TUh JINK: UMAUA, Til I HSDA V, .1AM. AH V -', l!lli. LABOR IS SURE TO COME TO ITS OWN I John Haynei Holmes Sayi the Time I Will Come for Industrial Disputes to Go. TELLS OF RULE OF B AEONS; "The Industrial despot of tbe Rockefeller type must go Just ts orely as the despot who ruled in the political world by .'divine right Jim one." said John Haynes Holmes, , Unitarian lecturer of New York, In - hit address to the Commercial club at a public affairs luncheon at noon. "In the political world all through history we had despots who ruled by tflrlne right, aocalled. Here and there in the pages of ancient history we find that ' a 'benevolent despot' ruled. By a'benevolent despot they Imply referred to a king who by some chance, had a vision, and ruled with some wisdom for the good of big people. Just so today we have the benevolent despot in the persons of Henry Ford and Patterson of the ' Caen Register fame. But the very - Tacv mil inry am bo nuvcu mu iu much talked about shows bow rare they are. "T da not wonrtpr that, some peoplo have become so enthusiastic ovrr the , rood these men have accomplished that they believe here Is the soluLlon to the whole Industrial problem. To my mind, however, it la not a solution at alt. These 'be nevolent despots' of the Industrial world cannot live forever, any more than the benevolent despots of the political history f ancient lands Uved forever. When they pasa en their sons or helra will take hold of the management, and there Is no guar anty whatever that the business will be conducted along the same benevolent lines. Id Bearlai at the Bottom. "No, I have no faith in this revolution that begins at the top snd works down ward, I have more faith In the revolu tion that begins at the bottom and works pward. I have more faith In the revolu tion that begins In the sentiment of the workers who auffer at tha hands of the Industrial despot. "The establishment of trades unions, the timed shop, and all that. Is nothing snore than tha fight for democracy In Industry." The speaker declared that democracy haa rained auch a bold In England that conscription there will come only on the terana the labor people will dictate. "There they have a silly little puppet," "he said, ""a, tailor's model, who alts In Buckingham palace and wears the braid as a kind of symbol of tha government, but ha haa absolutely no power except what the cabinet glvea him, and the cabi net glvea him only what tha people allow me cabinet to give blm. The Houae of (Lords used to cut a large figure In tha affairs of government, but when they at tempted to ' interfere with the Lloyd George budget they were shorn of their power so quickly they are even yet won dering how it happened." Coatrola Colorado. . The sneaker cited what k. ... - " ... i t j 1 1 u n me ridiculous situation of -Rockefeller practically controlling Colorado and calling the t'nlted States itself to time In the big strike situation of a few years ago. "When tha situation grew aertoua." aald the speaker, "the preal dent ef the United Statea aent an am bassador to . call n King Rockefeller Just as exactly aa ha would send an am bassador to call at the court of a foreign land. And that ambassador bad t knock on the door of the Rockefeller castle Jusv eiaetly aa he would at the palace ef a foreign king. And Jut as a despot of old would sit In his palace and decide whether to give audience or whether to' oonstder the . propositions made, so this Industrial despot decided tbe terma of the president of, the president cf the Vnlted States could not be considered." Labor Tomes to Its Owi, Tha speaker declined that tnojgh one ba socialist, or follower, cf any ,other Induatrial philosophy, he must recognise that tha change .would eventually come, and that labor ami come to its own. and that Juot aa Ourth. tha swineherd of Beotfa "Ivmjjhoe." chained to bis pig pen at night by a ateol collar, haa come to bis own. so the blackened miner In tbe pit will in: centuries to coma reach hla proper level, and will be oontroling the induatrial altuatlon Instead of the industrial baron of today. "It is only a phase of the age's long fight f of democracy," ' he said. Seasonable Preparedness i YHY IS IT THE LITTLE FELLOW ALWAYS HAS THL b$ SHOVEL AND THE. BIQ rcLLCW ft AS W SHALL ONE ? ANOTHER VICTIM OF r:(" ljffi UN PR EPA RED NESS . J3J Banquet Given For Crandall of Cornell Tonight Omaha graduates of Cornell unlver.lt v are Interested In the hanauet tn bo given at the Hotel Breslln, New York City, Friday evening at which Professor Rmerltua Chsrles I Crandall will be tha guest of honor. Prof. Crandall la retir ing after forty-one years of active teach ing. Aa a testimonial of their regard for him, the graduates of tha College of Civil Engineering have raised a fund of $.1,000 which will be formally presented to tha university at the banquet, the Income to be used to furnish prises for specially good work by undergraduates on sub jects assigned by Prof. Crandall. rror. crandall'a Influence, it la asserted, haa been stamped on American engineer ing during the last four dnrarfea in. experiments on bridges carrying fast trains nave contributed vastly to knowl dga and In geodesy his work Is far in advance of any similar work, Ha la member of many learned aocietlea Grad uates or nis courses fill high positions in the engineering world. Speakers at the New Tork banquet will " -rwaiui!ni j. j. ecnurman, Cornell uni versity; Dean E. K. Haskell. ClvlP Engi neering college; Prof. Crandall and Dr. A. H. Sharps, ooach of laat year'a cham plonahlp foot ball team. Tha prlte fund Presentation anearh m ba made by Wlllard Beahan, '78, a famoua ioot oau piayer In hla day. SPECIAL MUSICAL EVENINGS AT IM MANUEL BAPTIST Ileglnnlng with FVbruarv a . . 8unday evening of each month the choir at Immanuel Daptlst church. Twenty, fo-irth and Plnknev. Undor Ilia illnMI.. of Johanna Anderson, will give a special musical service. Russ Lose Eight-Day Battle in Caucasus, Says Turkish Report CONSTANTINOPLE Jan. 19i-Vla Amsterdam and London.) The following official statement was Issued at Turk ish army headquarters: "Caucasian, front: The Russians, who sustained considerable losses In conse quence of our violent attacks and owing to our reinforcements were compelled to abandon their attacks along the entire front. Despite eight days' of very violent offensive operations by superior enemy forces, apart from slight changes, the situation remains favorable to us. There Is otherwise no new development." GIRL THREATENED BY MRSJL F. MOHR Note Alleg-ed to Ha?e Been Written by Defendant in Murder Case is Admitted. WITH PHYSICIAN WHEN KILLED PROVIDENCE, R. I., Jan. 19. A letter containing a threat to kill Miss Emily Burger and alleged to have been written by Mrs. Elizabeth F. Mohr, who is on trial for the mur der of her husband, Dr. C. Franklin Mohr, wag Introduced by the prose cution today. George. W. Rooks also testified that Mrs. Mohr told him she could hire a couple of thugs to kill her husband. Miss Burger, who wss wounded when Mohr was shot, was his private secretary, snd the stste claims that Jealousy of her was one of the motives that led Mrs. Mohr to employ Cecil Brown and Henry Spellman, negroes, to murder her hue band. Rooks Is a brother-in-law of Miss Bur ger. On cross-examlratlon he denied that be bad been Jealous of the physician's attentions to MHs Burger or had tried to ptejudice Mrs. Mohr against her husband, Mote Is Admitted. Rooks first Identified a postcard Mrs. Mohr wrote lilm warning him to keep hU sister-in-law away from her husband. He then Identified a letter he received from Mrs. Mohr on December I, 1918. It was allowed to go Into tha record over the objection of counsel for the defense. It read in part: "My son Charles has told me that his father has taken Mm three times to call on Miss Burgr. I am going to get after her. Hhe Is not going to get the best of ma. I will kill her before I'm through with the whole matter. Phe Is a low per son, when she won't listen to a good woman like me, who asks her to atay sway from ray husband. She will be sorry before many days. Threats in rtiarerutlaa. slster-ln-Isw ts deceiving you. .I'm not going to put up with it. Please look into the matter and don't "let her Jolly you. I give her fair warning." Rooks told of conversations he had with Mrs. Mohr between December. l!l:l. and June, 114, snd said she had ex pressed herself as very bitter toward h r husband. "She aald she could hire a couple of thiisra to miirli-r her husband," be said. "She also said sho hoped he would get killed by his automobile." In response to questions by the prose cution the witness stated Mrs. Mohr hnd ssld Miss Burger would never live to marry ber husband, that she would kill her first. He said Mra Mohr hsd said she would give ber huabsnd a divorce If he would give her IV.OOO and the Middle town estate. He said he went to see Arthur Crushing, cne of Mrs. Mohr's at torney!, about the threats. Denies Talk with Mra. Mohr. On cross-eannlnatlon the witness de nied that he ha told Mrs. Mohr In 1!H2 he could eontrjl Miss Burger. "Didn't you meet Mrs. Mohr on Elm wood svenue, and didn't she tell you she loved her husband, and didn't you tell her, 'A nice girl like yon shouldn't wsste your time with a fellow like hlm?,M "No, sir." "Did not Mrs. Mohr tell. you she called up Miss Burger and asked her to stop j going around with her husband,' and that I Miss Burger had promised to keep away, and didn't Miss' Burger tell Dr. Mohr. and didn't Mrs. Mohr tell you that as a consequence the doctor beat her?" "I think she showed me some marks." Rooks denied that he had tried to get Mrs. Mohr to go to dinner with him. "nr that he had told her Dr. Mohr was a scoundrel and he would like to 'put a couple of bullcta Into him?' " tme no cimneE DITE3 YODB Complaint Charges Fred Baker with Intent to Kill A complaint charging shooting with Intent to kill was filed in police court Wednesday morning against Kred Baker, city dump watchman. A bullet from his revolver seriously wounded Ida Stroud, 9-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. rrsnk- Stroud. Zf2 North Thirteenth street. The) child. "with her brothers, was play ing soldier, when Baker shot to warn some men away from the dump, he eniil. The bullet almost cost the child's life. She was In the hospital for a month. Baker pleaded not guilty to the charge snd will be given a hearing next Tuesday. D Ryndam is Beached, Cause of Accident is Still a Mystery ORAVESEND, Jan. 19.-The Ryndam Is beached on a muddy shoal about five miles below Oravcsend. No one Is per mitted to aprpoach the vessel, liven the ship'a officers are not permitted to come ashore except for the purpose of con sulting officials of the steamship com pany. No lights are permitted at night on the deck. Read The Boe Want Ads. It pays! AaaossoesMst. Tha Omaha Merchants Express, al though tha victims of a colossal firs, are in business on a greater and grander srale than aver before. The aama able Staff, the aame ample equipment,' tlx same elf.clent service. The head office (Douglaa 172) - la temporarily at room 7, Union station, 9th and Jackson Streets. Other offloes and phones unchanged. W. 8. Jardlne, O. W. Johnson, O. F. Wast. APE'S DIAPEPS1N FOR INDIGESTION OR " SICK, ACID STOMACH Relief Awaits You! Instantly Stops Dyspepsia, Gases, Sourness, Heartburn-Get Some Now! Tou don't want a slow remedy when your stomach la bad or an uncertain one or a harmful one your atomach la too valuable; you mustn't Injure It with drastlo drugs. Tape'a Dlapepsln Is noted for its speed In giving relief; Its harmlessness; Its cer tain unfailing action in regulating sick, sour, gassy stomachs. Its millions of cures in lndlut-stion, dyspepsia, gastritis and other stomach trouble haa made it famoua the world over. , Keap this perfect stomach doctor In your home keep it handy got a large fifty-cent caae from any drug store and then if anyone should eat aomethlng which doesn't agree with them; If what they eat lays like lead, ferments and sours and forms gas; causes headache, dlszlness and nausea; eructations of acid and undigested food remember . as soon aa Pape's Dlapepsln comes In ' contact with the stomach all such distress van ishes. Its promptness, certainty and ease In ' overcoming the worst stomach dis orders Is a revelation to those who try It. Advertisement. Home Builders Pay Large Dividends to. Their Stockholders Stockholders - of 'tha Home Builders have Just received checks for dividends at the rate of aU per cent on the par value of their, ahsres. .This la at the rata of 1 per cent on tbe book value of M.li per share. In addition, the surplus bsa Increased sufficiently to make the shares worth 11. 18 each. lst year waa a prosperous one for tha company, its resources bolng Increased by UU0.0U. The directors Intend to In crease the capital stock from Utw.uuii to IWO.OOO at their annual meeting January XI. Those who invested In Home Builders four years ago have received cash dividenda amounting to Ijk on each tiuo Invested and stock has Increased In value 1(1 per share.' The company has stockholders in fourteen states. From Inquiries received frura distant points ecretary Khimer Is convinced advertis : lag In Tha Omaha Bee la read by readers ver a vast territory. HOME BUILDERS' Financial Statement, January 1st, 1916 Certified by Public Accountant ... .. ASSETS. F.eal Estate Mortgages and Contracts J I ncompleted Building Contracts. . . . . , Bills Receivable Stocks and Bond ... lxians on Home Builders' Stock Dwellings Accrued Interest Furniture, and Fixtures 1,076.45 Cash on hand and with Fiscal Agents 63,571.80 i 75,994.43 49,234.67 25,838.25 1,010.00 3,579.17 11,344.47 6,929.68 MABIUTIES. Capital Stock . ., 9163.9S8.00 Accounts Payable for labor and material on dwel lings under construction (not yet due) Ford Hospital Company, subscription account.... Dividends Payable Surplus and Undivided Prot.lt.....,..,.,....,,. Total , ....$227,578.8:? 15,619.37 2,800.00 6,952,6! 39.518.70 Total $227.678. sa We hereby certify that we have audited the business of the Home Builders, (Inc.) for six months ending December 31st, 1915, and we further certify that the above etateuient is in accordance with their books and records on January 1st, 1916. Signed this lMh day of January, 1916. (Signed! H. A. DWOKAK. DWORAK ACCOUNTING COMPANY, Certified Public Accountant, 433-437 Rauige Bldg., Omaha, Nebr. - . Total rjjet Earnings on $100.00 Invested tn Home Builders' Shares 4 Years Ago. 1911, , e a Ditte December 31, Inne 70, 1912 December 31. 1915. June 30, 1913 December 31, 1913. June 30, 1914.. December 11, 1914 , June 30, 1912 December 31, 1915, January 1, 1916 Total Cash Dividends. .. . Premium on Cash 100 Shares Div. . . . .... $ 3.50 3.50 ...$ 2.00 3.S8 ... 6.00 3.67 ... K.Otl , 3.7S ... 10.00 3.83 ... 12.00 3.9 3.60 .;. 1C.00 4.0G ... 18.00 .... .'...$33.80 OVER 11 XET EARXIXGS On every $100 invested by shareholders 4 years ago, they have received $33.80 cash dividends, and the value of shares has advanced $18.00, making a total earning of $51.80. Any shareholders converting shares Into cash before July 1st, would receive 1.16 per share, which' Is the resent book value, less the last surplus dividend. This gives the share holder a premium ef $16.00 In addition to $33.80 already re reived In cash dividends, or a total of $49.80 aet earnings during tbe 4 Vi years. This is 911.66 per year, or over 11 pr annum for the time the money was invested.' You can invest, a large or small sum. weekly pr monthly, leave It as long as you wish, or convert It Into cash on short uotlce. , .' . , . i. . . . Our booklet, "The New Way," free for, the asking, tell all about It. Practice "Safety First" always Be careful of your diet Watch the condition of your Stomach, Liver, and Bowels and see that they are working" in harmony When help is needed-Remember, TETTER'S STOMACH TERS has always been found reliable and trustworthy and therefore deserves your fullest confidence. Try it today 03 0 S Hi It Will Make You Feel Better :ter 1 ESMBOnlg When in BOSTON Stay at ths HOTEL BRUNSWICK BOYLSTON ST., COR. CLARENDON, Facing Copicy ouanc A high data modem house, intelligent service, pleasant rooms, superior cuiiina. Ladies traveling alone are enured of courteous attention. Cuaorcsn slsn. ainaLC rooms, ai.BO vs; with Bath at. 00 us. oouBLt a.ao a oo " AataicAN u., aa.00 sea oar us ratD . jonis. PaesaitTM' r ii isssmmmssfi If? vV!V '"M n wme iiiiiiiiiif UEJUSJUJ ii CMOOTH double track on a heavily rock ballasted road bed with automatic electric safety signals all the way. Seven fast modernly equipped trains leave Omaha from the Union Station daily 7:30 a. m., 12:30 p. m., 6:00 p. m.f 8:32 p. m., 9:00 p. m. (Overland Limited, extra fare train), 10:00 p. m. and 1 :20 a. m. Be sure your ticket reads over the The Best of Everything TlckaU, raMrvationa, and full information mar ba obtained ham . J. MEIXEN, G. A.; 1401.3 Fsrnam St.. Omaha. Nab. Phana Douglaa S740 1 md a .i I ... ..inn SIX TRAINL0ADS OF HEMP TO GO THROUGH OMAHA SOON Sis special tralnloads of hemp from tba Fhlllppinaa aia now enrouta from bcattla to Calcaao over tha Union Pacific rail, way. Tha berap. SA cars. Is const nad to tha International Harvester corapauy of Chteaao. UurUxg uii ovr l.OM.uuu balea of nemo ware produced la tin Philippines. In normal times one-half the total crop of tha Philippines Is atilpped to tha United atatea and tba other half to Great Brit aln. During 1K4. on account of ths war, practically tha total production waa hipped to tha United States. COMlMK.VriYK STATEMENT. Dir. Rate January l, 1912. . , July 1. im January , 1913 .. . July 1. 191S January 1, 1914 .. . July 1. 1914 January 1, 1915. . . July 1, 1915 , January 1. 1916, January 1, 1911. . "u irj J, is I o . , January :7. 191. e i a a i e a i i a a a e e e e i e i a a e , t a a i e e see a a i e e i ! i a e i -see ' i Resources Surplus. on Par. $ 17,127.65 f -7 Sl,05.8 1,134.80 ..7 56.055.40 3, 543. 57 7,14r0 81,364.04 6,558.65 7.35 85,303.39 . 8.7J1.86 7.66 11C. 805. 19 H.707.77 7.70 184.685.72 17.966.i3 7.84 173,063.14 " 8S.17S.S1 ' 7.98 227.578.88 39,518.76 8.12 ... .. . i " ' a .Authorized Capital Stock, $100,000.00. .Authorized Capital Stock, S200.000.00. .Authorized Capital Slock. S50O.0O0.00. .advertiser as Vlasalfled Ad" I customer profit by tha habit. American Security Company, Fiscal Agents HOIVIE BUILDERS Inc. O. C SOI ME R, Sec'y. OMAHA. NEB. C. A. ItOURJiOrGH. rtc. saasfOsv. A nnlU riltlu !a,Mnoa. IVflV w . w awtM cviw rJi ,7 - T Wlater Traia da Uu Teams All Sleel ' DIXIE LIMITED DIXIE FLYER How la arrloa. (Tear 'reaad aervlce) Lv. Cli lease 11:30 a.m. L. Cstcaae 10:29 p. aa. At. JecaMaTOle 7ul0 p. aa, Ar. Jacaeoavflle 7 JO a. ak Uest day) (2ad day) Only through service over the scenic short line via HASHV1LLE. CHATTANOOGA sad ATLANTA Eye-openinjr scenery every mile of the way -mountains, old battle ne Id i, southern plantations' something of Intcrart is always in visw via C. & E. I. (CklcaaeA EaalemlUlaeU Railread) To Florida This it Florida time, and Florida is coa . seatmSr leetaa rta lae awlaf at nailas natttai Bum SoaM. Mk roar airaittiaum a. ram an Wv Wins tot tuS Intofauuoa. J.r.COVAN.GealAtt. 108 West Aaeata Street, CaUCAOO w . -i rr' r- - r ""jiLasifftatfcUa mi em"nni. I ail ori'j tui.