12 THE BEE: OMAHA, THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1916. ' THE OMAHA DAILY BEE FOUNDED BY EDWARD ho5BVATKR. VICTOR ROSKWATKK, KDITOR. The Rpa Publishing Company. Proprietor. ' I : B BflLDINO. FARNAM AND BEVKNTKKNTH. Kntered at Omaha postofflce a second-class matter. terms of Pi.'nscmrrtnN. Bt rerrler By mall per month. per year. rally and Sunday Rf- $ "0 Islly without Sunday....' e 4 00 KNenlng ami tindav . no Kvenlng without Sunday .Jno.. 4.00 Sunday P onlv 2.0" Iaily and Sunday Pre, three yeara In advance 110 00 Send notlre i.f . hdHRo of aridrrsa or complaint of Irregularity in delivery to C'nuiha Hot-, Circulation Tienartment. ItKM ITTA NTF. Ramlt ty draft, epresa or pout a I order. Only two cent stamps received In payment of small ac counts Personal checks, except on Omaha and eastern exchanavt, not accepted. OFFICES. Omaha Tha Tie Ttutldlng Bourn Omaha ZI1 N atreet. t'ouncll Hluffs 1 North Main street. Lincoln 2 Ltttls TluiHlhg. Chicago n Hearst RulMIng Nrw Tork Room J1K, Fifth avenue. ft. JxmiIs -M8 New Hank of Commerce. Washington Fourteenth Pt.. N. W. CORRESPONDENCE). Address enmmun'catlnna ralatlnir to news and edi torial matter to maha Bee, Kditorlal Department. DECEMBER CIRCULATION. 53 34 Plata of Nebraska. County of Douglas, aa: Trwtaht Williams, circulation miniurr of The Pee Publishing company, being duly sworn. Says that tha average circulation for the morithi oft December. Ittla, waa 63.M4. D WIGHT WILLIAMS, Circulation Manager. Flihacrlhrd In toy ii-scnce and aworn to before me, (hta 4th dav of January. ROBKWT HUNTfc; II, Notary Public. Hubscrlbers ' Icavins the titf temporarily should hare The Voe moiled to them. Ad dress mill be changed ns often aa requested. The coming grand reopening of Panama canal happily launches a midwinter sail. Don't worry! The undercurrent for Hughes 1 there, ,nd cannot, be kept from coming to the surface. President Wilson deems his message of suf ficient Importance to be Us messenger. Omaha's Welcome" sign still shines,. Mexican exhibits of outlaws who have taken the Involuntary suicide route are gruesome but conclusive evidence of well-aimed Intentions. The Job of buying $50,000 worth of auto mobile fire apparatus for Omaha's fire depart ment ought to furnish quite a, few joy rides. Come on to Omaha, President Wilson, with your preparedness talk! And come on, Drother Bryan! We are fair enough to listen to both of you. It goes .without saying that no lawyer representing- a convicted criminal would be doing his full duty by bis client without trying to procure for htm a new trlab- Still, It would be the part of wisdom not4o examine tc closely into the election, by which Nebraska adopted its first constitution as the Initial step to statehood. , Nebraska Is the only state with the presi dential, preference primary, but Nebraska seems to be the only stato In. which., self-starters In sist on using the machinery aa a toy. t la only In our American cities that health regulations and quarantine rules are so hard to enforce. The only way to atop the spread of contagious diseases Is to prevent exposure of possible new victims to known casea. Democrats are losing precious, time in fall .ng to tag their favorite for governor; There ts no satisfaction for a republican in acquiring office by default., Moreover, voters are entitled to a few rounds for the trouble of going to the "oils. While the rumor factory of Rome had the ioctors operating on the kaiser's boll last' Fri day, at the same time Berlin reported the kaiset taking a fresh air ride through the city. In this as in other matters the kaiser persists in disappointing his enemies. For the sake of preserving the peace of w hat l& left. It is hoped there will be no delay In handing out the pay envelopes in the agreed day, to the peace missionaries at The Hague. In the present perturbed condition of the mission hesitation on the part of the ghost Is perilous. . Trials of night riders puts New Madrid once more on the news map. On two former occa sions the Missouri town delivered news thrillers worth while an earthquake in the '30's and' tin-clad navy news la civil war times. The lapse rf time between thrills makes New Madrid all the more picturesque when it wakes up. - lays A riot call came in from the river hrar Boyd's packing house, where a cans of Jce culteia were neat ins a disturbance. Tha trouble la atlll over the rate of pay and aa between union men and nonunion men. Charles It. Ross will succeed Joe lienahaw aa cleric at the l'axton. Mr. Ifenahaw. it ta understood, will go to St. Paul and take a poult Ion with the I Intel Ryan there. Max Myer 4. Co., is advertlalns maaka and maa-quei-adu trlinml.tKa. The Brotherhood of Locomotive Kngineera enter, tained their friende with a ball at Xightguarda' hall The committee of arrangement conaiated of A. L. Johnson. George Meyers. M. Decker, Ben F. Johnson, John 11111. John M. Bycrs. Matt C. Parr. John B. Kelson, Z. T Bprir. Noah fl Clarke. The Ladies' M'uilrale program was contributed by Mrs. Eatabrook and the Misses Minnie Rotachlld, Blanche Oliver, Minnie Brown, Kdinger, Jeannls May and Julia Of fleer. Tha Home Circle dub la planning to give a ''Mikado party," which now is the social fad In the cast. Tha Nebraska Society of 01 vU Engineers elected ot fleers, among theni, Ueorgw W. Tillaon of Omaha, erefldent, and A J. Grover of Omaha, secretary. iianlt clearinga for the day were tttC.573. The coming charity ball la definitely fixed to take place at the ExpoalUon building, February 23. John Kvana, tax coinniliwloner of the Colon Pa dfl.', haa rcalgiied to be aucceeded ly W. 11. Kusaell, w bo uoiuea from Detroit, t Don't Oet Excited The Way Will Be Found. Thp ndc Achates who writes editorials for Senator Hitchcock's personal organ becomes Rrcntly excited t Tbe Bee's reminder that the real first eholre of Nebraska republicans for president Is Charles E. Hughes, and he throwr seversl kinds of fits over our expression of con fidence that n wsy will be found in due time in nhich the Nebraska delegation to Chicago wil be lined up for Hughes. Even the dullest perception can see that Senator Hitchcock's prospects of re-elcctlon, small as they are, will be worse than nil with the republlcsns rallying to Hughes as their Manard bearer. Hence this sudden solicitude let tho integity of our direct primary law U fractured In order to register the true popular will. But let not our democratic contemporary fear for the direct primary law; for the worst bump ltecvr had, or will have, was tho one It received In the latst democratic convention, when half the delegation from Nebraska at Bal timore bolted Instructions Just at tho moment thn candidate who won out In the primary war about to be nominated in the convention. So It 111 behooves any Nebraska democrat to set himself up as the guardian angel of the presi dential primary. Neither need any one be distressed about The Bee's declaration for Hughes forcing the Justice to be a candidate for the nomination when he has declined to permit his name tobe filed here, and there Is no way that we know of to prlne'hls name on the ballot. There are other states, however, where primary law s a if different, or where delegates are ehoHen by con vention, which will unquestionably endorse Hughes, If they do not instruct for him. Even this will not take him out of "the dark horse category" not until the Chicago convention actually nominates him. , Conceding, therefore, the general and grow ing demand for Hughes among the republican rank and file, the question Is not. one of "de feating tho purpose of the presidential primary law" but, on the contrary, of making it an ef fective Instrument for' that purpose when its serviceability is being threatened by the ma chinations of gallery-playing politicians. What Tbe Bee has said on this score, It re peats with more deflnlteness: We believe a way will be found in due time by which the republicans of Nebraska, through the primary, may express and enforce their real preference for president. I Forcing Greece Into the . Fight. , Undetermined reports from Greece Indicate the Intention of the Entente Allies to force that country Into armed participation la the conflict it has tried to avoid. This is a sequence of a series of costly blunders, both diplomatic and military. When Sir Edward Grey failed In his effort to Induce Bulgaria to throw its strength against Germany, the Importance of having Greece was magnified l(v many times. Similarly, the failure of the assault on tbe Dardanelles has enhanced the necessity of having Grecian co-operation in the new campaign that must be laid out for' further .military movements in thai arena of war. .The Allies must have a base from which to strike, if the campaign against Turkey is to come to anything but disaster. Grecian politics are deeply involved in the situation, and the position of King Constantino Is becoming precarious. He has tried to hold Ms country neutral, although his personal predilections incline towards the Germanic al lies. Popular expression, as Bhown by two elec tions, denoted that the Grecians are opposed to Bulgaria, If not actually favorable .to the En tente. This has supported the Allies in their violation of Grecian neutrality, which Is now alleged to be reaching a point where the forced abdication of the king Is considered. . . The situation la in some degree analagous to that in which Italy was placed, the politicians there forcing entranco Into a war that lacked much of having popular Btipport, and was op posed by the king. These movements are but adding fuel to the flames that have consumed so much of European achievement, Several daya will bo required, perhaps, before accurate Information will bo given on this point, but the present outlook is that Greece is to become a base for the Allied forces. Timely Current Comment Labor and Preparedness. Diametrically opposed statements comlns ftom leaders as to labor's attitude on the ques tion of rreparednens for national defense may contuse the publlo. In considering these state ments, It should be kept in mind that Samuel Gompcrs Is president of the American Federa tion of Labor, and that John P. White Is presi dent of the "United Mine Workers of America, one of the many constituent bodies of the fed eration. At the recent convention of the Amer ican Federation of Labor, held at San Francisco in November, this question was brought to the front by a resolution offered by a miner dele gate. The committee to which the resolution vas referred reported adversely on it, and, aftt r considerable discussion, the report of the com mittee was adopted by the convention. This would seem to support Mr. Gompers In his expression of the attitude of the organized labor of America as to the delense of our coun try. We all depreoato war, btrlve to avoid It, tut we must bo reasonably prepared for possibilities. When the tax levy was made, city authori ties figured the maximum of appropriations per mitted, by the charter for every, municipal de partment, but when the budget was fixed, sev eral of these departments fell short of the amounts previously allotted. It would be in teresting to have a diagram showing just how the different Items have been diverted. If President Wilson is seriously planning a speech making- "awing round the circle," he ought to put Omaha on his date list. We are all ready at all tlmea to accbrd a cordial reception to the nation's chief magistrate, regardless of als politics. The democratic dinner marked the high tide 0l editorial diplomacy In Nebraska. Preserving the peace among democratic factions hereabouts for even a few brief hours is an achievement worthy of Henry Ford's rtKoguiilun. AVhat'a the Mitlrr with TVehraaka f Kt. lioula Post-Plopatrh. WHAT Kansas typifies to tia showa the persla tonre of the fixed idea. Tbe very name sug gests beneficence, proopeiity, aatonlahlng num bers of motor cars per capita, progreaalvenraa, high avoraao Intelligence, universal striving for better ments. Ameriraniam of the moat typical and refreah Inff western brand. Rut eulogy of Kansa as the republic'- great laboratory of aoclal and povernmental progresa haa got on tha nrvea of tha York (Neb.) tiemocrat. It declares that Nebraska, not Kansas, la the laboratory of material advancement and evangel of spiritual ru newot for the union, and pmeerda to prove It. It snya that Nebraaka adopted the Australian bal lot before Kanaaa even knew what a voting booth and a distinguishing mark meant. Nebraska had rail road regulation In effect while Kansas waa atlll quar reling over It. Nebraska had lawa for tno protection of women wage-earners yeara before Kansas did. It bad passed Important social Justice legislation for the relief or labor while Kansas was stilt deliberating over It. The Pemorrat sweeps Kansas off tha map with further declarations to the effect that mortgages In Nebraska are leas per f.irm, per acre, and per capita than In Kansaa; that per capita wealth In Nebraska la greater than In 1-ansae; that Ncbraaka has an an nual production of farm wealth greater per farm anil per acra than Kansas; that Nebraska has more money per capita deposited In banka than Kanaaa; that In fact Nebraska, with two-thirds of tho population of Kansas has an actual total of bank deposits greater than Kansas; that Nebraska's permanent school fund and annual expenditure per capita for education ex- ceed Kansas; that Nebraska has more atudents in Col leRe, pPr thousand of population than Kansas; that Nebraska haa a leaa percentage of. Illiteracy and of divorce than Kansas; that Nebraska bag a leas per- . centage of juvenile offenders and delinquents than Ivanaas, anil a leas percentage of prisoners in jails and penitentiaries. The press of the country must do Justice to Ne braska, even though tardily, Ita Blindness In the pa.Jt Is Inexcusable. It ahould have known that IJneoln Is a capital, a residential center and reform luminary from which all good things ought to radiate and do radiate. . ... Frlmarlee Shonld Be Uniform of Time. New York Times. Of the Ml delegates to tho next republican na tional convention, the 985 voting delegates, if that body does not give tho representatives of Porto Rico, Hawaii and tho Philippines tha right to vote In H, will bo elected by primaries. In this reckoning tho. eight delegate of ones conservative Vermont, which didn't yield last year to the mania for presidential primaries, but seems unable to resist It, are included. These delegates are not chosen as they ahould be, on the same day. The state primaries are held on dif ferent dates', the last of them almost overlapping tho mooting at Chicago. For underground work from ststo to state, for secret manipulation and combination to control or circumvent tha expression of "the popular choice" which the worshipers of that brazen calf, tho primary system, fervently expected from tho presi dential primary, no better plan could be devised. A -wearisome muddle. Tho republican national committee la bound to recognize delegates chosen under the laws of their respective states, a difficult undertaking In vlow of the confusions and contests and dlacordances of Interpretation arising under some of those 'lawa. If a subotantlal uniformity of primary lawa Is unattainable, at least a uniformity of time In primary elections Is most desirable. Without It, tho field for political Intrigue and deals In huggermugger, expert monkeying with "the popular choice" will be unlimited. A Shoe on the Other Faat, St., Louis Republic. . It is not often that a president's message passes unnoticed In the news, but that Is what appears to have happened with respect to tho presld frit's recom mendation that the sum of tu.0y bo paid by tho fed eral government to subjects of Greece, Turkey and Auatris-Hungary as Indemnity for tho Injuries they suffered in Omaha in Wo9. " .. A violent prejudice against foreigners sprung up In Omaha about that time on account of labor diffi culties and what was said to be the conduct of tho Oreeka toward women in the street. One of the re sults waa a riot In which 1,W0 Oreeka were driven from the city. Of course, tho claim la not a Just charge against the federal government. It ought to be paid by the state, but states make no treaties. Therefore tho usual course In such casea la ' to be followed and Uncle Sam Is asked to foot the bill. Tha facts are Interesting at this time because we have a similar, though graver, Instance against Mex ico. American citizens have boon murdered there on account of the hatred which a certain clase of Mex icans feel toward America. If Colonel Roosevelt had bis way we should Invade Mexico and begin to ehoot men who. In opposing us, would be patriotic defenders of their own country. It la true that Mexico haa long been In a state of turmoil and that life la leas safe there than It ought to be. but it la no mbre credible that tho savage murder of Americans by the outlaw followera of Villa is representative of the great mass of Mexican people than that tho Omaha rioters rep resent America, and Mexico, now largely pacified under the rule of General Carransa. la entitled to a chance to make tho best reparation possible under tho circumstances. That la the privilege we ask for ourselves in simi lar cases. Twice Told Tales Backing; Illm Oat. Sir ITcrbert Tree's wit Is well known among his friends, and they tell sonio very good stories aboiit Ms funny remarks at rehearsals. Once during the rehearsal of a certain play, Sir Herbert asked a very young and by no means brilliant actor, who fancied himself greatly to "step hack a little." Tha actor did eo, and Tree went on rehearsing. A little later tho famous manager re peated his request, and the youth obeyed again. . Shortly afterward Trea once more asked him to "atep a ltttlo farther back." "But If I do." complained tho youthful one, rue fully. "I Bhall be completely off the stage." "Yea, answered Tree, quietly, "that's right!" London Globe Jolt for the Motorlat. Before motoring became as popular as It is to day, a man waa driving a big car through a country aection several miles from a town, when ha saw a man standing in the middle of tho road. "Hold on there, mlater!" cried tho man, wildly waving his arms, aa the car approached. "I want to talk to yel'1 "What's tbe matter with you country constables!" angrily shouted the automoblltat, bringing his ma chine, to a standstill. "I wasn't going at the rate of even twenty miles an hour!" "I ain't no country constable, mister," was tho rejoinder of tha man. "My wife's been Invited to n weddln. an' I wanted to know if you wouldn't let me have a little gasoline to clean her white gloves. ' Philadelphia Telegraph. EUle'a KtB. - "fflx-year-old Elsie teased her mother unresist tngly for a chew of gum before they went into tha theater, but explaining that It was Impolite to chew in publlo her mother refused to gtvw It to her. Little Elate did not forget the gum, however, for when the show was over, she said: "Mamma, where does gum come from?" "FYom a tree. KUle." replied her mother. "What kind of a tree, mamma?" "Why, a spruce tree, my dear." "Well, the seat I aat In roust t.ave been made of a apruce tree, 'cause 1 dug a nice big chaw of gum off the bultoru of Judge. rinal ril from Weybrlght. xRCOTTH BLCKF. Neb.. Jan. 1.-To the F.dltor of The Bee: According to parllmentary rules the side that opens a debate has the rlpht to close It. On a former occasion I allowed the opposi tion the last word in order to not Im pose on your valuable apace, but this time I believe I am entitled to the dos ing argument. If we are to take Mr. Henry Arp se riously In his ancient, mediaeval Sill modern history at the human race re cently appearing In Ttie Bee's letter Box, one might easily Imagine that Adam and live were descendanta of tha Germans, and that it was the Germane that fenced the Garden of Kden and planted We apple and fig trees that gave Adam and Eve their start. But hla houndless presumption exceeds tho speed limit when he declares that "It is con ceded by all that the German govern ment Is the best on earth." This letter Is interesting only as show ing a state of mind. A German submarine fires a torpedo Into one of our best passenger ships, our colors go down; over a hundred Innocent, defenseless men, women and children bona fide eltliens of the United States, acting absolutely within their rights, sink beneath the waves. Our govern ment demands redress; Good Citizen Arp says: "All our 'fuss' about German U boats Is foolish."- I mention our national colors once, and an Omaha pill vendor calls It "ranting;" evidently the mere mention of the Stars and Stripes Is repugnant to these "good citizens." ' I believe every fair-minded educator In the land- will -admit that there is . abso lutely no room In our publlo senoots, below the tenth grade, for any foreign language, but now wo are to have this "made-ln-Germany" language crammed flown the, throats' of the primary pupils by force of law, and resort to the courts,. Just to "broaden their minds." One of the very first acts of our next legis lature Should be to rcpal this obnoxious, unAmerican measure. There is published in New York City a weekly - magazine, which has been referred to by Mir. At wood in these columns, called the Fath erland, and although Ita editor claims to be a "good citizen," this publication is exactly what Its name Implies, every page of every Issue la vigorous pro German . and viciously anti-American. Throughout tho length and breadth of our land there is published daily and weekly hundreda of thousands of news papers printed in the German language, and almost with exception every time a German U-boat assassinates American citizens they do not heaitato to uphold and even applaud Germany and German diplomats, and criticise, malign and even threaten our own government officials. Is this the kind of teaching snd propa ganda that will make us a united people in an International crisis? It can have no other effect than to poison the minds of the otherwise loyal Germans and make them prejudiced, dissatisfied and rebel lious. No other country in the world would tolerate such a condition of things for a moment. This "mado-ln-Germany" propaganda has already gone too far. So I revert to the "text" of my first letter, "German-Americans, you must preserve in your children the language and cus toms of the fatherland." What I would like to know, and I believe what every loyal American would like to know, Is why must they yes, that's It why must theyT J. r. WEYBRIGIIT. Nebraska Editors Tho Bloomlnirton Advocate, II. M. Crane editor, has just finished Installing an Intertype typesetting machine. Roy n. Barnard, who has been one of tho proprietors of tho f'allaway Qyeen since Its establishment twenty-two years ago, last week sold the paper to James C. Naylor and Henry B. Yates. Mr. Bar nard has been editor and solo proprietor of the paper for the last fourteen years. He expects to get Into the newspaper game again soon In a larger field. Tho Post ts tho name of a new paper launched this month at Benkelman by C. I Ketlar. Tha handsome "mug" of Karl I Spenco, editor of the Franklin County News, who la a candidate tor tho republican and progressive nomination for senator from the Twentieth district, adorns the pages of all tbe papers printed In the district. Mr. Spente is pelting an excellent exam ple for other candidates. Tho Blue Valley Blade of Seward was thlrty-clght years old last week. E. E. Betzer, the present proprietor. has been connected with the papar thirty-seven years. Guldo Rock Slf.nal: Tho Signal has neglected to boost Frank I'. Shields' gubernatorial candidacy becauso we felt that If we sort o' held off he would offer us something good, in fact a rice juicy plum, but as yet ho hasn't offered us a Job aa dog klllor. However, we aro for Frank, even if making him governor does spoil the second best newspaper in the state. WOMEN'S ACTIVITIES. The Nationil Association of Audubon Societies has begun a campaign to make all cemeteries of tho I'nited Ktatcs sanc tuaries for blrdi. Tito association says that there are over l.OOn.ooi) acres in cem eteries, which could be added to the bird reservations already created. Miss Olive M. RIddleberger Is a trained statistician and has done a great deal of work in connecthm with the-last "two censuses. She alv.-ays waa fond of fig ures 'and when she entered tho census bureau as a (stenographer she saw her opportunity to turn her taata and natural talent to account. William Wenao Chung of the Chinese Educational mission in Washington said the other day that "American friends must, help save China from one of Its worat enemies namely, the practice at polygamy and rarly marriages, which In creases the population too fast for the system of education to keep pare with." The District of Columbia branch of the woman's department of the National Clvio Federation will plan the block of model housea that la to be primarily a memorial to the late Mrs. Wood row Wil son," made to hold 1,000 people. Every thing will be on the co-operative plan, tho houses to consist of various types for families of different sizes. American women lit Berlin have sent eat an appeal for funds to feed tho in terned allies' families. All the aliens of enemy countries have been Interned Just aa they aro In other countries. The Amer ican ilelief kitchen served meals daily for nine mouths, then it bad to close Its doors for lack of funds. For tbe purpose of reopening It this appeal has been made for help. GRINS AND GROANS. "Ton must admire a man who always tells the truth." "I don't know," replied Senator Sor ghum; "sometimes such a person la merely intellectually lmlolent and self ishly Indifferent to people feelings." Washington Ktar. Tounty Justice Ten dollars. Motorist I've only a twenty. Can you chnnae It? Justice No. hut I can changa the fine. I'll make It twenty Philadelphia Bulle tin. Bill Where's your brother? .1111 Oil, he's downtown learning to di 'II. Hill Ah! Is he going to he a soldier? Jill No, a dentist. Yonkers Statesman. HAVE STYLISH PR& QtflS the" vesr chance to &r ArO if nox mawa fcRESSMAkW WJU. qo In the privacy of his home the village butcher was tclilng his wife of the arrival of a new summer resident. he came. In today." he said, with en thusiasm, "and I can tell you ahe'a a real lady, brought up select and exclu sive. She don't know one cut o' meat from another, nor veal from mutton." Christian Register. Blank (to caller) If I'd only known that this pleasuro was In store for me I should certainly have arranged my busi ness so as to oe home earlier. Bobble Why, pa, don't you remember ma told ybu they were coming and you said, "Oh, the deuce!" Boston Transcript Father Listen, Harold. The camel can go eight days without water. Isn't that wonderful? Harold Not verv you oinht to hear Charile Brown tell one. Jvdse. THE PIONEER. He heard the call of Nebraska The call of the Kiest midwest. And ho came from tho haunts of child hood. To thn land that he loved the best; He came with a youth's ambitions, And the hopes of a pioneer, To win over difficulties And to conquer the wild frontier. The valleys, the fertile vallays. The Infinite plains of green. And the haze on the far horizon Was an ever alluring scene. It told of a land of freedom. And a country of hope to all. And he saw the unlimited future And ho came when he heard the call. The heart will pursue enchantment. And he came and aubdued the wild. And the home that he found grew dearer Aa the primitive waa exiled; 'Twaa a land with a hearty welcome To each and to every one. Where ho that was up and doing Was rewarded for what ha done. "Twaa a country without traditions. Where a man was known by hla worth, And where he waa always honored, No matter hla rank of birth: Where home though ever so humble, Waa a haven of peace and rest. And the .eodhouse among the sumachs Was the place that he loved the best. But time In Its flight brings changes. He waa young and the heart waa cay. Now tho days of his youth are ended And th frontier haa passed away. And he lives in a modern mansion In plenty he wants no more. And the home of his heart is dearer That he struggled to win In yore. The primeda! days are over And the new has the old replaced. And a beautiful cultured country Sprung up where the bison grazed; The hum of the modern binder And tha acent of the gasoline, They tell of an evolution Like only his eyes have seen. He heard the call of the Nebraska, And he came, and struggled, and won, But the sun that waa bright is waning, And the day will ere long bo gone; Then let us extend him honor, And reach him a hearty hand While he awaits the reward of the faith ful The call to a better land. ROBERT B. CHANNER; Newman Grove. Neb. uiiiijiniijuiniiinr.uiiiin'nHiniiiHi-Hitiiiiiiiiuni'inin'nTTrrn 621 Residents of Nebraska registered at Hotel Astor during the past year. E3 1000 Rooms. 700 with Bath. A cuisine which has made the Astor New York's leading Banqueting place. Single Rooms, without bath, fixo to f9 Double . . j.oo to 4.00 Single Rooms, with bath, 3.00 to 6.0a Double . . . 4.00 to 7.00 Parlor, Bedroom and bath, 10.00 to 14.00 At Broadway, 44th to 45th Streets the center of New York's social and business activities. In close proximity to all railway terminals. mnnni!in:tI!UII!U!IIHl!!l!i!HI!ini!iI!U!!!!lnii!!l!!!U v n TIMES SQUARE THREE TRAINS VIA. MISSOURI PACIFIC Leave Omaha 8:00 A. M. Arrive Kansas City 4:00 P. M. Modern Equipment. Pullman Sleeper. Chair Cars and our own unsurpassed Dining: Cars (Meals a la Carte.) Leave Omaha 2:00 P. M. Arrive Kansas City 8:35 P. M. Observation Cafe-Parlor Car. Chair Car, etc. Leave Omaha 11:15 P. M. Arrive Kansas City .7:10 A. M. Electric Lighted. Observation Sleeper. Chair Cars, etc. Direct connections in Kansas City Union Station for all points South and West. Full information at City Ticket Office, 1423 Farnam Street, or Union Station. THOS. F. GODFREY, Gen. Agt. Pass. Dept. Kui;i::Ii:hi bm:tlr ; mm mm rttnmtjn: f iiiitm!:!!: in;; lii-liii .Mil i-F, Come and Just Rest! There's nothing; you have to do at Hot Springs. Ark. yet thcra'e all or aa little as yew want to do. Thara's lota of chance to b busy glaring rrtry soinuta tfyoa want to. But you doot hava to work haS playing ta order to en joy yourself. At the Hot Springs of Arkansas you esn just sit still if you'd rather aad breath la tha Sne ail beak la the brljht ui.liht foaat your yes oo the aai-rouading aaoun- aaaf CamtrolUJ Ivy (Ae Omm The Hot Ssrinn arson the beanM ful QoT.mn.ol Kaarratloa .lr irtos are epaonaa aad thalr a.a if S.,rolUi. Va reflated k CBtleSam. To Tie In arm and "71, ho,PSl seree senda hi. uldlers aad sailuia lor rkeeme llaaj. ll.r, akin and stouack troubles aad the fo away eared. tains and thalr evar-changlng beauties of greens and browns and light and shade. You can Just ait still and watch tha people go by for bore you aae Interesting p e epic and prominent people from all over the coun try. You can dries If you want to or motor or rido horseback or golf or "trol ley" or otroll do anything that eeems restful to you. YouTl never be bored and when you go to bed you'll sleep a reeuul sleep. Effi mi 3 SB! If Business Men's League, Hot S pnn. Ark. Picas send booklet. Name Address SpeeidlLam Round Trip Rati now la fleet on froa Uounbun R.M. irf-t their new book on Hot Springs, Ark., and the radio-active waters. Aak at 1 ocal ucket office or writ Iron Mow. Urn R. a., be Louis. KH1 mm I'lUlUUUUll 1111111111! '! HI i fin