Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 24, 1916, Page 5, Image 5

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"iMrt i for Sportlaf Soe4e."
XlbtlBf rimtnrse Bursfss-Grendsn.
Mars Mooi mat It New Pwen Pres.
Te Sail KmI Estate, lint It with ). It
Dumont At Co., Kecllne Bids.
A Business Hu, ro1n to California
for six wfrti will undertake the handling
of any matter of Intereat to local partlna.
Address K. r. Bee.
Today. MotI refTesaM dalfl1
Paction today. It appears In The Bee
EXCLUSIVELY, rind out what the va
rious moving; picture theaters offer.
se Tour Koasy and valuables In the
American Safe tVpoalt vaults, tl Pouth
17th St.. Bee Bldg. Boxes rent tl.00 for
I months. Open from a. m. to p. m.
Bar aad Ante Bora Fir of unknown
origin destroyed a bam and automobile
last n!ht In the, rear of Ernest Larsen'a
residence. 7M Seward. The barn was
worth 70 and the machine 1M.
BCra. Bsrtsoay Is Improving Mrs. A.
J. P. Bertachy. who has been confined
at Clarkson hospital, following an opera
tion. Is reported as Improving and will
soon be able to leave the hospital.
Xsaee Carrier aaa Orlp Ororgm A.
Hampton of tha St Jamea hotel paid a
man P to carry his grip from the Vnlon
sfation to the hotel. The fellow never
arrived and the grip and contents valued
at $25 are still at large.
K14 for ZUlaota Offloers
Downer, wanted by the Chicago police on
a warrant charging him with swindling
a fellow-cltlien to the amount of $1),
waa arrested yesterday by the Omaha
police and la being held nere for the Il
linois authorities.
Bewards for Detectives Detective
Dan Lahey and Officers C. M. Plott and
O. P. Peterson received rewards of $1
each tendered them by the Omaha Auto
club, for accomplishing the arrest and
conviction of Individuals breaking glass
In the street.
right Over Volat of Etiquette Nathan
Shearles, negro police character, was
sllirhtly wounded last nla.ic when "Dusty"
Adams, another negro, stabbed him with
a pocket knife. The two men had been
arguing a point of etiquette concerning
the use of "percentage" dice.
'olios Car la Wreck A police emerg
ency car, driven by ChaWfeur Harry Bu
ford, and a touring e'er, driven by Glenn
Wharton, 604 South Thirty-seventh, were
wrecked early last night at Twenty
fourth and Harney streets when they col
lided. The mlsbap, according to both
drivers, was unavoidable. '
Woman Bobbed of Fifty Dollars Mrs.
Clara Chambers, colored, cook at the
Young Women's Christian association
cafeteria, told the police last night that
a colored man who . had been following
her for several blocks auacked her near
her home, 261T Park avenue, and took
her purse which contained $T0.
use Btreet Ballway Alleging that the
motorman started the street car before
lie had alighted, Thomas F. Gallagher
ha brought suit against the street rail
way company for 115,000 damages for per
sonal Injuries. The accident occurred at
Kirty-flrst streets, on the West Leaven
worth car line,
Enjoins Tax Collection Hugh Murphy
has secured a temporary restraining
order, and seeks a permanent Injunction
against Douglas county and County
Treasurer W. Q. Ure, preventing them
from collecting personal taxes from hm,
assessment for which he alleges to have
been Illegally lncreaaed by the county
asesior. ', Z ' - C. a rr-"
Dnna and Mai one y Betuxn Cli lef of
Police Henry Dunn and Captain of De
tectives Maloney returned to Omaha Fri
day evening from Lincoln. Both were
confident that the suit brought against
them by Mrs. Sadie Walker will result
favorably for them. They will return to
Lincoln Monday, and Chief Dunn will
take the witness stand.
Terdiot for Mrs. Zaaeft District
Judge Troup yesterday Instructed the
jury to return a verdict for the plaintiff.
In the suit of Mrs. Mary F. Kaneft
against the Mutual Benefit Accident and
Health association of Omaha. She sued
for accidental death indemnity under a
policy carried by her husband, the late
Ollie J. Kaneft, saloon proprietor at
Twenty-eighth and Farnam streets.
Snva Company Be-eleots Directors -
The annual meeting of the Richardson,
Realty company was held at the office
of the Richardson Drug company, with
all of the Omaha stockholders present.
Directors were re-elected, and at their
meeting elected C. F. Weller vice presi
dent and chairman of the board; H. 8.
Weller, president; F. C. Patton, treas
urer, and E. P. Ellis, secretary. This
company handles the realty interests of
the Dlchardson Drug company.
"Believe Me, Xantippe!" Goes
Across Well at the Brandeis
Under Their Handling.
Believe m, If Xantippe herself
could have come to life and have been
at the Brandeis theater Saturday
evening viewing "Believe Me, Xkn
tlppe," her scolding tongue must
have been stilled and mlleg must
surely have blossomed upon the sour
face that made life for friend
Socrates Just one durn thing after
another, long, long ago.
Tou've got to hand It to Nebraska for
producing a son who can write a play
like that. But Broadway has already
presented Mr. Frederick Ballard of
iiaveiocit. Neb., with its high compll
menta and applause.
university Players, nave all tha
marks of professionals, and tha dcllcht
ful farce-comedy went through with the
smoothness of a Shubert production.
The tempestuous-tempered helpmate of
mo paiiem pniiosopner whose name
adorns the title would have found her re
luctant Intereat gripped from the begin
ning or the first act and held between
love and Interest, exciting gun-plays and
witty dialogue all the way through.
Maurice Clark In the leading role, that
of George McFarland, who makes a bet
that he can elude the officers of the law
for a year, waa splendid. He puts into
the part Just what the playwright In
tended should be there, a cool humor of
the brave, calm man who Is continually
doing heroic and noble deeds and yet
looking on life without seriousness, never
In a hurry, always the gentleman. Clark
was a good deal of a Jack Barrymore.
Sheriff's Daasjhter Shtaes.
Ella -HUItams as Dolly Kamman. the
sheriffs daughter, was also a great hit
Of pleasing appearance and womanly.
self-willed, brave and loving, what more
could the hero or the audience ask?
DeWitt Foster looked and acted the
part of a real ''bad man." The scene In
the second act, where he Is captured by
the hero after a hard fight on the cabin
floor, was tense. In short, the whole cast
of ten performed without a flaw and the
udience, which wasn't as large as It
might have been, expressed Its pleasure
In liberal applause and laughter at the
many clever lines.
In the end, of comae, the hero won not
only the bet. but the fair Doll for his
bride. And as he was "one of the richest
young men In New York" and a thorough
gentlemen besides. It is safe to assume
that they lived happily ever after.
Noon-Day Club in
Annual Reception
The Noonday club of Omaha will give
Its regular annual reception and musicals
In honor of the women relatives and
friends of Its members at the Commercial
club on Tuesday evening. January 16. at
8 O'clock. The " Commercial club has
turned over Its entire quarters te the
club for this affair.
The Noonday club Is an organisation of
Omaha business and professional men of
Swedish lineage and has a membership
of about 150- Membership Is limited to
owners of businesses or men employed In
an executive capacity. Paul N. Wlemer
of Paxton A Gallagher is president
Swedish. Vice Consul P. A. Edquist Is
vice president; Dr. A. Johnson Is treas
urer, and Arthur L. Palmer la secretary,
The ebject is to promote good fellowship
and a closer acquaintance among Its
members. Meetings are held twice each
month at noon at the Commercial club.
Albln Bloom of the Alfred Bloom com
pany is chairman of the entertainment
committee, and has provided a musical
nrosram. as follows: Piano, Oorrinne
Paulson; soprano. Miss Hszel Sliver
tenor. Howard Steberg; violin. William
He&therlnaton. and the "Nooclu" orches
tra. A luncheon will be served.
The annual banquet of the club, which
Is a stag affair, will be held the first
week In March. Governor George A.
Carlson of Colorado will be present as
the chief speaker.
"Million Dollar
Dolls" Start Well
At the Gayety
The biggest Saturday night audience of
the season attended the first performance
of this week's show at the Gayety last
night and rave It an enthuslast'c recep
tion. The company has many clever enter
tainers and the ''Million Dollar Dolls'' are
a lively bunch. Two skillful comedians In
stead. of one are featured, so the crowd
has a superabundanoe of good laughs, as
wuii aa plenty of singing, dancing, bril
liantly costumed choruses and pleasing
women principals.
Leeter Allen, a recent convert from
vaudeville, makes a decided hit is an ec
centric and novel hobo ciiirscter part.
He ia an accomplished slnser and dancer
as well as being a regular scream with
the funny work, and his method of creat
ing laughs is all the more effective, be
cause It Is apparently so Impromptu and
spontaneous. Lew Hilton, an old favor- i
Ite la funnier than ever and scores many
evidences of popularity In his original
role of "Shlmky." He and Allen and Elsie
Meadowa offer a musical trio stunt that
gets a big "hand."
Miss Meadows also is pleasing in several
solos; Frances St. Clair wins generous
applause with her powerful, well trained
volco and Adele Ranney is a popular
soubret. Bob Ferns hss a commendable
blackface "nut" act in the olio, and
Grant Gibson and Miss Ranney also add
to the merit of that part of the program.
Savo, a Juggler, presents something dif
ferent in that line and plays an English
"dude'' part cleverly in the first act.
The Young Men's Democratic Club of
Nebraska Is the name of a new organ 1
satlon. It has twenty-five members and
It's object is to interest the young demo
crats in politics.
Officers were elected as follows: Presi
dent, Samuel Valentine; vice president,
Herman Marten; secretary. Joseph O.
Burger; treasurer, Bert Booth; sergeant-
at-arms, F. 8. Butcherd. Meetings will be
held weekly. The secretary's office Is at
917 City National bank building.
Martlno Ladomat has traomatlo lum
bago. He blamea the Missouri Pacific
railway for it, so has aued the receiver
of the road, B. F. Buah, for 13,000 dam
ages. He alleges he was knocked down
and run over by freight cars while work
ing on the track.
When a severe cold settles on the lungs
It Is called bronchitis. There Is dangur of
its leading to broncho pneumonia, and for
this reason It s always best to go te
bed and take Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy as directed until wall along towards
fecevery. Mrs. Charles E. Wootfard, Sandy
Creek. N. Y.. writes: Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy cured me of bronchitis
last fall. When I be .-an using It I was so
hoarse at times that it waa difficult for
me to speak above a whisper. I resorted
to the use of this valuable medicine and
found It very soothing and healing. Ia
a wwek's time I was well." Obtainable
everywhere- Advertisement.
IVhat Is Homo
Uiihsut cn lldrl
This it subject that has a place) la all
ninds to all times. And it naturally di
rects thought as to the
comfort of the soother
during that wonderful
period of expectancy.
Mothers who know rec
ommend "Moth e r ' S
Friend." It is an ex
ternal remedy for the
stretching muscles, en
ables them to expend
without undue strain,
assists the organs to
crowd against nerves,
to pull at llgamsnU
to thus amid Dai a.
Thus restful das are assured, peaceful
sights are experienced, morning sickness,
aeadachs. apprchensloa and other dis
tresses are among the various things wfaicb
Women, everywhere relate tbey entirety es
caped by using "Mother's Friend. And by
Its effect cpon the mascles the form Is rs
tained and they return to their natural,
smooth contour after baby is born.
Get a bottle Of this Invsluable aid to expeo.
fast mothers. Any druggist will supply you.
It is harmless but wonderfully efoctite.
Write to Bradoeld F-egulator Co 41 La
mar Bklg Atlanta. Gs-. for a specially write
ten guide book for women interested la the
subvert of maternity. It will prove aa inapt
ratio a. It contains Infonaation that every
woman should know all about. Write today.
Aims weirs fo OMlbtes
WE roccntly announced tho saloof tho now Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th edition (guaranteed, authorized
and complote), in a compact and convenient "HANDY VOLUME" form, at one-third the price of tho
Cambridge Univorsity issuotho only other issue of this great llbrary-nThe entire Encyclopedia
Erltannlca shippod under our sweeping guarantee for tho first payment of only $1.00 down.
Wo have received hundreds of letters from people who ennnot bolievo what wo said about this bar
gain in our announcement. We want to answer everyone who has any doubts.
Hero are somo of tho questions wo havo received and our answers to them.
(i) "la It the genuine Britannic that you are sell,
bf at a reduotioa of 6i and on a first payment of
00I7 11.00 1"
(b) "Do you really mean that yon are selling: an
Issue of the Britannica for 64 teas than the Cain
bridge issue and that it ia a well-made book! I
don't aee how you can do it!"
(o) "Do I correctly understand your adTertisemont
of the 'Handy Volume' issue of the 11th Edition
Britannica to mean that this issue contains abso
lutely allot the contents of the Cambridge Univer
sity issue, word for word the same? That seems too
good to be true."
(a) Ve guarantee that tha '
Encyclopaedia Britannic, "i
(A) "1 cannot believe that the type is legible. If
you have reduced the price and the size, isn't the
type in the 'Handy Volume' Britannica so fine that
one cannot read itf"
(e) "I want the Britannica and. always hsTe
wsnted it, but I never could afford it Now the
price you are offering it at is so low that I am afraid
the print, paper, binding and get-up don't suit the
scholarship and reputation of the splendid encyclo
paedia I've always longed for."
(f),' "You guarantee that the contents are the .ime
In the 'Handy Volume' issue as in the Cambridge
iBSue that costs three times as much. Does this
mean text only hav you left out the hundreds of
beautifully colored maps and color plates T"
(g) "Is there any time limit on this offer T In
other words, could I get this set in a year or two, at
the same price and on the same terras as now"
(h) "What will you do if I order and don't like the
books and send them back and they come to you in
bad condition? Won't I have to pay for them!"
.ndy Volume'' iwue ia the nt and moat reeent eJition of the
Britannica ia copyrighted in the United States and it is impossible
for anvone to sell or offer for sale anything taUd the Encyclopaedia Britannica unless it the
geuuine work. The "Handy Volume" isaue is manufactured by the same printers and binders as
the more expensive book, for the Encyclopaedia Britannia Corporation, the American publishers
of the "Haudy Volume" issue and the Cambridge University issue.
0) yoefwe can do it is a long story. Much too long and full of minute detail to tell in this
place. It was the result of a long series of experiments here one saving, there another, both small,
then another a little bigger, then a dozen others each so small that by itself it hardly counted, but
the dozen together making an appreciable difference. U't didn't see ourselves Atm it could be
done. Bui we knon it hut been done. We can prove that'. If you like the reWyou need not
bother over the rr. ...
(o) Everything that is in the new Encyclopaedia Britannica issued by Cambridge Univeraity of
England is in the "Handy Volume" issue; every page, every article, every line of text, every pie
ture in black and whit? outline or half-tone; every illustration in juat the seme colors; every map
absolutely the asme contents. If we did not send out the ctmflttt Encyclopaedia Britannica is
would be as fraudulent as if we delivered only the New Testament after advertising the Bible I
(d) Professor Roscoe Pound of the Harvard Law School, a well-known authority on jurispru
dence and an eminent botanist, writes us as follows, after seeing and examining the "Handy Vol
ume" issues
GtmtUmtn; Ctmhriif i, Mstt., N9. 17, JfS.
Tht new form 0 thi tltvtntk tJititn 0 tki Entythftii Britmnnu it ntthtnf Ittt than err Zee.
To fut that great work $'m suek small empst and in t ustful a form it f itstlf a atkiewtmtnt; f V
to and $tt makt a par wkiek I ran trriy it ma mart trying to a fair 0 had tytt tkantkt ariginal tdi
lion, is a landmark ia hoohmahtng. You art daing a puhlit ttrvitt in putting tkttt inditptntablt L
umtt within tkt rtack af 1 vtrjont.
0urt Ptry truly,
kosoos ?puxn.
This is only one of many letters of the same tenor from people who purchased the bigher-prieed
issue and therefore know the Encyclopaedia Britannica, and who have examined the "Handy VoT
ume" issue.
(e) The following letter answers this better than we can. It was written by a professor of Eng
lish at Harvard who paid three times as much for his set of the Britannica as you will need to pay.
Harvard Univtrtity, Xt. 11, 191S.
At a tubterihtr to tkt original tditian of tkt Encytloptdia Brittnntta, I kavt httn turtaut to It
how th proHtm would ht it ivtd of making tk work mtr compact and tktaptr witkout rendering it Wig
ibl. An examination of tht new istue proves that tht solution kai teen found. The te, though smoVer,
is no lets dear than before, tht illuttrqtions and mnfs art in no niyr impaired, 1'e atpearantt tht foumet
are just a ot'r letiv, and the reduction in titt mtktt th infinitetv easier to handle. htvt , mm no
achievement in tk art of hookmaking mort surprising.
Yturt vtry truly, '
. -a.' w&'2JS:-l.'VW'4 W. JL NKLBON
t ?
' (f) The maps snd color plates are all there snd all In' the aame colors. Not one of them is laft
out. Moat of them are from new color blocks, so that the colors are brighter, dearer, better and
more accurate than the laat printings of the color plates in the big books. Color-printing and all
other details of manufacture are supervised by the publishers and are done for them, not for us,
under the same strict rules of "the best, no matter what the coat," that governed the manufacture
of the Cambridge issue.
(g) We advise you to order now. Orders esn be filled promptly from stock now on hand. But
there will be a long waiting list when the first supply of sets is exhausted : the second supply will
eome in slowly, because the manufacture of these fine books cannot be rushed. The offer La lim
ited. We can't say when it will be withdrawn. But you can be sure that yon cannot "get this mnt
in a year or two at the same price and on the same terms as now."
(h) , We take all the risk. We expect yon to be satiafied. We know the quality of the work that
is in the "Handy Volumes," and we know how useful and valuable the Encyclopaedia Britannica
is. We want you to teat the act. If you are not satisfied, we want the books pack and we will
return you money. If the books come back showing no signs of use, we should not feel sure that
you had given them a fair teat Under no circumstances will you be asked to pay for any damage.
(Note : We pay all shipping charges on any set returned because it is not satisfactory 00 matter
(i) The "Handy Volumes" are well made and well bound. What we say of them is simple faot and
not "brag." They are made from the same grade of raw materials, paper, cloth and leather, as
are used for the more expensive Cambridge issue. The two issues are manufactured by tha tame
paper makers, leather manufacturers, printers and binders. The saving in price does not hmkj
from any skimping in quality of materials or of manufacture. There is no skimping.
(k) We will send you s booklet with reproductions in color of the different bindings and "jfo
pages; or a sample volume in any binding yon like; or both.
(1), "Are the 'Handy Volumes' well bound and
solidly made T I have often been disappointed in the
Suallty of materials and the workmanship of books
lat I've bought from glowing descriptions in circu
lars and advertisements."
(k) "I dont like to doubt whst you ssy in your
advertisements. I have had dealings with you and
know other people who have bought from you. I
have always been satisfied and I have never heard
of anybody who thought you treated them unfair,
but I want to be sure before I order. How can I aee
for myself the printing, paper and bindings of the
'Handy Volumes V"
san( kack of everything we say in this and all other advertisements of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. We have a repnta
tion for honest and fair dealing, for understatement instead of any "advertiser's exaggeration or bluster" a reputation
we have worked hard to earn and that we can modestly say we really deserve-
We know that no one advertisement and no number of advertisements can tell all we know and want vou to know about the
"Handy Volume" issue. Remember that we stand back of what we say in these advertisements, and besides
We stand back of the whole "Handy Volume" issue. We know that all the details of manufacture, of price, of terms, etc., In
this offer are all right. You need have no doubt about them- ...
Seeing Its Believing
See actual sets in, the different styles of bindings; examine print, pictures
and paper; leave your order for a set at
PeaaaLsafjZrr"i''' ' "3'' -"--ia,' - i bs.m i iaalMSiaasaer
1 6th St., S. W. cor. Douglas
Or you need pay only $1.0(f down to secure the shipment of a complete set. Look it
your own eyes, your own judgment decide if the set is what we claim and what you
want- You can send it back any time within three weeks if you're not satisfied for any
reason; and we will refund you all you have paid not only the dollar you send for first
payment, but all you spend for shipping charges.
If you want samples of type and illustrations, ask for our booklet of information.
If you want to know about bindings color, material, cost ask for this same book
let. It has colored reproductions of the ditferent covers, and lists, prices and terms for
sets in the different bindings.
Sears, Roebuck and Co.
over in your home at your leisure. Let
Chicago. Date.
Bend me, free and without putting ne ander
say obllg atloae,
1. Tour booklet of Information ahowlaf the
samples of type and Illustrations aad Ve
turea of bindings of the "Handy Voioae"
Issue of the Britannica.
I. Order form which I will sign ee receipt
Reserve one set tor me. ft enclosed aa fim