TIIE BEE: OMAHA, TUESDAY, JANUARY 25, 1916. Society Notes -:- Personal Gossip -.'- Entertainments -:- Club Doings A Hundred Thousand Strong that's the sie of the army that passes every year through the factory at Niagara Falls in which Shredded Wheat is made an army that inspects every detail in the manufacture of the cleanest, purest and best of all cereal foods. These crisp, brown, delicious little loaves of baked whole wheat have everything in them the human body needs. Try them for breakfast with hot milk or cream. Made at Niagara Falls, N.Y. Make Your Home Safe by Using Safe Home Matches They are the strongest, sturdiest, safest matches in the world. They light almost anywhere. These are real safety matches. They don't spark. They don't sputter. The heads don't fall off. The sticks are unusually strong:. They are non-poisonous and conform in every respect with the new Fed eral law. Sc. All irrocers. Ask for them byname. , The. Diamond Match . Company W rm mm ' e M laijumatiom! ! As loon aa aa Attack of 5 Rneurnstism beins, apply ;J 4 Sloan'i Liniment; Don t i 4 waste any time and sutler M a wr L ni 2 ioUia iu ura ivi iuivuviw Sloan's'. i i i Liniment I i KILLS FAIN V frlta Ue, Ra. Sua .Basnets' ..V a-4 ," sfiony unnecessarily, a few, J drops of Sloan's Liniment Sj g oa tha painful pot don't rub u 18 au Sale of Mussed Muslin wear aBatMaBBJaBaameaa ' VJaBBBBaVBBBaTJB BaeBBJBJeBJBBBaaV faajajBBaMajajBBaVBM --An echo of our great January Sale of Muslin Underwear. ; There is always a number of garments more or less mussed and soiled from handling after a sale of this kind,and, of course, we cannot let them remain on our counters in that condi tion it is quicker and easier to place a 'nominal price on them and clear them out. A tubbing will restore all their freshness and daintiness. Gowns, Skirts & Combinations Garments tUat are mussed and soiled; beauti fully trimmed with lace mid embroidery. Values up to $2.06 - ' x ' Some Special -r-27Ioch Plalm White and Fancy Qutins FlaDnel, neat plok . and blue stripes and fitncy effects. Kerular price 7c, Fpectfcl, ysrai St In. Bleached Lencloth, No. 100. Fine Sea Island tissue fla ish; lengths to 20 yards. 16a value, special, yard 5c 8c 5i PLANS FOR DANCE ARE DEAD SECRET Mr. and Mrs. Hoxie Clark to Be Hoiti at the Fontenelle This Erening. THREE CLUBS AS GUESTS r MRM.IPK IA Jaaarr The Interest today .all centers about the Hoxle Clarks' danra th!e evening at tha Fontenelle. The decoration. the no volt Ira and all the little ajriries of the affair are a dead secret aa yet, the host and hostess declaring that It ahall be the moat Informal and almple of clanrea. Mr. and Mrs. Hoxle Clark, with Mra. Clark'a mother, Mrs. Charlea Squires, will receive the gueata at tha door of tha ballroom aa they enter. One hundred and twenty-five Invitation have been .Issued and accepted. Supper wilt be served at II o'clock In the three private dining room a, adjoining tha ballroom. Olaon'a orcheatra will play throughout the evening. Tha Invltatlona war leaued to the dance cluha which have enter talned the Hoxie Clarka during . their visit, which commenced laat Chrlatmae. Among the gueata will be: Measra. ami Mesdames Vv alter Page, J. E. Rnmmeri, M. A. Hall. A. I. Reed. Joseph . Haldrlge, Joseph Marker, Harrv Tuki y, t M. Wllhilm, r'raiik V. Juiiaon, C. 11. Keller, trunk Uniiillton, Ianlel Haiim, jr.; ueorgs M. I'rlna, Maar H. Scott, William H. Mrkeen, Ward Buraeaa, fienry Wyman. Herbert Wheeler, Harry 1.. Oimmlngs.Arthiir Gulou, inmes I,, rnxtnn, o. C. Re'dlrk, l'v,i Haunt, F. II. Gullies. John . Jorle. y. A. Kraaar. (.ikIoyIc F. Vroioot, (', f, tJeorge, naii;y li.i K.i), M. C . retera, jolllt A. M'nl.in(, W. H. Hihiioic, J. t'uiik t .oil, A. V . Kmslt-r, V. v ill iiHiiiutnn, k: W. HI son, ., Ah, eon, j, I e Knreai Klrhsnls, imiilil ulela. l llam F. Hhelton, H. II. hprague, Francis A. Hrogan. Klw,n T. woIm, Luther Kountse, . John L. Kennedy, ( harlee A. Hull, Charlea Ko.untae, Chariea 'I. Stewart, Samuel Burna, t.ni.uiii t. nurna, Thomas liavta, V.. W. HoBford, Ulen Wharton, Fred Hamilton,' Meaar. nu Mesdames flleii v hnrton, w. J. Foy. Moehler Colier, T. F. Kennedy. ixiiila Nash, Meadamea Meadamea Arthur Remington, Charlea Offutt. Warren Iloaer,' " lsn Wheeler. Mlssee Pnphne Petere. . t.lailya t'eters. Matiel Ogden, F. I". KtrkcndsII. .1. M.- Metcalf, K. O. Harlon, Misses F.llanbeth riavla, Millora I'ftvls, Ixiulwe liinnlnK. Ntatle, Thummei, K'ranrea Hnohstetler. Alira Jsnulth. Anne (llfford, laabel Vinaonhaler. Mildred Rutler. Meers Messrs Lawrence, prlnker, Ware Hall, Ciithhert Potter, Reed I'etera, Roliert Burns. V. J. Irfird, Charlea W, Hull, Ben Oallaaher. Robert Conrvejl, ', Fdward Tv. Harte, Roter Krellne. "Wlllard Butler,' Btookton Heth. Charlea 8undera, Randall Drown, " W. Farnem Kmtth, Wardrobe Trunks 'We taka great pleaaure.la . extending to the peop of .Omaha an urreot invitation to : com to. our at ore and Inspect tha 1 moat completa ' lino of : wardrobo trunks ever brought . 1 to this city. Thay are the GOLD MEDAL HARTMANN line and range in price from $20 and $25 on up. We ran fit any . pocket book, with tbe 'beat built.' moat 'convenient' trunk ever made In the history , of the trunk business. ' ' FrelinglrSteinle "Onatia'e Beat Saggaga BaUdara" 1803 Farriam : b.itmt' " X nnvr- t-j-MMMiar Values in Domestic Cottons The Genuine Appleweb Dress Q Ingham, In all the wanted plaids and checks and 27 Inch Fancy Cotton Foulards and Comforter Covering, mostly light colors. Val ues (o (c. Sale price Tueaday. Yard 5V2c regulation nurse stripes. 10c value, yard SVai Palm Beach Frock of Net and Satin Breathing tha freahneaa of aprlng ia a Palm Beach frock of crearri lace, black net and green aatln. . A return to almple tunic tinea la Indi cated In a aoirthern model which haa a foundation eklrt of pal pink allk, draped with white voile. Thla voile overdreaa la bordered with a, deep aelf tuck, which glvea a aenaa of aufcatantlaltty to tha fra. glle fabric- Tha abort' tunic la of -black tulla, bor dered with a band of white net. -which la heavily embroidered with whlta braid. Tha contraat of tha black and -whlta la highly decorative and elegant. The bodice la auch, that It may be worn for either day or evening oecaalona.' It la of black tulla over whtto and ahowa the buat band of lace, partly veilea by the tulle. Tho ehort aleevee ara I Inlahed with a flounca of tulle. ' The atrlklng note of color la lnfueed In tha glrdla.of graaa-green aatin ribbon, tied at one aide of tha front. Acroaa tha back and front of the girdle there ara narrow revera of black taffeta. U W. Wskeley, Ct-arlea Deuel, Frank Burkley, Ben Warren, Harry McCormlclc, Luther Drake, if.arl Gannett. Lincoln Social Hotel. . A beautiful event of tha week-end waa a coat noptUl ' reception given hy Mra Uonel C Burr! In honor of Mra. Loula W. Korsmeyer, formerly Mlaa Tukey. whose marriage took place a few weeks ago. Receiving with Mra. Burr and the guest of honor were Mra. Korameyer a mother., Mrs. A. P. Tukey of omaaa, and her alater. Mra H. E. Byrajn of Chicago, and Mra." C. I -.Burr. The affair was beautifully appointed and attended with many delightful feerurea. A . profusion, of roses brlght- sned all tha rooma.'A program or harp and. violin muato -waa rendered during tha receiving houre. The dining room waa appointed in pink.; A large ellver basket, overflowing with rosea and tied with pink' matine, ' formed tha center piece ' and , waa aurrounded with pink candles In orystal sticks tied with pink tullo in which neatled tiny pink roaa buds., . During the reception Mrs. Burr was asaisted f by the .following ladles, who alternated In' doing4 the honors In the drawing room and dining room, Mra. W. M. Leonard, Mra Roaa Curtice, Mr Law Marshall.' Mra.' John Dorgan. Mrs. W. W. .Rlchardaon.. Mrs. Harry Reese, Mrs. ' Elmer' Henkle, 1 Mrs. Frank Bal lentlne, Mls, Mabel Haya. Mlas Blanch Gowct.Coriet Cov , , en, Brauicret. Cwmbinatient and Drawer All slltUy soiled and mussed , from handling. Worth up to $1.00. Spe cially priced at Remnant a of S8 Inch Ftne Bleach ed Cambric Mus lin and Longcloth. 1 e n g t h to 15 yards, an ' extra special value for Tuesday, yard 4 Inch Curtain Scrim, Fancy Art Tleklng. Cre tonne and Fancy Printed Sllkollne. etc., lengths to II rarda. .hi big aar ttiue aquara Tva- day, yard 4c 5c ii niaB iwsaasaawi trmjffmmtmWWU i' tmt)mmMmmmpmm-'r v WrcrwB ma. -ifm,' j ' I t 37c Garten and Mlas Francea Sheldon. Lin coln Sunday ftar. Mra. A. P. Tukey of Omaha and her daughter, Mra. II. E. Byran, of Chlcatro, left for Omaha Saturday after a ahort vltt with Mra. L,. a Bun. Mia Ienore Fitzgerald of Omaha, who la teaching In Fremont, spent the week end -with Lincoln frlenda. Mr. and Mra. O. C. Krauae have re- I turned home after a week'a vlatt with J Dr. V. x. Lee and Mr. Charles Lee o Omaha. Dinners Preceding- the Dance. Mra. Luther Kountze la hoefas at her home thla evening to tbe hoat and hoatesa of the event of the week, the dance at the Fontenelle given by the Hoxle Clatka. Mra. Clark'a mother, . Mra. Char.es Hqulrea, la Incljded In the party with yie i George Bernard Frlnzes. the A. 1 Reeds, tha J. K. Fummera and Mr. KoLcrt Burna. J ft, .Jo iwj luiiniinr will II BIJ. gueata before the dance at d nner at the Hotel Fontenelle. Ona of the Dutch treat partlea before the dance will be at the Fontenelle, when Mra. Charlea Turner of Fremont, Mr. Herbert Connell, tho John Redlcka. the George Redlcka, tha Barton Mll.arda, the Lou la Clarke, tha Roaa Towlea, the John Maddena and the Arthur Keellnea win dine together. Another of the home dinners of the evening will be given by Mr. and Mra. Walter rase, who will have ten gueata, Including Mra. William Pears Toppleton. Pink tullpa will be used profanely : in decoration. Mr. and Mra. J. K. George will have a almple home dinner with Mra. Ward roeea decorating the table. The gueats will be: , . Meaara. and Vesdamea Herbert Wheeler, C. C. George, Arthur 8. Rogera, Harry Tukey. The Glen Whartona entertain a home dinner party of twelve this even'ng. The John A. McShanes, the B. W. Dlxona, tha Henry Wymana. the Frank Hamiltona and William R. McKeena wilt dine with the O. C. Redlrks at the Redlck home before the Clurk dance. ' Mr. and Mra. William Tracy Eurni have ten gueats this evening 'at the Fontenelle to dine before the dance. The table will have a pink roaea centerpiece. Four gueats will dine Informally with tha John T. Stewarts at their home thla evening. 1 Farewell to Misi Summitt. ,' Mlas Mhry Brumbaugh gave a farewell party Saturday night In honor of Mlaa Naomi Summitt, who leavea thla week for Lincoln, where ahe will attend tha state unlveralty. The evening waa pleaa- antly spent ' In games and mualr, the color acheme being crlmaon and cream, tha colors of the unlveralty.' Those prea- ent were: ' Mlaaee Vlaaea Irene Prawlts, Juanlta Innea, Mahle Wlnterton." Salary Brumbaugh. Meadamea Brumbaugh., Meears. 1 Leonard Wlnterton, F.lmer Oleen.". Paul Summitt. Edmund Brumbaugh. Naomi Summitt. Jessie Innea, Maud Gray, ' KUttl cox. Grace Cox, - Meadamea Kregachow, Summitt, Meaara. Otto Kregachow, G. W. Summitt. Kmmet Brumbaugh, Udward Wlnterton, Bridal Shower. Atnlacellaneoua shower waa give Sat urday evening at tha home of Mra. (Leon ard Brown for Mias ' Mary McCauley, a bride of this week. Those present were Mtaeee Cecil McCauley,' Mary Cllne, Margaret Wheeler, Mildred Groaa, Mary Orogan, Irene Kilt. Meadamea Mi sees I Mary MoCauley, Agnea Cain, Marx Pheehah, Grace Baudo, Helen Vom We ST, Meadamea Jamee McCauley, E. Pronn. M. Penqulte, ' R. J. Brown. Today's ETents. The Bible class met . this afternoon un der the leadership of Mrs. X T. Jonas at her" home. The Monday Drama claaa. met with Mlaa Kate McIIugh thla morning. The Thursday Morning Bowlera met thla afternoon at Farnam alleya. The White Shrine Wblat club meet a to day at tha Masonic Temple, with Mrs. L. F. Shrum tho hostess of tha occasion. Hoxie Clark Plans. Mr. and Mrs.. Hoxle Clark of Villa Bel. vldere, N. T., who have been visiting Mrs. Clark's mother, Mrs. Charles Squires, slnee Chrlatmaa, leave Febru ary S, for New Tork, and will go to s III FEVER To The Mothers of Omaha The prevalence of SCAR LET FEVER In Omaha la far greater than the general public re allies. We are not saying UUa to scare you, but to warn you for your own good and for the protection of those dear little children you love. Milk la one of the worst carriers of disease, and you ought to know that the bottles you get your milk In have been thorough ly scalded and. sterilised; tfcat the bottles have not been in a home where there is scarlet fever. We have a modern steril ising machine, where every bottle ia put through a scalding bath that absolutely eliminates any possible con tamination. We Court Investigation We Invite you to come personally to our plant at 26th and Leavenworth anu let us ( show you bow we protect' our customers. Has your dairyman given you an Invitation like this. And finally, permit us to repeat that only ' Pasteurized Milk csin be guaranteed to be free from disease germs. ' ASK VOIR DOCTOR HK KXUWg Alamito The "MILK WHITK" Dairy, Douglaa 400. CARLET American Countess Soon Returns as Nurse to Front i V "'"'" Oounteas da FierTefefl, who la In her girl hood daya waa Elsa Tudor of Boston, Is about, to return to France to resume her hoapltal nuralnft, which waa ao pathet ically interrupted when her titled hUsband fell laat spring while doing ambulance work for France. She Is expcctd tp come to New .Tork to speak of her war experlencea. , With her four children, she has been staying with her mother, Mrs., William Tudor, lit Hancock; N. II.' r-he la sailing for France the latter part of February with her children, the your, seat of whom ia just S years old; the oldeet boy la 10 and heir to the diatingulahed title of his father. Counteaa de Pierrefeu'a aad atory Is part of Boston's society history. She was one of four daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Palm Beach, Fla., for the famoua George Waahlngton dance on February 23. From Florida the Clarka will go to New Tork and Atlantic City. Mra Squlrea will leave for New Tork about the middle of tne coming month to later visit with friends on Jekyl laland. Club Affair. . . " Mrs. Anderson entertained the Man yantrea club of the Toung Women'a Christian association Friday evening. A prise waa won by Miss Margaret -Cae. The meeting wilt be held at. the Toung Women'a' Christian association. Those preaent were: . . . Ml Misses Marion Hrxsoa. Margaret Case, Pedis Hlatt, Grace Hlxaon, Doris Whlted, Liela Ash. Kuby Hlett, i T TI, L . a I run xiiHuianu, Katherine Weiae, Vera KUk, Cora McC'ord, Ruth Miller. Dorothy Peterson, Mable Hoaan. Anna wira, Elizabeth Brenlser, Mr. and Mrs. Anderson. I Slin Nash Scores Success. . - I Mr. and Mra. L. F. Crofoot returned from Minneapolis thla morning, having ; gone there for the concert Sunday, when , Mlas Frsnces Nash played with the Mln j nea polls Symphony concert. The concert I waa given to an audience that crowded the muslo hall, and the young Omaha I pianist was enthusiastically received. Miss Nash plays In Dubuque also this I week and Is not expected home until . Saturday. Mrs. E. W. Nash Is with her and they are. both tha gueata of Mr. and jiMra. George Myers. On Sunday Mlas Nash will give a concert recital with George Hamlin, tenor, at the Boyd theater. Club Gives Card Party. . The South Side Progressive club, will entertain at its hall, Tuesdsy evening. The hostesses will be: Miss Kate Connell, Meadamea M. Cahlil. Mesdame Edward i-'elehanty. ard i-'eli Jmlstr. Joseph Ptaterhaua, A. X.I1 l Joaeph Daugherty, : Social Gossip. W. Chamberlain of Omaha ia a guest at i the Elms hotel, Excelsior Springs, Mo. Mr and Mra. D. C. Bradford leave J Wedneaday evening for Callforn a, where 1 1 ey will spend the talance of the winter. aa la their wont. A week or ten daya will be spent with Mrs.' Bradford's mother at Los Angelea, and from thence the Brad fords will go to Coronado. Box Party at the Knig. - Mlaa Beaale Wilson entertained at the ' Krug theater Saturday afternoon, those preaent being Anna Edqulat, Erene Palm qulat, Eather Johneon, Miss O'Connor. On the Calendar. Mra Lloyd Osborne will be hostess at When your child's permanent teeth are forming that's the time to begin the use of m n PERFECT loeili Pettier Jreeweef j m Dec for mt Dmntal Sot fry and 2e atams today for a ganeroua trial package of either Dr. Lyon's Perfect Tooth Powder ot Dental Cream. L W. Lyea eV Seas, Ibmu, 5TT W. 27th St, N. Y. Cry William Tudor of Beacon ' street. An aunt married the Count Ktecrkowaka, and It was while vialtlng In Brittsny that Miss Tpdor met Count Dedous de Pierre feu, eldcat son of the famous French family and a descendant of ArTniral de Collgny. In New England annala the Tudor fam ily Is notable. Colonel Tudor, of revolu tionary fame, waa a friend of Napoleon and visited the French court, ' Personal loss and sorrow are put aside by Countess ile Plerrefeu, whose aole thought la to get back where she may give her service end Skill to those In need. The countens haa been offered the position of head nuree of the. hospital at Dinard, but haa declined, to work along her own lines. ...... a luncheon at the University club. Wed nea day afternoon In honor of A. V. F. Hamlin of Columbia - unlveralty, who speaks before the Fine Arts society. . Helen Keller, . Boyd theater, Jan. 29. Butler-Barnes Wedding. At a noma winning tnia evening at s:st n'plnek Ml riara Rau-nna. daushter of Mr. and Mra. O. M. Barnes, will be mar- Th ,lr evening, February J, will be rled to Mr, Clyde Eugeee Butler of Leon,! Private vew for members of the Fine Ja.. eon of Mr. and Mra. U Butler of , Art" ociety. the Friends of ArV of Varlna, la. Ail the wedding guests will ! f,"r' ' local art cluba and the preaa, be kin to the .bride or bridegroom, and wh;n m'?"J ?y Car4 only' ' the only attendants wUt be the children I ,.Mr": j e5k B- chairman of who stretch th ribbon, and carry the ! J1 ring. The marriage lines will be read by . . , , ' - . f an uncle of the bride. Rev. 'Dr.' J. B-l", ' , Woodcock of Kanaas City. The ring h... will k. ia,i. t.-k-i c. .e Weeping Water, and the ribbon stretcHers Miss Mabelle Horner, Mlas Mildred Wood cock and Master Richard Lewla. The bride will wear the lace veil which has decked, overy bride In her family since her grandmother, Mrs. J. C. H. Hobba, wore it In Galena, 111., as a bride slxty-elx years sko last November. The bride's gown is of white crepe meteor j stitched, with collar and cuffs of white charmeuae. The little attendants will belchlffon' ""e of the beat combinations In simple white frocks and Master Lewis of tne season. m ""iS, ,'". Gray chiffon Is coming into wide popu- l LnUttlttY will be atrongly featured, pro- delssohna Wedding March and Mias Dor- , th ri gown. In lgr"dretty RoJ' W"Vab0rt t0Tm' " " trtra- wlth a "'J. v . u I flicker of silver embroidery, but often Mr. and Mrs. Butler will be at home ,t j. made mple a fcn w after March 1 at Leon, la. ' for the same occoslons.. . i no oui-oi-iown guests to tne weaaing ; will be: , Messrs. tnd Mead&mes J. R. Woodcock of Kanaas City. L. Butler of Vartna, la. Harvey Sargent of Weeping Water. , Mra. Clarence Ideals of Kanaae city. M issee Mildred Woodcock of Kansaa City, laabel Sargent of Weeping .Water. Mube.le liornor of Leon, la. Meaara. Runard Butler of Teon, Ia. Deans Sargent of Weeping Water. Masters James Sargent of Weeping Wattr. Frank 8;irgL-nt of Weat ing Water. Rlchara l.ewla of Kansaa City. Personal Mention. Mra. Charlea Belden baa been confined to I er home for V e last week with grippe and Is still quite Indisposed. Mra William Sears Poppleton has rented her apartment and gone to tha Hotel Fontenelle' with her son. William. td remain until she leaves for California renruary i. Mrs. Carrol D. Evana and Mrs. Edward Chambers of Columbus, who have been the house gueata of Mr. and Mra Homvr B. Roblnaon for" the laat week, left for their home Saturday evening. . Whatever may be your need, a Bee Want-Ad will get it for you. USDS CLUB WOMEN MOURN FOR MRS. NELSON Honorary Fallbearrri at Funeral . Are Women with-Whom She Associated. FLORAL TRIBUTES ARE MANY Funeral services for Mrs. N. H. Nelson, president of the Omaha Woman's cluh, who died Friday after a brief Hlnee, . were held at Cole-McKay's undertek ing parlors at 2: o'clock Mondsy. Hun dreds of club women throngeil the parlori from 10 o'clock In the morning, and .large delegations from the Woman's club, the Dundee and BeVison 'Woman's clubs, Vcata chapter, Order of the East ern Star, and other organtiationa with whlrh M ra. Nelaon waa connected, at tended the funeral In a body. Dean James A. Tancock of - Trlnty cathedral read the burial service of the Episcopal church and a quartet Including Mlaa Daley Illgglna, Mra. Ben 8tan1ey. Mr. Cutter Mr. Vlckery, with Mr. Stanley at the organ, sang several numbers. Many Floral Tribntea. Floral tributes to the departed presi dent were many and beautiful. The paat presidents of the Woman's club, who eea-ved as honorary pallbearers: the Woman's club, the directory and the dif ferent departments, the Eastern Star order all sent handsome floral designs. The honorary pallbearers were: Menclamea Mesdames R- Towns, A. B. Somere, W. P. Harford, Edward Johnson, , Draper Smith, M. D. Cameron, F. H. Cole. . c. W. Hayea. The active pallbearers were: W. O. Shrlver. B)r. Palmer Flndley. Herbert Pickarr!. Kdw.rrt Ph.i.n i ! A. O. Peterson. ' Arthur Boyer. ui. ... uormra, inanea . Trimble, The 'officers of the club. Mesdames E. M. Syfert, John O. Teiser, E. E. Stan field, A. L. Fernald. C. II. Marley and W. 8. Heller, and other members of the executive .committee, accompanied the body to Forest I ..awn cemetery. The kiddies at Train school, where Mrs. Nelson instituted a penny luncheon sys tem, were deeply saddened by .the news of their benefactor's death, A picture of Mrs. Nelson hangs In the Train school lunch room, but Mrs. Nelson never saw the lunch room In operation, as she was removed to tha hospital the day it opened. Dinner Party. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Shields entertain at 'dinner, followed by bridge thia even I ing. The table will have a center piece ; of Klllarney rosea. Those present will . be: ", - . Messrs. and Mesdames Cheater Hunter, Harry D. Cameron. John Battln, FINE ARTS SOCIETY TO HAVE EXHIBITION SOON .The Omaha Society of Fine Arte will hold an exhibition of palntlnga by for eign and American artists, including a loan exhibit of old masters, at the Hotel Fontenelle for ten days, beginning Feb ruary t. The exhibit will be open to the public every day from 10 o'clock in the morning until tha aame hour at night. I with,'., a, small admission fee. ' " . j jjQUI0ri trOWnS aiKl vy vaviiuu . Dress Accessories Some of the white chiffon collars are In deep sailor shapes, with cuffs that ex. tend nearly to the elbows. They are i hemstitched, but not embroidered. A black chiffon gown merely tucked and hem- There Is a new evening frock which shows a combination of yellow taffeta' and - gray chiffon. It haa been a long time alnre fashion put gray and yellow together, and nearly all of these dance combinations owe their popularity to their Introduction in dance gowns of tulle. Although tulle la the word eommonly used, the fabric In these 'gowne la really white allk ret. It haa really a atroug mesh, perlshcble, though, aa it looks, ejv) it renders good service if enough of It is u Bed in one gown. There must be layers ! upon layers of It, and the favorite way ; of finishing it Is to put a piquet edge on ach layer. , . ' ,' - ! The expensive part of these silk net gowns la that one cannot be aparlng of ' material. . If they have not the effect of ' floating clouds, they loae their point. On j oi me man eiieruve oi meae irocaa naa ; ail lta ' layers cut tn points, those be- 1 low . the , kneea being weighted by sil ver roaea; neeh-colored chiffon Is sub atltuted for aatln aa an underallp. There Is another amart evening gown of white net which la slightly trimmed with fur and touched off with a Jeweled bodice. There is a strong rivalry in evan ing gowns between the bodice of Jewaled net or bullion lace which goes straight 1 under the arms and the rather prim little bodice that matrhea the eklrt and goea over the ahouldera. The latter is es pecially well carried out i in frocks of pink and blue, taffeta. Items of Interest Life's mysteries : Why politicians let themeelvee be photographed with cigars In their moutha. Farmera own half tha automobllea In the United Statea, but our fcloek owns nine-tenths of the phonographa. .The blossom of tha pawpaw I. sug gested aa the Mleaourl aute flower. No. wa don't know what a pawpaw is, either. ' Him. lnveati&ator haa iliiAvapi .u. - -. .i...., mat alcohol will make planta Intoxicated. Imagine a jlnaied potato blinking all lis eyes or a pickled onion rolllnar ham, t- the entail hours. And would aa oyster plant that got lit up be an oyater cock tail? We omit all refsrenoe to the num ber ot etewad prunes. I :