Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 21, 1916, Page 2, Image 2

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Senators Smith and Borah Suggeit
an Embargo Agtinit Great
Britain to fttt RmiUi i
WASHINGTON. Jan. 20. Great
Britain Interference with American
trade characterised as "per
petual robbery," Germany's course
was characterised as "murder," and
charges were made and denied that
British censors extracting American
trade secrets from intercepted malls
turn them over to English firms, to
day In the most enlivened debate the
senate has had so far over the inter
national situation.
flrnator Hoks Smith's denunciation of
British interference with shipment of cot
ton ta Germany drew the approbation of
Pens-tor Borah, republican, who declared
h was wtlllna- to tsk tha responsibility
ef "acts not words." and the disapproval
of Senator Williams, democrat, who de
clared he was not willing- to see tha south
contend for commerce shead of human
The president can only write notea,"
aald Banator flmith. "Congress can do
mors. I don't mean to Co to war. I dan't
believe in Involving- thla nation tn war
for a few dollars. All we've got to do la
ta show that wa've got the nerve to In
sist on our rights. Unci and knows that
ws are right an 4 that it is wrong."
Borah Sagareala Raebarsro,
Senator Borah, republican, asked tha
Georgia senator if hs thought congress
would embsrso munitions and other na
c exult Ira to Qrsat Britain.
"If the senator will help I would he
glsd to Join in arch an embargo to take
effect In thirty days. If meanwhile Eng
land haa not yet decided to respact tha
legal rights of the t'nltod Btstes." re
sponded Senator Smith.
"I am perfectly willing," returned Sen
ator Borah. " n order to protect our
rights upon the s and upon land, to
aaaume tha responsibility, not ef speech,
but of action.'
Senator Knuts Nelson, republican, as
ailed tha Oar man naval policy, declaring
lit Scandinavian- vessels had been sunk
by Germany since the wsr began.
Willisana Agmlaat War.
Senator Williams, democrat, declsred
the north starved the south with Its navy
and said the L'nitod States now was hav
ing a demonstration of whst such tsctlcs
could accomplish.
"t want to say, Senator Williams con
tinued, "thst If the senator from Georgia
could have his wsy and congress were to
(ass and the president sign the messures
ho advocates, it nsorssarlly would result
in nonlntercourse with the. all lea, unless
the silies were to stand still like a lot of
whipped curs while warring for life, lib
erty and Independence, and obey the will
of the United fttabea congress with so.OOO
soldiers and the fourth navy In the world .1 fear England would not
stend for bullying- from a people who
can't, tulfy', '" :"
, Hcnator Williams took issue with the
designation of England's blockade aa a
'paper" one.
. "1 don't want to ses Dixie put Into the
attitude of caring Just aa much about
property as the life or the women and
children sent to their graves in the
ocean," he continued. "Until the ques
tion as to the loss of women and chil
dren Is settled, I do not Intend to nay
the president or this administration, and
1 would not nag a republican adminis
tration about the loss of property. My
people are not ready to put cotton and
human life on the same basis."
Senator Williams said be would lodge
a protest egatujit the violation of com
mercial tight, ant) later collect dsmagee
in much tha eama way Lincoln did In the
Geneva awards.
i Ht feasor k A ska A boat Malta.
Senator Hitchcock, democrat, asked
Venator Williams what he would do to
assure respect for United States mails,
declaring Great Britain hsd seised sixty
three bsgs of first class American mall
bound direct to Kotterdam, "and had not
consented te tender Justice yet"
"What the seastor wants me to ssy is
(hat I would Ueciare war agalnat Great
Britain and cause lot of IrUh. Eng.
Hah. Wsish, Scotch. Canadians and Amar
leans to be killed because my malt had
been interfered v Uh. but I shan't ssy It."
replied Senator Willlsms.
Daaata Trade Seeret ( kara.
"1 resent every act of belligerents thst
violates our lights," continued enstor
Williams, "but I don't care enough about
it to shed humsn blood over It. As to
British censors handing over our trade
letters to British busluess men. J hsve
doubts. It strikes ins thst England Is a
Utile too busy st war right now defend
ing its life to be engaged. In cstchtng
onto trade scents. We have low miles
of undefended t'ansdtsn border' I don't
want my boys to go up there killing
Canadian boys and Canadian boys com
lug down here killing our boye Just be
csuse somebody stopped somebody's mall
on lie way to Norway."
'8uppoe the selsures went en Indefi
nitely T" demanded Senator Hitchcock.
"Kuppoee the moon was made of green
cheese," returned Senator Williams.
"But they are being made Indefinitely,"
persisted Mr. IliUhoock.
"They are not." replied Senator Wil
liams. "The God's truth ia-no. I will
not say it. Even tbs truth about some
things cannot be told la the senats."
Man Who Demanded
Cash from Wilson is
Placed Under Arrest
SAN FRANCISCO. Oal.. Jsn. .-John
Paul Wine, who U said by the police to
have been wrlUng to President Wilson
for the last two or throe months demand
ing money and drafts, la under arrest
here and Is to be examined by a aaaity
Winn was taken tnte custody at ths
bouthera club, where ha wsa employed
When confronted with' the letters hs had
written the president, he confessed, e
eordlpg to the police, and declared that
it waa the right or every American U
write ta the president for money.
Winn told the detacttves that he was
tha son ef a Presbyterian minister ot
Petersburg, Vs.
Ta freveat (ho Grle.
When you fel a cold coming on, a few
doaea of . Laxative Eromo Quinine will
slop it and keep the system In condition
to prevent a spoil of grip. There is only
cng "Bromo Quinine." E. W. Urove's sig
nature on beg. fcc. Advertisement,
What a Disappointment to the Donkey!
dead e a ygpy r
Sayi He Wag Instructed by Mri.
Mohr to Stop Car and Say Doc
tor Shot by Robberi.
PROVIDENCE, R. I., Jan. 2.0.
The prosecution in the Mohr murder
trial today, continued lta' effort to
show that Mra. EUrabeth, F. Mohr
hired, two negroes, Cecil Brown and
Henry Spellman, to murder her hus
band, Dr. c. Franklin Mohr. George
W. HeaJls, tha .physician's negro
chauffeur, who turned alate'a evi
dence after .being, indicted, had not
completed his testimony when court
adjourned yesterday.'
In resuming his testimony today Jlealls
said en the nlaht of Aua-uar st v.. ,,...
with Brown to Mrs. Mohr house.
"Mrs. Mohr asked Brown haw thlnaa
were," HeaJls testified, "and Brown said
u. jk.' una asked, wbsre we were going
to Dull It Off. She thnurht It wmilM ha
better on 'the Newport side. because shs
anew an tne police of Newport. . Mra.
Mohr finally said she would leave that
te US. She said 'alt Vnu'Va mnl tn An
George, Is to atop the car.' She told Brown
ne wouia get iz.oro, that I was to get
12.000 and Spellman I'.ooa
1 told. Mrs. Mohr I didn't want to do
It. She told me not to be afraid, that
could aar It waa a holdun and tn rail
up the nearest house and tell them that
tha doctor had bean held un and ahnt.
The murder waa planned for the next
night. Brown said we eould throw our
guns Into the water."
Heal is said he and Brown picked out
tha Boot for tha murder: that lhav as-raari
to throw the guns into a lake and that
Brown showed him where he would leave
nis motorcycle, .
SHENANDOAH, la., Jan. .-gpeclal.)
-"Mr. and Mrs. Asbury left this after
noon for Tlnglsy, la." "This messags re
ceived by Mr. and Mrs. James tadd was
the first news her parents hsd of ths
ttisrrisge of their daughter. Miss Blanche
Lldd, a senior In the Shenandoah High
school, to Merrill Asbury of Tlngley,. la.
The couple was married Monday at Cla
rlnda by- C. W. Stewart, Justice of the
T. PAl'U Neb.. Jan. 10, - (Irani a I )-
The Irwin brothers, who have been hold
ing meetinge hare the last two weeks,
gave the flrat call Tuesdsy night, whan
eighty-eight rea ponded. Oreat interest Is
being msnlfsstsd.
Braiteaaaa Killed later Cars.
ALLIANCE, Neb.. Jan. . (Special.)
J. W. Castle, a Burlington brakeman.
while switching at Mullen. Neb., fell un
der hla train and was so badly injured
that hs died before reaching Alliance,
where he was being brought on a special
trsln. His body will be taken to Hasel,
8. P., hla former home, for burial, lis
leaves a wlfs and two small children.
Weber-Laad wekr.
AVOCA. Neb., Jan. JO.-Alhert J.
Weber ef Cook, and Mliaa Anna M. Lamif
wehr of Lorton were married today at
the home of the brlde'e parents, Mr.
snd Mrs. John Landwehr. Rev. M. Eller
officiated. They will make their home
on a farm near Cook,
DUNBAR. Neb., Jsn. ). Speclal
Louis R. Bottscher of Talmas, and Miss
Mary M. MKtsner of Dunbar were mar
ried today at the home of the bride's
parents, Mr. end Mrs. Louis Mitsncr. of
near here.
garter frame ladtaraattaa Relieved.
"Before taking Chamberlain's Tablets
husband suffered for several years
fwi Indigestion, cauatng htm to havs
pains In th4 etomach and distress after
eating. Cbambarlain'e Tablets relieved
him of these spells right away." writes
Mrs. Thomas Csaey, Geneva. N. T. Ob
tainable evnrywhere.-rAdvsrttsement
Advertlaer and cuatomer profit by the
"Clsssifled Ad" habit. ,
(Continued from Tag One.)
many samples of ears of corn for tfisTesl
demonstrations as he went along.
Exhibits Viewed.
The dealers spent the afternoon view
ing the exhibits of Implements covering
all the floor space of the Auditorium, and
the tractor exhibit. consuming: all the
floor apace In the basement.
In ths evening at 7:.' a reception waa
given by the Commercial club at tha
club rooms, to the visiting implement
men, A. W. Jefferls gave an address of
welcome, and Bruce McCullough showed
moving pictures of the activities in tha
live stock Industry in tha Union Stock
yards of Greater Omaha. Muslo was
furnished, and cigars and punch were
enjoyed by the visitors.
Officers ot the Midwest Retail Imple
ment Dealers' association will be elected
tofi ay. The regular session will open at
I o'clock In the morning. . .
lanpleaaeat Notes.
There are ten local elubs in Nebraska
snl low now and the campaign Is on
for mors. . ,
Anton Ilanann of TTpIsnd, Neb., was on
the scene early and reports a splendid
year busineas Just cloaed,
R. W. Hubbard, mansger of the Elliott
Implement company of Klllott. la., la one
of the live wires of Iowa on the Job from
the start. , .
Steven Hermits, who has been In buslneas
for many yeara at Hastings, reporta an
exceptionally fine run of business during
ths yesr Just closed.
J. B. MorrlsBey of Rhsnanrtosh reports
buslnens just fair durlna the U v..V n
account of the excessive rain. Mr. Mor-
. ,or., j, ta n.-e presmeni or me association.
Secretary James Wsllace of Council
Bluffs says the association haa far mora
monev In tha trajiMitrv h . n i.
had before and thHt the meinberahtp cara-
k vuiiiiuj una bi nis lime.
A. ,. Tunberg of Hooper," who, has
been In business there about thlrty-fiva
yaara bad about aa flna run K,,. l
nea the last year aa he has had In any
year since he has been In business.
T'lS visltlno- wnmn nf tv,- nni...,
association attendsvt ths Orpheuin the
atr In tha afternoon. Tn the theater
party tl-.ry were the uests of the Omaha
and Council Bluffs Vehicle cluh.
H. J. Olesa of the firm nf wu. a
Olese of Council Mluffs. had to stay at
the Hluffa and tend to buslneas while
his partner sweats and tnila with ,.
man-alsed Job ot scorolary of the asso-
rrenldent Kd lhmkuhl r
to the convention directly from 7lon City.
111., whom he had gone only a few days
before wlh Mra. I.rhtnknM for the fu
neral of Mrs. Ihuikulil a fatlter. Mrs.
uviiiupiuiii is aim mere.
K. K. Morse nf Turin Ta .1.. .....
list on ceo ll tit or the excessively wet
" uumisj mo summer ana especially
In the harvest seaaon. business in the
Implement linn was 1u tmtr Mr vf
Is a director of the association.
Former Hecretarv M ! . iiAn.
hlockman for the International Harvester
company, travnling out of BU Taul, Neb.,
la attending the convention with the
same enthusiasm he manifested when he
i wtTOsry mr a series oi years.
C. K. Oallagher of Coleridge, who has
not missed a convention nlnca anyone can
remember, is on the Jr.S and Just as
a Idea wake aa ever in ilia ."natter of tak-
liuc tha floor L a. nimiwi.1 nnti,. ..
dlscuaa any point that chancea to be up.
.. A. ft) strom of Btmmsbtirg. Just be
fore he cauaht the train In mm tn ..
convention, had an order for a farm
iraoior ana tisa to rush to a telephone
booth and have Secretary Wallace of
the association have one sent out to hltn
to fill an order while he Is attending the
convention. Mr. Rystrom's company lias
three esiabllshmenta. one at Stromaburg
one at York and one at Polk.
Wllllaaa Rramrli.
after an illness of eight weeks at a
Bioug City hospital. William Remmela. a
member of the freshman claaa at Cretgh
ton college, died Friday morning. Will
lain was a modal student and one of ths
most popular members of Ms rlass. In
terment was from ths home of his father,
J. N. Remmels, a representative of the
Northwestern railroad at Emerson, la.
Iearl Foley.
Miss Pearl Foley, XI yeara old, living
with her parents at S0i& South Nineteenth
street, died at a local hospital of scarlet
fever. Miss Foley was well known, as
aha had lived In Omaha praotically all
her life and is mourned by the younger
set of the Month Bide. She is survived by
her father, William Foley, her mother, a
sister, Msy, and a brother, William. Tha
funeral will be held Friday afternoon at
1 o'clock from QenUeman's chapel, with
Interment at Holy Sepuloher cemetery,
. Keaaeat Rraaett.
TORK. Neb.. Jan. . (p tsX Rau
ben Bennett, a former resident eC this
county, died at Lincoln Monday. The
body , was sent to Waco tor Inlermeat.
riles araa la ta 14 Uaya.
IVjigglsts . refund money if Psxo Oint
ment falls to cure Itching, blind, bleeding
or protruding piles. Firat application
jlvca relief DOc. Advertisement.
Monarch Sbti Entente Bat Fre
quently Violated the Neutral
ity of Greece.
NEW YORK, Jan. 20. The king
of Greece late on Thursday sum
moned the Associated Tress corre
spondent in Athens tor the purpose
of making a protest through the
press of the United States, which he
said was the only form of public
opinion open to him against the re
cent action of the allies In their op
erations at Salonlkl in blowing up
the bridge at Demlr Hlssar, In occu
pying Corfu and other islands which
Greece claims.
He ssld ths situation Is ss if a forslgn
power hsd occupied thst psrt of the
United States which hsd heen won from
Mexico after the Mexican war, and that
ths plea of m'lllsry necessity advanced
by the allies wss like that given by Ger
many for invading Belgium snd Luxem
burg. It Is ths merest cant, ths king do
clsred, for Oreit Britain snd Frsnce to
tslk about the violation of the neutrality
of Belgium an J Luxemburg in view of
what they had done and are doing them
selves. Ha denied the military necessity
for the blowing up of the bridge or for
occupstlon of Corfu, snd hs siso chal
lenged them on the contention that sub
marines of ths Teutonic allies are being
supplied from a Greek bsss.
Greek Beattment Tarns.
He said that the allies In mrrrfA over fha
failure of all their calculations In the
Balkans were trying to unload on Greece
the result of their own stuofdltv. and that
W per cent of tho Greeks at the begin
ning of the war were In favor of the
allies, but now not 20 per cent would turn
weir nsna to render them aid.
King Constantino did nn ft v..
could afford fo demobilise while the fate
of Salonlkl is undecided, and while he
did not think it probable that Germany
could be victorious In the sense that It
could take London. 1-atis or Petrograd,
hs believed it would ha .
Impossible, to conquer Germany in a mili
tary way if economic conditions did not
force it to sue for pesce. He said, finally.
... .... opinion, me wsr would end in a
The interview with the
. . - was trans
mitted from Athens on January 13. but
s-ni out rrom Paris only on January
IS. at 8:45 p. m. On January i .
earlier hour, the highest French author-
iy-wnose personality la not otherwise
indicated gave an lntrvt . ,. .
sociatcd Press In reply to the statements
maae py ths Oreok king. This author
ity denies ar.y parallel between th.
man Invasion of Belgium and Luxem-
ourg and the temporary use of certain
points In Oreece, which does not consti
tute an occupation, properly speaking,
and which use was msde for ths most
part with the tsclt consent of Greece.
The allies, he said, only went to Balonikl
to aid Greece's ally. Serbia, and to take
up treaty obligations which Greece did
not fulfill.
During the recent months ha maaa
the Greek government permitted Ger
mans ana Austrtans to violate lta neu
trality by using the Greek islands and
COaalS aa a basa fni. hrnvl.iMln ,.-!
submarines. The charges about the bridge
at jLtemir .tiissar were without founda
tion, the French authority aald. and tha
question ot the sympathies of the Greek
people was proved by their action at tha
recent elections and their attitude towards
M. Ventselos. the friend of the entente.
The authority points cut that while
the king declares he cannot demobilise,
he forgets to add that the allies con
tinue, at his request, to advance money
to Hreeca for lta mnhlllaaHnn. Aa fn
the king's opinion regarding the resoult
or me war, me aumonty saya it is pleas
ant that a anvmlvn. whn im mn ImnM.u
by Germany's strength should publicly
aamn mai h cannot oe victorious, wmcn
shows how right impartial people are In
claiming that It will be crushed.
(From a Staff Correspondent )
WASHINGTON, Jan. . 6peckU Tele
gram.) Judge Klnkaid received a small
bottls of oil today from I. X. Porter of
Harrison, Bloux county, obtained at a
depth of 300 or 100 feet, and collected In
email, quantities from ths surf see of the
The congressmen from the Sixth dis
trict at onoe asked for an analysis at the
hands of the geological survey. In view
of the newly discovered oil fields in Wy
oming, ths finding ot oil in Sioux county,
Nebraska, is a matter geologists here ssy
Is quite possible.
Mr. end Mrs. Leonard Furdy of Beat
rice, Neb., are visiting In Wsshlngton.
Mr. Purdy Is the well known foot bell
star of a few years ago.
Put Stomach in
Fine Condition
Says Indigestion Results from
an Excess of Hydrochloric
Undigested food delayed in the stomach
decays, or rather, ferments ths sams as
food left in the open air. says a noted
authority. He also tells us thst In
digestion ts caused by Hyper-acidity
meaning, there la an excess of hydro.
chloric acid In ths stomach which pre
vents complete digestion and sturts food
fermentation. Thua everything eaten
sours la the stomach much like garbage
sours in a ran, forming acrid fluids and
gases which inflate the stomach like a
toy balloon. Then we feel a heavy, lumpy
misery In the chest, w belch up gas.
we eructate sour food or have heart
burn, flatulence, water brash or nausea.
He tells us to Isy aside all digestive
alda and inatead, get from any pharmacy
four ouncee of Jad Salts and take a
tables poonrul in a glass of water before
breakfast and drink, while it la effer
vescing and furthermore, to continue
thla for a week. While relief follows
the first Anee, it la Important to naurral-
Ise - the aridity, remove the gaa-maklng
mass, start the liver, stimulate ths kid
neys and thua promote a free flow ef
purs d'sastlve Juteee.
J ads Salts Is inexpensive and is made
from the auld of grapes and lemon Juice,
con.bined with llthia and sodium phos
phate. This harmless salts Is used by
thousands of people for stomach trouble
with excellent results. Advertisement.
Golden State Limited and Chicago
Trains on Rock Island Wrecked
at Trenton, Mo.
TRENTON. Mo., Jan. 20. Louis
Collier, engineer, of Trenton, Mo.,
waa killed and four train men were
Injured nesr here early today, when
a double-header train on the Chi
cago, Rock Island & Pacific railway,
made up of the "Golden State
Limited" and the Chicago passenger
train No. 2, east bound, was derailed.
All the steel coaches left the trsck,
but no passengers were injured.
The trslns were combined st ivsnsaa
City last night and left there ss a double-header.
Coming- Into Trenton at a
speed of forty-five miles sn hour, the
united trsln was derslled tn passing a
The second locomotive. In charge of
Engineer Collier snd William McRey
nolds, fireman, turned completely over
and pinned Collier underneath. Tho
engineer wss crushed to death. McRey
nalds wss thrown out of tha csb snd
escaped death with a crushed foot.
The mall car, baggage car and amoker
we thrown over in leaving the rails.
Conductor O. M. Burnett of Kanaas City
waa In the amoker and suffered two
broken ribs; Lon Mosely, a flagman, of
Kansas City, was cut snd bruised se
verely, snd J. A. T. Walker, sn extra
conductor, who was riding to Rock I.
land, 111.. Buffered injuries to his hip.
Austrians Repulse
Russian Attacks
BERLIN. Jan. DO. (Br Wleeleaa Se
ville.) Incresslngly violent fighting on
the Besssrsblan frontier la innnuncAit
the Vienna war office, but It la declared
sn the attacks of superior Russian forces
hsve been repulsed with hesvy losses to
Breaks a Cold
in a Few Hours
First dose of 'Tape's Cold
Compound" relieves all,
grippe misery.
. ,
Don't stsy stuffed-up!
Quit blowlna- and anuffllne-' A Ana nt
"Tape's Cold Compound" taken every two
hours until three doses are taken will
end grippe misery and break up a severe
cold cither In the head, chest, body or
It nromptlv onena elns-avd-un nnaiHIa
and air passages; stops naety discharge
or nose runnnlng; relieves sick headache,
dullness, feverlshness, sore throat,
sneeslnir. soreness and stiffness.
"Papa's Cold Compound" is the quick
est, surest relief known and costs SS cents
at drug Stores. It acts without assist
ance, tastes nice, and causes no incon
venience. Don't accept a substitute. Ad
vertisement, .
Tl n
California's Selected
are gold by all good
dealers. Order today.
California FnaH Cwwwi Eichaae
C aarlT S aa pra
Eastara Haadoaartarsi
11B N. Clark Stoaat, CUeaaa
Beautiful Upright and
Grand Pianos
$3.50 a Month and Up
Rent allowed on purchase price.
Sehmoller & Mueller
Piano Co.
1311.13 raroam. ITione Bong, leas
t imiiwMflUsii
"2. F. n. trur
n Coke n
the medsra. aootlaaa, high carbon
fuel. It lasts ton for ton with bard
coal, eontalna more heat and baa vary
uttie asn.
Try a ton today Just
Phone Douglas alt.
Nebraska Fuel Co.
411 flo-ie at. Doug. 43Q
yp cuts
wiv MaKe, 1he
t ' FOR.
pmomi mil iooo
Jz If
Tho Fashion CJiferorilroHiddleWei,
EsbbUed 1886'
Friday These Specials
From the Linen Sale
BOO dosen Turkish Wash dotlis,
HUM) Blenched Table flothi
13.75 Bleached Table Cloths
13.50 Bleached Table Cloths
IfcOO Fine Bleached Napkins, per
130 Fine Bleached Napkins, per
75e Bleached Turkish Towels
Me Bleached Turkish Tewels
John S, Brown's Famous Linens
I4&0 John S. Brown Table Cloths
t&OO John 8. Brown Table Cloths
l0 John 8. Brown Napkins, per dosen.
Announcing the
Opening Friday
of a
Waist and Petticoat Section.
Fresh and new, desirable
stock. Basement Balcony
Ten steps down from Howard
Street Seven steps np from
Persistence is the cardinal vir
tue in advertising; no matter
how good advertising may be
in other respects, it must be
run frequently and constant
ly to be really succcessful.
Last Appearance
Greatest Motion Picture Bill
Ever Offered in Omaha
The Submarine Pirste
The Edge el the Abyss
Ask Any One Wbo Saw It.
raramouat Faotoplars,
18th aad Marnsy. S. aO9.
Concert Orchestra
Jsssa I bask?, rrsssats
CI. DO aVZSOXiirr aaa
aaday William Taratus la "A
olllsr-s Oata."
"OatAJKA1 ra enrrra"
Dally BtatalBa5.60s
Jtnt ths shoa tar laislsaMat Daalara- c-oavaa.
tloa wars. iUrrr Coaaar. Jial Sanaa. Catalans
eiatara. Julia Da Kalair. taa Old Toa Four Bis
baautr Choro. Bilra Tha Daniomlma. 'Tha Aaacua '
lAdlas)' bimm taaalaas Waafe xaya
tt. itila aaS Wack; ' Mliliaa I'aJUr Uolia"
oars bmi. arrooK oo.
"snosm" Ths om u wait
S3. 89
dosen 84.75
doieu 82.89
A Coat Sale
For Saturday
Details in
Friday's Paper
A perfectly served dinner
and rare musical program,
makes of this a most delightful
Dinner-Concert. Served from
six to nine at One-Fifty the
person. Reservations may be
made by phone Douglas 1511.
Informal The Dansanf every
Wednesday and Saturday after
the matinee from 4:30 to 6:30
under the personal direction of
Mr. Frank L. Tiffany of the
Waldorf-Astoria, New York.
Service a la carte no charge
of admission.
1 1
Managing Director.
AatVSKatEJf T9.
Ta Bass it
Dallr MaUaaa. 1:11. trr Nlgirt. .U.
Wsak Startlsi Sualar MsUdm, Jaa. II.
PINO CO., Kirk roaanr. aUila Kin. Tha
Chlldraa of ths Bvddht." Bart Whaalar A Co.,
Shlrll RItss A Baa Harrtaoa, Orpaauas Travsl
Prtras: Vatlnaa. sallarr. 10c: bast MS (amoaot
Saturdar an4 guaAay). So. Mlshts. 10a. Ste.
sad tac
Li Ma... and m., Bmt. 3x.utT tad
Om aaU aHVafa WaUTfllilJ AT A4J WXM as a SB aiaa
! "Believe Me Xantlppe"
Mat., 85c BOO, TSo.t Inr., SSa to fl
tr"- " aslsHal Illl Ill UlTlllMlll I
BOYD comt'itouVm.
"The King's Cine"
A Vatha Gold moostsr Flay with
rsarl Walts and Osorra rrooart.
THS M1UHT CLRK Prataniluua MuaUal Coowdr
M Fsopla. Mtlr Olrls M
Pbaaa procram : Tha DtiI la Chlaf with Trrena
Pnirara: tha Fahla of Twa PblUaiaropla Saaa,
Clllckaas; Hallg-Yrlbuna .t. S
atasarrad SVaata Ids Bxtrs.
Ba Ttls Oraat Oomady at
psslal fsatars ZaysSoaa eomsdy.
tfiOO (aa of laaeUaar witA
ratty ArbaeUs la
Alsa "Taiilty Thy Mams Is," aaotaar
oo4 fsatara. Adjuiaaloa as.
Turpln's School of Dancing
Twsnty-cirhth Farnam. ITsw CBssass.
1. 1st your cams now. Ptivsts laaamia any
tana. aVAJUrST Mas,