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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1916)
THi: BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY," JANUARY. 20, 1910. Great Developments Made in All Farm Machinery 8 Implement men open convention (Continued from Para Ona.) Si clock on the stage of the Auditorium. frh. machinery runninr In demonstration ork at the Implement show, which Is held In connection with the convention, fcrupjrtna; all the floor apace and the ament, wa temporarily shut off for 'ho session of the convention. Kaow Voir !Telshbor. The report of the secretary and tress uror followed President Lehmkuhl's ad rirosa. T. X. Witton of Trenton, Mo., then followed with his talk on "The Trenton Idea and Ita Possibilities. " Mr. W'ttten'a slogan Is. "Get acquainted wltl onr neighbor you might like Mm." He pushed this slogan Into action to uch an extent at Trenton. Mo., as presi dent of the Commercial club there that he aot the farmers for mllrs around to Join the club and established there tho prin cipla that the club Is not for the good of the business man In the city alone, but must, to be a real success from a community standpoint, be of benefit to :the entire community, producers, trans porters. Jobbers, manufacturer, retailers and consumers. Mr. Wltten givrs the in lerestlnc case of IJncoln, Neb., In which this Idea has been followed out with con siderable success to surb. an extent that hundreds or rarmcra nave mo privileges 'of the club rooms now at a reasonable tost, and are getting their lunches there Vhen they come to Lincoln. At the same time these farmer members of tho Lin coln club are calling up tho club every morning for market reports and are get ting tha reports there from every quar ter of tha globe. MTlngr rltres. Moving pictures of some phases of the tit tractor show held at Fremont last August are to le ahown at tha Audi torium at 7. and 9 each day. Tliey era being shown under tho auspices of the Twentieth Century Farmer, which la tha company that staged tho big trac tor show t lrremont last summer and hired a moving picture photographer to go to Fremont and make some elaborate film. Tho last day of tha tra tor show a special (eat'ire was staged with tha , tractors apparently Just pulling Into town i from long run, the lead tractor biilng driven by Miss Laura H'oU of Fremont, daughter of Senator Wols of that place. Uaaqaet Tonight. I, at evening the manufacturers and Jobber In the Implement business held a big banquet at the Fontenello hotel. Till evening a big reception and entertainment 1 to be given all the Implement men nt tha Commercial club rooms, compliment of tha Commercial club. Every foot of floor space In the Audi torium is taken with booths for tha ex hibit of implements of various kinds at the Implement show. The baaemont 1 oc cupied with the tractor. There 1 a con stant buxs and rattle of machinery In action, for every machine In tha house '.that ha a wheel muat demonstrate. Corn planter are clicking, gasoline engine are ceugbing. cihoi separators are moaning : and harvester are clanking tholr chain. '.' Although the convention waa not called until after I o'clock there wag an excep tionally good crowd out for tb imple ment show a soon a the door opened this morning. The association Is making a campaign for membership. Fecretary Wallaca says m expect tb membership to be ma terially Increased before tha convention and tha ahow U over thl year. No admission charge la made to tha bow. This Tractor is for Average Size Farm The AllfB-Chalmer 10-H farm tractor Is one of the Interesting exhibit at tha Implement dealers' convention. Thl ma chine Is Intended to serve the man who owns an average size fawn and do all tho work he has been doing with horses. of liKht weight but and built of the It Is essy to operate, rugged construction. best material. The Allls-Chslmers hss two drive wheels and one steering wheel. A dif ferential provides for steering either to the right or the left. The steering wheel la In II. .e with one of the drive wheels, and these wheels may, therefore, run In one of the furrows which steer the tractor automatically when plowing. Tha motor Is two-cylinder horlsontil type, built for heavy duty. Tha frame la single steel casting with machined surfaces, and holes for bearings. The weight of the tractor Is 1800 pounds. The speed 1.1 two and one-thlid mllrs pr hour. 8tx-T ear-Old II a 4 trl. ' "I have a little girl -r old who has a great deal ef tro'ibU m'lth cro'ip," writes W. E. Curry of Evansvlllo, Ind. "I have used Foley Honey and Tar. ob taining Instant relief for her.- My wife and I also used it - and will' say It Is the best euro for a bad cold, cough, throat trouble and croup tiist 1 ever saw." Those terrible coughs that scam to tear one to plerea Held to Foley' Honey and Tar. 8old everywhere. Advertisement. mil Beautiful Salesrooms Courteous Salesmen We want to meet every dealer personally and show him- I. Case Plows I. Case Harrows I. Case Planters I. Case Listers I. Case Cultivators The Quality Line Made in a factory where QUALITY GOES IN before the name goes on. WALLBS CUB TRACTOR See the electric lighted chassis in operation, the one that made the overland trip from Cleveland, 0., to Fremont, Neb. 1,000 miles overland. It's the same machine, without change of parts. KUEDE MANURE SPG.EAIDEG.S LOW DOWN WIDE EVEN SPREAD LIGHT DRAFT. A Money Maker for You. PARRY BUGGIES KANSAS CITY HAY PRESSES J. LME 814-816-818 Jackson St. OMAHA, fiEB. J Capacity 50 to 600 Bushels per Hour Gasoline Power Required 2 to IS h. p. Cylinder Shelters All Sizes Direct from Manufacturer to Dealer Till: SHKM.KR whirh bun no competition whon cancel t v. hon powrr and prlc nre considered. We invite dealers to our display how room at 2427 Farnsm street, and sample floor at the Auditorium to ree the machine In actual operation. Watts Mfg. Co. '&Sra3r The Sandusky Tractor Is Adapted to Your Needs LOOK over the many purposes to which this ruachiue can be put by a few of its users. Each operation performed mcaus a decreased cost; or, in ulher wonls, an in creased profit from your farm investment. The first logical operation on undeveloped laud is clearing; then comes breaking, discing, harrowing, seeding, harvesting, threshing, shelling, filling silos, hauling crops to market and fertilizers to the farm, probably wood cutting and a dozen other opera tions in and about the place. ' All of these can behandled with less outlay for operation and maintenance than it now costs by using " . ' ' , rrf?ACTOFi When your regular farm work Is tintbhed you tan either go out and do contract work for your neighbors, grade roads for the county, haul for contractors and do similar money-making jobs with this machine, or put it in a little shtd, cut off the switch and all expense stops. Compare this life with the old way of doing things on the farm. That means something. Most of us are, however, willing to work so loug as we are getting ahead. But are you getting ahead as you feel you should when losing all the time necessary to take care of your horses, feeding hay and grains that bring good prices on the market and sharing with your help every dollar that comes in? CONSIDER THIS In the past when you have been in the market for a good, reliable work horse you have known better than to take the first thing that came along. You knew then and know now, that such an ani mal, capable of doing real work for you can't be had for forty or fifty dollars. The same is true la machinery. No manufacturer will give you' two dollars' value for one, and you cannot get more out of cither a horse or tractor than is built into it. THE SANDUSKY TRACTOR is manufactured throughout in our town shops by the. highest grade mechanics obtainable and our aim is to produce for you a dependable machine, capable of standing up under the severe use to which equipment of this kind is subjected, ensuring you of its being a lasting and profitable investment. See the Sandusky at the Auditorium This Week. The Dauch Manufacturing Co. SANDUSKY, OHIO, V. S. A. Hmo inniostl 'wciradlceiPllTiiiIl sttTicowini inn Oirrniailfriai Will be staged by the Twentieth Century Farmer and shown on the Auditorium stage at 7 P. M., 8 P. M. and 9 P. M. tonight and Friday in connection with the Mid-west Implement Dealers Convention. No admission charge. r The plot for this scenario is built around the immense Fremont Trac tor Demonstration, which was held at Fremont, Neb., last August. All of the films were made in and near Fremont during the tractor show. A beautiful story is woven into pic tures, showing the operation of the . hundreds of giant iron horses. Nothing as elaborate has ever been attempted before in this particular line The following tractors will be shown in motion pictures, and in actual operation Allis-Chalmers Co., Milwaukee, Wis. Avery Company, Peoria, 111. B. F. Avery Co., Louisville, Ky. Buckeye Mfg. Co., Anderson, Ind. Bull Tractor Co., Omaha, Neb. Case T. M. Co., Lincoln, Neb. Case Plow Works Co., Omaha, Neb. Dauch Mfg. Co., Sandusky, O. Electric Wheel Co., Quincy, 111. Emerson-Brantingham Co., Rockford, 111. Holt Mfg. Co., Peoria, 111. International Harvester Co., Omaha, Neb. Joliet Oil Tractor Co., Joliet, 111. Nilson Farm Machine Co., Minneapolis, Minn. Parrett Tractor Co., Chicago, 111. Peoria Tractor Co., Peoria, HI. Sumter Electric Co., Chicago, 111. Waterloo Gas Engine Co., Waterloo, la. One of the most interesting booths on the main floor will be that occu pied by The Twentieth Century Farmer Take the right hand aisle as you en ter the Auditorium. You'll find us half way back. TWENTIETH CEITIUIRY EAIRMIEIR. Ttae Missouri Valley's Greatest Form Paper BEE BUILDING; OMAHA