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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1916)
IF. 11KK: OMAHA, FRIDAY, .TANUAKV 21, 1010. FGR RENT-AP'TS AND FLATS! Snath. rr --ktck rvrri : -j i I iji rv r ji-i ani DoMroy Ave., 6 rootn nparlmont. Harney 1'iifl M larelln , WARM, COZT APARTMENT Fine spartm.-nt of four room and hath, nicely decorated; oak flnth. steam heat, lanltrr aarvh-e. Everything first-class. Hie It and you wll take it. PCOTT ft HILL CO. Douglas ISO. MONTH FREE KENT riiistMV APARTMENT. Lnnm a nil vth nsrt men! . brick.. mod. but heat, best neighborhood. 2.M and 116. Tall for appointment to aee DtTWcK. 013 OMAHA NAT. DO. real estate-wanted. ! GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET INTEl.l.lUKNT and pcrl-tent advertis ing will "'seir anr salable reel eatste, buy Un':n acaVd0,,rro7r,r'oi: Ca.h Wheat ia Steady at Unchanged Price, with Eeceipu Conwnu ing Heary. Reel Relate and Want-Ad Oulda to all or (It-enter Omaha T H E HF.K WANTF1I TO BUY. Oood house from owner foreman: give partlculsrs A!drrM E BIS, Pee. CM 0 P home from owner, for ea ah; give particulars. Address E 111, Baa. CASH DEMAKD FOR COEN GOOD FINANCIAL Real F-alate I.oaas, 68 er 4 aware-a. WK ara ready at all time, to OMAHA. January 20, 1- Cm.h wheat waa steady, selling at un changed prices. Wheat recelpte eontln uad heavy and there waa a moderate do- nn na for thla cereal. There waa a rood cash demand Tnr com No. S. SiV: No. I yrllow, TlifTIV- No. 3. IMULTRT Hens. He; turkeys. 17c; spring, 10. , KKW YORK (iKXKRAt M4RKRT Cjaetatloaa ( the Day Varleae Caatenedltlea. NF.W TORK. Jsn M-FI.OUR Steady. W II RAT Mot, trrcaular; No. 1 durum. $1,424; No. 1 northern. Duluth. 11.474, and No. 1 northern, Manitoba, llil, f. . b. New York. Futures were barely steady; May, II. 374. i dUN-pot, easy; No. I yellow, S6'.c, c. I. f. OATS Spot, firm; No. S white, 6MFvV. alaV a"V . . 1 - a . a.- I eWel. T. . V . m .i m tilt-i , V. i, f -n 1.' i at. OMAHA LIYE STOCK MARKET Cattle Receipt Heavy and Trade is Slow to Lower Sheep and Lambi Strong to Higher. HOGS VERY SLOW AND LOWER OMAHA. January . Receipts were: .wre.v:v.' ' "n.of ov,r!NEW .YORK STOCK MARKET Tl,,.,. maa a much better feellns' In te trade from the citset. Klrst rarker hlda of eteadv price were promptly refiiaed, and while as a aeieral thine (he trade MOVING AND STORAGE GLOBE VAN & STORAGE Ptorea. mavea, packs, ships, t-hors sn and 2 men. $1.4 per hour; atorane, tl rr month. Pntlsfsctlon uaranted. Foils 1 a s 4.W a nd Tyle r M. FIDKLITY Sfe rhona Dounlaa for completa list of vacant houses and apartments; also for ncraie. moving. 16th and JackaonBta. GORDON VAN CO. PaeWlng. atoraita and mov ln. 21 N. Hth St. TeU l)oulai t9 or Harney 1S37. mak loaai on flrat-claaa city property and aatra Nabraaka farms. Rata oa request. UNITED 8TATES TRUST CO IIS 8. lTth St. and the receipts were very s;ood. Tha v to rholrs. ac; raclflo coast. 1HS rop. lluita; 114 rri. 1K. iiiut.ts eteaay; Kofota, stu.uo; central corn market waa ra rana-ln from threa-quarters quarter Maher. . . T i j . , m .... . . ..t fall. w..V ."'"?.a. ' "Tl!" iw. ..lih. America. S'K- I"? :T''ZVJ.:r Z ruoVlclONS-rork. ste.dy; mess, 10) A k. li .tl.. i.t.."i .ML U(,,...B ..I... a- V aw, nit, muni , vv, ini'll . -r I as. . t - ii.ibi- iim v. iiq mi n ni i Jim. wna ; a... - i imuortant and the uim wr uini. mr- i, -.i ..-.a.. " IA lOT I0n On D CIM CIIJ I lv m.rl.a4. waai-a mint.! ait DrftO- -T"an'e vvwuw.w. un: Baiaa I . . tirftuy unctiiinM5 prices. .-I - . vaW.a aaaw 1rt1 v w4avraiiit:B wtsivt. i uvai tii'i ..- i- .-..a,.... a enn.l r. 1 ?(.. hn.hela: .-orn. 1.000 hush- I i AWA'-nrmi cny, ec. roumrjr, ----- , . " ' - I 4TI si nun I u I lay. els ; oats. ,0Ctt bushels. ... w 11! TVi.i T-TrVr air? ..h. "" I.1""'' "iiw. oj , ju. rreamerv resiliences In amounts U.000 un: also i farm loans. Reasonable commissions. PETERS TRUST CO., 1C1 Farnam Bt. OMAHA homaa. Kst Nenraaka farms. O-KEtiFK REAL. EST AT K CO.. IC1B Omaha National. Phone Poutlas TTH. I corn. Sd higher. IKO TO JIO.OOO made promptl waad, waad mas.. itn a r 1.KATH Kit Firm; hemlock firsts. 85 JfTTk "l-?im7rV whekt receipt, were 1.J77.0W hlpher -rt SOrsts. tiXX. araara "ta. hu. and shipments Ui.oo bu.. asalnst '"JL1 ,, t uk rases; Wc. milk. la-tTlHVaiC same. Official Mond.iv ... Official Tuesday.... Official Wednesday. Bstlmata Thursday., Four davs this weok.W.KM ;,IT . Mne day's last week. .24 KM 4,1 .4"i Puma days S w'ks sKn.l.T.Wft To.VM 41. MJ Rama davs S w'ks M Ml Jl.4!4 Same dava i w ka ..n IMtl TO t-'4 M.1'! Same days last year.... IS,7s fl.V The follow tna table shows ths receipt Of cattle, hos and sheep at the Omaha Live Block market for the year to aaie aa compared with last year; !yiv CM. in'-, itv, sttle it:. ftT.hH S.iwi Hons am, iM.uM Sheen Mti.HHo 14H.SM The follnwlna tahla shows the average rrlcea of hoss at the Omaha Mva slock market ror the last few days, wnn com was slow In Martina- early sale of lama and ewes looked siron to aa much aa ihUv above Wednesday. it was pretty well alont In the fore noon when the hulk han in move, hut ..11. r. nre nlavlna for ever- reniiv of strenBth the market offered, and In the end most of the lamha sold at prices that were fullv lo to aa much aa a quarter ' hl.h.. . V. . h wl.rBH ftlllliM lllfhta c?rr- Hrf7. 8 reached llrt.m. a dime hlirher than the ., H.' It,- 11.KS3 ";;'J best previous price this sesson, and the l hA .'J. I bulk of rood lamha sold at lo.l lon. i'e .! thiol A-' only "',pa, W IJ.W0 2"p,. and altliounh. aa In the cao of -ON K V on hand for cltv and H W. Binder, City National Bank jBI. j, . K n.; I IT Y rtrnnart. Iraa nana a. rtcialt kf. I . i 1. 1 . .vi.Aa w.. u 1 V4rftKt f H flv V. 1 ( "C W. -fhoniaa Ti StaTi Bank T Rids. "'"V'". -1 1-oi l.TKY-Oressod. Btron.; fresh tV an; r...; i w .aa1,; .'fflr " chick.n.. m; fowl-, miscj j. w. uumon Fireproof war-;hou8b Bepar-te, locked rooms, for house hold aood and pianos; moving, packlnl onMAHAPVAN AND STORAGE CO aoe B lth Ht. DuUBlaa tlfil ri VyT?TP T . Kxp. Co.. moving O. V. i.'-i-iJ-'A packing and storage. Spugla aT4. . 1MT Farnam St. packing, atorajre and ahlppiag. D. u:. FOR RENT-BUSINESS PROPTV Btorea. WlLiLf remodel apace. 60 by 0. for lodge hall, 8d floor of Crounse Ulock, lit N. 16th St., to suit tenant. CONRAD YOT'NO. K3 Brandela Thca. I'oug. 1671.. bMALL. stora room; very desirable; rent, ISO; 1530 Cass tit. CONRAD YmjUO. SI'S Rrnndels Thester. PoukIsb lwl. TWO wlioli-nale buildings, ope Willi ' trschsae. F. D. WE AD, 310 S. ISth St., Wesd Rldg. tie CITT LOA V 14 I- A - 1 1 el u U i ,A r . aTat teani Prim,rv o.t, r.inli wsrs TOW) ku turkeya. n7. Uv, weak; western ' il'LL .P ?.tK'..1JVT? V: chickens. lHc; fowls, lc; turkeys. 1S(i;X)c, lels Theater Bld'g. ZK f.-TT2.U- "d h,-,mnl" of M3- ' OMAHA OBNBItAI, MAR KIT 6 MONEY"." HARRISON at MORTON. atocka aad Bonds. -,..u -irt- s Chicago 1 cent per share; advertised piioa to r''71n,"anou" non-stocWholders, cents; 15,000 Bhares, :" T 1 rnnVilln T.-,1 ff.rtnn K ail. I ' (XM bu. last year. CAROT RIOCKtPTS. Wheat. Corn. Oats Abstracts ot Title. Kansas City IM. JiOUlS WH&N buying real estate have u com pile your abstract. Guarantee Abstract Co.. Rm. 7. Patterson Hlk. P. r47. Winnipeg RI ...t9 ...114 ... V4 ... n ... 70 ...u 1M 104 10 These sales were reported today: BBEF CtTTS-Rlba: No. 1, UHc; No. t, iai.. XT. T .1 . . . vi. I arux.. I , 'w .ii. . .ii'iiia, ..... vw. 1 No. , lHc; No. , 14c Chucks; No. 1, to; I Mo. I, ic; ino. a. sc, uuunnai ro. t. I ltlCl iO. a. a. iio. i laiM 1" No. i. tVo: No. 1 SHc; No. t. 7o. 1 KHITIS-Oran-ea: i'sllfornta Hunklat. 27. 1 navels, 4s, IH box; California Hunklst navels, wis, 1LK pox: California Nun Kiel navels, ass, l'"s. box; l alitomta nun- Wheat: No 1 hard winter. 1 eara It. 17: I klst nsvels. His. 13.76 box: California t)un ttttVtTh - . '7 Iihal cr"' ' 1SH: 11 c". : fl-i kl"t navels. KM, fJ OObox; Cllfomla riun- lJlRrlt,) auarantee and Abstract , 1.14; l-S car, $1 IS. No. 4 hard klat navels, ldoe. Ss. I4, 3.60 box; Call- rV " S:o---,mdV",lbltrct f"0' winter, l car. 14; 1 car. 11.18; cara. fornla Punklst navels, 1.6a. $S,T5 box; OT i 6. 17th St. Tel. D. 6487. $1.12; 1 car, $1.1H; 8 cars. 11.11; ears, California Bunklsl navels, JOOs, 21Hb, -i0s. Ki.bu AtlSlUACT tTJ, oiiiem avsiiaw, si.iu. Hample, l car, gl.os; 2 cars. !.; i n offloe In Nebraska. 4 Brands- Thea, I car, $1.04; 1 ear, 1.01; 1 car, $1,004; 2-3 I FARM LAND FOR RENT MODERN etora near postoffloe; low renu O. P. Btebblna. 1610 Chicago. J WANTED TO RENT Infqrnlshed llonara and Flats. WHY not rent that vacant property? We have doaens of calls to your one. Tele phone us a listing NOW. - TtiUH. . MUAKHl, n im a.uo. Ked 4-44., (10 box. lmons: Golden Bowl, SOOs, 00 box: Sliver rd. . 3tw. U.tO box -I car. Bio; I cara. Me. No. mixed, 1 car. Or-pefrult: ia. 4a, Us. I-H.75 box: Ms. sa, St.ia; i-9 car, ll.ia. jjo. t muted. I csr, I .t" pox- extra tancy, an sues, i m nox. 11.13; 1 car, 11.12. No. 1 durum, 1 car, (l l. (trapes: Msiagas. (i.bO'ria.txj phi, riananaa ro. I durum. 1 car. II 1R. No. S durum, I Medium aise ouncnes. st.i"tri.T cuncn para SI IK. 1 . . tl it K.' . a lWa4 aiirnnt maitliim ajae liimhnafl S3 0iVtf4 Ml hllnnh: MY FARM for rent from March 1. next, i r,'r. Itv't: No. .' 1 1-6 cars. Mc: reKtilar also iumhoes. 2SW2!7i hunch; j acres, soumwesi comer inruiiiiunn-M car, 2Vc. No. 4, 1 car, lie. Barley: ISO. extra large J urn noes, la.v ii.ib puncn; anip. J. ti. F. Jvruse, u. r. v. . vouu-w, i PaPi RaHc Sample, 1 csr, 61o. Corn: mammoth Jumboes. ;i.6(M;3.76 bunch ell Bluffs. Ia, I No. 1 white. 1 oar. to. No. 4 white. Cranherrlea: l.00 per bbl. and un. Dates Tut' tnr van. ..iv.rii.Amnnti anoeartna I cars. 67c: I cara. ttAUr.. No. I white. In trie Tnr Rent column or '1 ne DO, I cum. iww s cars. n.v- ino. a wnito. 1 oar. I eiui icn. w ainuia. mi.iwt dpi. rise, if-w datlv Aannnt ba beat for varlstv that 1 6:1c. No. 4 vellow. I cara. 67c. No. I yel-1 10-12 ox.. Mc box. Nuts: No. 1 peanuts. will please and fill tne neeas oi any I row, l car, iwc; 3 cars, tAO. ISO. yeuow, i raw, w id., do. i peanma, roaaiea. q one desiring to renu t'bone lyier iw 1 1 car. t.v,o; i car. w; l car tpoon, w"c. i io.; peanuia. juinno, in.; imn, HORSESLIVESTOCK-YEHICLES No. I mixed, 1 car. 6Mie. No. 4 mixed, 4 Jumbo, roasted. fVto lb.; English wal cars, 7c; cars. Wo; 1 csr, Ao. No. 6 1 nuts, No. l, llc lb.; tcngiish i , . . a , . I T . . . f. I ,' .w. allk.l. Ik mixea, l car, twc; t cars, wc ; i ear, wc. i i i. , ih.iwivi., iu m. , iann. No. 6 mixed, 1 car, 6fic; 1 car (wheat 1240 lb.; pecans, Jumbos, 174o. id.; Bra alnuts, Pecans, REAL ESTATE-IMPROVED 24TU SlUtrlET, CORNER DEAVEY Chok-eFlats bring JM . monthly. Will more than carry the property at per cent until 114th street doubles in value, i If Interested In somuthing clKiice, you should see me quick. C. G. CARLBERG, ' 31! ttrandeio Theater Bldg. iODF.RN HOUSE 7 roomsi basement, closets, panfy and' bathroom; half acre act to fruit; hot and cold water a.l over the house. Phone Benson S20W. . ror Bale. BARGAIN for cash; settling up my es- Daclaration of Bethlehem Steel Common Dividend Only Inter 1 citing Development. ANNOUNCXMUTT IS SURPRISE Dste. I lftttt. uii;..ni4. ri3.iia. iiu. tmo 7l" wil Ul ooT foi I II I Tnf I t 111 I 101 T 7 J 11 tb ! in!!! !R T S l Jan. a. Jan. .. 14 Jnn. I.. I 7.4 Jan. .. I4 Jan. .. Jan. 10. KIT Jan. II. T4 Jan. li. t Jan. II. Jan. 14. T 04 Jan. IS. 0.4 Jan. 17 I M Jan. IX. 7 14V Jan. 1 T 17 V. Jan. is), 7V, lambs, trading stsrted late, everything here waa needed, and values scored a run nuarter advance. In fact, some tradera thought the upturn waa tn greater than that. Ught Msxlcan eyea of a pretiy good sort sold as high as 17 a new season's hlvh msrk, and several loads l moved at f; Weight wre. on the whole, somewhat lighter tnan com mon of late, but aa a general ining, packers considered todsy's supply of lit tle or no better quality than tne stuff that has been selling at J aAfr7.oo all w eek livelier lambs were a minus qusntlty again today. A few thin ewes of a com mon sort ere bought at 12. Quotations on sheep and lambs: 1 mbs, lo choice. S0.tU.4f tO.So; Ismhs, fslr to good, 110 40(110.6..; lambs, clipped, 9 vj 60; yearllnas. good to choice light. IS. Oft I 67 67 6 74 7 I 1 .l I l I Mi T l i ml 7 os 1 I 11 I 07 7 1. 7 2s I t u nil t IS I 42 6 I' T t i 01 7 76 I 44 .i 7 6l I J-' H 7 ' l NEW YORK. Jan. Sft Almost tha only Interesting development in today's market w as the declaration of -an Initial dividend of l on Bethlehem Steel common "out of earnlnss for ISIIS." The announcement w both a Burprlee snd a dlsspiwlntment It having been be lieved in some Quarters that no such action would be taken now, while In others It waa though the amount of the disbursement wss ton small Considering the reported large earnings at the com pany. . I rlcr to the publishing of the Rethlehem dividend, the market waa dull and Ir regular, which wss maintained en a broader seals In the close, with severe recessions, particularly In war Issues. Bethlehem pursued an erratic course o" very light dealings. It fell 14 point to 471 In the forenoon, but recovered to 4s before the dividend was annonnced, later yielding to 4H and closing at 479, a net loss of I points. ' 1'nlted Hates Steel, whose dividend statua 's likely to lie established nevt week, became heavy In the afternoon rtecllnlna to a"1V an over nlaht loaa of vj 40; yearlltws, fair to choice heavy, j, w ith no recovery. Automobile ahare M nj' 7,'i. wethers, fair to choice, 17 were weak throughout, Oenernl Motors 7 SKI- ewes, good to choice, I 00l7.V.; ewes, falling II to 476. Willys Ovsrland 14 to Sunday. RKCK1PT8 CARS. Receipts and dixivsilbm of live atoog t the Union Stock yards, Omaha, for twsnty-four hour ending al I p. m. ye- trUay: .... .... came, nogs, ciueei. n C. M. A 8t. P 7 17 Wabaah 1 Missouri IXlflc 3 S Union Pacific ' C. A N. W.. east... T2 16 C. A N. W.. west... 7 t- c, nt. p., m. o.. a t ., n. sx W . es u.... n - C., B. e. Q . west... t.4 C, R. 1. P.. east. 14 is C, R. 1. A P.. west... 4 Illinois Central 3 Total reclp.s....!44 S I D18POSITIUN HKAD. fair to good, 6.:5h7.0O. HepremMitalive sales: No. v 74 South Dakota wethers HI fed ewea ;nj fed Ismbs l ino Houth l'Hkota lambs.. (. fad lamha 217 Mouth Dakota yearlings !W fad lamha KW fed lambs tint 63 74 60 !1 69 62 1164. and Htudsbaker, J4 to 1 .',. The mora diatiiicllva war lasues fell 1 to Pr. lalmnal 1 nolnta and alia 3 to 10. Ten as 7 76 I ramrai, waa araln sublect to steady w 'liquidation. Isa material loases were ra in i covered by a acore of unclassified Blocks. 10 00 on 10 t 10 66 CHICAGO 1.1 VB STOCK MARKRT 16 i 1 12 1 Cattle Weak Hogs Weak Abeea Stroag. CHlCAtlO, .Tan. 20 CATTLK TVe celpis, K.oiio head: msrket weak; native href steers. I'l.4("li.76; western steers. it .hixij-s.-t, : cows and heifers, i.l.2ia.i, i-Blves, 7.7Mrll.W. I HOUS Receipts. 7S.0O0 head: market. i weak ,moetlv iU"''C lower; bulk of snles, : J..tiT.ti; light. ;.6(r7.a;.; mixed, 7.46; heavv. t"l.w7.7'i; rough, 3.(tfi.l0; .. pls, l'i fmrg 60. ..I HH1:kI AND LAMBH-Recelpts, 17,frt .. I head, nisrkot atrona; wethers. ti.i.3; ..iewes, o.iiOtl8.IO; Inmhs. M.7i((? U.IS. -I Kanaaa f Ity l-lve atKk Market. M KAN8AS CITY. Jan. 20. -CATTLE Re. elpts, S..v head; market stcsdy to li j .. . . , . a . a.n... a I -1 1 - 1nrt Ik,1 nut. 1 t. II. iiixeu, ivitSCi rar, doc; I car, j-Ti., u I ..... ........ para '.V- a car. 1 Hamnle. 1 car VEXJ KTARI.KS Potstoes: While stock iwheat mi,Hi a..- i ion uw- i rara. 111. 20 bu.: western Nebraska. 11.10 bu, 6r: 1 car nr-' 1 .ir. 64c- i cara. 60c: 1 Sweet potatoes: ISM bbl.: Jersey, hamp- tate; a apan of 2.700 Iba., a-year-oid car, 47c; 1 csr, 40c. Oats: Standard, 1 ers, H.75 hamper; southern, hampers, 1.W mules; a span of 1,100 lbs, 4-ysar-old car, 4c. No. I white, I cars, 47c; 7 csrs, hamper. Onions: Red. lo In.; yellow, 14c muies; also 2,700 Iba apan of Percheron 474c. No. 4 white, 1 car, 47ic: S rara, 47c; lb. ; Spanish, 11. 65 crala. Cucumbers: 12.01 marea in foal bv Bl Jumbo Jack. Call 1 ca jau. &. i r. uu.. 1 cara dns. Cauliflower: IS 00 crate. Cabbage: at barn In rear of 124 8. 24th St. 1 44c. ' 1 14" lb. I-attuee: Head, 11.00 doa ; leaf. 40o ThVrTrfwTTmiia .n... i- ..i.. nha. Omaha Cash Prices-Wheat : No. 2 dos. Celery: Jnmho,0o oa. Parsley: 0c Johnson -Danfonh c" lbth and" UlaTk hrd, 1.1T1.1: No. I hard. , KR5.:lr"i JfH, JilSL 1IAY-I7.W ton, A. W. NVaguer. 8U1 N. 16. C2:. V- 5T s U..-.'..-. dos Old hceis. carrotirTurnln. ruta- POULTRY AND PET STOCK HOU AND CHICKEN JIA1SK-KS, ' ' ATTKNTION. Cracker and cake factory aweeplnga on aale at L,oose-Wilts Biscuit, Co., 12th and Davenport.' ' o Rxi grain, iuo lbs, H.7i- Wagner. Ml N.U North. tTINTKJt SPEClXL, classic new bunga low of 6 rooms, on first floor) 3 nnfinlshed on d floor; oak finish: beam celling and. many other apodal features; living room, lixll feot, dandy east froit lot, paved Bt. 1 block to tar, located in Boulevard Park, addition; have, no prtue; want an, .offer, eaay iciriiS. RASP BROS. Douglas 1653. Boatai. - NEAR FIELD CLUB 6-rooms, all modern, paved street, beautiful lawn, good location, close to school, close to car line, nulendid neigh I . t iirho6d, price only aViOor located on j-. iSih Ave., .Just north of Field club. v C. G. CARLDERG," - - an Brandela Theater Bldg. FARM AMD RANCH LANDS ti idosM ia a J . . . ti imi i".- .samitiA I hainp". lb IOoWioV.' Cor;: .No '"a whl u. "'aSwi!r: MISCKU.ANKOtT No. 6T.4c : !ut4c; 634c 6tirp7c ml i - . 47te. No 4 white. 4U(6r47Ue. Harlnv: I "orrsrauisn . . Malting. IMiTlc: No. 1 feed. 67664c. Rye: No. 2. ffWtMc; No. 3. 2Ac. Chicago rinsing prices, furnished The Cider: Nehawka, .1.76 Hlsnnols Usa. FlUUHW won't He; neither will 1. u acres, Pipestone Co., Minn., ttf.&uo; 17,600 cssh, 116,000 nine years at 6 per cent; balance to suit. M. la. Baldwin, ouu&r. is. Mlsalaalppl 1 imda." 1150 CASH, balance 110 per month, will purchase a ' fi-aci e pecan orchard that will pay you 11,'iuo yearly after maturity of orchard, 4 per cent aurtng payment period. W. T. Smith Co., t ity National bank building. Douglas 2619. a arh 1. CC.ift KTo Na R aahlte SaWkiai.AI rilUI-y; I niu 1 a . . n'lir,, a No. 6 white. 6fi3c: No. S yellow, case; Airline, ;i bix-os luninicrs No. 4 yellow. 6641W"c; No. 6 esse, ropcorn : !o . nee, a iu, i 1-10. IW, 6&4trS4C; NO. 8 yellOW, SJ pm ". mu,. i(Ja9 .ir rXVZ'. : No. I mixed. sfWV4o: No. 4 pilxed, owing, to quality, V.flHo ib. rnnnpa; ; No. 6 mixed. 64i4c: No. '""'"Lr.T.u "Zrir.d xed, Cirqtwtc; sample mixed, Kftsue. " v ' "l i"7" J .. . .. .. ai I I . , ...I. O. cua rRflPK. ' in nnnri, nranuii. ai. tail. g. I.onls lirata Maraiet. ST. IX1LMS. Jan. 12-WHT0AT-Hirher; Bee by Logan A Bryan, stock and grain track No. J, red, n.S3iff1.S64; Nq. 2 hard, brokers, 116 South Sixteenth. Omaha: REAL ESTATE UNIMPROVED North. PUT lo TO 116 per month of your spare money In M1NNB L-UBA lots. KKAL KHTATB Is the FOUNDATION of all wealth. U cunt get away from you, and If you buy in a well located new addi tion,' you will not csly save but MAK1J money. CHARLES W. MARTIN & CO., OWNERS. o 91 lac e I la a eo aa. IKAL ESTATE, Fire and General Insur ance. Art Thatcher. 1217-16 City Na tional Bank Bldg. Douglas IMH. RICH alfalta corn land, acre, U cash. naiance years. Buy Home, be Inde pundeut. U. P. Stcbbtns, 1610 Chicago. Mlsaonrt Ii da. . CENTRAL MISSOlJRl FARM BARGAINS 123 miles southeast Kansas City; blue grass, alfalfa, corn land; rhanoe to buy right. 40 acrce. partly Improved, Woo. Nice 80 acres, some rich alfalfa land, It.OUO. Fine lUO-acre stock farm. 60 sec ond bottom; buildings; - price, 130 per . acre; beet water. 400 acres, 4 prairie, bal. timber; fenced, running water, fine pasture; 4,200; snap. 2,100 acres, Tanoy Co., Mo.; all fenced, fine water and grass; price, 16 per acre. Uet in line ou these good farm bargains. List free. Township map Missouri, 16 cents, postpaid. I.ou. "The Land Man," Bal timore. Kansas City, Mo. Artlclel Open. High. I Wheat T May. 1 2w t 1W4 S2V 1 214 Corn May.f7ta.4J4 - -Mi, July. 79477 Wt'4 Oats I May-RSiff!1, 536, July.Hirl.fH 604 Pork Jan.. 19 674 It 80 May. 20 00-06 20 10 Lard Jan.. 10 674 10 674 May. 10 674 10 K74 July. 11 024 U 024 Rib Jan.. 10 4S-67 10 86-67 May. 11 07-07 11 074 July. 11 10-16 11 16 nninlnot "-" , - . 4 AIIIID CORN-irfwer; tracg ino. 3. 744c; ino. i Jmil,sn j. lAingren. Morris A Co. Swift and company.... Cudahy Packing Co.... Armour A Co Hchwarts A Co J. W. Murphy Morrell Lincoln Packing Co.... o. Omaha Pack. Co... W. B. Van Bant Co.... Benton, Van S. & L.... Hill ." Son F. B. 1cwls Huston & Co J. B. Root A Co J. 11. Bulla 1 1.. F. Hilar. : KoHcnstock Bros F. H. Kellogg Werthelmer Degen. H F. Hamilton Sullivan Bros Rothschild A Krebs... Mo. A Kan. Calf Co... Christie HlsKina Huffman Roth Meyers (lis ""berg Banner Bros John Harvey.... .aw... Dennis A Francis Kline Cattle. Hog-. Sheen lower; prime fed steers. .60i.2a; dressed 4.V. .1.21 . 762 .1.1:6 2.i2 4,M." 6.444 61M 1,071 l.6H 1 1 224 76' 7l 624 496, IS 60 19 74 18 46 10 70 10 674, 10 80 10 96 11 W Close. Yes y. white 74Ue OATH Steady: track No. 2. 4640'"'0c; 1 29V 1 D04 No. 2 white, nominal, 1 2241.! 3V7 7S'4 78W 4 II 60 19 97 4 18 46 10 70 10sT4 14 80 10 96 11 UU. ,794'C 534 60',, 19 70 20 2:4 Liverpool Orala Market. LIVF;RPOOU Jan. 20. WHEAT-Spot. No. 1 Manitoba, 14s U4d; No. 2, 1.1a 114d; No. S. 13s 84d; No. I hard wJntar, new, 13 Id . . , CORN Spot, Ameilcan mixed, new, 10s Hkl. Minneapolis Gratia Market. ..a. .n nA 11- III.- a a in an XT MINNKAliiin. Jan. 0'. JW May. I1.284'l..: July. I1.26W1.27; r&f1l, Ji II. I1UIU, 4y..rB1 a iiwuitvi u 1.2TJl.MH: II 22 I 40 24 II 10 9 274 s5 90s i 246 61 ' 66 6 111 4S 14 8 1 2 8 I 117 I 112 48 , KM ..8,014 28,171 6,111 Vo M'eef steera. I6.7MW.40; western steer. f") . " I f.4.4n; southern steers, n.00fi7.i6; cows -i M heifers. s.oon rm; smokers snd feeders, trt.OOKH.W; hulls, Vi 60irl.W; calves. IK MIS-Receipts, 14,000 hesd; msrket. 10 f2oc lower; bulk of sales, 17 0(7,36; hcavy a 124 10 76-77 11 124 11 30 200 CHOICE! farma for sale; 148 acres choice land estate. LA hlghiy Improved; 60 acres of choice land at u per aero; to seiuc, Croft. Richards. Mo. la ACRE, good heuae, part modern, II fruit trees. Phone Colfax 10C.2. IMPROVED' upland farma, 10 acre; Corn. airaiia. nogs, eccunins. isiu cnicago. Nebraska Lands. REALJESJATE INVESTMENTS LTfTLtl APAlirTMENt-HOUSE CLOSE IN . : Biq MONEY MAKER , We are offering and anxious to show you this apartment house, which haa lour nicely arranged four-room apart ments, complete in every way. The building ia nearly new, with the best of construction, ar it was built and la now owned by one of the most reliable con-1 tractors In the city. Call Douglas 4i'4 and we will to glad to abow you this hi any time. HIATT-FAIRFIELD CO., . :30 Omaha Nat. Bank Bldg. Doug. 496. FINE Bix-euartment terrace, better renter than the average apartment house; 6 big rooms, oak finish, strictly modern and up-to-date, bring in I2,fia4 per year;- up-keep very light. Price J-,6w. it Is a BARGAIN; well located. D. V. SIIOLES CO., 915-18 City Nat. Bk. Bldg. Doug. 49. BUSINESS PROPERTY ' ' INVESTMENT ! .". ."') C2x133 feet, with one-story brick luildiug. No. 1218 Harney St. GEORGE & CO., Tel. D 7Wt 90? City Nat. Bank Bldg. FINK. HALF SECTION CENTRAL, NEBRASKA. Well improved farm of 320 acre near Kearney; one-nair in cultivation, bal ance fine hay and pasture; R. F. I). and telephone; 10 per acre; owner will exchange lor su or 120 in eastern Ne- hraska or western lowa. PAYNK INVESTMENT COMPANY. Doug. 1781. 6th Floor Omaha Nat Bk.- W1LL sacrifice on southeast Neb. im proved 160 acres, convenient to good town; must ecll before March 1; no trade, write ior particulars, j Ml, uee, owner. SARPY COUNTY FARM. 80 acres, much less than value. CI. Ti. WALIaACK. 614 Keellne. Omaha a. REAL ESTATEEXCHANGES For Sale or Exchange . S room modern house and full lot. 4 I block from car line. Price 4,rl. Owner hill take I or 4 vacant lots within 4 mile of 36th and Hamilton Sta. as part . ii;ivmeiit and carry balance on the property. pTTMONT A CO 418-18 Keellne Bldg. Tel. P. 600. o FOR KXCHANOB IW acres in the best Irrigated country: 7-room concrete ' brick house, well finished, other build ings good: 86 acres alfalfa; owner ! wnnts well eqult-ped garage in central Neb. W. H Fmltn. nni'inu. v Ii WISHING to locate in Lincoln. Neb., to mv children. I want to trade my gulf coast. Texas, 60 for clear town IK.pcrty Box it., ctuan.r.eo. ... FOR EXCHANGE. ' An 60-a.cre and 200-acre tract in Cen Hal Florida for good omana property, CHARLES E. ttll.UA"- , Tel Doubles 21"7. 67 Psxton Block REAL ESTATE-SUBURBAN Uaadee. i ri ..r w ........ 1...,,. .,.1 l..t .V'ir ill Durdee, lias removed from the cliv and -wools 4o sell Immediately, so muk price ;.... ask quicaiy. r D. Wead. 31U S. l"lh tit., Wead Bldg. W laeonalal La a da. UPPER WISCONSIN Best dalr and general crop state in tne union; settler wanted; lauds for sale at low prices oa easy terms. . Ask for booklet M 00 Wis consin central ianq uraut. Excellent lands for (took raising. If Interested la fruit lands ask for booklet on annla nr. charda. Addreaa Land and Industrial Dept.. boo una ttauway, Minneapolia, sstnn. New York Mtsif Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 20.-MERCANTILK PA PER 6W 34 per cent. STERLlNO fcXCHANOE-80-day bllla. 14 714; demand, 14.76; cables, 4.78Si. SILVEIV-Bar, WHc; Mexican dollar, Feat area of the Trading; aad (losing 43V . .,.. ., . -ttlV LJO Jtjverilliiwiifc. imu;, laiuvau, CHICAGO CHAIN AND PROVISIO atlsoellasieowa. HAVE TOU A FARM FOR SALE 7 Write a good description of your land and send It to the Sioux City Hi.) Jour nal, "Iowa'a Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Fri day evening, haturdsy morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday for one month, giving alxteen ads on twelve different days fur 12, or 60 words, K or 76 words, ta Largest circulation of any Iowa news paper; tnO.OUO reader dat.y la four great tatea ADVERTISE your property aa though f'ou believed lis aaie or rental 10 oe mportant. by keeping It Hated In the Big House. Home and Real ElUte Guide TH E "BEE. Prices on Board of Trade. CHICAOO. Jan. 20. Advancing ocean freliiht ratea that Put a stop to export demand resulted today In lower prices for wheat. The market closed heavy at 10 to lrl4o net decline, with May. 11.20-Vs and July, 1.224Tc1.22'4. Other leading staples too all showed a loss, corn 4tilc to I'hTjISc; oata, 4'8'Vic, and provisions, 1&TH74C 10 aXB2J4C. Wheat values dwindled rapidly after announcement that as much as 4KV,c a bushel had been exacted for vessel churges on shipments from Atlantic ports lo ureat Britain and Mo a bushel ty Mew Orleans. Previously, the wheat market appeared to be developing notable strength a a result of signs that export business for the day might reach a large total. The aggregate ot F.uropean pur chases, however, aa estimated after the close, did not exceed boo.ow busneis. Ores test weakness showed itself during the last half of the trading. This wss partly due to the fact that warmer weather promised to Increase receipts and also was Influenced by disappoint ment that some relief from the railroad congestion at New York had been more or lea offset by a fresh embargo at New port News. Corn and oata weakened with wheat. The embargo against corn shipments to a majority of eastern porta continues and the southwest Is sending corn here. Oats held up better uian otner grain The reason waa a good demand from the seaboard. Lower price on hog pulled down pro vlidons. Chlcae-o Caeh Prlcea Wheat: No. 1 red, nominal: No. I red, ll.tMfl.2Mi: No. 2 hard, nominal: No. I hard. I1.20l.a4 Corn: No. 2 yellow, nominal- No. 4 yel low, 73T74e; no. wnite, yz'wic. oais; No. S white, 6044j62c; standard, nominal. Rye: No. 1, 101. Barley: SHgam. needs: Timothy, lo.6'ti1.76; clover, 10 0jlW. Provisions: Pork, I18.50&19 60; lard. U0.2O 010 46: ribs, l10.2R4fl0.80. BUTTER Firm; ereamery. JS'"04. KJGS Inwr; reoeipta. 1,604 cases; firsts. &4c: ordlnsry firsts. &24c; at msrk. cases included. Mtjauo. POT A TO KM Hinher; receipts. 23 cstb; Michigan. Wisconsin. Minnesota and Da kota white, ftx-ftll.02, Minnesota and Da kota Ohlos. 909O6C. POULTRY Alive lower; fowls, He; prlng. 144c; turaey. isc Kansas City Grata aad PreTlalens. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 20.-WHEAT I'nchsnged; No. I hsrd. ll.iam.SJ; No. I, Il.l4-il.21; No. 2 red, tl.Uol-al; No. 1. II 14t'1 25. OATS Nominally unchanged: No. t white. WWilc: No. I mixed. 43tt46e. BUTTE R-rCreamery, 21c; flraU, 29c; seconds, 27e; packing, 19c. pivift Firsts, S:; seconds. Joe. CODN Unchanged ; No. I mixed, Toe; No. J. 6i34c; No. t white. ?04tr71W. Irregular. MONEY Time loans, easy; 60 dsys, 24 4V2X per cent; 90 days. 214 per cent; Big month. tt Jper cent. Call money, steady; high. 2 per cent; low. IV per cent; ruling rate, 1H per cent; last loan. J per cent; closing bid, l per cent; of fered at t per emu. Cloalng quotation oh bond today war as follows: V. a. rat. U. r.... Fie. e. ...... it . n. .. v. n . oa....iina .Ifllli'N- Y. 1t 44a....0 . ini n. t nana .u .10N. Y.. K. H. A H. .11 cv. Si UkU Panama emisoo. .16,Ko. Parlrla 4s MV, . u.lla,B 11: (to utt . - a. t . m. 17 n. a. L. rat. a... s. Arrawir aV Cm. 4HS. . H Jo. T. A T. la 104, At-hUnn ss. 4a.... MV.Pna. -00. 4Ha 16 To.,. 1 4a ssn. 4a lota; ta. rarlfl' 1 tl,RaslBB M4 a Ohte 4s... w"au a n. r. r. 4s t do eousos V. B. ess. 4n rniinoa . U. B. 4. rax. A a raUfMia B Q t. 4 ... HHSft ray rr. la W m a 8 P x 44 1w dn rat. 4 o r. t. P. r. 4a SlVlBa. IUIIw. ta IW a a rat. 4HS. ... B4't'atoa rartne 4s T a R. O. ret. oa. . na v. .rir.rn. 4. '. Ruheae Is Kirs. Klsrlrle la lMi,r. g. Htarl ...... lit. No. 1M urn" -- .. ( 4. SltH'at. I ntoa 4V,s. 11. . . . . . , . ... . l-.u ,. ... k- . a. rat. r - n a. -.. . . . . , . 1 ' N unl. 4a Aasls-IYanch I H si K. T 1t 4s.. 76 BI4. Ottered. Tt Sw Hi lOtlaj I04 M.a AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE a. condition 1221 160 1914 Ford touring, lull Mets roadster mi Monitor touring, brand new. U14 8-cyllnder Studebaker tounng... 660 Dll Ford coupe JbO UU Oakland touring, fine condition.. 426 AUTO CUaAKINii HOUSE, Douglas 3310 22u9 J-arnam. AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Aate Ha t ri a a; and Painting. REDUCE TtRK EXPENSE. Duplex, tires are good for 2, On) to 1.000 miles' service; cost 12 to 16. Send us two bid discarded tires, or write and ask b0W.TH'PLEX TIRE COMPANY. K18 Farnam St Omaha, Neb. CLAriSY 6-pasa. auto, A-l condition; must he sold; li.'n); will demonstrate. Wal. S185. HM. Helchnian. 42 Patrick Ave. ""1,000-LB. truck" 125." Nebraska Bulok ht-rwie citation. 1914 Faruara. phone Pouglaa 721. AUTOMOBILE MUTUAL INaURANCj CO.. Douglas Wll Aato Livery aad Oaraareo. lud us trial Oarag Co.. 20 A Harney Sis. $.00 rewsrd for tusgneto we can t repair. Col Is re paired. Ha yadorfsr, 110 N, 16th. FREE winter storsge wnen rsrs are pain tad and repaired. Johnson-Danforth Co. 5uaa Kadlatur Rl. Co. to Far. D. tON Aate Tla-ee and aagollea. TtJTO TIRJ-F" REBUILT. I2.0O TO ISO. DUO llitl. CO.. llll Chicago St. MOTORCYCLES BICYCLES HARLET-DAV1DSON MOTOKCTCLEB. bargain in used machines. Victor Roos, The Motorcycle aian ' rioa laeavenworta A "For Sale" or "For Rent" Ad placed "Classified Ad" habit Cotton Market. NEW YORK, Jsn. 20 COTTON Spot, quiet: middling uplands, l!.c, Sales, 1,1700 hales. . Cotton futures opened steady; January, 12 19c; March. 12.30c: May. 126Sc; July, 12 87c; October. 12c. Cotton futures closed steady:, January, 1206c; March, 1221c; May. 12.44c; July, iui... VitAKep. I 660. The cotton marr-ei ciosei i ,0 is poioia lower. , , 1 ivir.RprH I,. Jan. 01. cii ion rpm. a.altr: anod middling. W; middling. . .. . . ... , ..I.. -1 ArtA 8. lid; low mia'jiins, .vw bales. Omaha Hay Market. HAT Prairie, choice upland, 10V9 10 60 it must be extra choice to bring aia cA- K'n 1 t9 OOiTWO.OO; No. Z. ixtxvrwoii No. S. ll.WVfhl .00; choloe midland. 19 oOff, 10 00. must be extra enow in ormg iu.w N'ol78.504ja.y; No. I. I7.0CHYIM. No. I, t-. MwaTon choice lowiano. ss.uu; jvo. 1, ' ' . . . ... aa rwi-Aa iV. V . , a, w-4 IX OI (J 6.0U, i U. 4, eu.wu.w, -i. a, rnwy on. .. a. A. STRAW I noioe wneai, aj.umyn.uj, cnoice ost or rye, 8.00r(j6.60. ALFALFA 4'holce ts ejuotble st 11108 4713 00; No. 1, ii -ejiz w; no. t. woiliw NO. I. iswtra.w. Evaooreled Aaalea aad Pried Fralta v-W TORK. Jan. 20. KVAPORATEn APPLES Dun: lancy, vt;u(c; ciions, 7 07c; prune, mwio. ' . . . . .fru n... 1 . 1 1 r)Kir.JJi riLlii trwiitn, urui, vail inmlu. sdniVic: Oregons. 741P74C. Aprl rots, firm: choloe. I040; extra choice, lit 114c; fancy, 12c. Peaches, steady knie. 6Uc; extra onoice. D'c; fancy. ciaa- Raisins, quiet; loose muscatela, 749 .T . . . j...u ... .1 . a 11. an. .. TV-; cnoice v., ieu-r t-Jiini i-a-jiTie seedless, K'iia'uo. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 30.-META Ul-Lead offered at IS. 90. Spelter, not quoted. 4'oD. per. firm: electrolytic. t'4.2fif-24.76. Iron. stesdy ana uncnangea. un, (inn; spot, 41 b. At London: Spot copper. CI7 L'i: fu tures. sJ7 10s: eltctrolvtlc, 117 10s. Spot tin. 177 is; future, iiii in, antimony, 126. Lead, i-il 1"S. Blerer, tn. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Jan. zO.-COFFF.K-Tof fee future closed irrrguiar at a net qaciin of I to 4 points. Sales were 13.760 bag, January, 6 62c: February, 68V: March 6 97c: Ai.rll. 7.01c: May. 7 Ofcc; June. 7 10c July, T ISc; August, 7.20.-; Septrmbcr, T.2.'? October. 7.0c: November. 7.60c: Decern her. 7.40C. Spot, iH-ll, Rio 7s, 7',c; Santos 4s, 9'a 1 Other buyers. Totals CATTl.tcKrcrluta were vary liberal for a Thursday, makliig the total for the four dnya tins week 29.404 head, the largest for any similar period for a num ler of wecka back and larger than a year ago by over 1.000 head. While buyers all seemed to want the cattle receipts were bo large and at the same time advices being unlavorahla from other aelling points that they were slow about getting down to business. Early niaa were generally iuo lower 011 pi" oally all kinds of cattle than vealrrdny. It was well along toward miaoay oeimu eiy much business had been transacted. Quotations on cattlsi Qood to cnoica haevea. tli 164I6.76: fate to aood beeves, r.60yi.l0; conimoa to fair beeves, .60f 40: aood to choice heifers, u.2Wi.u0, food to choice cows, 0.7oJ.Wl, fair o good, cows, 16.26(10.76; uommon lo fair cows. I4.00Q4.00; good to choice feeders. Il.iM.il6; fair to good leeoeis, I.4vs.s0; common to fair feeders 6 1.40; good to choica etooaer. $7.00411.8.; fair tO good ItOCkar. Sn eulg l cumniun to lair atookers, 6.60(ffilf.; slock lielfers. 6.7M.76; stock cows, M.768J4.2B: stork palvea, 16.607 60; veal ralvaa, ll.OUw4.6u; bulla, stag, etc.. l4.76SI.2s. Bepresenlaliva aaiea: BEEF STEERS. At. Pr. be. " U It 944 6 Si 4 Jl T 1 M , IH, 1 li 1141 7 a 14 13 7 44 II urr 1 ba i STEERS AND HEIFERS. iin T 11 IM 7 It HO 7 1 11 lu4 I 14 CVWS AND IIEirERS. ion too IIEIFEJtS. S66 I M I Mil -Jk II ITi 6 II 114 4 41. II Ml IW CALVES. iHi in 1 all 4 M I 4!k IW I 110 00 1 TOCKKUH AND FEEDERS ri 4 7t 6 161 I It 7M 41 46 Ill t 44 90 44ft I 7l 77 4 14 I 4WI Wl BIS I 44 10 6 f 1 7 04 7 447 IU iffMlH .MM. forenoon estimates on the sv'a arrlvala called for 124 cars, or tV0 head, and It was probable that nemre the day waa over closs to 200 cars would hava arrived. So far thia week 76.417 lead have been received, aa aguiuat ,not aat week. two weens sgo, ana 62.766 a vear aao. Tha trade got off to a dull atart. Runs were large al other points and. partly aa a result of yenterday's sharp slump In nrovls Ions, b a decllnss were prsaiutea everywhere. Shipping demand here was broad, but ahlpper buyers nan no sa auranea that they would be able to get cara to move their purchases, and con sequently did mils on eariy rounds. Packsrs were at III In their brarlnn mood, snd with the adverse conditions there wss no doubt that the market would ba In liearlah control, packers ssrly bids were as much as a quarter lower, and while utile waa don during the early part of the forenoon, such hogs aa they dm cuy were mostly ;uc, below yestsrdsy. As ths morning aavancoa traae livened tip somewhat, and aa a general thing nnsea improved a nine, so mat inier business was done largely at prices that were no more than 16c lower. Up to noon hogs were being cashed about as feat aa they came In and a pretty fmr clearance had been made at that time. At midday It was certain that reoeipta would exceed early estimates, a more then soo cars were in sisni. 7.;ttHn'7.46: packets and butchers. I..10W t.4: light. IH.7r.tf7.IO; P1,". 6.2M6.y HrfF.F.P AND LAMBS-Receipts, .0M 1 , . . u ....... . 1 1 v a ' imtnlui. 110.25 rllA; yearlings. i.ia9 wethers, 17.25 ewes, i!.7!rj1.60; stockers and feed ei s, I7i.00sf9.28. , Hlnaa C'Hy I.It Stork Market. SIOI'X CITY, la.. Jan. 30.-C ATTLK Recelpts. 2.MXI hesd: market I0o loaf': native steers, at.6si1.00; butchers, li.OiKi 7.15; cows and heifers. 4.MT6.M: stockers snd feeders, $6.101 1.15; bulls, stags, ate. A- Vfa 4V 4f 1 1 . 1 w -f l 1 grva, . Huns Receipt. 13.000 head: market 10 (h20c lower; hea', tl.lotll.IUi; mixed, W 17.10; light. 6.lKVfM.!H); bulk of sales, $6.60 'silEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpt. 600 head; market steady; lambs, lituw. gf. l.owls Live Blork Market. ST. IOUI8 Jsn, 20. CATTLE Re ceipt. lf.0s head: market 15o lower: pigs and lights. '..0Wcf1.6ii; mixed and butchers. $7.3Kn 7.; good heavy, $i.(kiW 7HMTCF.P AND LA M BS Receipt a S.W head; market sir"ns. yenrung i.. -. H.ise.&ri; lambs, to.OtrtHO.TB; awes, 18.2 7. &o. Total salea of stocks amounted lo I2S.OO0 Bhares. Knnils Irregular. Total salea, par value, $4,446.110. 1 ntted states nortns uncnangea on oau. Number of salea and leading quotation en siocks were aa follows: nalaa. Mltk. Law. Claaa. A1k4 (loll S f'4 " Alll,flval-ers I.I0B BS 44 Atnartcaa P-H Suss l.luo to . ati, Amrrkaa a itt 1 at Amarlraa l.ooe taetlve 4,to S44i 4 44 Amartrwa . A a... II, 104 S4 J I6H4 Am. B. H. p'4 , 1 Am. funr lUrialni lu'i llH D4 Tel. A T.I 1.000 1 HT 1V American ToharrQ 9n K AS4i-inls lf-er II trt! 4SV4 4 H -S Alhl-a JM. 10,4 H.idwtn Leo tMlT eI 1 l14 Italllman 1 (mte I.4AS Mli Sit 4 liethlelwa gtaai Mv) 471 486 474 Hrtaiklrn Rata.1 TV , M (alirr .is Primlsuai .... T.wn n 96 p, (Waadian rarlfla I,an 11 IS, lTIVi 1" ('niral Ijealhar Chaaaeaska A Okte....M 64 l4 " 4 fhl4sa U. W . in 144 144 14 Chi,, M. A Bt. P I.IM ia4k H tili-an A H. W 1114, H. I. A P. Rr.. 1 11. U4 1 14 , ttilno Oirper 4 en 6.14 IIH 4. O.lnrada rSial Ilea..,. 1.e 4T 44 44V crurl hi. Mtael l,sns 64 84 644 la-nvrr A H l. nM , It Iii.Hll' Maturities .... 4,nfi . 47 414 44 nne w.m 4ou n n lrn,rl Klaetrt I 14 1T1 V 171 llr.t Norlhera M4 I.ioo 1X4 114 lU'i lra.i Na. Urn tore 4.1 "4 4744 tt i ((nnsim imBioeiitina.. a 1 1114 - 1 Unci, onirai Inierhorettili Cos. Corp.. tnaplrailaw Oreuat ....... Intamatleeal Harvastar... Khumi t'lir Boutkara.... I.UUpIl Vsllay Ixiulmllls Naahvtlls... Mailras Pvtroiaum Miami Cof er MlaamiH, K. A T. . Mlaanurl Parin, National Blarillt N lineal law4 o 10; loH lorn Too ni 144 us 1140 444 4 444, I.OT4 111 US 1101, 4 VW 4 4tl 14V, l.lot 74H 7141 US 1 St. Jesepk Lira Btowtc Market. ST. JOSEPH. Mo., Jan. to.-CATTLK Recolpls, 2.000 head; market gleady: steers. $7.0UJt 60; rows and hslfer. H.OOiJ) $.60; cslves. IS.flniOlOOO. HOCM4 Reoeipta, is.froo head; market. IS fJic lower. . . . SHEEP AND LAMPS Reeelnta ,00 head; market steady; lambs. Il0.00iri0.7l. Live Stork la night. Receipts of live slock at the five prin cipal western markets: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep Omaha 6,0no M.MiO 6.700 Kansas City ,"" " St IalUl.... 8,300 19,000 l.OXl Chlcaao a.nflo 7S.000 17,oon Hlotix City IM0 la.OOO 600 Ntvasa rasper Naw Tor C-ntral N. T , N. M H Norfnlli A Waai.ra Mortkarn raclflo Parltlo Mall Pai-lfle Tel. A Ttl , T'ennavWanla Pullman Palara -Oir.v. i;av ( on. fewer Baaillna Hapiiblln Iran A Steal. iou!h4m ISrltlr Snuihrrn Hallway .... piudahahar Onnpasy . Taanaaaaa CVpaar Tetas romiMay ,. t'nloa Paolfls ......... I'nlos Psrltla pfd t'nli-4 Miatas Htaal... tl. g. Mlaal pfl. I'lak rbpser Waatem listen Waaiinshotiaa Klactris Montana Power ,, flenrral Motor, W4h4ah B atfl International Marina pM. II lo - 1144 t 10141 sairs I'.r ma day. i,flno ahiraa. leien 114 lot iv I w rrH si4 srv, 14 6 14V, 4 14 14 ITS lies 11V, TSV4 US ta US 1i w :S l,40 US', 1014 1041, 1 li 74 4 7,s 75S m Itsvl in litv. . S.F0 ih4 m4 Ji., 60S II II 1144 sno 4t 404 4t 1.904 164 114 61 14 144 4 m us 114 us 1.600 114 60 M I, 4a) lsis mi '. ist Itvl II. 10 IMS IMS 11 l.6 644 MS 444 I one lies F ' , l.tiw us 1.14 116 on lis MS US IW.IM 64 MS MS sos r.TH ins 1"4 . 8.1" 714 77 s 77', , l oa It s us , gnu ms 67 its Al . TS 76 .4 400 4414 476 4.4 I.IM It DOS lr"A 74 S Total recelptg.. CALAIS, M..' Jan. JO. -A situation of International Interest davalnnait tnitaa 0800 ,44'sn0 M!00 when four men alleged to he Otsrmaa 8 agar Market. prisoners or war, who had eicaped from NEW YORK. Jan. 20.-SUOAR Raw. a detention camp at Amharst, N. 8., were firm; centrifugal. 4.63c; molasses. 4.06 captured on the American aids of the Banner, rtrm. r uiurea opnneo iirm lontt border Tha had rrnsaed tha Irva nn tha on covering. At noon price were Itrt ?,r Tjr TO,, l0 ,0B tn pclnt hlghsr. "t. Crolg river two wile above thl city rrom to new urunswicK snore. Three Ns. I. .. is... 4... 94... 1... St.. 1... T... II. .. I... I.. iS.. II.. 10.. I.. 1.. 11. A. Pr. .. I 16 ..IM j 00 ,.I11 1 II ,.UHl 7 ll ..nil T 4i ,.1141 7 H .1401 I U0 144 I 10 ;i 4 no a.i 4 4 , III I 44 , 608 I M ,474 t l , M I a0 an I w German Prisoners. Tunnel Way Out to Liberty; Use the Ice Dry Cieoda Market. cf tha man had fled to Ayr Junction, ni'.w iwnr.. jsn. ai, ijni uouno- l. -1 . .. . a . . T.1.1.. 1 -....kil A -nnrfa f. fall l"lw.w lil.J wwrw aoou, ID Doara B wool. freely today, cotton goods and yarn iram wnen n, ... uuie. a uniieoi were firm. Retail trade was actlva. State Immigration Inspector arrested Bank Clasrissi, them. Another waa caught bar. OMAHA. Jan. .-Bank clesrtnga for -aems or tne tnaaian Bwarnraefll Tn Omaha today were I3.4il.067.46 and for tha I this city Bald formal Droeeedlna-a won Id corresponding day last vear l2,6i,7U7J. h. started at one- thmuri. h. aAmi.i. TT i. 1 l Aaa 1 I st ration at Ottawa and the British int. IlllOIiCUCK iitlaOKD hasaador at Washington seeking tha re- n. .a - , 1 turn of the alleged fugitive to Canadian UlarKO AmOnamGIlL ol1- The Immigration department, how- ever, 11 is unaeretooa, win Iirst pas linen lha afatlia a I ha man annlleanta Saw ,4 4 a,vwnaavVT v. 1 a n-u. r-i-.ti. I n ... ,... v..a.. admlaalow e tha mllalry. 1 aiwal.l k.,4 anifiiuiiirni wuicn woum cinuiiui in in. Philippine aelf government extension hill a provision for absolute - Independence fter two year. wa. debated In thg.en.U Iltrtwlf Qwrf K,e,nworth d Hans proposal, that th United Slates negotiate for an International agreement guarantee- of Inquiry la expected to be ordered Boon. The men apprehended her gave their name a William Schroeder, Ouatava Ing Thlllppln Boverelgnty aftsr th two- year period. A vote on th amendment la expected tomorrow. Chairman Hitchcock of th Philippine committee led the attack on th amend ment, challenging atatementg cf It sup- portsra that tha islands eonatltuled menace to American Interest and urging particularly that Japan was not opposed to a continuance of American occupation. Neu. Th escape from th camp at Amherst was affected by tunnsltng 160 feat and under walla to a point beyond tho gentry lines. It wa said at the ramp that tha subwsy was a remarkable piece of en gineering work. A 'Tor Sale" er Ter Rent" Ad placed In The Be will accomplish lt purpose. Grand Jury to Indict The Updike Brothers Members of the Red Cross Entertained Aa a general thing prices were 16tf20a below Monday. Best hog which sold at a Indictments against th brothers. A. 8k. Pr. .ITS ... 44 IS ...IIS ... 141 ... XI ...r7 ns i ("i t n 7 is 7 14 SUIT TO TEST IOWA MULCT LAW POSTPONED KEOKUK. Ia, Jan. 20. Th hearing In Phil Nicer test cab of th repeal ot th mulct law, get for today, wag postponed. Th new dat wa not sat. larger premium than usual yesterday were as much aa a quarter lowsr In many casea. for while shippers got In to a certain extent tneir operations wsrs not . ... .1 t.a,awu aa .n r.ravif,na nave o t the week. Bulk sold at a spread of $4 6,v 1.06 with lights and undsrwstghts st 16 60 and on down, ann a rair snowing as nign aa 17.10. Tope esacnea si. is. Representative salss: Ma A ik. P he. 4 1M ID 16 II 41 W . 6 44 10 ta SO 6 M 10 44 M SO f 00 14 Tf T ... 14 70 Ill ... t 10 40 PIOS. IT M ... I 4 HHEEl Total srrlvals of sheep snd lambs were fair, sums thirty-two tare or 7,i0 head, iielng reported In, but aa atiDroxlinately a third or were gn lug direct to nearby feed lots and were not on ssle actual offerings were mod erate. Total arrlvala bo far thla week . O S.-S ....... n.r. . than ..... . n . . . larger than last week, l.Ouo heavier than ! Mw'voRk..'. . ilm-asuV. Members ef th local Rod Cros aocletj CHICAOO, Jan. 20.-A grand Jury today l,0 th, number of about eventy-flvo were heard evidence In th rasa of Irving and I entertained yesterday afternoon at a mu. Herbert Updike, In connection with their I glcale and card party given at th horn confession that they had plotted to kill I of Mrs. William Keonlgberger, 1938 South their father. Furman D. Updike, million- Thirty-second avenue, Wednesday after alre broker. The brother, who are under noon. Th affair waa greatly enjoyed arrest en a eharg of conspiracy to com- and those participating In th muilcal mlt a felony, today were ordered Into I feature were: the custody ef th shsrlff by Judge I Miss Elaine Dais, 'cello, with Mtsg Charles M. Thompson, after a hearing on I Alllrgra playing the accompaniment; a habeas corpus writ obtained In an ef- I Mte Ruth Gordon, contralto solo; Mis fort to release Irving Updike, the elder I Isabella Rodman, violin solo, with Wis ef th two brothar. Franoag Johnson playing th aecompsnl- Aeeordlng to lUti'l Attomsy Macklay msnt- Baide there were solo by Mis Iloyne, tho grand Jury decided to vote I Pearl Davl, Mrs. fcamuel Uoidsmlth and Mrs. Val Peters. Most of tha singer i wsr pupil of Miss Millie Ryaa. Half Mlllloa Klre. INTVN. Jan. 20 The Ellenroad mills at Hochdalo. the largest cotton spinning mills in la.ncaslilra, have been partly de stroyed by fire caused by an overheated hearing. The damage Is estimated at IUJ0.0OI. tiw tt LA Tr Ml Ave Htat mart aiea, aa saw JO ff lairifH sroeartr, .r f n.iuh rittaaa 'asrs' ease I- aaea wilhaut 11 so loss, rat sals la astMsts s4 4e 04 as. Amertoaa Seoturtty Co lot a ink bu ytsaaa. st,. Moveiarata of Ocria Bteaaners, Port ' Arrlrad Bslttd. I.IVHUPOfU Stocliliolni. Ptnlaod. Kulak. . h. Aa4tor44B. THS ouu laiT KCVIKW snat4 twi twk saaa sad tlaial aylnlua as luve,ienl ts sartuslUas Is We Vers Stark r.c,ai, curttles. INMI'lMa atafr S,'urdJ ry it is Mulr A C . II nr444t. N Cut II (Kl a "tar rnd for aall.rlr i-'-pi. f