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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1916)
Till: nilE: OMAHA, TITrUSDAY. .TAXUAUY 20, I91h 19 FOR RENT-BUSINESS PROPTY Storee. YvILL remodel spac, , by so, for lodge hull, 3.1 floor .f Orouns.. Block. 1l N. 16th Mr, to uit tenant. CONRAD V' 'I'N'i. 322 H i nnd.js Th r a Doug. r.71. F.MALL store room, vt i v desirable s rent, '": 'ass st. young. 3 22 R r a n dc t a Th c t er . DougUs 1571. IfODKRN store nesr postofftra; low renu O. P. btebblns. 1619 Chicago. WANTED TO RENT I nfnrnlshed lloaari anal Flnte. V'lIV not rrnt that vacant property? Vc have dozens i,f culls to your one. Tele phone ua a listing NOW. TlIoS. 1.. MG.YRKY. Keellne I'.Mg. Red 4341. REAL ESTATE IMPROVED West. WODKRN HOl'SK-7 rooms, basement", closets, pantry and bathroom; half serf set to fruit; liot nml mid Aater a, I over thn house, phoi 1 o nrimm 620W. North. FIVP. ROOMS-NEW. All modern tn every detail, living and dining rooms, nil oak finish, with built-in bookcases; rn"""y. with elaborate cupboards. Icebox room, lull lin.M'ini til, with floor drain; shades, electric fixtures and screens all f tir niMu'd. This Is th5 last on' of seven houses that we built at this location. This is a real barga.ii nt $2.7.."; $.00 cash, tortus t suit. East fronl, located at 80H North ZMli Ave., be Uveen Hinney and Win Sts. One block from tar line ami new si hool. Let tisj show you this. For appointment call Douglas 1153. TRAVER BROa. 703 Omaha National Hank Building. Evenings and Sunday, Webster 4f2o. FINANCIAL Rcol F.atate Loan a, .Hortmiiri. W Eare ready t TiT times to make loans oa first-class citj property and eastern Nebraska farms. Rates oa request UNITED 8TATE3 TRUST CO 212 S. 17th St, 1 TO 6 (or 1nansontsteasc7ty residences In amounts $2,000 up; Ug fsrm loans ReasonablB com-nlsslona. PKTKM TRUffTcalfiJKarnam St. OMAHA nomas. East Nenraeka farms. O'KKtKli REAL, EST ATK CO., Ifl'R llnnhi National. Phone Iiouglas $716. llt'j 'TO flb.OUO mad. promptly. V. t. tVead.VVesd Pldg., 1th Fwrnsm Pta. "NK.V on hand for city and tarm loans. H. W. Finder, City National Hank Bl.lg. IITV property. Lars loans a specialty. W'. 11. Thomas. 2.8 State Bnnk Bid. CITY and tarra lonns, 6, 6, 6 per cent J. H. Dumont AojHS State Bank. tier CITY LOAN 8, C. Q. Carlberg. oi -J1 Brandeia ThoaterJBldg. Mu'MoNKtr HARRISON MORTON. GRAIN AND PRODUCE MARKET MCW TURK UEKRAIi MARKET stocks and Hnada. UNCLE 1 rent non-stockholders $0. T. 8AM oh slock at a sacrifice of per share; advertised price to 9 cents; Sn.ono shares, J. C'o'ishlln. Ediierton, Kan. Abitrsctl ot Title. 4T1I STKEET7t;0RNEli DEWEY Choice Flats bring $4 monthly. -Will more than carry tho property at 6 per cent until 24th street dmitiles In value. If lntoreated in something choice, you should boo me quick. C. (J. CARLBE11G, '.2 Brandels Theater Bids. BAliUAIN IN LOTS Two nice lots, located In the north part of city; newer, water, sidewalks in md paid for; three bargains at $4'ii each. Call Duugr. 49S and have us show them to you. niATT-FAIRFlKLD CO. :.10 Omnha Nat. Bank Bklg. M livellaueuuHi whun buylnn real estate nave us com pile your abatra.t. Uuarantee Ahstia.t Co . Rm. J. fatterson Blk. P. g'lT. Iv V. if i rille guarantee and Abstract VJ-Jil" Co.. a modern abstract office. fl"5 S. 17th St. Tel. D. 6487. RKEU ABSTRACT CO" oldest abstract office In Nebraska. 206 Brandels Thea. Cash Wheat is Strong; and Advances from One to Two Cents in Price. CORN RECEIPTS ARE LIGHT ((notation f the Iay am (ommodltlei, Varlnn 19l. today fair OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Larg-e Run of Cattle and Market Opens Up with Prices Just About Steady. OMAHA. January 19, Cash wheat was stronu au'tn mnn anvaneri rrom ic to So. Todsv'a receipts ot wheat were aon tne demand cu Quite active. Corn receipts were nut verv heavy and the demand for this cereal was not very "ronK. the market remaining practically tinehanced. Oat.i mid from unchanpred to 1e hlither. The demand for oats was onlv mod erate, but the rec eipts of this cereal were I $i!.5.i'2 on. Mlseei la neons. FARM LUANS-6 eastern Neb., or -vest-ern Iowa. Toland & Trumbull, 4ii liea Hldg. FARM '0 RANCH LANDS Minnesota. Linili. FlULRH won t lie; neither will I. aj acres, l'lpostone Co., Minn., SJ7.&00; S.'.ftOU rash, 115,000 nine years At 6 per cent; balance to suit. M. . Baldwin, Sibley, la. Missouri Lands. IT IS warm in tho Or.arka. Farms all sizes. Will crow anything. Write for tree booklet. W. s. FRANK. 2"! Neville Block. I HOD CHOICK farms for sale; 14S acres Highly Improved; fcO acres of choice land at $T5 per acre; to seltlo estate. Kd Croft. Richards. Mo. o IMPROVED upland farms, $10 acr; corn, ulfalfa, hoKs. Stebbins. HilO ChicaKo. ' BUY A. HOME. DLIXT BENT. A good 7-room house for only Jl.SOo, renting all the timo at $16 it month. We can tcll you this on a payment of t20 cash. lalance $18 per month. Owner mlKhi take a choap lot as first pay ment. Paving and all other taxes paid. PAYNK INVESTMENT COMPANY. I'oug. 1.81. 6th Floor Omaha Nat. Uk. o REAL ESTATE-UNIMPROVED orlh. PUT $lu TO $16 per month ot your spare money In MINNK L.USA lots. REAL. ESTATE is the FOUNDATION of all wealth. It can't get away from you, and If you buy In a well located new addi tion, you will not csly save but MAKE money. CHAIIL.E8 W. WARTIN A CO.. OWNERS. o Doatti. LOT BARGAIN 3lBt and Oak. facing eaat boulevard, BlxllS corner, for me at once. Tcbbens, Om. $i76; Nat. Mississippi Lands. PECAN OliCllAirDS At OCEAN SPRINC.S. on the Missis sippi OIII.K COAST, is the best In vestment that you can make. I.ANI boiiKht at a rlsht PRICK, Is safe anfl sound; when it is an INCOME pro ducing proposition, planted to pecan trees, offered to you at a PRICE LOWER than you can buy it for and do the work yourself, and that can lie bought for a SMALL AMOUNT of money. You should Investigate. A 10-ACRE orchard, planted and fenced, can be bousrht for $.T00 DOWN, balance $ao PER MONTH, without In terest on deferred payments, and pay you i per cent on your investment, during payment period. ACT NOW, tho vatue of your investment Increases rapidly, the older the orchard, the Kieater the Income. This small In vestment will pay you 12,00) yearly alter maturity. Liberal provision made for SICKNESS. ACCIDENT, loss of employment or DEATH. Write, phone or call for particulars. W. T. SMITH CO., r. 213. Citv Nat. RHnk Bldg. Very llnht The receipts of rve and barley were unimportant, and these markets re mained practically unchanged. Clearances were: Wheat and flour equal to bu.; corn, 1,000 hu.; oat. i;.flnu bu. Liverpool Close: Wneat, Ifrl'id higher; corn. vl hlcher. Primary wheat receipts were l.nL'I.fmn bu. and shipments. hu.. asalust receipts of vso,o bu. and shipments of Ml Ort bu. last year. Primary corn receipts were l.O02.(KV bu. and shipments, F47 aoo hu., against re ceipts of 2.:sonnn hu. and shipments of l.iri.ftflO bu. last year. Primary onts receipts were 7.onn bu. Mid shipments. oon tui . acrnlnst re ceipts of j.SMl.onn bu. and shipments of !!:,000 bu. last year. CAR LOT Vax-KIPTS. Wheat, lorn NEW YORK, .tan. p -FI.OUR St rontt, spring patents. MVp, vi, winter patems. $iS2'-n-.s,: winter FtraiKhts. iti I... V IIKAT Spot, raav; No. I durum, tl 4.i'-, No. I northern, Dtiluih, $!.4va, and No. 1 northern, Manitoba, It MS. f o. b. New York. Futures were feverish; Ma, $1.S. CORN-Snol. steady; No. 2 yellow. 8T',c, r. I. f. New York., rlrm; No S white, Mi,;.v. HAY Firm; No. 1. 11.224jt I..T.; No. J, $l.l."; No. 3. H.OH. HOI'S stale, woninion to rhol, e ISir. .rop, lSiJSc; 1!14 crop. 6Hc; Pacific 1 Threa dav a Ibis weew t:. coast, VMS ciop. 11JI..V. 10,4 nop. etno.-. 's,mo dav la? week i " v 5?visN8-,k. firm. mess. W. K Hays J ws ago r ... , . n ...... ( t fi-. s n , oanio riuvs asi " i I I I II 1 , II HHP, I . I I I RUN OF HOGS LARGE FOR DAY OMAHA. .Irinuarv 19. Pl'V Receipts were: CstHe. Hogs Sheep. "'N.-lal Mondiv 8.4.4 1l.0:, UM". Official TuesHav T r,:i " ... I l", W7 jKwlniate Wednesday.. "';. jn.Wu ." to iroe-d. $ 0.tfei. Representative sales: No. Av. Tr. fi Montana ewes l'V. v. 77 Montana feeder lambs 1 7ft vmt Mk.ntana Inmba 71 10 2S 2.W Colorado lambs .44 fed lambs 1 4"l Colorado lamba " 1' '.' iVS Mexican lamba M 10 K r fed lamba 71 10 f. 1S.14 fed lamha 77 11 ,vvor,7 44.:.i to :. ;..'.o44 4 J S4.7..4 v :i.- 314 70 w 42 Oats. Ill $1.20; cars, cara. cars, RICH alfalfa corn land. $-o acre, $4 cash, balanca X) years. Buy home, be lnde pendent. O. P. Stehliins, li'.IO Chicago. t ilea go 4.. Minneapolis 17 Duluth lo2 Omaha Si Kansas (i1v ?Vt St. Louis ..' 7.' Winnipeg li" These sales were reported todayt Wheat No. 'i hard winter: 1 car, 1 car, $L1H. No. 3 hard winter: a $1 IN; 2 cars. $1 17V. 4 cara, $1 17; 11 tt l,:i.i- & ........ ... .... t j'.'v ; . n mm, ,1.1.1, ... .... p. y n i d. $1.14- No. 4 hard winter: i car. $11..; 1 car. $1.14; 2 cars. $1.1.1; 6 cars, $1.12; 1 car. $I.11V. 8 cars. $1.11; 7 cars. $l.1: 1 ear, $1.00; 2 cars. $1 W; 3 cars, $1 08. Sample: 1 car (heavv. $1.10; 2 cars, $1.04; 1 car (durum). $1 i2; 1 car, $1.01; 1 car, !7,.c. No. 2 mixed: 1 car, $1.19. No. S mixed: 1 car. JI.1'1'.. No. 4 mixed: 1 car, $l.i:.: 1 enr, $1 10; I car. $1.02. No. 2 durum: J oars, $1.17'. No. 3 durum: 1 car, $1.17; 1 car, $l.Hi. No. 2 mixed durum: 1 car, $1.K; 1 car, $1.I7Si. No. 3 mixed durum: 1 car, JJ.PiH: t car. $1.16; 2 cars. $1.1d. Corn No. 4 white: 2 cars, 67V4c; 4 cars, b?c; car. 6tiW. No. fi white: 1 car, Hbc; 2 ears. 6.',nc. No. 6 white: 2 cars, 61'jc. No. 6 yellow: 1 car, H7c; 6 cars, '6C. No. yellow: 1 ear, tUc; 1 car. 63V4c; 8 cars, '.-''iiC No. .1 mixed: 2 cars. EOe; 1 car. Rso. No. 4 mixed: 2 cars. 7c; 2 cars, i!6e; 2 cars. 06H..C; 1 car, K;Ve. No. ft m'xed: 1 car. 67c; 3 cars, BSUc: 8 cars. 60c; S cara, '.4Vsc. No. 6 mixed: 1 car, ti-Vjc; 1 car t!c; cars, til'c. Sample: 1 car (dry, toc.'.-c; i car, 66c; 1 car, 60'c; 1 car, 5S.-; 1 car, hRc; car. h.c: 1 car. wi-: 1 car, 4nc. nais io. 3 white: 2 cars, 4T'.c; i cars, 4.c; 1 car, 4i No. 4 white: 2 cars. 47c; 2 curs. 4'.'c. Sample: car. 44c. Hurley No. .1: 1 car. 71c; No. 4: 1 car, 2. Rve No. 2: 1 car. !.!'. .c. No. 3; 1 car. Ii'.c; 1 car. !i2'ic; 2 cara, 92.-. No. 4: 1 ear. '!-.: 1 car. !v. Omaha Cash Prices Wheat: No. 2 hard. S1.lMrl.20:. No :t licrd tl.ll.lS: No. 4 hard. 11 07fr1 .IB: No. 2 serine. $1 .17?f 1 .21 1 No. 3 sprlnk,-. $1 . HT'1 .19; No. 2 durum. $117 No. 3 durum. II ir.fll .17: sample, fcifi$1.10. Corn: No. 3 white. CSifrtiOo: No. 4 while. .V,W7.-: No. r. white. 6..tie; No. white, No. 3 yellow, 9Vi fa70c: No. 4 yello.v. rtl' ..f(fii sc ; No. h yel low. 6fif7c: No. 6 yellow. ti,'i(W;4c; No. 3 mixed, tiSVufifV; No. 4 mixed, t:n7c; No. & mixed, i'.4(ii7o; No. 6 mixed. Olfiifil'io: saninle mixed. 40TW51,c. Onts: No. 2 white, 4Vn4v4c; atanlard, 47rd4Sc: No. S white, 4K.fi47Vtc; No. 4 white. 4ti47c. Bar lev: Malting. ivi7!o: No. 1 feed, it7tl4c. Rye: No. 2. 9?VfW'rC; No. S. 92'('f93c. Chicago closing prices, furnished The Ree hv Ixigan & Brvan. slock and grain brokers. 315 South Sixteenth. Omaha: ei l)k. M Ix'rllsnroua, "ACRE, good house, part modern, 28 fruit trees. Phone Colfax IQja. Is-ACRE, improved; after 11 a.m. Col. 10o2 REAL ESTATE INVESTMENTS INVESTMENT. $4.6'0. WALKING DISTANCE. One 4-rrnim new brick house, strictly mod., hot water I. eat, oak and birch fin ish, nd ono fi-room modern cottage. Both houses on one lot. South front, paved street. One block from car. In come, $ 4) per month. Owner leaving the city. AMERICAN SnCURITT 0MPAVY. JiaSouUi 17th at. Dong-. fc)U (J 00D "LOCATION FOU DOWNTOWN GARAGE 132x132 feet, nortlieast corner of 17th and .lecknoii Sts.. close to retail busi ness center. Price and terms on appli cation. GEORGE & CO., I -hone i. 7f.. W2f "RjNat Rk. Rl dK. FTn"H six-aparlmcnt terrace, better renter than tho averagn apartment house; big rooms, oak finish, strictly modern ami up-to-date, bring In l-.MO per year; ui-kerp very light. Price :Z,utD. It is a BAUiJAlN; well located. 1. V. S110LES CO., S1T.-16 City Nat. Bk. Bids'. Poiiii. 49. Brick Flats Near Clarksou llospital ei y well built, pressed brick, two apartment building'. Rented cheap at IMo a year. Prlc.o $li,0"0, terms. Glover & Spain. 919 20 City Nat. Doug. 39i",2. Mrhrsaku Lands. FOR SALE Best large body of high grade, meldum priced land In Nebraska; very Utile money required. C. Bradley, W'olbach. Neb o Texas Lands. SALE OR TRADE. Irrigated truck farm. Rio Grande Valley. Texas; 40 acres, all under cul tivation. Good Improvements. 2R Otw Nat'l. Rank Rldg. o Wisconsin Lands. family. $1 8 "ti 1 8 .;. easy; middle west. $10 K'a 10 75. LEATHER H'lrm; hemlock firsts. Z:.9 S4c; seconds. 3?trXV. TALLOW rirtn; city, 8c; country, 7'i V-; special, 9e I1 "T"." I - I . , . i . 1 - ... .... ri i I p.ii-rinn, receipts, mos; ; u... WHJS-Irregular: receipts, ...9 rases; fresh gathered extra fine. .liriMTo ; extra firsts, S4'u;s..c; firsts, ;r;'.i;::i, , seconds, ) CIIEESIV-String: receipts, boxes: state whole milk, flats, held specials, 18 il',c; average fanc, 17.-; current make, specials, 17'i," l7c ; average run, lvMrUV.o. POULTRY Dressed. strong; fresh killed western chickens. 17'(f c; fowls, 14tr?7e; turkeys, 2;,if27c; Alive, prices not settled. ear. . I.1...-1 The following VI atinua the receipts of cattlv hoga and sheep at the Omaha Live stock market for tne year to date as compared with last year: pus i?r. ti" Cattle : 3:'7 K. f".'' Ha 2.T x. 1SI.7! :'.r'l- U9 418 I "SUM 2 J The following table shows the avevas ! prloea of hogs at the Omaha live stock market for the last few days, with comparisons- AHEARN IS KNOCKED OUT IN THE FIRST NEW YORK STOCK MARKET Trading Marked by Advances and Declines in Some of the Specialties. MEXICAN SHARES ATTACKED St Paul Man Puts End to Fight After it Lasts One Minute and a Half. 29c; 17c Kansas illy (.rain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Jan. 19. W HEAT No. t hard. $l.17io1.2:; No 2 red, Jl 2In 1.36; Msv, $1.2lVn 1.21V; July, $1.36a(l .2ATfc. CORN No. 2 mixed. 7V; No. 2 white, 70c; No. 2 yellow, Tl'.iw.-; May, 747u t,.c: July 7&e. OATS No. 2 white. MWdc: No. 2 mixed, 4.-. 1 44c. BUTTER Creamery, 31c; firsts, seconds, 27c; packing, 19c. E IS Firsts, 30c; seconds. 20c POULTRV-IIens. 14c; turkeys, springs, wc. Minneapolis Grala Market. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn.. Jan. 19 WHEAT May. $1.20V'i l.2i'-; Julv, $1.27 41 IS; No. 1 hard, $1.3i.1: No. 1 northern, $1.30v,(n'1.33; No. 2 northern, S1.26Mi I ). FUll'R Unchanged. HARLKY-Wg76c. RYE 9VfT97c. PRAN-IROOnSW). CORN No. 3 yellow, 77fi'77V. HATS-Nn. S white, 4'. 4'.iU.c. FlAXSEED $2.34 Vo 2.3,V. Omaha liny Market. HAY Prairie, choice upland. $toorvfji 10 W It must he extra choice to bring $10.50; No. 1. $9.00fd10.00; No. 2, $X 0O',rt 0."; No. 3. $t.00f.00; choice midland. $!t.,'i0i. 10 00, must be extra choice to bring $1o.o0; No 1, $8.G0fIf.V; No. 2. $7.00fi 8 M); No. 3, $r. tvwffOO; eholce lowland, $:i.OO; No. 1, $ft.ftu8.W; No. 2. $.00-riW.0O; No. 3, $4.00if 6.00. . STRAW Choice wheat, $o.rAW.'i; cholie oat or rye, $ ALFA I JTA 4'nolee Is Quotable at $12.00 ffii3.0O; No. 1. 11.W'i(12.00; No. 2, $0.oi)fill.00; No. 3, $.0OS8.00. Arttclel Oien. I High. I Low. Close ! Yes'y. Wheat May 1 syrf 1 :il' 1 'Uor 1 24' Corn. .Mav July Oats. May J uly,iV'u'!j 1'ork. UPPER WISCONSIN Best dairy and general crop state in the union; settlers wanted; lands for sale at low prices on easy terms. Ask for booklet 74 on Wis consin Central Land Urant. Excellent lands for stock raising. If interested la fruit lands ask for booklet on apple or chards. Address Land and Industrial Dept., Boo Line Railway, Minneapolis, Minn. M Iscel laneona. HAVE YOU A FARM FOR BALE? Write a good description of your land sad send it to the Sioux city !a.) Jour nal, "Iowa's Most Powerful Want Ad Medium." Twenty-five words every Fri day evening, Saturday morning and every Saturday evening and Sunday for one month, giving sixteen ads on twelve different days fur $2; or eO words, $4, or 75 words, $s. largest circulation of any Iowa news paper; 200,000 readers daliy In four great states. FARM LAND-FOR RENT REAL ESTATE-WANTED WANTED TO lll'Y. Good house from owner for rash; give particulars. Address E ni;. Bee. ' 41'ioD honie from owner, for cash; give particulars. Address E 615, Bee. REAL ESTATEEXCHANGES FOR EXCHANGE 80 acres "in the besT irrigated country; 7-room concrete brick house, well finished; other build ings good; $5 acres alfalfa; owner wants well equipped garage in central Neb. W. H. Smith, Wheat'a nd, Wyo. FOR EXCHANGE. An RO-arre and 2isi-arie tract in Cen tral Florida for ko kI iimaiia properly. CHARLES E. ll.LIAMM N. Tel. Doutlas 2Pf7. l sxloii Bloc!.. MY FARM for tent from March 1, next, 14S acres, southwest corner Hardin town ship. .1. H. F. Kruse, It. F. D. 2, Coun cil Bluffs. Is THE for rent advertisements appearing in the For Rent column of The Bee dally cannot be beat for variety that will please and fill the needs of any one desiring to rent. Phone Tyler 1000. POULTRY AND PET STOCK ilXX) grain, luo lbs, 1.7i- Wagner. Ml N.lbJ 1 $2 1 SO 1 SOVt 1 Sltt I 1 24 1 23ii' 1 23H 1 34V. I. 9'W-' 79 7V79WVT9V!r' 7'." mi I i-"i' ..'vyur! so ' r.:;s. r.2 ra 3U I i"V 4!'. iiO' W.t, .Ian. I 20 in at i t'ai " a May 20 40 2.1 M M 15 20 22 20 42Vi ' "iiav it wt nio io mvi' 10 Wft 1107 ' 11 Of, I 10 97 W11 10 July 11 22l 11 22 11 10 11 12 11 25 Jan. 10 SJ'i 10 82'-.. 10 Gi 10 KM 10 80 10 67 Ribs. J I Jan. 10 77 10 80 10 75 10 7"r 10 90 I I 10T7 ! Mav H 23 H 2,Vy 1107 U 12 11 2S I 11 27 July, 11 42' 11 42 H 2S Ml SO New York Money Market VrTW YORK, Jan. 19.-M ERCA NTII.K PAPER 3W1 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Sixty-day hills, $1.71; demand. $4,76 3-16; cables, $4.77. S I LVER Bar, 60c; Mexican dollars. 47-Sc. BilNDfl Government, steady; railroad, irregular. MONEY Time loans, firm; sixty days, Vti'l per cent; ninety days and six months. 2sifi3 per cent. Call money, steady; high, S per cent; low, percent; ruling rate, 2 per cent; last loans, 2 per cent; closing bid, li per cent; offered at 2 per cent. Closing quotations on bonds today were as follows: . Mi,lli. r.. ey . n N. T. del), ta .101(4 N. Y. I 'It t 4U. .101 N V. St.t 4U .l.N. T.. N. H. a H. .110 cv. tomNo. P.cinc 4s Date. Ja"n7"a Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. 1916. llHlo.1914 I191J 11912.11911.11919. (4 t 72 5 s n S K! 0291 7 0SI 91' w 7 14i 7 17 S S74ISS8I7MISOOIT4J1S51 , hl 74 8 3 7 00 7 HI 90) 7 93i 3 SO. I 0 a 7o TO 69 6 6? 7 CK 74 6 72 7 W 7 H 7 Hi 7 11 7 24 7 121 0 06 S 04 7 M 7 02 01 7 09, S 13 7 11 7 IN 7 26 7 2 00j 19! C (. 6 03 7 81 14 i : 1 1 i i; s I t 41 7 f7 NEW YORK. Jan. 19 -Trading was marked by advances and declines In soma of the more familiar specialties, while standard or seasoned stocks maintained all of their recent heaviness. Affairs In ! Europe and Mexico fu nlshed the ag- sreselve short Interest with freah ammu ! nltion. shares of some of the operating in the southern republic being again the object of severe attacks Trading waa only moderate, except dur ing the flrat and last hours, the Ions I Iniervsl being punctuated hv frequent I periods of extreme dullness. A large part I of the buslnc. was again limited to spe JAW,,',""" ,n 'hl"'h public Interest has I arselv been l.rklni Kaw hi. I. . I were made hv United States Industrial HT. PAUL, Jan. 19,-Mlke Oibhona of I ,A.',;',hnli American Coal Products and M. Paul knocked out Young Ahe.rn in , VT. the first round of their scheduled ten-jTexaa rompanv was the strongest of the round bout here tonight. i T" v"r.,,,i ."".'!" J " hu '" ...... . u . . back io 212 In the final hour on announce- The fight had been In progress about a n,ent of a new stock Issue. minute and a hslf when Gibbons worked; nttei Htatea Steel waa the center of man over to the corner add with a r'" ": "' ' ' declining Io t svi. Ita low rirlce of t he new v,n r mil smashing right aw ing to the Jaw sent closing st 8, Bethlehem Steel gv'rated RIGHT 6 WING TO THE S 07 I 8 JT 101 1 to 5 IF. 13 6 04 1 08 7 TS 7 7 7 73 7 Sl 7 69 7 7 7 4 I 8 18 S 8 S 18 8 M 42 8 44 8 33 Sunday. Holiday. Recelpta and disposition of live stock at the Union Rtock yards, Omaha, for twenty-four hours ending at S p. m. yes terday: RECEIPTS CARS. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C, M. Wabash Missouri III tit. P. II 4 2 37 18 67 M 10 Pacific . I nion Pacific ... N. W east. C. N. W., west. C, St. P.. M. & O.. C., B. & IJ., eaat. 1) it- f ., r. vr , . nrni,, C., R. I. P., east. 11 C.. R. 1. & P.. west. Illinois Central .... 14 Chicago Gt. West.. 12 Total recelpta ..803 DISPOSITION HEAD. Cattle. Hogs 14 1 1 M 19 !.' 1 27 1 10 M 10 4 1 6 .. 1 271 40 Morris Co it'.t Swift and Company 1.M8 fudahy Packing Co. . . .1,183 Armour Ac Co 1.3U4 J. W, Murphy I .Inc.. In Packing Co.... 2 omaha Packing Co 7 iW. B. Vansaut Co 36 Hill oc ISon 217 F. B. Lew la 116 J. II. Root & CO 14" J. H. Bull KM . L. F. Husb , 3 F. G. Kellogg 6o Wei thclincr .t Iegeu .. 69 II. F. Hamilton 7 Sullivan Bros - Rothschild & Krebs.... IK Mo. 6i Kan. Calf Co.. S3 Chrlstlo 46 lliggins W Huff man 1 Both 1 Aleyera W Glassborg 1 Banner Bros HW John Harvey 2a Dennis t l isncia IN Kline 11 Jensen & Lungren .... H Other buyers 7.37S 3.66ft a.4.3 2.4U1 rsi. V. P. rf. is do rnueon T. B. Is. rr(. do coutMn 17. B. 4. res do coupon Panatos Bs eonlMin 4' 1 1I2S .1I6'4 wero In. or 1,4 liberal. about 2HH the Totals CATTLE Receipts faaru 1 .1 ' . .1 LT M.IUII'l .d same run aa yeBlei-aay. for ine days this week receipts amount to 23,h head, which is about the same aa ono aid two weeks ago. but larger thau a him to the floor for the count. Ahrarn raised his head slightly st the count of four, but his eyes closed amain, and his head bumped the floor. Seconds carried Mm to his corner, and tt was three minutes before he regained con- ; sclousneas. The thousands of fans howled and scores rushed Into the ring and carried Gibbons away on their shoulders. Hare from Harry. Just before the fight started, it was announced from the, ring that a tele gram had been received from Lea Percy of Australia, challenging the winner of tonight's contest for a battle "to decide tho middleweight championship of the world." Ahrarn weighed In at the ringside at L4 and Gibbons tipped the scales at 1V Roth boys seemed a trifle nervous he fore the bell, but both were confident. Ahearn said he was In good condition, and a moment before they clashed said, "St. Paul loses Its favorite tonight." They came together like a flash In the center of the ring and exchanged light taps to the fnee and body. Gib bons sent a left Jab to Ahearn's ill, but It apparently did not damage. They cllnohed and both displayed speed at In fighting. As they backed off somn stiff straight arm Jabs were exchanged but without telling effect. Both were fast on their feet. They Clinch Again. In a whirlwind exchange of blows at long range, Ahearn landed a left on his opponents' Jaw and Gibbons' head rocked slightly. They clinched again and neither had an advantage in the break away. Then Mike, stepping lively, rushed hla opponent to the corner of the ring wflth a volley of rather light blows. Ahearn swung but missed. There waa another quick exchange; then Gibbons sent the slashing, right hand blow, which landed squarely on the English lad's Jaw, and he dropped to the floor like a log. At tho count ot ten, Gibbon to lift his fallen opponent's head V.&43 I seconds relieved him of the task. Sheen. 1,118 s,k 2.2.6 2, AH in sensational fashion, at one time show ing a gain of 12. at 491. but closed at 4.,. a net gain of five points. Mercantile Marines, which figured so prominently in the trsdlng of the earlr week, were duller and distinctly heavy, the preferred declining 3 to 80. Various w ar Issues denoted Ihnldatlon or enforced felling, and rails were again subordi nated to shares of leaser merit. New York Central stood out among th rall wava on Ita fractional advance to 111. whlch w as forfeited later In common with the entire list. Total sales of stocks amounted to 80.000 Snares. Domestic news was of the same en rouraglng character aa that of recent weeks, with further price advancaa In Jteel and Iron and additional large orders for equipment. Producers of base metals also announced an upward price rerlalon. and copper metal remained at prevailing high price. Trsdlng In bonds was dull, with Irregu lar changes. Total sales, par value, ag gregated $4.41,000. caVl'lktd 'il,tc oofds wers unchanged on Number of sales and leading quotations on slocks were aa follows: U. Hlta. tried but cmrAtiu h vim ani provisions Fee I ores of the Tradlnar and 4 'loslaa; Prices on Hoard of Trade. CHICAGO, Jan. 19 Huge sales that appeared to be largely of a profit taking character, had a weakening effect today on tho wheat market here. Prices closed heavy at l3l'c net decline, with May Sl.-IO'i and July $1.23. Corn finished 'c c to o down, oals off 't S.c and provi sions showing a setback ol 1i',l12e to 32c. Offerings of wheat assumed Immense proportions after tho market at tne open ing had touched Am. Hmelti. us an is A. T. T. n. l'..WtO I. Armour do. w . Sl'.Pw T AtrAlnnii rea. 4s.. 111. Ohio 4. ... .Vn. Parlfln 1st... Chi-a. Mi 4M. n. a o i. 4s. . C. M A 8 P s 4's..inu O n. I. T. r. 4i. 4 ft a. ret. 4H... TV 4 ft. O. ref. Frla rn 4a Sn. Blerlrle M rit. No. 1st 414. III. fan. rf. 4 ... K . f fto. ref. I'S. I.. M Illd. "Offered. iff. 4s. S T r... 94-vPeiin. con. 4W... HI1 do awn. 4Us... soHltssdtna ren. 4s. MWH.L a H. K. r. tu8o P.p. nr. f,v . do rrf. 4. So Itallwsv f KUtt'nlnn Paetfla 4a u:n, do rv. 4 77 V. f. n,llhr s . .104'4t' B. Steel f.s. . . .. Wt'Wahesa 1st .". . .. VlWest. t'nlnn 4V4. .. d.'.VMt. V.lrc. i N iinl. 4. M Amio rren. n K.ST 1st 4... . s- imk Im'. P'T'k . !' H .!"'' . - . f ..,:p .10f . - S...I.MS. I'j'i or ago by lO.OuO head. Tno market opened about steady, there REAL ESTATE-SUBURBAN " uuncil Uluffa. 'M-t Acres Close to Council Itluffs Will Take Home in Omaha as Part Payment Good r.-ronm hout-e. new, lurge chicken bouse, good bam, hogliouse, 7 hi in in ailulfa, b acres in fruit. consisiinK of grapes, blackberries, i.ea.lies, apples, crabs, aprii ois and plums, 5 a. ! a in timber. A dandy home cheap. Owner has engaged in other business reason for selling. This in a good proposition and owner will take 6 or 6-room liousa in Omaha thut he can occupy as part payment. HASTINGS HEYDEN. 1614 Harney St. AUTOMOBILES-FOR SALE 1914 Ford touring, tc. condition..... $225 113 Mets roadster uo 1916 Monitor touring, brand new t,.'i 1!14 C-cy Under Siudcbaker touring... 1913 Ford coupe ,.i 114 Oakland touring, flue condition.. 42b AUTO CLEARING HOUSE. Douglas 3010. 22i Farnam. REDUCE TIKE EXPENSE. Duplex tirea are good for 2,0u( to 5.000 miles' service; cost $2 to Send us two old discarded tires, or write and ask how. DUPLEX TIRE COMPANY, 2".18 Farnam St. Omaha. Neb. CLASSY' o-pass. auto, A-l condition; must l.c sold; $4.'i; will demonstrate. VI. ilK.'.. H. M. HeMiman, 4-'i Patrlck A ye. AI'TOMOUILE & kili.lal Ins. nance-fire, theft, liability, etc. ART THATCH Hit, 1217-18 CMy Nat D. XmL l,ooo-LU. truck "$125 Nebraska Buick Service Station. 1914 Farnam. I 'hone Douglas 721. AUTOMOBILE MUTUAi. INoUKANCM CO.. Douglas Wtl. new high price record fur the crop. Despite several tran- hlent rullles, the general tendency of the market was decisively down grade throughout the . session. Influenced by reports that In addition to the burden of the unusual volume of sa'cs to real ire on holdings the bulls were handicapped bv foreigners selling futures here and at Winnipeg. Furl hei inoi e. it was denied that tho Canadian government bad been buyinL', Duluth reported increased roun trv offers and there -were advlc, s that as Kansas City. St. Iouis and (miaha ele vators had little storage room yet un filled, a hie shipping movement to Chi cago was not unlikely. Assert Ions that tho tightening of thn blockade of neutral ports would comull- leate tho difficulties of exporters did a 1 gn at deal to emphasize boar sentiment. Cm was easy on account of the set back in wheat. Besides enlarged receipts nave an aovantage to tne i.eara ami mere were prospects of Important sh pmenl here from the west and southwest. Oats relaxed with other cereals. The market, however, was relatively film. owiuir IO gossip inat export sales in ine Inst thre nays amounted to more man 2ooo.VHVi bushel. Packers sold provisions. i no uuioan- ing weighted down the market, not withstanding a material upturn in me value of hot'S. Chicago Cash Trices Wheat: No. 2 red, $1.21.(1.32: No. 3 red. $1 .2M .29 ; No. 2 I.,.-. I nnmlnul' No : burd il .18'irl .2', Corn' No. 2 yellow, nominal. No 4 yel- I" i' es low. 7.",'.i74';e: No. 4 white. 73vif 74c Oats: No. 3 while, WiuM'jc: standard. ltys, nominal. Barley, ova Timothy, Vi.'AJj".;..; clover. Provisions: Pork, !x.7.d $10 !2'.ilO ribs, $10 3,''k Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Jan. t9.F1rmer Rra zlllan eahles were followed by an open ing advance of ( tn 9 Points In the mar ket for correo futures nere lonav. sun active months sold 9 Io 10 points net hlcher during the early trading with May touching 7.14c and September 7.34c on covering and trade buying. Realiz ing checked the advance, however, while there also appeared to he a little selling by houses with European connections under which part of the Improvement was lost with May selling off to 7.11c and September to 7.3. and with the market closing st a net gain of 1 to points. Sales. 20,7.V bags. January, .8Sc; February. 6 93c; March. 70."'; April, 7.04c; May, 7.9o; June. 7 13c; July. 7.1Hc; Au C'lstl 7 2:1c; Sepferrrber. 7.2c; Octntier, 7r!2c; November. 7.3c; December, 7.41c. Spot, quiet; Rio 7s. 7c; Santos No. 4s e; Kant os 4s wero reported to be offered In the cost and freight at a.OOo 9 10c on English credit. The official cables reported sdvsncea or TMIOO rels In thn Braxlllan markets and of 6-32.1 In the rale of RIo ex change on iond'.u. RIo reported clear ances of 2.0i bags for New York and 1.3U0 for New Orleans. helnr llttlu change In rlther aireciion. Buyers all seemed to want a few cuttle and were out In fair season, but the I trad" was not especially active. I Quotations on cattle: Good to choice ' beevea, $8.2Js.75; fair to good beeves, I $7 uotOJi.10; coiu'oo to fair beeves, $6.Ua i 7.40; good to cl -I'.'O hulfers, $.2Cst.'.0u; I good to choice cues, ffa.7o'd6.uu; fan l io good, cows, $6.2b4ri.7'.; common I to fair cows, $4.vXx&6.uo; good to cliotca feeders, ii.ltoal.bu; fair to good feeders, $.i.40vii6.M); common tu fair feeders. 6.4U; gaod to choice stoogcrs. bi.wiii.wi, fair to good Btockars. $6.liJl .00; common to lali- Blockers. l..rjiKUU2f.; slock heifers, $u.7ui6.7&. Hock cows. $4.7t,y.28; stock calves, W&OtOIK); veal calves. tJ.WW.eo, bulls, slags, etc.. n. iwutkio. Repruseiitatlve sales: - BEEF STEERS Aoto Livery ami (ikragea. industrial Garaga Co.. 20 t Harney Sts. Aula He pair lug and Pe luting, $7o6 reward for magneto we o. i trepa7r7 Colujeparea. iiaysaorierii w. lhth. t IlKh. winter storano when earn are painted and repaired. JohuBon-DanXorih Co. Omaha Radiator Hep HORSES-LIVESTOCK-VEHICLES For Bate. BARGAIN for cash; settling ui' niy es tate: a spaa of 2.70.1 lbs.. 6-year-old mules, a epan of $.100 lbs. 4-year-old mules; also t.'Vi lhs. span cf Per. heron i. naxres In foal by Pig Jumbo Jack. Call at barn In rear of l?l K, 2Mb St. lbirty-twn milk wagons for sele. .lol.naon-Dariforth Co.. 16th snd 1 A Y- r Ml ton. cheau. Clark. W aunt r. xOl N 1ft Wanted. WILL trade forty horsepower, 191", model Spaiil.lin toui'iim car fnr hors.-s. tat tle or fl,cp Addr.s u Bee. Co. '35 Far. D. auul Aalo 'I liea .nil auppllra. Metal Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 19 M ETA LP Issd, qillel; offered. $-',.90; spelter not quoted Copper, firm; electrolytic, $24 fcf.r24.7r,. Iron, steady and unchanged Metal ex change o notes tin. quiet. $41.00, bid. At Irfindon: Spot ropiier. j;". ISa: futures tali 7a fid; electrolytic, BU 115 lea Sr,t tin. 176: futures. 1:17.', P'S. Anti mony. :125. lad. 1t.s; si-lter. i.8.8. Sugar Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 19 Sl'OAR Ra w. firm: centrifugal, 4 33y4.64c; molasses, 3.f.6'rt3.87c; refined, firm, 10 points higher; tut loaf, 6.7.r.c; crushed, .6T.c; mould A, 6.30c; cubes. 6 ioc; XXXX powdered. 6c; powdered, j.K'; fine granulated, u.8.',c; diamond A, ft sT.o; cotifectloiiera- A, U.'im:; No. 1. 6.60c; futures ofwned firm; at noon were .''.rs points net higher. Ns. A. Pr. Ns. At. Tt. n $ a si t U ,0 4 tt 4 liWl 7. i. 10m b 14 Psii 1 oo U huh J IS 11 11:i4 t IS jj vim t ) Wis 7 Win 7 46 T Jt 1 m -J Bit 7 to BJ 1142 1 at 4U 124 I M STEERS AND HB1FERS. I 174 1 Ml 6 4m 4 no 7 DM 1 00 14 UU 1 ti l kU 7 40 11 W0 J W COWS AND HEIFERS. 10 in HElFFJtS. 4 7oi i ii S M III ; 774 4 ( i 11., 4 II t Ut 6 t, 14 3- h.3 4 41 4 11 4 7 4 7 1 447 4 lav 1 U0 I HA I 4 CALVES. 4 140 I 00 4 8.14 4 14 U 410 4 70 1 441 4 W 12 t4 7 a 1 ioit at STOCK ERM AND FEEDERS. 4 Ml I I tl' 4 40 Hill 4 .1 10 W l 41 71.4 4 i0 6 Sb 4 7i 311 Mil 4 80 At t M t 41.0 7 00 42 Pl.t 7 it II ; 7 40 4 ll4 7 so 1IM 7 llonae Still London. LONDON, Jan. 19. The Times' report that Colonel K. M. House. President Wil son's personal representative, had gone to the continent la erroneous. Colonel House Is still In Iondon. conferring with Ambassador Page and meeting prominent officials. He will go to Paris within a week. Two Rinks Unbeaten. DULUTH. Minn.. Jan. 19 -The Rrewer Whyte rink of Duluth and the tl. R. Ree.lal quartet of Phillips, Wis., were the only undefeated rinks at the close of the second day's play of the annual North western Curling association's bnnsplcl In session here this week. CHICAGO LIVE) STOCK MARKKT Cattle Unsettled Hobs Weak -Bherp Blrong. CIllCAno. Jan. 19. CATTLE Re ceipts, 18.OU0; market, unsettled; native beef steers, $6.(sy(ifl.K.',; western steers, $6.y,i.2S; cows and heifers, $3 fKo.40; calves, $7.6041 10.76. HOGS Receipts. 61,000 hesd; market, wesk; hulk of aalea. $7.:Va7.nri; light. $7 .07,ti7.fl0; mixed. $7.'vlr7.7o; heavy. $7.16 ih7.7n; rough, $7.1.Vfi7.30; pigs, $.V7IVr3!.90. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 18.000 head; market, strong; wethers, $7.40 8.01; ewes. K.lTSrn.U; lambs. fM.44fjri0.90. I , Kanaaa City Live Stock Market, KANSAS CITY", Mo., Jan. 19.-CAT-TLE- Receipts. 8.000 head; market, ateady; prime fed steera. $S.rVufl.26; dressed beef steers, $6.75t.3r.; western sleera. $.6a 60; stnrkera and feeders, $600o.00; bulls, $o.fcVu4i.;A0; calves, $6.00 fi 10.60. HflGR-Reeelpts. 14.000 head: market, higher; bulk of alaes. $7.2Ta7.60; heavy, $74XVtf7.M: packers and butchers, $7.30oi 7.48: light. 7.0r11r7.4O; pigs, $8.2fiHH.75. KUBKP AND LAM BS Receipts, 8 H) head; market, strong: lambs, $10.20 Alaska OeM .. Allls-t halmra A meti. an Hmi Buaar. ... Amsrtnan Can Amertoaa IeenwHlva .... Amertnan H. a 41 Am. . a ft rfd Am. Hnaar Raflnlns American Tsl. a Tl Amsrt.'.n Tolar6 Anaconda Copper Aiehlson Hsldwtn Innwllra Halllmora a Ohio R'thlohom Stsel Brnn.lvn Itapld Tr. California retmlaum .... 4'anadlan ratflo 8 Antral Iathar i hsspuk. a Ohio 4lro , w t hlraan, M B . T fhloasn a N. W Chloatn. It. I. aV P. Uy.. fhlno Cor-Pr fnlorado fisl ai Irea.... iT.irlhla Hl.l Denver It. Y pfd In.lllloiV BarurttlM .... Krl lsnsral Klselrtc tlrest Northsrn pfd Ureal Nn. On etfs 4liiaaenheim Rxploratloa.. Illinois Central luterhnrouah .'on. Cora.. Inspiration foepar Inlemnltnnal ItarraMar.., Kanaaa City Houtharn.... Ihl.h Vallry Ixulavllla NaehTllla .. Mexican Petroleum Miami Copper Mleaoarl. K. a T. td.... Mlaaourl I'anlfls yallonal Blarytt Kattnnal ljead Nevada iVtpper New York Central N. V.. N. H. II Norfolk a Western Northern Pa.'tflr Paelfln Mall Parlfln Tel. A Tel rennsylTanfa fullmaa Palara far ttay Con. Copper Readfna Jlep.ihlln Iron a Bleel..., Southern Perthe .yoiithern Rallwas' eituitehaser fempanr ... TennMtNoe fopper Tsiaa tompany , t'nlnn Pacttie 1'nloo Pa.lflr pM t'nlled ft ale. steal t'. a. Btaei ptd t'Uh Copper Western t'nten Wsstlnahniiaa mantrta ... Montana Power rfleneral Motors Wahaeh B pfd Inter. Marina pfd. 1 loo 1 HA) 11.404 l.nna W,4U 1.400 '4' ins Inao 4 inn I. M 7") 4 ano 1 100 4.SO0 40s 'iino sin 'tins l. .t00 iiitiie II. MO s.400 1.4.H) 1.400 1.1104 It. 100 404 l.nen I.I0A i.n 1, a '"in ne I, "0 4 1.100 4V4 44', 4"t 104 1 iit. 1M M 107 14 111 v 44H twt, n "4 1T 4414 iflnsi U1V4 44 STw 41 174 14 134 4 4K, S "its 4S 114 40 Bl It 7H tnii 111V, 74'4, 11H Lew. Clnsa S4H 94 I7V4 44V, MV, 104 17'a 42 s, 1401 II ISA.. 4'a 2V. 8! 10514 M4 PM, (014, I34S 11; 4.700 urn S two ani I too l.K0 I OOO 4 IX 4.7nn 4.004 soon 1.7oa i.nnn 400 41,400 IBM 44 ana lift. 1144 r. 't.H loss loav 44 i 474 m 12 ITT', mat 44 ioni, U1I l 4S 44 '44 40 174 114 47 B 4 114 t 74 ; "i 1?0 Tl ti 1I0' 7. lit 'ii " "ti" in us 4' 101s ;s IMU 48 111 114 'i it 1174, 7 11 II 41 47 4T tax 11 10 Total aalea for tha riar. esm.ose aharas. 112 111 1J7, : 104 l' 4 4 S44t 1TTS M 4S'a 14', 140 in lt us S VS 1 4V '. 171 1 114 4T r?v 104 V, 1 4 V, 1404, r 74'. ir 11: , ;. 14 ik", t; li. 110 74', 114 II.', It 41 . I;., 21 li'. us ti', I - Va t4 :tt 1.4., n 117 7' 40 471, 14 4ao It 40 yearlings, $K2.v9.. ewes, $i.60fq7.6u. wethers, $7.00 Market. :.1j2V,C. so.-. Seeds $10 fWfr 18.50. 19 70; lard, 10 7 ". BUTTER-Firm; creamery. 2.T(5:tOc. EIHiS-Ixiwer; recelida. 9.112 cases; firsts. :tfu.4c; ordinary firsts, 29ii 2c ; at mark, casea included, 24'n30c. POTATOES Lower; receipts. 27 cars, Michigan, Wisconsin. Mlnnest.ta and fa kota. :ff,J102; Minnesota Ohios. isfaWs-. MOULTRY-iAUve, lower; fowls. Itic; sprmga, lio; turkeys. 18c. I.F.GAI. NOTItE. AUTO TIRES REBUILT, $2.uu IO $j.'aj. DUO TiRh. CO.. Itul Chicago SL MOTORCYCLES N OTIC 13 TO CONTRACTOR. Pealed bids will bo received In the of fl. e of the Board of Commission. ira of State Institutions until 1: A. M. Mon day, January 31. 1914, for the furnishing I .f all material, Hiippll. e, and labor. In clu.lini; I.,., general contract, heating, 'and elect tie wlrlnir, for the proper con Istruetlon of a aun-norch addition to the Hospital for Insane, Lincoln, Nebraska, according to plans and specifications I pretarcU by Joseph W. Salmon, arclil- UAhLL I 'PAVllloOM liargalu in uaea niachlnes. RICYfll FQ MOTOKCYCLca. All bids muat ba accompanied by a nea. Victor H.. f . . , . . r . . . -Tn. MototcyvJ. lUa," fit. l..wriZ 1 . if "mad- 'ZZ? I 1 Bnard if t'ommlsslonera of State Institutions. ! I'lan.4 and speciflcallons may he had .'at the office of the Board of Commls I toners e.f .Jtute Institutions at the Maie I House, or at the office of the architect, 1 First Natloicd Bank building, Lincoln. ' The board yaervea the light to reject snv 1 r nil bids. Bo.fD OF COMMISSIONERH OF : .-l ATI ' lN.-'TITI 'THNS. By LE. MATTHEWS, Secretary. Liic oln, N. hra: ka, January s, VU6 J 2"dlt YOU CAN SELL THAT USED AUTOMOBILE if you let t'.s public know alout It Write a full description of it. d..n I leave out anything and run same "1 the Want Ad columns of THE BEE f .r a few days. There Is in, heller way of locating buyers Can ti .11! vertiae. Phone Tyler 1 and pit your ud In NOW. 4 ton NEW YORK. Jan 19. 'OTTOV -Spot, quiet; middling uplands, 12 40c: sales, !,10 bales. Futures closed barely steady: January. 12.1:-; March. 12 31; May, 12 6s.-; July, 12.71c October, 12.7oc. The market closed barely steady at a net decline of 14 to IS points fur the day. London Block Market. LONDON, Jan. 19 American securities on the Stock market were dull, being dealt in only occasionally at Irregular prices. SILVER-Bar. 26d per ounce. MONEY 4Vi4 per cent. DISCOUNT RATES-Short bills. ls,vj) 6 per cent; five months, 6'a per cent. HOGH Receipts of hogs were liberal again today, estimates calling for 21 ears, or Ju.buO head. The official count of yesterday's run was Indicated by early arrivals. Tots) for the first halt of thn week Is larger than for any simi lar period in a long time, the three days' receipts of 66.0(77 head being 10.600 larger than a week ago, more than 6.OU0 heavier than two weeks tin, and two and a half times as laigo as for the same davs last year. Shippers, although going at things a uititf, la.itloiiHlv Louaht oulta a few hogs on early rounds at prices that ; ini.t,.d arm, 11. 1 6c hluhur than vestettay. I Th. y bought good hogs largely at $7. I7.:i'i and paid as high as $.'....'. I 'i i.e i,ii k..r market waa as on Tuead.y very siow in gcuing sianeu, out .!, waa a different undertone to the trade this morning, and wbli every one leu t yesterday iliat tne margei wouiu ie uglier once il sialic. I today, sellers were more Inclined Io pay more atten tion to tho bear stories packers wero ill. ulsting. I'.cpiesentalive sales: 10.76; fpk.Ofl t. I.onle Live Stock Market. ST. 11U1S. Mo., Jan. 19 CATTLE Receipts, 1,500 head; market, steady; ns tiva beef steers. $7 ftomt) 60: yearling steera and heifers. $8 IV'u4V36; cows, $A fsl 87 00; sto.kers and feeders, $; southern steers, $6.2fV?ia.6n; cows snd heif ers. 4; native calves, $8 0j(r11 50. HOi IS Receipts. 13,700 head; market, higher; pigs and lights. $6.2fifr7.70; mixed and butchers. $7.6i'ir7.7&; good heavy, $7.70 tjfl 7S. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpls. 1.100 head; market, steady; yearling wethers. t iKfi0.26; lambs, $.0H4T 10.75; ewes, $.!6fj 7.40. Bt. I.onle drain Market. 8T. LOUIS. Mo., Jan. 19. Wl 1 EAT No. 2 red, $1324tl''6; No. 1 hard nominal; Msv, $1.26; July. 11.20. CORN No. 2. 76.': No. 2 while, 75c; Mav. 77',c; July. 774e. OATS No. 2 nominal; No. 3 white, 61. Liverpool Grala Market. LIVERPOOL Jen. 19. Wl TEA T Spot, No. 1 Manitoba, 14s 4d: No. 2. 13a in.i; No. 3. lus 7d; No. i hard winter, new. 12a lid. CORN Spot American mixed, new, 10a 9d. Dry lioodt Market. KEW YORK. Jan. 19.-DRY OOODB Cotton goods were firm today. tuple ginghams advaaced to 7o a yard. nainud on fancy tlannetlea for fall were lV.c a yard higher than a year ago. Rank ( learlngs. OMAHA. Jan. 19. Bank clearings for On, alia today were JJ,-' 01 r,,r lh" on spon.ling day last yeur, $2.9.2,- Bloua lly live Btock Market. elOint CITY, la., Jan. 19.-4-ATTLE-Recelpts, head; market firm: native ateers, $ VVh 10; butchers, t4.754ii.H;: cows and heifers, $4 8.MU'I.86; sto kera and feeders, $6 fl. 25; hulls, stags, etc., S'-O) .; 85. HOUR -Receipts, norm bead: market f. One Fine "Mulligan" Spoiled by Arrest Every. pocket tn tha clothing. of Harry Dunham, genus vag, waa discovered full of something to rat. when ha was being searched last night at headquarters. He had been arrested tn tha grocery store of H. Kavaa, Sixteenth and Cuming, by officer N. Thomas, when tha grocer ac cused him of the thfft or a pound of butter. Dunham's pockets contained crackers, sausages, apples, pot sloes and onions. On account of Dunham's arrest, a "Jumble" of "birds" lost the makings ol a fine "mulligan," Washington Affairs A hill to esthllsh a system of federal licensing and supervision of warehouse! for stspls agricultural products waa fa vorably reported to the house by the committee on agriculture. With only three faint "noes" the house adopted a resolution revising the "calen dar Wednesday rule" bo as to speed up lis work. Hereafter debate on a bill con sidered nn calendar Wednesday will ba limited to two hours, and no committee will be permitted to occupy more than two Wednesdays with Its business. A hundred thousand aouvenlr gold dol lars, commemorating tho erection of th $3u0,000 memorial building Boon to be ded icated at Ntles. O., In honor of William McKlnley would be coined under a bill favorably reported by tha house commit, tee nn coinage, weights and measures. The McKlnley Birthplace Memorial asso ciation la to le permitted to sell the coins st a premium to help pay for con struction and maintenance of tha build ing . rir... I x. baa. w SrT ' atai in ISH 17 I HTM' mm - 7 20; light; W 7WP7 0f bulk of sales.' $, out : SOUTH HIGH QUINTET 7 3... I Tnniuisrn it n r-i miir SHEEP AND LA M B8 Receipts. 3.nro inUUIlUtUAl DLLLCVUC slo. A Sk IT. No At i4 114 ... $7 IS 74 18 ,4 aa) 100 7 20 V2 212 e. 2 ... 7 24 ' 43 t4 VD 221 ... 1 2i 7 feat PIGS. 11 lit ... 4 Bh Pr. . . IT It 44 J 1 ... 1 tu 1 11 40 bl 1EEP- Supplies of sheep and lambs wire Loiiahleiauly more moderate today, early estimates placing arrivals at forty cais. or head. The week's total, :;,4. head, is the largest ill Borne weeks, being nearly 2,'W, heavier than last week, a gain of l.OuO over two weeks ao, and greater than for the same days last year by 13.5. head. Th.. lamb i.Tct opened out dull, and packers followed up yesterdays decline by making III at infers al llgurea tnat were fiuiu a dlino to in extreme, cases a quai ler .e..w yesterday 's average. Noli. lug ul all was done during the early pari of the forenoon, about thn only sate of consequence made up to 10 10 o'clock being thai of four cars vj g.aal fed western iambs mat looked steady at $l'io). The in ou ni. nt never livened up very much, but a fair clearance was made be fore midday at generally ateady prices. Individual sales ahoweq much uneven ness. prices being higher in some In stances and weaker in others, with a tendency towards a narrower spread. Bulk i the good lamba sold at $10 1 1060. the latter price being top until the close, when a load of real good fed westerns brought 110 66. Quotations on sheep and lamba: Lambs, good to choice, 41U t.o'"66; lamba, fair to fcond, $10 lO'u-lO 4.'.; lambs, clipped, $X.11i 9 I.'.; yearlings, good to choice light, $ 7&.J .lii yearlings, fair to choice heavv, 17 6.) i 60; wethers, fair to choice, $7 0itj16n; cwcs,.good to choice, $6.6i 4Ji Si, ewes, fair head; market steady; ewes. $6 f ; lambs, $7.U"j'10 40. Bt. Joarph Live Stock Market. HT. JOSEPH, Jan. 19. C ATT LE Re ceipts, 1.8X8); head; market steady; steera, $7.ikvf9.60; cows and heifers, $4 00ttt.7S; calves. $6.01810.00. H Otis Receipts, 11.000 head: packers alow top, $7.6.".; tulk of aalea, $7.25ai.4o. MfEKP AND LA MRS Recelpta, 4.000 head; market steady; lambs. $10.0vrJ10.S6. Live Block la Nlabt. Receipts of live stock at the five clpal western Omaha K'hicago St. liOUlB ' Kansas City.. Houx (Ity.... Totals nrln- marketa: Cattle. Hnea. Bheep . 7.600 .ls.iatl . 1' . 8.000 . 3,5110 ii.r.n M.IMI l:t.7ii M.ffiO 17.0 ) sjo 18."i0 2.1I"! 8. 31 3.014) .3840 116.200 41,000 Evaporated Applea aatt Dried Kralla NFTW YORK, Jan 1 H' A PO RATED APPLES Pull: fancy, VtjV'r.c: .-hot e, 7 t7V; prime, 6hc. DRIED FRUITS Prunes, firm; Call fornlas. 4'3'Uc; Oregons, 7trc. Apri cots, firm: choice. 10c; extra choice, lK!1lc; fancy. Jlc. Peachea. stead.; choice, 5c; extra choice, 5c; fancy, 6c Raisins, quiet; loose muscatels, 7tj !: choY e to fancy s.-ed. d 7aT, j seedless, 6U. Beiievue college basket ball squad de feated the South Sldo Illgti school team. 25 to 26, In a practice game on the Beiie vue gymnasium floor last night. The vis tors played a plucky game during the entire evening, but superior team work defeated them. At the opening of the second half Coach Benjamin ran In hla freshman team. They were more evenly matched with the high school men. and Graham, tha Packers' left forward, led Ms team ahead by caging four field goals. When tho varsity men . replaced the freshmen tha game had cooled down so that neither team mads much progress before the end. Lineup: BELLEVUF. Plcotte RF Maxwell lc)....LF Klnnler C, Rarely R.O. Krwln LG. SOUTH HIGH. L F Graharr. R.F Corr c Nixon (cl L.G tchalnholts KG Holt lotloa Market. LIVERIOOL. Jan. 19. COTTON -Spot steady; middling. ild: middling, .2i' low middling, I.sed; salea, I, Ono bales. But stltutlpns: Noyes for Klnnler. Mar tin for F.rwln. Erwln for Maxwell Stew art for Pleolte. Johns for Raoely Wilson for Schainholts. Goals from field: Max well (6), Picotte (ol. LYwin 2, Ra.-ely, Johns, tloals from foul: Plcotte, Max well, Johns. Nixon 4. Referee: Besia niin. Timers: Wenke aad i'alloa. Scorer: Peters. THK I'l.U I a IT KJCVIKW ertsta treary and timely opinion an la.aaliaaal en port.inlllva tn New York Stork Kaanaaaa aa-r.triliea- Pubitahed every Saiwdae1 Be Jo'.a Mulr a fa., 41 BraaSvar. fcw Tart City. II 00 a year. Head fur eeasl aolee.