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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 20, 1916)
THE REK: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1916. Society Notes -:- Personal Gossip -:- Entertainments -:- Club Doings 14 The Servant Problem who ever heard of it in the home where the housewife knows Shredded Wheat? In five minutes you can prepare a wholesome, satisfying meal with Shredded Wheat Biscuit without kitchen worry or work. For breakfast heat the Biscuit in the oven to restore crispness and serve with hot milk. For lunch serve with sliced bananas or other fruits. Made at Niagara Falls, N. Y. The Sunday Dee is the only Omaha newspaper that fives Its readers four big pctfes of colored comics. Women's Storm Alaska cloth fleece lined rubbers, worth $1 a pair, will be sold 49c in all sizes at , Our S Will Begin Thursday Morning This sale will be distinguished by extraordinary values in-as-mueh as it is a romplete clearing out of all broken lines of shoes all samples, model pairs and odds and ends of every sort and every description. The shoes are tip-to-date in style, many of them being the best that money can buy. It is simply a mer- Liiuiiuimiig necessity mat we must clear them out Boy' Shoes odd and ends, m any- splendid hoe in thla lot, worth to $3.00, will be marked $1.98 2,500 Pair "bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb-b, W omen's Shoes worth to $0.00, broken Jinea and odds and ends; .every size included in one atyle or another priced Odds and Ends in Men's Fine Shoes worth up to $7.00 a pair, including tr r m Pels, Corts, Hurley's etc., etc., will Uk be marked CPOtJ All Men's Canvas Leggins worth to $1.00 a pair, will be marked 25c UNIQUE TEA FOR VISITING GUESTS Mn. John D. McDonald Entertains Visiting Nursei Sew for In fants in Need. GARMENTS TO BE GIVEN AWAY Br MKLLIFIC IA Jaaaarr 1. The unique affair of the day was a tea lven by Mh-i. John t. McDonald from I to I o'clock for out-of-town amenta. In cluding Mis Augusta. MacGlasson of lieacon. X. T., who la visiting Mra. Charlea McDonald: Mra. Frank Whit man of Bclvldcre, III., the guest of Mra. John If. Hussia; and Ml Mary ltulme and Miss Olive Raftree of Chicago, guests of Mrs. John IT. Beaton. As llss Itillme and Mra. Whitman leave 'orthetr homes this week, the tea served k.. a leave-taking to these popu lar guest. Mis Raftree, however, and Mlsa Mkteaiaanon will remain throughout the month, perhaps longer. Tea waa poured by tha hostesses of out-of-town guests from a table with a mound of Killarney rose. Another interesting affair of the after noon ws the lu;icheon given hy Mrs. Victor White to the board of directors of the Visiting Nurses' association al her home. In keeping with an event more philanthropic than social In lta In tent, Mrs. While guest passed the afternoon sewing on Infant garment emi-AEiiial We Will Sell All the Women's Shoes, 0dd and Ends of Lines Selling up to $7.00 a Pair $ This lot includes all of our fine makes "Weil's Wichert & Gardiner, Lounsbury and Mathewson, etc., etc. They are the best shoes that we can possibly buy. These are not regular lines; they are styles-that we are discontinuing and are unable to duplicate. All new and up to date in every way. Men's Shoes on 115 Pattern and , "JULIETTE" vo; Each hat boars her label. This lot comprises the entire win ter stock of trimmed hats from this well-known New York im porter, and have sold in season up to $20.00. A large number of Black, Corbeaux Blue and Brown Hats, Fur and Itibbon Trimmed Ilabrare included, and at the price offered should prove very de sirable to finish out the season. mhlrh were to ba given away by the Visiting Nurses in needr eases. Greenberfer-Graeti Wedding. A pretty home wedding was solemnized Sunday afternoon at the home of Mra. S. Orael. where her daughter. Bessie, was united In marriage to Mr. Sam Oreenherrer of Grand Island. TUtibt Frederick Conn officiated. The Lohen grin wedding march wa played by Mlaa Hannah and Master Ronnie Oraeti, sis ter nd brother of the bride. A feature of the wedding was that the small nleoea and nephew of the bride and groom were the only attendanta. iMahel Oraeta and Kthel Brooks stretched white ribbons and Minam and Ixnjlse Oreenberger and Bessie Berkowltg pre ceded the bride, scattering rose petals, which they carried In amall baskets. Uttle Henrietta Brooks and Master Fol Oraeta carried the ring In a tulle muff trimmed with a shower of vsllev lilies. Tha bride waa given away by her brother, Mr. Ieon Oraeti Miss Quasi Greets, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. ' The bride waa lovely In a gown of white pussy willow taffeta with lace and wore a veil of tulle held In place by a satin band and Ultra of the valley. She carried an Immense tulle muff covered with a shower of lilies of the valley. Mr. 8. Gaetc, mother of the bride. wore a gown of black pussy willow taf' feta trimmed with chantllly and gold lace. After the ceremony a dinner waa served to about sixty-five guests, most of whom were relatives of the bride and groom, Mr. and Mra. Greenherger will leave for Grand Island, where they will make Clearance and Continue to Saturday Night Everybody knows what this Clearance Sale means. Thou sands of people wait for it each time, and thousands benefit by the savings. It pets instant action because each year we exceed all former efforts at value-giving. This reputation will be the stronger after this sale, for this year, in response to our grow Odds and Ends in Men's Fine Shoes to $4.00 a pair, tan and black; kid-X skins, calfskins, button and lace, will 9 W be marked.... (bQ&J Sale in Men's Stsre Model Hats from f their home. The out-of-town guesta were Mr. and Mra. 1. Berkowlti and Mr. and Mra. M. Greenberger of Grand Island. Gneit Affair of Today. Thla aeema to be truest day In almost every affair and another to the Hat 1 the afternoon bridge of three tabiea In honor of Mra. Ptantley Hart man of Chicago, who la visiting her father, Mr. Albert t'ahn. While not an out-of-town guest, Mra. Dexter' Buell shared the place of honor guest with Mra. Ifartman. Mra. Harvey Mllllken waa hostess and her guests were: Mesdames Bfantley Hartman, Paul Wemher. I'exier MUen, Robert Manley, W. R. Wood, llonald Peterson, flair Balrd. W. Rlghter Wood MlBSOB Nan Murphy, Paul Burleigh. Jack Hharp, Kdgar Palrd, Krsnk Myers. Edward Boyer, Misses Beulah Sharp. Tea for Departing Guest. Mr, llllam R. Nicholson gives an in formal tea thla afternoon at the Hotel Kontenelle to Mra. George M. Faith, and a few of her friends. Aa Mr. Faith, who has been tho guest of Mra. J. E. Pulver, leave tomorrow for her homo In Chicago, this tea conclude the affair in her honor. Drama Class Notes. The Week-End Drama clasa met thla morning and atudied and talked George Bernard Shaw with Mlsa Kate McHugh at the horn of Mr. Milton Barlow. "Widowers' Houses" and "Androcle and the IJon" were the principal topic nn- Women's Overgaiters black, tan, red and bine, extra fine quality. All sixes, QC pair OC . Shoes ing business our stocks are greater and ' reductions accordingly more radical. .Muses' Shoes patent leather, dull leather, rlcl kid kln, worth to $2.60 a pair, on Bale $1.59 1,500 Pair Women's Shoes odds and ends worth up to $3.50, patent leather, dull leather, vici kidskinj; all good styles and all sizes in one style or another. Pair $ All Odds and Ends in Men's House Slippers worth to $2.00, will be marked at 1 9 r discussion. In the afternoon at the home of Frank Colpetzer. Miss Z"re. Shields' ciass met and discussed Greek drama. Bridge and Tea. Miss Mildred Butler gave an afternoon bridge and served tea today for tha members of the Senior Tuesday Bridge club and their guests of the season. Pink sweet pen decorated the tea table, and those present were: Mesdames Mesdame'a friaries F Metz, Walter Roberta. Denise Barknlow, Charles W. Roberts (teorvp Iteriick. n t V'r.mnnt. John Redi'-k, John Madden. Ross Towle. Unuls Meer, M Issea Elizabeth Con(ri ;i Paul Gallagher, Ralph refers. Arlhur Keeline, ouls Clarke, Misses Margaret Bruce. Pre-Nuptial Affair Postponed. Tha pre-nuptlal afair danned by Misa Olive Bruin In honor of Miss Clara I Barnes, whosa marriage to Clyde E. i Butler of Leon, la., will be celebrated Monday, ha been called off because of I the Illness of Mlsa Brain' mother. Suffrage Tea. Mr. Thomas Brown entertained the Omaha Suffrage association at tea at her home this afternoon. Her daughter gave a most interesting musical program, in cluding: piano solos by Mlsa Myrtle Brown, while Miss Dorothy Brown, who has re cently returned from England; sang a group of songs. On the Calendar. Miss Mildred Ruhel will give an evening- bridge to three tabiea Thursday. Invitations are out to over 300 guest to Mra. Douglas Welpton' reception, to be given at her home Wednesday, Jan uary 2, from 3 to 6 o'clock. Sisterhood Dance. ! The Temple Israel Sisterhood give a dance thla evening at Metropolitan hall. Mesdames Nathan Mantel and Jay Katt are In charge of the arrangements. ! Skating and Tea. I The Council Bluffs Rowing- associa ; tion will have a big skating party Thursday evening at Lake Manaws:. Tea ! will be served in the club house. The Ice la reported to be in fine condition. For the Mulcahys. Mrs. Roy B. Zachary had a few guests at tea at the Kontenelle thla afternoon for Mr. Carrol Mulcahy of Colfax Springs, la., who, aa Mis Ila Fenqulte, haa often been a popular Omaha guest. For Sauces and Gravies For smooth, rich taacea and gravis Cottage StariUsasI U wssUasJ U far superior to bottlt milk. Its uniform richness down to the lait drop always give satisfactory tMulti. Cottage Milk i always fresh, port and sweet. It i the richest milk with most of the water taken out, perfectly sterilized and with nothing added. Cottage Milk ha nor than twice the food value) of bottle anilk and UsM Indefinitely. . It it made In spotles condsnseriee under most sanitary condition. JTw ATA WitKoat (A Cooktd Tat In Two Sizes 5 and lOc At sfl CeeJ Dealer AMERICAN MILK CO. CHiCACO 1 1 Fine fare for frosty mornings. A dainty meat confection, made from choicest portions of tender young pig meat; deliciously seasoned MAKES DECIDED HIT IN SONG RECITAL WITH HUSBAND. Thl evening Mr. and Mr. Zachary give a dinner at their home for Mr. and Mrs. Mulcahy, followed by a theater party at the Orpheum. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Sliver give a dinner at their home tomorrow evening for the Mulcahys. Personal Mention. Mr. W. B. Atchison was called to Greeley, Colo., this afternoon by the death of hla sister, Mrs. LeRoy Balrd. Mra. Delvan T. Becker of Mitchell. S. t.. is the guest of her mother, Mrs. H. Rosenstock. Thla is Mra. Becker' first visit to Omaha since her marriage. Miss Helene Rubcl of Minneapolis, who has been the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Charlea Elgutter, for the last two months, leaves Thursday avenlng for her home. SOME USEFUL HINTS ABOUT HOUSEHOLD PETS j "us mrm oaa nouse aogs. carrots ahould not be kept in place where they are liable to hear disagree able noises auch aa street crie and boya whistling, or they will Imitate them and become too noisy to be tolerated. If you suspend a amall bag of sulphur in the bird cage this will effectively keep out Inflects. The Chinese feed their goldfish on lean, pork, dried In the aun and reduced to a fine powder. JOE B0N0FF ENTERTAINS AT STAG BIRTHDAY PARTY Joe Bonoff entertained with a stag party in celebration of hia twenty-first birthday at his home. 8S24 Leavenworth street. Tuesday night. Thoee present were: Abe Chapman, Lee Mnsa, Dave Block, Io Wilson, Sam Block, Sid Meyer, Jack Wyman. Kugene Blaxer, Emit Nustrum, Joe Bonoff. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS George Savin is quarantined with his family at their residence in Benson, one of the children having scarlet fever. Mrs. Savin is also ill and Savin la doing the housework. A Simple Way To Remove Dandruff There la one sure way that haa never failed to remove dandruff at once, and that Is to dissolve it, then you destroy It entirely. To do this. Juat get about four ounces of plain, common liquid arvon from any drug store (this ia all you will need), apply It at night when retiring; use enough to moisten the scalp and rub It In gently with the finger tips. By morning, moat If not all, of your dandruff will be gone, and three or four more appllcatione will completely die eolve and entirely destroy every single sign and trace of it, no matter how much dandruff you may have. You will find all Itching and digging or the scalp will atop lnst.: .y, . and your hair will be fluffy, luatroua. glossy, silky and aoft. and look and feel a hundred times better. Advertisement. the finest sausage that Armour makes. Therefore we mark it with the Oval Label. Meat or links, in pound artoaa. .If you dealer hasn't It, phone ua hia name. ABMOUR COMPANY! mOBT. BUD AT, lfsr- lMfcl and Jones Bts. Vbon D-l iuod, vmwt, arse. W. X.. WTX.KINHOBT. Mgr. eta sat Q. Tel Bo. 170. urn, mm wmi m, ,n , , YOUNG FATHERS IN NEED OFTRAINING Visiting Nurse Association, - How ever, Probably Will Not Under' take the Work. MISS RANDALL CITES A CASE The Visiting Nurse association of Omaha probably will not establish a school for the erudition of young hus band whose early training In the care of infants has ten neglected. According to the report of Superintendent Randall, submitted at the regular monthly meeting of the directors of the association, there seems to be need for uch an educa tional institution in this city. Lack of funds, however, acts as a deterrent. In the superintendent' detailed report is the history of a 17-year-old mother. 21-year-old father and 4-month-oId In fant, the mother having been aent to the emergency hospital on account of scarlet fever and the Infant left to the tender care of the pator-famlllaa. Fire Bottles of Milk. A nurse visited thla home at t p.. m. and found the Infant vomiting. She learned that the anxloua father had given the baby five bott'ea of slightly diluted condensed milk that morning. "She made out a formula and feeding schedule, and men rolled up her sleeve and tauerht'thls young father how to wash out the biby'e clothing. I am not sayinar he enjoyed the experience, but he did ahow a willingness to learn. "He was regarded as one of our tar patient," reads the report. The father wan referred to as the "clinging vine 1 type. The infant was his first. The last month was the busieat In the history of the association. The auper Intendent reported 1,078 visit made. 317 patient cared for. J88 being new case. Grippe and pneumonia cases heavily in creased the number of call made by Visiting Nurses during the last month. Twenty maternity cases were cared for. In each Instance the association also hav ing furnished the bady layettes. - Did Miss McHugh Keep Book of if mart Sayings of Class? By MELLIFICIA. When Miss Kate McHugh was princi pal of the Omaha High achool and led the English classes, there waa one phase of the study of literature . that aha brought out and that was to develop an aptitude to criticism In her pupils. And she found the criticism 'ready enough. ' There was no dearth of opinions, origi nal and even startling, among the high echool students. A tradition existed, handed down from clasa to class, that Miss McHugh had a book in which sh wrote down the clever and humorous re marks of pupils. As time went on there waa said to be more than one book eo many clever things had been said that it was thought book after book, must have been filled. Are children more ready critics than adults? Or la Miss McHugh still writing down clever things, said by the smart matron who form her drama clasaea today? Bellevue Teacher Goes to Ilinoifc Dr. A. A. Tyler, for fifteen year head of the biology department of Bellevue college and credited with having done great work in building It up, left Omaha Tuesday for Decatur, 111., where he will take similar chair In James Mllllken uni versity. Mrs. Tyler and son, Raycn. are visiting et the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Duud a few daya, before going to their new home. Dr. Tyler was the father of the Fonle nelle Forest Reserve and lta first secre tary. He was a prominent officer of the Nebraska Academy of fcclence. and i recognized as a leading mid-west pro fessor In his chosen field. MISS RUSSELL WILL HOLD RECEPTION ON STAGE A testimonial reception will be given to Genevieve Russell or. the stage of the Krug theater thla afternoon follow ing the regular matinee performance of "Nlobe." Omaha women will serve as a recep tion committee and all women patron a of the theater are invited to meet Mlsa Russell on this occasion. Tka as at Anwar rWucta mmrnt ta rmm amsar thm vara tomd fuiuU at tka Oval t st frrnours PRODUCTS, Tkm OwmJ LmmmJ mi UmnUHmu StarStackisatHaav StarBacea "5m rare" Leal Lars' AresMsr's Crase Jake CkmrUeaa Batter Clsaeale OUaaurfsriae On Sale Thursday. j Saver aen OtaaaurrarW There's aa Anatowr Oral Aae ever 1M IRUHT Feees. I Store atoar yew I