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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1916)
THE BEE: OMAHA, THUKSPAY, JANUARY 20, 101(1. pl Iractors and Farm Machinery at the Auditorium BOTH FARMERS AND DEALERSPLEASED Henry Perrett is "Dee-lighted" With Prospects of the Omaha Exhibition. MAKES ONE SIZED MACHINE Hrnry T. Tarrett. of tlio TarrpU Trac tor company. Is "dec-llghtPd" with the Omaha convention and the interest shown In the tractor business by the dealers an 3 the farmers as well. "We can talk to them all," says Mr. Parrrtt, "brcause we hnve an all pur pose trartor that does all that we claim f"r It. Because of the flexible frame construction and proper distribution of weight oir tractor can and does operate successfully In soft or uneven Kround." "Th Barrett" Is mado In one size only which weighs 5.000 pounds and has a horse power of 10-25. Kxc.eptlonal agency contracts are offered by the Parrvtt company with a result ..iat they will be nl'le to fill all their agencies during this meeting. Like all other exhibitors Mr. l'nrrott 1 surprised nt the attendance iind lntwrst shown by th" peoiJe of this district and Is highly pleased with the fact that his company Is exhibiting here. "Waterloo Boy" Has a Kerosene Motor and is Easy to Run "V.'e arc delighted with this convention nnd duly surprised that so many outsklo dealers have come here with such bad weather, and It convinces us that fie estimate we placed on the season's trac tor business wan not excessive.' The above was the way J. I. Scofield, one of the travelling representatives 'or the Waterloo Tractor company, summed up the Omahu convention. Mr. Scoficll Is here In company with Mr. Johnson. sccrrtary-treasuror of the company, and Joss Goodcll and George Wilson, two other representatives. They are all very jttuiBlaptic over the wospects of thi oming season In the tractor game. The Waterloo company makes lha Waterloo Boy," a tractor that has deni- inHtta'Lcrt ls efficiency In many of th; 'cmoiiKlta t ions nnd tests over the country anil it actual work on the farms, it has a kerosene motor and is constructed, for xlM'on.'iry or portable duty. One of the claims Is that It is so simple in operation that a school boy can handle it. Several new principles are employed in the con . ''Miction of this trmtor that makes u si fug appeal to the man who wants a nih( nil nposo machine. Hall of Quincy is Pleased With the Big Tractor Show U G, Hall of the Electric Wheel com pany, Quincy. 111., ts one of the en thusiastic representatives of tractor manufacturers at the Implement Dealers' convention this week. Mr. Hall's company hakes the Light All Work Tractor, which has sprung Into si-ch favor since tho development of the tractor business became so marked. This tractor Is built to pull three fourteen-lnch plows and weighs 4.R0O pounds. The en gine Is four-cylinder construction, with a five-Inch bore and six-Inch stroke The exhibit at the Auditorium is attracting tho favorable comment of a large num ber of the dealers. "This Is a dandy convention." said Mr. Hall. "The dealers all seem to bo alive to the possibilities of the tractor game, and wo are going: to have no trouble lining up all the agency contracts we want. I think this Is also true of all the manufacturers who are represented. Our tractor appeals because wo have an ex cess of power over the load we guarantee the machine will pull, and this assures a long life of It. Omaha certainly ought to he congratulated on the evident success of this convention." i Sandusky Tractor at Implement Show The Sandusky tractor, manufactured by he Pauch Manufacturing company of Pandusky, O., Is one of the machines that Is helping to make Interesting the xhihlt at the Auditorium this week. The design of the Sandusky Is original throughout and no changes in principles have been necessary in many years of experience. There have, of course, been many changes and refinements embodied In tho tractor since Its inception, but the principle as first applied was cor rect. The construction throughout Is of steel, giving maximum strength with minimum weight. The motor la set crosswise In the frame, doing away with loss of power through bevel gearings. Tho wheel Is short, which, together with the right and left hand short turning breaks, makes It possible to turn the Pandusky tractor t as sharp an angle as Is practicable with plows or other equipment handled. 4 '.15'!.nLsJ'l HOG CALLING CONTEST FOR TEXAS FARM BOYS PORT WORTH. Tex.. Jan 1! A contort In the art of calling hogs, it was an nounced today, will feature the stato encampment of agricultural clubs here hi March. Hoys alone will be eligible. The Draw Bar Pull With- out the Weight" What You in a PEORIA TRACTOR s 4 s s ? Guaranteed 8 H.P. at the Draw Bar, 20 H. P. on the N Belt. It Burns 8c Kerosene at All Loads. In Is a I WIKDMILLS ARE ALSO SHOWN AT THE BIG SHOW An c Libit nt the Auditorium this week 1 th? "windmill show" of the rhnllrttfc Machinery com'any. Th" windmill busires;! ban .shown quite ii doclopmcnt ir the Inst few years, and 'mur.ifadurors hive had to hump ihom . elves to ptud'io a mui'h'iie that would omi etc, i:iid .i' vJid power, Willi pumps icn by gasoline rmi kerosene c-ngitirs. This competition has nrocghl out vctm i t -w principles hi r.rpljlny the wind to a motor, tuid the 'M;il!riino company is showing tho laie.iv In wind machinery. i'ceause of ih chinpnoss of power t tie windmills still continue to be popular. The challenge company's mills ore In use all over the west, and this year'.i iKency contracts Inriicute n his husincss for l'.thl. '1 he .list lay at the Auditorium amply supph mcr.leil by a miiih larger ml more complete dlspluv at the coin- bill's show roxvis at !KN Farniun street. Successful at Hutchinson, Cham paign, Fremont, Bloomington. See it at the Dealers' Convention, Omaha ..TV T '. :ss. A TRACTOR THE DEALER CAN AFFORD TO HANDLE Good Profit and Ample Protection The Light "ALLWORK" Tractor "An honest machine you can safely recommend" Tried out at hII the Irnctor demonstrations above, with ie suit" that have proven hatlsfnctoi-y hi every Instance, nnd added many mure names to our larjte lint of witlstied customers. A hlin ple, 'durable, powerful machine selling at a pi lro farmers can easilx afford. Kquipped with four-cylinder verticul engine, rxU, leveiopiiiK 11. 1. at the belt. 12 H. 1. at the d-aw-br. Two. stecd trnnsmission working in oil, automobile type front ale, rol ler hearing rear avle, sleel near llioruuvhly pi-otecied from d"st :tnd seif-oilins, radiator and fan that tool absolutely, Hi-inch faro rear wheels, weight 4,8K) pounds. Our ten years' actual experience in building lias tractors give to t!ie farm owner of the country the assurance that in buying the above machine, he is getting a tractor that i.s not a freak, nor one that is in the experimental stage, hut a machine built along practical, sensible lines, giving guaranteed results, assured by be numerous machines at work in the fields today. Write Today for Our Proposition. ELECTRIC WHEEL CO. ! Quincy, 111. s Price $685 Complete F. O. B. Peoria There are hundreds of Peoria Tractors in successful operation. They were sold nnd bought on performance, not on anticipation. A Peoria Tractor spells satisfaction satisfaction means value received. We want you to call at our exhibit, No. 5, nt the Auditorium. We want nn oppor tunity to tell you the secrets why Peoria Tractors are such superior machines. The Address, the Peoria Tractor Company 0 r it The Challenge Co. Has an exhibit at the Auditorium During Convention Week. And they invite all deal ers to look same over. They are showing their new engine and will make some attractive contracts for this year. PEORIA, ILL. One of the world's largest builders of light weight, medium priced tractors, tative this week at either Auditorium or Iloom 35-, I'axton Hotel. Hee the factory represen- They also extend an in vitation to, all visitors to visit their Office and Sample Floor at 916 Farnam St. isplay. o f Grand Prize Winning 'I rill i I t 4t 4 .'... 'ft- & ' -fev -:.v:.--, . -....:.-: -V' si 4--;-:-y4- ;; ''', ";! "' ' .'-:'' .,:.t" I Three thousand farmers at the Bloomington, 111., Tractor Demonstration, wit nessed the Purrett All-Purpose Tractor drag these three logs through a creek where the water was over a foot deep, and up a muddy embankment. One of the Grand Prize Winnert to Be Exhibited Machine All implement dealers and farmers are cor diaUyinvted to inspect the most complete display of implements ever shown by this company in the0ity ofOmaha at its gam pienroom71i.tEighth and Capitol Avenue. The total weight of the logs was C,(KX) pound the weight of the tractor. which is 1,000 pounds more than This is a performance of an unusual nature. There are some good logical reasons why the Parrett All-Purpose Tractor can do so wall a feat of this kind, and many other varieties of work. "Won't you stop at Space 15 in the Tractor section at the Auditorium and ask us questions! Thank you. Moil? iri!i:e 0. Sales Office: Fisher Bldg., Chicago. Factory: Chicago Heights, 111. This display will include duplicates of most of the thirty-six Interna tional Machines which were awarded Grand Prizes at the San Francisco Exposition. Five International Titan and Mogul Kerosene Burning Tractors will be shown in operation at our building and an 8-16 Mogul Oil Tractor will be on exhibit at the Auditorium. Prof. P. G. Holden, in charge of the Agricultural Extension Department of the International Harvester Company, will hold a short course school on Monday and Tuesday, January 17th and 18th, at our building for the benefit of International Salesmen who will be here to attend the convention. Exhibits of Douglas County Seed Corn will be shown. All dealers and farmers are wel come to attend this short course by Profes sor Holden, "America's Corn King. " An inclosed International Motor Truck will be provided to carry dealers from the Auditorium to the agency build ing. This service is for your convenience when you wish to visit our sample room. Have your mail addressed to you in care of this company. It will have our best attention. Representatives of the Omaha, Council Bluffs, Lincoln, Sioux City and Crawford general agencies will be on hand to attend to your wants. International Harvester Company of America Omaha Council Bluffs Lincoln Sioux City Crawford