McPh ar son of the elgthth Judicial district, er- roneoualy aald that, among other chargee against the defendants, was an allegation that they collected by assessments and donations, fund at the rate et $1,200,008 a ysar for the last five years In order to promote anti-prohlbttlen' legislation. The allegation as contained in the state's pe tition was that the defendants were mem bers of the United - States Brewers' as sociation, which Is alleged to have col lected aasesaments and donations at the rate of 11.300,000 a year t promote antl prohibition legislation. NORRIS HOLDS UP ACTION ON NEW LAN PS RESOLUTION WASHINGTON. Jan. .-Senator Nor- rls, republican, prevented action today on the Newlands resolution for congres sional Investigation of railroad legisla tion, suggested by President Wilson en tha ground, that such an Investigation would be a long one and might serve to prevent some other inquiry into railroad affaira He declared congress waa ef ficiently Informed to act and charged the administration with seeking to post pone responsibility for action. Dandruff Goes! Hair Gets Thick, Wavy, Beautiful V efceBBBeiBBBBBSsBBBSSBBB Save your hair! Doable its beauty in a few moments. Try this! Hair stops coming' out and every particle of dandruff disappears. . j( Try as you will, after. an application of Danderina, you can not find a eJnaMe trace of dandruff or falling- hair and your aoalp will not Itch, bift what will please you most, will be after a few weeks' use, when you see new hair, fine and downy at first yea but really new haJ i- grow ing all over the scalp. A Hula Danderlne immediately doublea the beauty of your hair. No difference how dull, faded, brittle and acragrgy. Just moisten a cloth with Danderlne and carefully draw it through your hair, tak ing; one small strand at a time. Tab effect ta Immediate and amaslng- your hair will be light, fluffy ar.d wavy, and have an appearaaoe of abundance; an Incomparable lustre, softness and luxuri ance, the beauty and shimmer of true (hair health. v Get a aVcent bottle of Knowlton's Pan derine from any drug; store or toilet I counter, and prove that your hair la aa pretty and soft a. any-!-that It haa been neglected or injured by careless treat mentthat's alt. Danderlne is to the hair what freah showera ef, rain and aunaMne are to vegetation. It goes right to the root. Invigorates and strengthens them. Its exhilarating, stimulating and life-produc Ing properties cause the hair to grow long, strong and beautiful. Advertisement ADVISERS DISCUSS WILSON'SJSPEECHES Cabinet Member. Agree Executive Should Treat Preparedness with Great Frankness. FIRST TALK THUESDAY NIGHT WASHINGTON, Jan. 26. Tha cab inet today, discussing, preparedness gpeeches President Wilson will make on hla coming trip, agreed be should treat the national question with the greatest frankness and tell the country tha United Statea needs a larga army and navy because of pres ent troubled conditions la the world. The president will speak In New York Thursday night before the railroad aa lo cution and the motion picture board of trade. All of his addresses on the middle western trip will be delivered before pub. lie meetings, save the one at St. Louis, which will be at a breakfast given by the Business Men's league. In Pittsburgh and Cleveland the Chamber of Commerce will have charge of the meetings; In Milwaukee, the City rlub; in Chicago, the Induatrlal club; in Kanaaa City and Topeka. the Commercial flubs, in Des Moines, the Oreater Dee Moines committee and the Chamber ef Commerce are Co-operating. Cltlsena of Orlnnell, la., have been promised thst when the president's train stops there, he will shake hands with aa rnanr as pesslble and make a brief apeech. Tha prealdent undoubtedly will make several other platform speeches. Copper and Brass Sent to Denmark Marked Hammers LONDON, Jan. 96. A atatement given out today by the British official press bureau aays: Among the cargo found aboard the Fwedlah steamship Urn a, from New York Oothenburg, and Copenhagen, are goods described on the bill of lading as fifteen cases of hammers sent from ths United (Hates to a Danish forwarding agent. "They were found on examination to consist of fifteen rases, each containing a bag of copper, brass and apparently aluminum filings and turnings. "The consignee does not know for whom the alleged hammers are Intended and the goods have been placed in the prise court." The National Capital Public lands committee reported water power bill recognising Jurisdiction of both state snd federal governments over water power sites. Poatofftce committee recommended de posits of postal saving in federal reserve banks. the naval and house committees con tinued hearing. Adjourned at 4:M to noon Wednesday. ' ' The Hdbm. Military and naval commltteea contin ued hearlnga. Rivera and harbore committee heard Bepreaentatlve 8umnrs on "Trinity river project." republican Leader Mann made speech advocating preparedness. Representative Bennett, Nw Tork, de fended German-Americana In a speech. Passed the fc-hackieford (26.000.000 good roads bill, 281 to gl, thre members voting "present." Adjourned at 1:0 n. m. to noon Wadnea. day. la Uuu:.UDH WE HOST SOOn VACATE OUR STORE AHB 1513-1515 Howard St. Seventy-Five Thousand MUST BE SOLD IN THIS D!0 GOING OUT OF BUSINESS SALE Do not put it off, do not delay, come as soon as you can, buy all you need for your present as well as your future needs. We will arrange easy terms at the same low prices on any purchases which you wish to make. AMUSEMENTS. U U L3 Urn Teachers' Annuity Aid VP WHI Lec ture on j Mn. Anna Sullivm f,U:y, Keller's Life-Long Tcwher, Will Tell the Story of Mits Keller's Life. PRICES FROM 25c TO $1.50 TICKETS Colonel House' Passes Geneva On His Way to Berlin ORNFVA, Pwltserland. Jan. !4. (Via Paris. Jan. J4. )-5olonel E. M. House, Prealdent Wilson's personal representa tive, arrived here this morning and left at & o'clock In the afternoon for Berlin. He waa accompanied by two secretaries of the American embassy in Berlin, who had romn here to meet him. Colonel House said to the Associated rroes correspondent that many misstate ments had been publlohed In the Euro pean presa concerning the motives of hla visit and that he desired again to affirm that It was in nowise connected with any peace movement or any peace pro posals, but that Its purpose continued to be that which had been announced before he left the United States. From Berlin Colonel House will return to Paris through Swltxerland and will visit no other capitals of continental Europe. Trouble.Between Canal Officials is Not Serious WASHINOTON. Jan. .-Differences of opinion between Major Oeneral Ooethala, governor of the Tanama canal sons, and Brigadier General Edwards, commanding the military forcei there, both of whom are on their way to the United Statea are believed by War department offl clala to be minor and easily atiaceptlble to adjustment. The disagreement Is based, officials believe, largely upon the quarters assigned the military forces at Panama. The disagreement was not the reason for summoning Generals Goethala and Edwards to Washington, It was said, the principal reason being that their teatl money la wanted by congressional com mittees investigating military and naval affairs. Rotert C. Wood is Charged With' Soliciting Bribe NEW TORK, Jan. tS.-An indictment, charging solicitation of a bribe, was re turned by the grand Jury today against Robert Colgate Wood, former publlo service commissioner, who resigned re cently after testimony in reference to the alleged bribe had been adduced dur ing the investigation - Into the publlo service commission by the Thompson leg islation committee. Mr. Wood Is accused of having asked a bribe of r.000 from the Union Switch and Ptgnal company for his vote as a member of the publlo service commis sion approving a contract with that company In connection with subway con struction. Catarrh Leads To Consumption Catarrh is as much a blood disease aa scrofula or rheumatism. It may be re lieved, but it cannot be removed by aim ply local treatment. It breaks down the general health, weakens the lung tissues, and leads to consumption. Hood's Sarsaparllla Is so successful in the treatment of catarrh that It is known as the best remedy for this disease. It purifies the blood. Ask your druggist for It. Advertisement, ini n n S 1 E3-U AMUSEMENTS. rn i-r n?n n he? UNDER THE AUSPICES OF AT THE Afternoon and Evening, urALi Li U AT BOYD TKOflPSpN-BELDENeCO, The Fashion Gn!eronie Middle WesK stahlished I886l Lovely New Dresses For the Spring of 1916 -$25- J'OT a few models at this pricing', but a whole comprehensive dis play of new fashions de signed in taffeta and crepe de chine, presenting the newest touches and style fancies prescribed by Dame Fashion for the coming Spring Season. Other Models, No extra charge New Spring Silks Are Here With Taffetas and Wash Silks in the Lead TAFFETAS in a wondrous variety of spring shades soft and beautiful in texture. New shades of, blue, Bulgar and Prussian, navy and black are in much demand. WASH SILKS: Women who delight in having the new things first are selecting these dainty wash silks without hesitation. Narrow Satin Stripes are most in evidence, and all are fast colors I Silk Section See real estate columns for bargains assaaaaaBBBBBBBaaBBBeBaaaaBsaaBBBaaaBBWB mmm AMl'SLIMEJSTS. 000 Overcoats FTir -y .. All Style and Kinds NW) Half Price VSSi . . , - fr WTDITSSBAT and TKTfKSOAT $712 to $25 Wm. S. Hart la BXTWZZir KZir. t3eT?&otfmr& Chester ConUKn IsflT iMtiMWXaaAK&B BIXXT KXI0HTS AsTS . BAMO SBBaasBBSSBsassBSSsaaasaBSBSssBSBjasssassBSBSBBBBBBi . HABTI. .. THE OMAHA BEE -THE HOME PAPER WAREHOUSE ROOMS 1513-1515 Howard St. Poller Sfobk AMI i. HfcJ .VI S. THE Association rsn THEATRE 29 $16.50 to $65 for alterations. Main Floor BOYD Theater Seats now. r.lon. Jan: 31 FAREWELL OF FORBES ROQERTSOIl Monday, p. aa.l Wednesday, S p. ta. "HAMLET" Tnes TWB X.IOKT THAT SAR.X9. Wed. sTlgnt, FAKSXXO O TU ISISD rLOOR BACK. Wights I S3.00 to OCO. Wed. Mai., f 1.30 to 50o. HIPP SParamout Si To rboto. plays, 10th ft Bar.- S.BOes Concert Orchestra : IASJT TXKXS TODAY Daniel rrohman, Vreaeata HAZEL DAWN The remove Maeteal Comedy Star "MY LADY INCOG" A Detective Comedy Drama . Thursday a&AsTCOT sTWXBT la "Tr JtActAMurruT" CLAN GORDON- .Xo. 63, Will Celebrate ' ROBERT BURNS' BIRTHDAY " - at the) gwediiih - AUDITORIUM JANUARY 26, 1916 : Tickets 60 Cents. "OMCAMATg rtTV CXsTTSB" ' l&rf9tfn "Eats., 18-taVSOo '7Af1&f Bvene-s, iaas-ao.?o $Th Olils Mntlne In Tha Bon MILLION DOLLAR DOLLS Kg. an4 vrry on of thai look tka manar Csaiptns- larluSra I-ew 111 I ion, Ioar Allra. Clila Maadowa, Olbeon A Raanav.. Umvo, Prascls i. Clair. Bob rants, Baautjr Chorus at IS Baby Dal J. Xaaalae1 Disss Matinee Week Deya. lboae Dona The Beet of TaudevUla. Iarj Niant, l it nallr Mitlnaa. t II 0kar Aru thla Waak CICCOLINl AKRT GRKKi a Co.. mono A Braauan. Clauil- lua A ciraxlx, ADhar bulllvaa a to.. a!anlaa a Ball. kXevass A Falks. Orphauai Traval Waably Priaaa: Matlnaa. sallarr. lw: baat aaats (aiuapt SatanUy au4 Suadai). c. Mtskta, iw, Uc. c lU Tac BOYD rathe Off era Continuous 1 to l i P. st. tae roresaoat DOROTHY D0NELLY la ''MADAME X" A Bold mooetse rUy la rarta TONITE 80 Worth Brotkers Stock Co. TIOMI aa OBAJtQB HOHOi a Turpln's School c( Dancing Twenty-eighth A Fartwm. Bear Classes, List your name now. Privsfn lessons any Urn KAB9EY lX