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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 21, 1916)
TIIK NEE: OMAHA, FKI1UY, JANUAUY 21, IHtfi. Girls! Lots of Beautiful Hair 25 cent bottle of andcrine" makes hair thick, glossy and wavy. Removes all dandruff, stops itching scalp and fall ing hair. ; 1k . . i ' ' m I i " I . . !,-. . t. To ba possessed of a head of heavy, beautiful hair; soft, lustrous, fluffy, wavy and free from dandruff ta meroly a matter of using a little Danderine. It la easy and Inexpensive to have nice, oft hair and lota of It. Just get a to cent bottle of Knowlton'a Danderine now all drug stores recommend It apply a little aa directed and within en minute there will be an appearance of abundance, freshness, flufincss and an Incompar able gloss and lustre, and try as you will you can not find a trace of dandruff or falling hair; but your real surprise will be after about two weeks' use, when you will eee new hair fine and duwny at first yea but really new hair sprouting out all over your scalp Danderine is, we believe, the only sure hair grower, destroyer of dandruff and cure for itchy scalp and it never falls to stop falling hair at once. If you want to prove how pretty and oft your hair really la, moisten a cloth with a little Danderine and carefully draw It through your hair taking one mall strand at a time. Your hair will ba soft, glossy and beautiful In Just a few moments a delightful surprise awaits everyone who tries this. Adver tisement. EASY WAY TO HEAL COMMON SKIN-TROUBLES A Baltimore doctor suggests (his simple, but well-tried and inexpensive home treatment for people suffering with ecze ma, ringworm, rashes and similar Hon ing, burning skin troubles. At any reliable druggist's get a jar of reslnol ointment and a cake of reslnol soap. These are not at all expensive. With the reslnol soap and warm water bathe the affected parts thoroughly, until they are free from crusts and the skin is softened. Dry very gently, spread on a thin layer of the reslnol ointment, and cover with a light bandage, if necessary, to protect the clothing. This should be done twice a day. Usually the distress ing itching and burning stop with the first treatment, and the skin soon be comes clear and healthy again unless the trouble la due to some serious internal disorder. Samples free, Dent 7-S, Res lnol, Baltimore, Md. Alkali Makes Soap Bad for Washing Hair Most soaps and prepared shampoos con tain too much alkali, which is very in jurious, as It dries the scalp and makes the hair brittle. The best thing to use is Just plain mul sified cocoanut oil, for thla la pure and entirely greaseless. It's very cheap, and beats the most expensive soapa or any thing else all to pieces. You can get this at any drug store, and a few ounces will last the whole family for months. 81mply moisten the hair with water and rub It in, about a teaspoonful is all that U required. It makes an abundance of rich, creamy lather, cleanses thor oughly, and rinses out easily. The hair dries quickly and evenly, and Is soft, fresh looking, bright, fluffy, wavy and easy to handle. Besides, it loosens and takes out every particle of dust, dirt and dandruff. Advertisement. Beddeo's GREAT .-Va Clearing Sale f Now On ci BED DEO 1417 Douglas St. CREAK-UP A COLD TABLETS Nib eoid ia tiss bud: tart ud etiid It At a Ortjgsaalt. U ZrTT THE OMAHA BEE -THE HOME PAPER em nnn J 1 J Lr IS BRIEF CITY NEWS "Towaseaa's for Bportiag Ooeds. Jgttr rtrtaxes Burgeaa-arandaa, sts Boot Prist It Now Beacon Preen. Today Hone program- ctaaalfloa section today, it appear In The Be BXCUJS1VELT. rind out what tha Ta Mou moving picture theaters otfer. Tire, tornailo, automobile, burglary In surance. J. H. Dumont, Keeline BUlg. Oeatleniaa would like to rent a room in private home, near Farnam street car; can give references. J SIS, Bee. To Bell Lot at Aoctloa A vacant lot south of Karnatn street, on Twenty-second, will 1 sold at public aale by the sheriff next Tuesday morning. Celebrates Aaaiversarr Harry Wolf, real estate operator, celebrated his ninth wedding anniversary at noon with tl party of frientis as Ms guests at the lii'iishaw for luncheon. Looks tor Lost Anal Charles Merrltt of Wllaonvllle, Neb., la In Omaha search Ins; for his aunt. Mrs. Ollle DeWItt of Dea Moines, who is said to have under, gone an operation in a local hospital for tumor on the brain. Ills personal effort were unavailing and he has appealed to the police for help. Mid-Tear Beginners' Class at Oreigntoa To meet numerous demands of pupils from the city public schools and of out side schools who will have completed the eighth grades by February 1, a begin ners' class will be Instituted at Crelghton High. Thla arrangement will save pupils from waiting until September. For the more advanced students, a special class In trigonometry will also be arranged. Fire in Icebox at Rome Hotel Gives Guests a Fright Smoke from a burning Icebox in the basement of the Rome hotel entered the lobby and caused some anxiety among guests Wednesday evening. The blase was extinguished before serious damage resulted. The Icebox was located under the bar. Two horses were fatally burned In barn at 4104 North Twenty-eighth ave nue. The building waa completely de stroyed, leaving no indication as to the origin of the fire. Aged Stonecutter Dies of Hemorrhage Joseph Pospoahll, 56 years of age, re aiding at 3410 North Forty-fifth street, died yesterday In C. V. Warfiled's store at Forty-fifth and Grant atreeta, following a hemorrhage with which he was stricken while riding to work on a street car. He was on his way to the cathedral at Fortieth and Burt streets, where he had been working as a stone cutter. He was deaf and dumb, a widower, and is sur vived by three grown children. Coroner Crosby took charge of the body. ThCle Mary Page By Frederick Lewis, Author of "What Happened to Mary" (Copyright, 1915, by McClure Publications.) CHAPTER r. (Continued from Testerday.) But the paralysis that bound her snapped like an over-taut wire when she saw Pollock's hand slipping back to hU hip pocket. Now she matched savagery with savagery. When, In answer to her cry of warning, Langdon struck up the treacherous hand and sent the revolver spinning to the floor. It was she who sprang forward and snatched It out of reach of the groping flngera of the fighters. She was realizing how that the older man was no match for the clean-Umbel lawyer, and Pollock himself. In spite of the fictitious strength born of the brandy, waa beginning to feel a foretaste of de feat. He knew he could not win with hU hands, and, robbed by chance of hia re volver, hla bloodshot eyes searched the room for a weapon and fell at last upon the slender little sword which was part of Mary's costume. A "prop," but a dangerous one, and inch by inch h? fought, not to beat back langdon, but to reach the corner where the sword stood. Feeling him giving way, Langdon pushed hotly forward, raining blows like s flail until, with a cry of triumph, Pol lock twisted away from him and caught i'p the glittering, sharp-pointed weapon. But it was not Laqgdon whom he faced aa he awung back; it was Mary Mary, with a stern, white face and livid lips, ; with his own revolver In her hand. "Go!" ahe breathed. So fiercely, ao contemptuously she uttered the single word, that without a sound he dropped the rapier and slunk out like a beaten hound. ftlll holding the revolver, Mary stool listening till the sound of his footsteps died away, then, turning with a shiver of repugnance, laid the revolver down among the dainty silver of her dress ing table. H struck an Incongruous note, but it wss not that that made her ees widen and her lips suddendy tremblo it waa the reflection of her own face and one white shoulder from which the laces had been turn away. ' Hhtverlng with dread, she lifted her hand and made aa if to touch the snowy flesh, then with a cry flung her arm across her eyes to shut out what she saw. "Phlllp-Phillp-r thought It was there!" she wailed. "Oh, tell me It's not tell me it's not" and flinging herself Into his arms she burst into tumultuous sobs. . v As if the tears were a nreconcerted signal, the hovering men now crowded Into the room. Daniels, still livid with emotion; Ciex; two voluable musicians who had arrived early for a final or chestra rehearaal; the atage crew In their overalls and even Jerry, unable at last to atay away. But It was the cry of Gez that roused her. "My Ood! the won't be fit to play to night this ends the show!" "Tonight?" she echoed, lifting her head and pressing her palms against her tarn pies. "Tonight? 1 had forgotten to night!" "But tonight Is the only tiling you must remember," put In Philip sternly. "You must forget all that haa just passed and think of Nora." "I know." she breathed, stifling back a sob, "I know!" Then her head went up with a piteous bravery, and a smile crept through her t'ars as, turning to FIRST NATIONAL SELLSJUILDING A. . Cook of Chicago Buys Struc ture as Investment Leases It Back. TO USE IT FOR ABOUT A YEAR For 1200.000 tha First National bank building, southeast corner of Thirteenth and Farnam streets, has been sold to Albert E. Cook, a wealthy real estate owner of Chi cago. He buys as an investment, says President F. H. Davis of the bank. The latter adds that all the bank fix tures, vaults and safes are Included ir the transfer, and that Mr. Cook may contemplate using the banking room for some similar institution, when the First National vacates to occupy Its own new building at Six teenth and Farnam streets. Tha building probably will not be altered. President Davis asserts, but he says he does not know what other hank ing concern might take over the banking quarters. I, easy Room Back. The big aale was closed Wednesday, when title and possession paused to Mr. Cook after extensive negotiations. It was made subject to all existing leasea. The First National bank and affiliated Insti tutions Immediately rented their present quarters from Mr. Cook, until December 1, and will remain there until the new building Is completed, which they expect to be about November 1. The property Is W IB feet In slse, with a five story stone and brick building. The purchaser Is known In Omaha, although he never lived here, and this is his first acquisition of Omaha property. He is a heavy holder of Improved real estate In the North Side In Chicago, and also of Iowa farm lands near Odebolt. Latham Davis of the First National bank, a brother of President F. II. Davis, secured the purchaser for the bank. Cald well and Bradford of Onawa, la., repre sented Mr. Cook In the deal. The First Trust company will continue to handle the rentals in the building. START TO SINK CAISSON HOLES FOR BANK BUILDING Work on the caisson foundations fot the new First National bank building, Sixteenth and Farnam streets. Is now un der way. The first salsson hole waa started Tuesday, and Manager Nagel, local representative of tha architects, saya he will soon be able to judge how deep the caisson will have to ba sunk. A total of thirty-seven are required to give the fourtoen-story building a solid foundation. It Is ninety-five feet to rock, but if satisfactory ground Is found at a lesser depth the caissons will not be put down that deep, he says. Pictures, by Essanay the director she said gently, "I shall be ready tonight, Mr. Gex. Nothing In tha whole wide world shall interfere with my work now! Phil If you'll wait a bit outside my door, I'll dress." With murmured rasps of relief which grew to voluble gossip outside, tha men shuffled through the door; but when Langdon was on the threshold Mary's voice stopped him. "What shall I do with the revolver, Phil?" she asked, and there was a tremor In her voles. "I don't think David ought to have It." "I should say not," he said shaply. "Better keep. It for your ' own protec tion." Mary shivered at the words, so om inous In their suggestion of the possible repetition of the scene just past, and her fingers trembled ss she drew on her filmy blouae. "1 can cry tomorrow." she whispered to her own reflection. "Tomorrow I can be Just a woman; but tonight I am Mary Page, the atar. Tonight I am Nora!" And as If the mere word was a draught of fresh power, she smiled away her tears; and when she pinned on her smart little hat, her hands were steady and her eyes bravely serene. It was a serenity that did not falter even when Pollock sprang out of the shadows st the doorway with an Inco herent plea for forgiveness; abasing him self huskily in a last desperate cry for pity in the name of his love. But there waa no pity in Mary's glance when she looked Into Ills bloodshot eyes and when his voice faltered Into alienee his own tones rang crisp and cold. "I do not understand your kind of Jove, David, and I cannot forgive you again. I can only beg you never to speak to me that I may have at least a chance to forget." With head erect she went forward to where Langdon wss waiting by the taxi, but with er foot on Its step she turned again and said distinctly: "I have kept your revolver for my own protection." Nine words coldly spoken snd over heard by half a score of casual loungers. Nine words that were 'aoon forgotten amid the rush and excitement of the triumphant hours thst followed, but words thst slipped like a flame from Up to lip with the coming of another day. To Mary herself the words meant lit tle, and were Indeed no more than a girlish bit of bravado a rebuke and de fiance In one and It was as such that Pollock received them, overshadowed aa they were by the greater hurt of her preceding worda. Ha wlnoad at tha thought or his de feat at Langdon s hand and his cowed retreat from Mary's room, but it waa her chUl, "I do not understand your kind of lore, David." that bit the deep est. Why couldn't she understand? he aaked himself bitterly. Didn't she real ise that there was a heart hunger be side which tha pangs of physical star vation were as nothing? Couldn't she understand that there waa a love that was like fire in a man's veins? Had ho been so dumb In his pleadings that ha had taught her nothing end did tha faot that he paid her the highest honor he could in asking her to be his wife count for so little. The endless questions became a tor ture to him, ss he strode up and down the narrow street, with the eyes of hia chauffeur furtively watching him. (To Be Con'.lnjcd Tomorrow.) AN EARLY OMAHA PIONEER ISj CALLED BY DEATH. JOHN O. PKANDT. JOHN G. BRANDT IS DEAD Prominent German Who Came to Omaha in. 1868 to Be Buried Saturday. WAS FORMERLY A COOPER John O. Brandt, pioneer of Omaha, die ! Wednesday at the age of 7. at hla fam ily realdence K-'4 South Tenth atreet, sur round by his family. He had been con fined to hla bod for about fourteen days. Mr. Brandt la survived by Margaretl.n Brandt, his wife, John R. Brandt and William H. Brandt, sons; Mrs. John C. Drexcl and Mrs. A. C. llarte. daughters; Hans Brandt of Davenport, la., Marcus Brandt and Carsten Brandt of Ueemer Neb., brothers. He was born In Bernstedt. Schleswlg-Holatein Germany. When at the age of 18 he emigrated with hla father and mother to America and settled at Davenport, la., where hla father en gaged In farming. Mr. Brandt waa a veteran of the civil war and at the end of tho war ho can.e west, residing for a short time In Couivil Bluffs. In 1868 he moved to Omaha and engaged In the cooperage business, his shop being located on Tenth atreet, op posite the present site of the Union sta tion. About J873 Mr. Brandt took charge of tho German Turner hall at Tenth and Howard streets, which he successfully conducted for many years. The pioneer cltlsens of Omaha of German nationality will recall the many pleasant times at this place of amusement witnessing high class drama and comedy In the mother tongue. Mr. Brandt retired from active business some years ago. lie was a kind and good father. Funeral will be held Saturday at 1 o'clock Lawn cemetery. from the family realdence, ZT.24 South Tenth street, with Interment at Forest Coal Dealers All Have Big Supplies While nothing is expected to bring about a test, it is asserted thst neser In the history of Omaha was there u time In winter when there wss a larger supply of coal on hand than right now. All the dealers are well supplied with coal and while they are not anticipating anything looking toward a blockade In the future, they are having coal hurried la from the mines. Right now denlers have their bins full of all the grades used hero and atill more coming. Last winter during and Immediately following a bad snow storm, for a few days there was a prospect of a famine in a few grades of coal. However, it did not oocur, for tho blockade was rstsed before the situation became alarming. Thla winter dealers guarded agalnat a reoccurrence of any thing of the kind and laid in supplies early and kept them coming. COMMISSIONERS WILL GO TO MEETING AT KEARNEY City commissioners accepted an Invita tion from the Kearney Commercial club to attend the annual meeting of the Ne braska League of Municipalities, Febru ary and 10. ' Well, I Should Say 'Gets-It' DOES Work" "Look There, If Vou Don't Think It' Just Wonderful for Corns!" "Bless my stars, look at it! Land of the llvln'! Why, Just look at it! That corn csme right off, Just like peelln bananas. Put your finger on my toe, Pl V Ever Sea the like . N W eager H,-lt' Is the Biggest clUas; Cora Cars la tae World!" right there, don't be afraid, that't It, feel how smooth the skin la? Well, that's where the corn waa. Well, that beats all!" That's the way "Geta-lt" woi ks on all corns, every coin, every time. It's the new, simple way of curing corns You'll say good-bye to all foolish con traptions )lke bundling bandages, sticky tape, plasters, toe-eating aalves, and grave-diggers such as knives, r.tzuia ami scissors. "dels-It" stops pain. App led in 1 seconds. Never falla. ithing to stick to, hurt or preaa on the corn. "Uets-It" la sold everywhere, !Sc s bot tle, or sent direct by E. Iwrenee at Co.. Chicago, III. Hold In Omaha and rec ommended aa the world's best corn rem edy by fc herman A McOonncIl I 'rug Co. Stores. The First Installment MARYPAOE Berl.s will be skowa at THE EMPRESS January 23d. BIG MONEY MADE ! ait orrirrn nivnirrnrn' un Dime runuuna Omaha Dealers Put Away Large Consignments, Which Now Are Selling High. QUARTER OF A MILLION BUSHELS Omaliu eomtutasion men who bought snd alorcd potatoes last fall have each niado a larp piece of n.oncj- by reason if their operations, for the price has. soared until the spuds aril for $1.15 on track and In Inrfco quantities. l( N expected that price will' go higher, for It la Known tl at all throtiRh the central section of the country the supply is short and that Omaha Is one of the few points where they are In PtoraRe in quanti ties. jt fall, on track, tip through the sandhill section of the state, where po tato raising s a big industry, the crop waa enormous. Oiiana buyers took Im mense quantities of these potatoes at S cents per bushel on track at the loading atatlona. The freight charges into Omaha and the handling hrre averaged about 11 centa per bushel. The carrying charges up to the presnt time. It Is asserted, hns been about 10 centa, making the total cost In tho neighborhood of 59 cents per bushel. quarter of a Million. It Is aaserted that last fall something like 2M,W busheis of potatoes went Into cold storage In Omaha and that most of them have been helu until now. when the price has gone considerably past fl per bushel. Old potatoes will continue to be In prime favor for at lesut alxty days inoro and until the new crop commences to come In from Texas snd Florida. Even after new potatoes start from the south the old potatoes will have the call for several weeks, consumers generally regarding them superior In quality, besides, even at the high prices that the old spuds will fetch, they will bo cheaper. Woman Gets Job as City Weigher Maude Mae Butler was authorised by tho city council to serve as city weigher at 1TL2 Nicholas streets. She Is the first woman to hold such a position in this city. SEE WHAT CUTICUKA DOES FOR MY nsiQN The Soap leepa my skin frh and clear and scalp free from dandruff. The OinU ment soothes and heals any skin trouble. Sample Eech Free by Mall With 83-p. Rkln Hook on rwiuost. Ad dress post-card C'.iitlaara, !(. 17ti, Boats. Hold throughout the world. mmm I ill'! ' .1 tl. . -... fc IT U STT -- I kJMTJTilHSTiaKW'J Vi3 Fort Dearborn Mote! Chicago First high-class hotel In the world to fix one price on all its rooms. La Salle Street at Van Buren near everything that brings you to Chicago Direction of Hotel Sherman Company City Lets Contract for Ten Thousand T1 1. f TT MOre I CCt 01 JlOSO 1 """ " " The .Itv council awarded to (he New Voik K-idng and Tacking company, C. ('. Five and Itut.ner company and Omaha Auto Supply cotnnanv ron- tR' ts to furnish feet of :vinch Ail BOWELS Enjoy Life! Stop Headaches, Sour Stomach, Biliousness, Bad Breath, Bad Colds, Constipation. They're a Treat! Cascarcts is Best Laxative for Men, Women, Children 20 Million Boxes Sold Last' Year. StralRhtcn up! Remove the liver and bowel poison which Is keeping your head dlxsy, your tongue coated, breath offen alve and your stomach aour. Don't stay bilious, sick, headachy, constipated and full of cold. Why don't you get a box of Caecarets from the drug store and eat one or two tonight and enjoy the n'cest, gentlest liver and bowel cleansing you Steinway Fame Has Encircled the World Wherever love of music prevails, in the palace of Old World Royalty, in the mansion of aristocracy, in the home of the true music lover everywhere the I J " ZZZZZZ When you buy a Steinway you buy tha standard piano of the , world. We invite you to inspect our display ot Stelnwiys. Beautiful Art finish Mahogany Grands. . . .$750 and up Colonial Satin finish mahogany Uprights. .$500 and up Convenient terms arranged if desired. SchmoIIcr & Mueller Piano Co. 1311-13 Farnsm Street. Omaha, Neb. The Steinway Iioue of Nebraska and Western low. There's One Hotel In the World With This Policy EVERY ROOM $J50 Pdly NO HIGHER 500 riKims with private bath Lvcry room with outside :?ooCH fire huse at So rents per foot. The lorat firm will supply S.nort fert and the other companies l.ftfl feet each. A three-year gunrsntee Is given with earh contract. There nio now ,1S,K.V fret of hose In '-"l?' "f n" r department., ! some of which should be condemned, j acrordiiiK to Chief Salter. ' Th, pnn-haae of hose waa In 114. ! when lr0 fort were ordered. The new lo' wl" f'r distributed throughout the department, a large portion to go to ; fiu,h SMr- ever experienced? Tou will wake up feel- ln fit and fine. Cascareta never gripe or sicken like salts, pills and calomel. They act so gently that you hardly realise you have taken a cathartic. Mothers should give cross, sick, bilious or feverish children a whole Casesret any time they act thoroughly and are harmless. -f r..!B -B oua CUD I 1 7 ua CLa) LS 1 C PRICE 10 CENTS AS CARETS WORK WHILE YOU SLEEP. Steinway is known and preferred above nil other Pianos. Supremacy of tone and workmanship has achieved this international renown, and four generations have faithfully upheld the art ideal which produced the first Steinway. or private toilet light and air.