Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 25, 1916, Image 1

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    Omaha Daily B
Call Tylor 1000
Unsettled; Colder
If Ym AVant to Talk to The
or to Anyone Connected
With The Hoe.
VOL. XLV NO. 189.
On Trains, at Hot)
srrws steads, ate., e.
II l
Extra Freight and Daily Passenger
Train Meet on Reverse Curve
Mile and Half West of
that Town.
Freight Supposed to Have Tried to
Run from Mascot to Atlanta
Without Orders.
HOLDREGE, Neb., Jan. 24. (Spe
cial Telegram.) Burlington passen
ger train No. 7, called the Jitney,
met In head-on collision with an
eastbound extra local freight two
miles west of Atlanta shortly after
1 o'clock this afternoon. Four train
men were killed outright and two
seriously and one slightly Injured,
the- engineer of the passenger dying
at 7 o'clock tonight. Four other
persons were slightly Injured.
The dead:
brakeman on the freight.
HENRY ECKMAN, ' McCook, en
gineer on the freight.
WALTER P. MAUL, McCook, fire
man on the freight.
LEE H. FOGG, Lincoln, fireman
on we passenger. Fogg's body is
still In the wreck and cannot be
found. .
J. F, DUFFY, Lincoln, engineer
on passenger, seriously Injured, dy-
x lujuieu.
O. K. Porter, Lincoln, mall clerk,
seriously Injured.
J. E. Lowry, Bagley, la., a pas
senger, slightly Injured.
W. M. Lawson, Lincoln, express
messenger, slightly injured. ,
J. R. Mossman, Hastings, a pas
senger, slightly Injured.
Mrs. H. S. Fuller, Oxford, passen
ger, shoulder dislocated. ....
H. . E. Bell, passenger conductor,
slightly injured..
The escape of Messenger Lawson from
the baggage car waa miraculous. The
car collapsed into ten feet of space and
was reduced to kindling and acraplrtm. .
J. R. Mossnmn of Hastings was injured
only In tha foot and went to his home
thin evening. ' .-..,.,. .,
'.illow Wrwli Ocearrcd.
Blame tor tha wreck' oannot be placed
without Investigation, but the supposition
Is that the freight crew tried to run front
Mascot to Atlanta, beating No. 7 to At
lanta, without orders.
A relief train with doctors and nurses
was sent from Holdrege.
Dead end Injured were brought to thla
city. '
No. 7 carried only a few passengers, as
It was within fifteen miles of the end of
Its run. The freight contained only four
cars. '
The wreck occurred at a reverse curve
In a cut. with no chance of either engi
neer seeing the other before the two
rains met. The trains did not scatter
over the ngnt-or-way, dui couapwo.
Fix Ins; the Blame.
OFFORD, Neb., Jan. 24. (Special Tele
gram.) The wreck of passenger train No.
7 and an extra freight on the Burlington
this afternoon is regarded here as the
fault of the local freight crew.
They got orders at Mascot, but were
supposed to keep off all passenger trains'
time. They, pulled out of Mascot on No.
7's time and the oolllsslon occurred about
a mile and a half out of Atlanta.
Recent Bhnk.ap la Craws.
There has been quit a shake up in
train crews of late and It has caused
considerable confusion. The freight was
in charge of Conductor Brooks? formerly
on a passenger, and both brakeraen were
former conductors set back.
The wreck will probably be cleared so
that traffic may be resumed about 10:30
This was the first day for a dally local
freight and It was manned by . a - new
. crew.
The Weather
Forecast till 7 p. m. Tuesday:
For Omaha, Council Bluffs and Vicin
ity Unsettled and much colder.
Temporatar. at Omaha Yesterday.
, Hours ,uer,
6 a., m
6 a. m
7 a. m
a. m
a. m
10 a. m
11 a. tn
1J in
1 p. m
J p. m
1 P. Rl
4 p. m
t r. m..
p. m
7 p. m
I p. m
Comparative Local Record.
191 . 1815. 1914. 1913.
Highest yesterday ft) 23 jj 47
I.iwphI yeaterdav iW I'M ti
Mean temperature 43 15 18 34
I'rvcipitation 00 T ,U .00
Temperature and precipitation depar
ture from the normal:
Normal temperature 10
Kxces for the day 23
Total deficiency ainCe March 1 63
Normal precipitation 01 Inch
leficienry for the day 02 Inch
Total rainfall since March I... 27. 9 inches
l'efletency since March 1 1.7 inches
lcflrlency for eor. perold 1914. f.75 inches
1 eflckency for cor. period WIS. S.67 Inches
btetion and State Temp. High- Kain-
of nulhr 7 n ... ...r r . 1 1
i neyenne, rain Si
'Kvvnporx, pt. eiouuy..... 4S
54 "
50 '
uorr, ciouoy
es Moines, tloudy..
, 4H
nrm wis.. a . i i . .
"maha. cloudy
Rapid Oily, cloudy...
Sheridan, snow
Wiuk t'lty, cloudy....
Valentine, snow
"T" tndlratea Irtrji of nrclnl,i..
Indicates below ro.
L. A. WELSH. Local Forecaster.
Governor Urges All N
to Aid Jcwi
(From a Staff Correspondent)
LINCOLN, Jan. 24. (Speclal.)-Gov-
ernor Morehead today Isssued the follow
ing appeal to the people of the state to
contribute to the unfortunate Jewish
people of Europe who are In need:
"The Industrial conditions of America
never were better In Us history. With
farm products bringing a good price, a
demand for labor for men who want
work, the credit of the I'nlted States A
No. 1. and the general prosperity of the
American people, we have many reasons
to congratulate ourselves.
"The condjtlons In Europe are just tno
reverse they never were worse. Millions
of people are without homes, food or
clothing. While we are aparatd by thou
sands of miles. It does not justify us In
overlooking orforgettlng the needs of the
unfortunate people of Europe and the
words, "It Is more blessed to give than
to receive" should appeal to us at this
particular time.
Will Leave for Lincoln February 29
and Speak on Way, but Won't
Traill President.
MIAMI, Fla., Jan. 24. William
J. Bryan today Issued a statement
Baying he had no intention of follow
ing President Wilson on his trip
through the middle west to make
speeches in answer to the president
on prepared ness. He said he would
leave for Lincoln February 20 to at
tend a birthday dinner and would
make a few speeches on his way,
but that the trip would have no con
nection with that of the president.
A. L. Mohler Will
Be Able to Leave
Hospital Shortly
A. L. Mohler, president of the Union
Pacific railroad, who suffered a severe
fall While skatlna- at Miller nark Rnn-
day, was reported perfectly rational and
conscious and resting easily last night.
Mr. Mohler is recivering rapidly and it Is
expected he will be ' able to leave the
hospital In a day or two.
Temperature Will ;
'-Drop-Forty Degrees
in Thirty-Six Hours
Late Monday -afternoon the weather
bureau announced that a cold wave was
approaching and the black cold wave
flag was hoisted on the federal building.
It was announced that the temperature
In Omaha would fall 40 degrees or more
In thirty-six hours. This prediction was
made shortly s.ftcr 4 o'clock.
West Nebraska Land
Available for Entry
WASHINGTON, Jan. 2K.-About 14.000
acres of fertile land In the valley of the
North Platto In western Nebraska
adapted for general farming, live stock
raising and dairying, and so situated as
to be ' capable of irrigation from the
North Platte irrigation project, will be
opened to homesteaders March 24. En
tries will be made at the land office at
Alliance, Neb. Secretary Lane, announc
ing today the opening of the tract, said
it offered exceptionally attractive, oppor
tunities, boing located In the midst of
an agricultural community already well
Big Donation Party to Mark
Samuel Gompers' Next Birthday
Thursday, January 27, is to be notable
by one of the llnest of donation parties
ever staged. On that dsy every member
of organised labor in the jurisdiction of
the American Federation of Labor is ex
pected to donato his wages for the sec
ond hour of whatever shift he works to
the relief of the members of the Hatters'
union of Danbury, Conn.
It Is Samuel Oompers' birthday, and the
donation wltl be In the way of celebrating '
the event.
Some twelve ytara ago the firm of
Loewe A Co. of Danbury, then being on
the "unfair list," Instituted suit against
the United HatUr of North America, the
hatters' International union, and attached
the property and bank accounts of the
members of the Danbury union. Thla
suit was pressed through the federal
courts for years, going to the supreme
court -of the United States three times,
and finally being decided against the hat
ters. The trial court had allowed the
plaintiff, Loewe A Co., threefold damages,
under the provision of the B her man anti
trust law, which permitted the assessment
of damage in treble the amount actually
sustained. The damage proven under the
secondary boycott was 180,000, which
brought the original judgment up to $240,-
With Interest and costs this was In
creased to over $300,000. All the money tn
the banks to the credit of the defendants
under attachment has been taken over
and now their homes are being sold under
D. Loewe, the original defendant, is
dead, and his firm has gone out 'of busi
ness, and many of tbe original defendants
are dead also. Too suit a as kept alive
by the American Anti-Boycott associa
tion and the creditors of Lntwe It Co.,
who will take ever tbe proceeds of the
sale of the homes of the Danbury hatters.
Organised labir U opposed to making
any donation thaj. will go in any way to
the benefit of the judgment creditors, but
ar Sufferers
"A small donation from those who can
arrord to contrtote, taken In the aggre
gate, would total a large amount. As the
president haa designated January 27 a
a day for the American people to con
tribute to the unfortunate Jewish peo
ple in Europe, 1 as executive of the
state, knowing that nationality of peo
ple as I do, to be Industrious, patrlotlo,
law-abiding citizens, ask the people of
Nebraska to contribute their mite and
send the donations to Morris) Levy of
Omaha. He Is a man of splendid stand
ing and the money sent htm will reach
those who are In need In Kurope.
"I know I speak the real sentiments of
that nationality of people when 1 say
that any assistance given to their un
fortunate people In Europe will be highly
appreciated by the American cltlxens of
that nationality, and I feel that we win
be doing a righteous and Christian act
by aiding them.
"Governor of Nebraska."
Leaders Say Field Open to Any
Available Compromise Candidate
Except Roosevelt.
CHICAGO, Jan. 24. Preliminary
plans for the republican national
convention to be held in Chicago at
the Coliseum, June 7, erew approved
today by members of the subcom
mittee on arrangements of the na
tional committee, after a series of
conferences with Fred Upham, chair
man of the local committee.
Under the seating plan prepared
by Julius Floto, an architect. Seats
for 11,695 will be provided in the
convention hall. 1 Seven hundred
more seats than were aallable four
years ago will , be provided by th
rection of a mazzanin floor around
two walls of the building.
The subcommittee adjourned without
discussing the selection of a temporary
chairman for the convention, although
four names were mentioned as possible
candidates. They were ' Klihu Root of
New York, Senator Borah of Idaho,
Governor McCall of Massachusetts and
Chase Osborne, former governor of Michi
gan. - tm '
May ' Be Deferred.
It is believed that the election of the
temporary chairman may be deferred aa
a. matter of polltloal expediency until
April or May, although the euboommtttce
adjourned 'to ' meat again " in Chicago,
March 16, when the subjects may be
taken up.
. Republican-' national leaders who at
tended the meeting expressed tbe opinion
that the convention would be open-minded
and deliberative tn the matter of nam-
( Continued on Page Two, Column One.)
John Hill, Writer
of Scientific Books,
Dies in Automobile
NEW YORK, Jan. J4.-John Alxander
Hill, prominent In this country and Eng
land as a writer and publisher of scien
tific periodicals and books, died today of
an arterial disease while driving in an
automobile from his home at East
Orange, N. J., to his office in this city.
He was 68 years old.
Mr. Hill's early experlenoe was gained
In a printing shop and In the cab of a
locomotive. In 1886 he founded the Pueblo
(Colo.) Dally Press. A number of years
later he formed the Hill Publishing
company, of which he was the head when
he died, and began the publication of the
Engineering and Milling Journal, Coal
Aga and several other technical maga-
docs feci something should be done for
the relief of the victims of this suit. At
the' San Francisco convention of the
American Federation of Labor the matter
was discussed and the plan of holding
the donation party on Samuel Oompers'
birthday was decided on. A general re
quest was male that each member who
Is at work on Thursday, no matter what
his calling, donate one hour's wages to
the cause. The funds will be handled by
Secretary Worrlojon of the American Fed
eration of Labor and Martin Lawlor, arc.
retary of the I'nlted Hatters of North
Omaha unions have generally endorsed
the plan and will take part in the domt-tion.
Decision, Which is Announced by
Chief Justice White, Says that
the Law is Valid in
Its Entirety.
Different Featurei and Provision!
of Law Attacked by Pcrsom
and Corporation!.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 24. The su
preme court today upheld the. con
stitutionality of the income tax law.
Chief Justice White gave the court's
decision, sweeping aside all the
many objections to Its constitutional
ly in whole or In part.
Chief Justice White announced
the decision In the case of Frank Jl.
Drushhaber, stockholder of the Un
ion Pacific railroad, who sought to
enjoin the company from paying the
tax on the ground that it was uncon
stitutional. Most of Justice White's opinion
was directed toward overruling the
contention that the Income tax
amendment provided a hitherto un
known power of taxation. Going far
Into the mystery of income tax legis
lation, the chief Justice concluded
the argument was without merit.
Advancing to other points the chief jus
tlce held that the tax was not unconsti
tutional because It was retroactive.
Tho argument that the law was uncon
stitutional because labor, agricultural and
horticultural organizations and such were
exempt, the chief justice held waa n.
swered by decisions under the corpora
tion tax law. Ho said the point was only
another illustration of an erroneous as
sumption that the tax was Imposed under
a new power conferred upon the govern
ment by tho sixteenth amendment,
(Continued on Pago Two Column Two.)
Norris Introduces
Amendment to Drop
, Electoral College
WASHINGTON. Jan. 2. Sennini. V.
rls of Nebraska, republican, today intro
duced a constitutional amendment to
anousn the electoral college. It proposes
that outers cast their ballots as herc
tofore. TtIi candidate receiving a major
ity In a -state would be certified to con
gress U receive as many votes as the
state has senators and representatives.
The . house of representatives would
pass upon the returns and the candi
dates receiving a majority of the state
vote would be elected. In case of no
majority the house would elect a presi
dent from the three candidates receiving
the higher number of ovtes. '
Four Men Killed
in Chicago Grade
Crossing Accident
CHICAGO. Jan. 14. Four men, passeng
ers - on a Lawrence avenue street car,
were killed and six other persons were
Injured today when a Chicago, Milwaukee
& St, Paul passenger train crashed into
the street oar at a street crossing.
Southern Pacific Has
Profitable 6 Months
SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 24.-Large In
creases In both gross and net revenue
were shown by the Southern Paolflo com
pany In Its semi-annual statement for the
six months ending December SI, 1915,
made publio here today.
Expositions at San Francisco and San
Diego were in progress during nearly all
of the period.
The railway operating Income for tho
six months was H.7,7M.S;nj.60, an IncreaHO
over the samo period of 1914 of 17,838,
8"2.!7. The railway operating revenue
was fStMW7,311.63, and the railway ope ml
ttig expenses lx,S3,fll9.27.
America Protests
Enemy Trading Act
WASHINGTON. Jan. 24. The Vnlled
States has notified Oicat Britain through
the American embassy in London of It
objection to the application of thetradlng
with the enemy act In a manner affect
ing American trade.
Military Service Bill
Passes Third Reading
LONDON, Jan. 24. The military serv
lea bill panned the third reading In the
House of Commons by a vote of 3S3 to T.
HASTINGS. Neb.. Jan. 21. (Special Tel
egram.) Mrs. Caroline K Johnson, 90
years old, wl'low of the lute William
Johnson and a real taughter of the
Hecolutlon, perhups the laat remaining
one In the ilu o, died nt Imr home lint
NEW YORK. Jan. 24.-W. H. Draper, a
business msn of Providence, today an
nounced that ho had purchased the Prov
idence International league base hall rlul
from Joseph I.annln, owner of the Bowt in
Americans. Mr. Draper den lined to make
publio the consideration.
16-YEAR-OLD WAR VETERAN The youngest Euro
pean soldier to come to this country so far is Konstantine
Protich. As he left the pier he was wearing a pair of Ger
man boots, which, he said, he took from a German soldier
whom he had killed. When the great Serbian retreat was
forced recently little Protich was in the line. The attention
of Dr. Harriett Cockburn, a nurse in the Serbian Red Cross,
was attracted to him and she is taking him to' Toronto,
where he will study civil engineering.
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Edgar Howard Say "Flans Are Un
der Way to Induce Better Man
to File for Governor."
"Plans are now under way to Induce
a better man to file for the dcmocratlo
nomination for governor, one who Is bet
ter qualified and more worthy than I,"
says Bdgar Howard In an editorial In
the Columbus Telegram of last week.
"Who Is this man before whom Editar
Howard bows his head?" a leading dem
ocratic politician of Omaha was asked,
"Charlea W. Bryan," was tho answer,
Charles W. Bryan, It will be" rcmmlrcd
Is a brother of W. J. Bryan ami Is aluo
mayor of Lincoln.
Both 'Vharlcy" Bryan and Etear
Howard are loath to saorlflce themselves
to the resounding call of their party for
a leader who can lead,, uecordiiig to tho
tone of Mr. Howard's editorial. Hefoirlntf
to the superlative enndhhito he has In
mind the editor writes:
"lie has promised to give a detlnll'o
answer soon. If tie shall finally refuse
to become a candidate then I shall ac
cept the responsibility ' myself. I trust
this announcement may be satisfactory to
my friends and fair notice to the other
Gossip of local democrats Is that Mr.
Howard la really anxious to avoid 'the
contest for the governorship and that Mr.
Bryan, though not unwilling tho.
prominent victim, Is taking a little time
to "stop, look and listen."
Mrs, Mean Bear Dies
at Age of 105 Years
l'ONCA C1TV. Okl., Jan. 2i.-Mrs. Mean
Bear, said in he the nlil' Bt I'nnea Indian,
died here today aKed 105 years. . There
uro over '700 persona ' In her Immedlwte
family, iiho leaven two Hons, Chief Big
Uooae and Max Black Hair Home; k
daiiKhter, Mrs.' Clmi'lca Kay, and one
brother, Llttlo Dame. , -
Houxr Hiirneil rur l.yvna.
LYONS, Neb., Jan. 2t.-(Spe lnl.)-Tlio
farm residence of Ben lloblnaon on
Blackbird creek northeast of hire was
burned early Sunday morning. The fiu
was discovered at 2 o'clock and had ninUe
such headway Hint it was linitfrxalhle to
save the furniture. The orlnln of the blato
Is a mystery.
Wife of Wealthy
Eloping with
HALT LAKH CITY. Jan. 24.-Hayinond
Iiodds, the mulatto, and Mrs. Viola Hood,
who eloped from fan iJlego last Friday,
surrendered themselves to the Halt I-ake
police today, and both declared that their
act waa voluntary.
Dorlda appeared at the police elation
soon after 10 o'clock and announced his
Identity. He said ho hud resd In a morn
ing newspaper that tho police had Itcen
asked to detain them and decided to
surrender hlmaelf to avoid trouble. He
said Mrs. Hood had eloped with him of
her own volition and that lie had never
employed threats to induce her to leave
her home, lie said she had urged him at
intervals for the past year to run awuy
with her and that she provided the tune's
with whhh they traveled.
A search for Mrs. Hood proved with
out result until about 12.30 this after
moii. whin she walked Into the police
station. fSlie confirmed I'odd's toiy, ue
uonjing to the police, and as she will
'sssaaaaasississiiissi I saiLitwlvw.'WaJBS
Chihuahua Leaden Reported to
Have' Assembled Force of One
. j Thousand Men! . t
EL PASO, Tex., Jan. 2 4. -Arrivals
from Madera, Chihuahua, today re
ported General Francisco Villa was
at Santa Ana on the Rabrlcora
ranch, the Hearst property, making
preparations for an extensive cam
paign. It was said that he had gath
ered 1,00 men and had taken 600
colts from the Dabrlcora' ranch for
mounts, and was killing 250 head of
cattle dally and drying the flesh for
provisions. '
FVom 'Chihuahua )Clty it was reported
that under a new decree of Governor
ICnrlques all the'producta of the few fac
tories in the vicinity . of , tho city "were
ordered to be. delivered to , the Nuevo
Mundo, the local department storo,
where, accerdlnf to the decree, the goods
would be sold by the state government
without commission..
Sugar, It was said, was . selling Jn the
capital for t pesos per, kilo (two and one
Ilfth pounds) In Careens currency. The
border exchange . rate of Carransa cur
rency la about 6 cents- gold per- peso.
Coffee waa said to' ba soiling at Chihua
hua for 4 pesos per kilo., i i i
"Provost Marshal Shoots Mrxloea.
' Mexican officials said today that repre
sentations 'were ' about Ho be made by
General Qavlra, commandant at Juares,
to .General Pershing, commanding United
Hiatus troops at Fort Bliss, regarding
tho shooting of a Mexican soldier by
Private Harrison of the El Paso provost
guard last week. General Perching re
fused to discuss the . matter, but It Is
understood a searching Investigation is
to "be instituted. -i
According to the atory given out at the
time by tho provost marshal, two ' Mex
ican ' soldiers had ' crossed the railroad
bridge ' carrying carbines, looking! for
horses that had strayed from the Mex
ican side. , '
' Harrison, It wss said, ordered ' them
buck after they had reached American
territory. They refused to go. Harrison,
It was reported, fired three phots from his
revolver, one bullet, according to Mexican
officials, penetrating the lungs of one of
the Mexican soldiers. '
Westerner Admits
M ullato Chauffeur
return to Han licgo, If desired, on con
dition that Iodds be set at liberty so
he may go to Chicago. ' The police also
say Mrs. Hood said their plan was to be
married here under assumed names and
make their home In Chicago. She told
them bodds had her uriven to a local
rooming house after they arrived here
last iilght, the police say, and later had
her taken to a flrnt class hotel, remark
ing the rooming house "was not a moral
pluee." Dodds paasod the night St a
rooming house for colored persons.
The two are held by the police for ad
vices from ban Diego. .
A.vai;LKH. Cal.. Jan. 24. V. L.
Hood of Kan l'lego, who arrived here
Saturday to aid the authorities In search
ing for his wile and Iiaymond M. Dodds,
a negro chauffeur, said he would leave
Immediately for Kail Lake City, where
udda surrendered hlmaelf. Hood said
ho never would believe statements of the
negro that Airs. Hood accompanied him
willingly. . .
Teuton Troops Occupy the Albanian
Capital Without Resistance, Ser
bian Garrison Retiring: Be
fore Them.
Hapsburj Army Headquarter! Says
Invaders Received Gladly and
with Ceremony.
BERLItf. Jan. 24. (Via London
Wireless.) Scutari has been oc
cupied by Austro-Hungarlan troops,
according; to an announcement Is
sued today by the Auetro-Hongarian
headquarters. Several thousand
Serbians who formed the garrison
retired toward the south without of
fering any resistance.
The text of the statement follows:
Scutari has been occupied by.
Austrn-Hungarlan troops. Several
thousand Serbians who formed tCb
garrison, retired toward tbe south
without resistance.
"Austro-Hungariana also have oc
cupied Niksic, Danllovgrod and
Lay Down Their Arms.
"The disarming of the country has been
carried on up to the present without
friction. At several places the Monte
negrins have not even waited until the
Austro-Hungnrlans appeared, but have
laid down their arms before the arrival
of the troops In order to return to their
homes. At other places a majority of
those disarmed prerer internment to being
sent home.
"The population generally has received
our troops In a friendly manner, and in
some Instances with ceremony. Rlota
such as ocourred at Podgorltxa ceased as
soon aa the first Austro-Hungarlan de
tachment appeared."
Scutari was occupied by. Montenegrin
troops In June 1915, It being explained In
an official note Issued by the Montenegrin
government that strateglo and political
reasons impelled the Montenegrin descent
on Albania. An additional reason given
was that other powers already had oc
cupied portions of that country. '
Hrbnltt St ace Quake. .
Beutarl a the most Important trading
town In Albania and has a population of
Bo.OOO. It He, 0n thgyistbjyik, of tskm
Boutarl and has been rebuilt einee the
earthquake ot 1504.
During the Balkan war Scutari was the
object of contention between Montenegro
and the great powers. . The. town was
captured by Montenegrin forces on April
O. IMS, after a rlege lasting seven months. 1
The powers previously had decided ta
include Bcutert In the kingdom of Albania
and King Nicholas had been offered com
pensation In money and territory on con
dition that he glvs up. tho place. The
Montenegrin king declined tho offers,
however, and announced he would hold
Beutarl against the powers. As a result
of his decision the International naval !
blockade of the Montenegrin coast was
... 1
Kvaraat Town.
Later the powers msdo another demand
on the king and the monarch finally de
cided to evacuate the town, which waa
occupied by an International force on
May 14, 1913. Several months later the
International troops were withdrawn.,
vVhen the Serbian army retreated be
fore tbe Invasion of their country by
Teutonlo foroes some of tho Serbian sol
diers on crossing the Albanian frontier
proceeded to Scutari, where they Joined
the Montenegrins.
German -Aeroplane
Passes Over Dover
LONDON, Jan. . 84. A aerman!
aeroplane passed oer . Dover at 4 ;
o'clock this' afternoon. A British.;
official announcement issued tonight'
says it was engaged by all the anti-'
aircraft guns and pursued by. two'
British machines.
The Day's War NetsI
DOVER, THE CiHKAT Knells ehaa.
ne port hroub which the caatsi
line of vomataalcatloat fee-twee
Jret Britain mud Franco rans,
waa raided by s German anrat
aeroplane satnrday ai,t, the
German admiralty aanonaeea to'
ay. The rata 1 tfeaj on .'am.
noanred from London yoatcrdar
as bavin been made on "tao east
roast of Kent." Tn Uerman,
statement reports that bombs
wer. dropped from the macbla, on
tha station, barracks and docho ot
Dover. The Brltl.h vea'
the ca.aaltlc. I. tbla .tr mfd I.'
ono klll.4 -ad .u wonnded.
A.banf., AnstrUn ooo.p.,,.,
M" -avin,, vlrtnally been
... D..C..O. repord'VeitVrd;;
KING NICHOLAS ha. reached H
on his way to Lyon., .-.
wher. tb. M..,ee.rl
ha. It. pre.c.t m-lV,
IS ALBANIA, aceordt
Baloalkl correspondent, there
v - --- s
taking place rea.wal of tbe
Aastro-B.litariaa offensive, which
is declared to b. monad. tb.
Italian .sp.dltloa.rr forces. The
Malaariaa. and Austrian are aal4
to have occupied Herat and their
advance .a Avlona, which la held
p by tb. Italian, indicted aa