Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1916, Image 8
THE P.EE: OMAIIA, JANUARY 1916. r Mew Want (NOW in Cash Rate: Charge Rate: 8e I'r lino One inhortion 7Vt lino, Three or more (consecutive) insertions Special Rate Z3 i Farm Ixiuds 7 per line, each insertion All Foreign Atlvortisiiitr, under Agents or Help Wanted classification, jer word, one insertion. lVi per word, three or moro insertions (con-f-eeutive.) (Count six words to the line.) No Ad Taken for of 20c Or Less Phone Tyler 1080 IIKATttH T FI'rHl. JOTirKt BRANl'T .lohn G.. Wedneadajr, January 19, al 7 yeara. Ftineral acrvlcea at realdence, 5oM Houlh Tenth atreet, (Htir(lay, January '.2, at I o'clock friend welcome, aleaaa omit flowera. Ul'RKR Thotnaa, aged W yeara. at SiTlb ner. Neb. i' oi. .t.. i from llcafcy A lleafty'a cln.iM;l, i.Sth ond Fiirnnm. Friday, Jan. il, 8. in. to hi. I'utiU'K'a church. 9 tt. m. Hurial Jluly Populclmr canietcry. JJORSEV-Anthony, BKed S5. 2'.M2 Ppen- c-r at reel; ic.ihli nt of Omaha Hi ycura. Hun-lvod by It. J. Doraoy and John loracv of t. Joaeph, Mo. Kutier'iil Friday from family realdence, Kl Kpencer. S:?0 . m., bacred Heart church. a. m. Intoi tncnl Holy Bepulcher cemetery. EI.80J flwan. k.ed W yeara monlha daya. Janua. y 19 1HIH. Funeral Friday afternoon at 2 o clock from readencc, IKtt Vinton alreet, to l'roafcct Hi. I cemetery. Frlenda Invited. HIIITII8 AD UKATIIS. t-ii .ii-jo..i, i.i.u i iM.itvH l.avicky. Xi2 V, boy; JaiiKa him! Antotiln Kallna, itH'i b. plrl; Joacpu and Kntlieihm Nndollnaky, ii n. boy; Cois and Aunueta I'ennonc a iih, 1 hii t-.xui und Valley, arlrl; John I nd l.ou h Xelaeii, i05 Houth Nineteenth, m'; A ii. on and Anna l.uiKlowlcn, bMt (J, boy; Frank and Htella Harden, 4SU2 . I tj Ill u.,..amU.. 4M0 North l orty-firl. bn Stanley A.icharlli. I.nbanovsky, ?i'Si V, girl; Paul rnd Veaa M blnkv Hitt Z, air'! i. H. and Nora Newman. t&S V, boy: Thomaa iiii'te i..u..i.t., iiupiLul, Ktrl; Alola and Marie Jollnek Houtn Twentieth, Ktrl; John end W'nlenlyno 8vlmlarkl, 4"0 Snuih Thirty-ninth, boy; I'eler and lln mine Vanxatjo. U-i Kouth Nlnomcnth, boy. Dcntha Carl f,. Johnon, 48 yeara, hoa. pltal; Owen O Mn'Icy, 41 yeara. 4817 Houth 1 wenty-flftli; Utephan Fredcrmlck. 7S cara, lioapltal; Jamea' Uieen. B7 yeara, !")S North Tv.-ent; -fourth; Jamea Jordan, ::J yearr, lioaiiltei; Frunk Lund, SO yeara, 4..1S X. Ready Reference Directory AttuliM'AA'll. E. A. DWoHaK, C. P. A, 4 J-4.TT Kwmae HI. in 11. Doug. 7404. AUtUIIMt.ll' Alllfcitllkili !. T. Phafcr A Co .""iTtr.-Farnam, t. T4T4. AUCIU I b-C1 . Kveratt B. Dodd. J t'axtnn Hltt. t. tflSl. At iUU.SIVl . r T. Dlcklnaon. alt paaton Blk. P. K04. AkLiluaaual, tH,l Auct'en t-o." im-UW O.W. R.SVA. nKpnrt i.vw n. it. We S. I'axton Miti betl Co., I'Ttn and Martha Bti XliidUuXl i ii .iVAi.'a uju'm r 1H nt'lttlC'V, l,, and Farnam, Wead Bid. D. Mi: Palmar achool graduate. Dr. J. C. Laarct ce. t 1'alrJ Bldtf. D. 1481. IR W II. K NOl-LKN H H HO, Suite UX lire FldB. Tel 'll-r lV " riiVnoV'uu lira. 4 arrle J. Hitfnrd' l'ax. Blk. Red 4.". 7 atlrk.i" fc.ll A l" 4 uIIUl'fMK Leeaard Son. 1 Capitol Ave. T. 1WJ. W. I?c!sncn. Lvnwth Tyl. 219VJ. lUtTlHKI. TIIKATR 'CA L powPi. f"U draaa auita, for tent. N. I.I ra b'. John Feldman. UAAllAti A. AUiiMin.1. PK UTXR ACABKMY. Ill fc Wth Bt. bltt;!ikH AKINU. Ks star's Dretiamaklng C4 K City Nat Terry Dreaama k g colic. th Fa num. " U UBl AMI tlKAAK STATE Dry rinn. Cc. 1M N. 121 h. D. a073. UK IE TIVK. JAMES ALLAN. 11 Neville Block. Kv oen. secured in a',1 itai. Tyler U.4. DL.NTISIi. lr. Bradbury. No pain, all W.O.W. Bldg. pyorrhea. Dr. Ftcklea. 724 City NaL Ban. Taft Dental Rooms. I&ii Douxlaa D. tlA IIHIO. DRUGS at out prloee; frelcht paid n 110 oraers; catalog uea free, bhern.aa A Drug Co..Omaha NeO. bvtui i Ii I g run V U MES . AffORDION. side, knife, eunburet. box pleat:ug. covered butiona, all sisea and atyies; tMttuatiU:Uing. point edging; em broidery, beatltus. braiding, curding, ejelol cut work buttonliotea. peunanta. laval Plating Cu.. ?M Douglas block. Iouflas liM. tLCCTUULlllt. flea Allender!4 B Bldg. Red jet jfcLfcC'lallCAlTstaiPAlsllR'i. CA WILL ELJfTRlC CO.. Bee Bid. D. UTS. "Hh.Aiu AsiD TI.VOHA4.. HABERSTROH. 40 Hamilton, WL 17' IAg'1 in; 4. I io.. i-oaluih. French Instruction, ges Lyric Bll. V - Ad Kates Effect) Per VVord..Each Insertion Less Than a Total Than 10c per Day. And you Mill receive the sumo roortcon aervlce Nil though you wore delivering your Want-Ad to Till; IIIMC office in person. KI.ORINTS. EatTi'H. f l-iria7a I Farnam Bt. 1. 3o" L, HK,NDKIi)N. IMU ionlaa. t. 1U Memher Florlata Telearaph Del. Asa n. flKHS A KVVOHOOA. 1411 Farnam Bt. A. LiONAUHUK. it,u Harney. Doug. 100L MO.t MKNT9 AMD t'RMBTRRIES. VTlY buty your dnad In tha cold ground In atormy weather when you can buy a tomb In a marble building at a reason able iirlce? I'lmne the ilAUSOUtUM CO., Dounlna 2173. M.4HRIAGI5 LICBKBCS. Marnaae llceiiaea wi laauej to the following rou plea: Name and ltealdence. Ace. William T. liallty, Omaha 2D Bertha M. Acliati. Omaha 19 Alexander R. McCrary. Omaha 4 Llllle K. Price, Omaha 48 William Honderaon, Omaha 50 Florence Moriarty, Omaha 17 OeorRe W. Rlnnk, Davenport, la 25 1 roda V. Hchleibncr, Davenport, la.... 'ii Claude T. Wren. Omaha 211 Irma Wlodermann, Omaha 25 Alvln Lttcaa, Omaha 4 Kva IC. Tlmberman. Council Bluffs.... 11 i-emmel S. Mem! ricks, Orlawold, la,... 31 Margaret Ogleat, Uriawold, la IS Fred C. Thorsten, Omaha , 21 Maria Anderson. Omaha 20 fll'II.DIO PERMITS. ' Maraarvt A. Cook, 4l'a Reward, frame dwelling, $1,500. LOST FOUND REWARDS OMAHA A COUNCIL BLUFFS BTUKkT RAILWAY COMPANY. Peraona having los some article would- oo wen to can up ine office or the Omaha A Council Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street care. Many article, aacn flay are turned tn and the company la aj, slou to reatore them to the rightful owner. Call Doug. U, FIXTIHISS AND W1HINU. DUKKIN Fleet rlc washlnc machinea, electrlo Iron and reading lamps. Boe na first. 22;'S Cuming St. Tel. Doug. 2519. JrUHRItsuS. ' SAM KNEBTEB. 1M Farnam. Red 6SS4. H. Rothola. 21D Leavenworth. If, Via. HIITORICAL CUITUUKI. THB J.r,t "tock ot materade and . i ; r ". in ine country. Thao. Lleben i Hon. 1M4 Howard. D.41I4 JUsTICICS OK TUB PKAtbl. H4..1.1, CM'BORNK."eTa Paxton Blk. Red 74tL Notary public; depoelllon stano. C. W BRITT. 801 Barker Block, 1.1 VIS STOCK CUSIMISSION. MART1M PROW AV W, Rychange Bldg. MWV1MU 1'lVTtHH MACUINKI, OMAHA Film Ex.. 14th and Doug. Ma. tlon picture machine and film baTgama. UCVLIII'lB. Eyes examined., glaaaea fitted, pay as you -5," -tJl- McCarty. Hit V. O. W. Blug. OSTKOPATH PUXSICIANS). JOSEPHIN'S ARMSTKONQ. Bee Bldg. CAIUMa, . O. UarnelL Paxton Blk. Tel. Red TUT. II. A. Sttirrea, Brandela Theater Bldg. CURLKD, dyed, p. Klaele. 11 M City Nat vKNTRAL Printing Co, DOUGLAS Til XOUOLA8rlntJi,g CoTeLJViugla HU. SIALLS AtivPAlUiAo. Om. BUn :ard Scit ia i o . Bit W. ltth. D. 2S1L bUUbl UtCPAlaitAU. parley Shoe Rep'r Co . KH F arrm. R. Uii CARTER Sheet aieal Company, 11 a IS. tuwtki, sippi.ik.a. OMAHA Towelgupplya)T jSllth. D. 52J. TUtAk. A.u aUI CASUS: fREUNU e BTKlisLal. IfcX Farnam aL At-1. 1. 4 a.a ALL makea E. B. WllUaina. tag S. lsta. Tlr lull. AH" aratiALiiit. Chrlatlanaen. ad n "paxton P.k.. t yr exn. aa.bui.tu . Wedding announcementa. loug. ptg. Co. 'WaUUlAtj Ml Acs. BHODEGAARD S "luck, weddlag rlogs at Uih and Dougta Bla. " W INKS AMJ 4,1LUI4S. ALFX JETES, tni-t s, uth . Wine, liquors, cigars Plat dinner Li to i. lua. H PV HY POT I rniir 1 1 urn mjrjiam lith and CaYltol Air.r luact BUT your family linoora at Klein L.iut.r hous. ia S. lw.u. Douglas IsO. .LOST-FqUND-REWARDS PARTY who found bat- on No. lath Et , Wednesday. Jan. 6. tlTi I and 11 p m.. plc. Ktiirn only tin iin1 my dear husband's plil'ire, I am heart broken, t all Tyler 1t'4. 1 .8 ,ti ( (.,!,. (i.-rc around shopping dla- tri.f. one Knlsht of Columbus watch 1' rnninnl I. J. I, Cull lou. t.!3 and receive generous reward. TMr, law rtra la severely with persona hrt rn . r.mrn io. nmiwrtv in t ha i r.v,,,.i r,,. n.r LOPT-ln Orpheum theater or Dundee RENT a Remington'' not Just a fype cr, n .rse containing Ki'ise. Wal.JIM. . ',',trj Iow rent. Ca'l Douvln 12M. Li .- i )ne bay "hoYse, wltn buggy har- . fepTTB Typewriter Exchange. S. 18th. he on Keward. Phone Benson HIM. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS Farnltnre and llowaeboial Cioorfa. KOn BAt.K. It-foot llaht oak office counter, aiilt abla for atatlonery atoriite; almost new; a barnin. '01 Priindfla Bld Hlt' HAHKAINH. Furnttur" r; atovea. I bed rprlnaa. mattr'a, II eaeh, beddln? I romforta. blanketa. IHVt 21th. V. 1W. lAI.I. ItKt'Al KS Water froiiVa, fninaca I rolla. etr. Quirk eervlce. ( imaha 8tova Rentr WorVa tio'.iglia. Tyler 2".r 'OMAHA PllXoW CO. Mattreaaea inada ! over juat likanew. W Cumins. D. 217. riaaoa, Manloa laitramrati. 2' , Victor Cabinet jF'lionogra p h, I"). f to per month. A. Horn. loula. 5 In arohl will be paid for the nam of a rroapertlve piano or pla yer-plano buyar. UOBIV'tN I'UNg CO., 114 8. JSth St., Factory Platrlbutora Cable Planoa. It ( ore and tlfflrn Vlatorea. BKPKS, aaf"a. acalea. ahowcaaea, ahal v Ina. etc. Wa buy, aell. Omaha. Flxtnra upply Co.. 414-U-m S. Hth. Doug. 2TM. taiarna Mud Ko4ak, Films )viopi ti if rurci.d from Photo Craft Shop. 1 He. pidI. Kept. D. Jewelry, lHn.norda, Wstrkri, TJIaMOND lOHTklCT, men a and ladle? waicnea. reaonanie. r rlodman. 12 i 1 tons;. I.aintirr ami Hnlldinai Malerlal. I'RT klndlbiK I v the lot.d. Hurmy Marhlirrf and ti'.naluara. Wol Wot king Machinery. Complete outfit , for email planlntf mill. Includ ing tnotora. Thla la a anap If taken aa ltrstanda. Oeo. It. Lee Co., 1115 Har ney Ht.. Omaha. Neb FOR quick aale. one deep hydraullo well drilling machine, nearly new, com pletely equipped, for one-fourth original co".tjj'1dr?"" JU.JBee. NIjW Second-hand motors, dynaraoe, , ' . magnetoa. le Bron tlectrlo Work a. 8i-2o 8. 12th St. tifwlni Maclilnee. SEWING MIlCTIINES We rent, repair, anil needle and parts of all aewlna; machinea. MICKKL'8 NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., 1Mb and Harney Bta. Dour. IKS. M lacellaueoua. FOR SALE CHEAP. Bualneaa College Coures. Full and complete scholarahlp In one ot the beat Omaha bualneaa school. Good reaaon for selling; perfectly relia ble: worth full price, hut will be sold very reasonably. If Interested Investi gate at once, because spring term beglna soon. There are a variety of courses for sale. For particulars Inquire at the of !' of The Omaha Bee. FOR BALK New and second-hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories; send for cata Iokuo; easy paymenta. The Brunawlck-Balke-Collender Co., 407-4W B.10th Bt. T'ltEKI i lb. of libo Gunpowder or , Japan tea with every 10 lbs. of beat too coffee, parrel poat, at I2.7S. Dave'a Coffee Market. Kill Leavonworto Ht., Omaha Neb. &3 "0 Oolde"ti West Whiaky, 4 full T,"- fpiarte bottled In bond, prepaid. y-acumy nroa., umana, COAL 6 "ft1"-1" delivered. (It IUInolS JT nut or lump, 15.60 per ton. Douglas 6131. THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHANOKD DAILY, ' Answers ttoe Question "Where to go tonight." Datt BIVOTB. EMPRESS. 15th & Douglas. delis' Trlbuns No. B. The Devll-ln-Chlef, t reels Fells;. The Fable of the Two, Kssanay. Phllanthiopio Sons, Vim. Chickens. J OAR.UKN, 1818 FAKNAM The Convlet'a King. S reel Lubln. A Jungle Beveno. Sclig. The Ultle Treapuaaer. ltarap'i com 6 Cenla. l rmtrmii. jj Qcnta. fltlNcEsS. 121?-i toOUClLAaT Dainty Mlgnon Anderson In "The. woman in I'oimca, In rive acts, a thrilling story supporting woman suf frane. "Petes Persian rrlnceaa," an Orbntal comedy. .North. GRAND. 16 XII AND BINNET. William Fox present a William Farnuin In The Broken, In t parta. Riley Chamberlain In a Falataff com. LOTIIROP. 24TH AKo LOTIIROPr Paramount Preaenta The Ulri of the Golden Weet, In 6 parta. oat a. 2824 LEAVENWORTH. APOLLO. Jalieb'a Conquest i-reel Kssanay. He's In Again, Mlna comedy. Business Bucking Air, featuring Alice Joyce, Kal. dr. Chadford Dlnmonds. Bio. dr. J50HLFF 2561 LEAVKNWORTH. Mr. Cyril Maude. In the Greater Will, Pathe Gold Rooater 1 reel comedy. West. MONROE. 2555 FARNAM. Earl Wllliama and Anita at wart -In The Onddeaa, chapter a. Pldney Drew comedy. Nell crate: In Legrai d'a Revenge. Snath Side. 24TH N. The Orlental'a Plot, KaJem. Paying the Toll, t-reel Knlckbocker. Bpooks, Pellg. ORPHfif M. 24fit aTM: World Fl'in Corp. preaents A Butterfly on the Wheel, Featuring llolbrook BUnn. Star Features These are Special Extra-Reel Pictures mow appearing at the following Theater: APPOLO, 2824 LBAVEORtTT Bheldon lwla and Nell Oray In Jabea'a Conquest. 1-r. Ess. dr. Alice Joyce In A Bualneaa Buccaneer Kal. Blanche 8 weet In The Pa nled Lady, Bio. And a g x l corned y . GRAND. HTH AND BINNETT llllam FVix preaenta Wllltam Famum In The Broken Law, in 5 parta. BUey Ctiamberlaln tn a Falataff com LO'THROP. 24TH AND LOTllROPr Paramount preaenta: The G rl of the Qolden West. In I parts MONROE. 25 oTA RN A JlT Earl William and Anita Stewart The Goddeea. chapter 1 In ORPHEUM. 24T1I 4 si. A Butterfly on th Whael, featuring Hoi brook Bliroa. fRINCE33. 1217-18 DOUGLAS. Dainty Mlirnna Andoraon la "Th Woniau In I'oUilcs" In five acta, a thrilling atory supporting woman auf- Iruaie. IfcOHLFF, 2561 LEAVENWORTH. Mr. Crll Maude In thu t.itatcr Will. Path Gold Rooater. FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS 1 1 ae r 1 1 e ra anef Sanpfies. tIDLANiRI B HO N7C A R BON " C6.' We makt them tn OMAHA. Whatf Typewriter Ribbon! Supplies for lha ' omre. uouglas H47. gJi Bee Hldg. fit t, ; oi'T ... ,t vo. " Vr..Tt?Lrll typewriter mo, fjr t er Aeency. Farnam. TYPKR ITMts rTiTil.' reiiteo repaired Ontral Tvirtf Ftp 19TS Farnam - : r B r. Ll A NC E Rlblwin and Carbon Co. a- bon paper and Inked ribbon. I. 3?42 fit. All makea for Kale or rant. WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New deaka, uaed desk, bouxht, aold and traded J. c. Reed, ly Farnam. ANTED To buy on monthly payment, email store room, with llvlnaj room above. p Central achool district. Pboae Red 74. ANNOUNCEMENTS llechanical Draughting Machine Designing Estimating Patent Drawings II E. SLOMAN. Phone r. 2441. 41S Prande'a Theater. CIlUtOPKACTlU tf alck, regardleaa of the nature of your ailment, chlropratlo will do for you what no other aclence can. When all else fall try me and note the dif ference. 1 adjust the cauae of BO-CALLKD "Incurable" ailment and all derange menta peculiar-to women. Dr. W. II. KNOLLENBEttG Phone Tyler Suite 812 Bee Bldg. t N (i 1 N KK 1UN O , plana and map draw ing at low rate. fl McEathron, M Omaha Nat l Bank Mldg. RODliOAAhU'U 'Lucky Wedding Ring at lfilh and Duulaa Sta. EXEHCISIC AT Y.M.C.A. Bustnera men. SWAPPERS' COLUMN TWO pool tablea tn good condition, ex cept ciotn on lops; win trade lor nearly anything 1 can use. Swapper will have to pack and snip to hlmseif from forty jnilea eaat of Council Blutfa, on Roc It Island road; all extra, auch aa balls, rac k a. cuea, etc., go, too. B. C. 84. Bee. AUTO.MOBlLbJ 6i-H. P., -cylinder, 7- passenger, electrtu light and eiecrno atarter, Mitchell bpecmt, -un 10,0X1 mile, a good looking, powerful car, in good order; swap tor diamond or piano player, or up-to-date 6-paaaenger car or 1-ton truck. 8. C. 803. Bee. JTiTAVB a newa-atand carrying full line of magastnea, periodicals, cigars, to baco, candy, notions, eto. Block and fixtures worth t4oU. Will swap for a good 6-pasaeiiger car. Prefer WIS or '14 Ford. Muat be In good condition, a. c. bob, tsto. ROADHlfcH, IlKlitwelgtil, two-paasenKer, ISMS model, Jjbi oveinauiea ana luuy equipped. Will iwip for the beat 1915 model motorcycle or molorcyclo and side car outfit 1 can get; but it must be A-l condition. Addreaa 8. C. 725. Bee. "AMBEKOLA"-Kdlaon a new diamond point cabinet phonograph; thla machine with assortment of records coat M three montha ago; will awap for good No. 4 Underwood typewriter. Addreaa 8. C. P3S. Bee. . NEW Wlnoheeter pump gun and 100 sheila, two pair hip boots, 1 pair Mack Intoah boota, hunting coat, hat and ehell veat and hunting bag; all new. Will awap for motorcycle, or whatT S. C. 820, Ree; . BTLATTd new, high grade piano, 37J value; fully guaranteed. Will swap for diamonds, Omaha vacant property or good negotiable paper of equal value. t. c au, jaee. 4i EDISON Phonograph and '& select 4 mtnute records, for typewriter; alio Burton mandolin outfit, good ton, ex cellent condition, tor violin caae and good flute. Address 8. C. 8?9. Bee. HAVE good 4-ton capacity Commercial car, In good running order, to exchange for late model Ford car. Apply Court ney & Co., main office. F iii. Bee. CEHK and chair, in good order, $44, solid oak, roll top, chair high back; want larger desk; will pay difference or what have youT 8. C. 8. Bee. ALL furniture In 46-rooni hotel; reason able rent on building; Houth bide: will - exchange for real eataU; value $1.S. Address 8. C. 503. Bee. ' WILL trade my 4-cyl. tHMl. P. rebuilt racer for pool tables; thla car ia fully equipped and In good running order. Addreaa B. C 84i, Bee. HAMILTON Piano, yeara old, walnut caae. In good order except case la hafr checked; for diamond or what have yon?. B. C. tf'4, Bee. A BUT of thirty-two Appleton'a annual Enyclopaedla In good ahape. Coat 13. To snap for what havo you? Addreaa 2114 Harney. II HAVE a b-paaaenger touring car. body and top In fine - condition, to trade; a good oak trunk body. Address H. C 8.'i2, lee. I5l2 TWIN I nd Ian, fir engine clutch; will swap tor piano, moving picture ma chine, or what have you 7 Addreaa S. C, si2. Bee. FlVE-YEAR old mare, unbroke. with foal to Jack, weight l.lnO; will awap for Ford. Adoreee b. ... hj, nee. 6a& RANGE, beds, aoft coal heater or other furniture, to trad for chickens, .?. -'' g7' tp' WILL swap nice dining room table or roll top desk for library table. 8. C if.3. Bee. AUTOMOBILES For other automobile bargains see the "Automobile'' classlfl- cation. DINING table. 42-lnch. aolid oak, in good order; awap for whatT 8. C. S56, Bee. ' ' I HAVE aome (arm lmplertienla to ex change. What have youT B. C. 851. Bee. I HAVE fine diamond stick pin; will e x c n ange ror arooo piano, o. nn.. LADY'S Bwlas watch; coot I1U0; aolid gold caae. What have you. 8. C. M. Bee. BUSINESS CHANCES Office For REAL ESTATE or INSURANCE Samo floor as Bee Office THE BEE BUILDINO Office Room 103 . I.OOKI lX)OK! LOOK! Suburban tnovle ahow to be aold to the highest bidder. Thla ahow I a money maker. Reasona tor selling, partners can't agree. Sealed bid will te received up to January II, 1914. This ahow is 1.1 be opened tor inspection from 7 u. in. .o i .. i U..uu in your bid. at tie ticket wlnd)W. BUa will be opened Monday, January 24, at -p. m Z '., Hli podrome T eaier, J6i4 Cuming bt. For full information call Doug. 7 M. " 4W BAltGAlN. t muat sell my news stsnd by Jan. 1&, 1911; carries full line ot clgara. tobaooo. candles, inh-l'-e. stationary, sic; good paying business, li per cm profit; can be taken cure of by wite wbile hu. band work; two hvlng room In rear, reasvnable rant; good reason for se ling. For further liuorma Ion, call Coltaa 15 sl KK Al--i oi . f'e Erunawick table, electrlo piauo. Ice box, cigar and randy rase, wall caae, aafe, roll-top dask. all in good shape, and good bual neaa. Will Invoice about W.JUU. Will ell for juat what It would oost new. About half rash, balanr will pay for aelf. Located In a Nebraska city of 1 4 'V Add reaa Y. 1 10, Be. ESf ABOSHED maauiaeturlng buaiiMU roqulrv servloaa of a aaaaaaor atil to Invest I10.W.KI In business. This Will In terest any man who desire a financial connection, i,d do not car to Interview other. B 342. Omaha Bee. THEAT EK' buy, leas or atll your the ater, inerhtne and auppl e through Theater Ex. Co.. ItOi 1 D. .vw.'. BUSINESS CHANCES FOR BALE aura nt and barber shop. a room a upstairs, all full: fancy lino groceries, clsare and tobacco, doing good business; grand location; opposite rar hims, ?'l Ave. A, Council Uluffa, la., phone Black tC!S. FOR BALK Infanta, children and la- I dies' furnl'hln store at David City, Neh., at a Hn'n; best locition In' town: dolna an excellent bueinesa; want to re'lie Box No. II. fav I Ity. Neb. ' PICTl'RK showa. locations, leaaea. ma chinea, repair, aupplle and acoeasorle. Hee us first. OMAHA THEATER BCPPLT CO., Balrd Bldg LlST your business wl,h ine for qu c results: bur, a. II and exchange. RELIABLE BARGAIN CO.. Room 2. Baird Bid. Tel. Dooff. 17TH AND DOt Q LA S BT. I HAVE on hand one of the flneat ra ei'p. r. X. Opr., to; assistant for Dentist In the state for sale; ui . owner has better chances. Tel. Doug. 2 l!, or write D. C. Biampos, P. O. 0n. , I tel., Omaha, N"b, Or KICF, for real eatate or insurance, , same floor as Bee office: 1.1x21 feet; 30. t The Bee Rldg.. Office Boom 1W TO PELL or buy loff. Busch A Borgh Frenxer Blk. D. 23li. TO OET In or eut of business call on QANQESTAD. 42 Bee Bldg. Dong. 34TT FOR PALE Tailor shop, with Hoffman press. Pr'cea reasonable. Ty. T-"-W . BEB Omaha Theater Supply, Co. for bar gains in esiannaneo sr.uws. J-? W A NTE ii P a riy w 1th sm alTaTnou n t o f money. I tivr profits. Address tutn. Pee. SITUATIONS WANTED Male. DO you need a good salesman? I can also lit in as collector, omen clerk an l correspondent; am married and muat have work; college and bualneaa educa tion; can give excellent referencea from laat employer; prefer advertising or real eatate, but will do anything honorable, Tel Webster 142S. SINGLE man. St yeara, American, tem perate, 14 years' office and road ex- icrience, will accept any work oifered. llgheat local and outside references. Charles 8, McKeand, IJM Douglas St. Douglas 63. . EXPERT accountant wants position as bopkkeeper: threo years' experience a manager and bookkeeper In lumber and grain business; best of referencea. Ad dress A. A., J817 Jackson Pt. City. ALL around worker, colored, with ref erencea, wants work aa cook, house boy or any other kind of work. Can fumlsh referencea. Call John Johnson. Red MIS. CITY salesman with t years' experience in calling on groceries and bakeries would like to make conectlon with om reliable firm for 1911; fur nish ed-VVeb 267t POSTION'-Clerical. bookkeeper and typo wrlter. Satisfactory referencea. Ex perienced In automobile work. M-Wt, Bee. YOUNG man wants nlsht work of any kind, or will work few hours during day. o. w. Johnson. pnone rtea va. POSITION wanted by man and wife, flfst and second cook. On ranch or In camp. Tel. Bed 7795. 2112 Case Bt. JOB WANTED-House carpenter in store or office building by competent me cnanlc. Phone- Harney 8949J Fen ale. COMPETENT white woman wishes housework, where good services are ep preelted oGod salary expected. t. 8447. WANTED Position as nousekeeper wl.h a small child. Addreaa Box 466, .Ham burg, la. WANTED Position by young lady ste nographer. Experienced. Call Colfax 819. EXPERIENCED laundry woman wants bundle washing; neat work. Wob. 1157. WANTED At once, sewing by the day or piece. Miss Molumby. Douglaa 844. COMPETENT colored cook wanta place In private family. Phone Web. 6499. LACE curtains and bundles carefully laundered. W ebster WOMAN wishes work as . housekeeper. Webster 7324. . BUNDLE washing cheap. Webster 4307. Cleaning and laundry work. Web ster 474. DAY work of any kind. Web. 6916. Mary. HELP WANTEDMALE Stores and Offices. &UUAKE PEJG8 IN SQUARE HOLEB. we rmd a position mat iua you. CO-OPKRATIVB REF". CO.. 101M6 CITY NATIONAL. BANK BTJ0. BOOKKEEPER. f!5. Clerk, . WATTB REFERENCE CO., sss-eo-42. Br&ndels Theater. SALESMAN Advertising experience, sal ary. WATT8 REP. CO., 838-40-43 Brandeis Th. Profesalons and Trade. WANTED at once two ' (2) good frame ahaver or hide cuttera. Good wage, teady work. Foater Rob & Tannins Co., ltUD-l&a jrirth bt.. b. E.. Mlnneapolla, Minn. WANTED-A good blacksmith. Box 401. Peru, Neo. Drug Store Snaps, joba. Knelat. Bee Bldg. salesmen and Solicitors. NEW SALESMANSHIP CLASS STARTS MONDAY, JANUARY 31, Y. M C A. A RELIABLE bunking house, opening a branch office In Omaha, dealrea to s' cure the services of two ladles and two gentlemen of intelligence and good per sonal appearance, who have a wide ac quaintance tn the city and suburbs, to solicit savings accounts under a mod ern and up-to-date plan. Call In per son, Thuraday or Friday, at Hotel Cas tle. Ask for Mr. Gettler. YoUNG MAN WANTED to sell advertising apace. Some knowledge of advertising will be con sidered an advantage, but any good live wide awake young chap can land thla place. Mmall salary with ex cellent chance for advancement Stat all particular of past experience In first letter. Addreaa K 632, The Bee. SPECIALTY SALESMAN Drug and stationery, trade, rily and atate. Manager here now, will train the right man. Good prospective branch 4 n Omaha oontemplaud. Send your referencea. Confidential. Address L til. Bee. V ANTED, by jobbing hardware houae, buyer builders' hardware and tools; alao an experienced atove aaleaman and three experienced hardware sales men. Address Box 41ft, Dea Mninea, la. OENEUAL agenta wanted in every county In Nebraska. Small caDltal re quired to handle agency. No competi tion. Don't answer unless you mean btielnes. Address J-K9. Bee. WANTED We offer an exceptional op portunlgy to good salesmen to sail frocerlea direct to the consumer. Write larper Brna. & Co., Wholesale Grocer, Chicago, III. Trad Senools. SAVE $25 BEB OUR SPECIAL HOLIDAY OFFER. If you can t attend day achool you can bold your job and at the earn lime Kt your automobile education If vou euro'! la the NIGHT CLASS OF NEBRASKA AUTOMOBILB SCHOOL. tiJi LEAVENWORTH. RED 8110. BARBER MOLER COLLEGE Learn the barber trade. We give you more practice In on month than vou small cwlleg or a . bop In on .rr.r" "U?V . "r loty.'"'' particulars. If 8. 14th St. Omaha. Nab. UOOU ktN WAM hH te team auto work, for tha big aprlag rush. Fin training work on auto ana ad lectrte starting eyetema. AMERICAN AUTO COIJ-EGB, tKi Faiaam St Omaha. Vfab, LEARN THE) BARBER TRADE. Trl-Clty Barber collage; low rata tui tion. Including get of tools; wagea paid; electrti muMi, hydraullo chair; cat alogu fie. U24 Douglaa St. Umsiia, HELP WANTED-MALE ! M lac I in aroas. , - I M KN-II or ovtr, wnm.d aa railway ma.l clerka. Sample examination question free. Franklin lnatltu(. Dept. 121 L, 1 nochc-tcr N. Y WANTKI Namee of ambltinua men. 14 to 4.'. wishing to become Omaha mall cartlera. Commence HI month. Addreaa Y 1! Bee. . AGENTS AND CANVASSERS COAL agents wanted in everv town: ret a trial rar. 1. M Cx. No. Platte. Neb. HELP WANTEDFEMALE Stores and Offices. b;o to Xjll. WATTS REFERENCE CO. J-S-40-42 Brandeis Theater. T7T AST, BOOK K EE PER r.-' il, e1 I K..(H , RA PH Ell THE CANO AGENCY, M BEE BLDG, SALESLADY ity. salary and com. v A I TS ItKF. CO.. MS-40-42 Brandela Tn. I'rofeaslona and Trades. DEjMOiNoi KA lOI to travel; experience not essential; no canvassing; good pay and traveling expenses. Balea Manager, 1V7 W. O. W. Bldg. . A Bl'.SV, busy door bell and a steady stream of repllca-after your 'vEB Wsnt-Ad has tod Its rtory. EVERY day haa ita sunshine for BFE vani-Ai users. Ptart ioday. Call Tyl r l 0 ONE fireman and stage handa; must be capable men; apply Krug theater at once GIRL to learn halrdresatng. Oppenheim rariora. tuy mat. Saleswomen atad Pollcltora, AN OPPORTUNITY for two well edu cated women between 28 and 41, capable of handling a high clasa proroa tion. Railroad paid. Palary nnl commission. Tne right person can make )0 a month. Reference raquired. Addreaa H2, Bee, giving phone. Dk.MO.Msi KA iMKs to travel; expert- one not essential; no canvassing; good pay and traveling expenses. Bales Man ager. 1327 AV. O. W. Bldg. lioaaebold and Domestic. GOOD girl wanted for light housework. mis piace is more or a home to a gin who really needs one. The work Is very light and wages fairly good. Now, If thla looka good to you, addreaa O 617. nee. GOOD girl wanted for light houaework. inn place ia more or a noma to a gin that really needs one. The work Is very light and wagea fairly good. If the ad look good to you, addreaa, G-617 Bee. FREE! . Ada for servant girla will be run 3 days free of charge.' Bring, send - or phone your ad to. THE BEE office. J-"hnpe. Tyler JtXO. WANTED Experienced maid for general housework; good wages; reference re quired. Mrs. Thomas Mc-ttiane, .111 N. 41st 8t. Har. 2241. COMPETENT cook and housemaid; could use nusnand and wire; nignest wages paid. Mrs. J. Mahoney, S12 S. ffTtli St fnon Harney 181. WANTED A white girl for housework, one who can sleep at home; .must have good references. Apply at ' &17 Pop- pieton Ave. WANTED Reliable white girl for bouses work; must be good laundress; no cook ing; wagea 17 per week. Apply 3403 Dewey Ave. . ' . ' ' WANTED Girl for general housework; no washing; amall family; white girl preferred, call Bll N. 2"tn St. WANTED A girl for general house work; good wages. -3. L. Baker,' 1513 8. . :t'd. Call Harney 2535. WANTED Competent white .girl for gen eral housework. Small family. 120 N. 88th St. Harney 496a. WANTED Girl to naslet with houae work and car of small child. Phon Harney 7538. WANTED A good cook, with eatlsfac tory references. Apply to Browtiell Hall, Sv ANTED Middle-aged lady for house keeper; German preferred. Tel. D. 8145. WANTED Girl for general houaework In family of 4. Har. 8319. 8870 Dodge Bt. WANTED Experienced girl for general housework, 88 8d Ave., Council Bluffs. WANTED Good, competent girl for gen eral housework. Good wages. Web. 800. WANTED Girl for general . housework. 6118 B. 89th Ave., So. Bide. Bo. 2254. WANTBD-Competent girl for general housework; no washing. liar. 2420. M laoellaneow- YOUNG women coming to Omaha aa strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at St. Mary's Ave. and 17th Bt, where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otherwiae aaaiated. Look for our travelers' guide at Union station. WANTED Competent teacher, to live with family and teach two boy a tha 7th, 8th and 1st year In High achool; state experience and wages wanted. C. J. Hyshan. R. R. 8, South Omaha. EDUCATIONAL AFTERNOON SCHOOL OPEN 3 TO 6 P. M. Reading, writing, spelling, arithmetic, English. Engliah for coming Am., ahort hand, typewriting, bookkeeping. Five daya per week. 6 per month. Enroll for J 'art or full time, for one or more sub sets, afternoons or night, or both. Y. M. C. A. SCHOOLS, . 17TH AND HARNEY ST8. BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS SAVE MONEY ON COURSE. For sale, with good reasona for aell. lng. a variety of couraea In a reliable Business School, one of th leading busL nea college of Omaha. Will be aold very reasonable away below regular price. If you are considering taking a course Investigate thla at once, since Spring Term begin soon. Call office, Omaha Bee. DAY school; : BOYLES COLLEGE. NIGHT BCHOOL. Every day la eniollment day. Book keeping. Shorthand, btenotypy, Type writing, Telogranliy, Civil Service all Commercial and English branches. Cat alogue free- BOYLES COLLEGE, 18th and Harney Sts. ' Tel. Douglaa 1M. THE VAN SANT SCHOOL PTENOORAPHT BOOKKEEP1NQ, . Day School for Young Women. Evening School for Young Men and Women. Saturday morning class In typewriting. tone C 'Duffy, Orner and Manager. . 80S 8. 18th St. Omaha. FOB aale, the followtn acholars.'lp In flrst-clsss Omaha. Bualneaa College: One unlimited combination bualneaa and ahortl and course. One unlimited stenographic course. One three-month' business or eteno graphlc course. v ill t aold at a discount at th office of The Omsha Bee LEARN to dance at the DeLux Dancing Academy; classes Monday and Wednes day; 60c per lesson, or lesona for $-'; private lessons any time. Phon South or imuii j u. "SC HOOL OF MODERN UANGtTAGE. Apily Hon. Wed., Frl. mornings, SOS Lyrto Bldg. Sample lesson free. D. 8704. PERSONAL PILES. FISTULA CURED, Dr. E R, Tarry curea Dllea. flatuta and other rectal diseases without surgt- ; U operation. Cure guaranteed and fie money Dald until cured. Write for book on rectal dtaeasee with testimonlai. Pa, S. t lAUUI. HI tie Blilf. Ti TT V T TTlt V. Suceaafully treated U I A U l aj without a urglcal operation. Call or write Dr. W ray MaUicay, tot Boa Bldg., Omaha. PERSONAL I Tt'CN'4 oiiirn i . iiiiiik ic Omaha aa atrangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association bu.kllne at 17th Pt. and St Mary's Ave, where they will be directed to suitable boaM tna r'acce or otherwise assisted, look for our travelers' guide at the Union K-aMorv THE Palvatlon Army Indus'r'al hume so-Ili-lt your old clothing, furniture, mag a ilnea. n e colleci. We distribute I'hone Douirlaa 413S and our v. axon will call. Call and inr;.ect our new home, 1110-1112-1114 Dodge St. BAN' FRANCISCO INSTITUTE. 709 Poufh l'th Pt.. aecnnd floor. Mot tub batha, ab"wer. irennlne Se,1ih Mas ease, chiropody, manicuring, graduatea Hours 10 a. m. to 10 p. m. MISSES ORAY AND HEAD, Electric baths, chlropodv treatment, sclent fie massaare. ilO-212-214 Baird Blk.. 17th and IotMrtas. D. I4sx. ' ' I 'B-A i'fcu lapor anu modern Turklah I c7,n" r ladla and gentlemen: lady t'enJ?nt ,or lHee; Pwedlah maaaage. I 191 Far..m IB. , i- -" t i ""iKina Wl, FZ1 "nal-Mtssea Ptaploa A Mason, bath. electrlo treatment. Open ( a. m. to t p. m. Doug. 713. tii Brandeis Th. r& TuS A,DcS1'RXT BATHS""" sp n.nw6"' 709 8' 1.6Ul Bt" M N"011 MISS WILSON. Batha, 18DI Farnam 8t. Room 2. Pnone D uslas gTKl. M. BRUGMAN; Ftearn and ahower baths. Red 2727. Room 202, Karhach.Blk. VOl K furnace cleaned, $1; work guaran teed. Central Tin Shop. Douglas 4M4. R1JEUM A TISM treated successfully, re sults guarant'd. Dr. Bowaer, 814 Bee Bldg. MRS. STEELE. Medicated hatha. 1721 Dodg Pt COZY mmlciirlng parlors, baths. 1802 Farnam. Apt 7. Doug. 7574. MISS VENETA, massage and alcohol. n;b. Office 10 So. J7th St. SCIENTIFIC maesage. r20 Bee Bldg. riionn l'onarias ;ivj. MASSAGE Miss Webster, 618 Paxton Blk. Douglaa i227. FOR RENT-ROOMS rnrnlshe Rooms. LHo-TN-OURT' -WARM AND HOMELIKE room, single or ensulte for clean, respectable people. BpeoUl rates . to permanent people. "liTi?1' ANFORD. HOTEL HAP.LkY: lh and Farnam. KHh and Farnam. "i"" to permanent Gueata. 18TJliv,8J" 1137' N-XCEPTlONALT?Y WARM rooms, tor hkpg, or sleeping; prlv. home. ;-f urn, or unfurn; adults. 1631 HARNEY-Newly furnished ronTal atrlctly modern; will aerve breakfast; heat of eervlce. Harney 3198. FINE furnished rooms, clean and well "eated. 17 up. 291g S. 24th. Dong. 64S. FARNAM 2607 Large, warm south room, """ii'i I'livaiq umiiy; gentleman. NICELY lurnished room. Ml 8. rd Pt cloa tai all modern. FRONT room, private family, walking distance. Call Red 7901. I'nfarnlahod Rooms. THREE unfurnished rooms, with heat, light, bath, etc., furnished, tit. 27U Dewey Ave. Call Harney 8234. PARLOR dining, bedrooms and kitchen, heat, light and gas furnished. Web. 40l;l. Houaekeeplnaj Rooms. ST. MART'S, IM'r-l furnished room, flrat floor; alao unfurnished; close In. Hoard and Rooms. .WARM. COMFORTABLE ROOMS. , -Newly furnished, home prlvllegea to the right parties. We serve good board. Call Webster T173. . FOR RENT-FURNISHED - Apartments goad liousea. A pertinent a. t-ROOM all modern house In Co. Bluffs; on Omaha ear line; elegantly furnished Including piano and Vtctrola; will rent furnished or unfurnished; reference ex- changed. 3436 Avenue A, Co. Bluff. 810. t ROOMS, 2717 Dewey Ave.; cloa in. furnished complete excepting linen and silverware; NEW; 832 summer. 833 winter. HASTINGS ft HETDHN. 1C4 Harney St FOR RENT-HOUSES Weat. -ROOM, modern houae; convenient; West Farnam district; newly papered, painted and reflnished inside and out; good hot water heating plant Albert Edbolm, Jeweler. o FOR RENT. 8G3J Harney St., mod. 10-room brick house. Hot water heat. Inqulr T. J. O'Brien. Tel. H. 1094: D. 1B4L 2817 CALIFORNIA Fine 8-r. house with nice largo lawn. Call 3773 California. North. IS' Sherman Ave., mod., 14 room. 833.00 1616 North 17th, 7 rooms, bath 18.0) JOHN N. FRENZEB, DOUGLAS 654. 8520 Lincoln Blvd. 11-room house, atriotly modern, with hot water bat Prlc 850. Douglas 1818. i ROOM 8. with or without heat; reasonaote. itn ana Davenport H. 818. 8608 N. 28TH AVE.-6-roora house, 810 Call Web. 400. New mod, hung. 27 A Manderson. Col. 129. Sooth. CLOSE IN bargain, 8 rooms, atrlctly mod ern, hot water heat, lot 60x132, paving paid. Worth 85,000; $4jW buy It TEPBENS, 006 OMAHA NAT. BANK. 8-ROOM home In Hanacora Park District, 1138 Georgia Ave., with garage; nlcajy decorated, excellent condition; 836. HASTINGS A HEYDEN. K14 Harney Bt. FOR RENT 7-roora modern houe, 119 Turner boulevard. Call Douglas 69. SEE the Central Furniture filer' FRaTS RENTAJ. U8T SSIscellaneoias. 816.00-4816 Wool worth Ave., 6 rms. 8.00 3 Jones. rms. 8?6-2f73 Miami. 6 rms. $26.002708 Jackson, 6 rms. 8J5.0O 22D6 Mason, 10 rms. r 10.00 ,m 8. 31st St., B rms. 10.00 220 N. 22d. t rms. 8U.60- o S. 25th Ave., rms. 815.00 2610 Mason. rms. 840.00 704 S. 24th, 7 rms. GLOVER A SPAIN, notur. S9K1 010-20 City National. FREE RENT tbFEB7 623 8. 19th St., 8-r., aH modern house, well arranged for renting rooms; dos 1- IA 114 S. 29th St., 7-r., all mod. house, tn the very best repair; easy walking distance, $26. 416 N. Uth, 8-r., alt mod. flat, welt arranged for renting rooms; cloa In RASP BROS. Douglas 1663. $30 00-6-r., 1508 N. 20th St.. St Loul flat $27.60 s-room, 659 8. loth St. $S.00-6-room, 131 Pacific St. H. A, WOLF, 614 Ware Block. - Douglas 80S8. HOUSES FOR BENT. CREIGH, SONS CO.. 608 BEE BLDG. tall l. J00. FOR RENT AP'TS AND FLATS West. THE DEWEY. 8.H1 DEWEY AVB1 NEW AND UP-TO-DATH , ONLY TWO LEFT, t rooma with 6-room accommodation; atrlctly mo. ern, haa two bullt-ln beda; lateat light ng flxturea; excellent loca tion: nicely decorated; Inolvldual po-rbea: to $". HA TINGS hP.,V D EN, 114 Harney St. JT7 j. Hmiii-. " -c. 11. ni loca tion; has sun parior, num-in Dea; summer; i.i0 winter; autleaso. HASTINGS & Hr-YDl-N. Ii14 Har mey 9t, 1 6T ."fWIKB. ih and Harny, t-roont apartment, an narney i. 80S N. liTlI-4-r., all mod., apartmanaV heat and water furnished, walking das. tanco, ado.". RASP BROS. Douglas lta. - . Sooth. riVB-HOOM ateara heated apartinMt. very daslrable. th Chula Vu. Sxh and Poppleton Ave. 848 80. iit Braj dels Theater Bids. Dou. tm.