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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1916)
THE BEE: OMAHA, JANUARY 1916. Mew lnJant (NOW in Cash Rate: IS U Per Word..Each Insertion Charge Rate: 8 per lino Ono insertion 7e ior lino, Throo or more (consecutive) insertions Special Rates: Furm Lands 7? per lino, each insertion All Foreign Advertising, under Agents or Help Wanted classification, per vrord, one insertion. lVi per word, three or more insertions (con secutive.) (Count six words to the line.) No Ad Taken for off 20c Or Less Phone Tyler 1000 ; FLORISTS. BATHa, florists, 19U4 rMrnarn St. I. L. HENDERSON. IS. i Douglas. D. 1?-A Member Florlata Telegraph Del. An n. II ESS A ' 8VV OKODA, 1416 Krnm Bt. A. DONAQHUK. 1123 Harney. Doug. 100L mtTEHNtl, ORDRRI. TO tha member of" fatal lodge No. 10, Hesperian encampment No. J and Can ton, Kara Millard No. I, P. I. U. O. is.: Vou ara requested to attend tha funeral rf our lata brother, L. V. Crum at the resldonce, 29 Miami afreet, Thursday, Jan, 20, at 2:30 p. rn. Interment at Pros pect lilll. All brothers are Invited. B. M. COFFIN, Secretary nnd Sirlbe. MONUMENTS AND CEMETERIES. WHY bury your deafTlrTIhe oold ground Id atormy weather when you can buy a tomb In a marble building at a, reaaon able Price? Phone tne MAUSOLEUM CO., Douglas $17j. births And dkatiii. Birth Charles and Ro Baldwin, 1524 Jackson, South Side, boy; Abe nnd Tony KaUlen, 2tffl Madlaon. Houtli side, girl. Harry and Edna Downa, n North Thirty-third, boy! Stephen and Lydla Mile, mt St. Mary' a avenue, boy; Arthur and Llllie Nllea. 131t ttouth Thirty-third, girl; C. D. and Laura Monti, 1914 Chl-f-ago. boy; Jainea and Mary Mltvey, t20 South Thlrty-aecond, boy; William and Joeephlna Krliikey, 6410 Bouth Twenty aeoond, boy; Oiarlea 13. and Anna L. Ktle, tt'S Leavenworth, boy; lirlo N. and Emma B. Caraon, A North Klfty xUi. girl; Wllhur and Kranoea Wright, aim Bouth Thirteenth, boy, Daatha Paal Weleenberg, 87, f2T3 South Twenty-fourth; Mrs. Mary O'Hern, fc9, Tl Frank I.und, 30, Inn X: Owen fMiUley. 41. 421 North Twenty-fifth; Katharine liauman, 73, Cll Pierce; John Meara, k3, hoapltal; Johan O. Junxe, 19, Twenty-fifth and llamey; Stephen Frede mlirk, 73. hospital; L. V. Crutn, S7. North Twenty-fourth; James Jordan, 23, hoapltaL Ready Reference Directory ACCOUNTANT. E, A. DWOBAK. 0. P. A, -4J1 Rami Plog. Tel. Toug. T40t. AIVfcHTllMU NOVtLVltug. M. F. Bhafer Co.. l?th-Farnam. P. T474. AHVI11TICCH. Fvarett . Podd. H Patton Hilt. P. Km. A t' A OH N a. 1 . 43. T. Plcklnaon. U Paton Bl. P. lSfti. AUCTION fcitfiHa, Powa Anetlow Co.. ItlHI W O W. R W1. ItAKbHIbl. M. RKKDKR 1SW N. lMh. Wsb. tat TiHAae AAU 1UOM FOliOUIB. Psiton-Mltchell Co.. Hth and Martha Btfc IltlSopiATcTIC P1NAL AUJW'Mfl PR. B0RI1ORN. 18th and Farnam. Wead buU. Dw U47; Palmer achool gradual. Vt. i. C Lawrence, 1 l aird Bid V, MO. PR. W. H. KNOLLKNBKR1, BulU tl, bee B1W. Tel. Tyler 1. Tuihopodibtii. Carrie i. Ruford. ai P.Blk. Jl4JUt CAKPfcTNlliHS AND CONTUAtTOtfl LtMcard Bon. 1M Capitol Ave. T. W C. W. Moknoii. tuG Lt nwth. Tyl. fll-J. - 4. 0T t MB. THFATRTCAL gowns, full dress suite, for tent. N. lfih Kt. John Feldman. UAntlkU AlADtUlEI. P8 IXrXJt ACAPBIMT. Ill B. Wh BL UHKSiSl AK1NG. INDIES' Jackets remodeled In the latest tyl UU Farnam. Uouglae Kelatar"g PrMsmaklng Cot VM City Nat. Terry Preasmak'g coll. ge.J(th A Farnam. "U i k.UA . I C LtiAM-Ui. BTATK Pry flng. Co-TlM N. t:th. P. Vf72. UKTECTlVEa. JAMES ALLAN. Ill Neville Block, rvl enc sweured In all caes. Tyler 1134. PEN T I IT a. Pr. Bradbury. No pain, tit W.O.W. Bldg. Pyorrhea. Pr. Flckl.s. U City Nat. Bank. Tsft Dental Rooms Mil Douslaa P. TIM. pRt'OS at cut prices; freight paid on f!0 rerSi catavloaues free. Knermau A Mc- Conl.. ll Ufug Co.. Omfcht NeU. ..! 1 1111 G FOH WOMEN. ACCORDION, aide. knUe. sunburst, bos pleating, ooveied bulioi.s. all slsea and ailes; bexuatiirhlug, pouit edging; em bnldery, teadujK. braiding, ourdlng, yelet cut work buttonhole, pennant. ' Ideal Pleating Co.. Juu pwuglsws block. Iougl 1K3. EL.EC1UU1.1S1S. f n A Mender U Be Bldg Red tOM. ELEC1RICAL REPAlii. CAHIIj;. FI.BT'TRIO CO.. Bee RJd. P. SY7 t lM.HAlbVAAu'Tis WOMK. y AHFRHTROH. 40J4 Hamilton. Wal. ST I N i A M I i T I N I " Ltjgiisn. French Uutructiob. t& Lyric LUd. - Ad Kate s Effect) Less Than a Total Than 10c per Day. And you will receive the umo courteous service) ft though you rre iir-iiverlng your Want-Ad to THK I1KK office In person. MAHIltAGR LIC'EJfiEI. Marriage llcennea were laued to the following couples: Name and Hesldence. Age. Herbert Leavertun, Malvern, la 11 Nora linnedlct. Tabor, la JS Karl Kratsect, Peoria. Ill 24 Eadia li. covert, Omaha 23 Kugeno Mr-Farland. Omaha 21 Haiel Hopple. Omaha 23 Fred Walter. Jr., Cresco 13 lands. Glister. Yutan ID B. I. Tenry, Tekamah over 21 Win V. Bohroedor, Tckamnh over 18 AnslI Hoover. Omaha 45 Jennie Stroud. Omaha 44 Reld, Craig 23 Olgtv Uunderson, Tekamah 23 LOST-FOUND-REWARDS OMAHA COUNCIL BLUFFti BTHMlK'f RAILWAY COMPANY. Persons havInK lost some article would do well to call up the offlco of the Omaha & Cr-unnll Bluffs Street Railway company to ascertain whether they left It In the street care. Many artlrle eacn day are turned In and the company la aaxlous to restore them to the rightful owners. Call Done;. 41. Party who found bag o No. lith St., Wednesday. Jan. 6, betwexn and M p. m., please return only bag and my dear husband a picture. I un heart- proKen. call Tyler 13L'4. LobT in or aoout the Hipp theater, Sat urday evening, spectacle case, contain li)K extra sue maKnlfylng glasses; great value to owner. Finder please run pome, K. K3 N. lSth. Heward. LjST Hoiuewhere around shopping dls trlct, one Knights of Columbus watoh charm, enmraved D. J. U Call Uoug. anq receive Renerous reward L.OHT l'robahly on Farnam car, black leather hand bag, containing money and proofs; reward. Tel. Harney 2i7, Kmlly Htshlhut, 10 S. 4th Ht. THE law deals severely with person? who fsll to return lost property to the rightful owner. riXTCRES AND WIRING. DUKKIN Kleelrlo waahlnc machines, electrle Irons and reading lamps. Be us first. 12! Cuming Bt. Tel. boug. FtHRlEUS. BAM KNEETER. IDJO Farnam. Red S3t H. Rothols. tin Leavenworth. If. 1783. HISTORICAL COSTUMKS. TVh!?irfi,t ock ot masouarade and Th,. Lleben V 8on-'l81"How'.,rU,';,:,?i JurritKg or thih peace. itlb 'BORNkTHi Paxton Blk. Red T4W. otary public; daposl'.lun sleno. b. W. BRITT. 101 Barker BloW LITH STOCK COMMISSION. MARTIN PROW, a CO. Kxchange Bld. MOVING PICT I RE MACHINES. . " , mm oarg sins. octxisiiT Eyes examined, glaases fitted, par aa .u can. Ura Mcc'rty. mi W. O. V Vd " OSTEOPATH PHYSICIANS. JOSEPHINE ARjbTHONq. 4 3 Bee pidg. PATENT. . a Barne IL Pa it an Blk. Tel. Red ill 7. H. A. Bt urges, to Brand.-ls Theater Rldg. PLUMEg 4.LEANEA. CURLED, dyed. j. Klaela. 1IM City NL rklMidU WATERS-BARN HART Ptg. Co quality .n.,Un. TeU Doug. llSS. lii ' AhK CENTRAL PrtaUugCo. DOUGLAS ITit AmSJYIntlng ColDoujlaa 04. SCALE MCPAllll.NoT Orntanilard Rcsle t o.. C13 a. Uth. p il SHOE HEPAlUIau: Harley Bh.e Rep-r Co . 3004 Farn'm. R. uu STEEL CEIL1NUS. CARTEH Bheet MetCompmy, no TOWEL SLPPLlAv.' OJl.TowIBppJy. JOTjth. P. m. nunn. aau SUIT CASES. ' FREUNU A BTEa. Uug Farnam t. kACt,VAt . IU.UII, WATASt SPECIAL! IS.- Christiansen, fd fl Paiton Bk . It , HkUUUU H4lUAa.ttl'" Wedding announcen.t peU. s.iuaau uisbt. BRODFQAARP'8 ' luckv wedding rln.s" at Uih and IKjuglas Bta Sa" WINES AND LIM tUAS. ALEX J:TK1. KM . uth Bt. Wln liquors, cigar. Plate dinner U to S. lu& HFNRT POLLOCK L1CJUOR HOt'SK. lth and Caultol Ave. Tcu-cent Unco. Fl'Y your family .i ninra at Klein a Liuaor houv. S. ivla. Dvu.U UOd FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS Fnrnllar a art MooarhuM 4ods. fob sale I fl-font llirht oak office roonter, suit able for stationery storige; slmott n?w; ' JmrrsJn.joriBr.indes Kids nil) BARGAINS. Furniture $fi; stoves. ' M sprlnre. msttrs, tl esrh; bedding I comforts, Iilrnikm, i:a N. 2lth W. 17. ALL KKPAIHS-Wi'r front", furnace roll", of. (juhk service. (imh Stove ftenolr WnrVs iior.a fx Tvler JO. OM AHA" PIL1.6 Wc -M at t resses made ovr uM like new, burning. D. ?7- I Pianos, Manlri Inilriinf mi. f2Q Victor Cabinet Phonograph, I"). $3.50rer inontii. A. It'oane. 1M1 Douiila. $5 in gold will l a paid for the nama of a prospective nlmnfr player-piano buyer. ROBIVOV f'lVO CO., 214 fi. 181 h St.. Factory Distributors Cable piano. Klorr iml Office Klttam. PKSKS, fs. ncalcs, showcaaea, shelv ln. ef. We bur, aril. Omaha Fixture Supply Co 41 4-16-1 S. 12th. Doug. 2724. (erne and Kodaks. FILMS developej live If purclianed from Photo Ctuft fehop. 4I Bee Mld. Iept- U. Jewelry, Diamonds, Watches. VTAMONlTl 7m -k ETTnrneh and ladieak watches. renHonahlo. Friedman. ;2!1 Uoug. I.onilior and MulldlnMaterlal. l'BY klniillng I v the loud llintiiy 3726. Machinery and Kaglnes. ALL KINDS of woodworking machinery, Inrliidinit ahaftlng. and pulley. K'.erythint In tho bent of condition This Includes moulding machines. Jointers, land saw, Mtltlnir table aaws, sandlna and boring machines, etc Phone" Ioulan K or call llli Harney tt., GeorKo H. Ie Co. Wool i ioikln Msclilnery. Complete outfit for sins II pinning mill. Includ ing motor. This Is a simp if tsken aa It stsndn. fj.-o. II. Ix-o Co., lllo llar-ii-y S'.. Ownhn, Neh ln Maebliiri, SlOVVlXUlXOlllNES We rent, repair, sell needles and pan of all ee lug mHchines. MB KKL'fl NKBIiASKA flYPI.E rn Irth and llnruy wts. Pour. tI. Iipmrllrra toil Supplies. MtTLAND RIBBON A CARBON-CO. We make them In OMAHA. What? Typewriter Ribbons! Supplies for tha onico. Douglas 1147. fcfl Bee Bldg, RI'-NT an Oliver typewriter 3 Vno. for $6. . L'M? r Ty p w rl l e r Agency. V'H Farnam. TTPKHVV ITKRS old, renter, repslred. ' rllL' ' lyr-wr ir r.xc. irg) rurimm, RK.L1ANCK llibbon and Carbon Co., car- pon paper snd Inked ribbons. D, 4J. RKNT a "RemiiiKtun ' not Just a type- Trn.i-. wiw rum. uouns PUTTS Typewriter Exchange, ai 5. Uth. r't. All makes for snle or rent. Bllarellauroas. ELCTIUC MOTORS. 1 11. P., 220 volts, 3 phase, new. 2-1 1. P. S20 volts, a phase, new. 5- if. P. 2J0 volt. 3 phase, new. 6- 11. I'., 220 volts, 3 phase, new.. DYNAMOS. I-K. W., 110 volts. D. C, new.. 6-K. W 110 volts, D. C, new.. ..I ST .. 40 .. 60 .. 67 loo w., i.-w volts, new 1-1 1. '. gssullne etiKlnn SO 5-11. P. (iiKiliiia engine, throttling governor 109 LK BUON F.LKCTRICAL WORKS, 3IS 8. 12th St. a FOR SALE CHEAP. ' Business College Course. Full and complete scholarship In one of the beat Omaha business schools. Good res son for selling: perfectly relia ble; worth full price, hut will be sold very reasonably. If Interested Investi gate at once, because aprlng term begins soon. There are a variety of courses for ssle. For particulars Inquire at the of Hce of The Omaha Bee FOR SALBNew and second-hand oarom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and acooanorles; send for cata logue; easy payments. The Brunswick- Balke-Collender Co., 407-409 8, 10th St. FREE 1 ,b- ' Mo Gunpowder-"!? . . Japan tea with every 10 lbs. of beat 35 coffee, parcel post, at $1.75. Dave's Coffee Market. 1611 Leavenworth ret., vmaiia. rieo, $3.20 "olden West WhUky, 4 full X T.T ""rl rioitled in bond, prepaid. nuwly y uroa., vma n a , COAL 6 "" delivered, fl; IUInola THE MOVIE PROGRAM CHANGED DAILT. Answers tne question "Where to go tonight." Ponslona. EMPRESS. 15th & Douglas. Belig-Trlbune. No. 4. "The Woman With a Rose," -reel Es sanay, "When Two Tlay a Game." Vltagraph. Little Brown Hen." UA11UKN, 1318 FA UN AM The Hungarian Noboh, 4-reel Biograph. The Caretakers, comedy. 4 cent. Program, b cents. PRINCESS, 1217-19 DOUGLAS. Chester Conklin in a 2-reel Keystone, lroppin;ton'B Family Tree, some coin. The Secret Agent, a thrilling 4-KCt mys tery drama, featuring Robert Ilalnea. Tlamand Eggs, a clever comedy. North. GRAND, 16T1I AND BINNEY. 6 reola of good pictures. LOTH KOPj 2"4 T 1 PANlTLOtil 115 FT Paramount presenti Ota. Rehan In The Italian, by Thomas H. ince. SatB. APOLLO. 2824 LEAVENWORTH. Helig-Trlbune No. 1. The Money Gulf. I-reel Kalem. A rVnnll (n Hickvtlle. Vltagraph. JkOHLKr', 6ol LEAVKNWORfHV Theda Bar In The I 'evil s Daughter, Fox feature. l-reel corned y. Weal. MONROE. 1555 FARNAM. Metro Picture present Orrln Johnson, supported by Olive Wytidham. in the five-set romance. Fighting Bob. ' tvaili Side. BCSSE. 24TH 4t N. The Wanderers. I-reel Vltagraph. The Fable of the Heir and Heiress, Csa. The Sacred Tiger of Agra. Sehg. Paramount Picture. Bohmalp. Featuring 8am Bernard. s tar Features The are Special Extra-Reel Pastures stow appearing at tha following Theater: Lothrop, 'ami and lothrop. Paramount present Geo. Be ban la The Italian, by Thomaa H. Inoa. HONRfjE. 2665 FARNAM. Metro Picture preneot Orrln Johoaoa. supported by Oilv Wyadhaat, la the 6-act romance, Fighting Bob. orphl t-'iir-; th l mt 'Schiiialpg." featurkig Bans Bernard. ROIILFF. lAVENWORTnT Tlec- I ara In The Devil's Daughter. Fox feature. PK1NC t?3. 121 ?-l 9 UOt'O LA8." The Bet-ret Anen. a thi'llllnf 4 a" mis- i tcry drama, (raluring Uobe. t I lain. J. I WANTED TO BUY DESKS DESKS DESKS New desks, used desks, bought, sold nltrnrl ed J. C..IM. 1 3 -4 K rn a ni WANTh.Ii To buy on monthly payments? small store room, with living pnomi above. In Central school district. Fhon Red 74. ANNOUNCEMENTS Mechanical Draughting Machine Designing Estimating Patent Drawings II E. PIDM AN. Phons P. J444. 415 Brand s Thetr. CIIIR0PRACT10 Tf slrk, regardless of the usturo of your aliment, cniroprqtlo w IH do for you what no other science can. When all else falls try mo and note the dif ference. I adjust the cause, nf f40-CALLF.n "Incurable" ailments snd all. derange ments peculiar to women. Dr. W. II. KNOLLENBERG rhon T.lor 1V. fly it 3I2Ber Bids. LNtiiNKKiilKtl, pisns and map draw ing st low rules, rjoo McKathron, M '-'i""iL N;tlHBnk Bldg "BIvO I rjUA Allll 8 Luckv Wedding Rl nit s'' at hit h h nd Lounlns Sts EXEHCiSE AT V.M.C.A. Busineva men. SWAPPERS' COLUMN A l TOMOBILL-'-pitssonser, sU-cyllnder. l.7-h. p. Mitel cll Spe .lKl, 11 4 model, run lO.vO miles; In fine chape; full aet ot extra casings; full clectrlo equipment; an jIckmi.i. puwviful Chi'; mvau lor pans, car in .Vo. 1 shape, or 1-ton truck, or cummei clal paper, eddies S. C. w. bee TWO jkioI table in tcood cundltlon. ex cept cioui on tops; win trade lor nearly anything 1 can uae. Stvupper will have to pack and ship to liimneif from forty miles eSKl of council Bluffs, on Rock Island road; all extras, such ss bulix, racks, cutM, etc.. go. too. 8. P. M, He. IThAVK anewsItand carrying full line of m&gasluee, periodicals, clgnrs, to bacco, candy, potions, etc. Block and fixtures worth H.Vj. Will swap for a food s-pascngor car. Prefer I6 or '14 ord. Must be in good coudllloa. B. C. 656. Bee. HOADSIKH, lighlwcigrit, two-puxsilMer, 1K16 model. Just overhauled and fully equipped. Will swap (or the best ltlt moo ol motorcycle or motorcyoio ana side car outfit I can get: but it must be A 1 condition-Address 8. C Ui, Bee. "AMBEKOLA " l-.iimort nw diamond point cabinet phonograph; this muchine with assprtment ot records cost tJ three months ago; will swsp for good No. 4 Underwood typewriter. Address 8. C. py Bee, NKW Winchester pump gun and 109 shells, two pair htn boots, 1 pair Mack intosh boots, hunting coat, hat snd sh' ll vest and hunting hag; all new. Will swap for motorcycle, or whatT S. C. kji, ree fKVSK AND CHAIR-M-In. roll ton desk, in good shape, and chair, 'also In good shape; will swsp for what have you? I want to get rid of this ona and set a larger desk. Address P. C. ti. DINING TABLE, square, In good nape; swap. for what hare your Table Is solid oak. Have a davenport to ex change, also quartered oak. AJdress B. C. 838. Bee. - i . BRAND new, high grade plaro. "Ht5 value; fully guaranteed. Will uwap tor diamonds, Omaha vacant pro erty or good iiegotiable paper of equal value. B. C. 845. Bee. I4G KMSO.V Phonograph and 26 select 4 minute records, . for typewriter:, also Burton mandolin outfit, good tone, ex cellent condition, for violin case and good flute. Address H. C. 83. Bee. ANTEU to swap. Wny not advertise something that you T10 longer have any use for and get something you really tieed. Write Room 104. Bee Bldg., or phone Tyler KitiO. HAVE1 good i-ton capacity Commercial car, In good running order, to exohanKe for late model Ford car.. Apply Courl- riey at Co., main office. F 61H, Boe ALL furniture In 4.Vroom hotel; reason able rent on fculldlng; South Hide: will exchange for real estate; value tl.SOo. woaresB g. jt v ff. -jiee. WILL trade my 4-cyl. 6S-H. P. rebulii racer for pool tables; this car la fully equipped and In good running order. A dd-esa 8. C 840. Bee. , 1515" TWIN Indian, fire engine dutch; will swap for piano, moving picture ma chine, or what have you? Address S. c. sz. nee. 1IAV r'B L. C. BmltK No. i model and iderwood No. 4 model typewriter Underwood to trade. Address 8. C, 841. Bee. FIVE-ySaR oid mare, unbroke. with foal to Jack, weight 1.1M; will awap for rora. vaoress p. k:. S4a, nee. OAH KAN OK, beds, sal t coal beater or oi.urr 1 hi iium o, u iraue tor cnicaena. H. C. 847. Pee. WILL awap nice dining room table or rou top aesit ror liDrory taoie. b. C. 663. Pee. v AUTOMOBILfce For other automobile bargain aee the "Automobile" classifi cation. fHAVH some farm Implement to ex- cbange. mi nave your p. c mi. nee HAVE fine diamond stick nln: will exchange for good Piano. 8. C. 8Tx). Bee LADT'S Hwlsa watch; oost $lii; solid gold cause. What nave you. . a. . oee. BUSINESS CHANCES Office For REAL ESTATE or INSURANCE Same floor as Bee Office TILE BEE BUILDING Office Room 103 ret Our Nebraska farm mortgages ' are not affected by European wars or panics. Amounts $400 to 120.000. We collect sll Interest and principal free; ot charge: 20 years In the Nebt-eka farm loan field without a loss la our record. KLOKE INVESTMENT COMPANY, 201 Om. Nat. Bk. Bldg., Omaha. Neb. - o SKiO BAhOAIN. . I must sell rny new stand by Jan, 15. 19 U. carries full line el cigars, tubacuo. randies, magaalnea, stationery, etc; good paying bualitena, 3j per cm. profit; van be tun car of by wt.'e while hus band works; two living room la rear. rasonable rent; good reason for e ling. For further lutorniai Ion, cajl Colux iS J FoTt AL-K'W uali, five Jjrunawick tables, electric piano. Ice box, cigar and candy rase, wall case,, afe, roll-top desk, all in good shape, and good bit iies. Will invoice about A.tX Wl.l sell for Just what It would coat new. About half cash, balabie will pay for self. Located In a Nebraska city, of I4.M. Address V. 210, Bee. E TAbLlSriLD iuou(ao.urr wants general eaiea manager to establish of. flee and manage s Iremen; to tl.ODO capital neceanaiy. You handle own money. Liberal contract. Should make from I10U to IUiA) annually. Will pay expenees to Chicago It you are the man w want. W. J. BurV. 1"U Re puKlte MM . Chicago. ESTABLISHED manufacturing busiiieaji requires services of a inaner bl to Invest HO.teO in business. This will In tereot any man who desires a financial connection, and do not ore to Interview other. B 4t. Umaha Pee. fl YOUR Bujim. will UnJ ?7T3 lnetiftloo ad la just what It Is advei tied, or if . you are looking 10 start in bonnets for ourself, you will . t perfectly a-turf led if yoj Us the Business hance column ot The Be When biiyu.j or' Uuig a bualueaa. h'.iif T ler l'fi TH l ATFR.' ';'. Icaae or ,'l your ti e- aici. nuichin am) .pi l e ibiobgh 'ihcaler Ex. Co. 1404 Fatuain D is.;. BUSINESS CHANCES K)R HA I.L Hesiaurant and barber hop. It rooms upetfllrs. all full; fancy line groceries, cigars and tobacco, doing good business: grand location; opposite rr barns, yl Ae. A. Council Bluffs, la ,pbone Black 1V.. Full tALK-lnfants, "children and la dles' furnishing store at Pavld City, Neb., nt a 'mr. a n; best locitlon In ton: dnln un ere lent business; wsnt to re'lreBix No. 3 5. I'avH ( It v. Neb. PKTl'RK rhows, locations, icsses. ma chines, repairs, supplies and acceasorita. re us first. OMAHA THKATF.R Pl'PrLY CO., Balrd Bldg. LIST your business wl;h me for quick results: buy, s, II and exchange. RELIABLE BARGAIN CO.. P.oom 2. B.iird Bidg. Tel. Doug. W20. 17TIIANDDOrGLAS ST. I UaVe on hand one of the finest cafea In the state fir sale; big business, owner has bettr changes. Tel: lnug !. or write I c. Slampos. V. O. on. Del.. Omnhs, Neh. -o OFI'TCK for renl estate or Insurance, same floor as Bee office; 13x21 fet; Ml The Bee Bldg. Office Room 103. TO 8EI.T, or iijy a business, cll 01 Puw h At Borghoff. Ftenxer Blk. P. 33, TD OKT In or out cf business call on OANOKSTAP. 421 Bee Bldg. Daog. 3477 Pok BALK Tailor noi, with Hgffmun press. Fr ees reasoiiable. Ty. 2V7-W. BKB Omaha Theater Supply Co. for bar gains in established shows. D. 3020. SITUATIONS WANTED' Male. DO you need a good salesman? 1 rati alsp fit In a collector, office clerk and correspond! nt : am married and must have work: college snd business educa tion; can give excellent refeiencea from Ihbi employer; prefer advertising or real estate, but will do anything honorable. Tel Webster IO. fINOL12 man. Z8 years, American, tem pore te. It years' office end road ex pTien'e, will accept any work oifered. Highest local and outside references. Charles S. McKcand, 13rn Douslaj St. Douslas 3y. EXPERT accountant wants position bookkeeper; threo years' experience as manager and bookkeeper In lumber and grain business; best of references. Ad dress A. A., 1M7 Jackson St., City. CITY salesman with 6 years' experience In calling on groceries and baiterle would like to nake conection with some reliablo firm for 1316; references fur nished. Web. 2;j. POSITION wanted by man and wlf. first and second cook. On ranch or In camp. Tel. Rod 77!W. 2112 Csss St. JOB WANTED House carpenter In atore or office building by competent me- clisnlc. Phrme Harney 8949. EXPERIENCED colored man desires position as porter or Janitor. Best cf references. Webster 473L RELIABLE, first-class fireman will go anywhere; references. Address T 206, care Bee. FeaaaJe. COMPETENT whit women wishes housework, where good services are ap- preclted. oGod salary expected. P. 'J'tl. RK LIABLE! colored woman wants work of inv kind: scrubbing nnd cleaning especially. Call Douglas 6372. WANTED Position ss nousekteper with a small child. Address Box 460, 11am- mirg. is, WANTED Position by young lady ste nographer. Experienced. Call Colfax VIS. EXPERIENCED laundry womtin wants bundle washing; neat worK. veo. 1157. COLORED woman wishes place aJ chambermaid. Webster 1219. LACE curtains and bundles carefully laundered. WebBter 42SS. WOMAN wlehos work as housekeeper. Webster 7S34. BUNDLE washing cheap. Webster 437. Cleaning and laundry work. Web ster 4745. DAY work of any kind. Web. 6926. Mary. HELP WANTED-MALE Store Offices. SPECIAL STENOGRAPHIC POSITIONS Steno., rapid, brainy 175 Steno.. advertising -eeslst&nt t Steno., law, special opening $0 rteno., clerk, excellent future $5" Steno., Asst. bookkeeper, autos SVO Steno., exceptional future $40 WESTERN REF. & BOND APS N.. Inc. Originator of the Reference Business. 752 Omaha Nat, Bank Bid. SQUARE PEGS IN SQUARE HOLES. We find a position that fits you. CO-OPERATIVE- REF. CO., 1015-18 CITY NATIONAL BANK BLDO. SALESMAN, udv. agency, salary. Solicitor, city, $S. WATTS RKF. Co., Sai-40-43 Brand Thea. Profeasloas and Trades. WANTED at once' kwo (C) good frame shavers or hide cutters. Good Wagea, toady work. Foster Robe & Tanning Co., 11125-164 Fifth Bt., B. E., M luneapoli. Minn. WANTED A good blacksmith. Box uL Peru, Neh. Drug Store Snap, Job. Knelst, Bee Bldg. Salcenaesi and Solicitor. NEW SALESMANSHIP GLASS STARTS MONDAY, JANUARY 31, Y. M. C. A. vA.TED, by Jobbing hardwure house, buyer builders' hardware and tools: also an experienced xtove salesman snd three experienced hardware sale men. Address Box 4A. pe Moines, la. GENERAL agents wanted in every county In Nebraska. Small capital re quired to handle agency. No competi tion. Don't answer unlesa you mean post nees. Aooress j-sjv, nee.. WANTED We offer an exceptional op porlualty to good salesmen to sell frocerles direct to the consumer. Write larper Bros. A Co.. Wholesale Grocer. (hL5??i ANTt.D (iood live man a city salee man for an Investment proposition: good commission paid to the right man. Call after 1 p. m. at 913 City National Bsnk Bdg. Trad Schools. YOUNG MAN, be a barber. I teach you quickly, cheaply, thorcjghly. Tool fur nWhed. I give you ac.util shop werk. You have chance to work Saturday and keep half the receipts. My tu r.ents in big demand. I have colle.ei In all principal cities In U. B. and Can ada, tall, writ or phone A. a. Moler. I'rasldent. BARBER COL LEG EX Omaha. SAVE $25 SEE OUR SPECIAL HOL1 DAT OFFER, If you can t attend day school you can hold your Job and at the asm lUu get your automobile euu.-tlon If you enro'! it) the NIGHT CLASS OF NEBRASKA Al TOMOBILO BCUOuL. 24ui LEAVENWORTH. RED 1HV GOOD MEN WANTED to learn auto work, for the nig aprlng rush. Fin training work on auto and electric starting s)stem. AMERICAN ALTO COLLEGE. IfrJ Faream SC Omaha. Neb. LEARN THE BARBER TRADE. Tri-City Barber college, low r.ti tui tion. Including set of tools; wage paid: clectrt: massage, hydraulic cuairs. cat alogue free. 1124 Douglua 8;.. Ontana M laeella aeoaa. kiEN It or over, wsuku aa railway mail clerks. Samp! examination question free. Franklin Institute, Dept. Ill L. tlnrHester. N T W ANTED .V aniea of ambltlou mea. It to 4A. wishing to bemt Omaha mall carriers. Commence fc7 month. Address Y 1. Bee. AGENTS AND CANVASSERS' i'OAI. anl wsnted la every town, get a trial cr. I. M. Cox. No. Platte. Neb. HELP WANTEDFEMALE Store and Offices. STF.NtX-JRAPIIKU lo r-OOKKV.EPKR Mi T J: V? A N1"' Ai HN C Y. Vlt K K B 1'P'I, BAUMiini, i'lty. salary and com. Blller. $TR. WATT?4 R ET. CO. .KW-40-42 Brand. Tho, ' ProfessioBs wd Tnades. . A Rt'HY, busy door bell and'aTstcady Stream of replies-after your 'rfEU l'- . , -M 1 . . . . 1 . . . nee nnj na aiory ACCOMPANIST wanted for vocalist by the hour. . Phono, Harney 2479, ask for Mrs. Domvllle. r EVERY day ha it sunshine for BFR Wht-Ad users. Start iodny. Call TVJ. r FOtr . - ONKTireman and stage hands; must be capable men; apply Krug theater at once . GIRL to learn halrrtrsslng. Oppenhelm Psrlors. f.TS City Kat. Hoasehold and Domestic. GOOD girl wjue,l for llgnt housework. This place Is more of a home to a girl v.i i r ully needs one. The work Is 'ry i:ht nd wages fairly good. Now, if ' hi took good to you, address G 617, Btjo: , . ... t l gill waifteVfTor llgnt housework? This place Is more of a home to A girl that reelly need one. The work Is very light snd wage lalrly gocd. If the ad looks goT'd to you, address. O S!7' pee. FREE! Ads for servant, girls will be rtia 3 days free of chsige. Bring, send or phone your sd to TUB BEE office. Pit ' Tylerl(Vu. V". NT Fl D E x pericnrii. malT for general housework; good wages, references re quired. Mrs. Tnomas Mcrfiane. 141 N. 41 at St. Her. 2241. . Competent "cook trvi housemaid; could ute nnsosnd nni wire; bi;nesf wsrea piid, .Mrs. J. Ma hour y, ai2 S. 37th St. Phone Harney isl. WANTKI A whlto girl for housework. One who can sleep at home; tntit have good referencce. Apply nt 3J17 I'op pli'toii. Ala. WANTEl KvilaMo white girl for hoimw VOrk; miiat be good lautKircss; no conn ing; wskcs 7 per week. Apply 3104 Dewey Ave. Olrl for general ho.iewotK; no-WAshlne: small family: white girl Preferred. Call fill N. 2"th St. vi ANTED A. fclil for general hou?-ti-ork; good waces. J. L. Baker, lulS S. f-'d. Cell Tlarnev -25::6.- W ANTED Girl for general housework, German. Norwegian or Dane. Phone Walnut 163. WANTED Girl to assist with house work arid care uf small child. Phone Harney 7558. . . WANTED Experienced white girl for general housework, lira T. J. Dwyer, W ANT ED Middle-need lady for house keeper; German preferred. Tel. D. S145. WANTED Girl for general housework in ramuy or . itar. ;mi. K)f7U lOrtge bt. i" . v-fi.' r. S' . .. . . . i - .. , I r. uwii, v,llllit3Lr:iii Bill lur CII- erai nuiiworn, noon waseg. ftfft, Bu. WANT ED-Gir l for general housework. 61H B. 39th Ave., Bo. Side. So. 22.M. WANTEDCompetent girl for general iiuiinpwvrni no waeninK. riOJ. Mlscellaaeoa. YOUNG women coming to Omaha a strangers are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian Association building at SI. Mary's Ave. and 17th St.. where they will be directed to suitable boarding places or otlierwine anaisteti. Look for our travelers' guide at Union station. WANTED Competent teacher, to live with family and teach two boys the 7th, Ith and 1st year in High school: state experience snd wages wanted.' C. J. llynhan. R. R. S, South Omaha. EDUCATIONAL AFTERNOON SCHOOL OPEN 3 TO 6 P.M. Reading, writing, spelling, arithmetic, English, English for coming Am., short hand, typewriting, bookkeeping. Five days per week. K per month. Enroll for part Or' full time, for one or more sub Jects, afternoons or night, or both'. Y. M. C. A. SCHOOLS, r 17T1I AND HARNEY 8T3. BUSINESS COLLEGE STUDENTS BAVB MONEY ON COURSE. For sale, with good reasons for Sell ing, a variety of courses In a reliable Business Hchool, one of the leading busi ness colleges of Omaha. Will be sold very reoriable-away below regular price. If you are considering taking a course investigate thin t once, slnco Spring Term betins soon. Call olfico. Omaha Bee. . ' v pa- schootI : - . BOYLE A COLLEOB. NIGHT 8CHOOU Every day is enrollment davj Bookkeeping,- Shorthand,. Stenotvp'v, Type writing. Telegraphy. Civil Service all Ceramorclal- and 'English branches. Cat alogue free. BOYLE3 COtLEGF 18th and Hurrtey 8ta. Tel. Dous-lns 1SSR THE VAN SAftTSCH STENOGRAPHY BOOKKEEPING. uay fcnooi ror l ouhg women. ' Evening School ,for Young Men and Women. faturday morning class In typewriting. lone C. Duffy, Oe.ner and Manager. 0 S, 18th St. Omaha "OR sale, the followtbu acholars'ilps la a first-class Omaha Business College:' One unlimited combination - bu Mnesa and shorthand course. One unlimited stenographic course. One three-month' business or teno gTaphlO oouree. , W 111 be sold at a discount at the office of The Omaha Bee. ' LkARN to dance at therbeLux-Tianclni Acadmy;-rias-MoRriy and Wednes day; bOv per lesaon, or I lemons for f' private lesson any time. -Ptione-ftiuth' 'MO, or JJoug.L 4JI0. , . . "School of modern langTaoe Apply Mon.r Wed.,- Frl. morninus. 305 Lyrio Bldg. hatnplo- lesson free. D. 8704. - PERSOL frOl'NG women- comtng to Omaha a stranger are Invited to visit the Young Women's Christian association building at 17th SL and i-t. Mary Ave., where they will be directed to suitable board ing or otherwise assisted. Look for our travelers' guide at the Union Station. . PILES. FISTULA CURED. ' Pr. E. R. Tarry cures il,M. fistula and other rectal dlseaaes without surgi cal operation. Cure guaranteed and no money paid until cured. Write for book on rectal diseases with testimonials. DR. E. R. TARRY. $40 Be Bldg. THE Salvation Army Industrial home ao lleit your d clothing, furniture, mag azine. We collect We distribute. Phone Douglas 41SS and our wagon will call. Call' and Inspect our new home. UlO-Uli-4114 Dodge St- . . SAM FRlANCISCO INSTITUTE. 70 Kouth Mih SL. second floor, llot tub l ain.- AwWr. ganulM Swadiah m . .e. chiropody, manicuring: graduatca Hours .1)1 a. ra. to 10 p. m. , MISSEb GHAT AND HEAD. Electric hath, .chiropractic treat ment, avlentlftc mas. 110-12-14 laird ink.. 17lh and Dougiaa. P. S43. RUPTURE -ucf"y treated - without a urglCal Operation. Call or writ Pr. Wray A Matl.ecy, 4 Bee Bldf.. Omaha. MEDICATED vspor and modern Turkleh auis tor iai-a ana gentlemen: lady attendant .for ludles, Swedish masaags V Farnam St Douylas 84TT. ; Personal Misses Staples A Mason, l ath. IJl U.;iiiT(4d..!ij; VAIDK, T rl AMI SPRAT B A T I l)S Vuna L Well. lli S. 1U St., Ji lioor pt- P. 104. PERSONAL Vt-iS v, Paths, 1W2 Room v 'LStlN. "arnam St. ir- .,'i-s cm. M. HRI'OMAN, 1? Steam and shower baths. Red 27777. Room 23, Karbach Blk. RHEUMATISM treated eucreTsf ully, re ults guarant'd. Dr. Bowser. 3 4 Bee Bldj. MRS. STFEI F., Medicated baths. 1721 Podge PL COZY minlcuring parlors, baths. Farnam, Apt 7. Doug. 7574. 180J MISS VEVETA, mnsv.ige and alcohol, rub. Office 109 So. ITtli St. SCIENTIFIC massage. Thone Douglas T72. 620 Bee Bldg. MASSAGE Mis Webster, 18 Paxton Blk. Dotigla 3227. FOR RENT-ROOMS - Varnished Roonaa. iilFl'Ah''ml "OTKL HAP.LeT". lth and Farnam. loth and Farnam. I'LLtTi. Jll '" ' " ' ' M-l.l . nests. 1Svit,sJ-' i,i7- n-exception"ally nrlv hJ.T-"m" for nkpg- or "lPlng; n!v-hrm?- LX"rnL ornfurnjidult. Si3t 1 1 A RN E Y Ne w I y furnished roomTT strictly modern; will serve breakfist beat of service. Harney 3193. TWO nicely "furnished rooms, all mod crn, close in; private family, for gen tlemen. Harney 714s. r on FINE furnished rooms, clean and wei: heated. $7 up. 291S S;4th. Doug. MM. FARNAM 2o07 Iirge. warm "south room, modern; private family; gentleman. NICELY furnmliuil ruonu. clue uTi aU modem. M! S. r;t St FRONT room, private family, walking distance. Call Red 7901. Housekeeping; Room. CLEAN AND COMFORTABLE. 3 rooms, bath, entire upstairs resi dence; modern except heat. $10. 2511 ,-V0T!,iw..,L573?- ST. MARY S, 2M I 2f ur nlshed roomsTf Irst floor: also unfurnished: close In. Hoard and Room. WARM. COMFORTABLE ROOMS. Newly furnished, home privileges to the rislit parti 's. We serve good board. Call Webster 7172. FOR RENT-FURNISHED Apartments and Houses, Apartments. 6-ROOM all modern house In Co. Bluffs; on Qmaha car line; elegantly furnished, Including piano and VIctrola; will rent furnished or unfurnished; reference ex- thanged. 34 Avenue A. Co. Bluff. 8116 FOR RENT HOUSES West. 8-r.. W)4 lirtvenpoit St.. West Farnam. 7-r., 24.1S Emmet St., mod. ex. heat, Q - 97n nA-u. u . 1 , . - w-.., ..v. , 01 net Kii., i:uii;icii II1UVJ., aO. PETERS TRUST CO.. Douglas Egg, FOR RENT. house. Hot water heat'. Inquire T. J. O'Brien. Tel. H. 1034: P. 1276. 2817 CALIFORNIA Fine 8-r. house with nice large lawn. Call 23 California. North. 1316 Wierman Ave., mod., 14 rooms. IsSo) 1316 North 17th, 7 rooms, bath 18 0 JOHN N. FRENZER, DOUGLAS 5i4. SoJ) Lincoln Blvd 11 -room house, strictly modern, with hot water heat. Price J50. Douglas 1818. t ROOMS, with or without heat; rent reasonable. 2Sth and Davenport. II. 31s. 3d08 N. 2VrH AVE. -room house, 110. van v eo. New mod. buns;. 27 4 Manderson. Col. 12. Soatb. 8-ROOM home In Hanscom Park District. 113S Georgia Ave., with garage; nicely decorated, excellent condition; $33. HASTINGS & HEYDFN. 1CT4 Harney St. FOR RENT 7-room modem horse. nTi Turner' boulevard. Call Douglas 699. 6EE the Central Furniture Store's FREB RENTAL LIST Bilacellaaeou. FOR RENT. SCI 3. 25th Ave.. 4-r., 1st floor $11.01 943 N. 2Sth Ave., Ic). 4-r $12.0. 549 S. 25th Ave., 4-r.. 1st floor tll.fti 821 N. 20th St.. 5-r 3ft.o 4.:4 P. 21th St.. 6-r $:w. 11H1 N. ISth St., -r. $15.0) 1 iw'i rsuroene et.. j-r., 1st rioor J.'o.OD 3i:t9 MaKon St.. 7-r $.a o 117 8. 2th Ave., 9-r. 4o.00 TUB 11YRON REED COMPANY, 2.2 South 17th St. Ponff. 297. Omaha, Neh FREE RENT TO FEB. 1. 622 S. IMh St.. 8-r., all modern; house, well arranged for renting rooms; cloao in, $40, 114 S. 2nth St., 7-r.. all modern house. In the- very best repair; easy walking distance. $23. 415 N, I8U1, -8-r., all modern flat, well arranged for renting rooms; close in. RASP BROP. DOUG. 1653. $3.00-S-r'lut-i8 N. 20th St.. St. Louis flat. $27. fO S-room S59 S. 2t;th St. g 006-room. 1316 Pacific St. H. A. WOLF. 814 Ware Rlock. Douglas SftRS. 2.V!6 DourIhs, modern, 8 rooms, T7o 1121 South 31st. modern, 8 room 3. $3on. 2o8 South 4;t. modern, 7 rooms, $L'2.M JOHN N. FRENZER. DOUGIAS 5.4 HOUSES FOR RENT. CREICiH SONS A CO., 808 BEE BLDG. DOUG. 200. BEAUTIFUL 6-roora bungalow, $30. Weo. 1239. . ' FOR RENT AP'TS AND FLATS West. : APARTM ENTl 4-r., Flo-Los 2nth Capitol Ave.. $35-$40. PETERS TRUST CO.. Douglas fog. BT. rLAIRE, 24t"h and Iiarney, I-iroom apartment. sJI Harney 647. Month. FLATS. S-r., 3118 leaven worth St.. mod. ex. ht..$:6 f-r.. Shelby Court, close In, mod. ex. ht U 5-r, J32 S. 10th. Ld fl., mod. ex. ht 1 3-r.. 7.0 S. Ssth St., near Lesv. St 11 PETERS TRUST CO.. Douglas 898, FIVE-ROOM steam heated apartment, very dnujiahle. the Chula Vista. 30th and Poppleton Ave., f42.5o. ai2 Bran deia Theater Bldg. Doug. 1571. WOODLAND. 31st and Dewey Ave., 'C room apartment. Harney llifl, Mlarrllsneosa. WARM. COZY APARTMENT Fin apartment of four room and bath, nicely decorated; oak finish, steam heat. Janitor service. Everything flrst-clas. See it and you will take it. SCOTT & HILL CO., Douglas 1909. CTSEIN a artn enta, $-r., 1 od ' ut heat. Nice loratlon, $'&. D E. Buck A Co., il Omaha Nat.. P. sr& MOVING AND STORAGE GLOBE VAN & STORAGE Store, mores, packs, ships, I-hors vn and 2 men. $1.26 per hour; storage, $-1 per month. Satisfaction guaranteed. W40 A T. ZSU ! r i I) SLIT V . IrWnk r'HE'-J Phone Peogla 3S for oraplete llat of vacant I o-jees and jipartment. alao for storage, mowing. 16th and Jr.ckton Bt. GORDON VAN CO. v " Packing, storag and mov ing, Il N. Uth SL Tel. 394 or Harney 1937. FIREPROOF WAREHOU8E 8parte, locked rooms, for house hold t-ouda anu piano; moving, peckuis nd shibpln? OMAHA VAl AND STORAGE CO., 8 J4th St. Piugl 4161 "l ItFElJ movtnaj Vv. Xl.L.rL' pacing and ,WrM" 12PT Kai nam Bt. rVug'a Has. llAiiiiAKii Van a bloiasa Co.: Mov1n faaking. torg and hlpplag. P. UA. n