THE BEE: OMAItA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1016. Amateur and Professional In the Lively World of Sports i ! SIXTY THOUSAND I FOR WILLARD BOUTS Madison Square Garden Manager Guarantees that Much for Two Battlei. ANNOUNCEMENT BY JOHNSTON CHICAGO. Jan. IS Guarantees of , to Jin AVIIIard for two flglita In Madi son Square Garden. New York, and cf Hn(W to Frank Monti for two content, were announced here today by Jimmy Johnston, manager of the Garden. Johnaton's announcement follow: "I will guarantee Jens Willard $,(V for two flshta. Moran to be nil fimt op ponent. Phould Willard win declalvely I m to have the privilege of (electing his areond opponent. I a I bo will guarantee ; Frank Moran .V.non for two fights, the i first to he with Willard, Moran to re ' reive $15,000 for his end. If ha outpoint ; Willard I would select hla second oppo- nent. I will plana the money In a hank ' Immediately after the men sign articles." Tfcey Are Oat of It. KANSAS CITT. Mo., Jan. lft.-'RIeksrd 1 and McCracken are out of It; they had their opportunity to set the match nd ', refuaed to meet our figures," Tom Jonea, manager of Jess Wiliard, heavywelcht ctifcmplon. aald tonight. "I've algned with Curley, and tu ends the matter. Mnran'a algnlng dora not ; make a bit of difference to us. He la ; lurky to. net a fight with Willard, and l "Willard does not care, whether he fights f him or not." j Jones had Juat returned from Excelsior Pprings, Mo., where he and Willard had been renting-. The manager said he signed with Curley berauae Curley offered 43 per cent of the irons receipts and II per rent of the moving picture proceeds, t'urley guaranteed II!,KX as Wlllard's I share. I Rlckard and McCracken." aald Jones, "refused to make any 'percentage ar ; rangement. The guarantee Is not the bis j thin In the fight. In expect Wlllard's J share tinder the percentage arrangement j to exceed t&.MO. , J "Moran can elrn the articles with Wll- lard, or he need not. Moran la the man ) to worry not the champion." Sl'nrae la Increased. a NEW YORK. Jan. 1.-Tex niekard and Samuel McCracken, who made the (original offer of 14.1,000 for a ten-round bout here between Jeaa Willard and '.Frank Moran, Increaaed that offer today Uo S49.500. They have come to an aaree jment with Moran by which the Fltta- burgh man's end of the purse will be St 7,000 Instead of $15,000, and have wired to Willard and his manager that .they t m ill give the world s champion V.'..rn. j the original offer having been I'D.!, Moran said today that he had accept d 'the terms offered by Rickard and M Orsoken with , the understanding that the bout should be Indoora next March, ,iid until the expiration of that month lie would not consider any propositions lo meet Willard. DO A ME REVFsTslfS BASKET BALL SCHEDULE CTU.TK. Neb., Jan. l'l.-tSpeclal.l-rrof. J. N. Bennett and Coach rVhlsxIer, at-.w-mleil the annual meeting of the Ne braska college conference1 managers and ; unchea at Uncoil) last week. A number 'of font hall and basket ball dates were 1'irra need. I The official basket ball schedule as re- Iced at the mt-etlng Is as follows: January M, lUatlnus Y. M. C. A. at Mil TIHH. j .inuiuiy , Havtlnga' college at JUs- llntf. I'-liruary 1. Omaha university at Omaha. 1 rYuruaiv 4. Waller tl. (.'larks at Oinuhit, j February 11. York at Ixmne. ! Kchruary IK. ('otnrr at t'olnrr. l'pliruarv Si. t'otner at iNiNiie. lYtiruary 22. Huntings at Uoaiie. .Quarter Million Fire u at Passaic, N. J. J PA8SAIO. N. J.. Jan. 1-Flfteen rami tea were made homeless and eleven build jnr. Including the Passaic hotel and Pas ie opera house, were destroyed with a soas estimated at 1260,000 by a fire In the tustneaa part of this city early today. Tie flames were fsnned by a cold wind ih4 there waa considerable suffering tnong those driven from their beds. One nan was Injured, Bringing Up Father Drawn for The Bee by George AlcManus. Offierre laetalleil. j LYONS. Neb., Jan. l.-8peeial The Vgree of Honor lodge of this place has nstalled the following officers for the Tinning term: Mrs P. Petersen, chief of Minr; Mrs. Minnie Hultberg, lady of onor; Mrs. Uiila Romans, cblet of eer mony; Mrs. Charles Chard, recording , tnancler; Mrs. Loplsa Miller, treasurer; 4r. liensen Helgersen, Inside watch; fra. Phoebe Newell, outside watch; Mrs. . lary Hansen, usher; Miss IaabelMann. at chief of honor. Mrs. Charles Chard n the Installing officer, and a delicious ' upper was served. Marklsrrr Ballalaa Baraed. . M'COOK. Neb.. Jan. l.-(8peclal - , Vllllam Wall of Ash Creek, a few miles outhesst of MeCook, lost his machinery ' uildlng and contents about I o'clock last U'ht by fire. An automobile, farm ma- tilnery, wagons, buggies, harness, etc.. .'ere destroyed, entailing a loss of t-1,0u, pen which Mr. Wall carried Insurance to he amount or $?., Origin of the fire ' a mtcrv. (uldra Ur4dln( al I rrlr. . C IlETE. Neb.. Jan. IS (Special Mr. : nd Mrs. Daniel Wheeler of this place (Ubrsted th.;lr rolden wedding annl raary Monday nliht at their home. All .t one of the nver. Ilvuig children were ttuu-nt, aa well ax all but two of the ten isnd. hildren. They were married In lie t l. WU.. Jan ja.y la, li. They came to rets In 1ms. baMaaaaaaaa akaa .a .JsaalaBr . ... 31 Lisnftag tVii. Hiiaoataa. Arrow COLLARS $ fmr ii C'Iim. rwamar a C, las. I HOPE TriAVri LI KHOV OU CANT 1NV ) 1 WTTM OUT TH MC bO ..I I COT bOMF FOR rou I I V V WW " VrVt HAVETO W ' K jQ I 0 CANT a--?-- A DOrtT! INT THAT j I I HEAR TOU c---ALLtNq HE! IVE COT TO STOP THAT BEFORE THE POUCt DO! I COOLD DIE LltiTrJN iNq TO 00-- T I HEAR al I I'll mmmmmmmmmmmtmmtl I inilMMHWaWllli M l j-what'6 THE MATTER VflTH THE ME WHERE ARE CRACtOUV WHaTOO 0U SUPPOSE the Matter? J BY COLLY SVr''' Stv;" ,t stopped fl r.v - V Vjr? .THE SINCIN T-Jff'K' ''": 'Xj """"1 rfT 'rzmtr FORMAL TRANSFER OF THE COBS TODAY Weeghmn Will Take Over Chicago National League Clnt at Noon, CHECK READY TO PRESENT CinCAOO. Jan. 19 Th format ruuMtnr of the Chicago National league baae ball club from the ownership of Charles P. Taft to Charles II. Weeshmaa will take place tomorrow at noon. This statement was made tonight by President Weegh msn of the Chicago club. Mr. Weeg-hman aald the check was ready for presentation to Charles Schmalatlg. the representative of Mr Taft. who arrived in Chicago today. Mr. fohmalatlg and Mr. Weeghmen held a conference tonight, arranging some minor details In regard to the transfer of the stock. A meeting of the stockholders of h combined Chicago Federals and Chicago Nationals waa held tonight, at which Harry Ackerland. who holds In the old Cuba, waa Introduced. He said ne aid not want to sell his stock. George Weaterall. third haaemnn William R. Jackson, first haaeman r the Chicago Federals, today were re leased by President Weeghmsn of the Chicago Nationals, to the St. Joseph (Mo.) team of the Western league. Farrell Gives Out A List of Federals Who Are Released AUBURN, N. T.. Jan. l.-SecretTy John H. Parrel) of tha'Natlonal Assocla tion of Professional Base Ball Leagues, today gave out, the list of players who have been released by the Federal league aa a reanlt of the recent peace pact, and who are now free agents, so far as the For'eral league Is concerned. Secretary frarrell aald: "National association play ers automatically revert to the aaaocla tlon dub entitled to them when they left Organized Base Ball. If that club does not wish ald player, he may negotiate with another club. All players must r-o tendered contracts on or before March 1." The liat follows: D. U. Artama, William Adams. Allen. A. P. Houclier. Bonln, Brown, Booe, BiifflnRton, Hate. M. Boucher, Baum gartnrr. ifyrd, Block, Benton, Bradley, Brandon, Blackburn, Bender. t'olllna. Carr. Choulnard, Conway, Cara nlts. Cole, Cueto, Chappelle. C'utaliert. Frank O. Ivlehanty. J. C. Delehanty, Iolan. DarrW i;er,. Farrell. Flak, Flynn. fleasler, Urannon, Glazier, Gagnlor, OrlgKa. - . Hngue, Hogan, Harries. Houck. Hollv. Ilendnrson, HedKpeth, Hooper, Hughes, Harter. Jacklltch, Juul Jonea. Kerr Keupper, Kadlng, Kommers, Kavanaugh, Kulp, Kalaer. I.aiiarc, law, Ixbert, 1-avlgne. McUowan. McCommaughey, McGuIre, Mconnough, Miaae, Msthea, Moore, Mul len. Morgan, Munaey, Mulvaney, Mattia. Myera. Maxwell. Ian Murphy, Moriia sey. Mnckert. O'Neill Padfleld. Tackard, Potta. Peters, Phll llppl. Pretlgrew. Uarry, Pratt. Potter. Phillips. C. A. Roberta. T. E. Roberts. Reed, Rltter, Rlilgway, Rooney, Reeelno-er. Sturgia, Kcott, Ravage, II. J. Hwaclna, SlmnioiiK. Stone, Paop, Someters, Schmidt, Mian, Stanley. Tcxier. 'Imutinun. i Van De Tappen, Vsndergrlft. Wsgner. Warner. Walah, Woodman, Werts. Whlteliouae, Wanen, atklns, Welch. II. M. Young, Del Toung. Roy Flagg Makes Thirty-Six Strikes in Succession ABKRDKEN. 8, D.. Jan. 19.-Roy Flagg of this city lays clsim to the world's record In bowling, making thirty-six con secutive strikes In a five-game match with Jake Rtroth on tne Metropolitan alleya yesterday. Flagg finished hla game with nine strikes, rolled two per fect scores and made three strikes at the beginning of the fourth game for a total for the three games of 870. Three-game average, iiw. Five-game average. LHI1. The previous record was 8, made by William K. Roach at Wilmington. Del. Indoor Athletic Dates Awarded CHICAGO. Jan. 1.-Central Amateur Athletio union championships for the Indoor season have been awarded Chi cago. Detroit, Cincinnati and St. Paul clubs, according to an announcement today by George K. Herman, chairman of the championship committee of the central organisation. Track, senior and Junior swimming and boxing titular events are included In the list, which follows: Swimming Junior 100-yard free style and fancy diving: Cincinnati. Ohio Gym and Athletic club. February Ii. Senior 10) and ISvyard swims and fancy diving: ivtroit Athletic club, Feb ruary 3b, tprovlaiunal date). Junior 100-yard back and breast stroke and bun-yard free style: Cincinnati Gym and Athletio club, March 24. Boxing Detroit Athletic club, Mkrch Track-Junior track and field Cham ptonshlps: tit. Paul Athletio club. April, (date not yet definitely fixed). SOUTH WARRIORS ASSERT THEY MADE MORE POINTS The South High basket ball five enter a protest to the score of the South Bellevu game Tuesday nlgit, as reported for Bellevue. The South High adherents a the score was M to 12 In Bellevue's favor, not SS to 24. aa renorted. Rnntk ! High lays baakeU were thrown by the inierscnolaallc athletes aa fallows- Cnr one; Graham, nine; Nixon, one; Bott. iwo; wiison, one. totalling twenty-eight points. It la also asserted Nixon waa flipped four free throws, making the total thirty-two. 11 v Haatlaatea Leaajae. BTRNK-HAMMRR NO. 2. 1st. 2d. Sd.Tot. Wolf 14 14 IV) H Mullck M l' 13D sa I'.erka 1M IX! 4? Skankey ....If. l.. 14 4T, Murphy 178 1 159 4M) m Totals 7f7 FIRST NAT. 1st. Young iw Holmqulst .! Wheeler . Zarsan ... Wauberg Handicap .145 .144 .IS '11 V 22m BANK. I. 3d Tot. 1 all 159 li 127 149 16 44o 4-,' 417 4v; 4H Totals 2 a. o. 1;. w. it. Hollenbrger IX! Hlmpaon ....210 Hamlll Ill Vi aliens ...14 Shlndler ...1.10 ".? 812 234 NO. 17. 21. 3d. Tot. 11 MO 1K3 1. 146 17 20 1. 224 ITS 1S7 ill'. fl 4.: HUNTINGTON PWEDE13. 1st. 21. 3d. Tot. Weitrlch ....141 221 1!S W Kiemelman 213 IV) 10 n: Johnson ....1V 171 17 o"M Zeiss If 1 IT! V1 Nelaon 1M K 5i2 i:2 Totals 7S2 941 9"4 2fil2 MOLINIC PLOW CO, 1st. 2d. 3d. Tot. Phelps 144 VD 1W4 Melsner H 1'.7 14K Graven 142 17.'. 130 447 Wilaon 179 178 ir.s MS Davts 1M 146 152 4".i Handicap ... fl 51 bl Totals N7 KM S33 ffii OMAHA 8. 8. WORKS. 1st. 2d. 3d. Tot. ..M2 m 1M 44l .. 94 175 ) 42" ,..12 1 146 44R ,.1M 1.1R 1M 44 ..134 143 U5 2 FETE LOCHS. 1st. 2nd. 3d. Tot. Weekes ....3'2 192 14 S7S Kehm 1S 1 1!'l fi Shielile '-'13 K7 192 rti.' Wartchow ..1W 2?4 l: t (;ff 213 ): 'i " Handicap .. 12 2 14 Mnskovita Ragnn ... Fisher .. Mllek ... Klce Totals Kl 1S 124 24- NIEL8EN. 1st. 2d. Jd.Tot. J. Mlraky..1!X Ut 1W 4Ui J. Franck...l7i 117 ir.2 444 A. Dyck 170 172 1 611 Jno Mlrasky.lW 170 14 41 F. Pvck in il lg 672 Handicap ... 7 7 7 21 Totals ?4 2X 2 24sf. COLUMBIA OPTICAL CO. 1st. 3d. 3d. Tot. Krhhouser ..1 1H6 li 503 McQusde ...17 13f Bartoa .. Lundsren F. Mlrasky..2iil 1 159 L61 1HH 4HW .144 143 lp 44S .177 124 129 431 Totals T70 711 n 1IILLIARDS. 1st. 2d. d.Tot. Wanek .....137 1M K 401 Tomsn WW 1 1W 41 Dohercus ...140 111 Chrlstenaen 135 154 Hllllard 1M 113 149 417 Handicap ... 27 27 27 11 Totals 700 709 71 212S Hamster (.eaugae. coret Mckenzie 1st. 2nd. 3d. Tot .17 223 1W 6a7 .1K3 243 23 M4 .13 222 1W HiS 177 iri! 614 Totals ... 973 936 93 2WT7 LK1SIS. 1st. 2nd. 3d. Tot. Maurer ....2 23 2"t H F. Jarosh ..I'M V &:R Ptraw 160 l.vt 14 490 Fritx 1S4 V2 l' 645 Bart 17 169 l'i7 Wi Totals ..SS7 SC ! 2720 POWELL SUPPLY CO. 1st. 21. 3d. Tot Saup 17ti 142 16." 473 Noone 146 14 13 472 Westergard 174 1(W 11 621 Grotte 161 1'79 13S 4:v Coady I.V. 173 17S 6"5 Handicap ... 23 23 23 Totals .824 87 8(. 2497 TRACY BROS. PA IOS. ir,5 3! 144 413 Prlmeau Amaden Holliday Kent ... Khans 1st. 3d. 3d. Tot. ....lw 1 130 4S9 ....1M 170 172 623 ...1XS 14') 12 4'10 ....136 l.So 193 613 ....183 2U 121 515 Bowers . Poherty Flnnd ... Im'rmsn Zarp Totals ....804 870 798 2472 CLARA BELLES. 1st. 3d. 3d. Tot. .1 ..164 226 213 (01 Eldaon Terrell Cain . J. Jarosh....l77 173 15 636 Neale 161 ! 131 46 1) 206 6M .137 165 1S4 47 .1!"7 191 1R2 670 Totals 967 72 OSTRONICS. 1st. 3d. Swoboda ...170 2"" Kaufman ..157 137 Pavllk 1" W"l J. Oatronlc.174 120 A. Ostronlc.l6 156 Handicap ... 63 63 904 24X1 Sd.Tot. l.'ri 60b 173 134 107 13 63 4h7 342 4il 461 151 Totale ... g710M 996 2963 MIDLAND GLASS ft PAINT CO. lat. 2nd. 3d. Tot. Morgan ....190 165 150 6 Johnoon ...1H W 167 626 Chrtatensen 1H0 160 147 4X7 Olaen 163 173 136 470 Potter 171 231 140 642 Handicap .. 37 37 87 HI Totals ... OM. VAN Hamratrom Lyons Huntington Toman Yousem .... Handicap .. .858 S45 &7 2570 STORAGE. 1st. 3d. 3d. Tot. 176 104 16 52 .201 203 2 6" V78 212 19S 6S .165 T25 147 637 .179 146 20J 627 . 30 30 30 90 Totals 820 771 741 2331 Totals ...912 163 776 3640 Totals ....92 loOO 947 2876 SOUTH HIGH GOES TO NEBRASKA CITY Coach Patton't Five is Showing Improvement and Expects to Earn Victory. j STUDENTS TO GO WITH TEAM for sometime becauso of an operation on his right foot. Allerton and McBrlde are also back on the forwards. Tea Thousand la Nebraska's Share. CRETE. Neb.. Jan. l.-(Speclal.) Francis L. Hayes of Chicago waa In Crete, Tuesday mcrnlng, in the Interests of his plan to laise $10,000 aa Nebraska' share of a fund of $2,000,000 which Is to be established In the United States for the aid of retired Congregational ministers. Temperance Women to Meet. HASTINGS. Neb., Jan. 19. (Special Tel egram.) The local branch of the Woman's) Christian Temperance union will be) organised at a meeting called for Friday night, which will be addressed hy Miss Margaret O'Connell. national organiser 4 the union. WHY MEN CHEW TOBACCO It's the Only Way That Real Tobacco Hunger Can Be Entirely Satisfied " OLD KENTUCKY " IDEAL CHEVY Since tobacco was first Introduced to civilization, nobody has ever discovered so supremely satisfactory a way to get all the flavor and enjoyment out of it as chewing it And no other form of chew can give you the hearty, whole some," juicy flavor that you get from a delicious high-grade flng tobac co like Old Kentucky. The secret of the greatest chewing satisfaction lies in the selection of your chew. Among plug tobaccos the brand that gets the most enthusiastic en dorsement is undoubtedly Old Ken tucky. The reason for this is not hard to find. Old Kentucky is made exclusively of ripe Kentucky Burley the most richly flavored chewing tobacco that grows. Still more, only the very choicest of all the Burley leaf is used for Old Kentucky. This choice leaf is selected with the most painstaking care, is stemmed by hand, is thoroughly washed free of all foreign matter and is pressed into plugs so slowly that not a drop of juice or an atom of flavor escapes. Moreover, Old Kentucky is made under the most rigid, cleanly and sanitary conditions. The result is a sweet, mellow, lus cious, satisfying chew that cannot ba obtained in any other tobacco than Old Kentucky. Try a 10c pocket plug to-day. Coach ration s South High basket ball warriors are rounding Into splendid con dition for their fray with Nebraska City Friday night. The fast wlndup on the Bellevue gymnasium floor Tuesday even ing, where wax and slse were two big handicaps, showed South High rooters that their team la among the best in the state. The game wound' up with the score standing 38 to 12 In the college's favor, but had been 24 to 12 at the end of the first half. Graham, forward on the local team, shot three baskets that were not counted, fouls having been called juat as the ball was sent into the air toward the hoop. Tram Work Larklna. Lack of team play between the two for wards and the center Is attributed as the cause of the poor showing of the South team of late. Coach Patton has devised several plays, one In particular, which was tried out and worked with consider able surcean on the Bollevue floor. Ne braska City Is said to have a strong team this year and -will give the local team a stiff fight on their own floor, which Is far from regulation slie. South High defeated the Nehraskans on their own floor last year and expect to do the same this' year. . Several students will accompany the squad to Nebraska City for the game, Those who will make the trip are Corr, Graham and Groves, forwards; Nixon, center: Bott, Shalnholts and Kmlgh, guards. Ba Cowlel star? "About two years ago I get dowa ea my bark until I hardly could go," write Solomon Bequetta. riat River. Mo. '1 goi w mi ci roley Kidney Pllla and they straightened me right up." Com roe a symptoms of kidney trouble are back ache, headache, rheumatic pal as, oreaeaa and stiffness, pufflneaa under eyea. blurred vision, sleep disturbing; bladder troubles, and a languid, tired feelttT Foley Kidney pBui help to eliminate tha poisonous waste anaitar that cauaea thee symptoana. Bold everywhere AeverUae-pini Jumbo Stiehm Will Referee Floor Fray Here on Saturday Jumbo Stiehm, former head coach at Nebraska, and now the chaD who win essay to teach the young Idea of Indiana how to rip off end runs a la Chamberlain, will be referee of the basket ball game to be staged betwen the University of South Dakota five and the Omaha quintet representing the Burgess-Nash company Saturday evening. Stub HascaJt aked the Coyotes If Stiehm was acceptable and they quickly agreed. Thus Stiehm waa obtained as arbiter. Basket ball fans are eagerly looking forward to the Coyote-Burtress-Nash game, which will be clayed on the lnoat Young Men's Christian association floor Saturday evening. The Coyotes have a fast team this year and as the locals are no novices at the floor game, a hot com bat Is anticipated. Omaha Uni Plays Cotner Thursday Coach Karen of the rnlvcrsity of Omaha is giving his tosaers Increased work in preparation of meeting the fast Cotner quintet, which plays here Thurs day evening-. The Christians cleaned up on the locals last week by a decisive count and the Omahans are determined that the reverse result Thursday. With Captain Adama back at his old position of center the five la showing better form thaa at any time this sea son. Adams has been out of the game Read The Bee Waat Ada. It pajs! Bil-IMit 1 HONESTY QUALITY RELIABILITY HEALTH d Jy tm. iwirr wtemc co 7J ATLAWTV 0, U I nil mim .; il T NrSMO. j smm( jM eMMr. 4 i Tuswrrspccmcca MlAirnuoaaasu. Learn the Truth About Yourself To best treat a disease you should know its origin. To obtain the very best results from treat ment of any of these diseases Rheumatism, Catarrh, Malaria, Scrofula, Eceema, Poisoned Blood, chronic skin eruptions you should ac quaint yourself with their origin. This will not only show you that they are typical blood diseases, but will warn you against loading your system with harmful drugs that hara a tendency to undermine the general health. We want every one who has failed to find relief in other medicines to send the coupon today and learn more about the disease they are afflicted with, and the remedy that will surely give desired results. This Coupon Puts You On The Road To Health Tor your beneflt we have prepared a booklet cov ering the particular trouble you have, fully treating on the blood and its peculiarities. It will be of great interest to you to learn the facts about blood dis eases and the best methods of treating them. This same booklet acquaints you with the Standard Blood Remedy 8. 8. 8., and gives you a glimpse of its history dating back over a period of fifty years of successful existence. To further show you the mer its of 8. S. 8. as the best blood remedy, we will send to each person mailing the attached coupon one of these booklets, and the artistic calendar mentioned in coupon below. Thousands owe their good health today to the virtues of this medicine. This offer will not appear again, and your health might not permit an indefinite delay, so fill out and send the coupon today. ' SWIFT SPECIFIC CO., Atlanta, Ga. Use this coupen today. v Swift Specific Co.. Atlanta, Oa. Gentlemen: I am anxious to learn more about (check the disease) Rheumatism Catarrh Scrofula Malaria Blood Poison Eczema Skin Diseases, and will be interested in the booklet I have checked above. Will also be glad to receive one of the 1916 calendars con taining picture of an historical event r O 1 1 ccv City State ! i '; ill 'cm 0 ? Li . h:?v ""essful treatment for Rupture without resorting: to a cia whimnt.U.DUehUrrKlCal opertlon- re th-cng VpuUble physi- fk ,Uch cVes upoa grantee to satisfactory results A Few of Our Satisfied Patients vera, la.; Orrln Reed. OgaUlli. kb xnu,n - .B"lL1r : c- M- "rrla. MaU nrd, Ctlca, N.b. Joba Holme. Ciae, xl??"' it"' Neb : ,tev- J- Sian Phy. ortb l.tb it. ouala:lrbr: l&bti&ffi;,'?1- "; Mur" Cal. or Wrtt. DIM. W MATIIK.Vl', SOfJ .W Mg.. N,b.